Uploaded by Luke Jacobs

CLOZE activity English

There is a park on Church Street, a grand place that [1] __________ opposite an old pub, more a [2]
__________ of gambling than drinking nowadays. The drinking still [3] __________ on, of course,
but only [4] __________ the gambling has begun to go poorly. No man in his right mind would leave
the pokies on a hot hand, would dare to [5] __________ upsetting the affections of those pull-thelever mechanical maidens.
Their children across the road decorate a rusted jungle [6] __________ : Johnny Boy and Whiti and
Jay and Beloved and Charity, none of them playing, just sitting, watching the cars pull up and pull
away, the old men smoke on the corner, the late sun [7] __________ and the red dusk rise. The
children don’t speak of the drinking or the smoking or the gambling. It is as mundane to [8]
__________ as the playground that is their Church Street throne; they concern themselves only
with prophecies of what is to come.
"When my dad wins, we are going to move to Auckland, buy a big-as house and have McDonald’s
every night. Ever had McDonald’s? It’s pretty yum. They have heaps of [9] __________ ’s in
"Well, when my dad [10] __________ , we are going to buy two houses next door to each other, and
then we’ll become robbers. That way when the cops come to get us at the first [11] __________ , we
can just jump the fence and hide in the second one."
"So, when my dad wins—""Your dad never [12] __________ , Charity."
"Ow, shut up. Yes, he does. He won like a million [13] __________ last week."
"How come he still has to bike everywhere [14] __________ ?"
"'Cause he got his licence taken off him for driving too fast in our [15] __________ car."
"You don’t have a new car."
"Yes, it’s at my aunty’s house.
"Charity is the middle child of the lot: too old to be babied and too [16] __________ to be counted
among the Chiefs of Church Street Park. He nods the same West Coast nod and speaks the same
West Coast English; he simply lacks the mana of Johnny Boy and Whiti, the mana that comes only
from one great act. Johnny Boy became a Chief when he punched his teacher’s nose in. (In reality, he
swung hopelessly at the man, missing, his face streaming in [17] __________ , but so it goes around
here. Memory gives way to myth.) And Whiti’s got a tattoo. A single black cross that rests above his
wrist. (The tūī of Church Street tell that it is merely a birthmark, conveniently shaped. But who can
know for sure?)All their nights at the park are spent between caring for the very young and picking
on Charity. They love the boy, because of [18] __________ they do; he is just a pest, a kind of flea
on the back of their fun and games, their keeping themselves busy until their fathers go broke across
the street.
"When I’m older I’m going to be the next Bruce Lee. Get my black belt and just go around
challenging people to scrap."
"Well, when I’m older I’m going to be the next Sonny [19] __________ , get signed to the Warriors
and challenge everyone to run it straight."
"So, when I’m older—""You’re going to be a janitor."
"Yes, eh, ow. And he’ll have to follow us around [20] __________ and pick up our [21] __________
.""No, I won’t. I’m going to be a rock star, and I’m going to be rich as, and I’m going to rock all
around the world. “The only thing you’re going to rock is the toilet. “Almost inevitably, Charity will
[22] __________ at this point, tell everyone to get stuffed and stomp off into the distance, leaving a
trail of vengeful tears in his wake. And so the [23] __________ will settle, and Beloved will ask the
Chiefs why Charity is crying, and the park will grow still with regret. It is hard at this point to deny the
influence of their fathers upon them, the mean-spirited humour that haunts their [24] __________
in the a.m., and even harder to deny their rebelling against it, their quietly conspiring to make things
right by the middle child, to remind him he is loved, that Church Street is his home, that they will
[25] __________ to be different to the men across the road.
Charity’s tears never last as long as the street does. When composure has washed over him again, he
is always quick to jog his way back to the park; anxious to get there before his dad does. God knows
what would happen if that drinking, gambling, newly broke man found his son missing when the pub
had finally washed him out. "You all good, Charity? “Yeah .""We didn’t mean it, eh. “I know. “You
sure you’re good? “I’m sure. “We got you some chips [26] __________ up the road." "You fellas
always say [27] __________ with chips. “Yeah, ’cause they stop selling chicken after 6 o’clock."