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Post-Assessment Self-Reflection Worksheet

Post-Assessment Self-Reflection
Answer the following questions in your notebook.
1. What grade did you get on the unit assessment? Was the score what
you expected? Explain.
2. Look at the points you missed. In general, did you have more difficulty
recalling facts, understanding concepts, or interpreting questions? Why
do you think you struggled with those particular questions? What
strategy could you use to help you on the next unit?
3. Think back on how you utilized class time during the last unit. What did
you do that helped or hurt your performance on this assessment? What
strategies can you use during class time to help you learn the content of
the next unit?
4. Think back on how you utilized your time outside of class during the last
unit. What did you do that helped or hurt your performance on this
assessment? What strategies can you use outside of class time to help
you learn the content of the next unit?
5. Set two goals for the next unit. The first one should be a personal goal:
something you plan on doing which you have direct control over. The
second one should be an academic goal: something you will try