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The Lazy Lifter's Workout
Copyright © 2019 - The Lazy Lifter
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other
electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain
other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.
This e-book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The
reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and
particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
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The Lazy Lifter's Workout
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Why Only 3 Days Per Week? .................................................................................................................. 6
The Lazy Lifter’s Workout Routine ....................................................................................................... 7
“Where’s My Cardio?!” Putting Cardio Into Perspective ............................................................... 10
How To Set Up Your Nutrition Plan Based On Your Goals ........................................................... 12
15 Tips To Get The Most Out Of This Workout Program: ............................................................. 16
Final Word ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Want More?.............................................................................................................................................. 19
Additional Resources: ............................................................................................................................ 21
Frequently Asked Questions................................................................................................................ 22
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The Lazy Lifter's Workout
First, I want to say THANK YOU for subscribing and downloading this FREE ebook,
The Lazy Lifter Basic Program.
I’m moved by the messages I received from people who are enthusiastic about their
new knowledge on how to get sexier, lose fat, and build the body of their dreams by
applying the principles and methods taught on my blog and the Minimalist Fitness
program. I’m 100% certain that you can make the same transformations too, and to
make sure that you get there, I created this FREE report.
This ebook that you’re reading now consists of a 3-month long workout program
that not only got me from skinny to beefy and from fat to fit again, but a whole lot of
people as well!
(Click here to view other people's transformations)
I’d say that if you can stick to doing this plan for 2-3 months straight, you’ll see great
progress and you’ll be in it for life!
And that’s what I want for you—I want fitness to become an essential part of your
lifestyle and focus on it long-term, not a short-lived ones.
These workouts will show you the way. They’re fun, challenging, relatively short, and
most importantly, they deliver results. So, are you ready to build the physique of your
Let’s get started!
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If you’re really committed and want to take your transformation to the next level
faster, you can check the link below for the upgraded version of this FREE ebook:
Minimalist Fitness: Step by Step System to Building the Ultimate Physique While Enjoying Life
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The Lazy Lifter's Workout
Why only 3 days per week?
Apart from having a fun life outside the gym, what I've found out with a 3-day weekly
training program is that it allows for optimal muscle recovery and Central Nervous
System(CNS) recovery.
When we do a workout, we're not only stressing the muscle groups that we're training, but the whole system, especially the CNS. Our CNS is the one that gets the most
beating when pushing through a tough rep of a given set. This is the fatigue feeling
that you feel the day after your grueling workout session.
So what will happen when you train many days in a row? Worst case scenario is you
may hamper the recovery process -- both the muscles and the CNS -- and will delay
the adaptation of the muscle tissues.
Sure it might not be that bad a couple of days straight without rest (if your recovery
allows it), but as you progress through your workout, the increasing demands of the
progressively increasing intensity of the workouts will take a toll on your recovery
ability, and soon you will find yourself hitting a plateau more frequently.
So rather than worrying about the low workout frequency/volume of this workout
routine, what you should be concerned about is the application of the most important
principle in any workout program -- the principle of progressive overload. This principle states that in order for a muscle to grow in strength and size, the human body
must be forced to adapt to a tension that is above and beyond what it has previously
And what other way would you measure your progression aside from increasing either reps or weight?
Remember, if you're not getting stronger, you won't get bigger. And the optimal frequency for balancing life + fun in and out of the gym is 3 days a week. It allows ample
time for recovery and growth. If you're training hard enough and you're noticing
strength gains each workout, then there would be no reason for you to do gazillion of
sets each workout.
Now, of course, there are exceptions to this rule and so many factors are involved
that I will further discuss in the future. If you want to learn more about working out 3
days per week, check this article that I wrote.
So without further ado, here is my personal workout program that I've been doing for
years now. I suggest you all try this out for 3 months as it is written. Don't make judgments, assumptions, and conclusions until you've gone through the whole 3 months
of doing it.
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The Lazy Lifter’s Workout Routine
Workout A:
Bench press - 4 sets of 6-10 reps
Workout B:
Deadlift/Squats(alternate each
workout) - 4 sets of 4-6 reps
Military press - 3 sets of 6-10 reps
Dips or Close Grip Bench Press or Triceps pushdown - 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Lat pulldown(underhand grip) or
weighted pull-ups or chin-ups- 3 sets of
6-10 reps
Abs(superset two exercises) - 3 super- Barbell row - 3 sets of 6-10 reps
sets of 15-20 reps
Dumbbell curl - 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Calves(pick any) - 3 sets of 15-20 reps
Abs(superset two exercises) - 3 superRest period between sets = 2-3
sets of 15-20 reps
minutes except for Abs and Calves
which is 1 minute.
Calves(pick any) - 3 sets of 15-20 reps
Rest period between sets = 2-3 minutes
except for Abs and Calves which is 1 minute. You can go 3-5 minutes for Deadlifts and Squats
Alternate these 2 workouts over the week. Let's say your workout schedule is MWF:
Week 1
Monday = Workout A
Wednesday = Workout B
Friday = Workout A
Week 2
Monday = Workout B
Wednesday = Workout A
Friday = Workout B
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The Lazy Lifter's Workout
Week 3
Monday = Workout A
Wednesday = Workout B
Friday = Workout A
And so on..
After doing this for a full 6 weeks and you've added strength on every workout, you
can now add a couple of exercises/sets to each workout routine. Your new workout
routine will now look like this:
Workout A:
Bench press - 4 sets of 6-10 reps
Workout B:
Deadlift/Squats(alternate each
workout) - 4 sets of 4-6 reps
Incline DB bench press - 3 sets of 8-12
Wide grip lat pulldown or pull-ups or
chin-ups - 4 sets of 6-10 reps
Military press - 3 sets of 6-10 reps
Barbell row - 4 sets of 6-8 reps
Dips or Close grip Bench press or Triceps pushdown - 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Dumbbell curl - 3 sets of 8-10 reps
DB lateral - 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Abs(superset three exercises) - 3 supersets of 15-20 reps
Calves(pick any) - 3 sets of 15-20 reps
Abs(superset three exercises) - 3 supersets of 15-20 reps
Calves(pick any) - 3 sets of 15-20 reps
Follow the same rest period between
Follow the same rest period between
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*The only ab exercises I did in this program were:
Hanging Oblique Crunch
Weighted situps with plates behind head
Ab wheel rollout
Hanging leg raises with dumbbell
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“Where’s my cardio?!” Putting Cardio into Perspective
After seeing the workout routine that involves lifting weights, I know you some of you
are asking now… “Where the hell is my cardio?! How can I lose weight without that?!”
Relax. Whether you choose to do cardio or not, it’s really up to you. But I’m telling you
now, it is not a requirement for weight loss.
You see, many people do cardio exercises without really knowing why and how it
helps us with our fitness goals. They do it because they see a lot of people do it. This
causes a lot of wasted time, effort, and resources that should’ve been used in
strengthening and building muscles. Remember? Building muscle will make it easier
for you to lose fat, and you can abandon cardio if you don’t want it.
But how can I lose weight without doing cardio? Simple. By monitoring your caloric
intake and eating less, which I will be teaching you later on.
And what’s the purpose of doing cardio then? I was told I must do it! Shouldn’t I?
First, before deciding whether to do cardio or not, it’s important to know first what
your goal is. Is it to burn more calories? To condition your heart? What is it exactly?
To help you with that, let me clarify a few things regarding cardio:
Cardio doesn’t burn fat. It burns calories. It’s the caloric deficit (Nutrition Section of this ebook) that makes you lose weight, not cardio itself. This means that
cardio is just a tool to help you lessen your calorie intake. If you can create a
caloric deficit with the help of cardio, then it serves its purpose well.
Cardio isn’t the one who will give you muscle definition or tone your body parts.
Again, it’s the caloric deficit.
Cardio is good for your heart and overall health, but that doesn’t automatically
mean you will lose weight when you do cardio.
Knowing the statements above will give you a hint that doing cardio isn’t necessary
to lose weight. You can if you want, but it’s not necessary. In fact, most of the women
I am teaching prefer not to do any cardio exercises even when their goal is to lose
weight, and they do.
Once you learn how to track calories and macros (which you will learn later on), you
will realize that the role of cardio in the weight loss game is very little.
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The Lazy Lifter's Workout
Let me give you an example:
One cup of rice is around 200 calories, and for you to burn 200 calories, you have to
jog for around 15-20 minutes at a moderate-intense pace. That’s only a cup of rice,
viands are not included. Add a lot more rice and other stuff and you’ll get to 600-800
calories, which will require you to jog for more than an hour just to reach a point of
breakeven — where gain and loss will not happen.
What if you just limit your food intake and avoid eating those 600-800 calories?
Would you still need to do any cardio? The answer is no. You can do cardio of course,
but you won’t be needing it to lose more weight because you’ve already taken care
of that through your food intake.
This is why I rarely do any cardio sessions, except for a recreational jog or basketball,
or maybe a 5-10-minute treadmill warm up. That’s it.
Cardio suggestions:
If your goal is to lose fat and want an extra boost, then I would recommend doing
cardio two-three times a week on your off days.
If you’re a skinny gal or someone who’s trying to gain weight, then I would recommend staying away from it, unless you know what you are doing.
And if you’re an average gal who just wants to get fit and improve her heart health,
then two-three times a week would also be enough.
How to do it:
◉ No more than 30-40 minutes of steady-state, low intensity cardio two-three
times a week on your off days. Fasted or not, it’s up to you.
◉ Or if conditioning and stamina is your worry, do a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for 20-30 minutes max, two-three times a week on your off days. Take
note, HIIT affects recovery so beware.
When choosing between the two, I'd go for steady state, low intensity cardio. I’d
only recommend HIIT for those athletes who need conditioning work.
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The Lazy Lifter's Workout
How to Set Up Your Nutrition Plan Based on Your
Do you want to lose weight or gain weight? Answering this question is simple and
straightforward, but really the big question is — how? This is what this section is about.
The workout routine above will do the job, but it’s only 50% of the equation. Focusing
on it alone will only get you so far, and that is why I made this simple nutrition guide
so you can maximize results in this 3-month journey of yours.
Aren’t you excited about that? Let’s get started.
First, we need to determine our TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). This is our
individual metabolism taking into account our lifestyle. It is important to determine
this number because this will serve as our baseline for our caloric intake. Simply put,
our TDEE is our maintenance level of calories.
To calculate the TDEE, we need to know our BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) first using a
well-known formula that I will show below.
How to Calculate Your BMR (Harris-Benedict Formula)
To do this using a calculator, I would recommend using this link.
To do this manually, use this calculation:
Men (kg):
BMR = 88 + (13.4 x weight in kilos) + (4.8 x height in cm) – (5.7 x age in years)
Men (lbs:)
BMR = 88 + (6.1 x weight in lbs) + (12.2 x height in inches) – (5.7 x age in years)
Using myself an example:
I’m 5’10” (177.8cm), and I weigh 75kg (165lbs)
To calculate my BMR using the above formula, I will use the (kg) method.
BMR = 88 + (13.4 x 75[my weight in kg]) + (4.8 x 177.8[my height in cm]) - (5.7 x 27[my
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What’s Next?
After you’ve gained strength and size doing these for a couple of weeks and you want
the ball to keep rolling, you may now want to increase your workout volume and take
it up a notch. You’re now ready for Phase 2 — which you can find in the premium
version of this program.
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15 tips to get the most out of this workout program:
1. Remember the most important principle — progressive overload. If you’re increasing strength each and every workout, you WILL grow. So strive to get better
each and every workout by adding reps or weight.
2. Log every workout. Record the weight, sets, reps, and the rest between sets.
Bench press - 100lbs - 6, 6, 5(reps) - 2 mins rest
Do this on every exercise.
3. Pick a weight heavy enough to complete the rep ranges. If you can go over 10
reps for bench press, you need to increase the weight.
Let's say last workout you did 6 reps on the Bench Press, your goal next workout is to
increase the reps, and do 7 or 8 reps. You should be able to reach 10 reps first for all
the prescribed sets before adding weight to the bar.
4. When you're adding weight, better go slow than get disappointed.
Usually a 5lb increase on the main lifts should be enough, and sometimes, it might be
too much. Don't worry, just keep the new weight and get stronger on that.
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5. Learn how to do the exercises properly. YouTube is your friend.
6. Don’t skip Squats and Deadlift for God’s sake.
Doing them increases your mass overall. Don’t want that?
7. Don't try to add sets and exercises until you've completed the full 6 weeks without
hitting a plateau.
8. More is not always better. Adding exercises will just take a toll on your recovery
and will slow down your progress.
9. For the abs and calves, just pick 2 exercises and alternate them each workout.
Record them as well.
10. Learn how to track your calories using MyFitnessPal. Not doing so will keep your
wheels spinning and you will have a hard time achieving your goal.
11. Keep your protein high. It should be around or close to 1g per pound of your body
12. Faster weight gain will give you a lot of fat gain as well. Faster weight loss will risk
muscle loss. Better go slow on both or you will shortchange yourself.
13. On your off days, you can do your cardio sessions or play your favorite sports.
14. Don't worry about adding size too soon. Most often, strength gains precede size
gains. As long as you're getting stronger, size will surely follow.
15. Take a BEFORE photo before starting this program. You will thank yourself later.
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Final Word
Did you find this book helpful? I hope you did!
While there are many other things you can learn about building muscle and losing
fat, you now know the fundamentals of it. I am confident that if you follow everything
that is written here, you will be pleasantly surprised with how your body reacts positively in just a couple of months. That’s a guarantee.
With that said, I’m leaving you here with this 3-month challenge that I know can truly
change your life. You’re going to prove that you can build your physique as you
please, and you’ll be proud to see a muscular, shredded body staring back at you in
the mirror. This represents not just physical attractiveness, but unshakeable commitment and dedication.
So, will you take this challenge head on? Will I be hearing from you after 3 months
with your awesome progress and better yet, your transformation photos?
I am looking forward to the day you get to that moment, because as a coach, that’s
what will make me the most proud and happy.
As you work toward your goals, you’ll probably have questions along the way. I’d like
to be able to help you with these so just leave a message on my Facebook page if
you have one!
I don’t charge for the help, of course, and I answer questions from readers every day.
You can also send your progress and transformation photos of yours there!
If you haven’t already, would you mind taking a moment to leave a review of this
ebook on my Facebook page? It doesn’t have to be long, and I’d really appreciate it!
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Want More?
If you’ve enjoyed this FREE version, I am sure you’ll love the FULL version ..
Minimalist Fitness — The Revolutionary Guide to Building the Ultimate Physique While
Enjoying life:
Quite a lot huh? You can learn more about that here.
This FREE version is only five percent of the FULL version, so rest assured that it will
teach you everything you need to learn about building your dream physique.
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While it would be impossible for me to show you all the benefits that Minimalist Fitness brings, I want to reveal to you some of the things that you will get once you're
inside the product. These are:
Main Guide – 200+ pages with 4 sections: Getting Started, Workout, Diet and Nutrition, and Supplements.
FAQs - I answered all the important questions about workout, diet, nutrition, and supplements here.
28-Week Workout Plan - has the 4 workout phases and all the workout notes and
reminders. I made this so you won’t have to go through the whole main guide. It's like
a workout cheat sheet that is beautifully designed.
Exercise Manual - no idea on how to do the exercises? Here is a complete guide to
every exercise that I recommend in this book. This will give you illustrations, instructions to do the exercises properly.
Favorite Supplements - here I listed all the supplements that I have used and still
using, plus where to buy them.
Recipes - I've included 40+ easy-to-make recipes that you can make with little cooking skills. The best part is, I've included their respective calories and macronutrients.
Sample Meal Plans - I've included sample meal plans with the simplest and most
generic ingredients you can get at your local supermarket. What you'll have here is a
2-day sample meal plan broken into 5 meals for each caloric target: from 1600 calories to 3600 calories!
Minimalist Fitness Private Facebook Group - the best of all the bonuses. Here you
can introduce yourself with other members, find workout buddies, post your workout
routine, post your questions about the program, nutritional advice, and many more!
The best part is, I would monitor this group and help each member. This will be your
community to learn and grow!
And a whole lot more!
Are you ready to make your own success story?
Click this link and start your MINIMALIST FITNESS journey NOW!
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Additional Resources:
Why training less can give you more - http://www.thelazylifter.com/minimalistapproach-to-fitness/
Drink alcohol and make gains? Check this out - http://www.thelazylifter.com/guide-to-drinking-alcohol/
How to use black coffee to supercharge fat loss - http://www.thelazylifter.com/the-one-drink-you-need-to-help-you-lose-weight/
Intermittent fasting: My secret to enjoying food while losing weight http://www.thelazylifter.com/ramp-up-fat-loss-using-intermittent-fasting/
Not losing or gaining weight? It’s all about calories! - http://www.thelazylifter.com/most-important-aspect-of-dieting/
Popular workout myths that you should know - http://www.thelazylifter.com/9most-popular-workout-myths/
Popular nutrition lies that you should know - http://www.thelazylifter.com/10biggest-nutrition-lies/
All my other articles here — www.thelazylifter.com
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Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between this workout program and the ____ workout program?
The difference is the approach, obviously. I don’t teach people bodybuilding, 5-6 days
a week style of training. I also don’t teach much about hard work, deprivation, sacrifice, and restriction. I value having fun, training smart, and blending fitness into your
If you want to train 5-6 days a week, if you want to eat chicken breast and broccoli for
straight months, and if you want to deprive yourself of alcohol and partying, then this
program might not be for you.
Can I use this workout program if I want to lose weight?
Yes. People have used this program to lose over 20 pounds without doing any cardio.
I also used the same workout routine to lose around 10-20lbs of fat.
Check this link to see people’s transformations
Losing weight is all about calories, which we have tackled above. You can also heck
my article on that.
How do I get rid of my belly fat? I’m doing hundreds of situps and nothing’s happening.
Sad news is that you can’t spot reduce a specific body part by doing specific exercises. The only way to get rid of those fat on your *insert body part* is to lose fat overall. Or liposuction.
Is eating too much protein bad for me? Is whey protein bad?
No. The claim “high protein diets are bad for the kidneys” is a myth. See this article
and my article. If you’re still not sure, just search “high protein diets kidney myth” on
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Can I substitute dumbbells for other barbell exercises?
Can I substitute other exercise that targets the same muscle group?
Yes. But I didn’t pick these exercises at random. They are the time-tested, all-around,
most effective exercises for over a century now. If for any reason you still want to
substitute them, feel free to pick one on this list:
Flat Dumbbell Press
Incline Bench Press
Hammer Strength Chest Press
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Arnold Press
Barbell Upright Row
Sumo Deadlift (substitute for deadlift)
1 Arm Dumbbell Row
Machine Row
Skull Crushers
Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension
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Barbell Curl
Alternating Dumbbell Curl
Front Squats
Pistol Squats
Stepping Lunges
Abs and Calves:
Pick any
Important: Pick an exercise and stick to it for at least 2 months. Remember, progressive resistance is the key to muscle growth, not exercise variety.
How long should I workout?
As long as needed. Finish your workout and go home.
What supplements should I take?
I’d recommend protein powders so you can hit your protein target for the day much
easily. Other than that, there’s only a few that are helpful.
Ever since I started doing your workout routine, my muscles have gotten smaller
and they’ve shrunk. Why is that?
That’s because my workout program doesn’t focus on muscle pumps. It is low in
volume and low in frequency. One possibility you may be experiencing is the decrease of lactate acid buildup inside the muscles that you usually get from high volume, high frequency training. Maybe you were doing a lot of pump training before
so you feel like your muscles are getting big, but blood is just trapped inside them.
By focusing on lower rep ranges, my workout program builds muscle mass by actually increasing the muscle fiber density(myofibril hypertrophy) and you can be assured that this kind of muscle growth should last even if you don’t workout for a
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Your workout program is not working for me. Why is that?
First, what do you mean by not working for you? Aren’t you gaining strength? Aren’t
you progressing week by week?
Few questions to ask yourself if this happens:
Are you following the exact program outlined in this guide?
Did you add extra exercises or sets?
Do you log your workouts?
Are you eating at least 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight?
Are you making the necessary effort to increase your strength via weight, reps, or
If you’re trying to lose weight, are you sure you’re doing it slowly and you’re not
drastically reducing your total calories?
If you’re bulking, are you getting 200-300 calories above your maintenance?
These are the questions you may want to ask yourself if you notice that the program
is not working for you. Because I’m telling you, there’s no way it’s not going to work
for you if you do everything right.
Can I workout for more than 3 days?
Yes, of course. You can do whatever you want. It will be just difficult for me to troubleshoot anything in case you experience some issues. I designed this program for a
reason, not just for the sake of spending less time in the gym and more time to party.
Do what is written strictly for a couple of months before changing anything.
Can I skip Deadlift and Squats?
No. Squats and deadlift are crucial exercises for building strength and size. They do
not only increase leg and back size, but your overall muscle frame. Doing them triggers the body’s anabolic response which will create an environment for faster fat
loss and muscle growth. Don’t skip them.
I see that your blog recommends IF to those who want to lose weight, but can’t do IF
due to my schedule, is it a requirement?
No. IF is just an eating strategy to let you eat a lot more in a single meal. Don’t force
yourself to do it if you can’t.
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The most important thing you can learn from IF is that you don’t have to follow any
schedule when it comes to eating. You just eat whenever you want to eat, so long
as you meet your calories and macros for that day.
If you have more questions, please join this private Facebook Group and post
them there! I will be waiting for you..
For the full version of this program, visit http://www.thelazylifter.com/minimalistfitnessss
For more fitness and nutrition tips, visit www.thelazylifter.com
If you have additional questions, feel free to contact me on any of my social media
accounts below:
Like me on Facebook
Follow me on Twitter
Follow me on Instagram
Subscribe to me on YouTube
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