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1. Spirituality is described as an encounter. It speaks that believing is not about
knowing or understanding something, but relating with someone. The very bridge of
integration of believing is that of experience – religious experience. How is it
connected with commitment and human hunger? (15 lines, 20 points)
Spirituality is described as an encounter because it said that it is a divine appointment with
God. It is a point in a person's life when God "shows up" on his or her behalf. It is marked by His
presence, His power, His personal touch. When a person encounters God, his/her lives are
forever transformed. and he/she may discover a level of freedom that they have never known
before, a new confidence in God’s love for him/her, a fresh infilling with the Holy Spirit, and/or
a new joy in the goodness of God. Thus, will depend on what God does in your life. It is then
connected to commitment since commitment is defined as the interaction between people's
religious consciousness and religious participation-- accordingly involves commitment and
devotion to the divine. On the other hand, religious experience is connected to human hunger as
a person can never attain the satisfaction of his/her desire unless he/she does something to make
it happen. It proves then that the transcending of limits demands that we have to use our
creativity so as explore the vast horizons of possibilities. As what the article stated, man’s
infinite hunger can, in any way, be satisfied if there is the existence of a transcendental reality. In
union with God, human life will contain it all, a never-ending satisfaction that neither triumph
nor any material things can provide.
2. Religion is a source of conflict in so many areas, even in our own context. However,
deeper understanding of religions makes us realize that there is something that links us
together. Discuss the importance of dialogue as a way of encounter and communion. (10
lines, 15 points)
Religious conflicts take place as followers of one faith take to the extreme and impose their
religious beliefs on others with different religions. A dialogue provides the glue that nourishes
and keeps our society together. With the help of dialogue, misconceptions, ignorance, and
hostility based on their religious difference will lessen and it will deepen people's own
understanding of their faith and values. The importance of dialogue as a way of encounter and
communion is that communion with others embraces the vast spectrum of the cultural and
religious diversity of God’s people through dialogue and witness of life-- neither disagreement
nor conflict which builds harmony within and between people, but rather a culture of encounter
and dialogue. This is then the only way to peace. Thus, organizing dialogue across religious
boundaries enables people of faith to live out what most faith traditions consider as scared duty.
3. One of the serious issues we face as Mindanaoans is the problem of peace. A problem
that is grounded in religious and cultural differences. Archbishop Ledesma proposes that
what we need is a culture of peace. Discuss each of the 6 components of the Culture of
Peace and make a personal and doable list of things to concretize your understanding. (15
lines, 25 points)
Based on what I have understood, the first principle tells us that in order to promote a culture
of peace means we should be people of integrity-- that constantly strives to reflect on ethical
values and do the right thing regardless of the circumstances as this can influence others to do
the exact same thing. The second principle states that the church of the poor should courageously
defend and vindicate the rights of the poor and oppressed and that pastors and members should
not remain silent. The third principle is about how the church should become a church of the
developing poor. The fourth principle then explains how learning about other cultures helps us
understand different perspectives within the world in which we live. The fifth principle talks
about disarmament and demilitarization and it was stated that it is the key to prevent the
transformation of political conflict into armed conflict. Lastly, the sixth principle tells us that the
church as a social institution and its adherents in their individual capacity as members of the
society, have a social and moral responsibility to be involved in environmental conservation. To
concretize my understanding about these components, (1) treating the poor with dignity, (2)
offering them opportunities, (3) defending them, and (4) sharing what we have are just some of
my personal and doable list that our churches minister to the poor.
4. Religion and Ecology are not two separate realities, but linked together. In the pressing
issue of Ecological Degradation, the faith of the person helps us realize the truths we have
forgotten. Summarize the whole document in 15 lines, where at the last part of your answer
make a personal doable pledge for the good of the environment. (15 lines, 20 points)
Pope Francis has written a letter addressed to every person on this planet, asking us all to
protect our common home. In his encyclical, Laudato Si', Pope Francis speaks openly about the
devastating effects of global climate change on people and the planet. He says that climate
change is existent, pressing and it must be tackled, asking us to keep in mind that the climate is
"a common good, belonging to all & meant for all". The encyclical says that at the root of the
crisis we face our tendency to place humanity over & above the rest of creation. The Pope thinks
we encounter these ways of thinking as a consumerist culture marked by waste, lack of
sympathy, & the rapidity of daily life. All this, he suggests, is to the detriment of relationships
with us, our neighbors, the earth & God. Instead, there is a need for a new definition of
development rooted in “integral ecology”, recognizing that “everything is connected” and
hearing both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. Pope Francis involves all people to
dialogue in society about how best to tackle the worldwide issues we face. I will encourage my
family & friends to follow the 3 R's - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle; walk, bike, carpool or take
public transportation; and conserve energy & water to help protect the environment for a better
planet earth—this is my personal doable pledge for the good of our environment.