Uploaded by Ric Jaycel Nepomuceno

Half-Wave Rectifier Lab Activity Report

Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus
Laboratory Activity No. 2:
Half Wave Rectifier
Nepomuceno, Ric Jaycel B.
Group 1
Engr. Angelo N. Rodriguez
May 10, 2022
Laboratory Activity Number 2:
Half Wave Rectifier
A. Describe the state of the diode in a half wave rectifier circuit.
B. Measure the peak output voltage of a half wave rectifier circuit.
C. Measure the DC output voltage of a half wave rectifier circuit.
A. Describe the characteristic of diode in forward bias and reverse bias.
1. Construct the diode circuit below using tinkercad.com:
List of components:
Connection using Tinkercad:
2. Measure the peak voltage across the load resistance. (Check the value voltage reading
of the oscilloscope on the right side.)
a. VL = 9.3 V
b. What is your observation to the output voltage?
The output voltage of the load resistance only conducts at the positive region
located at the upper part of the oscillation graph.
3. Draw the output waveform at RL shown in the simulation.
4. Calculate the DC average output voltage.
VAVG (calculated) = 2.9603 V
9.3 𝑉
𝑉𝑎𝑣𝑔 =
𝑉𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 2.9603 𝑉
5. Base on the output waveform. Describe the state of the diode during the positive and
negative half cycle of the input waveform.
When the positive half cycle diode is forward bias, the current flows through the
diode. While in negative half cycle, the diode is reverse bias, the current cannot flow
through the diode because the circuit became an open circuit.
6. Reverse the connection of the diode.
7. Measure the peak voltage across the load resistance. (Check the value voltage reading
of the oscilloscope on the right side.)
a. VL = -9.3 V
b. What is your observation to the output voltage?
It is in negative half cycle since the cathode of the diode had been coupled to the
positive terminal of function generator which supplies the voltage for the whole
8. Draw the output waveform at RL shown in the simulation.
9. Calculate the DC average output voltage.
VAVG (calculated) = -2.9603 V
9.3 𝑉
𝑉𝑎𝑣𝑔 =
𝑉𝑎𝑣𝑔 = -2.9603 V
10. Base on the output waveform. Describe the state of the diode during the positive and
negative half cycle of the input waveform.
Whenever the voltage input is negative, which simply means that the positive
terminal of the power supply is connected to the cathode of the diode, it tends to be a
negative half cycle and the output waveform will only show in the negative region of
the graph, and vice versa.
The first circuit connection shown above is in forward bias due to the fact that both positive
terminals of diodes are coupled, the resulted to positive half cycle that evidently displayed using
the oscilliscope connected to the load resistance. During positive half cycle, the current being
conducted by the voltage supply can flow around the circuit.
However, the second circuit connection is in reverse bias because positive terminal voltage
supply is coupled to the cathode of the diode, resulting to negative half cycle which can be
proven with the help of the graph displayed by the oscilliscope connected to the load resistance.
In this case, the current will not flow through the circuit.
In conclusion, the positive half cycle is the result of the circuit being in forward bias condition.
In forward bias, the input voltage tends to be positive in value resulting to positive value of
output voltage or voltage peak. While in negative half cycle, where the circuit is said to be in
reverse bias condition, the input voltage is negative in value due to the difference in coupled
polarity of voltage supply and diode, this will give negative value of output voltage or voltage