Experiment No: 01 Name : Shreyas Ravindran Roll no: 5 Class : BE COMPS A Batch : A1 Aim: To study, design, implement and evaluate the following HCI applications. Tools Required: Figma/AdobeXD/Sketch/proto.io/ any UI design tool Problem Definition: Use any wireframe /Mockup User Interface design tool to design the user interface for the following: 1 : Children (Develop a Math Application to 4-5 year old children) 2 : Teenager (Design a digital diary for teenagers ) 3 : Old People (Design a user interface for online payment portal for Old People) 4 : Rural People (ATM machine/KIOSK screen design for rural people) Theory: Know your Client - Children (Develop a Math Application to 4-5 year old children). i. Analysis of children behavior, ex. their preferences,interests, etc. ii. What kind of interface will they like and why ? iii. Existing apps - analyze and rate them. iv. What will be your choice of screen elements ? v. How will your app/website be better than the existing ones? Know your Client - Teenagers (Design a digital diary for teenagers).A digital diary for young teens can help them overcome various social pressures they deal with during teenage life. This diary should act like a self help tool and deal with incidents like bullying, peer pressure, etc. vi. Analysis of teenagers, ex. their problems, interests, needs, etc. vii. What kind of interface will they like and why ? viii. Existing apps - analyze and rate them. ix. What will be your choice of screen elements ? x. How will your app/website be better than the existing ones? Know your Client - Old people (Design a user interface for online payment portal for Old People). Older generation finds it hard to learn the online payment concept and when they do, they become very skeptical to use it, as they learn of the threats too. But it will be easier for them to pay their utility bills, insurance, etc. online. Design a system that can help them pay their bills on time and educate them on safe online payments. (Old people may have visual problems, slow motor skills, color identification issues, etc.). xi. Analysis of old people, ex. their nature, interests, needs, etc. xii. What kind of interface will they like and why? xiii. Existing apps - analyze and rate them. xiv. What will be your choice of screen elements? xv. How will your app/website be better than the existing ones? Know your Client - Rural people (ATM machine/KIOSK screen design for rural people). Rural people may not be literate enough to use the ATM machines for withdrawing money, etc. Design screen elements such that it is simple and easy to understand & use by the rural people without any hesitation. xvi. Analysis of rural people, ex. languages known, their level of computer skills, interests, needs etc. xvii. What kind of interface will they like and why? xviii. Existing apps - analyze and rate them. xix. What will be your choice of screen elements? xx. How will your app/website be better than the existing ones? Implementation: 1. Develop a Math Application to 4–5-year-old children HCI principles: (Norman’s Fundamental 7 design principles) S.No. Principle Poor Average Good Very Good ✓ 1 Discoverability 2 Feedback ✓ 3 Conceptual model ✓ 4 Affordance ✓ 5 Signifiers ✓ 6 Mapping 7 Constraints ✓ ✓ Excellent 2. Design a digital diary for teenagers S.No. Principle Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent ✓ 1 Discoverability 2 Feedback 3 Conceptual model 4 Affordance 5 Signifiers 6 Mapping ✓ 7 Constraints ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3. Design a user interface for an online payment portal for Old People. S.No. Principle Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent ✓ 1 Discoverability 2 Feedback 3 Conceptual model 4 Affordance 5 Signifiers 6 Mapping ✓ 7 Constraints ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4. ATM machine/KIOSK screen design for rural people. S.No. Principle Poor Average Good Very Good ✓ 1 Discoverability 2 Feedback ✓ 3 Conceptual model ✓ 4 Affordance ✓ Excellent 5 Signifiers 6 Mapping 7 Constraints ✓ ✓ ✓ Conclusion : HCI applications were designed and evaluated successfully.