Lecture 11 – The Shimer Puzzle Does the DMP Model Fit the Business Cycle Facts? Econ 471 - Spring 2022 Jim Albrecht Does the DMP Model Fit the Business Cycle Facts? I The Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides model is the workhorse model in macro labor. It is analytically tractable, it gives clear and intuitive comparative steady-state results, and these results have been applied to a variety of important labor market policy issues. I A natural question to ask is whether we can use this model to understand how unemployment, vacancies and wages vary over the business cycle. I In an in‡uential paper, Rob Shimer (AER 2005) argues that the DMP model does a very bad job of “…tting the business cycle facts.” The Shimer Puzzle I Shimer compares the predictions of a calibrated business-cycle version of DMP with the corresponding patterns observed in quarterly US data over the period 1951-2003. I The cyclical version of the model assumes that labor productivity and/or the job separation rate (both of which are observable in the data) vary exogenously over time. I The question is whether the response of unemployment, vacancies and wages to these exogenous shocks in the calibrated model lines up with the response that we see in the data. Shimer’s answer is a clear “No.” I In the U.S. data, Shimer documents: (a) strong counter-cyclicality of u (b) strong pro-cyclicality of v (c) strong pro-cyclicality of θ = v /u (d) strong pro-cyclicality of the job-…nding rate, m (θ ) (e) labor productivity, y , and the separation rate, λ, relatively stable with mild ‡uctuations around trend I The question is whether the DMP model can translate mildly procyclical shocks in y or mildly countercyclical shocks in λ into the strongly procylical movement that we see in θ. Job Finding Rate Labor productivity Results Aside – The Hodrick-Prescott Filter I Let yt , t = 1, ..., T , be a time series, typically measured in logs. For business cycle analysis, we want to focus on deviations from trend, taking into account that the trend may not be constant through time. I Let yt = τ t + ct , where τ t is the trend component and ct is the cyclical component of the time series. I Once we choose a sequence fτ t gTt=1 , we can “…lter out” the trend component. The HP …lter is a particular method for …tting the trend sequence. Speci…cally, for a given “smoothing parameter,” λ, the sequence fτ t gTt=1 is chosen to minimize T ∑ (yt t =1 τ t )2 + λ T 1 ∑ t =2 ((τ t +1 τt ) (τ t τt 1 )) 2 Model and Shocks I Shimer uses the simplest version of the DMP model for this exercise. Speci…cally, he endogenizes the job-…nding rate but treats the separation rate as exogenous. I The model is set in continuous time. Labor productivity, y , and the job separation rate, λ, are assumed to follow a …rst-order Markov process, i.e., the probability distribution for y (t + dt ) is conditioned on y (t ), and similarly for λ. Speci…cally, an “extrinsic shock variable” evolves according to = γxdt + σdb y = z + e x (y z) x λ = e λ dx I Notation and technical point – Shimer uses z to denote the ‡ow value of unemployment, while b is a “Brownian motion component” – essentially a random shock drawn from a standard normal distribution. I Worker and job values take into account the assumption that y and λ vary through time in a less-than-completely predictable way. I v can be adjusted instantaneously; u requires time to adjust: u = (1 I u )λ m ( θ )u The objective of the calibration/simulation exercise is to see how well the properties of the simulated time series for u, v , w , y , etc. match the corresponding properties in the data. Calibration I The basic idea is to use steady-state averages of the endogenous variables to choose values for the DMP model parameters. I Functional form assumption – Cobb-Douglas matching function: M (u, v ) = Au β v 1 β or m (θ ) = Aθ 1 β , where β is the worker share parameter in the Nash bargain (Hosios condition). I The parameters γ and σ are chosen to match the time series properties of productivity and of the separation rate. In one set of simulations, λ is held constant, and only y varies through time; in a second set of simulations, y is held constant and only λ varies through time. Calibration Parameter y λ r z m(θ ) β c σ γ Productivity Separation stochastic 0.1 0.012 0.4 1.355θ 0.28 0.72 0.213 0.0165 0.004 1 stochastic 0.012 0.4 1.355θ 0.28 0.72 0.213 0.0570 0.220 Results Results Results I In the stochastic version of the DMP model, separation shocks lead to a positive correlation between u and v , while productivity shocks induce only small movements along a negatively sloped Beveridge curve. I Why does the model do so poorly in terms of matching the business cycle facts? What can be done to make the model work better in this dimension? These questions have spawned a large macro literature. I Shimer’s calibration has been questioned (especially his choice of values for z and β), as has his assumption that only ‡uctuations in productivity drive labor market outcomes. Solving the Shimer Puzzle I One way to help the model do a better job of …tting the business cycle facts is to make wages less ‡exible. In the data, a positive productivity shock leads to a large increase in θ. In the model, an increase in y leads to a large increase in w , which chokes o¤ the increase in θ. I How can we “…x” this? One approach is to change the calibration. One approach (Hagedorn and Manovskii, AER 2008) is to radically increase z and decrease β. Speci…cally, Hagedorn and Manovskii set z = 0.955.and β = 0.052. This “works” because under this calibration, wages are more or less anchored at z. The problem with this approach is that it has other, counterfactual, implications. In particular, a small increase in unemployment compensation, i.e., a small change in z, would have huge employment e¤ects under this parameterization. More on Wage Rigidity I Another way to make wages more rigid is to change the assumed wage-setting mechanism. Hall and Milgrom (AER 2008) achieve this by using a “strategic bargaining” rather than a Nash bargaining approach to wage determination. I Finally, one could simply “assume” some wage rigidity as is sometimes done in the macro literature; i.e., assume that wages can only be adjusted infrequently (Gertler and Trigari, JPE 2009). I However, are wages really rigid? The evidence (summarized in Pissarides, Econometrica 2009) is that wages in ongoing matches are fairly rigid but that wages in new matches are quite ‡exible. There are wage-setting mechanisms that will deliver this result, but the resulting model isn’t as tractable as DMP, essentially because it becomes necessary to keep track of distributions of wages through time. Other Approaches I An alternative approach emphasizes feedbacks between the labor market and other markets. For example, in Kaplan and Menzio (JPE 2016) a negative productivity shock increases unemployment, as in the basic business-cycle version of the DMP model. However, they argue further that the increase in unemployment acts like a further negative shock to the goods market (i.e., demand falls), which further increases unemployment, etc. Models with feedbacks generate “multiplier” e¤ects.There is also a literature that emphasizes feedbacks between …nancial markets and the labor market. I Bottom line: The DMP model works well for comparative steady-state analysis but (in its basic form) does a bad job of matching the business cycle facts. The question of how to modify DMP (or to construct a new model) to do a good job both for steady-state and business cycle analysis – and to do so in a tractable way – is very much at the frontier of macro labor research.