Erikson – Failure Lack of trust, fear Piaget Infancy: birth-1 month Erikson – Success trust versus mistrust Infancy: 1-4 months trust versus mistrust Lack of trust, fear Infancy: 4-8 months trust versus mistrust Lack of trust, fear Piaget Milestones use of reflexes – sucking, grasping General Milestones Fists, draws legs to body, looks at faces and objects Sensorimotor – phase 2 primary circular reaction – objects are an extension of self Sensorimotor – phase 3 secondary circular motion – environment, cause/ effect 3 months: hold head up, posterior fontanel closes, preattachment 4 months: roll over, holds rattle, postattachment 6 months: hold bottle, food (oatmeal), teeth start to come in, sits without support, Sensorimotor – phase 1 Play and Toys Spinning crib toys, mirrors, reading stories/ talking, comfort Noise making toys, rattles, colorful stuffed animals grasps with whole hand, teething toys stranger anxiety Infancy: 812 months trust versus mistrust Lack of trust, fear Sensorimotor – phase 4 coordination of secondary schemata – object permanence Infancy: 1218 months trust versus mistrust Lack of trust, fear Sensorimotor – phase 5 Early Childhood: 18-24 months autonomy versus shame and doubt Self-doubt, dependence Sensorimotor – phase 6 tertiary circular reaction – new goals, routines mental combinations – language is new 8 months: pick things up, sit independently, more foods (meats) Crawls, understands “no”, stands, 1 year: milk and dairy, walk 24 months: anterior fontanel closes, run holds crayon to paper, peek-a-boo, large blocks, push-pull toys, surprise toys, interactive games Ring tower, scribbles, throws a ball, walks up steps Ring tower, running, scribbles, throws a ball, walks up steps, learns Early Childhood: 2-3 years autonomy versus shame and doubt Self-doubt, dependence Preoperational Thinking by using words, “me”, exploration, language development, egocentric thinking, one idea at a time 3 years: potty training, spinal maturity Late Childhood: 3-5 years Initiative versus guilt Insecurity regarding leadership Preoperational Thinking by using words, “me”, exploration, language development, egocentric thinking, one idea at a time Tattle tales, start of basic problem solving, creativity, expressive speech School Age: 6-7 years Industry versus territory Sense of incompetence, low selfesteem Preoperational Thinking by using words, “me”, exploration, language development, egocentric thinking, one idea at a time End of egocentric thinking, School Age: 7-11 years Industry versus territory Sense of incompetence, low selfesteem Concrete operational Societal focus, teeth are done growing in, start of growth spurts School Age: 11-12 years Industry versus territory Sense of incompetence, low selfesteem Formal operational Concrete problem solving, understand left and right sides, recognize viewpoints Rational thinking, futuristic, deductive and Universal focus, growth spurts to turn large book pages Bike, draws shapes, can pour liquids, jumps, kicks, throws overhand, learns to turn large book pages, wooden puzzles, imitative behavior, baseball, sand, parallel play, blocks, crayons Associative play, coloring, utensils, kitchen game, sharing, stories and music, playing ball, puzzle’s, dress up, tricycle, painting School friends, sports, hobbies, cooperative play, board games, hopscotch, jump rope, collecting School friends, sports, hobbies, cooperative play School friends, sports, hobbies, Adolescence: 12-20 years Identity versus role confusion role confusion and social alienation Formal operational Young Adults: 1825 years Intimacy versus isolation Isolation, avoidance of intimacy Formal operational Adults: 2565 years Generativity versus stagnation Stagnation, selfpreoccupation Formal operational Maturity: 65+ years Integrity versus despair Despair, bitterness, regret, depression Formal operational rational thinking Rational thinking, futuristic, deductive and rational thinking Rational thinking, futuristic, deductive and rational thinking Rational thinking, futuristic, deductive and rational thinking Rational thinking, futuristic, deductive and rational thinking cooperative play Puberty, sexual development