CBT - Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Framework CBT - Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Framework INDICATOR BASELINE TARGET DATA SOURCE FREQUENCY RESPONSIBLE REPORTING How is it calculated? What is the current value? What is the target value? How will it be measured? How often will it be measured? Who will measure it? Where will it be reported? Goal Percentage of food insecure people Number of HH assisted 00.0% 80.0% Number of enrolled beneficiaries Annual Program manager Beneficiary enrolment report Outcomes Number of people assisted by WFP integrated into national social protection systems. Sum of all male and female who were assisted by the project 00 5700 Amount distributed per cycle Every month M&E monthly M&E reports Proportion of cash-based transfers channelled through national social protection. Outputs 1 DEFINITION Amount of transferable amount in USD. Number of people who were assisted. Total number of beneficiaries who retrieved their entitlements. 0 6900 registered beneficiaries Amount distributed per cycle After the project closure M&E Post – Distribution Monitoring (PDM) Number of retailers who were assisted. Total number of retailers who provided assistance 0 0.00 Market & Price assessment End of every distribution Program officer Survey/ needs assessment report