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Manufactured Boards: Types, Properties & Uses

Manufactured Boards
Manufactured boards are boards that have been altered by human
influence. They were originally natural boards and planks.
Plywoods are used
to create flat planks
of wood and have
good structure and
durability they are
easily able to be
constructed with
other woods.
However there are disadvantages
of buying plywoods such as they
are more expensive to other planks
and manufactured boards.
Hardwoods are very
cheap and come in
many different sizes and
shapes. They are
friendly and resistant to
dust and insects they
are also easy to install.
Hard woods cant be used
outside because they are
very vulnerable to rain
and the wind
Chipboards are very durable
and strong that is what they are
well known for they are also
know from there interesting
There are also
disadvantages with
chipboard like they
are weak to water and
begin to break down.
There chips also can
become lose and cut
things or people.
MDF are woods that are
smoother and cheaper than
plywoods.It can also be used as
a surface for painting or arts
and crafts. Not all are thick
some are small and wider.