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Textbook Learning Methods & Skill Development

What forms of textbook learning take place.
Studying new material in a textbook often takes the form of selective reading of selected
passages in order to
Independent assimilation of questions of a descriptive nature.
In this case, the presentation of the material by the teacher alternates with the use of
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- When studying new material it is often necessary to refer to a brief reproduction of
previously passed topics. The main method in such cases, as a rule, is
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many students are not always able to
Many students are not always able to recall and repeat what they have learned. In such
cases, it is better to use independent work with textbooks.
- Work with the textbook in any case should not occupy
work with a textbook should never occupy the entire class. It must be combined with other
forms and methods of teaching. For example, after working with the textbook it is necessary
Check the quality of the studied material and give exercises related to development of skills
and abilities and further deepening of knowledge of students.
Further deepening of knowledge of students. And talking to the student, do not forget to ask
him two questions: "Does the textbook help you become a person?", "Become a better
The above examples show that students' independent work with
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method of teaching requires a good knowledge of the teacher and the practical mastery of a
variety of methods of its organization.
Methods of educational work to develop skills and abilities to apply knowledge in practice
In the process of learning, it is of great importance to develop students
students the abilities and skills to apply the acquired knowledge
in practice.
The method of exercises. Its essence lies in the fact that students perform repeated actions,
i.e. train (exercise) in applying the material learned in practice and
Thus they deepen their knowledge and develop the relevant skills and abilities as well as
their thinking and creativity.
and creative abilities. From this definition it follows that
exercises must, first of all, be intentional
and should be carried out only when the students have a good understanding and
The secondly, they should contribute to further deepening of knowledge and, thirdly,
contribute to the development of creative abilities of schoolchildren. The organization of
training activities is influenced by the nature of the skills that students need to develop.
Some requirements for essays and assignments
What student learning sites should be like
Some questions about the educational system