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AP Government Review Sheet: Key Concepts & Terms

“The Golden Ticket” AP Government Review
Unit I
Constitutional Underpinnings
Unit II (PART 1)
Congress, the Presidency
The Bureaucracy, & the Federal Courts
Colonists were influenced by European
political thinkers, such as John Locke,
who argued for the protection of
_________________ (such as “life,
liberty, & property.”) and asserted that
men enter into a
___________________________ with
the government in order to protect
those rights. Jefferson adapted these
ideas in the _______________ where
argued that ______________
sovereignty gave the colonists the right
to rebel (as the King had broken the
The _______________________________
were the first attempt at U.S. Government
& was a failure.
____________ Rebellion showed that the
federal government was (weak/ strong)
after a group of farmers successfully
attacked courthouses when their farms
received foreclosure notices.
The___________________ Plan
represented states, whereas the
__________________Plan represented
the people. A_____________________
legislature has 2 houses.
The ______compromise declared all
slaves as ____ of a whole person. This #
was used to count _______________ in
Congress. Article ___, Section ____
outlines the enumerated powers of the
Constitution. Three important powers
(your choice) are ________________,
The most common formal amendment
process is proposed by ______of both
houses of Congress & ratified by
________ of states.
______________ is power divided
between federal, state, & local levels.
_______________ refers to
TRANSFERRING responsibilities of
governing from the federal government
The House (H) serves two yr. terms
&the Senate (S) serves six yr. terms.
There are535members in
Congress,435n the(H) and100in the
(S).redistrictingoccurs after the census.
During the reapportionment process,
state legislatures need to avoid
gerrymandering-inhibiting the voting
strength of certain demographics.
incumbents usually win elections
because of money, visibility, and
constituent services. They also have
ranking privilege for constituent mail at
gov. expense. The majority party in
each chamber appoints the committee
chair. Theleader of the (H)is called the
speaker of the House. All revenue bills
must originate in the (H). The leader of
the (S)is the vice president. The
(H)Rules committee gives bills
guidelines for debate & amendments.
Most bills die inHouse.In the (S),
members can filibuster to delay the
vote. A cloture motion must be called
to stop the talk. Soft $ are-unregulated
donations to political parties. Soft $
was banned by the federal Election
CampaignAct.527’s are tax-exempt
POTUS is the __________-____-______
of the military. POTUS is advised by the
_____________ . POTUS uses the
_______ to advise him on the federal
budget. POTUS vetoes are (often/ not
often) overridden.
POTUS (can/ cannot) use the line item
veto option since 1998.
All of POTUS’ treaties and appointments
must be approved by the __________.
__________________ is when POTUS and
Congress are different political parties.
Federalist_#_________ argued we
needed a strong executive.
____________________ is a large,
complex organization of appointed
officials. The three “points” of the iron
triangle are ____________,
____________, and ___________.
eliminated and the _______________
Act required government jobs to be
earned by merit.
_________________ Agencies govern
and standardize actions by groups like
the SEC (Stocks) and the Federal
POTUS can issue an ______________
order, which carries the weight of law.
Congress uses ____________ with
the federal bureaucracy to hold
hearings/ investigations, control
their budget and spending, and
reorganize an agency if necessary.
An iron triangle is not the same as an
__________ network. An iron triangle has
3 interlocking points and a _________
network consists of a wide range of
people who debate policy.
SCOTUS judges must use the
______________(a document) to
make decisions in cases.
_______________ Jurisdiction is in courts
in which a case is first heard. __________
Jurisdiction is used in courts where cases
are brought on appeal from a lower court.
The Rule of _______ is set so that the
decision for SCOTUS to hear a case, this
minimum # of judges must agree.
Judicial ___________ argues judges must
use the original intent of the constitution
in deciding cases. Whereas Judicial
_________ incorporates the belief that
social injustices may be corrected with
modern standards. SCOTUS judges serve
Federalist ________argued for an
Unit III
Civil Rights & Civil Liberties
The ______________________ is the first
10 amendments to the Constitution and
protect civil liberties/ rights.
The term
means the Bill of Rights applies to federal
government as WELL AS _____________.
The 14th Amendment contains the ____
process clause and the ________
protection clause.
President Jefferson described the
relationship between religion and
government as a “Wall of
The __________________ Clause in the
_____ Amendment says our government
will not have a declared religion. Key cases
include ___________ v. Vitale where it was
ruled there will be NO mandatory prayer in
public schools. The ____________________
Clause in the ______ Amendment says our
government will allow individuals to
worship freely a religion of their choosing.
Key cases include
_____________________ v. Yoder where
it was ruled that a family’s religious
practice outweighed state’s interest in
compulsory education.
Schenck v. US= does your speech
invoke a
_?” Tinker v. Des Moines=
“_____________” speech is protected.
Brown v. Board of Education= separate but
= is NOT =. Overturned _______ v.
________. The New York Times Co. v US
dealt with the ____ Amendment,
_______speech clause. The ruling prevented
__________ restraint.
MLK’s______________ _________
______________ argued that ___________
should use
____________ ______________ to
seek equality and expand civil rights.
Gideon v. Wainright assured Americans
to state & local governments.
____________ (foundational doc) feared
a too strong government would limit
personal freedoms.
Federalist #_______ , Madison
feared factions.
__________________ judiciary.
they they have the right to
_________________. McDonald v. Chicago
guarantees that the ____amendment will
not be infringed up by state & local
governments. In US v. Lopez, the federal
gov. wrongly used the ___________ clause
to regulate handguns within states.
Unit IV
Political Beliefs
______________ want the government
to provide programs and take an active
role in the economy; while ___________
dont - they stress that the government
should _________ taxes. On social
issues, Conservatives want to protect
_________ rights, while Liberals are
more protective of ________________.
Almost all Americans support a
________ market economy and rugged
Public opinion is measured through a
______. It is important that the sample
be _____________ and that the
questions be worded in a non-________
Unit V
Political Participation - Elections
In Congressional elections, seats in the
HofR get adjusted every 10 years, base
on the ________. This process is called
___________. Once states know the
number of seats, they will ___________
or redraw the Congressional districts frequently _______________ in order
to gain an advantage for their majority
party/incumbents. In
__________________, the Court said
states can’t rely on ________ to draw
the lines, but partisan gerrymandering
is alive and well
In a presidential election, each party
conducts its own_______ election to
determine who will be the party's
nominee. Iowa and New Hampshire are
especially influential in this process
because they have the first ones. Some
states have a large in-person meeting
called a ________to cast their votes.
This serves the same purpose as a
primary. Each party officially announces
their nominee at the____________.
From there, each nominee campaigns
trying to win votes around the country.
The most important states in the
Electoral College are called
________states because they are highly
competitive. Each state is worth a
certain number of electoral votes,
based on that state's __________. If a
candidate wins a state, he/she gets
____ the electoral votes from that state.
Once a candidate has received ____
electoral votes, they're considered the
Unit V
Political Participation - Parties/IG
While Interest Groups have a goal of
Political Parties actually want to
In order to choose a nominee, parties
hold _____________ elections and
usually they are __________ - only
allowing registered party members to
vote. Political parties are _____
important these days, reflected in the fact
that people who are running for office,
mostly run _____________-_________
Interest groups have many tactics they
can use to try to accomplish their goals.
They are experts in their issue and
therefore ______________ Congress to
get a favorable bill. They will also
__________________ to a friendly
candidate running for office. They can
file an _________________ Brief with
the Supreme Court supporting one side
that they agree with in a case. Finally,
they may go directly to the public, and
attempt to get a lot of supporters, called
_______________ lobbying - putting
messages out on ______ media or even
staging a _______________.
Unit IV 10-15%
Political Ideologies and Beliefs
Unit V 20-27%
Political Parties, Interest Groups,
& Mass Media
Public Policy/ Miscellaneous Concepts
Many American’s distrust
government which results in a low
__________is the #1 agent of
political socialization.
Right to life, laissez faire, & less
government regulation
describes a _________________
or (liberal/
conservative) ideology. Whereas
____________ vote pro-choice, support
a national healthcare system, &
expanded programs for poor,
minorities, & women. Their ideology is
(liberal/ conservative).
Steps to a scientific poll: 1- Define the
population, 2- Construct a
_________________ in which every
member has an = chance of being
chosen, 3-carefully construct questions
to avoid _______.
The _________-of-__________ in a
valid poll is typically +/- 3%.
People with (more/ less) education
& income are more likely to vote.
Older people are (more/ less) likely
to vote than younger people.
Younger voters typically vote for
the __________ party.
The _________________ describes
the difference in voting patterns
between males & females.
The ___________________________
of 1993 made voter registration
easier by allowing people to vote
when they renewed their
The #1 goal of political parties is
__. Political parties are a
________________ institution
because they provide
information & mobilize voters & raise
funds to support party candidates.
A single-member district only elects
_______ candidate(s) for each office.
system describes a situation where ALL
of the electoral votes go to the victor.
This makes it hard for ______________
to win elections.
An Interest Group’s #1 goal is to
_________________________. They
_____________ policymakers by
attempting to persuade them.
A PAC can give $________, where as a
private citizen can only give $_________
to candidates.
Citizens United v. __________
__________ _________ provided the
freedom of speech to
While size is important, large
interest groups also have the
______________________ problem
where members enjoy the benefits of
the group, but are not active.
The ________theory is a belief that a
small # of wealthy individuals dominate
policy. In the ________________theory,
many interest groups compete, but no
one group dominates. And in the
_____________________ theory, there
are so many competing interest groups
______________________ occurs
where there is political deadlock.
Mass media is a
______________________ institution
because is connects people to the
Political campaigns have become more
___________-centered= more focus on
the individual & less on the issues!
A _______________________ grant
is made for SPECIFIC purposes.
A _______________________grant is
given for broadly defines purposes.
The _____th Amendment allowed for
income taxes. The largest portion of
the federal budget comes from
________ taxes.
_________________________ and
_____________ are the most expensive
federal programs and pay for the
elderly. An ______________________
program is one that guarantees access
to benefits for specific group who meet
requirements set by law.
The _________ has the primary
responsibility of preparing the
budget and advising POTUS.
The Americans With
__________________ Act increased the
power of the federal gov. It requires
employers and public facilities to make
“reasonable accommodations” for
people with handicaps.
FRQ Tips!
In the Argumentative Essay, the
_________ point is the MOST
IMPORTANT. In order you get it, you
must make a ________ and establish a
_______- of- _______________.
In the SCOTUS Essay, you MUST
know factual information from the
required cases AND identify the
___________________ clause used
by judges to resolve the case.
In the Quantitative Analysis essay, if
it asks for a trend, make sure to give
____data points.
**Key Voting Amendments:
___________________________ 19th
23 (___.___.) residents can vote
__ Constitutional Clauses
Clause is also known as the Elastic
Clause. It gives Congress the power to
make additional laws as appropriate.
**Additional Key Amendments:
**Key Cases
Marbury v Madison=
___________Review McCullough v.
Maryland= Strengthens the
____________Clause through the
_________ and Proper Clause.
**Key Legislation
War Powers Act allows __________ to
send troops into combat without
Congress for ______ days.
Civil Rights Act prohibited
discrimination in_______, ________,
_________, etc.
___________________ laws are
another term for discrimination
towards African Americans.
**Latin Terms
Amicus Curie is a _________________
Stare Decisis is Latin for
______________ Writ of
__________________ is an order of
higher court to “send up the record.”
This concept is linked closely to Rule of
________, where SCOTUS judges vote
to hear a case or not.
A Writ of ____________________ is a
court order for a prisoner to be
brought before a court.
Created by Cassi Buys/ James F Byrnes High School, Duncan, SC