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Sci 10 Chemistry notes with Powerpoint lessonsRT

Science 10 Chemistry notes
Toews BHS
Chemistry Summary
Science 10 Chemistry notes
Toews BHS
Sci10 1.1 - Lesson #1: Matter & The Atom
Complete the blanks in the Flowchart of Matter below: (textbook p10)
 components
are visible
 variable
 components
are NOT
 constant
Write the following examples in the correct location in the flowchart above: Gold ore, Copper wire, Distilled water, Tap
water, Salt water, Pizza, Blood.
Complete Textbook p10 #1-4.
In the year, __________ the first Periodic Table of the Elements was constructed in part, by Dimitri _________________.
CHALLENGE answers:
Science 10 Chemistry notes
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The Atom
In your own words, define the term, atom:
List the four statements of Dalton’s “Billiard Ball” atomic theory:
Complete the blanks on The History of the Atom Timeline below:
ASSIGNMENT: How do you remember the four scientists and their contribution to The Theory of the Atom without using
words? Use cartoons, memes, TikTok video, other?
Write the name of the 3 sub-atomic particles in the atom. Write their symbol with associated electrical charge.
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Calculating Sub Atomic Particles in an Atom
Using the Science 10 Data Booklet periodic table, complete the blank arrow labels on the Key provided:
The number of _____________________ in an atom DOES NOT
CHANGE, so this number defines the identity of the atom on the
periodic table.
To determine the # of protons in any atom, find the
_________________________________ on the periodic table.
Check your understanding: How many protons in the nucleus of
the atom of the following elements:
potassium ______ carbon _____ tungsten ______ tin ______
To determine the # of electrons in any atom, find the
_________________________________ on the periodic table.
Check your understanding: How many electrons surrounding the nucleus of the atom of the following elements:
potassium ______ carbon _____ tungsten ______ tin ______
To determine the # of neutrons in the nucleus of the atom, a calculation is required:
Number of neutrons = ______________________________ -
Check your understanding: How many neutrons in the nucleus of the atom of the following elements:
potassium ______ carbon _____ tungsten ______ tin ______
PRACTICE: Calculate the # neutrons in an atom of Protactinium:
Define the term, isotope:
State the atomic mass of a heavy isotope of Protactinium: _______________________
A simple method to represent and/or identify an isotope (or any atom), is through _______________________________:
Based on the nuclear notation provided, the name of the above atom is _________________________.
Check your understanding: Using the provided nuclear notation, determine:
# protons ___________
# electrons __________
# neutrons ___________
Is this a heavy or a light isotope of carbon? _______________________________________________________________
Draw the nuclear notation for the following isotopes:
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Electrons & the Formation of Compounds (textbook p25-36) Powerpoint Lesson 2
The Periodic Table- complete the missing blanks
Bohr Model Diagrams:
What have you learned so far in Chapter 1?
 Define each term and provide an example in the Classification of Matter Flowchart (textbook p10-11)
 Describe and note the differences in the theory of the atom by Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr (p12-20)
 Identify and calculate the number of subatomic particles in an atom and an isotope (p22)
 Know the names and locations and properties of all groups on the periodic table (metals- alkali, alkaline earth and
transition metals, metalloids, non metals-including halogens and noble gases) on the periodic table (p27)
 Define and write the symbol of an isotope and atom using nuclear notation (p22)
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State the pattern between the group number and the number of valence electrons (outer shell electrons).
State the pattern between the period number (row number) and the number of shells occupied by electrons.
Practice: Bohr model of chlorine ATOM
Period # ______
Energy Level Diagrams- Another method to represent atoms.
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The Formation of Ions: To Gain or Lose Electrons?
When atoms have a ________________________________________________ they are less reactive= STABLE.
Atoms will gain or lose ___________________________________ to form less reactive IONS.
Atoms of most elements will gain or lose electrons to have the same electron arrangement as the ___________________.
PRACTICE: Will the following atoms: a) gain or lose electron(s)? B) how many?
Atoms of metal elements ________________ electrons to form __________________.
Atoms of non-metal elements _______________ electrons to form ________________.
Determining Electric Charge on an Ion
Complete the blanks in the table:
Atomic # of
Nearest Noble Gas
Position to
Staircase Line
Metal or Non
metal element?
Gain or Lose
many e-
Bohr model of lithium ION
Bohr model of chloride ION
Science 10 Chemistry notes
Practice :
Energy Level diagram of lithium ION
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Energy Level diagram of chloride ION
Practice: Atom or Ion? Which Element? Isotope?
Build 3 Bohr Model diagrams with materials around your house or outside.
Your Models must include: protons, neutrons and electrons (in proper “shells” around the nucleus). You must use
different materials for the three types of sub atomic particles.
You must build an ATOM, AND an ION AND any ISOTOPE of the same element.
You are awarded marks for creativity: some ideas might include buttons, coins, string, grapes, raisins, marshmallows,
chocolate chips, craft supplies, toenail clippings (gross)….
Take a picture of your labeled models (atom, ion, isotope), indicate the chosen element and provide a legend for your
materials used. Upload to D2L Assignments folder or email to me in Private Discussions on D2L.
Monatomic Ions & Multivalent Transitional Metals
Using the Periodic Table in the science 10 data booklet, write the symbol of the ion (with charge) of ONLY the first 30
elements, in the correct column.
For the multivalent transitional metal elements, the ____________________ charge listed is the most common ion.
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The Formation of Compounds
Oppositely charged _________________ are attracted to each other to form ___________________________________.
Non metal _________________ come together to share electrons to form _____________________________________.
Atoms sharing electrons through _________________________________________________= Making Molecules.
The Formation of Polyatomic Molecular Elements
Show the location of the covalent bond(s) and write the chemical formula for the following:
Lewis Dot Diagrams (Electron Dot Diagrams-EDD)
Another method to represent atoms that only considers ____________________________
Practice: How many valence electrons in the atom of the following groups of elements:
13 _____
14 _____
15 _____
16 _____
17 _____
18 _____
To draw EDD’s, follow these rules:
1) Identify the element symbol
2) Determine the number of valence electrons (they will be represented by drawing dots around the symbol)
3) Draw one dot every quarter turn around the symbol. After 4 dots, pair up the electrons.
Practice: Fill in the missing electron dots
EDD for Ions
Use the same rules as for atoms, but consider the gain or loss of electron(s)/ dots around the symbol and the overall
ASSIGNMENT: Complete the assigned (by alphabet) “Atomic Theory Overview” worksheet- see D2L. Watch the posted
video for help. Dropbox in D2L (take a pic or upload the completed file).
Science 10 Chemistry notes
Toews BHS
Writing Chemical Formulas & Names (Chapter 2.1 Textbook p42-55) Powerpoint Lesson 3
The atoms of non- metal elements (and hydrogen) SHARE their electrons in a covalent bond. Determine the number of
covalent bonds in the following:
What have you learned so far in Chemistry?
 Define each term and provide an example in the Classification of Matter Flowchart (textbook p10-11)
 Describe and note the differences in the theory of the atom by Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr (p12-20)
 Identify and calculate the number of subatomic particles in an atom and an isotope (p22)
 Know the names and locations and properties of all groups on the periodic table (metals- alkali, alkaline earth and
transition metals, metalloids, non metals-including halogens and noble gases) on the periodic table (p27)
 Define and write the symbol of an isotope and atom using nuclear notation (p22)
 Define a write the symbol of an isotope and atom using nuclear notation, Bohr model, energy level diagrams,
Lewis dot diagrams-sometimes called Electron Dot Diagrams (p22, 26-28)
 State the chemical formula of all of the polyatomic elements (p31) and explain why they are formed- see the
formation of molecular compounds p30
 The formation of ionic and molecular compounds (p30-32)
 The difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond (p30-31)
NOTE: molecular compounds (molecules) are composed of various numbers of non metal atoms sharing
electrons; the sharing of electrons forms a covalent bond. That’s why molecular compounds are sometimes
called covalent compounds.
Naming Molecules
Complete the blanks in Table 2.1. YOU MUST MEMORIZE THESE PREFIXES!
Can you think of some ways to remember these?
To determine the chemical name and chemical formula of any compound, you must
work through a number of questions and answers in a flow chart. See below
Science 10 Chemistry notes
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Science 10 Chemistry notes
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Naming Covalent Compounds (Molecular Compounds)
Example: SO3
Science 10 Chemistry notes
Find the errors:
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HOH is dihydrogen monoxide*
*Use textbook p54
ASSIGNMENT: Practice Problems textbook p44
Naming Ionic Compounds
Ionic bonds are created due to the transfer of electrons between atoms and due to electrostatic charge attraction(s).
Ionic ________________________, overall must be ___________________________ (have zero charge, just like atoms).
Ionic compounds end here
Science 10 Chemistry notes
Ionic compounds end here
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Ionic compounds end here
ASSIGNMENT: Practice Problems textbook p45 Binary Ionic Compounds
Science 10 Chemistry notes
Ionic Compounds with Multivalent Metals
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Ionic compounds end here
_________________________________________________ (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII)
ASSIGNMENT: Textbook p46 Binary Ionic Compounds with Multivalent Metals
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Ionic Compounds with Polyatomic Ions
What are polyatomic ions?
Charges on polyatomic ions.
Write the symbol for the polyatomic ion in the appropriate column. The monatomic ions for elements #1-30 are done:
Science 10 Chemistry notes
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The Formation of Ionic Compounds with Polyatomic Ions
The atoms within a polyatomic ion share their electrons _____________________________.
For example, the carbonate anion has 1 ________________________ atom sharing electrons with
_________ oxygen atoms: CO32-
For example, the ____________________________ cation has ______ nitrogen atom sharing
electrons with 4 __________________________ atoms: NH4+
Putting It All Together!
Science 10 Chemistry notes
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Practice: Fill in the blanks with the correct name.
Science 10 Chemistry notes
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Name the following compound:
Non- metal atoms covalently bond to form _____________________________________. Ions
within compounds bond to form
______________________________________________________. For the chemical formula of
an ionic compound (NaCl, MgO, KMnO4) the _______________________ in the formula unit
must always be in their lowest terms.
Example: calcium oxide
Example: How many formula units of Ca3N2 could be made from 30 calcium ions and 30 nitride ions?
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Hydrated Compounds
Name the following
CuSO4 ∙ 5H2O
ASSIGNMENT: Textbook p52-53 #13-19, p55
Upcoming: Chapter 2 Test
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ASSIGNMENT: What’s Missing worksheet
Activity: Ion Puzzle. You will need the puzzle pieces, a pen/pencil and the Science 10 Data Book. Make as many ionic
compounds as possible using the puzzle pieces provided. When all of the pieces are together, write both the chemical
formula and the name of the ionic compounds below:
Chemical Formula
Chemical Name
Practice: Mark this Paper. Circle and correct any errors (each answer is 1 mark- all or none).
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Physical Properties of Chemicals (Textbook p56-71) Powerpoint Lesson 4
Write 6 physical properties to describe chemicals:
The state of a chemical, at room temperature can be either: ________________ (
), ____________________ (
_________________________________ (
) or _______________________________________________ (
Provide 2 examples of compounds that are ______________________________ at room temperature and pressure:
Describe how an aqueous solution is created:
Discussion: Can a liquid compound ( l ) be made into an aqueous solution ( aq )?
Complete the blanks in the table:
State at room temperature
(s, l, g)
Conduct electricity?
(electrolyte or non electrolyte?)
Melting and boiling points
(relatively high or low)
Identifying Ions in Solution
State the chemical formula of the ions (with charge) that are created when the following solids are dissolved in water:
NaCl(s) + H2O(l) →
KOH(s) + H2O(l) →
(NH4)2SO4(s) + H2O(l) →
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Prediction: Which of the compounds will be conductive (√- yes or X- no)?
Part 1: dH2O (l) _______, Al (s) _______, C12H22O11 (s) _______, NaCl (s) _______, SiO2(s) _______.
Part 2 (add pure water): Al (s) _______, C12H22O11 (aq) _______, NaCl (aq) _______, SiO2(s) _______.
Practice: Based on the table results, determine if each substance is an ionic or a molecular compound.
Properties of Acids
Complete the blanks in the table:
Chemical formula has H+
(yes or no)
Chemical formula has OH(yes or no)
State at room temperature
(s, l, g, aq)
Conduct electricity?
(electrolyte or non electrolyte?)
Blue Litmus Paper test result
(blue or red)
Red Litmus Paper test result
(blue or red)
Acid Naming Rules
The “common name” of vinegar is: __________________________________________________. The IUPAC name of
vinegar is: ____________________________________________. The chemical formula for vinegar is ______________.
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Science 10 Chemistry notes
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hydrosulfuric acid – chemical formula? ______________________________________________________________
Oxalic acid- chemical formula? ____________________________________________________________________
Follow the rules for naming ionic compounds to determine the chemical name and the chemical formula for __________.
Remember their state is (aq)
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Practice: Textbook p70 #20-23
Acid base indicators
Phenolphthalein: Colorless to ________________________________ when added with a basic solution.
Bromothymol Blue: Blue to __________________________________ when added with an acidic solution.
DISCUSSION: Is this a liquid molecular compound or an aqueous ionic solution or an aqueous
acid or base? What tests and test results would be expected?
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The States of Products & Chemical Reaction (textbook p85-89) Powerpoint Lesson 5
List 5 observable pieces of evidence that a chemical change has occurred: (see the Pharaoh’s Serpent)
Chemical & Physical Changes
Are the following descriptions examples of a chemical (C) or a physical (P) change?
______ Steel wool is placed in a glass of salty water.
______ A sheet of flexible, colorless plastic is left outside, in bright sunlight, and becomes yellow and brittle over time.
______ A teaspoon of white sugar dissolves in a glass of warm water.
______ Blue litmus paper turns red.
______ Mentos candies are added to diet coke.
Representing Chemical Changes (Writing Chemical Reactions)
Write the word equation (the chemical names):
_____________________ reacts with _________________ to produce ____________________ and ________________
When writing chemical equations, ___________________ (s, l, g or aq) of reactants and products are required.
The state of a ________________________ is observed or known (for element states, see the Legend on Periodic Table):
1) Ionic compounds and most metals are solid state at room temp. Observe the following and determine their state.
2) If an ionic solid is dissolved in water, a solution is formed. The state of a solution (homogenous mixture) is
____________________________ and is written “aq”
Examples: “a solution of sodium chloride” or “aqueous sodium chloride”= ________________________
Hydrochloric acid= ________________________________
Practice- Write the chemical formula with state:
A solution of sodium carbonate:
Elemental nitrogen:
Solid gold:
Steam (water vapour):
Potassium iodide:
Science 10 Chemistry notes
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The state(s) of ___________________________________ can also be observed or predicted:
1) Bubbles observed in products represents a ______________________ produced.
2) If reactants are ______________________________________, then product states
are predicted using the ______________________ (find this on the front of your
data booklet).
Writing Chemical Equations & Using the Solubility Table
__Pb(NO3)2 (
) + __ KI ( )
__ PbI2 (
) + __ KNO3 ( )
Reacting IONS:
Rules to follow:
1. From the reactants, determine the ions present in the aqueous solution(s)
2. Find one ion in the top row of the Table
3. Match any other ions in the corresponding column
4. High Solubility = product is aqueous (aq)
Low Solubility = product is insoluble and forms a solid precipitate (s)
Activity: Solubility Smackdown
Practice- write the chemical equation (with states) from the word equation:
A solution of silver nitrate is added to a solution of sodium acetate to produce silver acetate and sodium nitrate
Write the chemical formula for the reactants
Write the chemical formula for the products
ASSIGNMENT: Open the Solubility Lab student worksheet on D2L
Open the Solubility Lab Results- powerpoint on D2L
Work through the Lab Results and fill in the student worksheet- see video link on D2L
Take the Solubility Lab Quiz on D2L- 10 questions, 2 Attempts. Use your completed student worksheet for the quiz.
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Chemical Equations (textbook p90-102) Powerpoint Lesson #6
Second Law of Thermodynamics states that _______________________________________________________ from
where it is warm to where it is cold.
Energy released (produced) is called ____________________________ and the energy value is placed on the
_______________________________ side of the equation- It feels __________________.
Energy absorbed or used to break bonds is called __________________________________ and the energy value is
placed on the ____________________ side of the equation- it feels _________________.
Exothermic examples:
______C25H52 (
) + _____O2 (
_____C6H12O6 (
) + ____O2 (
) → _____CO2 (
) → _____CO2 (
) + _____H2O ( )
) + _____H2O (
Endothermic example:
_____CO2 (
) + ____H2O ( ) +
→ ____C6H12O6 ( ) + ____O2 (
Practice: Classify each of the following changes as exothermic or endothermic:
1. Ice melting ____________________
2. A match burning __________________________
3. A cake baking in the oven _______________________
4. cellular respiration _______________________
5. photosynthesis ______________________
Define the Law of Conservation of Mass:
Practice - Balancing chemical equations:
_____Mg ( ) + _____O2 ( ) →______ MgO ( ) + energy
_____CO2 (
) + ____H2O ( ) + energy → ____C6H12O6 ( ) + ____O2 (
Write and balance the following chemical equation:
Aqueous ammonium carbonate reacts with a solution of calcium bromide to produce calcium carbonate and ammonium
) + ____
→ ____
) + ____
( )
Try textbook p101
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Practice Writing & Balancing Chemical Equations (Chpt 3.2) Powerpoint Lesson 7
Balance the Skeleton Equation:
____ H2 ( ) + _____N2 ( ) → _____NH3 (
Write the word equation:
___________________ reacts with ___________________ to produce ______________________________
Write the balanced chemical equation for: a solution of sodium nitrate reacts with a solution of copper(II) oxide to
produce sodium oxide and calcium nitrate.
) + ____
→ ____
) + ____
( )
Write the balanced chemical equation:
Write the word equation:
___________________ reacts with ___________________ to produce ____________________ and ________________
Write the word equation:
___________________ reacts with ___________________ to produce ____________________ and ________________
Write the balanced chemical equation:
Record your four- digit answer on the numerical response answer sheet.
Science 10 Chemistry notes
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Write the word equation:
___________________ reacts with _________________ to produce ____________________ and __________________
Write the balanced chemical equation:
Practice: Writing Chemical Equations worksheet
Predicting the Products in a Chemical Reaction (textbook p103-109) Powerpoint Lesson #8
To predict the identity of products in a chemical reaction, first, identify the ______________________________________
(there are _________ types of reactions).
1. ____________________ Reaction: Form a ________________ from a reaction between ___________________:
___Mg ( ) + ___Cl2 ( ) →
___Li ( ) + ___H2 (
___Cu ( ) + ___O2 ( ) →
___C ( ) + ___O2 ( ) →
2. Decomposition Reaction: Form ____________________ from a _______________________:
____H2O (l) →
____ HI (g) →
____ SO2 (g) →
Practice: Identify (circle) any Formation and Decomposition Reactions from the balanced chemical equations below:
Science 10 Chemistry notes
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3. Single Replacement Reaction: One element replaces
one element (or ion) in a _____________________:
___MgO ( ) + ___Cl2 ( ) →
___Li ( ) + ___H2O ( ) →
___Cu ( ) + ___HCl ( ) →
4. Double Replacement Reaction: One element (or ion) in a compound replaces one element (or ion) in a different
__Mg(NO3)2 (aq) + __NaCl (aq) →
__Li2CO3 (aq) + __CuCl2 (aq) →
__AgCl (s) + __CH3COOH (aq) →
Practice: Identify (circle) any Single and Double Replacement Reactions from the balanced chemical equations below:
5. Combustion Reaction (Burning): One compound (usually a hydrocarbon) reacts with oxygen
gas to produce _________________( ) + ______________________( )
___CH4 ( ) + ___O2 ( ) →
____ C12H22O11 (s) + ___
Practice: Predicting Products worksheet (key on D2L)
Assignment: Space Shuttle Case Study- on D2L
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The Chemical Mole (textbook chpt 3.4) Powerpoint Lesson #9- The last lesson in the Chemistry Unit!
In a balanced chemical equation, the numbers used to _______________________ the equation, represent the relative
____________________________________________ of each chemical.
Write the balanced chemical equation for: 1 ________________ of glucose reacts with 6 __________________ of oxygen
gas to produce 6 _________________ of carbon dioxide gas and 6 ____________________ of liquid water:
These numbers are called the __________________________________ or the __________________________________
(how much of each chemical is needed or produced compared to the other chemicals). Also called the chemical amount.
A chemical mole can be measured as a:
1) The mole as a number of particles (use Avogadro’s Number):
How many H2O molecules in 6 moles of water?
2) The mole as a mass (use the molar mass on Periodic Table):
Determine the mass of one mole of copper.
Determine the mass of two moles of sodium chloride.
How many NaCl formula units are in 58.44g? ________________________________________________
The Mole as a Mass Calculations (using a mathematical formula)
# moles = _______________
n = __________
Determine the mass of 1.2 mole of NaCl(s):
Determine the chemical amount (moles) of C12H22O11(s) in 12g: