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Book Review: The Curious Enlightenment of Professor Caritat

Review – The curious enlightment of profesor Caritat
Everyone likes to fantasize about different rules that change the dynamics of a
society. Well, the book written by Steven Lukes, The curious enlightment of profesor
Caritat does exactly that by providing a story that happens in multiple regions, each
in which a certain school of thought controls every action of every citizen. In this
book, Lukes is trying to smartly show us how a community would look like if everyone
were to follow just one set of ideas. That is how the main character professor Caritat
gets to know the cities of Utilitaria, Militaria, Libertaria and Communitaria, only to
understand that the perfect world can’t be found on an ideology but in dialogue and
Summary of the argument
The book follows Nicholas Caritat, who is a philosopher and historian specialized in
the Enlightenment, who lives in Militaria. For reasons related to the name of the
country, he ends up in prison. A minority opposed to the military power manages to
get him out of there with a mission: to travel to find the best of all possible worlds.
He then visits Utilitaria, where utilitarianism is followed step by step, leading to a
radical society where although most of the people live happy, the minorities suffer.
The book continues this idea of what would happen if certain group of ideas prevailed
over the rest, and that is how Caritat gets to Communitaria and Libertaria, other cities
with flawed systems that lead to reflection in the reader.
About the author
Steven Lukes is a professor of sociology at New York University. Who has also
taught at Oxford and the London School of Economics, along with other prestigious
universities. He has published several political and sociological books like Power: A
radical view and The curious enlightment of Professor Caritat
The main strength of the book is that it tells a story rather than focusing on explaining
the theory behind every region visited by professor Caritat. In a way, he is committed
to showing through brilliant situations and dialogue everything that could go wrong if
the government of a region decided to strictly follow the principles of schools of
thought such as utilitarianism or liberalism. The reader benefits from the story
because they might never thought through some of the flaws of each systems and
the consequences of sticking to an idea without questioning it or criticizing it.
The book fails in creating an appealing character, he is a really passive person
throughout much of the book and although he helps us know when something is
going wrong, he is basically a narrator whose presence doesn’t seem relevant. As a
result, the reader finds the rest of the characters way more interesting and even
locations become more appealing.
The curious enlightment of professor Caritat is a book about ideas and what is wrong
when you go radical on them. Although it is a fiction work as well as a political critic,
it doesn’t commit to one or the other as much as the reader would like to. It is a reall
fun to read hybrid, and even when the dynamic the character is following becomes
tedious, the main lesson gets through: ideas are meant to be understood and
discussed, not praised. What makes some nations or communities great is the
intention of engaging in debates and acknowledging that everyone deserves a voice.