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Understanding Plagiarism: Types, Consequences, & Prevention

Define Plagiarism- Plagiarism is presenting the ideas, words or images of another person’s as if
they were your own; it also denies authors credit for their work when credit is due.
Discuss the different types of plagiarism and what each one means:
 Source- based Plagiarism: This occurs when a student references a source that is
incorrect or does not exist, this is a misleading citation. It can also occur when a student
uses a secondary source of data citing the primary source of information.
 Complete Plagiarism: The most severe form of plagiarism where a researcher takes a
manuscript or study that someone else created, and submits it under their name.
 Self-Plagiarism: Is the presentation of your own previously published work as original;
like plagiarism, elf-plagiarism is unethical.
 Direct Plagiarism: Is the word-for-word transcription of a section of someone else’s
work, without attribution and without quotation marks.
 Mosaic Plagiarism: Borrowing phrases from a source without using quotation marks or
using synonyms for the author’s language.
 Inaccurate authorship Plagiarism: Incorrectly citing authors of an academic piece.
 Mashup Plagiarism: When the written document is copied from more than one source
and all are mixed together without any proper citation then it is called mashup kind of
 Paraphrasing Plagiarism: Taking the words of another source and restating them
without using citation and passing it as your own.
 Collaborating Plagiarism: Working with other people on a paper, but presenting it as
your own.
 Accidental Plagiarism: It happens when the writer misquotes or neglects to cite the
author of the piece. It is unintentionally paraphrasing a phrase with very similar words
without attributing the real author.
Discuss the consequences of plagiarism- Plagiarism violates ethical standards in scholarship.
Students who plagiarize may fail the assignment or the course, be placed on academic probation,
or be expelled from their institution. Writers who plagiarize not only disrespect the efforts of the
original authors by failing to acknowledge their contributions, but if they also try to publish
plagiarized work face rejection from publication and possible censure in their place of
Discuss ways to avoid plagiarism- To avoid plagiarism, provide appropriate credit to the source
whenever you paraphrase, directly quote the words of others, refer to data or data sets, reprint or
adapt a table or figure and reprint a long text passage or commercially copyrighted test item. For
most work, appropriate credit takes the form of an author-date citation. However comprehensive
credit will be required sometimes when reprint or adapted tables are used.