CHAPTER 11 INHERITANCE Inheritance deals with relationships and building new things using old things. Inheritance Another fundamental objectoriented technique is inheritance, used to organize and create reusable classes Software reuse is at the heart of inheritance Inheritance To derive a new class from an existing one. The programmer can add new variables or methods, or can modify the inherited methods. Inheritance The existing class is called the … parent class superclass base class Inheritance The derived class is called the … child class subclass. As the name implies, the child inherits characteristics (fields), and behaviors (methods) of the parent class. Inheritance Superclass (Base class) Subclass extends Superclass Subclass (Derived class) Inheritance represents the IS-A relationship between objects: an object of a subclass IS-A(n) object of the superclass. Inheritance Inheritance relationships often are shown graphically in a UML class diagram, with an arrow with an open arrowhead pointing to the parent class Vehicle IS A Car Inheritance should create an is-a relationship, meaning the child is a more specific version of the parent An Inheritance Diagram Parent of BankAccount IS A Parent of SavingsAccount Child of Object IS A Child of BankAccount A Mammal is an Animal. A Dog is a Mammal. Old Yeller is a Dog. A Bird is an Animal. A Chicken is a Bird. Foghorn Leghorn is a Chicken. X is a Y means X is an extension of Y Syntax of Subclasses In Java, we use the reserved word extends to establish an inheritance relationship class subClassName extends superClassName { // class contents } public class B extends A Inheritance essentially copies all of the methods and instance variables from class A and pastes those into class B at run time. The code from A is run from within class B. Inheritance and constructors Inheritance and constructors A subclass inherits all the fields and methods of its superclass, but not constructors. We must call the parent constructor like we would a method call in the constructor of the child class. The super Reference Yet we often want to use the parent's constructor to set up the "parent's part" of the object The super reference can be used to refer to the parent class, and often is used to invoke the parent's constructor The super Reference A child’s constructor is responsible for calling the parent’s constructor The first line of a child’s constructor should use the super reference to call the parent’s constructor The super reference can also be used to reference other public or protected variables and methods defined in the parent’s class Calling Superclass’s Constructors (cont’d) Superclass’s constructor calls its superclass’s constructor, and so on, all the way up to Object’s constructor. Object super( ) Biped super(...) Walker Calling Superclass’s Constructors Biped Walker public class Walker extends Biped { private int xval; private int yval; // Constructor public Walker(int x, int y, char c, String n) { super(c, n); Calls Biped’s xval = x; constructor yval = y; } The number / types of parameters passed to } super must match parameters of one of the superclass’s constructors. If present, must be the first statement Inheriting instance fields A child will inherit all of it’s parents instance fields, HOWEVER, since they are private, the only way to get at them is via methods. Inheritance and Fields Inherit field: All fields from the superclass are automatically inherited Add field: Supply a new field that doesn't exist in the superclass Can't override fields Access Specifiers private members in the super class are not accessible in the subclass. protected members in the super class – Are accessible in the subclass. – Are not accessible outside the package. public members of a class are accessible from anywhere (that you are using an object) The protected Modifier The protected modifier allows a member of a base class to be inherited into a child Protected visibility provides more encapsulation than public visibility does However, protected visibility is not as tightly encapsulated as private visibility Recommended Access Levels • Fields: Always private • Methods: public or private • Classes: public • Don't use protected on the AP EXAM if you can help it. //************************************************ // Author: Lewis/Loftus // Demonstrates the use of an inherited method. //************************************************ public class Words { public static void main (String[] args) { Dictionary webster = new Dictionary (); webster.pageMessage(); webster.definitionMessage(); } } //******************************************************** ************ // Author: Lewis/Loftus // Represents a book. Used as the parent of a derived class to // demonstrate inheritance. //******************************************************** ************ public class Book { protected int pages = 1500; // note the use of protected, any child // had access to this now. public void pageMessage () { System.out.println ("Number of pages: " + pages); } } //******************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // Represents a dictionary, which is a book. Used to demonstrate // inheritance. //******************************************************** public class Dictionary extends Book { private int definitions = 52500; public void definitionMessage () { System.out.println ("Number of definitions: " + definitions); } } System.out.println ("Definitions per page: " + definitions/pages); //********************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // Demonstrates the use of the super reference. //********************************************** public class Words2 { public static void main (String[] args) { Dictionary2 webster = new Dictionary2 (1500, 52500); } } webster.pageMessage(); webster.definitionMessage(); //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Represents a book. Used as the parent of a dervied class to // demonstrate inheritance and the use of the super reference. //******************************************************************** public class Book2 { private int pages; // changed to private now public Book2 (int numPages) { pages = numPages; } public int getPages () // added in { return pages; } public void pageMessage () { System.out.println ("Number of pages: " + pages); } } //******************************************************************* * // Author: Lewis/Loftus // Represents a dictionary, which is a book. Used to demonstrate // the use of the super reference and a super method call //******************************************************************* * public class Dictionary2 extends Book2 { private int definitions; public Dictionary2 (int numPages, int numDefinitions) { super (numPages); } definitions = numDefinitions; public void definitionMessage () { System.out.println ("Number of definitions: " + definitions); } } System.out.println ("Definitions per page: " + definitions/super.getPages()); Inheritance and Methods Inherit method: Don't supply a new implementation of a method that exists in the superclass Override method: Supply a different implementation of a method that exists in the superclass Add method: Supply a new method that doesn't exist in the superclass Inheriting Methods Since methods are public we inherit all of them to the child class and can use them WITHOUT rewriting them! Simply call them by their name. super – refers to the parent class super.parentMethod ( ); parentMethod(); Overriding Methods A child class can override the definition of an inherited method in favor of its own The new method must have the same signature as the parent's method, but has a different body Since they both have the same name which does it choose? The type of the object executing the method determines which version of the method is invoked public class Monster { private String myName; public Monster( String name ) { myName = name; } public void overRide( ) { System.out.println("overRide in Monster"); } } public class Witch extends Monster { public Witch( String name ) { super(name); } public void overRide( ) { System.out.println("overRide in Witch"); } } Overloading vs. Overriding Don't confuse the concepts of overloading and overriding Overloading deals with multiple methods with the same name in the same class, but with different signatures Overriding deals with two methods, one in a parent class and one in a child class, that have the same signature Add a method to the child class This method is available only in the child class. //******************************************************* // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of an overridden method. //******************************************************* public class Messages { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Instatiates two objects a invokes the message method in each. //----------------------------------------------------------------public static void main (String[] args) { Thought parked = new Thought(); Advice dates = new Advice(); parked.message(); } } dates.message(); // overridden public class Thought { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints a message. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void message() { System.out.println ("I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a " + "parallel universe."); } } System.out.println(); public class Advice extends Thought { //----------------------------------------------------------------// Prints a message. This method overrides the parent's version. // It also invokes the parent's version explicitly using super. //----------------------------------------------------------------public void message() { System.out.println ("Warning: Dates in calendar are closer " + "than they appear."); System.out.println(); } } super.message(); Multiple Inheritance Java supports single inheritance, meaning that a derived class can have only one parent class Multiple inheritance allows a class to be derived from two or more classes, inheriting the members of all parents Java does not support multiple inheritance In most cases, the use of interfaces gives us aspects of multiple inheritance without the overhead – this is the next unit. Class Hierarchies A child class of one parent can be the parent of another child, forming a class hierarchy Business RetailBusiness KMart Macys ServiceBusiness Kinkos Class Hierarchies Two children of the same parent are called siblings Common features should be put as high in the hierarchy as is reasonable An inherited member is passed continually down the line Therefore, a child class inherits from all its ancestor classes Class Hierarchies (cont’d) Help reduce duplication of code by factoring out common code from similar classes into aWalker Constructor common firstStep superclass. nextStep stop distanceTraveled Biped Constructor Accessors turnLeft turnRight turnAround draw Hopper Constructor firstStep nextStep stop distanceTraveled The Object Class A class called Object is defined in the java.lang package of the Java standard class library All classes are derived from the Object class If a class is not explicitly defined to be the child of an existing class, it is assumed to be the child of the Object class Therefore, the Object class is the ultimate root of all class hierarchies Class Object is the one true super class. Object does not extend any other class. All classes extend Object. Object String Date © A+ Computer Science - Because all classes are sub classes of Object, all Java classes start with at least the methods from Object. String toString() boolean equals(Object otherObject) The Object Class The Object class contains a few useful methods, which are inherited by all classes For example, the toString method is defined in the Object class Every time we have defined toString, we have actually been overriding an existing definition The toString method in the Object class is defined to return a string that contains the name of the object’s class together along with some other information Overriding the toString Method • • • • Returns a string representation of the object Useful for debugging toString used by concatenation operator Object.toString prints class name and object address BankAccount@d2460bf Example public String toString( ) { return name + age; } The Object Class The equals method of the Object class returns true if two references are aliases We can override equals in any class to define equality in some more appropriate way The String class (as we've seen) defines the equals method to return true if two String objects contain the same characters Therefore the String class has overridden the equals method inherited from Object in favor of its own version Overriding the equals Method • equals tests for equal contents • == tests for equal location • Must cast the Object parameter to subclass • public class Coin { public boolean equals(Object otherObject) { Coin other = otherObject; return name.equals( && value == other.value; } } //******************************************************************** // Author: Lewis/Loftus // // Demonstrates the use of methods inherited from the Object class. //******************************************************************** public class Academia { public static void main (String[] args) { Student susan = new Student ("Susan", 5); GradStudent frank = new GradStudent ("Frank", 3, "GTA", 12.75); System.out.println (susan); System.out.println (); System.out.println (frank); System.out.println (); } } if (! susan.equals(frank)) System.out.println ("These are two different students."); public class Student { protected String name; protected int numCourses; public Student (String studentName, int courses) { name = studentName; numCourses = courses; } public String toString() { String result = "Student name: " + name + "\n"; result += "Number of courses: " + numCourses; } return result; public class GradStudent extends Student { private String source; private double rate; public GradStudent (String studentName, int courses, String support, double payRate) { super (studentName, courses); source = support; rate = payRate; } public String toString() { String result = super.toString(); result += "\nSupport source: " + source + "\n"; result += "Hourly pay rate: " + rate; } return result; Class Hierarchies Using inheritance, a programmer can define a hierarchy of classes. Biped Walker ToedInWalker Hopper CharlieChaplin NEXT SLIDE REFERS TO THIS HIERARCHY Dancer Polymorphic - the quality or state of existing in or assuming different forms. Polymorphism - In object-oriented programming, the term is used to describe a variable that may refer to objects whose class is not known at compile time and which respond at run time according to the actual class of the object to which they refer. Using Polymorphism You can store a child reference into a parent reference but NOT a parent into a child. Example Biped b = new Walker(); //OK Walker w = new Biped(); //NO! Polymorphism (cont’d) The actual parameter passed to this method can be a Walker, a Hopper, etc. any subclass of Biped. public void moveAcross (Biped creature, int distance) { creature.firstStep(); while (creature.distanceTraveled () < distance) creature.nextStep(); creature.stop(); } Correct methods will be called automatically for any specific type of creature: Walker’s methods for Walker, Hopper’s for Hopper, etc. Polymorphism – assume parent and child have the same method. A mechanism of selecting the appropriate method for a particular object in a class hierarchy. The correct method is chosen based upon the ACTUAL OBJECT that was created (what followed new) regardless of the type of reference was used Determined at run time Example - BankAccount CheckingAccount cAcct = new CheckingAccount (); BankAccount myAcct; myAcct = cAcct; Is this ok??? Example - BankAccount CheckingAccount cAcct; cAcct = new BankAccount(); How about this??? Exercise Consider the classes below: Array Polymorphism example Given the classes on the previous slide, these are valid since they each have a computerTax method it will know which class to go into by the ACTUAL OBJECT that was created (what follows new) Taxable [] assets = new Taxable[5]; assets[0] = new Stock(); assets[1] = new RealEstate();.. for (int i = 0;i < assets.length; ++i) double d = assets[i].computeTax(); Not polymorphic Assume the child class has a method that a parent does not If you assign a child object into a parent reference and you want to get at that method you must DOWNCAST. It first looks for the method in the parent class. Example: getId() is only in GradStud Student s = new GradStud(); s.getId() will first look in the Student class and will not find it DOWNCAST to tell it where to look for this method. ((GradStud)s).getId() Using Polymorphism - CASTING The type on the left side of the assignment operator is in the file where it looks for the method. If it is not in that file you must CAST it to the class that contains that method. Parent x = new Child() x.getMethod() // getMethod must be in parent class If getMethod is not in the parent class but rather in the child class you must cast it so it knows where to look for it. ((Child)x).getMethod(); Downcasting Example Consider the classes below: Exercise Taxable [] assets = new Taxable[5]; assets[0] = new Stock(); assets[1] = new RealEstate();.. for (int i = 0;i < assets.length; i++) { if(assets[i] instanceof Stock) double d = ((Stock)assets[i]).getStockPrice(); if(assets[i] instanceof RealEstate) String s = ((RealEstate)assest[i]).location(); } Why do we have to cast? If we have an array of Vehicles in a garage, the array will hold an array of REFERENCES to Vehicles, not the actual vehicles themselves so if you have a Vehicle c = new Car() and we want to access a method from that Car class which doesn’t exist in Vehicle we need to tell it where to find that method. It first looks in Vehicle since that is the reference type. public class Monster { private String myName; public Monster() { myName = "Monster"; } public Monster( String name ) { myName = name; } public String toString() { return "Monster name :: " + myName + "\n"; } } public class Witch extends Monster { } public class Ghost extends Monster { } Witch x = new Monster(); System.out.println(x); Is this ok? Monster x = new Witch(); Monster y = new Ghost(); System.out.println(x); System.out.println(y); Is this okay or not okay? If okay what does it do? x 0x2B7 0x2B7 "Wicked Witch" Monster x = new Witch("Wicked Witch"); Monster reference x refers to a Witch! x 0xE93 0xE93 0x2B7 "Casper" "Wicked Witch" x = new Ghost("Casper"); Monster reference x now refers to a Ghost! Information hiding is a big part of good design. Information hiding is demonstrated with inheritance in that super class code is written, tested, and then tucked away. Sub classes can be written using the super class methods with no real concern for the implementation details in the super class methods. The implicit Parameter this – refers to the object/class you are working in this.toString( ); calls the toString of this class this.x = 1524; this( ); calls a constructor of this class super – refers to the parent class super.toString( ); Calls parent class toString method super( ); parent default constructor call super("elmo", 6); parent constructor call class Skeleton extends Monster { private double speed; public Skeleton( ) { super(); A super call is always made on the 1st line speed=100; of any sub class constructor. } public Skeleton( String name, double speed ) { super(name); super – refers to the parent this.speed=speed; } public String toString( ) { return super.toString() + " " + speed; } }