Inotropes= affect strength of contraction of the heart muscle Negative inotropes Positive inotropes Decrease cardiac workload and blood pressure Increase cardiac workload and blood pressure Betablockers Diltiazem verapamil Dopamine Dobutamine Epinephrine norepinephrine Chronotropes= any medication that affects the heart rate Negative response Positive response Lopressor cardizem dobutamine Levophed -alpha/beta agonist -for severe hypotension, shock or bradycardia -mix 4 mg/250 ml of D5w → 16mcg/ml -has a rapid onset and short half life -usually started at 2 mcg/min -protect from light -incompatible with sodium bicarb -immediate onset -half life 1-2 minutes -can cause arrhythmias -use PHENTOLAMINE for extravasation -DO NOT USE WITH HYPOVOLEMIA -DO NOT USE WITH MAOI therapy Catecholamine= stimulates the adrenergic system to raise blood pressure Catecholamine meds Epinephrine Norepinephrine Dopamine dobutamine Adrenergic= having characteristics of secreting epi or substances with similar activity Epinephrine Norepinephrine Cardiac output is a vital part of oxygen delivery, BP, urine output, and perfusion! Epinephrine drip -first drug of choice in CARDIAC ARREST -used for profound refractory hypotension, v-fib, VT, PEA, and aystole -it is a vasopressor and sympathomimetic that increases coronary perfusion -mix 1 mg/250 ml NS or D5W -start at 1-4 mcg/min -usual dose is 2-10 mcg/min -very quick acting and extremely short half-life 1-2 minutes MORE IS NOT BETTER -high doses can cause post resuscitation myocardial dysfunction -can cause HYPERGLYCEMIA, monitor glucose levels -can cause DECREASED URINE OUTPUT and metabolic acidosis Dopamine Vasopressin -adrenergic agonist -used for central hypotension, heart failure, and increased renal and mesenteric perfusion in the absence of hypovolemia -if etiology of shock is unknown, this drug is a good first line drug of choice -it is a positive inotrope -increase cardiac output and heart rate -increase cardiac performance and renal perfusion in shock and sepsis -mix 400 mg in 250ml/D5w -onset of action is 5 minutes and half life is 2 minutes -usually started at 5 mcg/kg/min -THIS DRUG IS CONTRAINDICATED IN PATIENTS WITH SULFITE ALLERGY -can cause vasoconstriction, limb ischemia, and widened QRS complex -monitor urine output every hour -is an anti-diuretic hormone -used in septic shock -also used in PEA, VF -retains water and constricts blood vessels → increases BP and SVR and decrease heart rate -20 units/100 ml D5w or NS = 0.2 units/ml -initially started at 0.01 units/min-0.04 units/min -used in refractory shock despite marked fluid resuscitation -can cause adverse reactions= arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, angina, MI and peripheral constriction -abrupt → rapid rebound hypotension -titrate slowly by 0.01 unit/min -metabolized by kidneys/liver -first alternative to epinephrine drip -monitor for HYPONATREMIA Dobutamine Nipride (vasodilator) -adrenergic agonist and first-line inotropic -used for cardiogenic shock and associated hypotension -reduces afterload, increases rate and cardiac contractility -drug will cause hypotension in the presence of hypovolemia → if hypotension is noted after infusion → STOP infusion and address fluid volume losses -can cause tachycardia and headache -CONTRAINDICATED IN PATIENTS WITH SULFITE ALLERGY -onset 1-2 mins, half life 2 mins. -mix 500 mg in 250ml D5w -hypertensive crisis, acute pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure -decreases cardiac afterloa -potent vasodilator -must be protected from light -acts quickly and reversed quickly -CYANIDE TOXIC -to prevent cyanide toxicity → thiocyanate levels must be monitored -mix 50 mg in 250 ml D5w -dose is 0.3-10 mcg/kg/min and slowly titrated -do not stop abruptly → can cause REBOUND HYPOTENSION AND SEIZURES Nitroglycerin (vasodilator) Lidocaine -strong vasodilator -increases coronary artery perfusion -decreases PRELOAD -used for chest pain, hypertensive crisis, pulmonary edema, CHF, and MI -drug of choice for cocaine induced MI -CAUTION!! In inferior wall MIs, sexual performance-enhancing drugs→ HYPOTENSION -It can cause severe bradycardia and hypotension -causes headache Diltiazem -is a calcium channel blocker and anti-arrhythmic for heart rate control → a-fib, multifocal atrial tachycardia, a-fib with RVR -DO NOT USE for wide complex QRS tachycardias -antidote is CALCIUM -CAUTION in patients with 1st degree block, WPW syndrome, V-tach, SSS, short PR syndrome -can rapidly decrease blood pressure -can cause HYPOCALCEMIA -monitor for QRS widening Amiodarone Do not mix with normal saline, only D5W NON TITRATABLE -recurrent VF or hemodynamically unstable T and cardiac arrest -commonly used for VF pulseless and VT unresponsive to shock delivery and CPR -BOLUS 150 MG/100 ML OVER 10 MINUTES -bolus may be repeated -2ND BOLUS 300 MG/100 ML OVER 10 MINUTES -drip 450 mg/250 ml and runs at 1 mg/min (33 ml/hour) for 6 hours → then 0.5 mg/hour for 18 hours→ transition to cordarone PO -IT HAS A 53 DAY HALF LIFE -can cause hypotension, bradycardia, thyroid dysfunction, thyroid storm, nausea/vomiting and pulmonary toxicity -USE IN-LINE FILTER -high incidence of EXTRAVASATION -ventricular anti-arrhythmic -decreases automaticity -onset is 30-90 seconds -use caution in elderly as a complete heart block can occur -can cause confusion, hypotension, lightheadedness, double vision, seizures, tinnitus, perioral numbness (all of which indicate signs of toxicity) -CONTRAINDICATED in COMPLETE OR 2ND DEGREE AV BLOCKS -CHF or hepatic disease patients need decreased doses -monitor for BRADYCARDIA, DO NOT USE IN AMI -WATCH FOR CIRCULATORY DEPRESSION -1-1.5 MG/KG IV BOLUS OVER 2-3 MINS IS INITIATED -may be repeated 2 mg/kg -drip at 1-4 mg/minute Esmolol -for sinus tach, SVT, hypertension -selective beta-blocker -will decrease heart rate, CO, and SVR → decreased cardiac oxygen demand -drug acts rapidly -half-life is 9 minutes -may be started at 50 mcg/kg/min up to 300 mcg/kg/min every 5 minutes -DO NOT STOP MEDICATION ABRUPTLY Adenosine -used for paroxysmal SVT and Wolff Parkson White Syndrome -initial dose 6 mg IVP -2nd dose after 1-2 minutes → 12 mg IVP -strong vasodilator -transient episode of aystole -extremely short half life -patients will complain of chest pain and SOB after the administration of adenosine