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Road Safety Study: Sardar Patel Ring Road, India

Roads have become an integral part of everyone’s lives. We are all road users in one way or
another. Roads are the most used means of transportation in India. On one hand, roads and
transportation systems have increased the last mile connectivity of the country which has
contributed to its economic growth, but on the other hand, there is a growing concern regarding
the road safety issues faced by the country. The objective of the study is to identify the accidentprone locations, and lack of any safety features along the selected road stretch of Sardar Patel
ring road (SPRR) which is currently in the operation & maintenance phase. The study also aims
to understand the cause of road accidents on a highway from the experience of road safety
professionals. The road users of SPRR are also involved in the study to understand their
problems with different aspects of the selected road. The data collection involved physical
survey of the S.P. ring road, the accident data of fatal accidents occurred, a questionnaire survey
to understand the perspective of consultants and contractors to identify the leading causes of
safety issues in the operation and maintenance phase of the project and a questionnaire survey
to understand the problems of the road users. The collected data was qualitative in nature and
the method of relative importance index (RII) was used to analyze the data obtained from both
the surveys. Based on the analysis of the road safety audit and the surveys, suggestions were
provided to improve the road safety on the selected road stretch.