Chapter Tow 2. Choice Under Uncertainty (Uncertainty and Risk) 1 Introduction the behavior of a consumer’s choice is either under conditions of certainty or uncertainty. In this chapter we consider choice under uncertainty – how situations where the utility from a chosen action is to some extent unpredictable. – why individuals usually dislike risks that uncertainty poses and are willing to pay something to reduce them. 2 2.1. Probability and Lottery • Probability: the chance of occurrence of sth. • The first task is describing the set of choices • The probability of a repetitive event happening is the relative frequency with which it will occur – E.g. probability of obtaining a head on the fair-flip of a coin is 0.5 • If a lottery offers n distinct prizes and the probabilities of winning the prizes are i (i=1,n) n then i 1 i 1 3 We imagine that the choices facing the consumer take the form of lotteries…. used to represent risky alternatives. A lottery is denoted by px+(1-p)y. This notation means: "the consumer receives prize x with probability p and prize y with probability (1 - p).“ The prizes may be money, bundles of goods, or even further lotteries. Most situations involving behavior under risk can be put into this lottery framework. 4 Assumptions Assumptions about the consumer's perception of the lotteries open to him are: Certainty:- Getting a prize with probability one is the same as getting the prize for certain. Independence of Order:- The consumer doesn't care about the order in which the lottery is described. Compounding:- A consumer's perception of a lottery depends only on the net probabilities of receiving the various prizes. preferences are complete, reflexive, and transitive. 5 Expected Value • For a lottery (X) with prizes x1,x2,…,xn and the probabilities of winning 1,2,…n, the expected value of the lottery is E ( X ) 1x1 2 x2 ... n xn E( X ) n x i 1 i i • The expected value is a weighted sum of the outcomes – the weights are the respective probabilities 6 • Suppose that Abebe and Bekele decide to flip a coin – heads (x1) Abebe will pay Smith 1 birr – tails (x2) Bekele will pay Jones 1 birr • From Abebe’s point of view, E ( X ) 1x1 2 x2 1 1 E ( X ) (1) ( 1) 0 2 2 • Games which have an expected value of zero are called actuarially fair games 7 Common observation is that people often refuse to participate in actuarially fair games There may be a few exceptions – when very small amounts of money are at stake – when there is utility derived from the actual play of the game 8 2.3. Expected Utility • Individuals do not care directly about the dollar values of the prizes – they care about the utility that the dollars provide • The expected utility property says that the utility of a lottery is the expectation of the utility from its prizes and such an expected utility function is called von Neumann Morgenstern utility function. • Assuming diminishing marginal utility of wealth 9 • Expected utility can be calculated in the same manner as expected value n E ( X ) 1u1 2u2 ... nun iU ( xi ) i 1 • Because utility may rise less rapidly than the dollar value of the prizes, it is possible that expected utility will be less than the monetary expected value 10 Expected Utility Maximization • A rational individual will choose among gambles based on their expected utilities • Consider two gambles: – first gamble offers x2 with probability q and x3 with probability (1-q) expected utility (1) = q · U(x2) + (1-q) · U(x3) – second gamble offers x5 with probability t and x6 with probability (1-t) expected utility (2) = t · U(x5) + (1-t) · U(x6) 11 • Substituting the utility index numbers gives expected utility (1) = q · 2 + (1-q) · 3 expected utility (2) = t · 5 + (1-t) · 6 • The individual will prefer gamble 1 to gamble 2 if and only if q · 2 + (1-q) · 3 > t · 5 + (1-t) · 6 12 3.3. Different preference for risk – Risk averse:- prefer outcomes with low uncertainty to outcomes with high uncertainty. Has diminishing marginal Utility of Wealth, not make the bet – Risk neutral:- constant MU of wealth, Individual is indifferent between making the bet and not – Risk lover:- …increasing MU of wealth, choose to make the fair bet 13 14 2.4. Risk Aversion • Risk refers to the variability of the outcomes of some uncertain activity • Two lotteries may have the same expected value but differ in their riskiness • When faced with two gambles with the same expected value, individuals will usually choose the one with lower risk 15 In general, we assume that the marginal utility of wealth falls as wealth gets larger E.g. flip a coin for 1 birr Vs 1,000 birr – a flip of a coin for 1,000 birr promises a small gain in utility if you win, but a large loss in utility if you lose – a flip of a coin for 1 birr is inconsequential as the gain in utility from a win is not much different as the drop in utility from a loss 16 Utility (U) U(W) is a von Neumann-Morgenstern utility index that reflects how the individual feels about each value of wealth U(W) The curve is concave to reflect the assumption that marginal utility diminishes as wealth increases Wealth (W) 17 Utility (U) Suppose that W* is the individual’s current level of income U(W) U(W*) U(W*) is the individual’s current level of utility W* Wealth (W) 18 • Suppose that the person is offered two fair gambles: – a 50-50 chance of winning or losing $h Uh(W*) = ½ U(W* + h) + ½ U(W* - h) – a 50-50 chance of winning or losing $2h U2h(W*) = ½ U(W* + 2h) + ½ U(W* - 2h) 19 Utility (U) The expected value of gamble 1 is Uh(W*) U(W) U(W*) Uh(W*) W* - h W* W* + h Wealth (W) 20 Utility (U) The expected value of gamble 2 is U2h(W*) U(W) U(W*) U2h(W*) W* - 2h W* W* + 2h Wealth (W) 21 U(W*) > Uh(W*) > U2h(W*) Utility (U) U(W) U(W*) Uh(W*) U2h(W*) W* - 2h W* - h W* W* + h W* + 2h Wealth (W) 22 • The person will prefer current wealth to wealth combined with a fair gamble • The person will also prefer a small gamble over a large one 23 Risk Aversion and Insurance • The person might be willing to pay some amount to avoid participating in a gamble • This helps to explain why some individuals purchase insurance 24 Utility (U) W ” provides the same utility as participating in gamble 1 U(W) U(W*) Uh(W*) The individual will be willing to pay up to W* - W ” to avoid participating in the gamble W* - h W ” W* W* + h Wealth (W) 25 • An individual who always refuses fair bets is said to be risk averse – will exhibit diminishing marginal utility of income – will be willing to pay to avoid taking fair bets 26 Willingness to Pay for Insurance • Consider a person with a current wealth of $100,000 who faces a 25% chance of losing his automobile worth $20,000 • Suppose also that the person’s von Neumann-Morgenstern utility index is U(W) = ln (W) 27 • The person’s expected utility will be E(U) = 0.75U(100,000) + 0.25U(80,000) E(U) = 0.75 ln(100,000) + 0.25 ln(80,000) E(U) = 11.45714 • In this situation, a fair insurance premium would be $5,000 (25% of $20,000) 28 • The individual will likely be willing to pay more than $5,000 to avoid the gamble. How much will he pay? E(U) = U(100,000 - x) = ln(100,000 - x) = 11.45714 100,000 - x = e11.45714 x = 5,426 • The maximum premium is $5,426 29 Example:- A farmer owns a barn that has value of 50,000. The probability of no fire is 0.99 and the probability of fire where he will loss all the value of the barn is 0.01. • The utility function of the farmers is given by: u w 1 2 a) What is the expected utility of the barn? Eu barn p1 a1 1 p1 u a2 Eu barn 0.99 50,000 0.01 0 221.37 30 b) What is the certainty equivalent (CE) of The barn. CE is the value of the sure thing (no risk) that has utility of 221.37. 1 2 221.37 w w 49, 005 • The farmer should be indifferent between the barn (no insurance) and 49,005. c) What is the expected monetary value (EMV) of the barn? E(MV ) 0.99 50,000 0.1 0 49,500 d) Risk premium = Expected monetary value of the barn – CE = 49, 500 - 49,005 = 495 31 • This means to hold the barn uninsured rather than the sure thing of equal utility, the Expected Value of the barn has to be 495 more than the sure thing. e) The farmers has 0.01 chance of losing his barn, his expected loss will be: E (loss)=50,000(0.01)=500 • In the event of fire, the insurance company will pay the farmer 50,000. • Thus, ignoring administrative costs and profit, the insurance company will charge a premium of at least 500. 32 f) Will the farmer be willing to pay 500? • If he does, he will have the barn insured less 500. • So, we need to get the utility of 50,000-500=49,500. 1 2 u 49,500 222.5 • This utility is greater than the 221.3 of the uninsured barn, so he will insure. • The farmer would be willing to pay up to 995 (expected loss plus risk premium). 33 • Because; 1 2 u 50, 000 995 221.37 • The insurance company needs at least 500, but can charge up to 995. However, competition would bring down the charge. 34 2.5. Preference and Wealth • Will the investor change her/his behavior as wealth changes? • Will more wealth imply greater investment in risky assets? Will the individual invest less in risky assets? • To deal with these, we introduce the concepts of absolute and relative risk aversion. 35 Absolute Risk Aversion • A measure of investor reaction to uncertainty relating to dollar changes in their wealth. The second derivative is negative so we take the negative to make A(W) positive. U '' ( w) A(W ) ' U ( w) • Now that we have A(W), we can take the first derivative with respect to wealth. A’(W) tells us how absolute risk aversion behaves with respect to changes in wealth. 36 Relative Risk Aversion A measure of investor reaction to uncertainty relating to percentage changes in their wealth. '' WU ( w) R(W ) ' W ( w) • Similar to absolute risk aversion, we can take the first derivative of R(W) with respect to wealth. R’(W) tells us how relative risk aversion behaves with respect to changes in wealth. 37 Relative Risk Aversion: RRA Increasing Constant Decreasing Def’n % invested in risky assets declines as wealth increases Property R’(W) > 0 % invested remains unchanged R’(W) = 0 % invested increases R’(W) < 0 38 Example 1: • What are the characteristics of the Quadratic utility function given below with respect to absolute and relative risk aversion? 2 U (W ) w bw • Ans.: u '' ( w) 2b A(W ) ' u ( w) (1 2bw) wu '' ( w) w2b R(W ) ' u ( w) (1 2bw) 4b 2 A(W ) 0 2 (1 2bw) 2b R(W ) 0 2 (1 2bw) 39