Uploaded by Shivam Singh

Intestinal Infections Test: Typhoid, Cholera, Amoebiasis

Test "Intestinal infections" for group 2 AE
1. The basis of the first stage of typhoid fever is:
a) acute alterative inflammation
b) acute exudative inflammation
c) acute productive inflammation
d) chronic exudative inflammation
2. Cholera typhoid is characterized by:
a) pronounced manifestations of exsicosis
b) exicosis is not characteristic
c) the presence of diphtheria colitis
d) the presence of serous hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
3. The most dangerous extraintestinal complication of amoebiasis is:
a) statement
b) diarrhea
c) liver abscesses
d) cicatricial narrowing
e) peritonitis
4. For cholera enteritis is characteristic:
a) serous inflammation
b) purulent inflammation
c) croupous inflammation
d) serous hemorrhagic inflammation
5. In dysentery, the stages are distinguished:
a) catarrhal colitis
b) catarrhal enteritis
c) Brain-like edema stage
d) ulcerative colitis
6. In the pathogenesis of cholera are important:
a) the reproduction of viruses in the intestinal epithelium
b) the effect of exotoxin
c) the effect of endotoxin
d) blockade of the "sodium pump" of the cell
7. Intestinal infection may be complicated:
a) bacterial pneumonia
b) otitis
c) catarrhal colitis
d) tuberculous mesadenitis
8. Indicate changes in the spleen in typhoid fever:
a) increase in size
b) reduction in size
c) macrophage granulomas
d) myeloid metaplasia
9. The following cells are characteristic of typhoid granuloma:
a) lymphocytes
b) epithelial
c) macrophages
d) giant multicores
e) all of the above
10. A 52-year-old patient was delivered to the infectious diseases clinic in the
second week of the disease. The disease began with diarrhea, there was an
increase in body temperature to 40 ° C. A rash appeared on the skin, it has a
pinkish character, located on the chest, on the stomach. The patient died a
week later. An autopsy showed a picture of peritonitis. In the ileum, in the
center of necrotic Рeyer's spots, ulcers with uneven edges were found. At the
bottom of one of them there is a through hole.
What is your diagnosis?
What studies need to confirm the diagnosis?
Describe the microscopic changes in the intestines.
What are the stages of the disease.
List the possible complications of the disease.