: www.workout911.com 1 Principle of Individuality www.workout911.com Training programs should be developed with each individual’s goals and abilities in mind 2 The Role of Genetics Twin studies show that up to 90% of the variance in baseline muscle mass and approximately 60% of the variance in baseline muscle strength are hereditary (Hand et al. 2007). A lesser response of muscle phenotypes to resistance training appears to be genetically influenced www.workout911.com 3 Responders vs. Non-Responders www.workout911.com When performing a regimented resistance training program over the course of 16 weeks, untrained subjects have highly divergent responses (Bamman et al. 2007): High responders (25%) – CSA increase of ~50% Moderate responders (50%) – CSA increase of 20% Low responders (25%) – minimal to no gains 4 Role of Training Experience Closer to genetic ceiling Altered hormonal output Greater capacity to recruit all fibers Greater capacity to push to failure Greater capacity to perform high volumes without overtraining No learning curve (i.e. neural mechanisms) www.workout911.com 5 Key Point! www.workout911.com There is no “best” training program, only a best program for a given individual 6 A Periodized Approach Periodization: The systematic manipulation of exercise program variables in an attempt to optimize a given fitness component. Basis of periodization can be traced to Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) theory. Body undergoes a tri-phasic response to stress: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. www.workout911.com 7 GAS Theory Illustrated www.workout911.com 8 Application to Periodization www.workout911.com A properly structured periodized resistance training program maintains performance in the resistance stage (i.e. supercompensation), maximizing results while preventing the body from reaching a state of exhaustion (i.e. systemic overtraining) 9 Genesis of Periodization www.workout911.com Originally developed by Russian strength coaches to prepare their athletes for Olympic competition 10 Linear Periodization Model Traditional linear periodized program is divided into three components: Macrocycle: generally represents the entire training year, but can vary from several months to up to four years. Mesocycle: The macrocycle is subdivided into two or more mesocycles that last from several weeks to several months. Microcycle: Mesocycles are subdivided into microcycles of one to four weeks, where periods of high volume and/or intensity training are interspersed with brief periods of unloading designed to restore and rejuvenate, and can potentiate muscular supercompensation www.workout911.com 11 Linear Periodization Illustrated www.workout911.com 12 Non-Linear Approach Rather than dividing training cycles over a period of months or years, “undulating” periodization uses a non-linear model where variables are manipulated over short time periods, generally on a week-to-week or even session-to session basis (DUP). www.workout911.com 13 Non-Linear Periodization Illustrated www.workout911.com 14 MAX Muscle Periodization Hybrid Approach Similar to linear periodization, it includes three mesocycles: a MAX strength phase, a MAX metabolic phase, and a MAX muscle phase. Consistent with undulating periodization, it employs a technique called "block periodization" where variables are manipulated on a weekly basis. “Step loading” www.workout911.com 15 Step Loading Example Hypertrophy Mesocycle 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Intensity 16 www.workout911.com Periodized Hypertrophy Macrocycle Strength Mesocycle Metabolic Mesocycle ~8 weeks ~4 weeks Hypertrophy Mesocycle ~10 weeks www.workout911.com 17 Strength Cycle Variables Intensity of load Rest interval 4 sets per exercise Recovery 3 minutes Volume 1 to 5 reps (90+% 1RM) 48 hours between same muscle group, 3-4 days per week schedule Modalities Focus on multi-joint free weight movements www.lookgreatnaked.com 18 Strength Mesocycle 8 week mesocycle with training segmented into two distinct blocks. Intensity varied in each block using a step-loading paradigm 4-5 reps week 1 2-3 reps week 2 5-3-1 week 3 Week 4 unload. Training frequency progressively increased from 3 days/week first block to 4 days/week second block Addition of assistance exercises in Block 2 Total body routine first block, two-day upper/lower split second block www.workout911.com 19 Metabolic Cycle Variables Intensity of load Rest interval 3 sets per exercise Recovery 30 seconds or less Volume 15 to 20 reps (50 to 60% 1RM) 48 hours between same muscle group, Modalities Focus on multi-joint, large muscle group exercises www.lookgreatnaked.com 20 Metabolic Mesocycle 4 week mesocycle with training segmented into one block. Use metabolic techniques to increase training density (circuit training, paired set training, supercircuit training, etc). Total body routine performed 3 days/week www.workout911.com 21 Hypertrophy Cycle Variables Intensity of load 6 to 12 reps (65 to 85% 1RM) Rest interval 60 to 90 seconds Volume per session 6 to 12 sets per muscle group Intensity of effort Progressive overload with liberal use of training to failure Recovery 48 hrs between same muscle group, 3-4 days per week schedule Modalities Employ a variety of multiple modalities 22 www.lookgreatnaked.com Hypertrophy Mesocycle 10 week mesocycle with training segmented into three distinct blocks that are structured to potentiate the ensuing block. Intensity varied in each block using a step-loading paradigm. Creates a wave-like loading pattern where a progressive increase in intensity is followed an unloading interval. Training frequency progressively increased each block, culminating with a “shock” phase in Block 3 that is intended to bring about short-term overreaching Split routine effective in maintaining total weekly training volume with fewer sets performed per training session and greater recovery afforded between sessions Variation of exercises throughout mesocycle www.workout911.com 23 Exercise Variation: Applied Anatomy Muscles can have varied attachments that provide greater leverage for varying actions Muscles are often subdivided into neuromuscular compartments, each with its own distinct nerve branch Trapezius subdivided into upper aspect (elevates scapula), middle (adducts scapula) and lower (depresses scapula) Biceps brachii, sartorius, gracilis, biceps femoris, and semitendinosus are all compartmentalized by one or more fibrous bands or inscriptions innervated by different nerves Muscles should be worked from multiple angles in multiple planes of movement whenever possible www.workout911.com 24 Applied Anatomy: Training Tactics Training angle Planes of movement Make one muscle more or less active (only applicable for two-joint muscles) Multi-joint/single joint exercises Recruitment changes in different planes of movement Employ passive tension, active insufficiency Fibers contract optimally when they are placed in direct opposition to gravity along direction of fiber Recruitment patterns different when more or less muscle activated Hand/foot spacing Alterations in spacing can change line of pull www.workout911.com 25 Block 1 Training Protocol Comprised of four, one-week microcycles training 3 days per week using push/pull split Week 1: 10-12 reps per set (employ supersets) Week 2: 8-10 reps per set (employ drop sets) Week 3: 6-8 per set (employ heavy negatives) Week 4 (unloading): 15+ reps per set without going to failure www.workout911.com 26 Block 1 Schedule www.workout911.com 27 Block 2 Training Protocol Comprised of four, one-week microcycles training 4 days per week using upper body/lower body split. Week 1: 10-12 reps per set (employ supersets) Week 2: 8-10 reps per set (employ drop sets) Week 3: 6-8 per set (employ heavy negatives) Week 4 (unloading): 15+ reps per set without going to failure www.workout911.com 28 Block 2 Schedule www.workout911.com 29 Block 3 Training Protocol Comprised of two, one-week microcycles training 6 days per week using shoulders-arms/torso/lower body split. Week 1: 10-12 reps per set (employ supersets) Week 2: 6-8 per set (employ heavy negatives) Recovery phase: After finishing this block, take one to two weeks off only performing light activities (~50-60% of VO2 Max) on most days of the week ▪ Hypertrophy will be maximized during this period www.workout911.com 30 Block 3 Schedule 86 84 82 80 78 Intensity 76 74 72 70 www.workout911.com 31 Sample Hypertrophy Routine Day One: Chest/Back/Abs Exercise Sets Reps Incline BB Press 4 6-12 Flat DB Press 3 6-12 Pec Deck 3 6-12 Lat Pulldown 4 6-12 Seated Row 4 6-12 Dumbbell Pullover 3 6-12 Cable Rope Crunch 3 6-12 Reverse Curl 3 6-12 DB Side Bend www.workout911.com 2 6-12 32 Sample Hypertrophy Routine Day Two: Lower Body Exercise Sets Reps BB Front Squat 4 6-12 DB Lateral Lunge 4 6-12 Sissy Squat 3 6-12 Good Morning 4 6-12 Kneeling Hamstring Curl 3 6-12 Cable Abduction 2 6-12 One Legged Standing Calf Raise 4 6-12 Seated Calf Raise 3 6-12 www.workout911.com 33 Sample Hypertrophy Routine Day Three: Shoulders, Bis, Tris Exercise Sets Reps DB Shoulder Press 4 6-12 Cable Lateral Raise 3 6-12 Reverse Pec Deck Fly 3 6-12 BB Drag Curl 4 6-12 DB Prone Incline Curl 3 6-12 Overhead Triceps Extension 3 6-12 Triceps Pressdown 3 6-12 Triceps Dip 2 6-12 www.workout911.com 34 Cardio and Muscle Growth Benefits Increased capillarization facilitates local muscular recovery by enhancing nutrient delivery Sensitizing effect on insulin function and increased enzyme activity can aid in glycogen storage Detriments Combining cardio with resistance training can compromise muscle growth (“concurrent training effect”) Chronic Interference Hypothesis Postulates that trained muscles are unable to adapt optimally at the same time morpholocially or metabolically to both strength and endurance training (Mikkola et al. 2012) Each type of training regimen activates and suppresses specific genes and signaling pathways, and these pathways tend to interfere with one another. Interference in strength development may also relate to overtraining symptoms induced by a catabolic hormonal environment and chronic muscle glycogen depletion resulting from excessive training volume AMPK-PKB Switch Atherton PJ, Babraj J, Smith K, Singh J, Rennie MJ, Wackerhage H. Selective activation of AMPK-PGC-1alpha or PKB-TSC2-mTOR signaling can explain specific adaptive responses to endurance or resistance training-like electrical muscle stimulation. FASEB J. 2005 May;19(7):786-8 A Balancing Act The key to ensuring that muscle is not sacrificed in a concurrent training regimen is to keep cardio intensity, duration, and frequency in moderation. Ultimate response depends on individual recovery ability, the type and duration of the aerobic training, and training experience. Err on the side of caution; Don’t push it! General Steady-State Guidelines Duration: 30-45 minutes Intensity: low to moderate (equating to approximately 60-70% of MHR or a 5-6 on the RPE scale) Frequency: 4-5 days a week. General HIIT Guidelines Duration: 15-20 minutes Intensity: high-intensity intervals at 8-9 RPE and low-intensity at 4-5 RPE Work/rest ratio: ~1/1 Frequency: 3 days a week Cardio Modalities Running has been shown to be particularly detrimental to strength/hypertrophy gains (Wilson et al. 2012) Cycling results in less interference Proper Integration of Science and Art… www.workout911.com 42 www.workout911.com 43