See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Thermodynamics of Cycles Chapter · September 2017 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29835-1_6 CITATIONS READS 0 17,198 1 author: Bahman Zohuri Galaxy Advanced Engineering 495 PUBLICATIONS 1,471 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: I am working on cloud computation and mathematical modeling of Fuzzy logic in cloud data warehousing and datamining View project Business Resilience System (BRS): Driven Through Boolean, Fuzzy Logics and Cloud Computation: Real and Near Real Time Analysis and Decision Making System View project All content following this page was uploaded by Bahman Zohuri on 23 March 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Chapter 6 Thermodynamics of Cycles An important application of thermodynamics is the analysis of power cycles through which the energy absorbed as heat can be continuously converted into mechanical work. A thermodynamic analysis of the heat engine cycles provides valuable information regarding the design of new cycles or a combined cycle for improving the existing cycles, or pushing efficiency gas turbine output with Brayton or combined with topping or bottoming Rankine cycle via heat exchangers/recuperators respectively. Application of combined cycle driven power plants, either steam or nuclear, plays a very important role in industry these days in order to make existence of these power plants more cost effective. In this chapter we briefly touch upon thermodynamic cycles so readers can have a general idea both on gas power cycles and vapor power cycles and how heat exchangers are important components to be considered when these cycles are combined. 6.1 Introduction A thermodynamic cycle is a series of processes where the properties of the system are the same after the cycle as they were prior. Three main properties are tracked when a system undergoes a set of processes and they are: • Temperature, • Pressure, and • Specific volume To be considered a cycle, all three properties need to be the same at their initial state and at the end. One property could remain the same throughout any of the processes; the cycle is considered isothermal if temperature is constant, isobaric if pressure is constant, and isochoric or isometric if specific volume is constant. The © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 B. Zohuri, Compact Heat Exchangers, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29835-1_6 291 292 6 Thermodynamics of Cycles most efficient type of cycle is one that has only reversible processes, such as the Carnot cycle, which is made up of four reversible processes. As far as the thermodynamic cycle definition in general is concerned, there are two classes of cycles and they are: 1. Power Cycles and 2. Heat Pump Cycles. Each of these cycles is defined based on the thermodynamic tasks assigned to them and briefly can be described as follows: Power cycles are used when there exists some way of converging some heat energy input into mechanical work output, while heat pump cycles transfer heat from low to high temperature stages by using mechanical work as the input source respectively. Cycles are composed of the quasi-static processes going through the entire cycle and can operate as power or heat pump cycles by controlling them in the direction of the cycle process. This direction can be defined as either clockwise or counter-clockwise which can be indicated using the Pressure-volume (P-V ) diagram or Temperature-entropy (T-s) diagram respectively. A thermodynamic cycle in respect to net mechanical work by input from heat energy in a closed loop on the P-V diagram mathematically can be presented as: I W ¼ PdV ðEq: 6:1Þ Equation (6.1) is the indication of net work that is equal to the area inside the closed loop of the P-V diagram as depicted in Fig. 6.1, and this is because of the following argument: (a) The Riemann sum of work done on the substance due to expansion, minus (b) The work done to re-compress. The net work presented by Eq. (6.1) is equal to the balance of heat Q transferred into the system and mathematically is presented by Eq. (6.2) in the following form: W ¼ Q ¼ Qin Qout ðEq: 6:2Þ Equation (6.2) makes a cyclic process into an isothermal process, even though the internal energy changes during the course of the cyclic process, and this means the Fig. 6.1 Depiction of net work in closed loop of P-V diagram P W = ò PdV a b V åa PDV – åb PDV 6.1 Introduction 293 Fig. 6.2 Illustration of Otto cycle in P-V diagram cyclic process finishes with the system’s energy in a closed loop on the P-V diagram with the same amount of energy as when the process began. If the cyclic process moves clockwise around the loop, then the net work W will be positive, and it represents a heat engine. If it moves counterclockwise, then the net work W will be negative, and it represents a heat pump. In the P-V diagram each point of the cycle process can be presented as shown in Fig. 6.2 of an Otto Cycle, and the definitions of each process for this cycle are written as follows: Otto Cycle Loop and description of each point in the thermodynamic cycles 1 ! 2: Isentropic Expansion: Constant Entropy (s), Decrease in Pressure (P), Increase in Volume (V ), Decrease in Temperature (T ). 2 ! 3: Isochoric Cooling: Constant Volume (V), Decrease in Pressure (P), Decrease in Entropy (s), Decrease in Temperature (T ). 3 ! 4: Isentropic Compression: Constant entropy (s), Increase in pressure (P), Decrease in volume (V ), Increase in temperature (T ) 4 ! 1: Isochoric Heating: Constant volume (V ), Increase in pressure (P), Increase in entropy (s), Increase in temperature (T). Some of the most important thermodynamics processes that we need to know in order to deal with any thermodynamic cycle are as follows: • Adiabatic: No energy transfer as heat (Q) during that part of the cycle would amount to dQ ¼ 0. This does not exclude energy transfer as work. • Isothermal: The process is at a constant temperature during that part of the cycle ðT ¼ constant, dT ¼ 0Þ. This does not exclude energy transfer as heat or work. • Isobaric: Pressure in that part of the cycle will remain constant. ðP ¼ constant, dP ¼ 0Þ. This does not exclude energy transfer as heat or work. • Isochoric: The process is at constant volume ðV ¼ constant, dV ¼ 0Þ. This does not exclude energy transfer as heat or work. • Isentropic: The process is one of constant entropy ðs ¼ constant, ds ¼ 0Þ. This excludes the transfer of heat but not work. Making certain sequences of assumption as part of modeling a real system using thermodynamic cycles, which is often necessary to reduce the number of degrees of 294 6 Thermodynamics of Cycles Turbine 4 1 Fresh Air Exhaust gasses st. co n 2 q in 3 s= 4 co ns st. con Work out s= Compressor 3 3 p 2 T q in = P Combustion Fuel t. 1 4 2 q out 1 P-v Diagram v st. on c p= q out T-s Diagram s Fig. 6.3 Presentation an idealized process in P-V and T-s diagrams of a Brayton cycle mapped to actual processes of a gas turbine engine freedom associated to the problems at hand, will reduce the problem to a very manageable form. Such simplified modeling is depicted in Fig. 6.3, which is a presentation of a real system modeled by an idealized process in P-V and T-s diagrams of a Brayton cycle mapped to actual processes of a gas turbine engine. The actual device can be made up of a series of stages, each of which is itself modeled as an idealized thermodynamic process. Although each stage which acts on the working fluid is a complex real device, they may be modeled as idealized processes which approximate their real behavior. If energy is added by means other than combustion, then a further assumption is that the exhaust gases would be passed from the exhaust to a heat exchanger that would sink the waste heat to the environment and the working gas would be reused at the inlet stage. In summary, an important application of thermodynamics is the analysis of power cycles through which the energy absorbed as heat can be continuously converted into mechanical work. A thermodynamic analysis of the heat engine cycles provides valuable information regarding the design of new cycles or for improving the existing cycles. In this chapter, various gas power cycles are analyzed under some simplifying assumptions. Two of the most important areas of application of thermodynamics are power generation and refrigeration, and they both are usually accomplished by a system that operates on a thermodynamic cycle. Thermodynamically, the word “cycle” is used in a procedure or arrangement in which some material goes through a cyclic process and one form of energy, such as heat at an elevated temperature from combustion of a fuel, is in part converted to another form, such as mechanical energy of a shaft, the remainder being rejected to a lower temperature sink that is also known as a heat cycle. A thermodynamic cycle is defined as a process in which a working fluid undergoes a series of state changes and finally returns to its initial state. A cycle plotted on any diagram of properties forms a closed curve (see Fig. 6.4). Note that a reversible cycle consists only of reversible processes. The area enclosed by the curve plotted for a reversible cycle on a P-V diagram represents the net work of the cycle as we explained in the preceding chapters: 6.1 Introduction 295 Fig. 6.4 Schematic of a closed cycle P 4 1 3 2 V • The work is done on the system, if the state changes happen in an anticlockwise manner. • The work is done by the system, if the state changes happen in a clockwise manner. The purpose of a thermodynamic cycle is either to produce power, or to produce refrigeration/pumping of heat. Therefore, the cycles are broadly classified as follows: (a) Heat engine or power cycles. (b) Refrigeration/heat pump cycles. A thermodynamic cycle requires, in addition to the supply of incoming energy: 1. A working substance, usually a gas or vapor; 2. A mechanism in which the processes or phases can be carried through sequentially; and 3. A thermodynamic sink to which the residual heat can be rejected. The cycle itself is a repetitive series of operations. Any thermodynamic cycle is essentially a closed cycle in which the working substance undergoes a series of processes and is always brought back to the initial state. However, some of the power cycles operate on an open cycle. This means that the working substance is taken into the unit from the atmosphere at one end and is discharged into the atmosphere after undergoing a series of processes at the other end. The following are illustrations of heat engines operating on an open cycle: • Petrol and diesel engines in which the air and fuel are taken into the engine from a fuel tank and products of combustion are exhausted into the atmosphere. • Steam locomotives in which the water is taken in the boiler from a tank and steam is exhausted into the atmosphere. The basic processes of the cycle, either in open or closed, are heat addition, heat rejection, expansion, and compression. These processes are always present in a cycle even though there may be differences in working substance, the individual processes, pressure ranges, temperature ranges, mechanisms, and heat transfer arrangements. 296 6 Thermodynamics of Cycles Many cyclic arrangements, using various combinations of phases but all seeking to convert heat into work, were proposed by many investigators whose names are attached to their proposals; for example, the Diesel, Otto, Rankine, Brayton, Stirling, Ericsson, and Atkinson cycles. Not all proposals are equally efficient in the conversion of heat into work. However, they may offer other advantages, which have led to their practical development for various applications. See also Brayton cycle; Carnot cycle; Diesel cycle; Otto cycle; Stirling engine; Thermodynamic processes. Essentially, such devices do not form a cycle. However, they can be analyzed by adding imaginary processes to bring about the state of the working substance, thus completing a cycle. Note that the terms closed and open cycles that are used here do not mean closed system cycle and open system cycle. In fact, the processes both in closed and open cycles could either be closed or open system processes. There is a basic pattern of processes common to power-producing cycles. There is a compression process wherein the working substance undergoes an increase in pressure and therefore density. There is an addition of thermal energy from a source such as a fossil fuel, a fissile fuel (a fissile material is one that is capable of sustaining a chain reaction of nuclear fission), or solar radiation. Work is done by the system on the surroundings during an expansion process. There is a rejection process where thermal energy is transferred to the surroundings. The algebraic sum of the energy additions and abstractions is such that some of the thermal energy is converted into mechanical work. Different types of working fluids are employed in power plants. The nature of the working fluids can be classified into two groups: (a) Vapors. (b) Gases. The power cycles are accordingly classified into two groups: 1. Vapor power cycles in which the working fluid undergoes a phase change during the cyclic process. 2. Gas power cycles in which the working fluid does not undergo any phase change. In the thermodynamic analysis of power cycles, our main interest lies in estimating the energy conversion efficiency or the thermal efficiency. The thermal efficiency of a heat engine is defined as the ratio of the network output W delivered to the energy absorbed as heat Q and mathematically is presented by symbol η and can be written as: η¼ W Q and it can be illustrated as Fig. 6.5 below; In this depiction, we identify the following; LTER ¼ Low Temperature Energy Reservoir ðEq: 6:3Þ 6.1 Introduction 297 Fig. 6.5 Graphic illustration of thermal efficiency HTER Q1 Heat Engine W Q2 LTER HTER ¼ High Temperature Energy Reservoir Using these definitions and refering to Fig. 6.4, Eq. (6.5) can be written more precisely as follows; η¼ W Q1 ðEq: 6:4Þ where Q1 is the heat supplied at high temperature. There is a procedure or arrangement in which one form of energy, such as heat at an elevated temperature from combustion of a fuel, is in part converted to another form, such as mechanical energy on a shaft, and the remainder is rejected to a lower-temperature sink as low-grade heat. Heat engines, depending on how the heat is supplied to the working fluid, are categorized in two types: (a) External combustion. (b) Internal combustion. In external combustion engines, such as steam power plants, heat is supplied to the working fluid from an external source such as a furnace, a geothermal well, a nuclear reactor, or even the sun [1]. In internal combustion engines, such as automobile engines, this is done by burning the fuel within the system boundaries [1]. Our study of gas power cycles will involve the study of those heat engines in which the working fluid remains in the gaseous state throughout the cycle. We often study the ideal cycle in which internal irreversibility and complexities (the actual intake of air and fuel, the actual combustion process, and the exhaust of products of combustion among others) are removed. We will be concerned with how the major parameters of the cycle affect the performance of heat engines. The performance is often measured in terms of the cycle efficiency of ηth as the ratio of network Wnet and energy as heat of Qin. In Fig. 6.6 one can observe an Actual Cycle versus an 298 6 Thermodynamics of Cycles P Fig. 6.6 Illustration of actual vs. ideal cycle in a P–υ diagram Actual cycle Ideal cycle v Fig. 6.7 Basic thermodynamic cycle HEAT SOURCE Working Substance Qin Engine W Qout Pump HEAT SINK Ideal Cycle in a P–υ diagram, and using Eq. (6.3) and referring to Fig. 6.7 below mathematically we can show that; ηth ¼ W net Qin ðEq: 6:5Þ Several cycles utilize a gas as the working substance, the most common being the Otto cycle and the diesel cycle used in internal combustion engines. We touch upon some of these cycles in this chapter such as Otto, Brayton, Carnot, etc., and we will expand on them among other cycles for further evaluation as well. 6.2 Open Cycle When internal combustion engine operation is examined, it is seen to differ in the process of heat supply for a typical heat engine cycle because there is a permanent change in the working fluid during combustion. Therefore, the fluid does not pass 6.3 Closed Cycle 299 through a cycle so the internal combustion engine is often referred to as an “open cycle” device, not a cyclic thermodynamic heat engine. The term “open cycle”, while meaningless from a thermodynamic perspective, refers to the fact that energy is supplied to the engine from outside in the form of petroleum fuel and the unconverted portion of energy remaining in the spent combustion mixture is exhausted to the environment. “Closing the cycle”, i.e., returning the rejected products to the starting point where they can be reused, is left for nature to accomplish—hence the term “open cycle” comes into play. An internal combustion engine is therefore a device for releasing mechanical energy from petroleum fuel using air as the working medium rather than a heat engine for processing air in a thermodynamic cycle. Heat, as such, is not supplied to the internal combustion engine, so it cannot be a heat engine in the sense described in most thermodynamic references. A simulated heat engine cycle can be constructed to correspond approximately to the operation of an internal combustion engine by substitution of analogous heat transfer processes for some of the actual engine processes. The specific mechanism of such heat transfer is neglected because the simulation is only a theoretical model of the engine, not an actual device. Such cycles, called air standard cycles, are a subject of study in thermodynamic cycles and are useful in the elementary study of internal combustion engines. 6.3 Closed Cycle Thermodynamic cycles can be categorized yet another way as closed and open cycles. In closed cycles, the working fluid returns to the initial state at the end of the cycle and is recirculated. By the same thinking, in open cycles, the working fluid is renewed at the end of each cycle instead of being recirculated. For example, in automobile engines, the combustion gases are exhausted and replaced by a fresh air-fuel mixture at the end of each cycle. The engine operates on a mechanical cycle, but the working fluid does not go through a complete thermodynamic cycle [1, 2] (Fig. 6.8). Fig. 6.8 Illustration of a thermodynamic closed cycle Initial State Final State 300 6 Thermodynamics of Cycles As we said before, any thermodynamic cycle is essentially a closed cycle in which, the working substance undergoes a series of processes and is always brought back to the initial state. 6.4 Gas Compressors and Brayton Cycle The work in a gas compressor is calculated by, W_ comp ¼ m_ ðhe hi Þ ðEq: 6:6Þ If we assume that the gas in the compressor is calorically perfect, then we have, W_ comp ¼ m_ cp ðT e T i Þ ðEq: 6:7Þ In many cases, this is a reasonable approximation. For noble gases, it is very accurate because they are calorically perfect. For air and similar working fluids, it is reasonable because the temperature rise is not that great and an average value of cp is usually adequate. However, the average value of cp should be chosen based on a temperature between Te and T, not one at 300 K. If then we assume that a compressor operates isentropically (adiabatic and reversible), the exit temperature can be related to the pressure rise in the compressor as shown below in Eq. (6.8); Te ¼ Ti γ1 γ pe pi " γ1 # γ T γR p e e Ti 1 ¼ m_ 1 W_ ¼ m_ cp ½T e T i ¼ m_ cp T i Ti pi γ1 ðEq: 6:8Þ There are basically three types of compressors—reciprocating, centrifugal flow, and axial flow. In a reciprocating or positive displacement compressor, a piston slides in a cylinder and valves open and close to admit low-pressure fluid and exhaust high-pressure fluid. In centrifugal flow and axial flow compressors, the fluid enters at one end and is compressed by rotating blades and exits at the opposite end of the compressor. In the centrifugal flow compressor, the flow is in a radially outward direction and the compression is achieved by forcing the flow against the outer annulus of the compressor. In an axial flow compressor, a set of rotating blades move the flow through the compressor, acting as airfoils. They force the flow through an increasingly narrower channel, thus increasing the density and pressure. Gasoline and diesel engines are examples of reciprocating compressors, as are positive displacement pumps. Water pumps are examples of centrifugal flow compressors, similar to the rotor in a washing machine. Jet engine compressors are typically axial flow compressors. Reciprocating compressors require no priming 6.4 Gas Compressors and Brayton Cycle 301 Ideal Brayton Cycle T - s diagram p 3 T = Temperature p = pressure Turbine s = entropy 4 Combustor Nozzle 5 T p 0 3 8 Compressor Inlet 2 0 s Fig. 6.9 Illustration of Brayton cycle. (Courtesy of NASA) and can reach very high pressures, but only moderate flow rates. Centrifugal flow and axial flow compressors usually require priming and can reach very high flow rates, but moderate pressures. In this section we discuss the Brayton Thermodynamic Cycle which is used in all gas turbine engines. Figure 6.9 shows a T-s diagram of the Brayton Cycle. Using the turbine engine station numbering system, we begin with free stream conditions at station 0. In cruising flight, the inlet slows the air stream as it is brought to the compressor face at station2. As the flow slows, some of the energy associated with the aircraft velocity increases the static pressure of the air and the flow is compressed. Ideally, the compression is isentropic and the static temperature is also increased as shown in the plot. The compressor does work on the gas and increases the pressure and temperature isentropically to station3, the compressor exit. Since the compression is ideally isentropic, a vertical line on the T-s diagram describes the process. In reality, the compression is not isentropic and the compression process line leans to the right because of the increase in entropy of the flow. The combustion process in the burner occurs at constant pressure from station3 to station4. The temperature increase depends on the type of fuel used and the fuelair ratio. The hot exhaust is then passed through the power turbine in which work is done by the flow from station4 to station5. Because the turbine and compressor are on the same shaft, the work done on the turbine is exactly equal to the work done by the compressor and, ideally, the temperature change is the same. The nozzle then brings the flow isentropically (adiabatic and reversible) back to free stream pressure from station5 to station8. Externally, the flow conditions return to free stream conditions, which completes the cycle. The area under the T-s diagram is 302 6 Thermodynamics of Cycles proportional to the useful work and thrust generated by the engine. The T-s diagram for the ideal Brayton Cycle is shown here: The Brayton cycle analysis is used to predict the thermodynamic performance of gas turbine engines. As we know the gas turbine is another mechanical system that produces power, and it may operate on a cycle when used as an automobile or truck engine, or on a closed cycle when used in a nuclear power plant [3]. Usage of the Brayton process in a simple gas turbine cycle can be described as an open cycle operation where air first enters the compressor, and passes through a constant-pressure combustion chamber, then goes through the turbine, and then exits as a product of combustion to the atmosphere, as shown in Fig. 6.10a. A similar situation can be studied when the combustion chamber of a heat exchanger gets added onto the loop of Fig. 6.10a in order to organize a closed cycle as can be seen in Fig. 6.10b. Energy from some external source enters the cycle and the additional heat exchanger that has been added onto the loop transfers heat from the cycle so that the air can be returned to its initial state, as clearly seen in Fig. 6.10b. The Brayton cycle is a theoretical cycle for a simple gas turbine. This cycle consists of two isentropic and two constant pressure processes. Figure 6.11 shows a b Qin Fuel 2 2 Combustor 3 Combustor Compressor Turbine Wout Turbine 4 1 Heat exchanger 4 1 Air 3 Compressor Products of Combustion Qout Open Cycle Closed Cycle Fig. 6.10 Illustration of Brayton components for open and closed cycles Fig. 6.11 Illustration of the Brayton cycle on P-V and T-s diagram Wout 6.4 Gas Compressors and Brayton Cycle 303 the Brayton cycle on P-V and T-s coordinates. The cycle is similar to the Diesel cycle in compression and heat addition. The isentropic expansion of the Diesel cycle is further extended followed by constant pressure heat rejection. The following notation gives the thermal efficiency in mathematical format for the ideal cycle used to model the gas turbine, which utilizes isentropic compression and expansion in the Brayton process: ηth ¼ ηth Heat added Heat rejected Q_ out ¼ Heat added Q_ in mCp ðT 3 T 1 Þ mCp ðT 4 T 1 Þ mCp ðT 3 T 2 Þ T4 T1 ¼1 T3 T2 T 1 ðT 4 =T 1 Þ 1 ¼1 T 2 ðT 3 =T 2 Þ 1 ðEq: 6:9aÞ ¼ ðEq: 6:9bÞ Using the following isentropic process and relations we have; T2 ¼ T1 P2 P1 γ1 γ T3 and ¼ T4 γ1 P3 γ P4 ðEq: 6:9cÞ For ideal gas and observation the P-V diagram of Fig. 6.11a obviously shows that we can state P2 ¼ P3 and P1 ¼ P4 as a result, using Eq. (6.10c), will induce the following; T2 T3 ¼ T1 T4 or T4 T3 ¼ T1 T2 ðEq: 6:9dÞ Then the Thermal efficiency ηth from Eq. (6.9a) can be reduced to the following form; ηth ¼ 1 T4 T1 ¼1 T3 T2 ðEq: 6:9eÞ Now if we introduce a term of the pressure ration r p ¼ P2 =P1 the thermal efficiency from Eq. (6.9e) will take a form of the following; T4 T4 V2 1 ¼ ¼ ¼ γ1 T 3 T 3 V 1 rp γ1 ðγ1Þ 1 V2 P1 ¼ ¼ rp V1 P2 r γ1 p ðEq: 6:9fÞ γ1 γ ðEq: 6:9gÞ 304 6 Thermodynamics of Cycles ðγ1Þ=γ T1 P1 ηth ¼ 1 ¼1 T2 P2 ðEq: 6:9hÞ ηth ¼ 1 r p ðl-γÞ=γ ðEq: 6:9iÞ or Note that the above final expression for thermal efficiency ηth in both forms of Eqs. (6.9h) and (6.9i) were obtained based on the assumption of using constant specific heats. For more accurate calculations the gas tables should be utilized. In an actual gas turbine the compressor and the turbine are not isentropic and some losses take place. These losses, usually in the neighborhood of 85 %, significantly reduce the efficiency of the gas turbine engine [2]. Considering all the above we can see that the back work ratio is defined for a Brayton system as Wcomp/Wturb. This is an important feature of the gas turbine that limits the thermal efficiency that is required for the compressor to have high work and is measured by this ratio. This can actually be fairly large approaching 1.0. If the compressor is too inefficient, the Brayton Cycle will not work. Only after efficient air compressors were developed was the jet engine feasible. 6.5 The Non-ideal Brayton Cycle The Ideal Air Standard Brayton Cycle assumes isentropic compression and expansion processes. So far this has not been achieved in any real device. The isentropic efficiency for these processes is defined as Δhisentropic Δhactual Δhactual Isentropic efficiency ðexpansionÞ ¼ Δhisentropic Isentropic efficiency ðcompressionÞ ¼ ðEq: 6:10Þ ðEq: 6:11Þ Unfortunately the isentropic efficiency of a compressor or turbine will depend on the pressure ratio for the device. In doing parametric or design studies it is more useful to define an efficiency that does not depend on the pressure ratio, but only on the manufacturing tolerances and efficiencies of individual stages. This small stage, or infinitesimal stage, efficiency is called the polytropic efficiency. Consider the combined First and Second Law for an infinitesimal process. dh ¼ vdp þ Tds ðEq: 6:12Þ The term Tds represents a heat flow for the process. During a compression, the inefficiency of the process represents a heat flow into the system. For an expansion 6.5 The Non-ideal Brayton Cycle 305 the inefficiency represents a heat flow out of the system. So on an infinitesimal basis we can write, dh ¼ vdp þ ðTdsÞ ¼ v dp=ec, poly for a compressor dh ¼ vdp þ ðTdsÞ ¼ et, poly vdp for a turbine ðEq: 6:13Þ Then these two equations can be integrated similar to the way the isentropic relation was integrated. For an isentropic expansion of a calorically perfect ideal gas we have, vdp ¼ RT dp p RT dp p dT R dp γ l dp ¼ ¼ T Cp p γ p γl T2 γ ¼ pp2 1 T1 dh ¼ cp dT ¼ ðEq: 6:14Þ For a polytropic compression we have, vdp ¼ RT ec, poly p dh ¼ cp dT ¼ dp RT dp ec, poly p dT R dp γ 1 dp ¼ ¼ T C p ec, poly γ p p γ1 T2 γ e ¼ pp2 c, poly 1 T1 ðEq: 6:15Þ And for a polytropic expansion we have, et, poly RT dp p et, poly RT dh ¼ cp dT ¼ dp p dT R dp et, poly ðγ 1Þ dp ¼ ¼ T Cp p p γ et, poly γ1 T2 γ ¼ pp2 1 T1 vdp ¼ ðEq: 6:16Þ Now for a calorically perfect gas, the isentropic efficiency of a compressor is given by, 306 6 Thermodynamics of Cycles ηc, isen ¼ Cp ðT out, isen T in Þ ¼ Cp ðT out, actual T in Þ T out, isen T in 1 T out, actual 1 T in pout pin ¼ γ1 γ pout pin 1 γ1 γec, poly ðEq: 6:17Þ And the isentropic efficiency of a turbine is given by, ηt, isen ¼ Cp ðT out, actual T in Þ ¼ Cp ðT out, isen T in Þ T out, actual 1 T in T out, isen T in 1 ¼ pout pin et, polyγ ðγ1Þ pout pin 1 γ1 γec, poly ðEq: 6:18Þ There are more thermodynamic cycles than what it is described here and explaining every one of them is beyond the scope of this book, so we encourage all readers to take a look at the reference by Zohuri and McDaniel [2] and Chap. 14 of that reference for more details. 6.6 Open Cycle Gas Turbines A gas turbine is an internal combustion engine that operates with rotary rather than reciprocating motion. Gas turbines are composed of three main components: compressor, combustor, and power turbine. In the compressor section, air is drawn in and compressed up to 30 times ambient pressure and directed to the combustor section where fuel is introduced, ignited, and burned. Combustors can be either annular, can-annular, or silo. An annular combustor is a doughnut-shaped, single, continuous chamber that encircles the turbine in a plane perpendicular to the air flow. Can-annular combustors are similar to annular combustors, however they incorporate several can shaped combustion chambers rather than a single combustion chamber. Annular and can-annular combustors are based on aircraft turbine technology and are typically used for smaller scale applications. A silo combustor has one or more combustion chambers mounted external to the gas turbine body. Silo combustors are typically larger than annular or can-annular combustors and are used for larger scale operations. The compressor, combustor, and turbine are connected by one or more shafts and are collectively called the gas generator or gas turbine. Figures 6.12 and 6.13 below illustrate the typical gas turbine generator configuration and schematic [4]. Hot gases from the combustion section are diluted with additional air from the compressor section and directed to the power turbine section at temperatures up to 2600 F. Energy from the hot exhaust gases, which expand in the power turbine section, is recovered in the form of shaft horsepower. More than 50 % of the shaft horsepower is needed to drive the internal compressor and the balance of recovered shaft horsepower is available to drive an external load. In the open cycle gas 6.6 Open Cycle Gas Turbines Fig. 6.12 Open cycle gas turbine configuration 307 fuel combustion chamber 3 gases 2 air compressor turbine wout 1 air ambient 4 gases ambient Fig. 6.13 Open cycle gas turbine schematic of JR1 engine [4] turbine, the heat content of the exhaust gases exiting the turbine is discarded as opposed to using a heat exchanger to preheat the combustion air entering the combustor (regenerative cycle) or recovered in a heat recovery steam generator to raise process steam, with or without supplemental firing (cogeneration) or recovered, with or without supplementary firing to raise steam for a steam turbine (combined cycle or repowering). The open or simple cycle is the most basic operating cycle of a gas turbine with a thermal efficiency ranging from 15 to 42 %. Open cycle gas turbines are available in a wide range of power outputs ranging from 300 hp to over 200,000 hp (0.22–149.14 MW). As alternatives to the use of gas turbine cycles have already been explored (in the combined cycle section), this section focuses on alternative technologies to the standard turbine unit itself that render the open cycle turbine more efficient. Relatively few manufacturers build large machines; among them are Alstom, General Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and Siemens. The high efficiency gas turbines (H class) and aero-derivative intercooler gas turbines, developed by 308 6 Thermodynamics of Cycles Table 6.1 High efficiency gas turbine models Manufacture Alstom Mitsubishi General Electric General Electric Siemens Siemens Hitachi Model GT24 M501J 7FA Simple cycle efficiency 40 41 38.5 Combined cycle efficiency 58.4 61.5 58.5 Power produced (simple) (MW) 230.7 327 216 LMS100 44 53.8 103 SGT68000H SGT62000E H-25 40 60.75 274 33.9 51.3 112 34.8 50.3 32 these manufactures and considered as possible alternatives to the typical gas turbine in the open cycle system, are discussed in great detail below. Five to three hundred and seventy-five megawatt typical sized turbines are sold by various manufacturers with higher efficiencies for larger models. Smaller sized turbines are typically used for offshore applications due to lower weight. Gas turbines are produced in a range of efficiencies, with larger and newer models being the most efficient. More efficient models, however, cost more due to the additional advanced components and less per delivered energy; therefore, a complete economic analysis (net present value, discounted payback) should back-up investment decisions. A major cause of the increased efficiency is a higher operating temperature in the turbines, which is permitted due to the use of advanced materials and coatings that can handle more heat. Upgraded cooling systems are essential to handle this heat, and new sealing systems are used to reduce the cooling air loss. These upgrades, combined with new advanced compressors, result in expensive but highly efficient gas turbines that may be considered as alternatives to the traditional turbines. Table 6.1 provides a summary of the high efficiency gas turbines on the market today. 6.6.1 Aeroderivative Intercooler Gas Turbines Intercooler systems work to increase efficiency by allowing for higher pressure ratios in the combustion zone. This is achieved by splitting the compression unit into two sections: the Low Pressure Compressor (LPC) and the High Pressure Compressor (HPC). The intake air is first compressed by the LPC, and then sent to the intercooler where the pressure is held constant but the temperature is decreased. The air then goes through the HPC and is sent to the combustor. Since the air in the engine cannot exceed a given temperature due to the material used in the turbine, there is traditionally a limit on the pressure ratio; since compressing gas 6.6 Open Cycle Gas Turbines 309 increases its temperature. By cooling the air part way through but not losing any of the pressure gain, the intercooler allows for a second compression to occur, allowing air in the combustor to be within the temperature limits but with a much higher pressure ratio. The higher ratio causes the turbine to generate more power with the same fuel input, increasing the overall efficiency of the turbine. An example of new innovations to the aero-derivative gas turbine is the 35–65 MW high pressure turbine (HPT) developed by GE [5]. The LM6000 PG offers a 25 % simple cycle power increase compared to its predecessor. The applications of these turbines include oil and gas platforms, university cogeneration systems, and industrial park combined cycle installations. These turbines are designed to operate on partial power, withstand voltage swings, and be capable of faster dispatching. 6.6.2 Operational Issues/Risks Gas turbines are complex high speed components, with tight dimensional tolerances, operating at very high temperatures. Components are subject to a variety of potential issues. These include creep, fatigue, erosion, and oxidation with impact damage an issue if components fail or following maintenance. Creep may eventually lead to failure but is of most concern because of the dimensional changes it produces in components subject to load and temperature. A major part of maintenance is checking of dimensions and tolerances. Fatigue is of particular concern at areas of stress concentration such as the turbine blade roots. Therefore, regular inspection and maintenance is a requirement, particularly for gas turbines operating in harsh environments such as offshore applications [6]. This would include electrical and control systems in addition to the gas turbine itself. 6.6.3 Opportunities/Business Case The general trend in gas turbine advancement has been toward a combination of higher temperatures and pressures. While such advancements increase the manufacturing cost of the machine, the higher value in terms of greater power output and higher efficiency provides net economic benefits. The industrial gas turbine is a balance between performances and cost which results in the most economic machine for both the user and manufacturer. Applications in the oil and gas industry include pipeline natural gas compression stations in the range of 800–1200 psi (5516–8274 kPa) and compression is required as well as oil pipeline pumping of crude and refined oil. Turbines up to about 50 MW may be either industrial or modified aeroderivative engines while larger units up to about 330 MW are designed for specific purposes. For electric power applications, such as large industrial facilities, simple-cycle gas turbines without heat recovery can 310 6 Thermodynamics of Cycles provide peaking power in capacity constrained areas, and utilities often place gas turbines in the 5–40 MW size range at substations to provide incremental capacity and grid support. A significant number of simple-cycle gas turbine based Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems are in operation at a variety of applications including oil recovery, chemicals, paper production, food processing, and universities. Note that CHP is also known as cogeneration, which is the simultaneous production of electricity and heat from a single fuel source, such as: natural gas, biomass, biogas, coal, waste heat, or oil. CHP is not a single technology, but an integrated energy system that can be modified depending upon the needs of the energy end user [7]. CHP provides: • Onsite generation of electrical and/or mechanical power. • Waste-heat recovery for heating, cooling, dehumidification, or process applications. • Seamless system integration for a variety of technologies, thermal applications, and fuel types into existing building infrastructure. The two most common CHP system configurations are: • Gas turbine or engine with heat recovery unit. • Steam boiler with steam turbine. The system configuration is shown in Figs. 6.14 and 6.15. In order to achieve the two above processes for the most common CHP, design and application of an appropriate heat exchanger, in particular in the form of Compact Heat Excganher (CHE), is required. Gas turbine or reciprocating engine CHP systems generate electricity by burning fuel (natural gas or biogas) to generate electricity and then use a heat recovery unit to capture heat from the combustion system’s exhaust stream. This heat is converted into useful thermal energy, usually in the form of steam or hot water. Steam or Hot Water Water Cooling/Heating Heat Recovery Unit Hot Exhaust Gases Fuel Engine or Turbine Electricity Building or Facility Generator Grid Fig. 6.14 Gas turbine or engine with heat recovery unit 6.6 Open Cycle Gas Turbines 311 Steam or Hot Water Cooling/Heating Water Boiler Building or Facility Electricity Steam Turbine Generator Grid Fuel Fig. 6.15 Steam boiler with steam turbine Fig. 6.16 Overall schematic of CHP with HRSG. (Courtesy of Energy Solutions Center) Cogeneration Exhaust Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) Duct burner Ambient Air Combustion Turbine Generator Steam Turbine Steam Gas turbines/engines are ideally suited for large industrial or commercial CHP applications requiring ample amounts of electricity and heat. Steam turbines normally generate electricity as a byproduct of heat (steam) generation, unlike gas turbine and reciprocating engine CHP systems, where heat is a byproduct of power generation. Steam turbine-based CHP systems are typically used in industrial processes, where solid fuels (biomass or coal) or waste products are readily available to fuel the boiler unit. To function CHP imposes the integration of a power system such as an engine or turbine and a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) usually a boiler, which is located on or nearby the user’s facility. Figure 6.16 is an overall schematic of such configuration. 312 6 Thermodynamics of Cycles CHP application can be found throughout literature as well as in Ref. [7] of this chapter. 6.6.4 Industrial Case Studies for Open Cycle Gas Turbine The following is a presentation of industrial case studies for open cycle gas turbines: 1. High Efficiency Gas Turbine The new line of high efficiency gas turbines has been designated the H class, and are currently built by few manufacturers. After an extensive validation process, GE installed their model, the 9H, at Baglan Bay in 2003. This new model increased efficiency by allowing the firing temperatures to increase 200 F (93.3 C) higher than previous models, potentially reaching 2600 F (1426.7 C). The plant has been reliably providing up to 530 MW to the UK national grid since then, operating at over 60 % efficiency (as part of a combined cycle system) [8]. Another manufacturer, Siemens, tested their H class model, the SGT5-8000H, at full load in Ingolstadt, Germany in 2008. The gas turbine unit’s efficiency was shown to be 40 %, and was part of a combined cycle system reaching a world record of 60.75 % efficiency [9]. This plant has been providing power to the German grid since the testing period finished, all at this same efficiency. Only these H class turbines truly showcase all of the new adjustments that can be made to increase efficiency, and they have very large footprints and have specified outputs of 375 MW and higher. However, the technologies behind the H class turbines (advanced materials, improved cooling, etc.) are available on smaller systems. These cases were chosen to illustrate that they are all effective and operational. 2. Aeroderivative Intercooler Gas Turbines GE has produced the LMS 100, an extremely high efficiency Aeroderivative engine. Operating at up to 44 % efficiency at full base load, it generates over 100 MW after a 10 min start-up. The Groton Generating Station in South Dakota was the first plant to begin using the LMS100, and it has been successfully operational since 2006 [8]. This technology, while currently available from GE, is the newest and least tested technology identified here. However, due to its successful initial testing and extremely high efficiency for a simple cycle, it is an important alternative to consider. For further information on combined cycle and application of compact heat exchanger (CHE) driven efficiency of these combines refer to books by Zohuri [9, 10]. References 313 References 1. Cengel, Yunus A., and Michael A. Boles. 2011. Thermodynamics: An engineering approach, 7th ed. New York: McGraw Hill. 2. Zohuri, B., and Patrick McDaniel. 2015. Thermodynamics in nuclear power plant systems. New York: Springer Publisher. 3. Potter, Merle C., and Craig W. Somerton. 2006. Thermodynamics for engineers, McGraw-Hill Schaum’s outlines series, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. 4. 5. Aeroderivative Technology: A more efficient use of gas turbine Technology, Wacke, A, General Electric, DRAFT – 2010 – Jan-15. 6. Wall, Martin, Lee Richard, and Simon Frost. Offshore gas turbines (and major driven equipment) integrity and inspection guidance notes. Research Report, 430, ESR Technology Ltd for the Health and Safety Executive 2006. 7. 8. Reale, Michael J., and James K. Prochaska. 2005. New high efficiency simple cycle gas turbine—GE’s LMS100. Industrial Application of Gas Turbines Committee, 14 Oct 2005. Web. 29 Jul 2013. 9. Zohuri, B. 2015. Combined cycle driven efficiency for next generation nuclear power plants: An innovative design approach. New York: Springer Publishing Company. 10. Zohuri, B. 2015. Application of compact heat exchangers for combined cycle driven efficiency in next generation nuclear power plants. New York: Springer Publishing Company. 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