Uploaded by luke wiliam santos

Face-to-Face Classes Student Survey

Name (optional):__________________________________________ Grade & section: 9-____________
Male _ Female _
Age __
Background Information
This information will enable us to contact you if there are any questions about the data. It will also permit us to con
tact faculty for the purpose of administering a questionnaire to elicit reputational ratings and background data and to con
tact students to obtain information about their perceptions of the practices and offerings of the current research
Directions: Please check whatever applies. You may check more than one item in the choices.
1. I am aware of the ‘upcoming face-to-face classes’
a) Yes
b) No
2. If yes, from where/whom did you learn about it?
a) School
b) Friends
c) Social Media
3. If from social media, which platform?
a) Facebook
b) Twitter
c) Instagram
d) Others (Please provide examples)
4. I am properly informed about the campaign
a) Yes
b) No
5. I have seen the following collaterals about the ‘upcoming face-to-face classes’
a) Infographics
b) Tarpaulin
c) Posters
d) Others (Please provide examples)
6. I’d like to join the ‘Face-to-face classes
a) Yes
b) No
C) undecided
7. If yes, do you will able to follow the conditions and procedures for the upcoming ‘face-to-face classes
a) Yes
B) No
8. Do you know the safety procedures for the ‘face-to-face
a) Yes
b) No
c) maybe
9. If yes, how often will you follow them
a) Very frequently
b) Somewhat frequently
C) Occasionally
d) Somewhat infrequently
13. Is ‘Face-to-Face classes’ on your school has an
adaptation of the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) Clean as you Go” (CLAYGO) initiative?
a) Yes
b) No
14. I am knowledgable of the goals and the objectives of
‘Face-to-Face Classes’
a) Yes
b) No
c) maybe
15. The Supreme Student Government (SSG) is
successfully doing its part in maintaining school health protocols and cleanliness
a) Yes
b) No
16. I observe proper waste management and covid-19
health protocols inside the school
e) Very infrequently
a) Yes
10. After hearing about the ‘Face-to-Face classes’, what is
your reaction?
a) Contempt
b) No
17. I follow covid-19 health protocols inside and outside the
b) Joyful
a) Yes
c) With interest
b) No
e) Excited
c) maybe
11. I have seen the information tarps/Announcement in the
following areas:
18. I encourage my classmates to join and follow the health
procedures for the upcoming Face-to-face classes.
a) sari-sari stores
a) Yes
b) Parks
b) No
c) School social-media accounts
d) Various school buildings
12. How Prepared are you for the ‘upcoming Face-to-Face
19. Iam knowledgeable about the risks I may encounter
while participating ‘Face-to-Face classes’
a) yes
b) no
a) ♣ - 0%
b) ♣♣ -25%
20. iam ready and prepared for the ‘upcoming Face-to-face
c) ♣♣♣-50%
a) yes
d) ♣♣♣♣-75%
b) no
e) ♣♣♣♣♣-100%
c) maybe
Instructions: put a check on your referred answer
Do you think your school is applicable for the upcoming face-to-face classes
Do you think the upcoming Face-to-face classes is effective even there are only 2
months remaining for you to learn
Do you think face-to-face classes will improve your grades
Do you think your school can handle the situation when a school outbreak occurs
Do you think students will follow health protocols when face-to-face classes starts
Do you think that when students use public transportation it will not cause a wide
spread/spread of covid-19
Instructions: please check and rate your self honesty based on what you actually have
(1=lowest ; 5=highest)
Covid-19 protocols
School safety procedure (based on school dry –run)
School availability on medical equipment
Classroom ventilation (based on your school dry-run)
Answer the following questions
A. For Virus Protection
Have you actually prepared a hygiene kit with supplies like alcohol, facemask, soap etc.
2. Are you aware that social distancing is a must abided rule in order to protect yourself and others from the virus?
B. For Mental and emotional preparedness
1. Are you ready to study and meet your classmates and teachers again in a face to face setting?
2. Do you have any worries when it comes to socializing with your classmates when face to face classes return?
=Thank you very much for your cooperation, we really appreciate it helps a lot=