Page:of 53 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SPORT AND CULTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL COMPUTER STUDIES SYLLABUS GRADES 1 7 Curriculum Development Unit P.O. Box MP 133 Mount Pleasant Harare All rights reserved 2007 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Ministry of Education, S port and Culture wishes to acknowledge the following for their valued contribution towards the production of this syllabus: The National Primary Computer Studies Syllabus Panel for their professional and technical support The Curriculum Development Unit f or the finalisation of this syllabus The support staff at Education Services Centre for providing essential services Computer Society of Zimbabwe and World Links for their technical support.2 CONTENT TOPIC PAGE Acknowledgement................................. ............................................................................. 1 Preamble ........................................................................................................................ 3 Aims ............................................................................................................................ 3 Assessment objectives........................................................................................................ 3 Assessment ................................................................................................................... 4 Met hodology and time allocation .......................................................................................... 4 Syllabus topics ............................................................................................................... 5 Scope and Sequence Chart ................................................................................................ 6 Grade 1 ........................................................................................................................ 15 Grade 2 .......................................... .............................................................................. 19 Grade 3 ........................................................................................................................ 23 Grade 4 ........................................................................................................................ 26 Grade 5 ........................................................................................................................ 33 Grade 6 ........................................................................................................................ 39 Grade 7 ............... ......................................................................................................... 47 3 1.0 PREAMBLE The Zimbabwe Primary School Computer Syllabus is a seven year course. It is intended to introduce learners to computers and provide them with skills, which they can use in their schoolwork, in further educ ation and in future employment. 2.0 AIMS The syllabus aims to: 2.1 develop in pupils an interest in and enjoyment of the many uses of computers 2.2 develop in pupils an awareness of computer technology and its role in society 2.3 develop in pupils an appreciation of th e use of computers in solving a wide variety of problems in information and communication technology 2.4 help pupils acquire computer skills and knowledge which can be applied in future training or studies 2.5 develop an appreciation of different computer applicat ions 2.6 encourage creativity and logical thinking. 3.0 ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES The pupils should be able to: 3.1 identify the hardware components and software of a computer 3.2 generate and manipulate documents (word processing) 3.3 carryout simple mail mer ge 3.4 create spreadsheets and apply the various in built functions 3.5 demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of the operating systems 3.6 create presentations 3.7 use the Internet and e mail. 4 4.0 ASSESSMENT There should be con tinuous assessment throughout the course (grade 1 7) 4.1 SCHEME OF ASSESSMENT AT GRADE 7 Paper Description Duration Marks Weighting 1 Multiple choice and structured questions 1½ hours 100 50% 2 Practical Coursework 100 50% Paper 1 (1½ hours) Pupils an swer all questions. Multiple choice and structured questions. The paper will account for 50% of the final mark. Paper 2 This will be assessed by the teacher/supervisor and will account for 50% of the final mark. 5.0 METHODOLOGY AND TIME ALLOCATION 5.1 A pupil centred approach is essential. This is a hands on process approach involving problem identification and problem solving using the computer. The hands on process approach stimulates curiosity and encourages learners to be innovative. With this approach t he development of concepts and skills is achieved simultaneously in the learning activities. Some of the participatory and pupil centred methods that could be used to teach computer studies include: Demonstration and observation Discussion Question and a nswer Group work Discovery and experimentation 5 Research Field trips Project work Visual display Games Use of audiovisual media 5.2 Time Allocation At least 1hour per week per class should be allocated to computer lessons. 6.0 SYLLABUS TOPICS The syllabus consi sts of a core and one optional . The five core topics, which all pupils must study, are: 6.1 Theory 6.2 Basic settings and File Management 6.3 Word Processing 6.4 Spreadsheets 6.5 Presentations 6.6 Optional Topic: Information Communication Technology (ICT) 6 7.0 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE CHART 7.1 THEORY . TOPIC GRADE 1 GRADE 2 GRADE 3 GRADE 4 GRADE 5 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 Rules and requirements for the Computer laboratory Basic handling of Computers Basic handling of Computers Basic handling of Computers Basic handling of Computers Basic hand ling of Computers. Basic handling of Computers Basic handling of Computers Introduction to Computers Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware and software Computer Hardware and Software. Advantages and disadvantages of using Computers. T ypes of computers Computer Hardware and Software. Advantages and disadvantages of using Computers. Computer Hardware and Software. Advantages and disadvantages of using Computers Viruses. Computer Hardware and Software. Advantages and disadvantages of usin g Computers. Viruses. Information Communication Technology (ICT). Internet and e mail . Internet and e mail 7 7.2 BASIC SETTINGS AND FILE MANAGEMENT TOPIC GRADE 1 GRADE 2 GRADE 3 GRADE 4 GRADE 5 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 Starting up and shutting down Shutting down the computer Shutting down options Shutting down options Shutting down options Shutting down options Use of mouse right clicking Use of the mouse Use of the mouse basic technique Use of the mouse basic technique Use of the mouse star ting programme Use of the mouse starting programme Use of the mouse double clicking Use of the mouse right clicking Desktop features Desktop features identifying by pictures Desktop features identifying icons by name Desktop features start button Desktop features start button Desktop features – start button, task bar Desktop features Desktop features Screen savers Screen savers basic procedures Screen savers – changing settings Screen savers changing wait time Settings Date and time settings using start menu Date, time and volume settings – using shortcuts Date, time and volume settings – using shortcuts My computer icon Using my computer icon – identifying and opening Using my computer icon opening C drive Using my comp uter icon – opening and A, C and D drives Drives, Folders and Files identification Files, Folders and Drives identification + creating folders Copying and moving files and folders 8 TOPIC GRADE 1 GRADE 2 GRADE 3 GRADE 4 GRADE 5 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 My computer icon (cont.) Searching for files and fol ders by name and location Searching for files and folders by date Deleting files and folders Deleting files and folders from hard disk Deleting files and folders from other storage devices Recycle bin Recycle bin concept and identificati on Display and empty files in recycle bin Display and restore files and folders Printing Printing – using shortcut Printing – using shortcut Printing – using menu Printing – using options (page range and number of copies) 9 7.3 WORD PROCESSING TOPIC GRADE 1 GRADE 2 GRADE 3 GRADE 4 GRADE 5 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 Loading a word processor programme Load a word processor programme using an icon Load a word processor using an icon Loading a Word Processor using start menu Loading a Word P rocessor using start menu Loading a Word Processor using start menu Loading a Word Processor using start menu and icon Loading a Word Processor using start menu and icon Exiting a programme using a close icon Exiting a programme using a close icon Exiti ng a programme using the close icon and the close command in the file menu Exiting a programme using the close icon and the close command in the file menu Exiting a programme using the close icon and the close command in the file menu Exiting a programme u sing the close icon and the close command in the file menu Word processing features Inserting Auto Shapes and pictures using the mouse Inserting Auto Shapes and pictures using the mouse Inserting and colouring Auto Shapes and pictures using the mouse Inserting and colouring Auto Shapes and pictures using the mouse Inserting symbols and pictures Inserting text Designing patterns using Auto Shapes Inserting symbols and pictures Inserting text Designing patterns using Auto Shapes Inserting symbols and p ictures Inserting text Designing patterns using Auto Shapes Word processing setting Word Processing screen: title bar and task bar Word Processing screen: menu bar and scroll bars Word Processing screen: tool bars and scroll bar Word Processing scree n: tool bars and scroll bar Word Processing screen: tool bars and scroll bars