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Cardiac questions

Chapter 17/18
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1. The nurse is educating a female pt with a family history of coronary artery disease about risk factors and
prevention of disease in women . Which information
is most important for the nurse to include
Women should incorporate stress
reduction techniques into their
daily lifestyle
2. In a blood pressure of 120/80 what does 80 indicate
Pressure in relaxed ventricles
3. The nurse is caring for a patient on linsinopril (Zestril)
. The patient asks how the medication affects blood
pressure. Which response best explains this medication effects
This medication
lower blood pressure by blocking
an enzyme that
causes blood vessels to constrict
4. The 85 year old patient with a newly diagnosed heart Insufficient valves
murmur expresses concern that he has never been
notified of this finding before . What is most likely the
cause of this patients heart murmur?
5. The nurse is caring for an older adult patient. While Loss of cells in
auscultating the patient's apical pulse, the nurse no- the sinoatrial (SA)
tices an irregular rhythm. The nurse suspects which nodes
causative factor for the patient's dysrhythmia?
6. The nurse is assessing a female patient with a family "I stay tired all of
history of coronary artery disease (CAD). Which re- the time, and it
port is most concerning to the nurse?
feels like my bra is
too tight."
7. The nurse is outlining a teaching program for diabetic Keep blood sugar
patients. Which teaching point about heart disease below 100 mg/dL.
prevention should the nurse emphasize most?
8. Which statement accurately describes the purpose of To visualize oba Doppler flow study?
structions in leg
Chapter 17/18
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9. The nurse is caring for a patient who just returned
from a transradial heart catheterization. Which action
indicates the priority care for the postprocedure period?
The nurse places
the pulse oximeter
on the thumb or
first digit of the affected hand.
10. The nurse is caring for a patient who is scheduled to
undergo a stress echocardiogram. Which statement
indicates that the nurse's teaching about preparation
for the test has been successful?
"I will have to move
extremely quickly
from the treadmill
to the table."
11. The 65-year-old patient complains of leg pain that dis- Claudication
appears at rest after having walked a short distance.
The nurse recognizes that the patient's symptoms are
consistent with which problem?
12. While performing a focused cardiac assessment, the
nurse auscultates an abnormal swooshing sound.
Which action is most appropriate to clarify the nurse's
The nurse uses
the bell of the
stethoscope while
asking the patient
to lean forward.
13. When using a 0 to 4+ scale to grade pulse quality, how 3+
should the nurse record a normal volume pulse?
14. The nurse is caring for a patient with a blood pressure 50
of 140/90, an apical pulse of 82, and a radial pulse
of 76. Which value indicates that the nurse accurately
calculated the patient's pulse pressure?
15. The nurse is caring for a 50-year-old patient who com- Shiny, hairless
plains of tingling in his toes. Which other assessment legs
finding would cause the nurse to suspect arterial insufficiency?
16. The nurse is caring for a patient with a history of
hypertension. Which information is most important
for the nurse to obtain?
"Do you use
decongestants or
diet pills?"
Chapter 17/18
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17. The patient asks if it is harmful for him to drink a
glass of wine with dinner on a daily basis. Which is
the nurse's best response?
"As long as it
is okay with your
physician, moderate alcohol intake
can be beneficial
to your cardiovascular health."
18. Which layer of the heart contains muscle fibers that
contract to pump blood?
19. The nurse is teaching a patient about the purpose
of his telemetry. Which statement indicates that the
nurse's teaching has been successful?
"The nurses will
be able to monitor
my heart rate and
20. Which preventative measure(s) may protect against
development of cardiovascular disease? (Select all
that apply.)
Exercising regularly for at least 30
minutes a day
lipoprotein (HDL)
greater than 50
Refraining from
Obtaining and
maintaining a
healthy weight
21. Which factors may affect the volume of cardiac output? (Select all that apply.)
Heart rate
Chapter 17/18
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22. Which modifiable risk factors increase a patient's risk Smoking, obesifor heart disease? (Select all that apply.)
ty, and sedentary
lifestyle are modifiable risk factors
23. Which disorder(s) is/are examples of congenital heart Coarctation of the
defects? (Select all that apply.)
Septal defects
Valvular defects
24. The nurse assessing the heart places the stethoscope maximal impulse
between the fifth and sixth ribs at the mid-clavicular
line to hear the point of _________.
25. When the nurse uses the PQRST tool for pain assessment, the "R" prompts an inquiry about the
__________ of the pain.
26. The nurse who uses a regular sized adult blood pres- elevated/ high
sure cuff on a large adult will get a blood pressure
reading that is falsely __________.
27. _________ is the acute symptom most experienced by dyspnea
African Americans when having a myocardial infarction (MI).
28. Which blood pressure findings constitute a diagnosis 140/90 × 2, 2
of hypertension?
weeks apart
29. The nurse is educating an older adult patient who is Sit on the side
taking antihypertensives with diuretics. Which infor- of the bed before
mation regarding safety precautions is most impor- standing.
tant for the nurse to include?
30. The home health nurse is caring for a patient with a Hypertensive criblood pressure reading of 200/160. The patient denies sis
any discomfort. The nurse should immediately con4/8
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tact the health care provider to report that the patient
is experiencing which problem?
31. The nurse is caring for a patient who has a new pre- Increase intake of
scription for a loop diuretic. Which nutritional inter- bananas and potavention is most important for the nurse to add to the toes.
care plan?
32. The patient has been prescribed a low-sodium diet. pickles
Which food choice indicates that the patient requires
additional teaching?
33. Which medication is the most common and effective Aspirin
antiplatelet aggregation agent?
34. The nurse is caring for a patient with a history
of peripheral arterial disease. The patient complains transluminal
of significant claudication, and findings of an anangioplasty (PTA)
kle-brachial index are abnormal. The nurse anticipates
that this patient will most likely require which type of
35. The nurse is teaching a pregnant patient who works March in place
as a cashier in a grocery store about varicose vein
while standing at
prevention. Which instruction is most important for the counter.
the nurse to include in the teaching plan?
36. An 86-year-old patient asks why her ankles have
a brownish discoloration and the skin looks thick.
Which response best addresses the patient's concern?
"The valves in the
vessels in your
legs aren't working as well as they
used to, which
causes the discoloration and thickening of your skin."
37. The nurse is caring for a patient who underwent endovenous laser treatment. Which statement indicates
that the nurse's teaching about postprocedure management has been successful?
"I should walk
at least an hour
every day for 2
Chapter 17/18
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38. The nurse is caring for a 75-year-old patient with a
Cover with clear
history of diabetes and peripheral vascular disease occlusive dress(PVD). The nurse observes an inflamed and excoriated ing.
area on the patient's right shin. Which intervention
should the nurse perform first?
39. nurse is caring for a patient with a compression dress- The nurse places
ing. Which action indicates appropriate wound care? a compression
dressing over the
wound dressing.
40. The nurse is caring for a patient with a deep venous Hemoptysis
thrombosis (DVT). Which finding requires the nurse's
immediate attention?
41. The nurse is caring for a patient with a deep venous heparin
thrombosis (DVT). Which medication would likely be
used for initial inpatient treatment?
42. The nurse is teaching a patient who takes warfarin
(Coumadin) about a coagulation monitoring device.
Which blood clotting time should the device monitors?
43. The student nurse is planning a community group
African Americans
presentation on hypertension. Which group of individuals should the student identify as having the highest
incidence of hypertension?
44. The nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with an ab- Contact the physidominal aortic aneurysm who complains of sudden, cian immediately.
intense abdominal pain and light-headedness. What
action should the nurse take next?
45. The nurse is caring for a patient with peripheral arterial disease who complains of 3/10 pain in the lower
extremities. The nurse observes a 0.5 cm × 1 cm ulcer
on the left lower leg, and the lower legs are shiny and
Altered skin integrity related to
ulcers on lower extremities.
Chapter 17/18
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hairless bilaterally. The nurse identifies which priority
problem statement/nursing diagnosis?
46. Which problems are potential complications of uncontrolled hypertension? (Select all that apply.)
Kidney failure
Heart attack
Congestive heart
47. Which findings characterize peripheral vascular dis- Narrowed arteries
ease (PVD)? (Select all that apply.)
Obstructed veins
Defective valve
48. Which factor(s) may be useful in preventing peripheral Stress relief
vascular disease (PVD)? (Select all that apply.)
Diabetes control
Weight control
Routine exercise
Smoking cessation
49. The nurse is caring for a patient with peripheral vascular disease (PVD). The nurse understands that which
age-related changes may cause PVD? (Select all that
Loss of elasticity in
vessel walls
changes in
Sedentary practices
Weakened leg
50. Which intervention(s) is/are important for a patient
with venous insufficiency? (Select all that apply.)
Elevate feet to reduce edema.
Apply elastic compression wraps
twice daily.
Chapter 17/18
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51. 24. Which words compose part of the "5 Ps" of arterial Pain
disease? (Select all that apply.)
52. The nurse is caring for an 80-year-old long-resident
in a term care facility. Which intervention(s) should
the nurse plan to enhance blood flow? (Select all that
Apply light blankets over legs
while sitting.
Elevate legs frequently.
Encourage walking.
Maintain a warm
53. The nurse is caring for a patient with Raynaud disease who is employed as a construction worker, has
hypertension, and smokes one-half to one pack of
cigarettes per day. What teaching points should the
nurse include in discharge instructions? (Select all
that apply.)
Wear gloves when
handling cold
Wear insulated
socks when sqworking in cool
Attend a smoking
Use a heating pad
to stay warm.
54. The patient who has a history of smoking and alcohol secondary
abuse is most likely to develop __________ hypertension.