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The Patriot Movie Worksheet: US History Analysis

Name: _____________________________________
U.S. History
Class: ___________
Date: ____________
The Patriot Movie
Part I: Call to Action
a) During the Town Hall Meeting, there were some people supporting independence and some
people against the war. What are some reasons for Independence and some reasons against?
Useful sentence starters:
● One reason why some people supported independence was because…
● One reason why some people were against the war was because…
Pro Independence
Against the War
b) Benjamin Martin said “Better to have 1 tyrant 3000 miles away than 3000 tyrants 1 mile away.”
What does he mean by this?
Useful sentence starters:
● According to Benjamin Martin, …
● Benjamin Martin’s quote suggests...
* Tyrant: a cruel and oppressive ruler. Similar: dictator
Part 2: A Gentleman’s War
a) Besides trying to protect his family, Benjamin Martin was very against war because of what
happened when he fought during French and Indian War. What was it that made him so reluctant
to fight?
Useful sentence starters:
● One reason why Benjamin Martin was reluctant to fight and against the war was…
* reluctant: unwilling and hesitant. Similar: resistant, opposed, unenthusiastic
b) Why did British General Cornwallis insist that Britain fight a “gentlemanly” war and warn the
“evil” Colonel Tavington to not be so brutal towards the colonists?
Useful sentence starters:
● The reason why British General Cornwallis insisted to fight a “gentlemanly” war was
*Insist: demand something forcefully. Similar: persevere, make a stand, be firm, not give up.
*brutal: violent. Similar: cruel, harsh, barbaric, vicious.
Part 3: Victory for Independence
The British military was the strongest in the world at the time of the American Revolution, having
defeated France and Spain in many wars over the past 100 years. Then how is that a collection of
13 colonies led by General Washington was able to defeat it?
a) Using what we have learned in class and from the movie, what were some factors that helped
the Colonists defeat the British?
Useful sentence starters:
● One factor that helped the Colonists defeat the British was …
* defeat: win a victory over (someone) in a battle or other contest. Similar: beat, conquer, overcome
* factor: fact or influence that contributes to a result or outcome. Similar: element, part, component, ingredient
Part 4: Movie Review
What did you think about the movie? Please write a short review.
Useful sentence starters:
● After watching “
”, I learned…
● Watching this movie made me feel …
● My opinion after watching the movie is that …