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Machine Learning Development Webinar Summary

Webinar Series: Machine Learning Development
Machine learning has been a new trend lately. Creating environment where computers
learn from their own with the use of algorithmic approach. Kai Fu lee said that some jobs
will be replaced by AI developed soon.
On April 2, 2022 I have attended a webinar series entitled “Machine Learning
Development: An introduction to computer vision through MediaPipe Python Solutions”.
Also, the speaker mentioned about Python as the most used programming language from
training models to integrating models to an application or system. Machine learning has
different types of learning method or should we say training methods. First is
reinforcement learning—its is a type of adaptive learning wherein you train models by
giving positive feedback if it guesses correctly and punishes it if it not then correct it to
respond more accurately on the next predictions. Next is the unsupervised learning, it is
when you train models without giving any specific labels and what it does is to focus on
looking for new patterns as solutions and segregate data on its own. For the supervised
learning, it is when series of data sets have specific labels. I also used it in my capstone
project entitled ‘SoilCam: Soil Type Detector Mobile App’. These different types of
learning can be use in different solutions like object detection, movement detection, face
detection, and also in making artificial intelligence. With the use of MediaPipe library in
Python, media related solutions will be much easier.
Machine learning is a great topic to dig into. The webinar was very interesting and
with the given inputs that we can used machine learning for optimizing our daily task, it is
really worth the time learning