r TEST CODE %. FORM TP 2016273 O2I38O2O -l MAY/JT]NE 2OI6 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION@ PHYSICS UNITl-Paper02 2 hours 30 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1 This paper consists of SIX questions in TWo sections. Answer ALL questions. 2 Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. J Do NOT write in the margins. 4 Where appropriate, ALL WORKING MUST BE SHOWN in this booklet. 5 You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer questions, but you should note that the use of an inappropriate number of figures in answers will be penalized. 6. If you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the original page, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back of this booklet. Remember to draw a line through your original answer. 7 If you use the extra page(s) you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question part beside the answer. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright @ 2015 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. L 02t38020tcAPE 2016 r rffi ilfl ilil ilil ilil rilt til fl!il !]il 021 3802003 ilil til til J r -l -4- LIST OF PHYSICAL CONSTANTS : 6.67 x l0 tt N m'kg-' Universal gravitational constant G Acceleration due to gravitY 6o 9.8lms2 I Atmosphere atm 1.00 x lOsN m-2 Boltzmann's constant k 1.38 x l0 Density of water p* 1.00 x 103 Specific heat capacity of water C 4200 l kg-t Specific latent heat of fusion of ice L.,l 3.34 x 105 J kg-' Specific latent heat of vaporization of water L, 2.26 x 106 J kg-' Avogadro's constant NA 6.02 Molar gas constant R 8.31 J Stefan-Boltzmann's constant o Speed of light in free space (vacuum) c 3.00x108ms-' Planck's constant h 6.626x10-3aJs Triple point temperature T 1 tonne t : : : 5.67 x x 23 J K-' kg mr 1023 11-t per mole K rmol-' 10-8 W m-2 Kr 273.16 K 1000 kg GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02t38020lcAPE 2016 L I ilil ffi ilil ilil tililflil] lllll lill l]ll 0213802004 !illl ill lil J t- -l -5SECTION A AnswerALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided. 1. (a) (i) Define the term 'acceleration' and state its units. [1 markl (iD State Newton's second law of motion in words AND the associated equation. [3 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02t38020lcAPE 20r6 L I lilll ffi lflr ilil ilil rilt ffi ilil ilfl ilil 021 3802005 ilil til -J r -l -6(b) A car is travelling along a level road at a speed of 15 m s-ttowards a set of traffic lights when the light turns red. In 0.5 seconds after seeing the light, the driver applies the brakes and brings the car to a stop at the traffic lights. Table 1 shows how the speed of the car changes from the time the driver sees that the traffic lights turn red. TABLE I ,|r Time/s 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 :.tsr Speed/m s-t 15.0 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 :I- (i) On the grid provided in Figure I :* ,.8 N ;;: .-E .-* .--*, (page 7), plot a graph of speed against time. [5 marksl (ii) ..8 is ._--]r Suggest a reason why the velocity remains unchanged for the first 0.5 seconds after the light turns red. -':.t '-Ii .:'* [1 mark] (iii) :E What feature of the graph shows that the car's deceleration was uniform? :I-r: .s :ti :fi :A -t .t{ ..E = .7{ :\r [1 mark] (iv) Use your graph to determine the distance that the car travelled after the lights turned red to when the car stopped. ,!,: :i1.. ..; :'-'-: rjt tri -* {-E -rr .tli 'h .f,F .* [4 marks] .tri -A .-Y .E Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02t38020lcAPE 2016 L I ilil ilt! ilil illl! lill lill lffi lllll illl ffi 021 3802006 llll lil I r -7 -l - Figure 1. Speed versus time GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02138020/CAPE 2016 L I lilllllill il|il ilil tilil tilt ffi lilt ilfl tilfl 02't3802007 il ffi J t2. -l -8(a) Atransverse progressive wave travels along a stretched string from left to right. The shape of part of the string at a particular instant is shown in Figure 2. The frequency of the wave is 15 Hz. 8.0 Displacement 6.0 :If, 'h :tii .E /mm 4.0 +: -Fi -[ --ts 2.0 .E 0 100 -2.0 ce alon 120 stri -4.0 -6.0 v:fii -8.0 -t5 .rli .b Figure 2. Transverse progressive wave along string !E :s .Ia Use Figure 2 to determine, for this wave, its (i) IE '* 't amplitude :ir .A :s .s [1 mark] (ii) phase difference between Points P and Q on the string = ::= ,c -ll :E [1 mark] (iii) :-\ speed. .ffl t'l- .!r -* [2 marks] .tr{ .^a \ e r= .t GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 021380201CAPE 2016 L I iltil ilt! ilil ilil til] till lil llill llll llll lil 021 3802008 lil I --E r -e(b) -l Another stretched string is used to form a stationary wave. A part of this wave at a particular instant is shown in Figure 3. The points on the string are at aheir maximum dispiacement. x Y Figure 3. StationarT wave (i) State the phase difference in the motion of the points on the string labelled Y. [1 (ii) X and markl Distinguish between the terms 'antinode' and 'node' when used to describe stationary waves on a string. [2 marksl GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02138020/CAPE 2016 L il!ilil ililililtil tflil tilil tililuflil !il 021 3802009 til lllt J r - (iii) -l 10 - State the number of antinodes shown on Figure 3 [1 mark] (c) Table 2 shows how the wavelength produced on a stretched string changes as the wave speed is varied. TABLE Wavelength Wave Speed v/m (i) (ii) 2 lrm s-r 05 0.06 10 0.12 l5 0.18 20 0.24 25 0.30 30 0.36 35 0.42 40 0.48 On the grid provided in Figure 4 (page 11), plot a suitable graph to respresent the data. [5 marksl Hence, determine the frequency of the standing wave. [2 marks] Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02t38020lcAPE 2016 L I iltil tilfl ilil ilil lilll lllll l]ll lill lilll lill lll llll 021 380201 0 I I- - ll -l - Figure 4. Wavelength versus wave speed GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02r38020lcAPE 2016 L I tilil llll lllll lill lllll llill illl llll illl 0213802011 lllll llil lll J r 3. -l -12(a) After a lesson on Hooke's law, a student is asked to measure the mass of a rock sample using a steel spring, standard masses and a metre rule. The student measured the unstretched length of the spring and then set up the arrangement shown in Figure 5. Spring Stand Standard mass Figure 5. Arrangement for measuring the mass of a rock sample (i) law State Hooke's [2 marksl GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02138020/CAPE 2016 L I tilil ffi ilil tflt ilil tilt t!il ililt iltil ilil! til tll 0213802012 J r - (ii) -l 13 - Describe how this alrangement could be used to determine the spring constant and hence, the mass of the rock sample. f_ti: tri. E K: :r-: ft i:= h: t 'e}. s: .$. :..... 6 marks _-_-l-_- :\t. t*r f(i -*. E*: rA-' \l- :al G ft :iri: i= GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02138020|CAPE 2016 L I ilil til ilil flil tflil tilil tilil il]t illl ilil 0213802013 til lilt I r -l -14(b) A spring manufacturer tests the properties of a spring by measuring the load applied each time the extension is increased. The graph of load versus extension is shown in Figure 6. Load/N 40 30 20 r0 0 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.05 Extension/m Figure 6. Load versus extension (i) Use the graph to find the work done in extending the spring up to Point B [5 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02t38020lcAPE 2016 L I flltil t]ll ill] lllll lllll lllll ffi lill lllll llll 0213802014 lil lll I t- - t5 (ii) -l - Beyond Point A, the spring undergoes inelastic deformation. Explain the term ' inelastic deformation'. [2 marksl Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02138020/CAPE L 20t6 I lffi IllI ilil il!!! ilil ililt ffi ffit il] 0213802015 flil til til I I- -l 16SECTION B Answer ALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided. 4. (a) By referring to Figure 7, explain the origin of upthrust and how upthrust determines whether an object will float or sink. i dr I L l, d2 Figure 7. Upthrust [5 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02138020/CAPE 2016 L I ll]il ilfl ilil ililt tilil till l]ll lill llll 021 3802016 lllll llll lil I r -17 (b) -l - ln the experiment illustrated in Figure 8, it was found that the weight of the stone in air is 1.0 N and the weight when the stone was totally immersed in water was 0.75 N. Beaker a Stone a Figure 8. Weight of stone (i) Determine the weight of water that would be collected in the beaker. [1 mark] (ii) For (b) (i), calculate the volume of water displaced and hence, determine the density of the stone. [3 marksl GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02138020/CAPE 2016 L r |ilil illl ililr ilil tilil tilt !il tilt il] 0213802017 ilil tililr J t- (c) -l 18 - In the experiment shown in Figure 9, it was found that the reading on the spring balance changed from 2.1 N to 1.8 N as the metal ornament was lowered into the measuring cylinder containing water. The height of water in the cylinder rose from the 50 cm3 mark to the 80 cm3 mark. When the cylinder contained corn oil instead of water, it was found that the height of oil rose by the same amount (as when in water), but the reading on the spring balance changed from 2.1 N to 1.87 N. Metal ornament Figure 9. Spring balance (i) State the reason why the height same amount. of liquid in the measuring cylinder rose by the [1 mark] (ii) Outline the reason why the reading on the spring balance was lower when the ornament was immersed in water than when it was immersed in corn oil. I mark] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02t38020lcAPE 2016 L I iltil tilll ilil ilil |ilil lill lllll lflI l]ll llll 021 3802018 llil lill J r -l -19- (iii) Calculate the density of the corn oil [4 marks] Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02t38020tcAPE 2016 L I tilil tilll ililt flil tflil tilil ilfl il]t !il] ilil 0213802019 llil ilt J r f,. -20 (a.) - -l Briefly describe a laboratory experiment to prove Snell's law. Indicate any precautionary measures that must be taken during this experiment. Um arks i GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02l38020lcAPE 2016 L M 0213802020 I t- -l -21 (b) Three transparent glass blocks, A, B and C, are arranged (not to scale) as shown in Figure 10. Each glass block has a different refractive index. Normal line Light ray Air GlassA line liii r+. = Sii. H{l tsr Ii1 Figure 10. Arangement of transparent glass blocks :---'-'- liai i}. t. (i) $ Calculate the speed of light in Glass Block A. Aa rt: (Refractive index of Glass Block A .:= : I .80.) !{, !lir. [2 marksl rra la *,1 i!{ *- :r_ E ;ri] x' !{ = = j:i = := -: GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02t38020lcAPE 20l6 L |ilil lill llll lill llll llil lll llll 0213802021 1ilil illl lllll llil J r -l -22- (ii) Show that the angle 0 in the figure is approximately 30 degrees. [2 marks] (iii) The refractive index of Glass Block C is 1.40. Calculate the critical angle between Glass Block A and Glass Block C. [2 marksl (iv) State what happens to the light when it reaches the boundary between Glass Block A and Glass Block C. Justify your answer. [2 marks] Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02l38020tcAPE 2016 L l lill[il rllll lllll ilil ilflililtilt ililililil til 0213802022 J r 6. -23 (a) -l - Explain how the 'greenhouse effect'contributes to the warming of the Earth's atmosphere. [6 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02t38020tCAPE20t6 L I tffi illI ilil ilil ril] flilt tllll rilt !il flil til til 0213802023 I r -l 24 (b) A rectangular glass window in an office building has dimensions 2.4 metres by 2 metres by 3 centimetres. The temperature of the outer surface of the window is 35 "C and the temperature of the inner surface is 26 oC. (Assume the thermal conductivity of glass is 0.96 W/m/K.) Calculate the rate of heat conduction through the glass. [5 marksl (c) oC by an air conditioning The temperature in the room is maintained at26 unit. If the air conditioning unit fails, determine how long it will take for the temperature of the room and its contents to increase by 3 "C. (Assume that heat conduction is the only source of heat input to the room; the average x l0s J/ "C.) heat capacity of the room and its contents is 5.7 [4 marksl Total 15 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORI( ON THIS TEST. 021380201CAP8 20r6 L r ilil tilll tflt ilil tilil [ilr l]ll lill llll lill lil llll 0213802024 J