CASE PRESENTATION PULMONARY TB 1/10/ 2021 DRMALKIA Patient information Name: C.W Age: 20 years IP number: 695758/21 Sex: Female DOA: 28/7/21 discharge 16/8/2021 Time in the ward: 19 days complains diarrhea for 2 weeks cough for 2 months general body weakness for 2 months weight loss for 2 month(cannot quantify) headache on and off for 2 months HPI Known ptb patient and defaulter of medication for unknown time known iss not on haart complains of above symptoms for 2 months no hx of LOC or convulsions reported Tb for gene-expert was positive and initiated on anti tb. PMSH index admission known iss not on haart tb patient and defaulter no hx of surgeries or blood transfusion no allergies known FMSH Single no nhif beneficiary no hx of chronic family illnesses hx of smoking no hx of alcohol use hx of iv drug abuse On examination Sicklooking,not in resp distress wasted (pallor++,jaundice+,lymphadenopathy,cyanosis,ede ma,dehydration++) Vitals; SPO2-100% on RA PR;105b/m BP; 95/60 RR;20b/m Temp;36.0 P/A;mwr,not distended,soft,tender epigastric region,no organomegally,bowel sounds present RESP:BAE with mid zone crackles CVS;S1 S2 heard no murmurs CNS;gcs 15/15,normal reflexes,PBRL OTPP lethargic IMPRESSION Severe microcytic hypochromic anemia known PTB known ISS acute GE with dehydration PLAN FHG,UECS,RBS stool for hpylori occult blood and ziel nelson cd4 count and viral load Monitor vitals,rbs 6 hrly Keep warm ivf 1.5l over 24 hours crp/ir/pct with cxr continue with started anti tb nutritional review ccc review vdrl hep b and c urinalysis pcr covid 19 gxm transfuse 2 units whole blood Lab results FHG; wbc 4.2,lym 0.6,gran3.3 hb 4.4 mcv61.8 plts 246 Bilirubin total 6.6 b direct 4.6 repeat Bilirubin total 3.8 b direct 2.1 pct 0.899 crp 70.93 REPEAT HEMOGRAM Medication given(t sheet) albendazole 400mg bd ceftriaxone 2g od pabrinex 1 and 2 in 500 mls ns od for 3 days RUTF 2 sachet per day iv pcm 1g tds iv encefer 2 vials in 500mls ns alt days po esomeprazole 40 mg bd fluconazole 400 mg od acyclovir 400 mg tds RHZE lactulose 15mls tds dulcolax 10mg bd relcer gel 15 mls tds tramadol 50 mg bd po tothema 2 vials od ensure 1 tin at the ward plans at admission was executed and patient was commenced on haart and anti tbs hpylori test negative vdrl neg serum crag neg stool cyst and ova--- no cyst or ova seen patient developed oral candidiasis and was managed with chlorhexidine mouth wash patient also had hyperkalemia of 6.43 and iv calcium gluconate, insulin 10iu in 50mls of 50%dextrose was given discharged home through ccc and mopc THANK YOU