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US History Guided Reading: 1981-2012

Period 9 Guided Reading: Three Chapters in One (1981-2012)
Reaganomics – Supply Side Tax Cuts, Military Growth, and Electoral Politics – p. 864
What three things were included in Reagan’s supply-side economics, known popularly as “Reaganomics”?
cutting taxes on suppliers(the rich)
reduced welfare
reduced domestic spending
Why didn’t Labor like President Reagan?
He fired any workers who went on strike and was an enemy to any organized labor
What qualities of Reagan made him very likeable to Americans?
his optimism and apparent cheerfulness
Expanding the Cold War – From Star Wars to Iran Contra – p. 868
Why did Reagan call the Soviet Union “the evil empire”?
Describe the Strategic Defense Initiative.
Describe the Iran-Contra affair.
a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan
Administration. Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran,
which was the subject of an arms embargo. They hoped to fund the Contras in Nicaragua
while at the same time negotiating the release of several U.S. hostages. Under the Boland
Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by
Congress. The scandal began as an operation to free seven American hostages being
held in Lebanon by Hezbollah. It was planned that Israel would ship weapons to Iran, and
then the United States would resupply Israel and receive the Israeli payment.
Ending the Cold War – p. 873
Who was the reform-minded leader of the Soviet Union in the later part of Reagan’s administration?
What was glasnost, and why did Gorbachev pursue that policy?
policy of more transparency and openness with the world
Culture Wars – The Christian Coalition and Other Critics – p. 882
List four ways that the Christian Coalition sought to impact national politics and culture.
they fought against profanity in society
they fought against growing sexualization in culture
they fought to get religious conservatives into school boards
opposition to abortion
Foreign Policy Between 1989 and 1993 – p. 893
What events caused the Soviet Union to finally collapse in 1991?
weak leadership from Gorbachev led to countries seeking independence from the USSR. a military
coup that was defeated led to his arrest
What happened at Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989?
chinese college students gathtered in many cities and demanded more democratic processes. China
declared martial law and 3000 students were killed and three times that were injured
Why did the United Nations Security Council use force against Saddam Hussein in 1990-1991?
He invaded Kuwait, reunifying the land with Iraq. He had seized control of 20% of the world’s oil
What long-term impact was there from Operation Desert Shield (it involves Saudi Arabia)?
Iraqi minorities and opposition to Hussein were slaughtered. Saudi arabia had american troops
staged in it, which angered muslims due to the proximity to their most holy sites. Osama bin laden
was among those mad and this may have led to 9/11
The Early Clinton Agenda: It’s Still – Mostly – the Economy – p. 900
What was the major aim of Clinton’s first term as president?
His major aim was healthcare and health insurance reform to help bridge the gap between rich and
poor and to stimulate the economy
How did Clinton improve the debt situation of the federal government while president?
He changed the budget and increased taxes
Why did Clinton (and 41 Bush) push for the passage of NAFTA?
to establish a free world economy to lead to long term prosperity
Small Wars and Dangerous Terrorists – Clinton’s Foreign Policy – p. 904
In Bill Clinton’s opinion, what was his greatest foreign policy failure as president?
failure to act against the rwandan genocide
What situation in Europe did NATO, Bill Clinton, and Dayton, Ohio, help to resolve?
the surbian genocide of bosnian muslims and the civil war in yugoslavia
Terrorism at Home and Abroad – p. 906
What did Timothy McVeigh do?
he drove a truck bomb into an oklahoma building, killing 160 people including children at a day
List four attacks carried out by al-Qaeda during Clinton’s presidency.
bombed the world trade center
bombed kenyan embassy
bombed tanzania embassy
blew up a bomb that damaged the hull of the USS Cole
Scandal and Impeachment – p. 908
Why did Kenneth Starr begin investigating Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades?
he had looked into hillary clinton’s land dealings and wanted to find dirt on the Clintons
What crime did President Clinton commit for the House of Representatives to impeach him?
lying under oath and obstruction of justice
Why did the Senate fail to reach the necessary 2/3 majority to convict Clinton?
people did not believe it met the high crimes and misdemeanors term in the constitution
Bush v. Gore – The Election and the Court Case of 2000 – p. 910
What mistake did Gore make while running for president?
he distanced himself from clinton
What state did the electoral vote count come down to in deciding the 2000 presidential victor?
Why did the United States Supreme Court overrule the Florida Supreme Court?
they stopped the recounts because it had been too long and all counties had to be recounted instead
of the 4 that mattered
According to Justice John Paul Stevens, what was the identity of the loser in the 2000 presidential election?
the nations trust in judges as impartial
Introduction to Chapter 30 – p. 922
Why did the passengers on Flight 93 fight back against the terrorists that hijacked their airplane?
they were alerted through their phones of what was going on and they crashed the plane
The Impact of September 11, 2001 – p. 923
How many people died on 9/11?
nearly 3000
What buildings were attacked by the terrorists on 9/11?
the twin towers and the pentagon
Finding the Terrorists – p. 924
What were three priorities President Bush stated in his September 20 address to Congress?
to kill the terrorists and change the nations views on security?
Why did American military forces attack in Afghanistan?
they were harboring bin laden and other taliban leaders
The War on Terror at Home – p. 928
Why did Congress create the Patriot Act? List three reasons.
to keep americans safe
to see attacks coming
to prevent attacks
Why did many people criticize the Patriot Act?
it allowed the government to gather more data and to become more involved
The War in Afghanistan and Iraq – p. 929
List three reasons why U.S. forces invaded Iraq and removed Saddam Hussein’s government from power.
it was linked to terrorism
they were hostile against the US after the Kuwait conflict
they supposedly had weapons of mass destruction
New Liberals, New Conservatives – p. 941
List three reasons that Barack Obama won the Democratic presidential nomination over Hillary Clinton.
He drew people in
he was a new face that shook things up
hillary was very controversial and the risk of new scandals was high
Obama’s Agenda – Stimulus and a Health Plan – p. 943
What was the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and why did Congress pass it?
It was an act to stimulate the economy by pumping money in. The economy desperately needed it
List four requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
it mandated health insurance, prevented insurance companies from excluding anyone, provided aid
to those struggling to pay for health insurance, and penalized businesses not offering health
insurance to employees
The Rise of the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, and Divided Government – p. 944
Why did the Tea Party movement gain so much momentum during Obama’s first term? List three reasons.
The federal debt was rising
the government was doing more than it had in the past
Glenn beck and others rallied people to protest
The Election of 2012 – p. 947
In President Obama’s second inaugural address he referred to Seneca Falls, Selma, and Stonewall. What were
each of those things?
major demonstrations against prejudice by non violent civil rights groups that were answered with
overwhelming violence