10 ATOMS, MOLECULES AND IONS Learning Outcomes Candidates should be able to: Knowledge. Understanding and Application (a) describe an atom as an electrically neutral entity made up of a positively charged nucdeus (protons and neutrons) with negatively charged electrons moving round the nucleus. that atoms of the same element contain the different elements contain different numbers of protons. (6)show an awareness (c) recognise that an ion is formed when (d) show an an gains atom or loses number of protons and those of same electron(s). understanding of the following: fixed number of the that molecules of an element consist of a same type of atoms combined together. atoms combined together consist of a fixed number of different types of that molecules of a compound (e) state the chemical formula of the number and types of atoms, given a compound. Skills and Processes atom to other objects. the relative size of an (a) compare (6) and molecules. compare atoms Ethics and Attitudes ta) show an appreciation are 0 used to probe n e w phenomena show an appreciation explain the value of revised as and continuously constructed, justified models are how in practice, additional data. and collect of scientific fundamental nature attitudes such of things and and working in individual effort as creativity and to the willingness as a team part ofscientific openmindedness re-examine existing in creating they models to models. inquiry. 10 atoms, molecules and ions 10-2 Atoms, molecules and ions MCQs 062210-01 An atom is electrically neutral when (A) the number of protons and electrons are equal in an atom. (B) the number of protons and neutrons are equal in an atom. (C)the number of electrons and neutrons are equal in the nucleus. (D) the number of electrons and protons are equal in the nucleus. 06ZZ10-02 The chemical properties of an atom are dependent on the number and arrangement of (A) protons (B) electrons (C) neutrons (D) nucleus 06ZZ10-03 Which of the following gases below has more than one kind of atom present in it? (A) Water vapour (B) Chlorine gas (C) Helium gas (D) lodine gas |06ZZ10-04 The chemical formula of a compound will not indicate the (A) number of atoms present in a molecule of the compound. (B) elements present in each molecule of the compound. (C) ratio of atoms present in each molecule of the compound (D) size of each molecule of the compound. them Science Drill Questions 10-3 072210-05 Which substance has the most number of atoms? (A) CaCO (B) CH,C/ (C) KSO4 (D) CeHs 077710-06 Which of the following statements is false? (A) The Periodic Table contains symbols of all the molecules. (B) The chemical formula for ammonia is NHa. (C) Molecules are made up of atoms. (D) Compounds with the same elements but different ratio of the elements have different properties. 072Z10-07 The element calcium has an atomic number of 20. This means that each calcium atom has, (0) 20 electrons (1) 20 protons (1) 20 neutrons (IV) 20 protons and neutrons (A) land I (8) Iand IlI (C)I,1l and ll (D) 1, Il and IV 072Z10-08 0.O element A If each of the dgrams represents the molecule of symbols which represents different kinds of atoms, one of the following an (A) (B) C) (D) 10 atoms, molecules and ions 10-4 07ZZ10-09 The compound calcium carbonate is represented by Ca Which of the following statements about calcium carbonate molecule are true? (1) The molecule contains three elements. (11) The molecule contains three oxygen molecules. (1) There are five atoms in the molecule. (IV) The elements present in this molecule are calcium, carbon and oxygen. (A) land (B) Il and IV (C) 1, Il and IV (D) I, Il and IIl 06ZZ10-10 Which of the following diagrams shows a mixture of two elements? (A) (B) CO 8 (C) Sclence Drill Questions (D) 10-5 06210-11 An atom number of utrons is number of utrons is (A) the (B) the of an element has no electric charge because equal to the number of electrons. equal to the number of protons. t h e number of electrons is equal to the number of protons. (D) t he number of electrons is equal to the number of protons and neutrons. 062210-12 The diagram on the right represents an atom of an element. e Key e-electron 5n n-neutron 4p p-protons Which symbol provides information on the atom? (A) 9 (B) Be C 4 F 9 (D) B 13 8 5 062710-13 What is the atomic structure of the Zion in which Z has atomic number 8 and mass number 18? Electrons Protons Neutrons (A) 8 8 8 8) 8 8 10 C) 8 8 18 (D) 10 8 10 062210-14 otopesare different ator with the same number of A) electrons, orotons and neutrons. B) electrons but different numbers of protons. neutrons but different numbers of protons. 0protons but different numbers of neutrons. 10 atoms, molecules and ions 10-6 06ZZ10-15 5 How many atoms are there in one molecule of ethanol (CHsOH)? 3 (B) 4 (C) 7 (D) 9 062710-16 The relative molecular mass of ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3, is (A) 42 (B) 77 (C) 80 (D) 126 062Z10-17 What happens to the atoms of matter when a chemical reaction takes place? (A) The atoms move faster and further apart. (B) New atoms are created to form new substances. (C)Some of the atoms are destroyed to form new molecules (D) The atoms rearrange themselves to form new molecules. 062Z10-18 Which of the following statements are true of air? (I) It contains atoms of gases. (11) It contains molecules made up of like atoms. (11) It contains molecules made up of unlike atoms. (A) Il only (B)and Il only (C) II and Il only (D) 1, Iland Science Drill Questions 10-7 0 6 2 7 1 0 - 1 9 property f tthe of elements is used to decide their order in the Periodic Table? What (A) Atomic mass (B) Valence electrons (C) Boiling point (D) Atomic n u m b e r 0 7 2 7 1 0 - 2 0 Which one of the following has the most number of different atoms present? (A) NaC (B) H,SO (C) CH (D) FeO3 072Z10-21 identifies the Which of the following correctly 207 A 82 ElectronsS Protons A) 207 82 (B) 125 125 (C) 82 125 (D 82 82 in the number of electrons and protons following atom: 10-8 072Z10-22 Which ofthe following diagrams represents a reaction between two elements which hich isis notuo not yet (A) (B) C) (D) 082Z10-23 Which of the following has the same number of electrons as O? (A) Ca2 (8) s2 (C) N (D) K* 08ZZ10-24 What is the chemical formula of the compound H (A) CH,02 (B) CH,O (C) CHO (D) (CHO)2 e r bril u e s t u H given below? completed? 10-9 082210-25 Which () Its atomic number is (11) Its (11) (IV) lowing statements are true of the follov atom is about potassium atom? 19 bigger than an atom of bromine It has 20 neutrons. It has a positive electric charge (A) Iand I (B)1, l and IV (C)1, Il and (D) 1, iII ill and IV O8zZ10-26 Which of the following statements is false? (A) Sulphur is an element because its molecules are made up of single kind of atom only. (B) Sodium hydroxide is a compound because its molecules are made up of two kinds of atoms, sodium and hydrogen only. (C) A molecule of nitrogen gas comprises of nitrogen atoms. (D) The chemical combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms gives rise to the formation of water. 082710-27 An atom of element X has a proton number 13 and mass number 27. Which symbol is correct for the ion of X when it loses 3 electrons? (A) 27 (B) 3 13 C) 24 1 (D) 24 X 13 062Z10-28 Which of the following chemical formula is correctr (A) Mg.CO3 (B) A/OH (c) K,SO (D) A/(NO)2 10 atoms, molecules and ions 10-10 062Z10-29 Which of the following pair of elements will combine to form an ionic compound? (A) carbon and chlorine (B) oxygen and carbon (C) hydrogen and oxygen (D) fluorine and sodium 07ZZ10-30 How many atoms are there in one molecule of the compound HS04? (A) 3 (8) S (C) 7 (D) 072Z10-31 Helium has two isotopes, 3, He and 4 He 2 Which statement about an atom of the lighter isotopes of helium is correct? (A) It contains two neutrons. (B) It contains three electrons. (C) It contains a total of three protons and neutrons. (D) It contains one fewer proton than an atom of the heavier isotope. 07Z10-32 An element X has proton number 3. Which statement about X is correct? (A) It is a gas at room temperature and pressure. (B) It is in Group ll of Periodic Table. (C) It forms ions by gaining electrons. (D) It reacts with cold water. Science Drill Qvestions 10 11 i4h tormla repreSens the ide of arn eernert in Groo Derco () (0)Y o104 of the following is the Whih correct formula for iron (A) fe,50, (1) sulphate? (6) Fe(50,) C) FesO (0) Fe,(S0,) 07221035 Which of the (A) llowingi a molecule of element? H (B) K (C) CO (D) NH 072210-36 An atom of Q has atomic number 16 while an atom of Y has atomic number 19. The reaction between Q and Y is likely to form (A) an ionic compound with the formula Y,Q. B) an ionic compound with the formula YQg. (C an ionic compound with the formula YQ. (D) an ionic compound with the formula Y,Q2 10 atoms, molecules ande 10-12 Questions 062710-37 DdW two separate diagrams to represent a of an element between molecules (6) State one similarity and one differen. CWhy is the smallest particle of molecules compound a of an molecule and not and a compound. element olecules of a comp and mole an atom? 062Z10-38 Calcium is solid at room temperature. d () rom the periodic table, find out how many electrons, protons and neutrons does a neutral atom of calcium contains. A student makes calcium chloride in the that laboratory. He knows calcium chloride was formed by ionic bonding. formed. (i) Describe how ions () Looking at (i) chloride is The chemical formula of calcium are calcium would be the periodic table, deduce if CaCl2. an anion or cation. of each element is present in How many of atom(5) calcium chloride? (c) Copy and complete the passage below. calcium atom is At the centre of the and neutral, Orbiting around are the 07Zz10-39 listing the Complete the following table, Compound (a) Ammonia gas NH (b) Lead (1) chloride PbClh (C) Copper () nitrate Cu(NO3)2 (d) Ethanol CH,OH Science Drill Questions It contains the positively charged the. number and molecule. type of atoms present in each Number and type of atoms 10-13 072210-40 hle below shows the atomic number of the elements in the second period of the Periodic Tabie. The t a b l e Element i Be Atomic 6 8 F Ne 9 10 number How are (a) the elements shOwn above arranged in the Periodic Table? Some of the elements form ions as shown below. Fill in the table to show the formula of the missing ions b and the number of electrons and protons present in each ion. Element lon No. of Electrons No. of protons Li Li i) (ii) Be (ii) 2 (iv) () (vi) 10 (vii) (vii) F 072710-41 a) What is a chemical formula? (b) The molecular formula of a compound is CHi20s. This compound can be produced naturally by plants. (i) Name this compound. (i) The atoms which go in to make the compound are and 9 c) An atom of an element Xmay be written as x 4 (i) In the symbol what do the numbers 9 and 4 represent? (i) What is the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in the atom X? (n) The atom X loses 2 electrons to form an ion. Draw the electronic structure of the ion formed, showing the nucleus and electron shells and indicate the charge found on the ion. 10 atoms, molecules and ions 10- 14 06ZZ10-42 ElementA, BC, D and E have the following electronic structures. Element Electronic structure A 2,8,1 B 2,8,8,2 C 2,6 D 2,8,8 E 2,1 (a) Which elements are non-metals? (b) Which two elements are in the same group of the Periodic Table? 06ZZ10-43 Write the chemical formula of the following substances: (a) Magnesium hydroxide (b) Copper (1) oxide (c) Aluminium sulphate 06ZZ10-44 The atom of element X contains eleven protons, twelve neutrons and eleven electrons. (a) Use the Periodic Table to identify element X. (b) When atom X loses its electron(s) in the outermost shell, an ion is formed. Write the atomic symbol for this ion. Science 0rii Questions 10-15 072Z10-45 The table below showstthe atomic number of the following elements: He Li Be B 1 2 3 4 5 Na Mg Al Si P 12 13 14 15 H 11 Ceam Periodic Table the extract of the largest (a) has the (b) number Ne N 8 9 10 CI Ar K Ca 17 18 19 20 6 16 shown, name the element which of protons. number of protons. has the fewest c)will lose two electrons easily. two electrons easily. (d) will gain 072710-46 Predict the charge on Hence deduce if the each of the particle is an following particles. atom, a negative ion or a positive ion? Key: proton, neutron O, electron (c) (b) a O S Charge Charge: Charge: ype of particle: 10 atoms, molecules and ions 10-16 07Z710-47 information in the table below to Use the answer Oxygen Carbon (Diamond) Element the following questions. Sodium Silicon Chlorine Na Si CI Symbol C Proton number 6 8 11 14 17 Mass number 12 16 23 28 35.5 be written as (a) The electronic structure of the carbon atom can (2,4). Write down the electronic h trutare (i) Oxygen ii) Silicon (6) What is the number of neutrons present in ) Sodium? (i) Silicon? one atom of (c) Which element conducts electricity? 08ZZ10-48 Atoms of beryllium and magnesium 24 Be (a) 12 What do the are represented respectively, by the symbols: MB these atoms? following numbers tell you about (in the symbol for beryllium) (i) 4 (i) 24 (in the symbol for magnesium) (b) Draw the electronic structures of beryllium and magnesium, showing only the (c) How do the electronic structures of beryllium and magnesium the Periodic Table? Science Drill Questions indicate they outermost electrons. are both in the same greu 10-17 O72Z10-49 The raoh below plots the nucleon numbers of different elements against their proton numbers. 25 Na Ne 20 0 15 Be 10 5 He 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Proton number (a) What is meant by ) Proton number? (i) Nucleon number? 6) Classify the elements into those with 0) More protons than neutrons. (i) More neutrons than protons (give at least three). () The same number of neutrons and protons (give at least three). rom the graph, predict the nucleon number of an atom with a proton number of 12. d)sotopes are atoms with same number of protons from the same element. Boron (B) has two isotopes, 0oron-10 and boron-11. Write the chemical symbols for these isotopes. Include the proton numbers and nucleon numbers. 10 atoms, molecules and ions 10-18 08ZZ10-550 Study the table shown below. Atom/lon Electrons Protons Mass number P 12 12 24 Q 10 8 16 R 18 16 32 10 10 20 10 13 27 (a) Which two are atoms? Explain your answer. (b) Name a positive ion from the table. Explain how you derive your answer. (c) The number of protons and neutrons in an atom is always equal. Is the above statement correct? Expiain your answer by using the information provided in the table above. 087710-51 Study the following models and describe what they represent. CO (b) (a) 3 (c) (d) 062Z10-52 Complete the table of chemical formulas shown below. Name Group Sulphate Hydroxide Chloride (a) Calcium CaSO () (i) (b) Gallium (i) Ga(OH) (i) Science Drill Questions 10-19 D6Z10-53 These diagrams show the electron arrangement in the outer shells of five elements, A to E. All the element are from Perioc 3 of the Periodic Table. - B ldentify which (a) elements are metals and which is most likely to be in (b) Which element c)Which element will form d)Which element has a an ion of the type X**? two elements will form an ionic () Which element will form Two isotopes of uranium is non-metals. Group VI? e) Which an are number of 15? proton 06ZZ10-54 D C compound with ion of the type a formula of the type YZ2? P? in this statement. 238 U and and 235 U. Explain the meaning of isotopes 92 92 067210-55 configuration. Explain with the aid of electronic 31 4 Why elements N 7 a 0) Why aluminum h e difference and and P are in the same group? 15 sulphur are in the between a potassium same period? atom and potassium ion. 10 atoms, molecules and ions 10-20 062Z10-56 The diagram shows a molecule with one atom labelled. H H Unlabelled atom (a) ldentify the unlabelled atom and give a reason to support your answer. (b) Give the chemical formula of the molecule. 07ZZ10-57 D, E, F and G are four consecutive elements with proton number n, n+1, n+2, n+3 respectively. F is chemically inert gas in period 2. Using dot and cross diagram, draw the bonding formed between elements E and G. 07ZZ10-58 (a) State the number of each type of atoms present in the following molecules. (6) CH,cooH (ii) Br2 (b) Work out the formula of each of the following substances from the composition of the molecules. ) One calcium atom, two chlorine atoms (i) One magnesium atom, one sulphur atom, four oxygen atoms