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Primary & Secondary Sources Worksheet

Identifying Primary and Secondary Sources
 Primary Source: a record made by people who saw or took part in an
event (originates from the past)
 Secondary Source: a record of an event written by someone not there
at the time
**Key question: Is this a primary/secondary source?** Ask yourself....
Did/could the author/creator witness/make the artifact?
Yes = primary source
No = secondary source
Directions: Determine whether the following are primary or secondary sources.
Circle the letter indicating whether the item is a "P" primary source or "S" secondary
source. For each one, explain your reasoning in COMPLETE SENTENCES.
1. The story your grandfather tells you about his experience during the Korean
War. Primary source
Why: because the grandfather is reading his own autobiography
2. A letter written by George Washington to his mother about the latest
developments in the Revolutionary War.
Primary Source
Why: A letter is considered to be a primary source
3. The Diary of Anne Frank - the published diary of a teenage girl who experiences
the Holocaust first hand .
Primary Source
Why: because a diary is considered to be a primary source
4. A research paper written by a student to study the World History textbook or an
Why: A research paper is a secondary source
5. A digital copy of a photograph of you and your friends at your 8th birthday party.
Secondary Source
Why: A photograph is a primary source example, but a digital copy is
considered to be a secondary source
6. The information from the museum tour guide who shows you around the exhibit
and shares facts with you.
Secondary Source
Why: The tour guide shares facts about ancient time
7. A mummy from ancient Egypt.
Primary source
Why: A direct evidence of a mummy is a primary source
8. A wax model of a celebrity at Madame Tussauds.
Secondary Source
Why: It’s a copy of a celebrity, and a copy is a secondary source
9. A teacher describing the author’s life.
Secondary Source
Why: because the teacher is describing about somebody’s else’s life not her
own, so it’s a autobiography
Give at least 2 more examples of a primary source.
a. Autobiography, photograph
Give at least 2 more examples of a secondary source.
Newspaper, biography,