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ICN Custom Event Plugin: Audit Views & Downloads

Custom Event plug-in
This plug-in demonstrates how to create custom events in P8 repositories for specific
If a P8 repository is configured for auditing, events may be recorded for historical
changes and operations on documents. For example, the Get Content events are created
when the content of a document is retrieved. There are multiple actions in ICN that can
involve document retrieval, such as views and downloads. Using Get Content events is
unable to distinguish between the actions. This plug-in can be used to audit the actions.
It includes examples to create custom view events for view actions, and to create custom
download events for download actions. You may follow the installation and
configuration instructions in this guide. Then when the documents are viewed or
downloaded, the custom events are recorded. You may view the document history in
ICN to see the custom events.
RaiseEventService.java is the plug-in service that creates custom events for associated
CustomEventPlugin.js has functions that connect to the view and download actions.
When an action is performed, the plug-in service "RaiseEventService" is invoked.
Constants.java defines the event and action mapping, and can be customized for other
events and actions.
IBM Content Navigator 3.0.9 or above
Get the plug-in
Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/ibm-ecm/ibm-contentnavigator-samples.git
Build the plug-in
1. Make sure the ANT is installed.
2. Copy all the dependencies into the lib directory.
o navigatorAPI.jar
3. Run Ant Build using ibm-content-navigatorsamples/CustomEventPlugin/build.xml
CustomEventPlugin.jar is generated under ibm-content-navigatorsamples/CustomEventPlugin
Install the plug-in
1. Log in to IBM Content Navigator and open the Admin desktop
2. Go to Plug-Ins in Admin desktop
3. New Plug-in. Input the full path of CustomEventPlugin.jar in the "JAR file path"
and click "Load" button.
4. Click Save.
Configure the custom events
The following example shows how to configure the custom events to audit document
1. Log in to ACCE.
2. Create the custom events.
Go to ACCE -> Object Store -> Data Design -> Classes -> Other Classes -> Event
-> Object Change Event -> Custom Event.
Open Custom Event. Click Actions -> New Class, input the names and description.
Then click Next -> Finish. Create "ICN View Event" and "ICN Download Event" as
3. Create the audit definition for the document class.
Open the document class. On tab "Audit Definitions", click New.
Input the fields to create Audit Definitions for "ICN View Event" and "ICN
Download Event" like below. Check "Apply to subclasses" if need to audit all
Click OK. Then click Save.
Customizing the plug-in
The following example shows how to customize the plug-in if other custom events are
created or other actions are audited.
1. Map the action id to the custom event id in Constants.java.
put("action_id", "event_id");
2. Add functions in CustomEventPlugin.js to invoke plug-in service
"RaiseEventService" when specific actions are performed.
Additional reference
1. Configuring audit history
2. Using CPE Auditing