Degree Project in Mechanical engineering Second Cycle, 30 Credits September 2016 PISTON BOWL COMBUSTION SIMULATION From Fuel Spray Calibration to Emissions Minimization Diego Garcia Pardo FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS Contents 1 2 PRINCIPLES OF CFD MODELLING 1 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Eulerian and Lagrangian Fluid Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 The Navier-Stokes Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.4 Principles of Turbulence Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.4.1 Basics of RANS Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.4.2 RNG k − e RANS Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 SPRAY MODELLING 7 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2 Parcel Grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.3 Spray Break Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.4 Droplet Drag Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.5 Spray Vaporizing Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.6 Sandia Spray A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.6.1 Initial and Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.6.2 Grid Configuration and Road Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.6.3 Parcel Number: Lagrangian Phase Numerical Dependency Study . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.6.4 Grid Study and Collision Mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.6.5 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.6.6 Break Up Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.6.7 Correlations and Analytical Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2 3 Case Study: Diesel ULPC Piston Bowl Optimization 36 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.2 ULPC Piston Bowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.2.1 Pilot and Post Injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.3 Exhaust Gas Recirculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.4 CFD Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.4.1 Computational Model: Sector Mesh and Flow Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.4.2 CFD Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3.4.3 Combustion Modelling and Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3.4.4 Baseline Case and Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.4.5 About Grid Dependency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 3.4.6 Turbulence Model Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 3.4.7 Spray Model Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 NOx and Soot Constrained Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.5.1 Parametrization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.5.2 Optimization Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.5.3 Analysis of the Optimization Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 3.5.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Unexplored Optimization Posibilities: Fuel Injection Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3.5 3.6 3 Diego García Pardo FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS Potsdam 4 Aknowledgements The current pollution policies in all European and American countries are forcing the industry to move towards a more efficient and environmentally friendly engines. On the other hand, customers require maintaining the power and fuel consumption. Lowering mainly nitrous oxides ( NOx ) and carbon particles (Soot) is therefore a challenging task with a very strong impact on mainly the automotive and aeronautical market. The purpose of the current work is to research the pollution production of automotive diesel engines and optimize the fuel injection and piston geometry to lower the emissions. The interaction between fuel and air as well as the combustion are the two main physical and chemical processes governing the pollutants formation. Converged-CFD will be the CFD tool employed during the analysis of the previous problems. The fuel-air interaction is related to jet break up, vaporization and turbulence. The strong dependence on the surrounding flow field of the previous processes require the equations to be solved numerically within a CFD code. The fuel is to be placed in a combustion chamber (piston) where the spray will affect the surrounding flow field and ultimately the combustion process. In order to accurately represent the nature of the processes, the current work is divided into two main chapters. Spray modelling and Combustion Modelling. The first will help to accurately model the discrete phase (fuel spray) and the vapour entrainment. The second chapter, combustion modelling will retrieve the knowledge gain in the first part to accurately represent the fuel injection in the chamber as well as the combustion process to ultimately model the pollutants emissions. Finally, a piston bowl optimization will be performed using the previous analysed models and give the industry a measure of the potential improvement by just adjusting the fuel injection or by modifying the piston bowl geometry. PREFACE The current pollution policies in all European and American countries are forcing the industry to move towards a more efficient and environmentally friendly engines. On the other hand, customers require maintaining the power and fuel consumption. Lowering mainly nitrous oxides ( NOx ) and carbon particles (Soot) is therefore a challenging task with a very strong impact on mainly the automotive and aeronautical market. The purpose of the current work is to research the pollution production of automotive diesel engines and optimize the fuel injection and piston geometry to lower the emissions. The interaction between fuel and air as well as the combustion are the two main physical and chemical processes governing the pollutants formation. Converged-CFD will be the CFD tool employed during the analysis of the previous problems. The fuel-air interaction is related to jet break up, vaporization and turbulence. The strong dependence on the surrounding flow field of the previous processes require the equations to be solved numerically within a CFD code. The fuel is to be placed in a combustion chamber (piston) where the spray will affect the surrounding flow field and ultimately the combustion process. In order to accurately represent the nature of the processes, the current work is divided into two main chapters. Spray modelling and Combustion Modelling. The first will help to accurately model the discrete phase (fuel spray) and the vapour entrainment. The second chapter, combustion modelling will retrieve the knowledge gain in the first part to accurately represent the fuel injection in the chamber as well as the combustion process to ultimately model the pollutants emissions. Finally, a piston bowl optimization will be performed using the previous analysed models and give the industry a measure of the potential improvement by just adjusting the fuel injection or by modifying the piston bowl geometry. PREFACIO Las actuales políticas medioambientales tanto en países Europeos como Americanos está forzando a la industria a producir motores de combustión más eficientes y limpios. Los clientes requieren mantener la potencia y el consumo de combustible. Es por esto que la minimización de la emisión de óxidos de nitrógeno NOx y de part’iculas de carbono (Soot) es una tarea cuanto menos desafiante con un gran impacto en el mercado automovilístico y aeronáutico. El propósito de este trabajo es realizar una investigació sobre las emisiones de motores diésel y optimizar la inyección de combustible y la geometria del bowl del piston. La interacción entre el combustible y el aire así como el proceso de combustión son los dos principales procesos químicos y físicos que gobiernan la formación de humos tóxicos. ConvergeCFD será utilizado como herramienta para llevar acabo las simulaciones CFD durante el análisis de los procesos previamente descritos. La interacción entre el aire y el combustible se debe a los modelos de ruptura del jet líquido, vaporización y valores de turbulencia. La fuerte dependencia en el fluido que rodea al spray require que las ecuaciones sean resueltas numéricamente en un software CFD. El combustible liquido será inyectado en una cámara de combustion (piston) donde el liquido se atomizará, evaporará y finalmente igniciará. Con el objetivo de estudiar de forma exhaustiva los procesos que tendrán lugar, el trabajo se divide en un primer capitulo en el que se analiza el comportamiento de los sprays de combustible y un segundo capítulo en el que el proceso de combustión se valida para finalmente proceder con la el proceso de optimización. El primero ayudará a entender la relación entre la fase discreta del fluido (spray liquido) así como la penetración del vapor en la cámara de combustión. En el segundo capítulo, se describirá tanto el proceso de combustión como la formación de compuestos tóxicos. Finalmente la geometría del bowl del piston será parametrizada y optimizada con el objetivo de medir la capacidad de mejora simplemente modificando la geometría del pistón y la estrategia de inyección. Chapter 1 PRINCIPLES OF CFD MODELLING 1.1 Introduction Fluid mechanics is a wide and complex branch of engineering. The applicability of the laws of physics in this field has been shown to be especially difficult. The behaviour of gases and liquids is still limited due to the complexity of the equations describing the flow. The main sets of equations that can be found are either Lattice-Boltzmann equations and the Navier-Stokes equations. The applicability of the previous equations is widely discussed in [3]. The main parameter affecting to the applicability of both sets is the so called mean free path, λ. The continuum hypothesis is based on this parameter. It requires the mean free path to be much smaller than the actual length scale of the flow being described. Therefore one necessary requirement (but not sufficient [3]) is that the Knudsen number: λ Kn = 1 L The mean free path of air at standard conditions can be estimated (as shown in [2]) by: λ≈ N ρ A m −1/3 = 3 × 10−9 m Where NA and m represent the Avogadro number and the molecular weight. Computational Fluid Dynamics (from now on simply CFD), attempts to solve these equations numerically. The increase in the available computational power in the recent years has opened many possibilities within the world of research and engineering. This project will make use of the Navier-Stokes equations to model fuel sprays. This project will seek to compare and asses the predictive capabilities of CFD by comparing the results with experimental data. 1 1.2 Eulerian and Lagrangian Fluid Description The mathematical description of the behavior of a fluid can be done by either tracking particles within the fluid (Lagrangian approach) or by looking at a specified location over time (Eulerian approach). It is usually found in bibliography the following comparison: UL ( x0 , t) = UE (~x (t), t) (1.1) Where x0 represents a given particle. The time derivative of both should be the same, therefore leading to the following relationship ∂ ∂u UL = ∂t ∂t ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂x ∂u ∂u UE = + = +u ∂t ∂t ∂x ∂t ∂t ∂x (1.2) (1.3) Last equation is the definition of the so called material derivative, which in its most general form is given by; ∂ ∂ D ≡ + uj (1.4) Dt ∂t ∂j 1.3 The Navier-Stokes Equations The description of the flow field requires a set of equations describing the mass, momentum and energy conservation. That is, the flow physics are derived from first principles. The momentum conservation equations are the so called Navier-Stokes Equations. The derivation can be found in almost any introductory books to fluid mechanics. Below, the Navier-Stokes equations are presented in conservative form. They include the terms that account for a mass, momentum and energy transfers from only the Lagrangian to Eulerian phase [13]. Mass conservation ∂ρ ∂ + (ρui ) = S I ∂t ∂xi (1.5) Where S I accounts for the mass transfer from the Lagrangian phase (fuel injection as it will be shown). Momentum conservation ∂σi,j ∂P ∂ (ρui ) ∂ ρui u j + =− + + SiI I ∂t ∂x j ∂xi ∂x j 2 (1.6) Where S I I accounts for the momentum transfer from the Lagrangian phase. The stress tensor is defined as: ! ∂1u j ∂ui 2 ∂u σi,j = µ + + µb − µ δi,j k (1.7) ∂x j ∂xi 3 ∂xk In the CFD Software used in the present work, the bulk viscosity, µb is set to zero [13]. Energy conservation ∂u j ∂ρe ∂ρeu j ∂u ∂ + = −P + σij i + ∂t ∂x j ∂x j ∂x j ∂x j ∂T K ∂x j ! ∂ + ∂x j ∂Ym ρD ∑ hm ∂x j m ! Where S I I I accounts for the energy transfer from the Lagrangian phase. Besides, + SI I I ∂ ∂x j (1.8) m ρD ∑ hm ∂Y ∂x m j represents for the energy transport due to species diffusion as stated in [13]. The species mass fraction Mm m ν represents the molecular mass diffusion coefficient1 . is Ym = M = ρρtot and the D = Sc tot The previous equations have to be supplemented with additional state equations: P = ρRT and e = e0 + c v T (1.9) The Source term for mass, momentum and energy will be presented later in the chapter describing spray modelling, Ch.2. 1 Sc ≡ Schmidt Number 3 1.4 Principles of Turbulence Modelling Solving the Navier-Stokes equations is a challenging task usually performed numerically. There is only a few known analytical solutions. The numerical solutions are however very expensive computationally speaking. The cost of solving the Navier-Stokes equations is directly related the size of the smallest eddies in the flow field. The scale is given by the so called Kolmogorov scale. From dimensional analysis [4]: 1/4 η = ν3 /e (1.10) It is observed that smallest scales are independent from the geometrical boundaries and depend solely on the viscosity, ν and dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, e. Also as reported in [4] it is possible to estimate the dissipation order of magnitude as a function of velocity (large eddie velocity), u0 and the geometrical length scale, Λ: ( u 0 )3 e∼ (1.11) Λ The cost of evaluating numerically the Navier-Stokes Equations comes directly from the combination of the last two equations as: 1/4 u03 /Λ Λ Λ =Λ = Re3/4 = Λ 1/4 η ν3/4 (ν3 /e) (1.12) If we consider a 3 dimensional flow with a grid fine enough to resolve the kolmogorov scales, then: 2.25 Ngrid points ∝ Re9/4 Λ = ReΛ (1.13) Real application usually involve dealing with Reynolds numbers large enough to support alternatives to the Direct Numerical Solution (usually abbreviated as DNS) of the Navier-Stokes equations. The golden rule in engineering, if you can’t solve the problem, solve a simpler one fits perfectly in this situation. Nowadays there exists many turbulence models that lower the cost of performing a DNS analysis. Some of these models are listed in [4] (LES, DES, Reynolds Stress Model, Hybrid RANS-LES, RANS, Spalart-Allmaras, etc..). 1.4.1 Basics of RANS Modelling The present work is mainly focus in RANS Modelling where the Navier Stokes instantaneous velocity is decomposed as u = U + u0 . After the decomposition, an average is taken over the equations. For example the RANS Momentum equation is then: ∂σij ∂ ∂P ∂ 0 0 ∂ ρUi Uj = − + − ρui u j + S I I (ρU ) + ∂t ∂x j ∂xi ∂x j ∂x j 4 (1.14) Where the average of the stress tensor is then: σij = µ ∂Uj ∂Ui + ∂x j ∂xi ! 2 ∂U + (− µ) k δij 3 ∂xk (1.15) The so called closure problem in turbulence modelling is shown here. The turbulent stress tensor, ρui0 u0j needs to be modelled in order to be able to solve the so called RANS equations. The eddy viscosity models assume a general invariant form of the turbulent stress tensor as [13]: ∂Ui 2 − ρui0 u0j = 2µ T Sij − δij ρK + µ T + ≡ τij (1.16) 3 ∂xi Again, at the cost of removing the turbulent stress tensor a new unknown has been introduced: the turbulent viscosity νT ∼ Λu0 The turbulent viscosity is now another unknown in the model. The challenge is now to model a constant rather than a second order tensor. Analogously, the turbulent heat conductivity κ T or the turbulent diffusion DT need to be modelled. At this point it is easy to understand the need of validation for the RANS-Based CFD simulations given the number of assumptions taken. 3/2 Following the derivation in [4], the eddies length scale can be estimated as Λ ∼ K e and the velocity scale u0 ∼ K1/2 finally leading to the need of an equation for the turbulent kinetic energy, K and dissipation e. In any introductory book for turbulence modelling it is possible to find a derivation for such equations. Here the final shape of the compressible standard K − e equations employed in ConvergeCFD are retrieved[13]: ∂u ∂ D (ρK ) = τij i + Dt ∂x j ∂x j D ∂ (ρe) = Dt ∂x j µ ∂e Pre ∂x j µ ∂K Prk ∂x j ! ! − ρe + ∂u + Ce,3 ρe i + ∂xi Cs STK aS ∂u Ce,1 τij i − Ce,2 ρe + Cs STK ∂x j (1.17) ! e + STe K (1.18) The terms STK and STe represent the interaction with the Lagrangian phase. The constant as is linked to the turbulence generated by the Lagrangian phase. Empirically, aS has been set to 1.5, but it allows some calibration. Finally the turbulent stress tensor is remodelled and integrated in the RANS Equations as part of the viscosity, diffusivity and conductivity: K2 µ T = Cµ ρ e 1 DT = µT Sc T 1 κT = µT cP Pr T 5 (1.19) (1.20) (1.21) The calibration of the constants Ce,i allows to modify the rates of production and dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy. Particularly, Ce,1 is intrinsically related to the production of kinetic energy and Ce,2 to the dissipation. Ce,3 is constant related to the compressibility of the fluid. It models the turbulent dissipation due to the "dilatation" or "elasticity" of a fluid element. 1.4.2 RNG k − e RANS Model In principle, for all the simulations present in this report, the RNG k − e RANS model will be employed. This model is derived using a statistical technique called Re normalization Group. The main difference between the standard and the RNG version of the k − e model is that the values of the constants become functions of flow parameters (length scales). However, It is not possible to say that the RNG turbulence model always correlates better than the standard k − e model. In the standard k − e model, the eddy viscosity is found from a single turbulent length scale. In reality this is not true. All scales of motion affect the turbulent diffusion and hence, the turbulent viscosity. The RNG procedure allows to take this into account. The RNG k − e equations implemented in ConvergeCFD are shown below: ! D (ρk) ∂ µt ∂k = µ+ + Pk − ρe (1.22) Dt ∂x j σk ∂x j ! e D (ρe) ∂ µt ∂e = µ+ + ce1 Pk − c∗e2 ρe (1.23) Dt ∂x j σe ∂x j k cµ η 3 (1 − η/η0 ) 1 + βη 3 1/2 k η = 2Sij Sij → Sij = mean flow strain rate tensor e c∗e2 = ce2 + (1.24) (1.25) In the formulation of the dissipation rate equation, it is possible to observe the differences with respect to the standard model. Mainly the the parameter Ce2 becomes now Ce∗2 and therefore itself depends on the turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation present in the flow field through the function η 6 Chapter 2 SPRAY MODELLING 2.1 Introduction The fuel injection into the combustion chamber is a classical jet break up problem within fluid mechanics. The complexity lies on the strong interaction (shear and normal forces) between the fuel and the surrounding fluid (air in this case). The difficulty increases even more given the interaction between droplets and their evaporation. A correct prediction of the spray penetration, opening and evaporation rate is of extremely importance for the follow up work of combustion modelling. Given the large number of droplets (For a typical diesel engine ([12]), N ∼ 107 ) created after the jet break up, it has been chosen to model the flow using a discrete phase approach. This means that it is possible to avoid resolving the free surface of each droplet in the flow field and therefore reducing the computational cost per simulation significantly. The droplets are all contained inside parcels where the characteristics of each droplet are equal. This further reduces the cost when dealing with the Figure 2.1: Fuel Injection evolution. possible collisions between droplets. Source: Oregon State University The reduction in the CPU cost however is then balanced by the usage of Lagrangian models with the corresponding difficulty when interacting between the Eulerian phase. In [9] it is presented the dependency of the Eulerian phase mesh on the Lagrangian phase giving rise to the so called grid-dependent models (as it will be shown). The dependency on the grid lies on the representation of the collision between parcels. The droplets are only allowed to collide if they are contained in the same cell. The first attempt to avoid the grid dependency is given by the O’Rourke Method. However as seen in 7 [10] the CPU Cost increases with the square of the number of parcels reducing its applicability to real cases. Schmidt in [10] proposes a new method with a cost that increases linearly with the number of parcels in the flow. 2.2 Parcel Grouping As it was seen in the first chapter 1, a given fluid flow can be described by looking at a specific particle (Lagrangian approach) or by looking at a specific location in space (Eulerian approach). In spray simulations, the liquid jet is represented by a continuous injection of spherical droplets with a diameter equal to the nozzle of the injector. The correct physical behavior of these droplets is then a key part in this work. This droplets are then subjected to drag, collision, coalescence, wall interaction and evaporation. This physical behavior is entirely modeled in the Lagrangian phase. The computational cost of tracking each particle is extremely expensive and only viable in research projects where the CPU cost or time is not an issue. In the present work, the droplets are grouped together within parcels containing identical droplets (radius, temperature, velocity, etc...). This is also remarked in the software manual [13] . Below the concept of parcel is pictured for clarification. To the left it is represented the actual injected droplets and to the right their representation in the CFD code. Figure 2.2: Parcel Grouping 8 2.3 Spray Break Up A typical Spray is formed after the break up of a liquid jet due to the aerodynamic forces, cavitation, shearing and other instabilities growing in the jet and in the surrounding fluid. Within this work, it has been chosen to model the break up process using the Kelvin-Helmholtz wave model and the RayleighTaylor Model to account for the liquid core and droplet instabilities. Kelvin-Helmholtz Break Up Model The Kelvin-Helmholtz assumes that a liquid axisymmetric jet surface can be described by: η = η0 eikz+ωt (2.1) The derivations presented by Reitz [15] find the dispersion relation ωKH = ωKH (k KH ). Most importantly, It is found the dispersion relation for the most unstable wave (ΩKH = ΩKH (KKH )), where ΩKH is the growth rate of the most unstable wave. At the same time, KKH = Λ2π provide us with the waveKH length of the fastest growing wave [13]. The results presented below are implemented in the CFD Code. 1 + 0.45Zl0.5 1 + 0.4T 0.7 ΛKH = 9.02 rp 1 + 0.87We0.87 g !0.5 ρ L r3p 0.34 + 0.38We1g .5 ΩKH = σ (1 + Zl ) (1 + 1.4T 0.6 ) (2.2) (2.3) √ Where σ is the surface tension of thepfluid, r p is the drop radius of a parent parcel, Zl = Wel /Rel is the Ohnesorge number and T = Zl We g the Taylor number. The subindices l or g indicate whether the properties are referred to the gaseous or liquid phase of the flow domain. The Webber Number, We represents the ratio between the inertial forces and surface tension: We = regimes, the Webber number is very large1 We & 100 ρl U 2 r p σ . Usually in spray The Kelvin-Helmholtz model assumes that a parent parcel breaks into a new parcel of radius rc according to the following derivation: rc = B0 ΛKH (2.4) Where B0 is model constant, candidate for calibration. The standard model assumes B0 = 0.68. The break up process forms new parcels at a rate given by : dr r − rc =− dt τKH 3.726B1 r 3.726B1 r τKH = = ΩKH ΛKH UKH 1 The Webber number seems not be upper bounded. In a typical CFD Spray Simulation for a fuel injector Wemax ≈ 106 9 (2.5) (2.6) Again, B1 is model constant subjected to calibration. The standard model sets B1 = 40. However in the CFD code [13], the default value is set to B1 = 7, which is a value in good agreement with typical Diesel Sprays. Again we see the magnitude of the changes occurring in this constants, spanning almost changes of one order of magnitude. Finally, the newly created droplets are assigned a velocity given by: v = C1 ΛKH ΩKH (2.7) Where C1 is a model constant with a value of C1 = 0.188 as expressed in [13]. Rayleigh Taylor Breakup Model The Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) breakup model is employed inside the intact core of the fluid region. The breakup of the droplets beyond the intact core is linked to the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) mechanism [9]. The Rayleigh-Taylor Break up model accounts in particular for the break up due to the rapid deceleration of the particle in the fluid domain due to the drag forces [13]. The wavelength and frequency of the most unstable RT waves are given by: s 3σ a(ρl − ρ g ) (2.8) v u u 2 a ρ − ρ 3/2 g l =t √ ρl + ρ g 3 3σ (2.9) Λ RT = 2π Ω RT The child droplet size and the characteristic break up time is then given by: πCRT K RT Cτ = v Ω RT rc = τRT For each of the models, the breakup distance is now defined according to: L = Uτ. r ρl LKH = B1 r0 ρg r ρl L RT = CBL d0 ρg (2.10) (2.11) (2.12) (2.13) For the RT Mechanism to be coherent with the KH model, CBL = B1 /2. This however is not typically the case and the calibration of the liquid penetration usually requires tuning both constants independently. This is also stated in [13]. 10 2.4 Droplet Drag Models The Lagrangian phase (droplets/parcels) exchanges momentum with the surrounding fluid due to the drag forces acting on the particles. The drag force of a droplet is modelled by taking into account it shape (Webber number dependency) and the relative velocity and state with the surrounding fluid (Reynolds Number). Neglecting body forces (specifically, gravity), the force on a droplet reduced to the aerodynamic drag of the form: Md ∂vi ∂v 1 = ρl V i = ρ g A f CD |Ui |Ui ∂t ∂t 2 (2.14) Where Ui = ui + ui0 − vi (relative velocity between fluids), V is the droplet volume and finally A f = πrd2 is the droplet cross section area2 . This leads to: ∂vi 3 ρg |U |U = CD i i ∂t 8 ρl r (2.15) This is the motion equation employed in ConvergeCFD [13] at all times. The drag coefficient, CD is modelled using the TAB/Dynamic drag model [13]. This model performs an analogy with a springmass system. Therefore, it allows to compute the drag force taking into account the deformation of the droplet. In this spring-mass system, the droplet drag is represented by the external force, the damping of the system by the viscosity and the restoring force by the surface tension. F − kx − c ẋ = m ẍ (2.16) The force, F, the spring constant, K and the viscosity coefficient, c are as follows: ρ g |Ui ||Ui | F = CF m ρ l r0 (2.17) k σ = Ck 3 m ρ l r0 (2.18) µ c = Cd l 2 m ρ l r0 (2.19) The drag coefficient of a sphere can be approximated by: ( CD,sphere = 0.424 1 + 61 Re2/3 24 Re if Re > 1000 if Re ≤ 1000 In order to account for the droplet distortion, the sphere drag is corrected [13] using: 2 Spherical Droplet Assumption at this step, therefore V = 43 πrd3 11 (2.20) CD = CD,sphere (1 + 2.632y) Where droplet state is represented by the normalized value y = The constants CF = 13 , Ck = 8, Cd = 5 and Cb = 2.5 1 2 (2.21) x Cb r0 have been tuned empirically. Spray Vaporizing Models For the simulations contained in this report, the so called Frossling correlation is employed to model the changes in droplet radius due to evaporation. This correlation dictates [13]: ρg D dr0 =− B Sh dt 2ρl r0 d d (2.22) Where r0 is the droplet radius, Bd is parameter that relates the amount of fuel vapour at the surface to the total amount of vapour and Shd is the Sherwood Number. The Sherwood number is itself dependent of the Reynolds number based on the droplet relative velocity to the mean flow velocity and on the Schmidt number. Here the Schmidt number is defined as: Sc = µ air ρ gas D (2.23) Where D is the vapour diffusivity in the flow. One of the possible tuning parameters in the Vapour models is precisely the diffusion term which is obtained by evaluating [13]: ρ gas D = 1.293D0 Tgas + 2Td 1 3 273 n0−1 (2.24) The values of D0 and n0 are difficult to define universally for a combinations of different materials and thermodynamic state of the gas. Typically D0 = 4.16 × 10−5 and n0 = 1.6 for Diesel fuels being injected in a hot chamber. The spray behaviour is in general less sensitive to the vaporizing model than other tuning candidates as the break up model or the turbulence model. For this reason, we will conserve the the vaporization model standard values for the present work. 12 2.6 Sandia Spray A Spray A is the name given to the publicly available diesel spray data at Sandia’s National laboratories web page in the US. Spray A is a Diesel Spray Injected into a stagnant pressurized and heated chamber to resemble as much as possible the conditions found within an internal combustion engine. Our aim is to perform a CFD simulation of the spray and tune the break up model in order to properly capture the vapour and liquid penetration. The experimental data set can be identified using the codename: bkldaAL1 2.6.1 Initial and Boundary Conditions The control volume is entirely a set of walls with constant fixed temperature of 900 K. The chamber is filled with an inert gas with the following composition3 : Species O2 N2 H2 O CO2 Concentration 0.0% 89.71% 6.52% 3.77% The temperature of the gas is different from that of the walls and is initialized to : Tchamber = 829.5K. This is all in accordance to the boundary conditions reported by Sandia data set bkldaAL1. The initial mean velocity fluctuation is urms = 0.2[m/s]. We will assume here isotropy (urms = vrms = wrms ) in order to estimate the value of the turbulent kinetic energy: k= 3 2 u = 0.06 [m2 /s2 ] 2 rms (2.25) At the same time, the turbulent dissipation is calculated as: e = Cµ k2 νt (2.26) However the turbulent viscosity is still unknown. The results from Reitz and Abani in [6] are retrieved where the turbulent viscosity in the mixing layer between the vaporizing jet and the stagnant air is reported as: deq νt = Ct π 0.5 Uinj (2.27) 2 q ρ Where Ct is a constant with a value of Ct = 0.0161 and deq = dnozz ρfuel as reported in [18]. Finally, the gas 3 To prevent the fuel from autoignition, oxygen has been removed 13 initial turbulent dissipation in the chamber is given by: e = 0.0085 [m2 /s3 ] (2.28) Spray Geometry Representation The spray does not have any geometrical input to the CFD Simulation. The fuel is injected in the chamber through a circular surface with a diameter equal to that of the nozzle: dnozz = 0.084[mm]. The discharge coefficient of the injector is equal to Cd = 0.89 2.6.2 Grid Configuration and Road Map The mesh configuration chosen for the simulation is represented in the figure 2.3. There exists two conical regions of constant refinement to properly capture the jet break up and the vapour penetration. At the same time, there is an Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) updated every 10 time steps. The AMR refines cells within the grid according to velocity levels and vapour concentration. Figure 2.3: Mesh Set-Up In ConvergeCFD, one "level of refinement" or "Scale" is a division of a cell into 8 smaller cells (4 Cells in 2D, 8 in 3D) occupying the same volume as the original one. A higher level of refinement implies an exponential increase of N = 4 L cells. The refinement level has a dramatic impact on the simulation time since each refinement level will half the time step in order to fulfil the CFL criteria. Figure 2.4: Grid Refinement Levels 14 In order to set up the simulation, one must identify which are the number of parcels required, the relationship with the Eulerian grid, and the grid dependency. In order to meet our goal and obtain grid independent and calibrated results, the following roadmap is followed. The RNG K − e model will be employed. Figure 2.5: Spray CFD Road Map The report will start by analysing the dependency among phases, that is, the parcel number. The parcel number is the analogous parameter to the grid size in the Lagrangian phase. The higher this number is, the more accurate the prediction will be. Achieving parcel number independency will allow to study the effects of the grid size in a safer manner. The uncertainty from the Lagrangian-Eulerian coupling is removed. As it will be shown, the liquid jet calibration is the last calibration step. The turbulence model affects both the liquid jet and vapour penetration whereas the break-up model will have a negligible effect on the vapour phase (at least in the range considered). 2.6.3 Parcel Number: Lagrangian Phase Numerical Dependency Study The number of injected parcels is itself dependent on the cell size and therefore must increase with finer grids. Typically the number of parcels at a given location (cell) at a given time step should remain constant under further refinement. In the case of halving the volume of the cells4 , then the total number of parcels should be twice the initial number (assuming that the actual collision rate gives a good representation of the particle behaviour). Given a cell of side length a, the volume is given by: Vcell = a3 . If the volume is halved, then the cell side length becomes: 1/3 1 a0 = a ≈ 0.79 a (2.29) 2 4 Increasing the number of cells by a factor of 2 15 Increasing the number of cells by two5 , the number of parcels should also be multiplied by a factor of ×2. The higher the number of parcels the more accurate the Lagrangian phase is represented. The previous relationship provides a scaling relationship between the grid and the parcel number. However, in order to asses how many parcels there has to be initially, a study of the effect of the parcel number must be carried out. Below, keeping the cell size constant, a sweep over the number of parcels injected is plotted. 15 Vapour Penetration [mm] Liquid Penetration [mm] 60 40 N P = 1.2× 10 3 N P = 9.4× 10 3 20 N P = 2.5× 10 4 N P = 7.5× 10 4 0 N P = 6× 10 5 10 5 0 N P = 1× 10 6 -5 Avg. Liquid Penetration [mm] 0 0.5 1 Time [ms] 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 Time [ms] 1.5 2 9 2 8 1.5 Average Liquid Penetration Accepted Independence Std. Deviation from Mean 7 6 1 0.5 5 104 105 Std. deviation from mean [mm] -20 0 106 Parcel Number [] Figure 2.6: Parcel Number Study (Base Grid a = 4mm) The number of parcels affects both the vapour penetration and liquid penetration6 . In the Eulerian phase (vapour), the results seem to overpredict the penetration for a low number of parcels. This seems to be related to the inertia of bigger parcels sizes and less number of collisions. A lower number of parcels implies fewer collisions and therefore a major part of the momentum is spent only to counteract the drag. The liquid penetration is a very noisy signal for low parcel number. This is because the low number of parcels leads to stronger but less frequent collisions. A higher number of parcels predicts a higher number of collisions. A higher number of collisions leads to a much more uniform description of the spray. It is particularly interesting how for a large number of parcels, the vapour penetration decreases, however the liquid penetration remains almost constant in average. Extremely low parcel numbers (NP = 1.2 × 103 ) are believed to have a lower liquid penetration due to faster evaporation (proportional to surface area of droplets). A faster evaporation also leads to fewer collision which also points in the direction of larger vapour penetration. 5 The base grid side length is 79% of the original one penetration is defined by integrating the mass in the domain from the nozzle to the tip of the jet up to account 99%. The liquid penetration is however defined based on the 95% 6 Vapour 16 In order to better understand this phenomena, one can plot the turbulent kinetic energy levels for different parcel numbers. The following plot reveals a much stronger interaction for high parcel numbers between the spray and the gas. Therefore the turbulent kinetic energy levels are higher. Specially, around the injector nozzle region (top of the figure). In Fig.2.7 the turbulent kinetic energy at 0.3 and 1.5 ms is shown. Note that the contours are shown in logarithmic color scale. Figure 2.7: Colors in Log Scale. Turbulent Kinetic Energy Levels for NP = 1.2 × 103 (left) and NP = 1 × 106 (right) at t = 0.3 [ms] (top row) and t = 1.5 [ms] (bottom row). Base Grid a = 4mm The larger number of parcels and therefore collisions will also open the spray which decreases the vapour penetration. 17 Grid Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cell Size (a) 5.04 4.00 3.17 2.52 2.00 1.59 Parcel Number 3.75 × 104 7.50 × 104 1.50 × 105 3.00 × 105 6.00 × 105 1.20 × 106 Total Cells (End Of Simulation) 8.5 × 104 1.66 × 105 4.4 × 105 7.1 × 105 1.1 × 105 3.7 × 106 Wall Clock Time 0.18 h 0.48 h 1.37 h 4.49 h 10.36 h 27.54 h Table 2.1: Grid and Parcel Number Link. Cell number and Simulation Time 2.6.4 Grid Study and Collision Mesh The dependency in the grid will be analysed monitoring our main calibration values which are the vapour and liquid penetration. The number of parcels is related to the grid size as given by Eq.2.29. An increase by ×2 in the number of cells requires doubling the number of parcels7 . The previous table is used to design the grid dependency study. The vapour and liquid penetration figures are shown below. Vapour Penetration [mm] 60 40 20 a = 5.04 mm a = 4.00 mm a = 3.17 mm a = 2.52 mm a = 2.00 mm a = 1.59 mm 0 -20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Time [ms] 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Time [ms] 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Liquid Penetration [mm] 15 10 5 0 -5 Figure 2.8: Grid Convergence The vapour advances faster at the very beginning of the simulation for fine grids. Later its speed lowers and coarser grids keep on penetrating the chamber further distances. For the case of the liquid penetration, there is a clear peak, overshoot in the very early stage until the liquid phase achieves equilibrium. The peak is more pronounced for finer grids whereas coarser grids tend to smooth this initial overshoot. It is interesting to note, that the overshoot in the liquid phase (at around 0.1 [ms]) also converges with 7 Wall Clock Time based on 16-core Workstation, CPU:Intel Xeon E5-2698V3 18 finer meshes. There is almost no differences in the grids 4 to 6. The computational cost of these simulations scales quickly due to the transient nature of the previous simulations. The main cost rocketing parameters are the time step based on the so called collision mesh. During an early stage of the analysis, it would be interesting to observe how the results vary using a collision mesh. For this purpose, an analysis of the behaviour of the spray with and without this approach is performed. For the collision mesh the distance computed is always 8 times smaller (3rd level of refinement, 23 = 8) than the cell in which the parcel is found. In the following picture it is plotted the average liquid penetration versus the number of cells in the grid (taken into account the increase in parcel number at the same time) and the Vapour penetration. Grids 2 to 5 are considered in this analysis. Vapour Penetration [mm] 60 NTC Collision Mesh No Collision Mesh 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 1 1.5 Time [ms] Collision Mesh on Grids 1-4 Liquid Penetration [mm] 30 NTC Collision Mesh No Collision Mesh 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 Time [ms] Figure 2.9: Convergence based on NTC Collision Mesh Let us now define L̃ P as the mean normalized liquid penetration (normalized with respect to the penetration of grid #2). In the horizontal axis, Ñ = Cellsi /Cells1 which is the increment in the total cells with respect to cells in the coarsest grid. Regarding the vapour penetration, it is known from the analytical results of Reitz [6] and the correlations given by Hiroyasu and Arai [8] that the vapour penetration: s ∝ t1/2 . In this fashion, a least squares fit is performed over each of the CFD simulation Vapour penetration. The convergence of the parameter mi is monitored. s = mi t1/2 (2.30) In Fig.2.9 It is possible to observe that the collision mesh affects mostly to the liquid phase. This is not surprising since the collision mesh only acts on the Lagrangian phase which is the liquid jet. The collision mesh allows to have a better convergence and smoother results. The convergence of our monitoring parameters can be assessed by looking at Fig.2.10. Not using a collision mesh clearly affects to the convergence of the simulations on finer grids. Not using a collision 19 mesh, parcels can only collide with those within the same cells. In finer grids, the number of parcels per cell will be reduced and therefore lowering the number of collisions. On the other hand, on coarser grids the Eulerian phase cannot be properly simulated. At the same time, parcels can collide with parcels in another cell even if they are actually colliding. Liquid Penetration 1.1 1 NTC Collision Mesh No Collision Mesh 1 0.9 mi 0.9 L̃P Vapour Penetration 1.1 NTC Collision Mesh No Collision Mesh 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 Ñ 6 8 10 12 14 Ñ 1 1.1 NTC Collision Mesh No Collision Mesh 0.9 NTC Collision Mesh No Collision Mesh 1.05 1 mi 0.8 L̃P 4 0.7 0.95 0.6 0.9 0.5 0.85 0.4 0.8 1 2 3 Grid Number (coarse to fine) 4 1 2 3 Grid Number (coarse to fine) 4 Figure 2.10: NTC Collision Mesh (black) effect on grid convergence 2.6.5 Calibration In the previous figures, the grid has been shown to achieve convergence for our criteria. However, given the nature of our modelling approach, the RANS turbulence model as well as the Lagrangian spray model contain several constants which cannot be determined analytically. It is expected that our model requires of certain level of calibration given that the current models cannot reproduce completely the physics involved in this simulation. This is clearly shown when comparing the CFD results with the experimental values of the Sandia Spray A, data set: bkldaAL1. This is further evidenced in the next figure: By looking at the results of Fig.2.10 and Fig.2.9 together with the wall clock times shown in table2.1, it was decided that grid #3 provides sufficient accuracy at a reasonable CPU cost. Turbulence Modelling Following our road map specified in Fig.2.5, the RNG K − e model will be studied for the previous conditions using grid #3. S. B. Pope in [16] achieved jet calibration modifying only the turbulent model constant Ce1 which so far has taken the standard value for the RNGK − e Model. For the present work, both the constants Ce1 and Ce2 will be analysed together with their effects on the liquid and vapour penetration. 20 60 40 20 0 Experimental Data CFD Grid #3 -20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 15 10 5 0 Experimental Data CFD Grid #3 -5 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Figure 2.11: Converged CFD and Experimental Data The domain of study cannot be well justified before running the simulation. It may happen that the domain of study becomes also part of this iterative process. The goals to achieve are in based on the mean liquid penetration and maximum vapour penetration. The RNG K − e equations implemented in ConvergeCFD are shown below: ! D (ρk) ∂ µt ∂k µ+ + Pk − ρe = Dt ∂x j σk ∂x j ! e D (ρe) ∂ µt ∂e = µ+ + ce1 Pk − c∗e2 ρe Dt ∂x j σe ∂x j k cµ η 3 (1 − η/η0 ) 1 + βη 3 1/2 k η = 2Sij Sij e c∗e2 = ce2 + (2.31) (2.32) (2.33) (2.34) Let us now roughly estimate the magnitude of the production and dissipation terms: Pk ≡ e∼ ∂U ui0 u0j i ∂x j k2 ≈ 2νt Sij S ji ∼ Cµ e Uinj dnozz 2 k3/2 dnozz (2.35) (2.36) (2.37) From where it is possible to estimate the relative importance of the terms as: 2 Uinj Pk ∼ Cµ e k 21 (2.38) 2 and therefore, Pk ∼ C . This Following the last equation, one could in principle say that k ∼ Uinj µ e however is a rather simple analysis which can only provide some rough guidance for the calibration. The coefficient Ce1 affecting to the production term in the dissipation rate equation will lead to smaller and slower changes in the dissipation in the flow field. If Pe < 1 then: (Ce1 P − Ce2 ρe) becomes less negative for increasing values of Ce1 . This in principle would point out in the direction of increasing the vapour penetration distance as the dissipation does not feel fast enough the perturbation caused by the spray. The same argument for lower values than the standard ones of Ce2 are also valid. This approach was also suggested by S.B Pope [16]. In this publication Pope modifies8 Ce1 such that Ce1 =1.6 in order to solve the turbulent jet penetration under prediction It is possible to think of this coefficients as "flow damping" coefficients. Based on the previous analysis, the following experiments will be carried out: Design Point Ce1 Ce2 Vapour [mm] Liquid [mm] 1 1.2 1.2 50.93 10.0 2 1.2 1.5 40.84 7.22 3 1.2 1.8 35.89 5.63 4 1.5 1.2 94.36 24.6 5 1.5 1.5 55.37 11.51 6 1.5 1.8 43.36 9.09 Table 2.2: RNG K − e Calibration Domain 100 Vapour Penetration [mm] 80 C 1 = 1.2 C2 = 1.2 C 1 = 1.2 C2 = 1.5 60 C 1 = 1.2 C2 = 1.8 40 C 1 = 1.5 C2 = 1.2 C 1 = 1.5 C2 = 1.5 20 C 1 = 1.5 C2 = 1.8 Std Values 0 -20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Time [ms] 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Liquid Penetration [mm] 30 25 C 1 = 1.2 C2 = 1.2 20 C 1 = 1.2 C2 = 1.5 C 1 = 1.2 C2 = 1.8 15 C 1 = 1.5 C2 = 1.2 10 C 1 = 1.5 C2 = 1.5 C 1 = 1.5 C2 = 1.8 5 Std Values 0 -5 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Time [ms] 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Figure 2.12: Turbulence Model Analysis The time evolution of the spray given the previous constants values can be visualized in Fig.2.12. Mainly at this step, the goal is to match as good as possible the vapour penetration curve. The values corresponding to (Ce1 , Ce2 ) = (1.5, 1.5) seem to match the best the vapour penetration without strongly compromising the liquid penetration curve. The liquid penetration peak at approximately 0.1 ms seems to be independent of the turbulence model 8 This paper is related to the standard k − e model 22 (at least on the range considered). It will always overshoot for all the turbulence model combinations studied. The magnitude of the peak can be correlated with increasing turbulence production (which can be identified by lowering the ce2 or increasing Ce1 ). One must note that the combination of (Ce1 , Ce2 ) = (1.5, 1.2) that is, increasing the production rate while decreasing the dissipation rate constants critically increases the vapour penetration and liquid penetration values. Below, the turbulence and dissipation levels at the end of the simulation is shown: Figure 2.13: Turbulent Kinetic Energy Levels at t=1.5 [ms] Figure 2.14: Turbulent Dissipation Levels at t=1.5 [ms] It is possible to appreciate how lowering both Ce1 and Ce2 (left most column) has only a scaling effect on the turbulence penetration. The structure of the spray remains similar to the one computed using standard values. It is possible to conclude that by increasing the Ce2 constant, the destruction of dissipation is increased and therefore the turbulent kinetic energy is larger mixing more the flow with its surroundings. As a consequence, a wider spray appears. At the right most column, the value of Ce1 is then increased while keeping Ce2 at its lowest value consid23 ered. This modification leads to a flow field more turbulent where the flow is relatively slow to adapt to the changes produced by the fuel spray. Besides, the higher levels of turbulence and therefore smaller scales present lead to believe that the structure of the flow field is different enough to believe this might be a result of a numerical artefact. Mainly the grid is not fine enough for this level of turbulence. Figure 2.15: Std RNG Vs. Calibrated For Vapour Penetration, t = 1.5[ms] The last figure shows the comparison between the standard spray and the calibrated for vapour penetration one. A more elongated and narrow cone is shown in the figures. 24 Vapour Jet Asymptotic Slope One of the main difficulties in the simulation is to match the actual asymptotic slope of the vapour jet. Following the results of [8], one could plot the vapour penetration curve against the square root of the time. This helps identifying the asymptotic slope of the penetration as shown below: 120 EXP C 1 = 1.2 C2 = 1.2 C 1 = 1.2 C2 = 1.5 C 1 = 1.2 C2 = 1.8 100 C 1 = 1.5 C2 = 1.2 C 1 = 1.5 C2 = 1.5 C 1 = 1.5 C2 = 1.8 Std Values Vapour Penetration [mm] 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 √ 1 1.2 1.4 t [ms0.5 ] Figure 2.16: Asymptotic Tendency of Vapour Penetration Curves. (- -) Asymptotic Tendency This can be understood as a multiobjective search algorithm. On one hand the penetration curve of the spray should be matched as good as possible but on the other hand, the tendency of the curve at large times should be understood as measure of the quality of the calibration too. However, given the unlikelihood to meet both criteria, a higher weight is given to the goal of matching the penetration as good as possible during the simulated time. In practise, the fuel sprays deal with high temperature combustion and the distance that they traverse before the fuel ignites is relatively lower than those spanned in this figures. 25 Liquid and Vapour Simultaneous Matching Using the previous data, it is possible to extract even more information. From a mathematical point of view, there exists 7 design points which could in principle be used to reproduce a response cubic surface. This is an interpolating surface using MatLab cubic method. Vapour Penetration [mm] 1.8 1.7 1.6 90 1.8 80 1.7 20 1.6 [] 70 [] ǫ2 1.5 C ǫ2 C Liquid Penetration [mm] 60 1.4 15 1.5 1.4 50 10 1.3 1.3 40 1.2 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 Cǫ1 [] 1.4 1.45 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.25 1.3 1.35 Cǫ1 [] 1.4 1.45 1.5 1.8 1.7 s l = 10.1 [mm] Std. RNG C ǫ2 [] 1.6 s v = 56.7 [mm] 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 Cǫ1 [] 1.4 1.45 1.5 Figure 2.17: Set of Possible Solutions for the calibration. Extracted contour lines from response surface. Ideally, the calibration lines for the liquid and vapour penetration would cross each other and would ideally give us a set of values for the turbulence model that could be used for both liquid and vapour phases calibration. It is advised to the reader that the previous response surfaces originates from relatively small number of points and therefore interpolated values might not be correct. By measuring the vapour penetration at 0.2, 0.4 and 1.5 ms one can asses the accuracy of calibration constants. Let us define an error metric as: error ≡ ∑ |sv − svexp | → at t = [0.2, 0.4, 1.5] ms (2.39) The next figure will show the value of the error metric for all design points and standard calibration. 26 45 40 35 error 30 25 20 15 10 5 1 2 3 4 Design Point 5 6 STD Figure 2.18: Error Metric in order to choose Calibration Constants From now on, the set of constants (Ce1 , Ce2 ) = (1.5, 1.5) will be chosen in our simulations as they are the ones to predict the best the vapour penetration curve in general. The comparison with experimental data might be visualized in a better way below: Vapour Penetration [mm] 60 40 20 C 1 = 1.5 C2 = 1.5 0 Std. RNG Experimental Data -20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Time [ms] 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Liquid Penetration [mm] 20 15 10 C 1 = 1.5 C2 = 1.5 5 Std. RNG Experimental Data 0 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Time [ms] The same misprediction of the spray penetration using the standard RNG K − e model is shown in [17]. This seems to be a problem related to the RANS models. In [19] LES Simulations resolving smaller turbulent scales seem to be the only possibility to accurately predict the vapour penetration of a fuel spray [19]. The computational cost is extremely high (between 25 to 30 million cells are needed just for the spray). The alternative is to use a calibrated RANS Model. It predicts more accurately the vapour penetration (even though the matching is not perfect), but the set-up of the turbulence model will be valid only for the current operating conditions (chamber pressure, temperature and background turbulence levels mainly). Argonne National Laboratories (USA) and ConvergentScience (USA) show in [11] the deficits of RANS modelling for spray simulations. The liquid penetration is usually not an issue after break up calibration (except for the overshooting peak in the beginning) whereas the vapour penetration is usually not well 27 predicted. The more CPU expensive solution but much more accurate without requiring any calibration is to perform an LES simulation. By using a more accurate turbulence model (LES) a better prediction of the turbulence levels is obtained and therefore a much better spray penetration prediction. The cost of an LES is extremely high and typically not in the range of industrial application. 2.6.6 Break Up Model The break up model employed in the simulations has been previous described in Sec.2.1. In order to calibrate the mean liquid penetration, the size and time constants affecting the primary break up are here studied using grid #4 as described Table2.1. Let us recall here the equations describing the characteristic break time and droplet radius: rc = B0 ΛKH τKH = (2.4) 3.726B1 r 3.726B1 r = ΩKH ΛKH UKH (2.6) dr r − rc =− dt τKH (2.5) The standard break up model according to [9] dictates that B0 = 0.68, B1 = 40. However the range of values that B1 can take depends on the fuel as well as operating conditions. According to [13], the time constant B1 can take values between 5 and 100. The constant B0 will affect to the size of the children parcels formed after break. This constant therefore will affect to the size more than the speed at which the break up occurs. However one can rearrange the previous equations to lead to: r − B0 ΛKH r̄ − B0 1 dr̄ 1 dr =− = {r̄ = r/ΛKH } = − = ΛKH ΩKH dt 3.726B1 r 3.726B1 r̄ ΩKH dt (2.40) In principle, one would be interested in noting the most sensitive parameter. In this sense one can define a coordinate system based on the values of B0 and B1 . The biggest changes, that is, the steepest slope of the response surface to Ω1KH dr̄ dt can be found by computing the gradient over this coordinates as: ∂ ∂ ~u0 + ~u ∂B0 ∂B1 1 1 dr̄ 1 ~u0 + = ΩKH dt 3.726B1 r̄ 1 B0 − 2 3.726B1 3.726B12 r̄ ! ~u1 (2.41) Using the previous equation, one must first identify the order of magnitude of r̄ = r/ΛKH . For that purpose, the results from Eq.2.2 are here retrieved: 1 + 0.45Zl0.5 1 + 0.4T 0.7 ΛKH r̄ = = 9.02 (2.2) r 1 + 0.87We0.87 g In principle, according to the previous equation r̄ ≈ 10−4 . Based on this number it would be possible to design a set of experiments following the gradient vector equation in Eq.2.41 as: 28 Max Slope From Std. Values 7 18 Steepest Path Std. Values (Start Point) Considered Combinations 6 16 14 Liquid Penetration [mm] 5 B1 4 3 12 10 8 6 2 4 [B 0 ,B 1 ] = [0.68,7.00] [B 0 ,B 1 ] = [2.62,6.53] 1 [B 0 ,B 1 ] = [4.56,5.36] 2 [B 0 ,B 1 ] = [6.50,2.70] 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 B0 5 6 7 8 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 time [ms] 0.2 0.25 0.3 Figure 2.19: Break Up Model Sensitivity on Liquid Phase It is possible to observe a strong variation in the overshoot of the liquid jet and therefore on the maximum penetration achieved by the liquid spray. Increasing the constant B0 while decreasing the constant B1 increases the size of the particles along the jet. This is mainly due to Eq. 2.4 which determines the size of children parcels after break up. The jet breaks but the new particles are still quite big. Recall that bigger spheres suffer less drag9 and therefore a higher overshoot is achieved. This is however just an academical exercise since in our aim to match the experimental data, the interest is to decrease such overshoot. Figure 2.20: Calibrated Model Turbulence Model. Time t = 0.1[ms]. Upper Figure [ B0 , B1 ] = [0.68, 7], Lower Figure [ B0 , B1 ] = [6.50, 2.70]. (Note non linear color scale to properly identify the changes) The red color in the particles identify a larger parcel radius which is approximately 10 times larger than the one with standard values shown in the upper figure. This seems to be in agreement with B0 value which is approximately 10 times larger in the lower row. Following the results at the left of Fig.2.19, in principle one should traverse the curve in the opposite direction (that is decreasing B0 and increasing B1 ). The size constant B0 cannot be reduced much more, 9 Drag model is linked to sphere drag model. Higher Reynolds Number is linked to lower drag values 29 in exchange to that, the increase in the constant B1 is mainly the only possibility that help reducing the overshooting. Below an analysis of this two constants is presented: Varying B0 15 Varying B1 15 sl [mm] 10 sl [mm] 10 B0 = 0.10 5 B1 = 4.00 5 B0 = 0.68 B1 = 7.00 B0 = 2.05 B1 = 12.00 B0 = 4.00 B1 = 20.00 0 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 Time [ms] 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 Time [ms] 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 B1 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12.5 Max Liquid Penetration [mm] 12.5 12 12 11.5 11.5 11 11 10.5 10.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 B0 2.5 3 3.5 4 Figure 2.21: Break Up Model Effects on Liquid Phase The main effect of the variation of the constants is in the size of the droplets. A bigger value of B1 and B0 leads to a smaller overshoots (around t = 0.07 [ms]) due to a slower decrease in the droplet size. The larger the surface area of the droplets the faster the evaporation and therefore the mean liquid penetration is achieved in a smoother way and earlier time. At the same time, this is reflected in the vapour penetration curve as: Varying B0 50 40 30 20 sv [mm] sv [mm] Varying B1 50 40 B0 = 0.10 30 20 B1 = 4.00 B0 = 0.68 B1 = 7.00 B0 = 2.05 10 B1 = 12.00 10 B0 = 4.00 B1 = 20.00 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 Time [ms] 1.5 Time [ms] B1 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Max Vapour Penetration [mm] 45 20 45 44.5 44.5 44 44 43.5 43.5 43 43 42.5 42.5 42 42 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 B0 2.5 3 3.5 4 Figure 2.22: Break Up Model Effects on Vapour Phase It is possible to identify different key features from the modification of both constants. Reducing the constant B0 achieves the creation of much smaller particles with respect to the standard model. More interestingly is the physical process involving high B1 values. This constant does not generate so many child parcels and empties the core of the spray thus leading to also less overshooting. The increase in the characteristic time maintains big parcels with high number of droplets within them without actually colliding with each other. 30 Figure 2.23: Particle Size. Time t = 0.1[ms]. Upper Row [ B0 , B1 ] = [0.68, 7], Middle row [ B0 , B1 ] = [0.1, 7], Bottom Row: [ B0 , B1 ] = [0.68, 20] The best calibration found so far employs a lower value than the standard one for the Break Up size constant B0 = 0.1 and keeps constant the standard time constant. Correcting the overshoot was not possible. Vapour Penetration [mm] 60 40 20 0 Experimental Calibrated RNG and KHRT -20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Time [ms] 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Liquid Penetration [mm] 15 10 5 0 Experimental Calibrated RNG and KHRT -5 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 Time [ms] Figure 2.24: Calibrated Turbulence and Break Up Model. [ce1 , ce2 , B0 , B1 ] = [1.5, 1.5, 0.1, 7] 31 2.6.7 Correlations and Analytical Estimates The Navier-Stokes equations can be simplified in order to estimate the penetration of a jet. A self-similar jet penetration can be obtained following the derivation of [6]. This self-similar approach is dependent on the liquid properties during the injection. Uv ( x, r ) = min Uinj , 2 d2 3Uinj eq 2 2 d2 r 2 3Uinj eq 32νt x 1 + 256ν2 x2 (2.42) t Eq. 2.42 depends on the equivalent diameter which is a function of the liquid density which is ill defined as the temperature changes with the penetration distance. For the next plot a value of fuel liquid density of ρl = 425Kg/m3 will be used in accordance to the material properties at 600 Kelvin. This temperature was chosen as the average between the injection temperature and the chamber temperature. The equivalent diameter and the turbulent viscosity are defined as: r ρl deq = dnozz (2.43) ρg νt = 1 √ Ct πUinj deq 2 (2.44) Where Ct was reported by Abraham [7] to be Ct = 0.0161. For the present case (Sandia Spray A) it has been found that a value of Ct = 0.0191 gives the best possible match with the experimental data for the self similar jet. The density of the fuel changes dramatically due to the fuel thermal expansion. The density changes are related to the coefficient of thermal expansion as: β=− 1 ∂ρ ρ ∂T (2.45) C12H26 Material Properties 1000 Liquid Density [Kg/m3] 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 0 100 200 300 400 Temperature [K] 500 600 Figure 2.25: Fuel Material Properties 32 700 Finally, using Eq.2.42, the vapour penetration of the spray tip can be computed as: t( x ) = Z x x =0 dx U ( x, r = 0) (2.46) Besides, Hiroyasu and Arai [8] worked on the experimental correlation of fuel sprays discharging in a hot, inert and stagnant chamber. They found the following correlations which serve to appreciate the importance of some typical spray parameters as the discharging pressure and the chamber temperature (gas density). q 0.39 2∆P 0 ≤ t ≤ tb ρ t l0.25 √ s= (2.47) 2.95 ∆P d t t ≤ t nozz b ρg The vapour penetration prediction through the different models are plotted in Fig. 2.26 together with the penetration prediction given by the calibrated CFD Model. 60 Experimental Penetration Self-Similar Jet Hiroyasu and Arai CFD Calibrated 50 Vapour Penetration [mm] 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1 Time [ms] Figure 2.26: Self-Similar Jet, Statistical Correlation and CFD Prediction 33 1.5 Real Injection Profiles Real Injection Profiles are non constant. In order to handle them it is possible to use the Duhamel superposition principle as shown in the following derivation. Following the derivation given in [6], it is possible to define a so called effective injection speed to correct Eq. 2.42. In this fashion, it is possible to express the equation as: Uv = 3Ue f f deq if x > xb K (2.48) At this point, it is interesting to insert a momentum balance to account for the drag of the droplets as: m 1 πD2 dv = ρg CD (u − v)|u − v| dt 2 4 (2.49) Where v represents the velocity of the gas and u the velocity of the droplet. Under the assumption of low Reynolds Number, the drag of a sphere can be approximated as: CD = 24 Re (2.50) Being possible now to rewrite Eq. 2.49 as: 18µ CD Re dv 1 = (u − v) = (u − v) dt τv ρl D2 24 (2.51) Since the ratio CD24Re is basically a constant near unity as shown in Eq. 2.50, the previous equation can be integrated to lead to: v = u(1 − e−t/τv ) (2.52) Looking back now at non-constant injection profiles, the effective injection velocity will take the shape of Eq. 2.52. According to [6], the variations in the injection profile can be accounted by Duhamel superposition as: n ∑ A(x, t − tk )(∆Uinj )k Ue f f = Uinj (t = 0) + (2.53) k =1 t − tk A( x, t − tk ) = 1 − exp − τv,k (2.54) At the same time, in [6] it is proposed to generalize the response time as τvk = St Ux . St stands for the k Stokes number. Now it is possible to rewrite the previous equations in integral for by: (∆Uinj )k ≡ (∆Uinj )k ∆tk ∆tk 34 (2.55) Meaning that: Ue f f ( x, t) = Uinj ( x, t = Break) + Z τ =t τ =Break t−τ dU 1 − exp − dτ τav dτ (2.56) In [6] it is proposed to use an average response time based on: τav = St deq Uav (2.57) Where deq is given by Eq. 2.43 and the average velocity Uav = U inj . The Stokes Number is a constant that requires some fine tuning. Here a value of St = 50 as employed in [6] has been used. Error minimization by varying the Stokes number is left for future work. The previous method allows to have a non-uniform injection profile which can handle a realistic injection profile as it really happens in fuel injectors. 35 Chapter 3 Case Study: Diesel ULPC Piston Bowl Optimization 3.1 Introduction Diesel engines are commonplace across the industry due to their economic and reliability advantages. In this case-study, a multi-objective genetic algorithm is employed to optimize the injection strategy, fuel spray orientation, and piston bowl geometry using Converge CFD and CAESES, for the flow simulation and automated optimization respectively. The goal of the optimization is to reduce NOx and SOOT emissions. The Ultra Low Particulate Combustion (ULPC) Piston Bowl is analyzed in this study. These types of geometries increase the local air to fuel ratio, improving the mixing and finally leading to lower pollutant emissions. For the analysis, a variable parametric geometry of the piston bowl with volume control is generated in CAESES. CAESES drives the automated execution of Converge CFD computations including the consideration of physics parameters such as injection timing and spray orientation. The current optimization strategies focus on the geometry or in the injection strategy alone. The effects of spray orientation are then not well considered for different types of geometries. In [21], it is analysed the effects of the bowl radius (in plan view) and depth on the emissions obtaining a reduction of 60% in PM. In [22] the effects of the lobe diameter with respect to the depth are analysed. The results conclude that a higher temperature in the cylinder reduces the final emissions of Soot, however it increases the amount of NOx. The injection strategy and fuel spray orientation have a strong impact on the pollutants considering that this are ultimately determined by the thermodynamic state of the piston and therefore the combustion process. In [23] a 4D DOE analysis is carried out. The spray angle and the start of injection (SOI) analysed together with changes in the diameter of the bowl and lobe radius. It is concluded most relevant parameters are the diameter of the bowl, the spray angle and start of injection. The number of nozzles in the injector has almost no effect on the emissions. Summarizing, there is evidence enough in the literature to substantiate an optimization that considers the injection timing, cone angle and geometrical parameters together. 36 3.2 3.2.1 ULPC Piston Bowl Pilot and Post Injection The pilot injection is meant to produce and initial flame ahead of the injector in order to heat the surrounding air. The goal with the pilot injection is to increase the chamber temperature at TDC beyond the auto-ignition temperature of Diesel1 . At the same time, a uniform increase of the chamber temperature will help to avoid engine "knock"2 as well as reduce the evaporation time reducing wall films. This in the end leads to lower emissions. Figure 3.1: Pilot and Post Injection Examples. Picture taken from In [29], the effects of the dwell time between the pilot, main and post injections is deeply analysed. This triggers another design variable in the optimization process of ICE. It is reported that late injections together with high dwell times reduce the formation of NOx. Soot and unburned hydrocarbons seem to be larger in this case therefore making one of the optimization objectives be agains the other one. This will be further discussed within the optimization subsection. 3.3 Exhaust Gas Recirculation The Exhaust Gas Recirculation, EGR is way typically found in diesel cars to recirculate part of the exhaust gases to displace part of the air entering the chamber during the intake stroke. Diesel running always lean achieves higher temperatures than petrol engines. The main consequence is a higher NOx production. In order to reduce the emissions, the exhaust gases reduce the amount of fresh air thus slowing down the combustion process and lowering the maximum temperatures achieved in the chamber. Lowering the temperature decreases the NOx at the expense of increasing inefficiencies and therefore, increasing the emissions of carbon particles (SOOT). In order to asses the composition of the gases in the chamber at IVC, one can use a 1-step combustion chemical reaction which provides sufficiently accuracy for this calculation. 79 C7 H16 + ξ O2 + N2 −→ α1 CO2 + α2 H2 O + α3 N2 (3.1) 21 The solution leads to ξ = 11, α1 = 7, α2 = 8 and α3 = 82.761. This is the so called stoichiometric ratio between fuel and fresh air (here consider to be a unique composition of oxygen and nitrogen). In order to calculate the species mass fractions χi , the next step is to calculate the weight of each of the products mi of the previous equations. 1 Diesel Auto Ignition temperature, depending on the exact composition and thermodynamic state is approximately 220◦ uncontrolled fuel ignition 2 localized 37 CO2 44 H2 0 18 N2 28 Table 3.1: Molecular Weights in [g/mol] The mass fraction of each species under stochiometric conditions is given by: χi = αi mi ∑ mi (3.2) For a given EGR mass fraction ψ, one defines the mass fraction of exhaust gases within the chamber by computing: χi = ψχi (3.3) And the mass fraction of pure air will be given by: χO2 = (1 − ψ) × 0.21 (3.4) χ N2 = (1 − ψ) × 0.79 (3.5) The current project will deal with an EGR fraction of ψ = 0.25 3.4 CFD Methodology Internal combustion engines for utility or heavy-duty vehicles typically repeat a 4-stroke cycle. The Intake stroke is the first one occurring in the cycle. Fresh Air enters the chamber when the piston is at TDC (Top-Dead-Center, closest to the valves). The cylinder then expands dragging the air along with it. After reaching the bottom, it starts going up again. At some point when going up again, the valves fully close. This instant of time is called IVC (Inlet Valve Close). From IVC to EVO (Exhaust Valve Open) is considered to be the Power Stroke. When the piston is close the valves again at TDC (top dead center), the injector releases the spray of fuel and the diesel will auto ignite due to the chamber pressure and temperature. The release of energy will push the piston down producing mechanical work. Slightly before getting to BDC (bottom dead center), the exhaust valves will open again allowing to release the burnt gases and finishing the cycle. Figure 3.2: Internal Combustion Engine Cycles 38 3.4.1 Computational Model: Sector Mesh and Flow Initialization The power stroke spans from the start of the compression until almost the end of the expansion process of the internal combustion engine. The analysis of the power stroke can be strongly simplified without decreasing strongly the accuracy of the simulation by employing a periodic control volume. The simplification can be better understood by looking at Fig.3.3 and Fig.3.4 Figure 3.3: SOI (Start Of Injection) Full Geometry (This is not CFD) For the particular scenario of Diesel engines, the inlet vales usually tend to produce a swirling motion within the cylinder.3 . At this point it is not the scope of the project to asses the differences or the error due to simplifying the simulation in this way. Petersen and Miles in [24] performed a set of experimental measurements at Sandia National Laboratories confirming the swirling nature of the flow in the chamber prior to combustion. For the simulation, the flow will be initialize using the so called wheel-paddle method. The flow initialization might be part of the validation process since a perfect description of the flow at the beginning of the simulation might not be available. Reuss et Al. [25] investigated the importance of the flow initialization in combustion simulations. It has a strong effect on the combustion efficiency and fuel mixing with the surrounding air and therefore on CFD simulations. The magnitude of the swirl flow within the piston is usually identified with the so called swirl ratio swirl ratio ≡ Rs = Ω f low Ωcrank (3.6) However, a simple wheel flow4 (i.e vtheta (r ) = Ω r ∀z) usually over predicts the speed of the flow near the walls of the cylinder. Petersen et Al [24] solve5 the angular momentum of the Navier-Stokes equations to give: " # Ωrb Rs α r α2 vθ (r, t) = · J1 (α ) · exp − 2 νt (t − t IVC ) (3.7) 4J2 (α) rb rb 3 In petrol engines the typical motion goal is "tumble" motion the z-coordinate is always aligned with the axis of the cylinder 5 This solution is subject to assumptions such as axisymmetric flow or axial uniformity (∂/∂z = 0) among others 4 Assume 39 Figure 3.4: Sector Volume during Power Stroke Where J1 and J2 are the first and second order Bessel functions, Ω the crankshaft angular velocity, rb the bore radius, Rs is the swirl ratio, νt is a viscosity value that whose calibration allows to partially consider turbulent effects ([24]). The constant α determines the value of the flow next to the walls. In order to fulfill the non-slip condition: α = 3.8317 (3.8) However this value is typically not found in flow initialization since it leads to non realistic flow behaviours. Typically the swirl profile value used in flow initialization is approximately α = 3.11 (at least according to [13]) Angular Speed Profiles 25 α = 2.8 α = 3.11 α = α n.s Cylinder Wall 20 vθ [m/s] 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 Radial Location [mm] 50 60 Figure 3.5: Initial Velocity Profiles at t = t IVC 40 70 3.4.2 CFD Set Up For our computational model, following the recommendations of [13], the swirl profile at initialization is set to α = 3.11. The turbulence will be modelled using RNG k − e model. The fuel spray is modelled following the study performed in Part 2, that using a KH-RT break up model with a NTC collision mesh. The injection is performed injecting droplets with the diameter of the nozzle. The Frossling correlation will be employed to model the evaporation rate of the spray droplets. The Number of Parcels injected follows from the study of Convergent Inc. with Caterpillar Inc. and Argonne National Laboratories in [26]. The number of parcels at a given minimum grid size is given by the publication and the following scaling law is used when correcting the mesh size: Np = 50 × 104 × 2 dx b dx −1 (3.9) Where dxb = 2 × 10−3 [m] is the baseline grid size for Np = 50 × 104 following [26] 3.4.3 Combustion Modelling and Emissions The following simulations will make use of a set of 4 additional models to allow the flame burn (Shell auto-ignition model), the CTC model however predicts the speed at which the chemical reaction occurs. At the same time, Hiroyasu Soot Model will be employed to analyse the value of Soot at the end of the combustion process and Zeldovich model will be employed to account for NOx production. The previous models are tuned for their usage in Diesel Engines. One must realize that the number of chemical paths to produce a given chemical specie is enormous. The Zeldovich Model for example accounts for the so called thermal formation of NOx, that is: N2 + O NO + N (3.10) N + O2 NO + O (3.11) N + OH NO + H (3.12) However, the Zeldovich model will not take into account the formation of pollutants that followed, for example these reactions: N2 O + O N2 + O2 (3.13) N2 O + O 2NO (3.14) N2 O + H N2 + OHNNH NNH + O N2 + H NH + NO (3.15) (3.16) 41 3.4.4 Baseline Case and Validation The experimental data published in [21] together with the detailed description of the engine set up allow to reproduce the results with very few unknowns which can be derived from the values present in the publication. The engine specifications are: Stroke Bore Diameter Engine Speed Swirl Ratio Compression Ratio Intake Manifold Pressure Temperature at Manifold Air Fuel Ratio 100 mm 125 mm 1900 RPM 1.4 17.4 2.8 bar 356 K 21.3 Table 3.2: Engine Characteristics The current validation case has an EGR value of 25% thus providing the following mass fraction composition of each specie at initial time: CO2 2.47% H2 0 1.15% O2 18.57% N2 77.81% Table 3.3: Initial Species Composition The fuel injection curve is also one of the parameters published in [21]. The injection is done in three different steps: Pilot, Main and Post injection. 1 0.9 Normalized Inj. Rate 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -20 -10 0 10 CAD [deg] 20 30 40 Figure 3.6: Fuel Injection History The validation will focus in matching the pressure and the heat release rate traces. The experimental value of such is also published in [21]. This two ultimately determine the emission values as all chemical reactions depend mainly on the rate of combustion given by the heat release rate. 42 3.4.5 About Grid Dependency Combustion CFD simulations have been traditionally grid dependent due to the Lagrangian-Eulerian spray models. The grid dependency problems have been previously discussed in the Part.2 of the current document. The grid convergence was previously achieved on grids strongly refined around the nozzle. The size of the cells around the injector had to be approximately the same as the diameter of the nozzle. This imposes a strong CPU cost on the simulations as the CFL condition increases dramatically the number of time steps to perform on a given time span. It must be noted that not only the CFL condition limits the time step but also the analogous CFL condition for the collision mesh. Typically Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) model makers rely on experimental data to adequately tune the spray models and grid sizes in order to achieve a realistic flow description without achieving grid convergence. In [26], grid convergence is achieved using the spray model set up described in Part.2 (mainly NTC Collision Mesh algorithm and Adaptive Mesh Refinement) together with fully detailed chemistry (200 species and about 2000 chemical reactions). In order to achieve grid convergence, both the chemical reactions and the Lagrangian phase must be able to converge at some point and produce the same set of chemical species after the combustion. This increases the predictive capabilities of the models and decrease the number of tuning factors. In [26] the cell count in a single sector cylinder simulation with fully detailed chemistry is around 10 million cells. The piston bowl of this case study shares some of the engine specifications in [26], however the simulation time reported is around 90h to complete on a 64 core workstation.The time requirements strongly limit our capacity to perform an engine optimization, which in the end is our future goal. The goal will be to match the heat release rate as well as the pressure trace curves varying the mesh on a range which is known to be grid dependent. For this project, the CTC Model will be used to calculate the characteristic time required to achieve chemical equilibrium. The chemical equilibrium is dependent on both chemical kinetics and local turbulence levels (i.e RANS modelling). The CTC model is used together with the Shell model. This last model is employed to predict the fuel ignition. The heat release rate ultimately determines the chemical reactions rate and therefore the production of pollutants. The following sections will study the combustion process from −147◦ < CAD < 60◦ which spans the time window for which experimental data is available. In order to evaluate the effects of the grid size, the time evolution of the validation data, pressure and heat release rate are plotted. At the same time it is of interest to monitor the changes in SOOT and NOx which are the goal of the present optimization study. In in Fig.3.7 the grid effects are shown. It is obvious that the grid has a strong effect on the flame front and therefore on the chemical reaction rates which ultimately determine the emissions amount. The initial flame front (first row) in the finest case is more elongated and does not interact with the piston lower wall. A finer grid seems to increase the rate at which the flame propagates in the domain. One of the main differences is in the secondary combustion region, that is after the fuel is directed above the lip. It is possible to appreaciate a much smaller flame zone compared to coarser meshes. A faster combustion in the fine grid reduces the amount of oxygen therefore lowering the local equivalence ratio and therefore reduces the flame volume in this region. 43 Figure 3.7: Temperature Contours at CAD = [6◦ 15◦ 30◦ ] Let us name the grid from left to right as A,B and C. Below more representative information about the grid size can be found: Base Grid Min Cell Size Peak Cell Count (millions) A 2.8 mm 0.7 mm 0.11 B 2.23 mm 0.55 mm 0.13 C 2.23 0.28 mm 0.45 Table 3.4: Engine Characteristics The grid affects to the flame structure, evolution and temperature. This is clearly evidenced when looking at the pressure trace and heat release rates: 44 Grid A Grid B Grid C 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 -20 -10 0 10 20 CAD [deg] 30 40 50 Heat Realease Rate [J/deg] 150 60 4000 3000 100 2000 50 1000 0 -20 -10 0 10 20 CAD [deg] 30 40 50 Cumulative Realeased [J] Mean Cylinder Pressure [MPa] 16 0 60 Figure 3.8: Pressure trace,Heat Release Rates (-) and Cumulative Heat Released (- -) The previous figure shows how a fine grid using the CTC combustion model clearly leads to faster combustion that releases more energy than on medium or coarser grid. In the sector simulations performed in [21] and [9], constant grid sizes were approximately 1mm. This has served as a basis for the current simulation. It is interesting to identify a higher pressure trace with a fine grid which is of course correlated with a much faster heat release rate (HRR). The total heat released (HR) is however approximately the same in all cases. The differences are mainly due to combustion efficiency differences. Besides, the HRR peak during the pilot injection is lower in the fine grid case and higher for coarser grids. This evidences again the dependency of the combustion model on the grid sizes. The grid dependency can also be observed in the pollutant formation. Below the accumulated value of NOx and SOOT is plotted: 8 ×10-7 7 SOOT Grid A NOx Grid A SOOT Grid B NOx Grid B SOOT Grid C NOx Grid C 6 Mass [Kg] 5 4 3 2 1 0 -20 -10 0 10 20 CAD [deg] 30 40 50 60 Figure 3.9: Pollutant Formation (Only until 60 CAD. EVO is at 135 CAD) 45 The higher temperature predicted by the fine grid also leads to a higher NOx formation. The SOOT however is approximately equal for the medium (B) and fine grids (C). It is possible to observe that there is no time offset in the formation peaks as it happened in the heat release rate curves. Let us now plot below the comparison between the pressure and heat release rates between the experimental data and our CFD calculations. 160 Experimental Grid A Grid B Grid C Pressure [bar] 140 120 100 80 60 40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time CAD HRR [J/deg] 150 Experimental Grid A Grid B Grid C 100 50 0 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time CAD Figure 3.10: Grid Comparison with Experimental Pressure and HRR traces The previous results are at least to this author unexpected. The standard RNG model and standard break up models seems to provide an almost perfect match with the pressure curves. The heat release rate is however more difficult to match as it strongly depends on the chemical reactions. Using the current CTC + Shell model it is believed that it is unlikely that the results can be improved much more. Most of the discrepancies occur near TDC (top dead center) where the combustion begins. there is a decrease in the pressure trace of the experimental data likely due to the fact that the combustion was not able to maintain the pressure level. Later the combustion becomes more intense and the pressure rises again. The behaviour of the pressure trace in the very end of the time spanned by the simulation is almost fixed by thermodynamics, therefore it is basically grid independent. Regarding the heat release rate, the pilot injection is over predicted. However the post injection barely increases the pressure. This might be due difficulties of modelling the re-ignition process. Using fully detailed chemistry it is expected that this problem could be easily solved. Also it must be noted that Grid C (the finest) predicts an earlier ignition and coarser grids (Grid B and more extremely grid, A) predict later and less violent combustion process. However, as it was shown in Fig.3.8, the total heat releases is basically the same, it is only the chemical path what is modified. It is concluded that the set up involved using Grid B is accurate enough for the calculations that are of our interest. 46 Figure 3.11: Grid B. Flame Front at 15 CAD. Temeperature given in Kelvin 3.4.6 Turbulence Model Constants A study trying to improve the results from the grid calibration by varying the turbulence model was performed. Variation of the turbulence constants Ce1 and Ce2 between 1.3 and 1.8 (both of them) is performed. The effect on the pressure trace and heat release rate is shown below Varying Cǫ2 Varying Cǫ1 Experimental Data 150 Experimental Data 150 C ǫ2 = 1.3 C ǫ1 = 1.55 Pressure [Bar] Pressure [Bar] C ǫ1 = 1.3 Standard 100 50 0 -30 C ǫ2 = 1.55 C ǫ2 = 1.8 100 Standard 50 0 -20 -10 0 10 20 CAD [deg] 30 40 50 60 -30 150 -20 -10 0 10 20 CAD [deg] 30 60 Experimental Data C ǫ1 = 1.3 C ǫ2 = 1.3 C ǫ1 = 1.55 100 HRR [J/deg] HRR [J/deg] 50 150 Experimental Data Standard 50 0 -30 40 C ǫ2 = 1.55 100 C ǫ2 = 1.8 Standard 50 0 -20 -10 0 10 20 CAD [deg] 30 40 50 60 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 CAD [deg] 30 40 50 60 At the same time, it would be interesting to monitor what is the effect on the production of pollutants, mainly NOx and Soot. 47 6 Varying C ×10-6 ǫ2 6 5 C ǫ1 = 1.55 Standard 4 3 2 1 C ǫ2 = 1.55 C ǫ2 = 1.8 4 Standard 3 2 1 0 -30 6 -20 -10 0 10 20 CAD [deg] 30 40 50 0 -30 60 ×10-7 6 -20 Standard NOx [Kg] 2 1 1 -10 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 CAD [deg] 30 40 50 60 C ǫ2 = 1.8 0 10 20 CAD [deg] 30 40 50 0 -30 60 Standard 3 2 -20 10 20 CAD [deg] C ǫ2 = 1.55 4 3 0 -30 0 C ǫ2 = 1.3 5 C ǫ1 = 1.55 4 -10 ×10-7 C ǫ1 = 1.3 5 NOx [Kg] ǫ1 C ǫ2 = 1.3 SOOT [Kg] SOOT [Kg] 5 Varying C ×10-6 C ǫ1 = 1.3 -20 -10 It is not possible to find a much better combination of Ce1 and Ce2 than the standard one for the heat release rate evolution. The pressure trace seems to be however almost independent of the turbulence model. This is probably due to the fact that no extremely big changes in the combustion and therefore in the Heat Release Rate occur. However one can note that higher values of Ce2 seem to have a stabilizing effect over the combustion, therefore contributing to raise the maximum temperature and it is thought that because of that, there is a higher NOx prediction. There exists many chemical "paths" through which NOx can be produced. According to [30], the NOx production will always be increased by an increase in the temperature of the flame, independently of the dominant chemical path. This seems to justify the changes in the amount of pollutants being formed. It is interesting to note in the previous figure how an increase (in this case due to turbulence modification) in the NOx leads to a decrease in Soot and vice-versa. This is a first indicative of the difficulty to minimize simultaneously both of them. It has been decided that the standard turbulence model is the one performing better for our interest. 3.4.7 Spray Model Constants Following the same procedure as with the spray modelling, it is of our interest, at least academically speaking to analyse the effect of the break up model in the combustion process. Let us perform a study of the size and time constants analogously to the previous one performed in the Sandia Spray A Section. 48 Experimental 150 Pressure [Bar] (B0 ,B 1 )=(0.4,7) (B0 ,B 1 )=(2,7) (B0 ,B 1 )=(0.68,20) 100 Standard 50 0 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time CAD 150 Experimental HRR [J/deg] (B0 ,B 1 )=(0.4,7) (B0 ,B 1 )=(2,7) 100 (B0 ,B 1 )=(0.68,20) Standard 50 0 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time CAD Figure 3.12: Effects of Spray Break Up Model on Combustion The previous results show clear increase in the heat release rate due to a more violent combustion happening due to larger drops in the case of increase the time constant B1 . The particles reduce their size in a slower way therefore given up higher amount of concentrated fuel vapour thus increasing the violence of the combustion process. This is also reflected in the pressure peak. An increase in the break up constants leads to a longer penetration values since the evaporation and ignition process take longer to occur. Based only on the previous results one could in principle expect that an intermediate value of the size and time constant could help to obtain a better correspondence between CFD and experimental results. Besides, an increase in the constants leads to much longer penetration which leads to unphysical spray behaviour. The standard spray model will me employed together with the standard turbulence model. 3.5 NOx and Soot Constrained Optimization The main objective is to optimize the piston bowl to lower the emissions by improving the combustion efficiency. The improvement is given by modifying the geometrical parameters and the spray orientation. However the designs variations can vary the volume of the bowl. This affects to the compression ratio which is a number fixed by structural constraints as well as fuel efficiency. In the optimization process, the compression ratio is kept constant to 17.4 as described in Table 3.2. 3.5.1 Parametrization The Piston Bowl geometry is parametrized considering variations in 4 different parameters. 49 Figure 3.13: Axisymmetrical Bowl Parametric Cross Section. Baseline (Black), Parametric Design Candidate (red) A variation of the "Bowl Radius" is represented in the left most column of the previous figure. The second picture from the left represents a variation in the depth of the bowl. The third one from the left increases the entrainment of the "secondary lip" typical from ULPC piston bowls whereas the last one is a variation of the so called "inner diameter". Additionally, a variation of the spray direction is also taken into account. This parameter is shown in Fig.3.14 Figure 3.14: Spray Angle Parametrization The spray direction it is weakly dependent on other parameters. The direction is measured from the injector position at SOI (start of Injection) towards the secondary lip. This direction is thus altered by parametric variation of the geometry. The spray direction parameter is only an offset of with respect to this direction. Before, the domain of study here proposed is shown: Parameter Bowl Radius Depth Secondary Lip Inner Diameter Scale Spray Offset Angle Lower Bound 4 4 0 0.9 0 Baseline Value 6 6 3 1 0 Upper Bound 8 8 6 1.1 30 However this changes almost always have to be corrected so that the compression ratio is fulfilled. The parameters chosen to produce such change are: 50 The left most picture represents a variation in the arc composing the bowl. This is accomplished by varying the tension of the tangency between the arc of the bowl and the guide line from the centre of the piston. The centre figure represents a vertical scaling. This parameter is only allowed to make small variations so that it does not affect to the depth design parameter. Finally the right most column represents a displacement of the bowl arc centre horizontally. Parameter Tangency Tension Vertical Scaling Horizontal Offset 3.5.2 Lower Bound -3 0.95 3 Baseline Value 0 1 3 Upper Bound 2 1.05 10 Optimization Algorithm The optimization algorithm is a surrogate multi-objective genetic algorithm. This algorithm is specially well suited for this kind of simulations where the time of computations specially expensive. The algorithm operates in the following way: 1. The algorithm generates an initial pool of designs. Generally, the number of initial designs is the square of the number of parameters (In this case N = 52 = 25). However this is know to be a lower bound for the number of initial designs. Therefore it was chosen to compute 31. For each design, the algorithm first triggers the adjustment to fulfill the compression ratio. Such algorithm is a Nelder Mead Simplex which contrary to gradient methods, tries to find a solution far from the boundaries of the parameters chosen to fulfill the compression ratio. 2. The algorithm, once it has the initial pool of designs, it generates an initial response surface based on the Kriging method. 3. Based on this response surface, new global minimum candidates are computed, 4 in this case. The algorithm is also tuned to select design points which are at least 10% far from each other in the design space. 4. The new computed designs allow to improve the quality of the response surface and next 4 design candidates are chosen. The process repeats steps 2-4 until pareto front convergence is achieved. 51 3.5.3 Analysis of the Optimization Results The Pareto Front The pareto front is a curve describing the set of designs who best accomplished a given goal. This is a curve that typically appears in optimization algorithms when two objectives compete with each other. In order to minimize SOOT one would probably have to expect large values of NOx and viceversa. The evolution of the optimization algorithm is shown below: Pareto Front After 4 Generations 1 Baseline Initial Sampling Gen 1 Gen 2 Gen 3 Gen 4 Pareto Front 0.9 0.8 0.7 SOOT [] 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 NOx [] Figure 3.15: Pareto Front after 4 Generations The squares in blue represent the initial pool of design found while sampling the domain whereas the dashed (- -) lines represents the actual evolution of the algorithm. The response surface of the algorithm estimates the location of the minimum. However the actual value of NOx and Soot is corrected by running the CFD calculation and improving at the same time the response surface. It is possible to appreciate that the algorithm tries to improve on both NOx and Soot direction. This is evidenced in generations 3 and 4 of the genetic algorithm. The previous results show a genetic algorithm which has not been able to improve much more the pareto front algorithm. This indicates that more generations should be run in order to obtain a smoother and better posed pareto front. Designs in the Pareto Front In order to understand why this improvement has taken place, an analysis starting from the geometry variations should be done. The left most design is the best performing design in order to reduce NOx. The main characteristic of this design is its more pronounced secondary lip with a smaller radius. The so called corner design is the closest to the (0,0) in the NOx-Soot map shown in Fig.3.15. This design features a smaller bowl radius 52 Figure 3.16: Pareto Front Designs. Baseline in orange. From left to right column: Minimum NOx, Corner Value, Minimum Soot with a slightly more pronounced angle from the bowl axis to the tangency point. Finally the best Soot performing design features a deeper bowl with a reduced inner diameter which pushes the secondary lip to the interior of the bowl. However the Best for Soot and Best for NOX designs share one thing in common, the spray angle offset. In both cases the spray is pointing towards the secondary lip, whereas for the corner design, the spray is pointing towards the bowl. 53 Figure 3.17: Left: Best for NOx. Middle : Corner Design. Right : Best for Soot. Time 30 CAD The previous designs seem to be mostly affected by the spray direction. The best design for NOx sprays towards the lower side of the bowl. The best design for Soot reduction however sprays towards the liner upper part of the bowl. The corner design, that is the one that reduces both the Soot and the NOx chooses to spray towards the secondary lip splitting the flame front between an upper and lower side. 54 Parameter Bowl Radius Depth Secondary Lip Inner Diameter Scale Spray Offset Angle Best NOx 5.99 6.22 5.45 1.04 16.77 Corner 4.41 6.12 2.48 1.01 25.64 Best Soot 5.66 4.05 0.7 1.06 4.3 Table 3.5: Parameter Specification for Pareto Designs The flame front chooses to generate a vortical motion in the best for NOx design (left most column). This flame front keeps a larger volume of air at around 1600 K. This is not the extreme value at the flame front but hot enough to stop soon enough the generation of nitrous oxides. The nitrous oxides seem to be generated at the hottest portions of air. Relatively fine flame fronts seem to help reducing the generation of NOx . The right most case has a more chaotic behaviour. The flame is more turbulent and generates a thicker flame that increases the average temperature in the burning zone, this hotter region enhances the speed at which chemical reactions occurred leading to higher NOx amounts. However, the best for NOx design seals the burning zone from the surrounding air due to its more laminar alike structure (not so much chaotic). The sealing reduces the amount of oxygen (equivalence ratio) and therefore a higher amount of soot is created. It is possible to observe a strong correlation between the local equivalence ratio and the generation of Soot. This is strongly evidenced for the best NOx design which accumulates almost 5 times the stoichiometric fuel to air ration near the axis of the cylinder. Below the temporal evolution of NOx and Soot is shown. Metric NOx Soot Baseline 1 1 Best NOx 0.16 1.95 Corner 0.34 0.22 Best Soot 1.49 0.06 Table 3.6: Improvement With Respect To Baseline One must not truly believe the optimization results as this may have a strong impact on other quantities such as carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2 ) or hydrocarbons (HC). For this reason one would 55 1.5 Baseline Best NO X Soot [mg] 1 Corner Value Best Soot 0.5 0 -150 -100 -50 0 CAD 50 100 150 -100 -50 0 CAD 50 100 150 0.6 NOx [mg] Baseline 0.5 Best NO X 0.4 Corner Value Best Soot 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -150 Figure 3.18: Pareto Front Emissions like to analyse the time evolution of not only the goal value (NOx and Soot) but also other pollutants. At the same time the temporal evolution can provide information about the combustion and oxidation processes. For example in Fig.3.18, the combustion process for the best soot design finish earlier burning all the fuel and therefore the soot curve becomes flat earlier than the rest. The best for NOx however keeps on decreasing at a steady slow rate which leads to think that incomplete combustion might be happening. CO [mg] 200 150 100 Baseline Best NO X Corner Value Best Soot 50 0 -150 -100 -50 0 CAD 50 100 150 -100 -50 0 CAD 50 100 150 -100 -50 0 CAD 50 100 150 CO2 [mg] 400 300 200 100 0 -150 HC [mg] 40 30 20 Baseline Best NO X Corner Value Best Soot 10 0 -150 Figure 3.19: Effect on other pollutants Similarly, the best for NOx or soot designs have some relations that are worth remarking. The best for soot design leads to almost zero carbon monoxide emissions. This is a measure of the completeness of the combustion process. This is also why a higher amount of CO2 is produced. The corner design also achieves complete combustion and exactly same amount of CO2 emissions, whereas the baseline and 56 the best NOx design seem to reach the same amount of CO and CO2 . Finally the amount of hydro carbons being released from the best NOx design leads to believe that this design is not worth the reduction of NOx . 3.5.4 Conclusions The validation of diesel combustion simulation can be done without requiring an excessive amount computational power but at the cost of requiring experimental data from a test engine. Therefore, there are advantages and disadvantages to this method. In order to have simulation that cover all the chemical reaction and the turbulence modelling one can always keep increasing the accuracy of the models up to LES and fully detailed chemistry. Mainly, the cost of LES restricts the optimization possibilities and number of iterations required. It is the opinion of this author that RANS modelling can be sufficient for piston bowl design. Besides detailed detailed chemistry is being foreseen by the industry for the very near future. Detailed chemistry differs from fully resolved chemistry in the number of species being considered. The number of species contained within a fuel molecule can be around 7000. Detailed chemistry allows to choose the most relevant chemical paths decreasing the cost while maintaining the accuracy of this type of simulations. Modelling emissions strongly depends on models which require of some fine tuning. Detailed chemistry removes such tuning tasks increasing the predictive capabilities of the CFD simulations. The optimization algorithm relies on purely automatic analysis. It is believed that the best for NOx design is not a reliable design. The strong deviation of the equivalence ratio from its stoichiometric value near the axis zone reveals a strong risk of knocking. This design needs to be tested under slightly different operating conditions in order to evaluate the stability of the design. The dramatic increase in the soot generation while minimizing the NOx (almost 2 times) is a strong value which is most likely related to the fact that not so much fuel has been burned. Leading to higher amounts of unburned fuel (Soot) and lower NOx amounts. Optimization in order to minimize NOx has shown to be much more difficult than expected at the beginning. The corner design shares many geometrical similarities together with the baseline design, specially the spray being directed towards the bowl instead of the secondary lip. This seems to be one of the most relevant parameters in the optimization. 57 3.6 Unexplored Optimization Posibilities: Fuel Injection Curve One of the critical parameters of a combustion process is the rate of injection of fuel, which ultimately determines the injection pressure (and therefore vaporization rate) as well as timing of the fuel curve. The fuel injection at the same time, determines the heat release rate whose shape has a strong effect on the power and pollutant emission. The heat release rate can be estimated on hand by the combustion efficiency (η) which in turn is a function of the local equivalence ratio6 and the adiabatic index γ = c p /cv ∂Qch ≈ η (φ( ~X, t), γ(t)) ṁ ρ E ∂t (3.17) On the other hand, the first Law of Thermodynamics allow us to express [1]: δQch = dU + δW + δQht + ∑ hi dmi (3.18) The main difficulty of the previous equation is usually related to the accuracy to which we can determine the parameters entering into the previous equation. U represents the internal energy, W the work performed by the piston, Qht the heat transfer across the walls and ∑ hi dmi the energy leakage across the crevice and valves. The unusual terms in the first law of thermodynamics are due to the "open" nature of this system. This is represented in Fig.3.20: Figure 3.20: Heat Generation and Losses. Combustion Stroke du = mcv ( T )dT + udm (3.19) ∑ hi dmi = hcr dmcr + h f dm f (3.20) ∆W = pdV (3.21) ∆Qht ≈ Ahc ( T − Tw ) = Ahc ( 6 The local equivalence ratio is defined as φ ≡ metric ratio of fuel to oxidizer agent. χ f uel /χox (χ f uel /χox )st PV − Tw ) Rg (3.22) , that is the ratio of fuel to oxidizer agent with respect to the stoichio- 58 Figure 3.21: Heat Generation and Losses. Combustion Stroke Typically under combustion, the chamber would experiment a pressure rise due to an increase in the temperature. This would exacerbate the heat losses due to flow leakage in the crevice region. However the increase in pressure would improve the sealing in the valve reducing the leakages and therefore one can usually neglect leakages in the valve region: ∑ hi dmi = hcr mcr + h f dm f ≈ hcr dmcr (3.23) Under this assumption, in the changes of internal energy:udm = −udmcr . Introducing at the same time the ideal gas law, one obtains: c cv v + 1 pdV + (hcr − u)dmcr + ∆Qht (3.24) ∆Qch = Vdp + R R A better measure of the evolution in time is usually given in terms of the so called crank angle degree, θ which is given by the engine rotational speed (RPM’s). The relationship between the crank angle and time is given by the simple relationship expressed below. ∂Qch 1 ∂Qch = {t = ωθ } = ∂t ω ∂θ (3.25) The crank angle degree is measured (θ = 0) from Top Dead Center (that is, when the cylinder is compressed the most) In [1], the author uses a empirical correlation in order to evaluate the term: (hcr − u)dmcr . Also Eq.3.24 will be differentiated with respect to time in order to obtain the heat release rate. In this fashion the time derivative is given by: Qch γ ∂V 1 ∂P Qleak ∂Qht = p + V + + ∂θ γ − 1 ∂θ γ − 1 ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ Where Qleak is given by the empirical relation in [1] 0 ∂Qleak T T 1 γ−1 ∂p ≈ Vcr + + ln 0 ∂θ Tw Tw (γ − 1) bTw γ −1 ∂θ 59 (3.26) (3.27) In principle one could solve for the rate of fuel mass being injected however the approximation turns out to be really crude given the difficulty of estimating the previous equations. That is: η (φ( ~ X, t), γ(t)) ṁ ρ E ≈ γ ∂V 1 ∂P Qleak ∂Qht p + V + + γ − 1 ∂θ γ − 1 ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ (3.28) The previous equation is difficult to model due to the variation in time of the pressure. The heat transfer through the walls is also another difficult term to estimate. Mainly the convection and radiation will dominate the heat transfer through the walls. Possible analytical solutions can exist neglecting the heat transfer and assuming either a constant pressure (which is somehow true in some cases for an interval of time spanning a few crank degrees from TDC). Another possibility is to assume an evolution described VTDC γ̃ ∂ ∂P in a way analogous to an isentropic expansion, that is ∂θ = ∂θ PTDC V . θ In all of the previous cases, the heat transfer plays a very important role which can overcome the importance of the pressure and volume evolution. This sits out of the scope of the current report and can be used as a basis for a future study. 60 Bibliography [1] John B. Heywood Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Massachusetts Institute of Technology [2] Antonio L. Sánchez, Javier Rodríguez Rodríguez Fluid Mechanics: An Introduction and Relevant Applications, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2011. [3] Anders Dahlkild and Lars Söderholm Kinetic Gas Theory, KTH University [4] Arne V. 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