Uploaded by amitnarine

E-commerce Website Project Plan

Login page:
1. Styling
Register page:
1. Code php to add new users to database
2. Styling
Search/main page:
1. Display all products
2. Redirect to correct product pages
3. Connect to shopping cart and checkout page
4. Styling
Product page:
1. Display the selected product info
2. Make the shopping cart database (not exactly sure what to do yet as each user will have
their own shopping cart)
3. Code php to add into shopping cart database
4. Redirect to other pages
5. Styling
Shopping cart page:
1. Redirect to other pages
2. Code php to remove items from shopping cart
3. Styling
Checkout page:
1. Make the database of payment info (again like shopping cart each user has a different if
not more info) or maybe we don't have to since we are not actually billing people
2. Make the database for checked out order
3. Code php to add orders into the database
4. Redirect to other pages
5. Styling
A sessions thing where user return to login page if not logged in thus unable to access other
pages (not sure where this goes)