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COM500 Graduate Studies Syllabus Fall 2015

COM500: Introduction to Graduate Studies (Fall, 2015)
Monday: noon – 12:50 pm
344 Reese Phifer Hall
Office phone
Office hour
Dr. Lu Tang
RPH 210G
1:30-3:30 pm Monday and Thursday or by
Course materials
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). (2009).
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. (2009)
Course Objectives
The primary goal of this course is to orient new graduate students to the expectations and
procedures of graduate study in the department. Topics covered include developing the plan of
study, thesis prospectus, comprehensive examination, and choosing advisors and committees.
At the conclusion of the course, students will be able to:
1. successfully complete the paperwork required for the MA program and be familiar with
the policies and procedures of the program.
2. select an advisor and work with advisor to develop a plan of study.
3. demonstrate knowledge about the resources and skills which will help her/him to be
4. develop a greater understanding of the graduate-level academic culture
Course assignments
1. Personal narrative essay (10%)
You are going to write a five-page double spaced personal narrative essay describing your
academic background (or personal, if it is relevant to your academic interest), why you choose to
come to UA for your MA degree and what your expectations of graduate studies are. You can
also write it in the form of a letter, e.g., a letter to a parent, a family member or a friend. This
assignment is due on September 14th.
2. Class attendance and participation (30%)
We are going to cover some very important and very practical information in class. So it is
essential that you attend all classes. As graduate students, you have made a commitment to
furthering your education. That commitment affects the culture of each class that you are in, and
thus, I expect that you will always choose to come to class. By attending, I will presume that you
have done your reading, completed your assignments, and will be prepared to contribute
positively to our class culture. Missing 2 can result in a full-letter grade deduction. After 3
absences, I reserve the right to assign you an “F” regardless of your numerical grade. If you have
extenuating circumstances for attendance (true illness, death in the family, sick children, please
let me know in advance of class.).
What’s more, I expect you to participate fully in class, in terms of engaging in class discussion,
asking and answering questions, and respecting your classmates.
3. Department colloquia attendance (30%)
The department will organize a number of colloquia throughout the semester. You are expected
to attend all of them. Missing one will cost you 5 points until you have lost all the 30 points.
4. Advisor selection (5%)
You will need to select an advisor and inform me in writing by Oct 5. If you fail to do so, I will
assign an advisor to you. You need to bring a hardcopy of the form to class and submit a scanned
copy on blackboard.
5. Plan of study form (5%)
After you have chosen an advisor, you will need to work with your advisor and complete your
plan of study by Oct 19. You need to bring a hardcopy of the form to class and submit a scanned
copy on blackboard. The form can be found on
6. Individual meeting with instructor (5%)
You will need to set up an one-on-one meeting with me in October to discuss your progress in
the program.
7. Final reflection essay (15%)
You are going to write a five-page double spaced essay or a letter to summarize what you have
learned about graduate school in this semester: what are some of the things you have expected,
what are some of the things that surprised you, and how you have developed as a graduate
student. This assignment is due on November 30th.
Course Policies
Policy on Missed Exams & Coursework
All assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the due date. Late assignments are
strongly discouraged. There is a 5% penalty for each day the assignment is late (including
weekends and holidays).
Makeups can only be arranged for legitimate and verifiable absences. If the absence is known
ahead of time, you must make arrangements with us before the day the assignment is due.
Policy on Academic Misconduct
All students in attendance at The University of Alabama are expected to be honorable and to
observe standards of conduct appropriate to a community of scholars. The University expects
from its students a higher standard of conduct than the minimum required to avoid discipline.
All acts of dishonesty in any academic work constitute academic misconduct. This includes but
is not necessarily limited to the following:
1. Cheating — using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, study aids or
computer-related information.
2. Plagiarism — representing the words, data, works, ideas, computer program or output or
anything not generated in an authorized fashion, as one’s own.
3. Fabrication — presenting as genuine any invented or falsified citation or material.
4. Misrepresentation — falsifying, altering or mistaking the contents of documents or other
materials related to academic matters, including schedules, prerequisites and transcripts.
Academic misconduct includes all acts of dishonesty in any academically related matter and any
knowing or intentional help or attempt to help, or conspiracy to help, another student. The
Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Policy will be followed in the event of academic misconduct.
Cultural Diversity Statement
The mission of The University of Alabama is to advance the intellectual and social condition of
the people of the State through quality programs of teaching, research, and service. That
educational mission is enhanced by the robust exchange of ideas that occurs within a diverse and
inclusive learning environment. Students who learn from each other and from faculty members
and administrators (including those at the highest levels of leadership) in an environment with a
variety of backgrounds are better able to understand, appreciate, and contribute to our twentyfirst century global society. Consequently, the University endorses a student, faculty, and
administrative community enriched by women and men of diverse national origins, races,
ethnicities, sexual orientations, cultures, socioeconomic and geographic backgrounds, ages,
physical abilities, and religious and political beliefs. The University is committed to offering
diverse cultural programs, intercultural education, and other educational initiatives (such as the
University Crossroads Community Center) that enhance awareness and appreciation of cultural
Disability Statement
If you are registered with the Office of Disability Services, please make an appointment with me
as soon as possible to discuss any course accommodations that may be necessary. If you have a
disability, but have not contacted the Office of Disability Services, please call 348-4285 or visit
133-B Martha Parham Hall East to register for services. Students who may need course
adaptations because of a disability are welcome to make an appointment to see me during office
hours. Students with disabilities must be registered with the Office of Disability Services, 133-B
Martha Parham Hall East, before receiving academic adjustments.
Tentative course schedule (Subject to change)
Welcome and introductions, overview of the field, basic
 Introduction
Register for class
Guidelines for MA students
No class-Labor day
Faculty panel 1
Faculty panel 2
Library resources – Guest speaker
How to write an academic paper
Reference software
Plagiarism and how to avoid it
Academic conferences: Sharing your work with wider
Individual meetings
Individual meetings
PhD programs
No class- individual appointments
No class- individual appointments
Moving on … life after the first semester
Personal narrative
essay due.
Advisor selection
Plan of study due
Final reflection
essay due