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3D Geological Modeling: Uncertainty & Sensitivity Analysis Course

5 days Short Course
Midtown Hotel, Istanbul Turkey
15-19 May 2022
Course Description
In this 5 days short course, the concepts and the methodology of uncertainty and
sensitivity analysis in geological modeling will be addressed with practical applications.
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis includes the geological data, seismic, petrophysical
and dynamic data. Practical methodology of the best practices and troubleshooting of 3D
reservoir uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in the light of geo-statistics will be covered
in each step of geo-modeling processes.
Uncertainty in the processes of data handling, importing, editing, quality controlling,
quantitative analysis, in the steps of picking, fault modeling, gridding, generating
horizons, zoning, layering, property modeling and geo-statistical modeling algorithms are
captured by using different tools and plots.
Attendees will learn:
Define and understand the uncertainty and sensitivity
Capture the uncertainty in every and each step of modeling
Identify the sensitivity parameters
Determine uncertainty mitigation program
Stochastic and Deterministic Techniques to capture uncertainty
Understand the source of uncertainty in stochastic and deterministic methods
Uncertainty mitigation by generating and ranking multiple realizations or
The course will be interactive. Practical case studies will be used as examples. Hands-on
exercises with current software packages such as Petrel or equivalent software will
reinforce the learning process.
Geologists, petrophysicists, geophysicists, reservoir and petroleum engineers.
1,999.00 USD/Person (for more than 2 people registrations volume discount is applied)
Course Schedule
Day 1
Day 2
Definition of Uncertainty and Sensitivity
Source of Uncertainties
Source of uncertainties in data gathering techniques
Source of uncertainties in data processing
Uncertainties in geological data,
Uncertainties in seismic data
Uncertainties in petrophysical data
Uncertainties in dynamic data.
Structural Uncertainties:
Depth Conversion
Property Uncertainties
 RRT/Facies modeling
 Porosity and Permeability
 Saturation
Geo-statistics techniques
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Validity Check
Blind testing
Defining Uncertainty Envelop
Low Case, High Case
Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches
Depth Conversion Sensitivities
Oil-Water Contact Sensitivities
Long and Short Variogram Sensitivities
Reservoir/Field Evaluation
Fluid Saturation Uncertainty Evaluation
Uncertainty Mitigation
Reporting Uncertainty Results
Reporting Sensitivity Results
Data Gathering Program for Uncertainty
Data Gathering Program for Sensitivity