TITLE “Analogy in Different Era:A Comparative Analysis of Ritualism and Euhemirism as Evolving Theories in the World of Mythology” INTRODUCTION Mythology is the study and interpretation of often sacred tales or fables of a culture known as myths or a collection of such stories which deal with various aspects of the human condition:good and evil.It tells the stories of ancestors and the origin of human and the world,the gods,supernatural beings and heroes with super-human, usually God-given,powers.Myth also describe origins or nuances of long-held customs or explain natural events such as the sunrise and sunset, the cycle of the moon and the seasons, or thunder and lightning storms.In this study we will know the similarities and differences of some of the ancient and modern theories in mythology. Ritualism in Mythology-according to this theory,all myths are invented to accompany and explain religous ritual.They decribe the significant events which have resulted in a particular ceremony. Euhemirism in Mythology-is an approach to the interpretation of Mythology in which mythological accounts are presumed. ANALYSIS The Ritualism (Ritual Theory)-Modern Theory Sir James Frazer(The Golden Bough) proposed the ritual theory of myth.This states that myths are explanations for (more basic,fundamental) religious rituals;a secondary elaboration of rituals.(Durkein said that the function of rituals, and thereby of myths,was to unite a social group, to strengthen and cement the ties between persons in a group.)For a ritaulist school interpretation,the rituals are the most important part for society.The myths come afterwards.For example, the children preparing for (and getting!) gifts is the main ritual.But a myth or story developed later. Rituals often mark transitions from one social role to another.From girl to woman;from child to adult;from single to married;from stranger to friend;from stranger to enemy.It is a stereotyped sequence of activities involving gestures,words, and objects, performed in a sequestered place, and designed to influence preternatural entities or forces on behalf of actors goals and interests.A ritaulist definition for myth would be something like:A myth is a story that developed to explain or accompany a ritual or series of rituals already in practice in a society.This study also called the Myth-Ritualist Theory of religion and according to it,religion is primitive science:through myth and ritual,which operate together and constitute its core,religion magically manipulates the world.These are two components of religious practice.Rituals are inspired by stories of Mythology passed down through generations to perpetuate the traditions of a religion and often enclose many ideas of symbolic meanings.Symbols are often based on specific episodes that are recounted in myths;signifying a specific certain worldview.On the other hand,The Euhemirism-Ancient Theory, Euhemerus was an ancient Greek who wrote that myths about Gods were actually real people from a long forgotten past.A Euhemerist definition of a myths would be:A myth is a distorted account of an actual event in the distant past.Euhemirism is an approach to the interpretation of Mythology in which mythological accounts are presumed to have originated from real historical events or personages.In the more recent literature of myth,such as Bulfinch’s mythology, euhemerism is termed the “historical theory”of Mythology.Euhemerus explain about myth and asserted that the Greek gods originally had been kings,heroes,and conquerors, or benefactors to the people, who had thus earned a claim to the veneration of their subjects.As mentioned that Euhemerus was not the first to attempt to rationalize mythology in historical terms thus,Euhemeristic views are found in earlier writings however,the enduring influence of Euhemerus upon later thinkers such as the classical poet and modern author identified him as the traditional founder of this school of thought. CONCLUSION As I read this article,I must say that scholars who actually created their theory have a common goal is to help us people to open up our mind that mythology is not only making us to entertain about superstitoius beliefs but there are also aspects that needs to consider and we can apply it in real life situation.The implication of this theories is to aide us no matter where it came from,if it is from ancient or in modern times,the thing is that they want us to know that myth and science are connected to each other.This attention has sometimes focused on changes occurring in the way the real world is apprehended by different peoples and how these changes in “reality” are reflected in myths.This reality changes continually throughout history, and these changes have especially occupied philosophers and historians of science.For a sense of reality in a culture is basic to any specific pursuit by that culture, beginning with the earliest philosophical inquiries into the nature of the world.Though,it would perhaps be going too far to identify the images and concepts that make up a culture's scientific sense of reality with myth, parallel between science and myth, as well as the presence of a mythological dimension to science are generally reckoned to exist.Therefore I conclude that these two theories that I chose to tackle have common objectives and plays a big role in the history and in what is mythology in this current Era.Reading this article about different nature of mythology is somehow exaggerated and imaginative but the thing is that it is really interesting and informative that can be save in our mind. REFERENCES: ● People. Hws.edu ● Symbols in African Ritual (16 March 1973)American Academy of Arts and Science ● Hesioid,Theogony 133ff ● Robert M. Price “The Empty Tomb:Introduction:The second Life of Jesus” ● Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Vol. 19. No. 2 ● Burkert, W. (1979) Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual ● Eliade, Mircea ● Frazer, James “The Golden Bough” N. Y. McMillan 1967 ● Sebeoh,Thomas A. (Editor),Myth:A Symposium,Bloomington Indiana University Press. 1958 ● Segal, Robert A. Myth:A Very Short Introduction Oxford UP 2004