Uploaded by Abigail Balili

English Speaking Anxiety & Flipped Learning Survey

English Speaking Anxiety:
1. I get nervous and forget words and ideas I know in English speaking class.
2. I get nervous and shy when my teacher asks me to speak in English.
3. I feel anxious when I speak in English even if I am prepared.
4. I feel relaxed speaking in English inside or outside the classroom.
5. I avoid an eye to eye contact with the audience while speaking in English.
6. I am afraid that other students may laugh at me while I am speaking in English.
7. I get nervous if my classmates correct my errors while I am speaking in English.
8. I fear that other students might speak English better than I in group discussions.
9. I don’t feel comfortable when I have to give an individual presentation in English.
10. I get nervous in any speech activity because my English is poor.
11. It embarrasses me to volunteer to go out first to speak English.
12. I have no fear of speaking in English.
13. I can feel my heart pounding every time I speak English in front of the class.
14. I enjoy the experience of speaking in English.
15. I have trouble coordinating my movements while speaking in English.
16. I tremble when knowing that I am going to be called to speak English.
17. The more speaking test I get, the more confused I get.
18. It fears me a lot if my teacher is trying to judge how I talk in the class.
19. It frightens me when I do not understand what the teacher is saying in English.
20. I often feel like not going to my English class.
Flipped Learning:
1. I feel that watching English videos and taking notes boosts my confidence in
speaking English.
2. I like watching the lessons on video.
3. I feel prepared to complete speaking tasks in class after listening to the video
content or any printed electronic materials.
4. I develop my communicative skills by interacting with my peers/classmates.
5. I feel confident accomplishing any speaking activities when I work with small
6. I spend more efficient time in class practicing my speaking skills because of printed
electronic materials and videos.
7. I am more satisfied with my speaking performance when I collaborate with my
8. I feel more productive when I exchange ideas with my peers/classmates to
enhance my speaking skills.
9. I feel motivated to learn English when I engage myself in speaking activities.
10. I can concentrate more on developing my communicative skills through interactive
11. I feel confident in working in activity whenever I am with a group.
12. I am able to work on my English-speaking ability through interactive activities.
13. I am able to fully understand an English lesson if there is homework or materials
14. I do not feel anxious when speaking English in a friendly environment.
15. Playing language games and video tutorials helps me reduce my nervousness in
speaking the English language.