1 WORKPLACE ISSUES 19/05/2022 Lejean Sy O. Cornejo BSA1 At the end of this chapter the students are expected to: • Recognize the factors causing workplace stress and it’s effects. • Distinguish the different types of stress. • Determine the causes of anger and the characteristics of people with anger problems. • Identify the contributors to ineffective time management. • Describe the ways to manage stress, anger and the time in the workplace. At the end of this chapter the students are expected to: • Define a clear concept of sexual harassment. • Recognize the actions and behaviors related to sexual harassment in the workplace. • Identify ways on how to prevent or address sexual harassment in the workplace. INTRODUCTION A person’s routine is not only to wake up , to eat, to play, and then go to sleep. We have obligations to do and a description to keep up with your job. Since we have many roles to perform and duties and responsibilities to fulfill, we tend to go through stress in the workplace. This can lead to anger, depression, anxiety and exhaustion. As a result, health issues arise that will become burdensome to an employee. This chapter deals with the stress, anger and time management of an employee. Given the knowledge of stress, anger and proper time management, one can improve his/her productivity in the workplace. Stress in the Workplace Stress is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium. Some of these stimuli are but not limited to confusion, excitement, depression, anxiety, irritation and other extreme state that could change our normal physical and mental conditions. Stress can sometimes come from within but most of the time, external or environmental conditions contribute greatly to stress. Our stress environment includes variables like family concerns, and health concerns that affect our work. If any of these variables deviates from usual, it can easily affect our focus and balance which can lead to errors and sometimes injury. If you encounter problems in the family, you will have a difficulty to focus and perform effectively in the workplace. The workplace is also an environment for stress like when your fellow employee or supervisor does not have an appropriate behavior. Another example of stressor in the workplace is when you fall to produce reports to your manager that will help in making decisions or when a supervisor demands a lot of time and results from you. Worst is when you get sick, you will not be able to work. Then, more stress will come your way when you are charged with expensive prices of medicines and doctor’s fee. When your stress is already prolonged, you may be experiencing burnout. Burnout is a psychological term that refers to long-term exhaustion and diminished interest in work. The checklist below states the symptoms of burn out. This may be helpful for you to manage stress that could eventually affect your mental health. Burnout What Makes It Burnout? Symptoms You Should Know About (source: followme.org) 1. Does it seem like every day is a bad day? 2. Would you characterize most of your life as “stressful”? 3. Do you feel like keeping up your commitments is just a waste of energy? 4. Do you feel alone in the world? 5. Do you find your daily work overwhelming or boring? 6. Do you wonder if anything you do makes a difference? 7. Are you increasingly cynical about where your life is headed? STRESS Stress is like two sides of a coin. It can be beneficial or it can also bring negative impact. If you are an achiever and want to be promoted, you will work hard and perform effectively and even study further by taking a Master’s degree. Eventually, you get the recognition and get promoted. This stress can be considered a satisfaction which can lead to greater motivation and inspiration. When one of your requests is granted by your manager, it can lead to beneficial stress that can bring you happiness and contentment. Types of Stress Acute Stress happens when the situation calls for immediate action that is sometimes called adrenaline rush. Chronic Stress happens when you are physically drained and you are incapable of doing more. This is due to lack of rest or sleep. Chronic stress may due to other factors like physical pain, high blood pressure, weak immune system, depression, anxiety or lack of selfesteem. Factors that Cause Stress in the Workplace 1. Job Security 2. Unsafe working environment 3. Poor working relationships with workmates and managers 4. Financial pressure 5. Anger 6. Mismanagement of time Anger is a strong emotional reaction that is oriented to something that does not happened as we expected or if someone has caused discomfort or pain towards us. This may sometimes lead to resentment or revenge or just defending ourselves. The way we handle anger is influenced by our culture, education, religion, gender, among others. Being anger is not at all bad, like if you fight against social injustice or unfair treatment in the workplace. On the contrary, prolonged and frequent anger, you will have a hard time coping with stress that can lead you to more aggression towards other people or can cause serious problems to your health. ANGER TYPES OF ANGER According to Robert M. Fraum, PhD., these are some unhealthy styles of expressing and managing anger. These are harmful ways of dealing with anger especially as an ingrained habit expressive style or a defensive coping mechanism. Anger that is expressed in physical behaviors towards people or destruction or property. Most people express anger by fist fights, aggressive or reckless driving, or physically hurting another person lie domestic violence. Since this affect other people or properties, they can have frightening, harmful or even deadly consequences. Behavioral aggression Can result to destroyed relationships, law suits, or administrative actions by the company. This expression of anger may include temper tantrums, verbal rage, bullying, intimidation or angry speech or threats. Verbal Abuse Can build up and erupt against others or themselves at a later time. They punish themselves so that they may avoid getting angry at someone else. Because there is no outlet of their feelings, depression may occur or they will harm others and/or themselves in one very big blow. Repressed Anger Anger on a low boil where there is a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury. Chronic resentment leads towards passive aggressive behavior, acting our and rage reaction. Furthermore, it consumes the judgment of a person and can also damage health. Resentment Includes a pattern of sarcasm and deliberate emotional neglect or coldness towards loved ones. People who use this strategy may avoid direct confrontation. They make use of accidental or subtle form of verbal or even physical abuse to harm oters and provide deniability or escape goat for the aggressor. Passive-aggressive behavior Judgmental anger – means an individual is criticizing others at the expense of the person who is being disparaged. The individual’s goal may be to make one’s self feel better, or to control or damage others. But the malicious intention towards another person may be masked by the harsh criticism to others while holding one’s self blameless. Retaliatory anger or payback anger – a very common anger dynamic, wherein there is an angry response towards a person or individuals who are perceived as directing something hurtful towards one’s self. They may be especially directed to families and other close relationships. Retaliatory anger may be automatic ad/or intentional. Obsessive anger – can destroy self-worth and emotional security. This includes paranoid fears, jealousy, envy, maladaptive fears of betrayal, rejection or humiliation. Rage – full, uncontrolled, physical and psychological expression of the classic fight-or-flight response. Rage anger is extreme but not common for most people. It hijacks the mind and body. Rage reaction may include a sense of relief or even joy in the release of pent-up, painful feelings. Manipulative anger – intentional use of angry feelings or aggression in order to get one’s way or to control a person or situation. The overwhelmed or flooded anger – reaction often resembles a temper tantrum. This can occur when overwhelming fear, or a number of external demands or internal stressors overwhelm a person’s coping ability. Causes of Anger 1. Abuse in the workplace 2. Injustice 3. Pressure and Irritations 4. Frustrations 5. Stress Characteristics that Lead to Anger Problems 1. Low tolerance 2. Too competitive 3. Poor communication 4. Perfectionism 5. Lack of trust and insecurities 6. Addiction 7. Narrow-mindedness Contributors to Ineffective Time Management 1. Socialization during working hours 2. Personal entertainment during work hours using internet facilities of the company 3. Procrastination 4. Ineffective communication 5. Inability to organize things and schedule Tips for Reducing Stress 1. People can learn to manage stress and lead happier, healthier lives. Here are some tips to help you keep stress at bay: 2. Keep a positive attitude. 3. Accept that there are events that you cannot control. 4. Be assertive instead of aggressive. Assert your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming angry, defensive, or passive. 5. Learn and practice relaxation techniques; try meditation, yoga or taichi. 6. Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit. 7.Eat healthy, well balanced meals. 8. Learn to manage your time more effectively. 9. Set limits appropriately and say no to requests that would create excessive stress in your life. 10. Make time for hobbies and interests. Tips to Manage Anger 1. Think before you speak. 2. Once you’re calm, express your anger. 3. Get some exercise. 4. Take a timeout. 5. Identify possible solutions. 6. Stick with “I” statements. 7. Don’t hold a grudge. 8. Use humor to release tension 9. Practice relaxation skills. 10. Know when to seek help. Tips to Manage Time 1. Write everything down. 2. Organize by time horizon. 3. Rank your objectives. 4. Rank your targets. 5. Estimate how you spend your time. 6. Address the mismatch. SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual harassment is an issue inside the organization that should not be ignored. The more the management will ignore this major issue, the more that it will become. Huge problem for the organization. Sexual harassment is defined as an unwanted sexually related behaviour or activity that creates an intimidating, hostile, uncomfortable, or offensive working environment. It can be verbal, nonverbal or physical in nature. Major Characteristics of Sexual Harassment • Unwanted or Unwelcome act any sexually-related action or behaviour that makes another person uneasy or it is offensive to another, then it can be considered as sexual harassment. • Related to Sex or Gender any conduct that is sexual in nature or more specifically sexual advances that is not acceptable to another person. If there is no consent from the other person, then it is considered as sexual harassment. • One person has more power than the other. sexual harassment is not just about sex. It occurs when one person feels more powerful than the other and it is used to manipulate the other person. Types of Sexual Harassment • Quid pro Quo sexual harassment This occurs when a person asks for sexual favors, and in return will be given something of value. • Hostile work environment this happens when an employee or group of employees create an intimidating, offensive, or hostile workplace environment. Depending on the perception of another person, the following can be interpreted as sexual harassment: • Sexual innuendos, comments or bantering • Asking or commenting about person’s sexuality • ”green” jokes or sexually explicit jokes/language. • Obsessive, persistent sexual attention (especially when it continues even after a clear indication that is unwanted) • Referring to someone by using sexist or demeaning terms. • Touching, pinching, or fondling another person’s body parts. • Giving a neck or shoulder massage. • Leering or ogling • Spreading gossips about a person’s sexual activity. REPUBLIC ACT 7877 In the Philippines, there is Republic Act 7877, otherwise known as the AntiSexual Harassment Act of 1995. It is clearly defined in this legislation that: (1) in the work-related or employment environment, sexual harassment is committed when: (a) the sexual favor is made as a condition in the hiring or in the employment, re-employment or continued employment of said individual, or in granting said individual favorable compensation, terms of conditions, promotions, or privileges: or the refusal to grant the sexual favor result in limiting, segregating or classifying the employee which in any way would discriminate, deprive or diminish employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect said employee; (b) the above acts would impair the employee’s rights or privileges under existing labor laws; or (c) the above acts would result in an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for the employee. (2) In an education or training environment, sexual harassment is committed when: (a) Against one who is under the care, custody or supervision of the offender; (b) Against one whose education, training, apprenticeship or tutorship is entrusted to the offender; (c) When the sexual favor is made a condition to giving a passing grade, or the granting of honors and scholarship, or the payment of a stipend, allowance or other benefits, privileges, or consideration; or (d) When the sexual advances result in an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment for the student, trainee or apprentice. “section 7 lists the penalties to the exacted against those who violated the Anti- Sexual Harassment Act: Any person who violates the provision of the Act shall, upon conviction, be penalized by imprisonment of net loss than one (1) month nor more than (6) months, or a fine of not less than Ten thousand pesos (10,000) nor more than Twenty thousand pesos (20,000), or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court” HOW TO DEAL WITH SEXUAL HARASSMENT • Disseminate a copy of the law all employees in the organization to create awareness. • The company should adopt a clear sexual harassment policy. • Train employees and managers • The company should also be ready in establishing a committee on decorum incase a sexual harassment will occur. As an individual, it is important that you should be aware od your human rights. If you become a victim of sexual harassment what should you do? • Let the other person (offender) know that what he/she doing is wrong. • Immediately report to sexual harassment act. • Document your experience by making sure that you have evidence to back up your claims.