Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION I SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE I PANGASINAN NALSIAN-TOMLING NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL NALSIAN NORTE, MALASIQUI, PANGASINAN A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan In Mathematics 7 Principal Roots and its Nature (Rational or Irrational) Prepared by: Louie Jay U. Ursua (Teacher 1) I. Objectives At the end of a 60-minute discussion, Grade 7 students should be able to: 1. define Principal Root; 2. describe principal roots and tells whether they are rational or irrational; and 3. solve the equivalent value of a radical. II. Subject Matter A. Topic: Principal Roots and its Nature (Rational or Irrational) B. Materials: Chalkboard, Calculator, and Powerpoint Presentation C. References: Oronce, O., & Mendoza, M. (2015). E-MATH 7, Revised Edition. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc. pp. 89-91 D. Values Integration: Accuracy III. Procedure A. Preliminary Activity 1. Prayer 2. Classroom management 3. Checking of Attendance B. Review The teacher will ask the students about their previous lesson. C. Motivation “Four Pics One Word” The students will guess the words based from the four pictures presented. D. Presentation and Development of the Lesson The teacher will discuss the following: Parts of radical expression What is Principal Root What is Perfect Square Difference between Rational and Irrational Numbers How to solve the equivalent value of a radical E. Generalization The teacher will as the students to sum up their lesson. IV. Evaluation Solve the Equivalent Value of the following and determine whether the Principal Root of a number is Rational or Irrational. V. _______________ 1. √49 _______________ 6. √121 _______________ 2. √3 _______________ 7. √64 _______________ 3. √50 _______________ 8. √12 _______________ 4. √26 _______________ 9. √144 _______________ 5. √81 _______________ 10. √21 25 6 Assignment Consider the illustration below as a Land Area. A. Draw Perfect Square lot as many as you can. B. List down the Area and the length of each of the square lot you have drawn. You may use separate paper for more answers. Area (sq. units) Length (unit)