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Vocabulary Quiz: 'From Mississippi Solo' Memoir

Semester II
Vocabulary Quiz #6
Date: _____________ Block: _______
‘From Mississippi Solo’ Memoir by Eddy Harris
**** Choose the correct vocabulary word from the word bank to
complete the sentences. Each word is used only once; 2 pts. Each
Avalanche Insulate Splinter Ethereal
1) I could see the rainstorm forming off in the distance but swirling
rapidly toward me like a dark gray _________________.
2) A ______________ is a form of autobiographical writing in which
a writer shares his/her personal experiences.
3) An _____________ doesn’t need to be explained, because it
refers to a famous person, place, event, or work of literature.
4) The clouds appear like they’re floating, because they are so
5) The teacher told me not to _________________ the ruler.
6) When you _______________ something, you prevent the passage
of heat from passing through it.
Fill in the following blanks, as we revisit the canoe trip Eddy Harris took
in his memoir of ‘From Mississippi Solo.’ 2 pts each
7) Even though he was inexperienced, he was__________________
about the upcoming storm.
8) Mr. Harris compares his friendly experience with the river as if he
were _________________________________________________.
9) His style of writing was _______________; he used sentence
The author uses _____________________ as he writes that
the ‘river was whispering to him.’
“The tips of the trees bent way over and aimed toward the
ground, like_________________________________________.”
When the pouring rain was drenching him, he wrote in his
simile that he wasn’t concerned, even though the water was
“______________________ like ____________________.”
In the fragment, “Water everywhere,” the author is using an
__________________ as he refers to the lines “Water, water,
everywhere” from the poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.’
The author enjoyed his trip so much that he did it again
___________ years later.
“He has also written about adventurous journeys in other
southern regions and in _________________.”