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HUMSS vs STEM: The Importance of Humanities in Education

Advancement has always been the idea when it comes to education and intelligence, and the
subjects that automatically pitches in here are science and math. STEM—science, technology,
engineering, and math, is what educators look up to and what they see society needs to pursue in
this current generation.
Soft sciences had been pushed back in many countries, making learners of subjects in the
category feel that they are engaging in an unstable path of interest. This century needs to thrive
in attaining a society of innovation, strength, and equipment for a world with strong camaraderie
and technology. But these goals cannot be fulfilled by science and mathematics alone. It is given
that we need to raise students who can tackle with mathematic and scientific logic, but not
everyone in the youth strives to be an architect or in another career in this road. Also, not
everyone can pass that standard. We seem to be rejecting the idea that it is essential for the
system and well-being of any nation to bring out people who are broadly educated, able to think
and project in a logical manner, in a way without the accompaniment of digits and such medium.
Many leaders and professionals had professed that innovation is produced in varied
creativity. There must be a solution to mold the K-through-12 educational systems to equip
students who are sufficiently literate and numerate when they arrive at college to be able to take
advantage of all that higher education has to offer, aiming for a diverse strategy to create this
goal. In the democracy of this century, people make budgetary power to drive the youth away
from disciplines that would provide them with a critical perspective on the current conditions,
and with a knowledge of many cultures and systems. The world is now seeking to achieve
greatness by monetary solutions to do what the ability of mind could do. Many education
officials spend more on STEM education and less in other categories, but that isn’t the only
important education. Humanities and its broadness is what builds and improves us as human. The
entire world should not lose sight of it, it would indeed be a shame if we do. Many politicians
and leaders see liberal arts and humanities as somewhat less worthy of attention and budget, and
it is still running today in many debates and discussions.
Liberal arts is about people who can comprehend the physical world in depth, knowing the
processes and facts in it. People who have the potential to project that knowledge artistically,
either written or spoken. No one has the right to look down and pick on someone who dedicates
himself or herself to something of less appeal. High salary isn’t the very peak, endpoint, or even
the source of happiness for a person. A wide span of education is vital, staying in current is
critical. What’s important is how schools collaborate sciences, technology skills, and humanities
to mold students in graduating with intelligence and versatility. - Francesca Aquino
HUMSS stand for Humanities and Social Sciences. Humanities is a strand that is required if
you want to be a lawyer, psychologist, teacher and etc. It is not that easy if you get this strand,
but with passion and love of what you are doing it will have a good result.
The strand of Humanities is all about improving a student’s writing, reading and speaking
skills because students who choose this strand are aspiring to become a member and a leader of
the society who will be dealing with a lot of people. Because of that they are more on
establishing effective communication with people when they are working. HUMMS is not that
easy, because they must love reading books and writing, because they have a lot of writing and
reading experience like poem, short stories, and most especially essay here, essay there and essay
everywhere. This strand will help you to see the real world by taking the Political Science that
can solve bigger problems that can help for the sake of the country.
Some people may seem that this strand is easy but is not, you have so much to do most
especially when it comes to socialize to other people. But at the end by pursuing your dreams
and loving your passion HUMSS will love you, because by studying this strand it will help you
to interact with different people, help people, explore the internet, and by having fun. - Reynold
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand
The HUMSS students are the voice of the country; they are the voice that could change the
world someday, for they would become a teacher, a reporter, a lawyer, and other communication
related careers. In HUMSS, they practice their communication skills so that they can persuade
humanity to do all things in the name of common decency. Also, HUMSS students are like books
and speakers that gives us sources and fun in a manner of speaking because they are explain and
collect resources that comes from the news and they will create stories unfolded from their
creative minds. This is HUMSS, the voice that would give hope and just to our country, rather
the whole blue world. - Alex Gabriel Pandaraoan
Humanties and Social Science Students Purpose
Humanities and Social Science is one of the strand in senior high school. In this strand you
are going to learn about society and on how you are going to interact with other people. You are
about to learn in this strand the ways of living of a lot of people, also you are going to learn
about politics and religion of other people.
Humanities and Social Science students are said to be the next future leaders in future. They
are studying about politics, culture, religion and traditions of a lot of people. The students in
Humanities must learn on how to solve social problems. They also must learn on how to interact
with other people with their knowledge about their traditions and culture. Humanities and Social
Science is not so easy strand in K-12 program. Some people think that it is easy but they did not
know that the students in Humanities and Social Science can create a big impact in our society in
the near future.
"Do not think on what other people telling bad things to you, just focus on your goal and do
what you want as long as you do not hurt somebody because no one in this world has the right to
judge you except God" -Anthony De Pedro
When you enter HUMSS Strand, most of the people will ask you, ‘why?’. Basically, this strand
was known for the ‘easiest strand’ other than the others. Where does this came from? No one
could tell. They said that it was easy because this strand does not have any math or science
subject. But the truth is, HUMSS have these subjects as well. Now:
“Why did you enter Humanities and Social Sciences Strand?”
Cause, why not?
This strand, writes a lot.
HUMSS students often write a
lot. Essay in this subject,
essay on that subject,
non-stop writing. By writing lots
of essays, and sometimes story,
HUMSS students improve their
writing skills, and grammars. Not bad.
Their math and science
subjects are not that
hard unlike other strand,
but HUMSS students are
required to have research.
Required. You should pass.
Hi lots of terms, names, etc.
When you enter this strand,
your mind should be ready for
all the terms, names, and
things that you should put in
mind. You shouldn’t be forgetful.
HUMSS Students are talented too.
They get to sing, dance, and
act in front of everyone. The
students of this strand are
talented as well.
They can understand you.
Because of Sociology and
Psychology, HUMSS students
are able to understand you
deeper than the others. There are
theories that helps them to
see and understand why people do such things. Interesting.
When studying Archaeology,
Geology, and History, you
should have a wide imagination.
By these subjects, you could
Go back in time.These subjects
are not boring at all.
HUMSS Strand can help you see the real world.
It can help you see every
aspect of the human life.
When you will take up
Political Science in
college, HUMSS will be
the great strand for you,
it prepares you to be ready to
see the real happenings in the world.
Humanities and Social Sciences may be the easiest strand, but it is interesting. All of the
Strands are not that easy. It all have different subjects that people should not compare.
Students choose Humanities and Social Sciences Strand because, why not? - Nissi Suing
what is humanities? There are a lot of definition about humanities. In one hand humanities is
method and discipline in human society and culture while in the other hand humanities is sort of
crucial religion issues. humanity is the best religion for people who are humanist. In humanities
you need to study every aspect of human living.
Humanities is an academic discipline that study human culture, environment and
behavior. To study humanities is not an easy job, it takes patience and transparency. Humanities
not only study the problems and crises of the society but also study how to improve one's self
and society. Humanities are actually one of hardest job yet one of those who are unknown
courses in academic. There are a lot of races in life but know that the hardest races is the one you
are racing with your own self and that is humanities. humanities has many many branches and
every brances is difficult. In life not everything you do is caple by others and not everything that
is able
for others is also you are able. Thats humanities it takes understand and full knowledge of
experience of truth. - Destinee Quirog
The Humss strand is designed for those who wonder what is on the other side of the wall. In
the other words you are ready to take on the world and talk to a lot at people.
The Humss strand revolves around improbing a students readinng, writing, and peaking
skills because if you haven't notice yet, people who choose this strand are aspiring to become
members of the society who will be dealing with a lot of people.
Many people underestimate Humss because they believed that this strand is not dealing with
mathematics, but they are wrong. Yes, you may not deal in math, or any calculus and Chemistry
but remember this cue will be dealing with tons of hands out and various of subject to read so far
those people who underestimate us, Humss students, here's for you: "at the end of the day,
humanities is not about the money, but about the heart" (sarenas, 2015) - Anna Sazon
Dindie Grace Magana
Elizabeth Barce
Necel Ellema
Jasmin Jetajobe
Roymar Angelo Soriso
Midel Mirasol
Keywords: self-esteem
Self-esteem is a person’s overall self-worth or personal value; it is how people appreciate
and love themselves, which is often seen as a personality trait. This also means being stable and
enduring; people who have low self-esteem cannot take up the world filled with optimism and
determination or have difficulties in interacting with other people to help develop themselves by
determining the benefits of choosing the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand to
develop the self-esteem of the students through different activities that HUMSS offers. The
researchers used the descriptive method to describe the characteristics of the population or
phenomenon that is being studied to provide information with the use of a survey questionnaire
provided by the researchers for the respondents to easily express their thoughts and ideas about a
certain topic or study. This study was conducted at Bestlink College of the Philippines. The data
gathered from the questionnaires served as the primary data, and the information gathered from
the literature and studies was the secondary data. The results showed that HUMSS is beneficial
in developing ones’ self-esteem based on a survey questionnaire in terms of academic
performance with 3.96% where the students are encouraged to participate in class.
Extracurricular activities had 3.95%, which helped the students to develop their confidence by
joining any sport and club at school. Interpersonal skills had 3.66%, where the students can
confidently express appropriate emotion to others. Developing student self-esteem will help them
to gain more knowledge, improve their research skills, and teach them how to communicate with
other people without uncertainty. The study found that academic performance, extracurricular
activities, and interpersonal skills were significantly affected to develop the self-esteem of