12 TD QUESTION QSTD I THINK THIS WILL VERY MUCH HELPFUL FOR THE FAKIBAZ TO DO BETTER IN THE EXAMINATION Rajesh ME-2k9 PERSONAL 12 TD QUESTION @FORMNR RAJESH ME-2K9 DATE-23/5/2022 T-1-INTODUCTION&1STLAW[1-1.5set] #Define: Thermodynamics, state, path, process ,thermodynamic properties, Quasi static process, control volume, system surrounding and boundary,cycle,** #Define thermodynamic system. Classify and explain with example.** #What is the basis and application of thermodynamics? #Define thermodynamic property. classify and explain.** #What are the difference between extensive and intensive property?** #Define thermodynamic equilibrium.How a equilibrium achive?* #What do you mean by microscopic & macroscopic point of view?explain.** #Define ideal gas .what are the assumption for a gas to be ideal?** #Define and explain zeroth law of thermodynamics.Why it is called the basis for temperature measurement.*** #Define energy. classify &explain with example. #Define : work,heat,power.* #When work is done by the system and work is done due to the system.explain. #Derive an expression for non-flow work.*** #What do you mean by path &point function?* #Prove that thermodynamic property (ex:temp,volume,pressure etc)are point function and WORK AND HEATare path function.*** #Derive the ex pression for non flow work in various process.** #Derive the expression for steady flow energy equation with assumption.From it derive the expression for nozzle,boiler,turbine,compressor,throttle bulb.*** #State and explain the first law of thermodynamics.* #Why heat & work is not exchangeable?** # Define internal energy.Derive nonflow energy equation.*** #show that for a isolated system internal energy is unchangeable.** TD QUESTION @FORMNR RAJESH ME-2K9 DATE-23/5/2022 #What is PMM1 ?Why aPMM1 is impossible?*** 2ND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS[1.5set] #Write down the limitation of 1st law.or Why 2nd law is necessary?** #What do you mean by energy resourvoir and energy source & sink?** #State & explain Clausius &Kelvin statement for 2nd law. Prove that this two are equivalent.*** #Define and explain about refrigerator and heat pump.Show that,( COP)p=(COP)R+1.** #What is PMM2 and Why PMM2 is impossible?*** #Why 100% efficiency is not possible?* #Prove that HP provide more advantages over direct heating.* #Define and explain reversibility & irreversibility.*** #What are the causes of reversibility & irreversibility?*** #Why free expansion is irreversible?** #Write down the corollary of 2nd law. #Prove corollary2,3&4.** #What do you mean by absolute scale of temperature? Why energy scale of temperature is called absolute scale?*** #State and prove clausius inequality principle.*** #Define entropy. Prove corollary -7.*** #Prove corollary-8.Show that entropy of the universe on increasing.*** #Derive the expression of the entropy change for ideal gas.** #Develop the TDS equation.** #Show the four Maxwell relationship.*** #From TDS equation and Maxwell relation derive the expression for Cp-Cv and discuss different cases.** #Why enormous energy of sea water can not be used in ship.*** TD QUESTION @FORMNR RAJESH ME-2K9 DATE-23/5/2022 GAS POWER CYCLE[1-1.5set] #Draw the p-v &T-S diagram for following cycle*** 1)Carnot cycle 2)Diesel cycle cycle 3)otto 4)Dual 5)Ericson 5)Brayton 6)Stirling 7)joule #Derive the expression of effiency for following cycle: 1)Carnot cycle 2)Air standard cycle** [you must learn that a given cycle is a functin of ------] 3)Otto cycle*** 4)Diesel cycle*** 5)Dual cycle*** 6)Ericson cycle** 7)Brayton cycle** 8)Joule cycle #Define:Air standard cycle,Thermodynamic cycle,Compressin ratio,Cut off ratio,Auto ignition,Clearence volume,Mean effective pressure,SIT,MATT,** #For same heat input and same compression ratio show that ηotto> ηdual> ηdiesel*** [ From p-v&T-S Diagram] #For same maximum temperature show that ηdiesel>ηdual>ηotto.***[ From p-v&T-S Diagram] ALSO CHECK THE CLASS LECTURE TD QUESTION @FORMNR RAJESH ME-2K9 DATE-23/5/2022 [FOR MATHMATICAL PROBLEM FOLLOW THE CLASS LECTURE & ASSIGNMENT]