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Green Building Energy Management: Case Study

What is a Green Building?
A Green Building, also known as a sustainable building, is a structure that is
designed, built, renovated, operated, or re-used in an ecological and resource
efficient manner.
“A green building is one which uses less water, optimizes
energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less
waste and provides healthier spaces for occupants as
compared to a conventional building”.”
Objectives of a green building:
Protecting occupant health
Improving employee productivity
Using energy, water and other resources more efficiently
Reducing overall impact to the environment
Optimal environmental and economic performance
Satisfying and quality indoor spaces
Benefits of Green Buildings
Environmental Benefits
Reduce the impacts of natural resource consumption
Economic Benefits
Reduced operating costs
Marketing advantages
Increased building valuation
Optimizes life-cycle performance cost
Health and Safety Benefits
Enhance occupant comfort and health
Community Benefits
Minimize strain on local infrastructure and improve quality of life
Architectural design/Site
Lighting design
Whole design
HVAC design
Water system design
Energy management and
control design
Architectural design & Site planning
Bioclimatic architectural principles
Thermal mass
Surface to volume ratio
Positioning of windows,shading
Selection of materials for wall,roof,windows,including insulation
Buildings in hot climate…
Orientation to cut off sun protected insulated windows external wall insulation
Lower surface to volume,lighter finishes,water as landscape element
Buildings in cold climate…
Large windows to capture sun
Thermal mass to store heat
Minimum Shading
Insulated walls and windows
Darker finishes
Effect of efficient materials
Roof and wall insulation reduced cooling load by 23%
Insulated windows reduced cooling load by 9% (window to wall ratio 7%)
Use onsite sources
Day lighting
Natural Ventilation(night cooling)
Lighting Design
The passive solar practice of placing windows, or other transparent media,
and reflective surfaces so that, during the day, natural
sunlight provides effective internal illumination.
Use of effective solar control strategies (overhangs) and high performance
glazings limit associated solar gains.
Achieving this daylight credit will likely increase energy savings in the Energy
and Atmosphere credits. This is largely due to savings in the electric lighting
that results from well daylit spaces.
Minimize site lighting where possible
Full cut off-luminaries
Low-reflectance surfaces
Low-angle spotlights
Water System design
Landscaping & Water use reduction
Reduce potable water consumption for landscape by 50% over
a theoretical baseline design for the specific region.
Successful Strategies:
Drought tolerant plants
Drip irrigation,moisture-sensing irrigation technologies
Recycled rainwater system
Municipally-provided non-potable water source use
Water Use Reduction, 20% and 30% Reduction
Successful Strategies:
Dual flush water closets
Ultra low-flow water closets and urinals
Waterless Urinals
Sensor-operated, Low-flow lavatories
Rainwater collection reuse systems
Gray water reuse systems
Energy management system
Photovoltaic (Solar electric) is a device which
produce free electrons when exposed to light
resulting in power generation.
Photovoltaic does not release any of the green
house gases when in use.
Photovoltaic uses a non-conventional,
renewable source of energy which has no
adverse effects on the environment.
solar photovoltaic system
55% energy savings over base building
Sustainability at Site
Replace asphalt with concrete where possible
Plant trees in vegetation strips around parking lots or sidewalks.
Filtration basins (filters)
Detention Ponds / Retention Ponds
Vegetated filter strips
Pervious paving
Vegetated/Garden Roofs
Energy Star rated roofing systems
High reflectivity coatings
Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning
The main purpose of commercial HVAC (Heat, Ventilation &
Air conditioning) systems is to provide the people working
inside the building with “conditioned “ air .
"Conditioned" air means that air is clean and odour-free, and
the temperature, humidity, and movement of the air are
within certain comfort ranges
Systems may be clustered at a central location and serve an entire
campus of buildings
Locate system away from acoustically sensitive areas of the building
Selecting efficient air conditioning based on your climate.
Selecting the proper type of and efficient heating system for your climate
Designing and sealing air distribution systems properly.
Replace CFC-based refrigerant.
Consider non-refrigerant based cooling such as evaporative cooling in dryer
Consider photovoltaic, solar thermal, geothermal, wind, biomass, and biogas energy technologies
Sophisticated Electrical Management Systems, Building Automation
Systems or Direct Digital Control systems inherently include most of the
required monitoring points.
Combine carbon dioxide monitors with demand based ventilation.
Consider adjustable under floor air diffusers, or thermostat controlled VAV
Composite Commercial Building in 2020
• Solid state lighting integrated
into hybrid solar day lighting
• Smart windows
• Photovoltaic roof shingles,
walls, and awnings
• Solar heating and super
• Combined heat and powergas turbines and fuel cells
• Intelligent building systems
• Green Rating for integrated habitat assessment (GRIHA) is India’s own rating
system jointly developed by TERI and the Ministry of New and Renewable
Energy, Government of India.Commonwealth Games village, New Delhi, Fortis
Hospital, and New Delhi, CESE (Centre for Environment Sciences) &
Engineering Building, IIT Kanpur, Suzlon one earth, Pune and many other
buildings has received GRIHA rating.
IGBC rates green buildings
in four different categories:
•IGBC green homes
•IGBC green factory
•LEED India for new
•LEED India for core and
Bee (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) its own rating system for the buildings based
on 1 to 5 stars scale. More stars mean more energy efficiency. Bee has
developed the Energy Performance Index (EPI). The unit of kilo watt hours per
square meter per year is considered for rating the building and especially
targets air conditioned and non-air conditioned office building
The Reserve bank of India’s buildings in Delhi and Bhubaneswar, the CII
Sohrabji Godrej Green Business centre and many other buildings has received
BEE 5 star ratings.
Hyderabad, the city of architecture& pearls, now boasts of one of the greenest
buildings in the world. CII – Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre (CII Godrej
GBC),cozily nestled close to Shilparamam, is the first LEED Platinum rated green
building in India. The building is a perfect blend of India’s rich architectural splendor
and technological innovations, incorporating traditional concepts into modern and
contemporary architecture.
Extensive energy simulation exercises were undertaken to orient the building in such
a way that minimizes the heat ingress while allowing natural daylight to penetrate
The green building boasts a 50% saving in overall energy consumption, 35 %
reduction in potable water consumption and usage of 80% of recycled / recyclable
material. Most importantly, the building has enabled the widespread green building
movement in India
Energy Efficiency
State-of-the- art Building Management Systems (BMS) were installed for
realtime monitoring of energy consumption. The use of aerated
concrete blocks for facades reduces the load on air-conditioning by
15-20%. Double-glazed units with argon gas filling between the
glass panes enhance the thermal properties.
Zero Water Discharge Building
All of the wastewater, including grey and black water, generated in
the building is treated biologically through a process called the Root
Zone Treatment System.The outlet-treated water meets the
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) norms. The treated water
is used for landscaping
The building design was conceived to have minimum disturbance to the
surrounding ecological environment. The disturbance to the site was limited within
40 feet from the building footprint during the construction phase. This has preserved
the majority of the existing flora and fauna and natural microbiological
organism around the building. Extensive erosion and sedimentation control measures
to prevent topsoil erosion have als been taken at the site during construction.
Materials and Resources
80% of the materials used in the building are sourced within 500 miles from
the project site. Most of the construction material also uses post-consumer and
industrial waste as a raw material during the manufacturing process. Fly-ash
based bricks, glass, aluminum, and ceramic tiles, which contain consumer
and industrial waste, are used in constructing the building to encourage the usage
of recycled content.Office furniture is made of bagasse based composite wood.
More than 50%of the construction waste is recycled within the building or sent to
other sites and diverted from landfills.
20% of the building energy requirements are catered to by
solar photovoltaics.The solar PV has an installed capacity of 23.5 kW.
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality is continuously monitored and a minimum fresh air
is pumped into the conditioned spaces at all times Fresh air is also
drawn into the building through wind towers. The use of low
volatile organic compound (VOC) paints and coatings,
adhesives, sealants, and carpets also helps to improve indoor air quality.
Fenestration maximized on the north orientation
Rain water harvesting
Water-less urinals in men’s restroom
Water-efficient fixtures: ultra low and low-flow flush fixtures
Water-cooled scroll chiller
HFC-based refrigerant in chillers
Energy-efficient lighting systems through compact fluorescent light bulbs(CFLs)
Roof garden covering 60% of building area
Large vegetative open spaces
Swales for storm water collection
Maximum day lighting
Operable windows and lighting controls for better day lighting and views
This was the first green building in the country. Hence, the incremental cost was
18% higher. However, green buildings coming up now are being delivered at
an incremental cost of 6-8%. The initial incremental cost gets paid back in 3 to 4 years.
Benefits achieved so far:
Over 120,000 kWh of energy savings per year as compared to an ASHRAE 90.1 base
Potable water savings to tune of 20-30% vis-à-vis conventional building
Excellent indoor air quality
100% day lighting (Artificial lights are switched on just before dusk)
Higher productivity of occupants
Hyderabad, India
CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre
The project is a unique and successful model of
public-private partnership between the Government of Andhra Pradesh,
Pirojsha Godrej Foundation, and the Confederation of Indian Industry
(CII), with the technical support of US aid.
Architectural Design
Karan Grover and Associates, India
4.5 acres (total site area)
1,858 m2 (total built up area)
1,115 m2 (total air-conditioned area)
4.5 acres (total site area)
1,858 m2 (total built up area)
1,115 m2 (total air-conditioned area)
Office building
Building details
Office building
Seminar hall
Green Technology Centre displaying the latest and emerging green building materials
and technologies in India Large numbers of visitors are escorted on green building tour
Awarded the LEED Platinum Rating for New Construction (NC) v 2.0 by the
U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in November 2003
Energy Savings
55% reduction, with ASHRAE 90.1 as the baseline 120,000 kWh / year
Reduction in CO 2 emissions
~ 100 tons / year(building is functional since January 2004)
Water savings
35% reduction in potable water consumption