Uploaded by iamkaripotter

Lab Safety Poster Rubric

Lab Safety Rule Poster Rubric
Group Members:
Lab Safety Theme Chosen:
Date Submitted:
_____ (15pts) Name of safety rule specified
_____ (20pts) Illustration of lab safety rule
_____ (20pts) Reason why lab safety rule is important
_____ (5pts) Neat-handwriting, condition of paper, use space given
_____ (5pts) Colorful
_____ (15pts) Effort-See below
____15pts- Poster show excellent effort and above average work.
____10pts-Poster shows good effort and above average work.
____8pts-Poster shows average work.
____5pts-Poster shows below average work.
_____ (5 pts) Teamwork
____ everybody in the team participated in poster-making
____ 1 team member did not participate
____ 2 or more team members did not participate
_____ (5pts) Name and class period on the back of the poster
_____ (10pts) Poster turned in on time
Lab Safety Rule Poster Rubric
Group Members:
Lab Safety Theme Chosen:
Date Submitted:
_____ (15pts) Name of safety rule specified
_____ (20pts) Illustration of lab safety rule
_____ (20pts) Reason why lab safety rule is important
_____ (5pts) Neat-handwriting, condition of paper, use space given
_____ (5pts) Colorful
_____ (15pts) Effort-See below
____15pts- Poster show excellent effort and above average work.
____10pts-Poster shows good effort and above average work.
____8pts-Poster shows average work.
____5pts-Poster shows below average work.
_____ (5 pts) Teamwork
____ everybody in the team participated in poster-making
____ 1 team member did not participate
____ 2 or more team members did not participate
_____ (5pts) Name and class period on the back of the poster
_____ (10pts) Poster turned in on time