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Hydrostatic Pressure Test for Plastic Pipes

Hydrostatics is the science that studies the behavior of liquids at rest. The pressure arising
from the accelerations in these fluids is called hydrostatic pressure. It is a test to determine material
strength and life by measuring the deformation caused by hydrastatic internal pressure in plastic or
thermoplastic pipes such as Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene (PE), Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) under
constant temperature and pressure. Values such as temperature, pressure etc. and other conditions
are determined by some standards such as ISO 1167, BS EN 921 and ASTM D1598.
Today, the transfer of many important resources is provided with the help of pipes. The
durability of the pipes is important in terms of human life, waste of resources and prevention of
environmental pollution. For this reason, the pipes produced must comply with the standards
determined according to the area in which they will be used. In order for PE, PP, PVC and PE RT pipes
to be used safely, the working conditions and service life at certain temperature and pressure values
should be known according to the area in which they will be used. In order to determine these
conditions, the pipes must pass the hydrostatic internal pressure test. By comparing the obtained
values with the standards, it is determined whether they are suitable for use or not.
ISO 1167, BS EN 921, ASTM D1598 are standards that explain in detail the rules that must be
followed in a hydrostatic internal pressure test and the conditions that the test environment and test
elements must be. In them, the shapes of the fasteners and the methods of connecting the elements
are determined. Here, It is stated that the dimensioning of the sample to be tested should comply
with ASTM D2122 and ASTM D3567 standards.
According to BS EN 921 and D1598 standards, the sensitivity of the conditioning and pressure
devices to be used in the test should be at the level of ± 2%. The temperature of the environment,
fasteners and test liquid should be 23 Cᵒ. According to the D2122 standard, pipes 150 mm (6 in.) in
diameter and smaller must have a length of at least five times the outer diameter of the pipe. For
pipes with a larger diameter, this value should be at least three times the outer diameter.
The test system consists of one upper and lower closing caps, clamps for fixing these caps,
mounting and sealing elements, conditioner, liquid tank and pressure device.
The sample selected in accordance with the standards is closed at both ends with end caps. It
is filled with liquid brought to the desired temperature with the help of a conditioner until there is no
air in it. Then, the sample is made ready for testing by being completely immersed in the conditioned
medium by being supported so that it does not warp due to weight. According to the EN 921
standard, samples with a wall thickness of less than 3 mm should be subjected to conditioning for 1
hour, those with 3-8 mm for 3 hours, those with 8-16 mm for 6 hours, and those with a greater than
16 mm for 16 hours.
By adjusting the pressure level with a pressure machine, it is applied to the sample that is
ready, and the test is started by starting the counter at the same time. The variation of the
deformation in the sample with respect to time is recorded. Pressure will be applied to specimens is
calculated by the equation given:
𝑃 = 10𝜎
P = pessure (bar), 𝜎 = hoop stress (MPa), D= Pipe outer diameter (mm),
t = wall thickness (mm)
Hup stress is the tensile stress induced along the entire circumference of the pipe due to the
applied pressure.
If a puncture or leakage occurs on the sample while the test is in progress, the test is stopped
and the type of deformation is recorded as brittle or ductile. According to EN 921, if the error occurs
closer to the closing caps than 0.1 times the length of the pipe, the test is canceled and the test is
repeated with a new sample.
In case of an explosion during the test, precautions should be taken and if a gas is used
instead of liquid, the potential energy storage capabilities of gases should not be ignored. The
equipment and environment to be tested must be free of oil and dirt.
If the pipes exposed to pressure during the test do not burst within 100 hours at 20°C, and
165 hours at 80°C [ 1 ], which is the time determined by the standards, or if the graphs do not show
values above the determined deformation, it is decided that the pipe is suitable for use.
Plastic and thermoplastic pipes have found wide usage area due to reasons such as easy
workmanship, low cost, low maintenance requirement and not being exposed to corrosion. It is
widely used in network systems because it can transport waste water as well as resources such as
natural gas, clean water and geothermal water. In addition to these, it continues to be used in
agricultural irrigation. Hydrostatic pressure test is involved in the safe use of plastic pipes in these
[ 1 ] = https://topuzplastik.com.tr/testler/ (bilgiyi bu linkten buldum.)