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Educational Philosophies: Essentialism, Perennialism, More

Essentialism philosophy of education
Educational essentialism is an educational philosophy whose adherents believe that children should
learn the traditional basic subjects thoroughly. In this philosophical school of thought, the aim is to instill
students with the "essentials" of academic knowledge, enacting a back-to-basics approach.
Perennialism philosophy of education
The goal of a perennialist educator is to teach students to think rationally and develop minds that can
think critically. A perennialist classroom aims to be a closely organized and well-disciplined environment,
which develops in students a lifelong quest for the truth.
Progressivism philosophy of education
Progressivists believe that individuality, progress, and change are fundamental to one's education.
Believing that people learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives, progressivists
center their curricula on the needs, experiences, interests, and abilities of students.
Humanism philosophy of education
Humanistic teachers believe that knowledge and feelings go hand-in-hand in the learning process.
Cognitive and affective learning are both important to humanistic learning. Lessons and activities should
focus on the whole student and their intellect and feelings, not one or the other. A safe learning
Constructivism philosophy of education
What is constructivism? Constructivism is the theory that says learners construct knowledge rather than
just passively take in information. As people experience the world and reflect upon those experiences,
they build their own representations and incorporate new information into their pre-existing knowledge