NATO STANDARD AEP-84 Volume II STANDARD INTERFACES OF UNMANNED AIRCRAFT (UA) CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) FOR NATO UA INTEROPERABILITY – INTERFACE CONTROL DOCUMENT EDITION A VERSION 1 APRIL 2017 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION ALLIED ENGINEERING PUBLICATION Published by the NATO STANDARDIZATION OFFICE (NSO) © NATO/OTAN (INTENTIONALLY BLANK) NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (NATO) NATO STANDARDIZATION OFFICE (NSO) NATO LETTER OF PROMULGATION 5 April 2017 1. The enclosed Allied Engineering Publication AEP-84 Volume II, Edition A, Version 1, STANDARD INTERFACES OF UNMANNED AIRCRAFT (UA) CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) FOR NATO UA INTEROPERABILITY - INTEERFAFCE CONTROL DOCUMENT, has been approved by the nations in the NATO NAVAL ARMAMENTS GROUP, and is promulgated herewith. The agreement of nations to use this publication is recorded in STANAG 4586. 2. AEP-84 Volume II, Edition 1, Version 1, is effective upon receipt. 3. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used commercially, adapted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. With the exception of commercial sales, this does not apply to member or partner nations, or NATO commands and bodies. 4. This publication shall be handled in accordance with C-M(2002)60. (INTENTIONALLY BLANK) AEP-84 Volume II RESERVED FOR NATIONAL LETTER OF PROMULGATION I AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II (INTENTIONALLY BLANK) II AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II RECORD OF RESERVATIONS CHAPTER RECORD OF RESERVATION BY NATIONS Note: The reservations listed on this page include only those that were recorded at time of promulgation and may not be complete. Refer to the NATO Standardization Document Database for the complete list of existing reservations. III AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II (INTENTIONALLY BLANK) IV AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II RECORD OF SPECIFIC RESERVATIONS [nation] [detail of reservation] Note: The reservations listed on this page include only those that were recorded at time of promulgation and may not be complete. Refer to the NATO Standardization Document Database for the complete list of existing reservations. V AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II (INTENTIONALLY BLANK) VI AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II List of DCPs Incorporated into this Version DCP # 971 970 968 967 966 965 964 960 959 958 956 955 954 953 952 949 948 945 943 937 936 930 925 919 913 912 909 897 895 890 888 887 883 876 874 871 869 868 866 865 864 862 857 DCP Title STANAG 4660 IDD Terminology Edition to AEP-84 Terminology Miscellaneous Admin DCP Remove Mode Preference Report Fix Missing Message Descriptions and Requirements from DCP-874 Loiter Altitude Change Behaviour Optional Checksum in Message Wrapper Admin for Message #19800 and #19801 - Orig – 8-09-2015 Admin for Message #2006 - Orig – 8-09-2015 Admin for Message #2003 - Orig – 8-09-2015 Admin for Message #2002 - Orig – 8-09-2015 Admin for Message #2001 - Orig – 8-09-2015 Waypoint Consistency Clean up for DCP-874 Update Field Name of Unique ID 0700.06 to Match Edition 2 Name Correct Length of PV Field in Message #2019 and #16000 Message #21100 – Convert Integers to Unsigneds “On” (Safe) Enumeration for Lasers Clarify Minimum Configuration Requirements Allow Additional Alert Information for Message #16000 SSR Definition of Printable IFF Updates Correct PV Bit Mappings in Message #13007 (Define Contingency) Correct Enumeration Ranges for Payload Type Remove Unused Field in Message #13007 (Define Contingency) Waypoint Numbering Unsigned 2 for Field of View in Message #21101 Take out Navy from STANAG Title Missed Presence Vector Paragraph – Take two Miscellaneous Changes Remove Implicit Configuration Inconsistent Limit on Rotational Rate Command Atomic Flight Mode Command Messages Missed Presence Vector Paragraph BAM Min Max Subsystem Status Messages Gaps Ack to indicate Failure Composite Definition Obsolete reference to Message Acknowledge Configuration Message Constrictive Limit on Rotational Rate Status Wind Direction VII AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II (INTENTIONALLY BLANK) VIII AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 - INTRODUCTION......................................................................................,..1 - 1 Chapter 2 - TERMS AND DEFINITIONS.......................................................................2 - 1 Chapter 3 - TOP LEVEL DESCRIPTION.......................................................................3 - 1 Chapter 4 - DATA LINK INTERFACE............................................................................4 - 1 Chapter 5 - COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE................................................5 - 1 Chapter 6 - HUMAN COMPUTER INTERFACE.............................................................6 - 1 Note: XML files of AEP-84 Volume 2 can be found at the following APAN URL: or contact the STANAG 4586 Custodian for more information. IX AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II (INTENTIONALLY BLANK) X AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. AIM The aim of this agreement is to promote interoperability of present and future Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) in a NATO Combined/Joint Service Environment. Interoperability is required because it will significantly enhance the war fighting capability of the forces. Interoperability will increase flexibility and efficiency to meet mission objectives through sharing of assets and common utilization of information generated from UASs. The objective is to enable interoperability between the ground segments (e.g., UCSs), the air segments (e.g., Unmanned Aircraft (UA), and the Command, Control, Communication, Computer and Intelligence (C4I) segments of UASs operating in a NATO Combined/Joint environment. Compliance with this agreement alone enables, but does not achieve full interoperability between various UASs. Specifically, this agreement does not address platform and/or sensor operators’ proficiency levels, nor does it define the CONOPs necessary to enact full interoperability. Levels of Interoperability 3-5 assume a CONOPS supporting the operation of a UA and/or its payload(s) by other than the organic unit responsible for the UA. The implementation of the specified standard UCS interfaces will also facilitate the integration of different types of UASs into a NATO Combined/Joint Service battlefield environment. The herein specified standardisation will support interoperability of legacy as well as future UASs. 1.2. AGREEMENT Participating nations agree to implement the standards presented herein in whole or in part within their respective UASs to achieve the desired Level of Interoperability (LOI). 1.3. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS The following Standardisation Agreements (STANAGs), Military Standards (MIL-STDs), International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Recommendations and International Standards (ISs) contain provisions which, through references in this text, constitute provisions of this STANAG. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All recommendations and standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this STANAG are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the STANAGs, MIL-STDs, ICAO Documents, ITU Recommendations and ISs listed below. NATO Standardisation Office (NSO) maintains registers of currently valid STANAGs. AAP-6 (V) modified version 02 – NATO Terms and Definitions AEDP-2 - NATO ISR Interoperability Architecture AEDP-4 - STANAG 4545, NATO Secondary Imagery Format (NSIF) Implementation Guide Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique et Télégraphique (CCITT) v.42bis – Modem standard for error correction and compression at speeds of 28.8 kbps Common Route Definitions (CRD ICD Digital Feature Analysis Data (DFAD) ECMA Script scripting language (ECMA Script 262) 1-1 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Electronic Industry Association (EIA) RS-170 File Transfer Protocol (FTP), IETF, RFC 959 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Version 1.1, IETF RFC 2616 ICAO document - Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services, Doc 4444-RAC/501 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.(IEEE) Network Standards - 802 Internet Protocol (IP) (IPv4 (RFC 791, 792, 919,922, 1112)) IPv6 (RFC 2460-4, 2375, 2236) ISO/DIS 9241-3 - Visual Display Requirements ISO/DIS 9241-8 - Requirements for Displayed Colours ISO/Work Doc 9241-9 - Non-Keyboard Input Devices ISO/DIS 9241-10 - Dialogue Principles ISO/Work Doc 9241-12 - Presentation of Information ISO/CD 9241-13 - User Guidance ISO/DIS 9241-14 - Menu Dialogues ISO/CD 9241-16 - Direct Manipulation Dialogues ISO/CD 13406-2 - Flat Panel Displays International Organisation for Standardization/International Electro technical Commission ECMAScript Language Specification - ISO/IEC 16262 MIL-STD-2401 - World Geodetic System – 84 (WGS – 84) MISB STD 0102 – Security Metadata Universal and Local Sets for Digitial Motion Imagery MISB STD 0601 – UAS Data Link Local Metadata Set MISB STD 0902 – MISB Minimum Metadata Set NATO Interoperability Standards and Profiles (NISP) NATO Data Policy 2000 – 12.20-00 Network Time Protocol (V3), April 9, 1992, NTP (RFC-1305) SMPTE 336M Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) 170 M STANAG 1059 Letter Codes for Geographical Entities Edition 8 STANAG 2019 – APP-6(B) – Joint Symbology STANAG 3150 Uniform System of Supply Classification STANAG 3151 Uniform System of Item Identification STANAG 3377 AR (Edition 6) – Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Report Forms STANAG 3809 Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) Geographic Information Exchange Standard STANAG 4250 NATO Reference Module for Open Systems Interconnection - Part 1 General Description STANAG 4545 NATO Secondary Imagery Format (NSIF) STANAG 4559 NATO Standard Image Library Interface (NSILI) STANAG 4575 NATO Advanced Data Storage Interface (NADSI) STANAG 4607 NATO Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) Format 1-2 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II STANAG 4609 NATO Motion Imagery Standard STANAG 5500 Concept of NATO Message Text Formatting System (CONFORMETS) ADatP-3(A) STANAG 7023 Air Reconnaissance Primary Imagery Data Standard STANAG 7024 Imagery Air Reconnaissance Tape Recorder Standards STANAG 7074 Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard (DIGEST) STANAG 7085 Interoperable Data Links for Imaging Systems STANAG 7149 NATO Message Catalogue (NMC) – APP 11(C) STDI-0002, National Imagery and Mapping Agency, “The Compendium of Controlled Extensions (CE) for the National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF)”, CMETAA Support Data Extension. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (IETF STD 7) RFC 793 (TCP) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) (IEN 88, RFC 768, 1122) 1.4. GENERAL The outline of this AEP-84 Volume II follows the following format: 1.5. Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - Terms and Definitions used in the AEP-84 Volume II. Chapter 3 - Provides a top level description of the objectives and the approach taken to achieve UAS interoperability through standardising the interfaces between the Core UCS (CUCS) and the UA, and the CUCS and the external C4I systems. It also specifies the Human Computer Interface (HCI) requirements that the CUCS shall provide to the UAS operator. It describes the requirement for a standard functional UCS Architecture to accommodate those interfaces and refers to the following 3 chapters that contain the details of the standard. It also lists other STANAGs, standards and protocols that are required for achieving UAS interoperability and offers some considerations for their implementation. Chapter 4 - Data Link Interface (DLI) Chapter 5 - Command and Control Interface (CCI) Chapter 6 - Human Computer Interface (HCI) DETAILS OF AGREEMENT STANAG 4586 defines the architectures, interfaces, communication protocols, data elements, message formats and identifies related STANAGs that compliance with is required to operate and manage multiple legacy and future UA in a complex NATO Combined/Joint Services operational environment. The UCS Architecture encompasses the CUCS to handle UA common/core processes, the Data Link Interface (DLI) to enable operations with legacy as well as future UASs, the Command Control Interface (CCI) for UA and UA payload data dissemination to support legacy and evolving NATO C4I systems and architectures, and the HCI requirements to support the interface to the UAS operators. Five LOIs are defined to accommodate operational requirements. This AEP-84 Volume of the STANAG contains the messages which support the Electro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR), Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Communications Relay, and Stores (e.g., weapons, payloads, etc.) across the DLI. As additional payloads are defined, the STANAG will be updated accordingly to incorporate those 1-3 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II payloads. The CCI utilizes applicable messages from the NATO Message Catalogue, APP-11. In addition, this STANAG supports the NATO Air Force Armaments Group (NAFAG) NATO ISR Interoperability Architecture (NIIA) in that it invokes compliance with the NIIA specified standards. 1.6. CHANGES TO AEP-84 VOLUME II 1. Based on further analysis by the Joint Capability Group UAS (JCGUAS) Specialist Team (ST) and feedback from national programs and industries supporting development of UASs, changes to the AEP-84 Volume 1 have been identified, analysed, and agreed to by the ST. The changes fall into the following areas: The definition of Level of Interoperability 2 (LOI 2) has been revised/clarified to be applicable to the case where the sensor data is received in digital format with embedded metadata in accordance with the appropriate STANAG (e.g., STANAG 4609). DLI related sensor data may optionally be supported. The definition of Level of Interoperability 3 (LOI 3) now states “Control and monitoring of the UA payload unless specified as monitor only.” The definition of Level of Interoperability 4 (LOI 4) now states “Control and monitoring of the UA, unless specified as monitor only, less launch and recovery”. The definition of Level of Interoperability 5 (LOI 5) now states “Control and monitoring of UA launch and recovery unless specified as monitor only”. In order to reduce the required data link bandwidth requirements for communication between the UCS and the UA, the messages have been modified to: o Add a potential presence vector (applicable to each field in the message) o The message data elements type and units have been changed to a more efficient form (e.g., from floating point to a scaled integer value) Messages have been added to support a greater level of UA/VSM autonomy than was possible in AEP-84 Volume 1. Addition of references referring to MISB Standards for the minimum set of Key Length Value (KLV) metadata implementation requirements. Addition of updated messages for STANAG 7085 compliant data link set-up, control and monitoring. Interoperable mission planning via extensions to the Common Route Definition (CRD). Technical and administrative errors have been corrected and editorial changes to clarify requirements. 2. In addition, to facilitate interoperability with systems that are compliant with STANAG 4586 using AEP-84 Volume 1, data elements were structured so as to allow direct mapping of data elements between AEP-84 Volume II and AEP-84 Volume 1 formats. This mapping may be accomplished by a software application which can be hosted in the UCS or the UA. This capability will result in interoperability between AEP-84 Volume II and AEP-84 Volume 1 system components (e.g., UCS and/or UA). 1.7. STANAG MAINTENACE AND UPDATE STANAG 4586 will be maintained and updated to correct any latent errors, add improvements from lessons learned, and incorporate new requirements by the STANAG Custodian, supported by a multinational Custodian Support Team (CST). The STANAG has a high degree of continuing attention from the CST. As new editions are published, feedback is being 1-4 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II collected on a continuing basis for follow-on editions. That experience gained in implementation is highly valued by the CST and should be forwarded to the STANAG 4586 Custodian, Mr. John Mayer, PEO (U&W) CSI, e-mail: 1-5 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Chapter 2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS The following acronyms are used for the purpose of this agreement: A ACCS Accel ACK ACM ACO ADatP-3 AGL AMPS ANSI AOA AOI AP API ASCII ASM ASW ATC ATP ATR ATS B BDA BER BIT BDRVT BITE BLOS BOM C C2 C4I CBIT CBRN CCI CCISM CDL CDT Army Command and Control System (US)/Air Command and Control System (NATO) Acceleration Acknowledge Airspace Control Means Airspace Control Order Allied Data Publication – 3 Above Ground Level Aviation Mission Planning System American National Standards Institute Angle Of Attack Area Of Interest Allied Publication/Alliance Publication Application Program(ming) Interface American Standard Code for Information Interchange Air Space Management Anti-Submarine Warfare Air Traffic Control Allied Tactical Publication Automatic Target Recognition Air Traffic Services Battle Damage Assessment Bit Error Rate Built-in-Test Bi-Directional Remote Video Terminal Built-in-Test Equipment Beyond Line of Sight Bit-Oriented Message Command and Control Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence Continuous Built-in-Test Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Command & Control Interface Command and Control Interface Specific Module Common Data Link Control Data Terminal AEP-84 Volume 2 2-1 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II CEN CEP CFOV CG CGS CIRC CJTF CL Cm CO COE CONOPS COP CORBA COTS CR CRD CRT CUCS D DC DCE DCM DIGEST DII DII/COE DIN DL DLI DoD DTED E ECM EIA EIA/IS ELINT EMCON EO EO/IR EP ERF ERS European Standardisation Organisation Circular Error Probability Centre Field of View Centre of Gravity Common Ground Segment/Common Ground Station/Common Ground System Circular Combined Joint Task Force Connectionless Centimetres Connection Oriented Common Operating Environment Concept of Operations Common Operational Picture Common Object Request Broker Architecture Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Communications Relay Common Route Definition Cathode Ray Tube Core UA Control System Direct Current Distributed Computing Environment Data Link Control Module Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard Defence Information Infrastructure Defence Information Infrastructure/Common Operating Environment Deutsche Institut fur Normung Data Link Data Link Interface Department of Defence Digital Terrain Elevation Data Electronic Counter Measures Electronic Industries Association EIA Interim Standard Electronic Intelligence Emission Control Electro-Optical Electro Optical/Infrared External pilot Ego-Referenced Frame Emergency Recovery System AEP-84 Volume 2 2-2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II ESM ETA ETSI EW F FLIR FOB FOV FT FTP G GMT GMTI GOTS GPS GUI H HALE HCI HF HSI HL HTML HTTP Hz I I/O IA ICAO ID IDD IEA IEC IEEE IER IES IETF IFF IL INS IP IPS IPX Electronic Support Measures Estimated Time of Arrival European Telecommunications Standards Institute Electronic Warfare Forward Looking Infrared Forward Operations Base Field of View Flight Termination File Transfer Protocol Greenwich Mean Time Ground Moving Target Indicator Government Off-The-Shelf Global Positioning System Graphical User Interface High Altitude, Long Endurance Human Computer Interface High Frequency Hyperspectral Imagery Hand Launched Hyper Text Mark-up Language Hypertext Transfer Protocol Hertz, cycles per second Input/Output International Agreement International Civil Aviation Organisation Identification Interface Design Description/Interface Definition Document Information Exchange Agreements International Enterprise Committee/International Electro technical Commission Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Information Exchange Requirements Imagery Exploitation System Internet Engineering Task Force Identification Friend or Foe Image Library Inertial Navigation System Internet Protocol/Internal Pilot Image Print Services NetWare Transport Protocol AEP-84 Volume 2 2-3 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II IR IRS ISAR ISDN ISG ISO ISO/CD ISO/DIS ISR ISTAR ITDP ITU ITU-T(SB) J JFACC JFC JPEG JSH JSWG JTA JTF JTFC K Kilo KLV Km L L&R L-16 LIDAR LAN LAS LB LCD LOI LOS LRF LSB M MAV Mb MB Mb/s Infrared Interface Requirements Specifications Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Integrated Services Digital Network Industry Support Group International Organisation for Standardisation Committee Draft of ISO Draft International Standard of ISO Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance International Technology Demonstration Program International Telecommunication Union International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunications (Standardisation Bureau) Joint Force Air Component Commander Joint Force Commander Joint Photographic Experts Group JASA Standards Handbook JASA Standards Working Group Joint Technical Architecture Joint Task Force Joint Task Force Commander 1,000 Key Length Value Kilometres Launch and Recovery Link-16 (TADIL-J message standard) Light Detection And Ranging Local Area Network Local Access Subsystem Land-Based Liquid Crystal Display Level of Interoperability Line of Sight Laser Range Finder Least Significant Bit Micro Air Vehicle Megabit Megabyte Megabits per second AEP-84 Volume 2 2-4 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II MB/s Met MGRS MIJI MIL MIL-STD MIME MIN MMP MMS MOA MOTS MOU MP MPEG MPO MPS MSE Msg MSI MSK MSL MTF MTI MUM N N/A NATO NCIS NCOE NED NIIA NIMP NIIRS NIPD NISP NITF NITFS Nm NNAG NOSIP NOTS NSE NSIF Megabytes per second Meteorological Military Grid Reference System Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference Military Military Standard Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension Minimum Modular Mission Payload Manufacturing Messaging Specification Memorandum of Agreement Military Off-The-Shelf Memorandum of Understanding Mission Planning/Mission Planner Motion Pictures Experts Group Mission Planning Operator/Mission /Payload Operator Metres per second Mobile Subscriber Equipment Message Multi-Spectral Imagery Minimum Shift Keying Mean Sea Level Message Text Format Moving Target Indicator Manned Unmanned Not Applicable North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NATO Common Interoperability Standards NATO Common Operating Environment NATO Effective Date NATO ISR Interoperability Architecture NATO Interoperability Management Plan National Imagery Interpretation Rating Scale NATO Interoperability Planning Document NATO Interoperability Standards and Profiles National Imagery Transmission Format National Imagery Transmission Format Standard Nanometre NATO Naval Armaments Group NATO Open System Interconnection Profile NATO Off-The-Shelf Non Standard Equipment NATO Secondary Imagery Format AEP-84 Volume 2 2-5 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II NSIL NSILI NSO NSR NTF NTIS NTSC O OPFOR OPS OSE OSI OTH OTH-T P PDF PDU PG/35 PO Pyld Q QoS R Rad RAID RECEXREP RF RFC ROS RP Rpt Rx S SA SALUTE SAR SATCOM SB SEC SED SIGINT SINCGARS SMPTE SMTP NATO Standard Image Library NATO Standard Image Library Interface NATO Standardization Office NATO Staff Requirements Network File Server NATO Technical Interoperability Standards National Transmission Standards Committee Opposing Force Operations Open System Environment Open System Interconnection (model) Over The Horizon Over The Horizon – Targeting Portable Document Format Power Distribution Unit Project Group 35 Payload Operator Payload Quality of Service Radians Redundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Disks Reconnaissance Exploitation Report Radio Frequency Request for Comment Relief on Station/Rules of Safety Route Plan Report Receive Situational Awareness Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment Synthetic Aperture Radar/Search And Rescue Satellite Communications Sea-based Seconds Signal External Descriptor Signals Intelligence Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Simple Mail Transfer Protocol AEP-84 Volume 2 2-6 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II SNR SSR ST STANAG T TBD TCDL TCP/IP Tgt TV TX U UA UAV UAS UB UCAV UCT UDP UES UHF UI UJTL UPS URL USIS UTC UTM V VCR VDL VDU VDT VHF VMAP VSM W WAN WAS WGS-84 WIMP WP WRF X Signal to Noise Ratio Secondary Surveillance Radar Specialist Team (NATO) Standardization Agreement To Be Defined Tactical Common Data Link Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Target Television Transmit Unmanned Aircraft Unmanned Aerial UA/Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Unmanned Aircraft System Unified Build Unmanned/ Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicle Universal Coordinated Time User Datagram Protocol UAV Exploitation System Ultra High Frequency User Interface Universal Joint Task List Uninterruptible Power Supply Uniform Resource Locator United States Imagery Standards Universal Time Coordinated Universal Transverse Mercator Video Cassette Recorder VHF Data Link Visual Display Unit Vehicle Data Terminal Very High Frequency Vector Map Vehicle Specific Module Wide Area Network Wide Area Subsystem World Geodetic System – 84 Windows, Icons, Mouse and Pull-down/pop-up (menus) Waypoint World-Referenced Frame AEP-84 Volume 2 2-7 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II XML Y Z Extensible Mark-up Language AEP-84 Volume 2 2-8 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2. Terms and Definitions. The following terms and definitions are used for the purpose of this agreement. Advisories Air Reconnaissance Air Traffic Control (ATC) Aircraft Handover Alert Allied Data Publication – 3 (ADatP-3) Altitude Analysis Automated Take-off and Landing Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) Byte Cassette Cautions An alert that requires crew awareness but not immediate awareness nor immediate attention. The collection of information of intelligence interest either by visual observation from the air or through the use of airborne sensors. A service provided for the purposes of: a) preventing collisions between aircraft and in the manoeuvring area between aircraft and obstructions; and b) expediting and maintaining an orderly flow of air traffic. The process of transferring control of aircraft from one controlling authority to another. A signal or combination of signals that informs the aircrew of the existence of a warning, caution, or advisory condition, and may inform the aircrew of the nature of the warning, caution, or advisory condition. Refer to STANAG 7149 NATO Message Catalogue (NMC) – APP 11(B) The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered as a point, measured from mean sea level. The terms most relevant to UA operations are: Absolute Altitude: The height of an aircraft directly above the surface or terrain over which it is flying. Critical Altitude: The altitude beyond which an aircraft or airbreathing guided missile ceases to perform satisfactory. True Altitude: The height of an aircraft as measured from mean sea level. The study of a whole by examining its parts and their interactions. Note: In the context of military forces, the hierarchical relationship in logical sequence is: assessment, analysis, evaluation, validation and certification. The ability of the UA to be launched with a single command once planning and pre-flight has been conducted and permission to launch has been granted. Includes releasing the UA from a securing device and flight of the UA to the first waypoint and the ability to land and secure the UA with a single command once the UA has been stationed at a gate position no closer than 100 metres to the landing spot. The assessment of effects resulting from the application of military action, either lethal or non-lethal, against a military objective. Eight bits. In photography, a reloadable container for either unexposed or exposed sensitised materials which may be removed from the camera or darkroom equipment under lighted conditions. An alert indicating a potentially dangerous condition requiring immediate crew awareness but not immediate action. AEP-84 Volume 2 2-9 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Certification Chemical Monitoring Classification Command and Control Command Control Interface (CCI) Command and Control Interface Specific Module (CCISM) Command and Control Information System Commonality Communications Plan Compatibility Component Compression Concept of Operations Continuous Strip Imagery The process of officially recognizing that organizations, individuals, materiel or systems meet defined standards or criteria. Note: In the context of military forces, the hierarchical relationship in logical sequence is: assessment, analysis, evaluation, validation and certification. The continued or periodic process of determining whether or not a chemical agent is present. The ability to determine unique characteristics about a contact, which allow the differentiation of military and commercial contacts and determination of contact class and type. The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned forces in the accomplishment of a mission. The interface between the UCS Core and the external C4I systems. It specifies the data requirements that should be adopted for communication between the UCS Core and all C4I end users through a common, standard interface. Conversion software and/or hardware between the CCI and incompatible C4I systems. May form part of a particular UCS implementation to establish a connection between the UCS and specific “customers” of the UAS (i.e. one or more C4I systems). Can range in complexity from a simple format or protocol translator to a user-specific application to adapt the type of information to C4I requirements. An integrated system comprised of doctrine, procedures, organisational structure, personnel, equipment, facilities and communications which provides authorities at all levels with timely and adequate data to plan, direct and control their activities. The state achieved when the same doctrine, procedures or equipment are used. The overarching plan which covers all communication aspects. Includes the Data Link Plan. The suitability of products, processes or services for use together under specific conditions to fulfil relevant requirements without causing unacceptable interactions. In logistics, a part or combination of parts having a specific function, which can be installed or replaced only as an entity. The ability to transmit the same amount of data in fewer bits. There are a variety of data compression techniques, but only a few have been standardised. The CCITT has defined a standard data compression technique for transmitting faxes (Group 3 standard) and a compression standard for data communications through modems (CCITT V.42bis). In addition, there are file compression formats, such as ARC and ZIP. Data compression is also widely used in backup utilities, spreadsheet applications, and database management systems. Certain types of data, such as Bitmapped graphics, can be compressed to a small fraction of their normal size. A clear and concise statement of the line of action chosen by a commander in order to accomplish his mission. Imagery of a strip of terrain in which the image remains unbroken throughout its length, along the line of flight. AEP-84 Volume 2 2 - 10 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Controlled Airspace Control Data Terminal Core UCS (CUCS) Countermeasures Damage Assessment Data Communication Data Link Data Link Interface (DLI) Data Link Plan Dispensing Payloads Electromagnetic Spectrum Electronic Warfare (EW) Emergency Recovery Plan Encoding An airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control service is provided to controlled flights (e.g., flights within controlled airspace require approval by/coordination with the controlling authority, and certain manoeuvres may be prohibited or restricted, or require supervision). The data link element consists of the Vehicle Data Terminal (VDT) in the Unmanned Aircraft and the Control Data Terminal (CDT) that can be located either on the ground or in the air (e.g., Command and Control aircraft). Connectivity between the CDT and VDT is prerequisite for Level 2, 3, 4, and 5 interoperability. Provides the UA operator with the functionality to conduct all phases of a UA mission. It shall support the requirements of the DLI, CCI, and HCI. Also provides a high resolution, computer generated, graphical user capability that enables a qualified UA operator the ability to control different types of UA and payloads. That form of military science that, by the employment of devices and/or techniques, has as its objective the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity. The determination of the effect of attacks on targets. The transfer of information between functional units by means of data transmission according to a protocol. The means of connecting one location to another for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data. The interface between the Vehicle Specific Module (VSM) and the UCS core element. It provides for standard messages and formats to enable communication between a variety of Unmanned Aircraft and NATO standardised control stations. The details of the available link including the band and frequencies to be used. It is associated with waypoints within the route and the details of required actions made available for cueing the operator. Objects that are released from the UA as part of the UA mission objectives. This can include the release of weapons or deployment of remote sensors, etc. The range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation from zero to infinity. Military action to exploit the electromagnetic spectrum encompassing: the search for, interception and identification of electromagnetic emissions, the employment of electromagnetic energy, including directed energy, to reduce or prevent hostile use of the electromagnetic spectrum, and actions to ensure its effective use by friendly forces. In case of failures such as data link loss, UA need to automatically carry out recovery actions referred to as Rules of Safety (ROS). The ROS are selected at the mission planning stage. The ROS differ according to the priority given to emergency action relative to that given to mission execution. Using the mission planning application the UCS operator selects the appropriate safety scenario (e.g., to define a pre-programmed recovery route). Converting information or data from a system, format or signal to another. AEP-84 Volume 2 2 - 11 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Exercise Field of View Formatted Message Text Frame Free Form Message Text Functional Architecture Fusion Handover Human Computer Interface (HCI) Hyperspectral Imagery (HSI) Image Imagery Imagery Exploitation Integration A military manoeuvre or simulated wartime operation involving planning, preparation, and execution. It is carried out for the purpose of training and evaluation. It may be a combined, joint, or single Service exercise, depending on participating organisations. In photography, the angle between two rays passing through the perspective Centre (rear nodal point)) of a camera lens to the two opposite sides of the format. Not to be confused with angle of view. Words composed of several sets ordered in a specified sequence, each set characterized by an identifier and containing information of a specified type, coded and arranged in an ordered sequence of character fields in accordance with the NATO message text formatting rules. It is designed to permit both manual and automated handling and processing. In photography, any single exposure contained within a continuous sequence of photographs. Words without prescribed format arrangements. It is intended for fast drafting as well as manual handling and processing. Establishes the following functional elements and interfaces: Core UCS (CUCS) Data Link Interface (DLI) Command and Control Interface (CCI) Vehicle Specific Module (VSM) Command and Control Interface Specific Module (CCISM) The blending of intelligence and/or information from multiple sources or agencies into a coherent picture. The origin of the initial individual items should then no longer be apparent. The act of passing control of a UA and/or a payload from one UCS to another UCS and/or transferring of data link control. Definitions of the requirements of the functions and interactions that the UCS should allow the operator to perform. Will support any HCI requirements that are imposed on the CUCS by the Command and Control Interface (CCI) and Data Link Interface (DLI). Will also support any specific or unique CCI Specific Module (CCISM) or Vehicle Specific Module (VSM) display requirements. The image of an object obtained simultaneously using hundreds or thousands of discrete spectral bands. A two-dimensional rectangular array of pixels indexed by row and column. Collectively, the representations of objects reproduced electronically or by optical means on film, electronic display devices, or other media. The cycle of processing and printing imagery to the positive or negative state, assembly into imagery packs, identification, interpretation, mensuration, information extraction, the preparation of reports and the dissemination of information. In intelligence usage, a step in processing phase of the intelligence cycle whereby analyzed information and/or intelligence is selected and combined into a pattern in the course of the production of further intelligence. Related term: intelligence cycle. AEP-84 Volume 2 2 - 12 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Intelligence Interaction Interface Interoperability Joint Laser Designator Laser RangeFinder Level of Interoperability (LOI) LIDAR Mission Plan Meaconing Message Text Format (MTF) The product resulting from the processing of information concerning foreign nations, hostile or potentially hostile forces or elements, or areas of actual or potential operations. The term is also applied to the activity which results in the product and to the organisations engaged in such activity. A one or two-way exchange of data among two or more systems/subsystems. (1) A concept involving the definition of the interconnection between two equipment items or systems. The definition includes the type, quantity, and function of the interconnecting circuits and the type, form, and content of signals to be interchanged via those circuits. Mechanical details of plugs, sockets, and pin numbers, etc., may be included within the context of the definition. (2) A shared boundary, (e.g., the boundary between two subsystems or two devices). (3) A boundary or point common to two or more similar or dissimilar command and control systems, subsystems, or other entities against which or at which necessary information flow takes place. (4) A boundary or point common to two or more systems or other entities across which useful information flow takes place. (It is implied that useful information flow requires the definition of the interconnection of the systems which enables them to interoperate.) (5) The process of interrelating two or more dissimilar circuits or systems. (6) The point of interconnection between user terminal equipment and commercial communication-service facilities. The ability to operate in synergy in the execution of assigned tasks. Adjective used to describe activities, operations and organisations in which elements of at least two services participate. A device that emits a beam of laser energy which is used to mark a specific place or object. A device that uses a laser to determine the distance from the device to a place or object. A method for describing the ability of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) to be interoperable for basic types of UAS functions. This measure is applied for the DLI and CCI capabilities. An acronym of Light Detection And Ranging, describing systems that use a light beam in place of conventional microwave beams for atmospheric monitoring, tracking and detection functions. The route planning, payload planning, data link planning (including frequency planning), and UA emergency recovery planning (rules of safety) for a A/V. A system of receiving radio beacon signals and rebroadcasting them on the same frequency to confuse navigation. The meaconing stations cause inaccurate bearings to be obtained by aircraft or ground stations. Fixed format, character-oriented messages which are man-readable and machine processable. MTFs are described in accordance with ADatP-3. Agreed NATO MTFs are published in APP-11. AEP-84 Volume 2 2 - 13 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Metadata Mission Plan Modularity Motion Imagery Moving Map Display Moving Target Indicator (MTI) Multispectral Imagery (MSI) National Transmission Standards Committee (NTSC) Native System NATO Interoperability Standards and Profiles (NISP) NATO ISR Interoperability Architecture (NIIA) NATO Standardization Agreement (NATO STANAG) Data about data. The term is normally understood to mean structured data about resources that can be used to help support resource description and discovery, the management of information resources (e.g., to record information about their location and acquisition), long-term preservation management of digital resources, and for help to preserve the context and authenticity of resources. Might be technical in nature, documenting how resources relate to particular software and hardware environments or for recording digitisation parameters. In short, any kind of standardised descriptive information about resources, including non-digital ones. The route planning, payload planning, data link planning (including frequency planning), and UA emergency recovery planning (rules of safety) for a UA flight. Use of sub-systems or components from one system to function properly as part of another system. The interface at the sub-system level is sufficiently defined. A sequence of images, with metadata, which are managed as a discrete object in standard motion imagery format and displayed as a time sequence of images. A display in which a symbol, representing the UA, remains stationary while the map or chart image moves beneath the symbol so that the display simulates the horizontal movement of the UA in which it is installed. Occasionally the design of the display is such that the map or chart image remains stationary while the symbol moves across a screen. A radar presentation which shows only targets which are in motion. Signals from stationary targets are subtracted out of the return signal by the output of a suitable memory circuit. The image of an object obtained simultaneously in a number of discrete spectral bands. The first colour TV broadcast system was implemented in the United States in 1953. This was based on the NTSC standard. NTSC is used by many countries on the North American continent and in Asia including Japan. This U.S. video standard uses EIA RS-170 and SMPTE 170 M – 1994 formats. The standard applies to imagery with metadata in either closed caption overlays or encoded via closed caption. NTSC runs on 525 lines/frame and 30 frames/second with 2:1 interlace. All components which compose a unique UAS. Provides the necessary guidance and technical components to support project implementations and transition to a NATO Network Enabled Capability (NNEC). The architecture that defines the STANAGs used for ISR sensor system interoperability. This architecture is defined in AEDP-2. A normative document recording an agreement among several or all NATO member nations that has been ratified at the authorized national level, to implement a standard, in whole or in part, with or without reservation. AEP-84 Volume 2 2 - 14 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Network Open Systems Interconnect Model Order of Battle Passive Payload Payload Plan Primary Data Primary Imagery Processed Imagery Protocol Reconnaissance Recovery Resolution (1) An interconnection of three or more communicating entities and (usually) one or more nodes. (2) A combination of passive or active electronic components that serves a given purpose. This model is defined in ISO/IEC 7498-1. The identification, strength, command structure, and disposition of the personnel, units, and equipment of any military force. In surveillance, an adjective applied to actions or equipment which emits no energy capable of being detected. UA sensor(s), weapons, chaff, pamphlets, onboard systems, etc. carried onboard which are used to accomplish a specified mission. Details of the sensor to be used, or which sensors are to be loaded if multiple payloads are within the UA capability. At specific points along a route there may be pre-planned sensor operations and the details of these have to be incorporated into the payload plan and associated with waypoints in the route. Available as hard copy for UA payload loading and for display with or along side the route plan, action cueing has to be incorporated either for the operator or the UA depending on system sophistication. Includes payload configuration (e.g., payload type and lens size), payload imagery extraction (e.g., desired resolution), and operator commands for controlling both EO/IR and SAR payloads (e.g., zoom settings, depression angle, and focus). Data directly received from the sensor. Unexploited, original imagery data that has been derived directly from a sensor. Elementary processing may have been applied at the sensor, and the data stream may include auxiliary data. Imagery that has been formatted into image pixel format, enhanced to remove detected anomalies and converted to a format appropriate for subsequent disposition. (1) [In general], A set of semantic and syntactic rules that determine the behaviour of functional units in achieving communication. For example, a data link protocol is the specification of methods whereby data communication over a data link is performed in terms of the particular transmission mode, control procedures, and recovery procedures. (2) In layered communication system architecture, a formal set of procedures that are adopted to facilitate functional interoperation within the layered hierarchy. Note: Protocols may govern portions of a network, types of service, or administrative procedures. A mission undertaken to obtain, by visual observation or other detection methods, information about the activities and resources of an enemy or potential enemy, or to secure data concerning the meteorological, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of a particular area. In air operations, that phase of a mission which involves the return of an aircraft to a base. A measurement of the smallest detail which can be distinguished by a sensor system under specific conditions. AEP-84 Volume 2 2 - 15 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Route Plan Scalability Search and Rescue Secondary Imagery Sensor Shall Should Signals Intelligence Software STANAG Standardisation Storage Surveillance Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) A set of waypoints for the UA to follow, as well as general Unmanned Aircraft commands for auxiliary systems (e.g., lights, IFF, de-icing, etc.) and emergency operation commands. Taxi or flight patterns may be incorporated into the route either as a series of sequenced waypoints or as ‘seed’ waypoints with range and bearing information, which, will depend on the sophistication of the UCS and UASs. The characteristic that enables system size and capability to be tailored dependent on the user needs. The use of aircraft, surface craft, submarines, specialized rescue teams and equipment to search for and rescue personnel in distress on land or at sea. Imagery and/or imagery products derived from primary imagery or from the further processing of secondary imagery. Equipment which detects, and may indicate, and/or record objects and activities by means of energy or particles emitted, reflected, or modified by objects. Mandatory compliance. Recommended compliance. The generic term used to describe communications intelligence and electronic intelligence when there is no requirement to differentiate between these two types of intelligence, or to represent fusion of the two. A set of computer programs, procedures and associated documentation concerned with the operation of a data processing system, (e.g., compilers, library routines, manuals, and circuit diagrams). Preferred term: NATO standardization agreement. The NATO term derived from standardization agreement. The development and implementation of concepts, doctrines, procedures and designs in order to achieve and maintain the compatibility, interchangeability or commonality which are necessary to attain the required level of interoperability, or to optimise the use of resources, in the fields of operations, materiel and administration. a) The retention of data in any form, usually for the purpose of orderly retrieval and documentation. b) A device consisting of electronic, electrostatic or electrical hardware or other elements into which data may be entered, and from which data may be obtained. The systematic observation of aerospace, surface or subsurface areas, places, persons, or things, by visual, aural, electronic, photographic, or other means. A system that uses the frequency shifts associated with the motion of the sensor (Doppler shift) to produce an image with higher resolution then would be available with only the radar system’s beam width and pulse length. It requires complex data processing after collection of the radar data. Complements photographic and other optical imaging capabilities because of the minimum constraints on time-of-day and atmospheric conditions and because of the unique responses of terrain and cultural targets to radar frequencies. AEP-84 Volume 2 2 - 16 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II System Architecture Target Target Acquisition Targeting Technical Architecture Tracking UA Control System (UCS) Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle /Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Vehicle Specific Module (VSM) Video Imagery Warnings Waypoint Defines the physical connection, location and identification of the key nodes, circuits, networks, war fighting platforms, etc., associated with information exchange and specifies systems performance parameters. Constructed to satisfy operational architecture requirements per the standards defined in the technical architecture. The object of a particular action, for example a geographic area, a complex, an installation, a force, equipment, an individual, a group or a system, planned for capture, exploitation, neutralization or destruction by military forces. The detection, identification, and location of a target in sufficient detail to permit the effective employment of weapons. The ability to report the position (may include speed and direction) of a target detected with an UA payload. Target position is reported in terms of latitude and longitude (may include altitude) or in terms relative to a point. Target position information is sufficiently accurate to support weapon system fire control requirements. A minimal set of rules governing the arrangement, interaction, and interdependence of the parts or elements whose purpose is to ensure that a conformant system satisfies a specific set of requirements. It identifies system services, interfaces, standards, and their relationships. It provides the framework, upon which engineering specifications can be derived, guiding the implementation of systems. Simply put, it is the “building codes and zoning laws” defining interface and interoperability standards, information technology, security, etc. Precise and continuous position finding of targets by radar, optical, or other means. The functional set charged with control of the UA and interfacing with C4I, the UA payload and UAS operator(s). Includes all the UA control systems and encompasses launch and recovery system. A powered, aerial vehicle that does not carry a human operator uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift, can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely, can be expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal or non-lethal payload. Ballistic or semi-ballistic vehicles, cruise missiles, and artillery projectiles are not considered unmanned aerial vehicles. A function that resides between the DLI and the UA subsystem. Facilitates compliance with this STANAG by acting as a bridge between standard DLI data formats, and protocols, and a specific UA. A sequence of images, with metadata, which is collected as a timed sequence of images in standard motion imagery format, managed as a discrete object in standard motion imagery format, and displayed as a sequence of images. Video imagery is a subset of the class of motion imagery. An alert indicating a hazardous condition requiring immediate action to prevent loss of life, equipment damage, or failure of the mission. A point on a UA route which is defined by latitude/longitude. Altitude is usually defined. AEP-84 Volume 2 2 - 17 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Waypoint Control Semi-autonomous or man-in-the-loop method of UA control involving the use of defined points (latitude/longitude/altitude) to cause the UA (vehicle, sensor(s), weapons, dispensable payloads, onboard systems, etc.) to accomplish certain actions. AEP-84 Volume 2 2-2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Chapter 3 TOP LEVEL DESCRIPTION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION. ..................................................................................................3 1.1 STANAG 4586 Objective. .................................................................................3 1.2 Assumptions and Constraints. ........................................................................3 1.3 AEP-84 Volume II Structure. ............................................................................4 2 INTEROPERABILITY CONCEPTS. ......................................................................5 2.1 Overview. ..........................................................................................................5 2.2 Current Status of UASs Interoperability. ........................................................6 2.3 Levels of Interoperability. ................................................................................6 3 UCS FUNCTIONAL ARCHITECTURE. ...............................................................11 3.1 Core UCS Requirements. ...............................................................................13 3.2 Data Link interface (DLI). ...............................................................................13 3.3 Command and Control Interface (CCI). .........................................................13 3.4 Human Computer Interface (HCI) Requirements. .........................................14 4 UCS COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROTOCOLS AND STANDARDS. .................................................................................................15 4.1 Data Interchange/Communications Protocols and Standards. ...................16 4.2 Standards For Optional Functionality. ..........................................................17 4.3 Compliance With Other STANAGS. ...............................................................17 3-1 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3 - 1. UAS Elements .....................................................................................5 Figure 3 - 2. Current UAS Operations Example .....................................................6 Figure 3 - 3. UAS Interoperability Architecture .....................................................8 Figure 3 - 4. UCS Functional Architecture ...........................................................11 3-2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 1 Introduction 1.1 STANAG 4586 Objective 1. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) have become valuable assets in helping Joint Force Commanders (JFCs) to meet a variety of theatre, operational and tactical objectives. The optimum synergy among the various national UASs deployed requires close co-ordination and the ability to quickly task available UAS assets, the ability to mutually control the UA and their payloads, as well as rapid dissemination of the resultant information at different command echelons. This requires the employed UAS to be interoperable. 2. Currently, many UASs are not fully interoperable. The interfaces defined in the NATO ISR Interoperable Architecture (NIIA) provide interoperability for ISR systems at Level of Interoperability (LOI) 1 and 2 for digital sensors compliant with the applicable referenced STANAGS, 7085 compliant data link and NATO Interoperability Standards and Profiles (NISP) specified communications protocols. 3. Current or “legacy” UASs have been designed and procured nationally and contain system elements that are generally unique and system specific. They do not have standard interfaces between the system elements. This results in a variety of non-interoperable “stovepipe” systems. Although commonality of hardware and software would be a solution to achieve interoperability and may be desirable from an economic standpoint, commonality is not mandatory. 4. In order to enable interoperability of UASs, the implementation of standards, for key system interfaces and functions is required. These standards are laid down in a number of existing or emerging NATO STANAGs and generally applied commercial standards documents. They are referred to and listed in this STANAG where they are applicable. The respective operational requirements and approved Concept of Operations (CONOPS) will determine or drive the required LOI (see Section 2.3 for definition) that the specific UAS will achieve. 5. The objective of STANAG 4586 is to specify the interfaces that shall be implemented in order to achieve the operationally required and feasible LOI according to the respective UAS’s CONOPS as applicable to the specific system and theatre of operations [UCS 3001]. This will be accomplished through implementing standard interfaces in the UA Control System (UCS) to communicate with different UA and their payloads, as well as with different C4I systems. The implementation of standard interfaces will also facilitate the integration of components from different sources as well as the interoperability of legacy systems. 6. The standards in STANAG 4586, which are identified as mandatory, shall be implemented as a whole in order to achieve the required LOI [UCS 3002]. It is assumed that air safety regulations will require the certification of systems, which result from combining the operation of assets from different UASs. Compliance with STANAG 4586 will ease this process and likely UAS combinations can be certified in advance. 7. On this basis, UASs that are compliant with STANAG 4586 will increase NATO Combined/Joint Service flexibility and efficiency to meet mission objectives through the sharing of assets and common utilisation of information generated from UASs. 1.2 Assumptions and Constraints This STANAG was developed using the following assumptions and constraints: 3-3 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Elements of the system (e.g., Core UA Control System (CUCS), Data Link Interface (DLI) Vehicle Specific Module (VSM), Command and Control Interface (CCI), Command and Control Interface Specific Module (CCISM),) are not required to be co-located. The STANAG requirements have been developed independent of national CONOPS. Thus it is not the intent to define or imply specific CONOPS in this STANAG. This STANAG addresses the interface with Airspace Management Authority required to coordinate the operation of UA in a controlled air space. It does not address or imply the overall requirements and required certifications that may be necessary to operate UA in controlled air space. The contents of the STANAG are independent of the UAS hardware characteristics. 1.3 AEP-84 Volume II Structure The first two chapters provide the introduction and terms and definitions respectfully. Chapter 3 provides a top level description of interoperability objectives and the approach taken to achieve UAS interoperability through standardising the interfaces between the CUCS and the UA and the CUCS and external C4I systems. It describes the requirement for a standard functional UCS architecture to accommodate those interfaces and refers to Chapters 4-6 which contain the details of the standards required by STANAG 4586. It also lists other STANAGs, standards, and protocols that are required for achieving UAS interoperability and offers some considerations for their implementation. Chapter 4 explains the approach to standardising the DLI and the functionality of the VSM. It contains the standard messages and protocols required at the DLI that enable the CUCS to communicate with and control different UA and payloads and to support the required UAS operator(s) interface as specified in the Human Computer Interface (HCI), Chapter 6. Chapter 5 shows the approach selected to standardise the CCI and the application of the Command and Control Interface Specific Module (CCISM). Chapter 5 contains the following: - Information Exchange Requirements (IER), Attachment 5 – 1 contains the Information Exchange Requirements imposed on the UCS - Attachment 5 – 2 identifies the UCS APP-11 Message Implementation Requirements to satisfy the IER requirements and supports the required UAS operator(s) interface as specified in the Human Computer Interface (HCI), Chapter 6. Chapter 6 describes the Human Computer Interface (HCI) requirements and services that the CUCS will provide to the UAS operator(s). 3-4 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2 Interoperability Concepts 2.1 Overview 1. A UAS can be divided into five distinct elements as shown in Figure 3 - 1. The UA element consists of the airframe, propulsion and the avionics required for UA and flight management. The payload element is comprised of payload packages. These can be sensor systems and associated recording devices that are installed on the UA, or they can consist of stores (e.g., weapon systems, and associated control/feedback mechanisms, or both). As illustrated, the data link element consists of the Vehicle Data Terminal (VDT) in the UA and the Control Data Terminal (CDT) which may be located on the surface, sub-surface or air platforms. Control of the UAS is achieved through the UCS and data link elements. Although shown as part of the UAS surface component, the UCS and the associated data link terminal can be located in any platform (e.g., another air platform). The UCS element incorporates the functionality to generate, load and execute the UA mission and to disseminate useable information data products to various C4I systems. It should be noted that Figure 3 -1 shows a common path for UA command and control, payload command and control, and products. These functions may be accomplished on separate, independent data links. The launch and recovery element incorporates the functionality required to launch and recover the UA(s). UAV SYSTEM UAV AIR COMPONENT PAYLOAD ELEMENT AIR VEHICLE ELEMENT Propulsion Unit Avionics Unit Mission Payload Payload Recorder DATA LINK ELEMENT Vehicle Data Terminal (VDT) UAV SURFACE COMPONENT LAUNCH AND RECOVERY ELEMENT Control Data Terminal (CDT) UCS ELEMENT EXTERNAL C4I SYSTEMS Operator(s) Figure 3 - 1. UAS Elements 2. The Launch and Recovery element is unique to its UA. The UCS accommodates this UA specific uniqueness via its VSM as defined in Section 3, UCS Functional Architecture. 3-5 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2.2 Current Status of UASs Interoperability 1. Current UASs are mostly “stove pipe” systems. They utilize unique data links, communication protocols and message formats for communication between UCS and the UA and the UCS and external C4I systems. As a result, the dissemination of sensor data is mostly via indirect means (e.g., from UCS to an exploitation system to the user). Current UAS operations in Joint NATO operations are illustrated in Figure 3 - 2. 2. The illustrated UAS all utilize unique data links and UCS as well as unique data/message formats for communication between the UA and the UCS and also the UCS and the C4I nodes. Dynamic joint cooperative operations require tasking/retasking and dissemination of reconnaissance data to support the Tactical Commander, which the “stove-pipe” UAS may not support. Country A UA Country B UA Country C UA DATA LINK DATA LINK DATA LINK UCS UCS UCS C4I C4I C4I CURRENT NATO/NATIONAL C4I NODES EXPLOITATION SYSTEMS TACTICAL COMMANDER Figure 3 - 2. Current UAS Operations Example 2.3 Levels of Interoperability 2.3.1 General A UAS, as defined above, may be composed of various components which include; a UA, a CUCS, a VSM, a CCISM, and data links, that provide for interoperable operations between diverse UAS. AEP-84 Volume II uses the LOI as defined in the AEP-84 Volume 1 as a starting point, and modifies these definitions to enable UASs to support a broader scope of interoperable CONOPS. LOIs have been defined for discrete levels of functionality and are Independent of one another. In other words, the control of a sensor (within LOI 3) is independent and separate from the control of the UA (within LOI 4). LOI definitions are applied to both the DLI and CCI. The DLI and CCI LOIs can be different for a specific UAS design. 3-6 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2.3.2 Definition 1. The following LOIs have been defined in this Edition of STANAG 4586 for UAS in order to improve operational flexibility: Level 1: Indirect receipt and/or transmission of sensor product and associated metadata, for example KLV Metadata elements from the UA. Level 2: Direct receipt of sensor product data and associated metadata from the UA. Level 3: Control and monitoring of the UA payload unless specified as monitor only. Level 4: Control and monitoring of the UA, unless specified as monitor only, less launch and recovery. Level 5: 2. Control and monitoring of UA launch and recovery unless specified as monitor only. Unless otherwise stated, LOI 3, 4 & 5 assume control and monitor. 2.3.3 Application 1. The interoperability levels defined above can be enabled through the standardisation of interfaces between the UAS elements and between the UCS and external C4I systems. This can be accomplished if the overall System Architecture is also standardised to the extent that it accommodates the implementation of these standard interfaces. In order to achieve interoperability, the UCS Architecture and interfaces shall support the appropriate communication protocols and message formats for legacy as well as new UASs [UCS 3004]. 2. To achieve LOI 2 and above (i.e., LOI 3, 4, and 5) across an RF communications interface requires the use of a CDT that is interoperable with the VDT. Connectivity between the CDT and VDT is prerequisite for LOI 2 and above. 3-7 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UAV SYSTEM UAV AIR COMPONENT PAYLOAD ELEMENT STANAG 7023, 4545, etc. Mission Payload AIR VEHICLE ELEMENT Propulsion Unit Avionics Unit STANAG 7024, 4575, etc. Mission Recorder DATA LINK ELEMENT VDT ADT UAV SURFACE COMPONENT CDT GDT LAUNCH AND RECOVERY ELEMENT STANAG 7085 UCS ELEMENT STANAG 4586 EXTERNAL C4I SYSTEMS Operator(s) Figure 3 - 3. UAS Interoperability Architecture 3. As illustrated in Figure 3 – 3, there are already a number of existing or emerging Standardization Agreements (STANAGs) that are applicable to UASs. They provide standards for interoperable data link (STANAG 7085), digital sensor data between the payload and the UA element of the data link (STANAG 7023, 4545, 4607, and 4609), and for on-board recording device(s) (STANAG 7024 and 4575). 4. Currently, there is no standard that defines the interfaces between the UCS and the UA (including launch and recovery functions) via the CDT. Although STANAG 7149, APP-11, defines a catalogue of standard messages for tasking and status reporting, there is no standard/agreement as to which specific messages and fields should be used by UASs. In addition, there are no standards/agreements as to the type of information that should be presented to a UAS operator, nor for defining a system operator’s required level of proficiency. 5. STANAG 4586 provides the standardisation of these interfaces. UASs, which are compliant with STANAG 4586, including the referenced STANAGs and standards, will enable interoperability at LOI 2 or above. For LOI 1 or 2 systems that use digital imaging payloads and STANAG 7085 compliant data links, only the NIIA standards are required, regardless of whether the surface component is a UCS or other ISR exploitation facility. The interface requirements (messages or display parameters) to achieve a given LOI are identified in Chapters 4-6. 6. The use of the NIIA standards to enable LOI 1 or 2 implies that some of the LOIs are conditional on the type of payload data format used by the UAS. For example, system A produces payload data in format A (e.g., STANAG 7023) and system B produces data in format B (e.g., STANAG 4545), both systems can be LOI 2 but they use different payload data formats. 7. Where a UAS does not use the NIIA standards (e.g., analogue payload data), there is a need to be able to associate the appropriate metadata with the analogue payload data. To enable this to be achieved, the appropriate metadata needs to be 3-8 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II captured in a standard way. The mechanism for achieving this is to use STANAG 4586 messages that will support this at the appropriate LOI (e.g., LOI (3)). 8. Thus the approach to enabling the desired LOI is based on compliance with existing standards or establishing new standards for: A data link system(s) that provides connectivity and interoperability between the UCS and the UA(s). The data link system(s) shall accommodate legacy as well as future systems [UCS 3005]. STANAG 7085, Interoperable Data Links for Imaging Systems, specifies a data link system that would provide the required connectivity and interoperability. Users that require encryption should reference work being done by the Joint Capability Group on ISR (JCGISR) and NATO International Military Staff (IMS) for interoperable encryption standards. STANAG 4660, which defines the waveform and upper layers (ISO layers) of an interoperable C2 data link, is the NATO standard for an Interoperable C2 Data Link (IC2DL). Formats for payload/sensor data for transmission to the UCS via the data link and/or for recording on the on-board recording device. STANAG 7023, Air Reconnaissance Primary Imagery Data Standard, with addition for nonimagery sensors (e.g., Electronic Support Measures (ESM), STANAG 4545, NATO Secondary Imagery Format, STANAG 4607, NATO GMTI Format, and STANAG 4609, NATO Digital Motion Imagery Format), provide standard formats for transmitting payload data to the UCS or for storage on the on-board recording device. Recording devices for on-board recording of sensor data, if required. STANAG 7024, Imagery Air Reconnaissance Tape Recorder Standard, and STANAG 4575, NATO Advanced Data Storage Interface (NADSI), specify standard recording devices and formats for wideband tape and other advanced media (e.g., solid state, RAID recorders respectively). UCS interfaces with the data link system (e.g., DLI); UCS interface with command and control systems (e.g., CCI); and HCI top level requirements for a UCS to support the UAS operators. STANAG 4586 defines the UCS architecture and interface requirements. Although beyond the scope of this STANAG, operational guidelines or standards that define the minimum level of operator proficiency needed to operate a given UA at the desired LOI are also required. 9. It is also recognised that UA will have the capability to carry a range of payload types (e.g., EO, EO/IR, SAR, ESM, etc.), and that each UAS will only implement some of these payload types. It has been accepted that each UAS will only support the payload type implemented on that system and this in turn will affect the LOI. For example, UA A carries an EO/IR payload and UA B carries a SAR payload; system A is LOI 2 for an EO/IR payload; system B is LOI 2 for a SAR payload, both systems are LOI 2 but only for the appropriate payload. This means that the defined LOIs are conditional on the type of payload implemented in the UA. 3-9 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2.3.4 Summary Keys concepts to remember are: LOI 2 monitor is conditional on the type of payload (station) and the number of payloads (stations) implemented onboard the UA. It is also conditional on the type of payload data format used by the UAS. LOI 3 monitor only or control and monitor is conditional on the type of payload (station) and the number of payloads (stations) and the payload data format used by the UA. LOI 4 monitor only or control and monitor is not affected by the payloads onboard the UA. The detailed impact on the LOIs and their relation to the requirements and messages defined in STANAG 4586 is discussed further in Chapter 4 Chapter 6. 3 - 10 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 3 UCS Functional Architecture 1. The UCS Functional Architecture required to support interoperability among future and legacy UAS is illustrated in Figure 3 - 4, UCS Functional Architecture. AV LAUNCH & RECOVERY SYSTEM UCS VSM DLI CCI HCI CORE UCS OPERATOR CCI CCISM C4I SYSTEM C4I SYSTEM Figure 3 - 4. UCS Functional Architecture 2. This architecture establishes the following functional elements and interfaces: CUCS DLI CCI VSM CCISM 3. This STANAG is not an attempt to define a detailed design or implementation for the CUCS other than specifying that the functional architecture accommodate the integration of the DLI and CCI and recommend that it follow applicable NATO STANAGS and guidelines for software. Lastly, because of changing technology, this STANAG does not define a specific Common Operating Environment (COE) but only specifies that the Operating Environment supports/integrates the specified network/transport protocols and supports the specified user applications. 4. Future, as well as legacy UAS, will be enabled for interoperability through compliance with this architecture and the relevant STANAGs. The DLI shall support legacy as well as future UA and all UA technologies (e.g., fixed wing, rotary wing, etc.), and all UA operational missions (surveillance, reconnaissance, and combat) [UCS 3 - 11 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 3006]. Future UAS should utilize a STANAG 7085 compliant data link system. For those that do not (future as well as legacy systems), a VDT compatible CDT shall be provided in order to achieve LOI 2 and above [UCS 3007]. 5. In similar fashion, the CCI shall support legacy as well as future C4I systems (e.g., Allied Command and Control System (ACCS)) [UCS 3008]. Thus, the interface between the CUCS and the external C4I nodes shall be compatible with the communication system infrastructure utilized to support the external tasking and sensor data dissemination [UCS 3009]. This will be accomplished by using the communication standards identified by the NISP, Allied Data Publication 34 (ADatP34) as specified in Section 4. The NISP is intended to provide an overall framework for NATO communications. All future communications and information systems used in NATO are to conform to these standards. 6. The concept of a VSM functionality is introduced which provides the unique/proprietary communication protocols, interface timing, and data formats that the respective UA require. The functionality of the VSM is defined in Section 1.4 of Chapter 4. For example, one of the VSM functions is to provide any necessary “translation” of the DLI protocols and message formats to the unique UA requirements. Since the VSM may be unique to each UA, the UA manufacturer would generally provide it. If the data links utilized in the UAS are not STANAG 7085 compliant (such as a low band link providing beyond line-of-sight connectivity (e.g., SATCOM data link), then the CDT associated with the non-compliant data link should be provided and interfaced with the UCS via the VSM DLI function (i.e., managing interfaces required to control and monitor data link(s) operation), or the capability to receive and process the DLI specified Data Link Command and Status Messages should be incorporated in the CDT. Selected VSM functions (e.g., translating data from the representation used by the CUCS (DLI defined messages) to UA specific representations and vice versa), can be hosted on the UA and/or on the ground. Additionally, the VSM is intended to address those functions with performance (data latency) requirements beyond those defined for the CUCS. When a new UA is introduced into a pool of interoperable UASs, it may be necessary to integrate and validate a new corresponding VSM function into each existing UCS. This would be necessary only if the newly introduced UA requires VSM functionality in the ground portion of the system. If, however, the existing UCS includes a 7085 compliant CDT and incorporates the data link management functions defined by STANAG 4586, and if the newly introduced UA implements DLI messages directly and includes a 7085 compliant VDT, then the corresponding VSM functions are not required. 7. The CCISM provides a function similar to the VSM, that is, the encapsulation of the CCI data and any translation required to be compatible/interoperable with the physical communication links between the UCS and the C4I systems. The CCISM can be hosted on and collocated with the UCS or by and with the connecting C4I node. The UCS architecture shall make provision for the integration of a CCISM [UCS 3011]. 8. The UAS operator should be provided a standard set of parameters that the operator can use to operate/monitor the UA that have been assigned to him. This includes his interface with the Controlling Air Management Authority. Although it is not necessary for different STANAG 4586 compliant UCSs to have identical displays, it is mandatory that the CUCS meets the HCI requirements specified in Chapter 6. To facilitate this, it is recommended that the HCI guidelines in the Standard Related Document (SRD) AEP-84.1, STANAG 4586 Implementation Guidelines Document be followed in the development of the CUCS. 3 - 12 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 9. The DLI and CCI shall be implemented using messages [UCS 3012]. In addition to supporting the generic message sets defined in Chapter 4, the CUCS shall be capable of supporting a “remote display” capability [UCS 3013]. The remote display capability supports the control and monitoring of “vehicle specific” information on the CUCS for which there is no available generic capability. Services, which are installed on the CUCS in an unaltered state, that are compatible with identified operating systems to support this “remote display” capability, are identified in Chapter 4. The framework for the information exchange will allow for information to be able to move from one process to another on the same platform, between processes on different platforms, and even between different software products and operating systems. 3.1 Core UCS Requirements 1. The CUCS shall provide a user interface that enables the qualified UA operator to conduct all phases of a UA mission [UCS 3014]. It shall support the requirements of the DLI, CCI, and HCI [UCS 3015]. The CUCS should provide a high resolution, computer generated, graphical user interface that enables a qualified UA operator the ability to control different types of UA and payloads. 2. Depending on the appropriate LOI and the payloads supported in the respective UAS, the CUCS should provide: The functionality and capability to receive, process, and disseminate data from the UA and payload; perform mission planning; monitor and control the payload; monitor and control the UA; and monitor and control the data links An open software architecture to support additional future UA and payload capabilities The UAS operator with the necessary tools for computer related communications, mission tasking, mission planning, mission execution and monitoring, data receipt, data processing, and data dissemination The capability to host the required VSM and CCISM functions 3.2 Data Link interface (DLI) The DLI interface between the CUCS and the VSM element of the UAS is defined in Chapter 4. It will enable the CUCS to generate and understand specific messages, detailed in Chapter 4, for control and status of UA and payloads. This standard message set and accompanying protocols have been developed to be UA and payload type (e.g., EO/IR) independent. In addition, the DLI specifies the mechanism for the processing and display of vehicle specific messages. 3.3 Command and Control Interface (CCI) 1. The CCI between the C4I systems/nodes and the CUCS is defined in Chapter 5. 2. The standard message set and accompanying protocols have been selected to be C4I system/node independent and to avoid placing additional requirements on the C4I system. The UCS provider and respective C4I user of the UAS should jointly identify the CCISM functionality required, if any, to provide UCS compatibility with the specific C4I system. Chapter 5 specifies the protocols down to the message content and format level. The networks and communications used to support the CCI shall be NISP compliant [UCS 3016]. The NISP is intended to provide an overall framework for NATO communications that provides for interoperability among military command, 3 - 13 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II control and communications systems. The NISP strategy has been developed to achieve interoperability, maximize the exploitation of commercial of-the shelf (COTS), and reduce the proliferation of non-standard systems. All future communication and information systems used in NATO will conform to these standards. 3.4 Human Computer Interface (HCI) Requirements Chapter 6 establishes the operator display and input requirements that the CUCS shall support [UCS 3017]. Chapter 6 specifies the requirements levied upon the CUCS, and does not impose any design requirements on human factors (HF) and ergonomics (e.g., number of displays, manual controls, switches etc.). Chapter 6, while not specifically defining the format of the data to be displayed, identifies the capabilities that the CUCS shall provide in order for the qualified UA operator(s) to effectively operate the UAS [UCS 3018]. The HCI requirements also address the display and operator interactions that are imposed on the CUCS by the CCI and DLI. 3 - 14 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4 UCS Communication and Information Technology Protocols and Standards 1. UAS and C4I systems should be capable of interoperating across a routed network of multiple sub-networks, in which the UAS is seen as a terminal element (or terminal sub-network) of the whole network. This will allow the physical components of the UAS and C4I systems to be anywhere on that network. The electronic exchange of information between UCS and the C4I systems shall be in accordance with the NISP, ADatP-34 mandated standards [UCS 3019]. 2. The NISP will also provide the necessary guidance and technical components to support project implementations and transition to the NATO Network Enabled Capability (NNEC). The NISP applies to all NATO Computer Information Systems (CIS) and Management Information Systems (MIS), including their internal and external interfaces, which produce, use, or exchange information electronically. 3. The purpose of the NISP is to: - Serve as the principal source of technical guidance for management of NATO CIS project implementations and transition to NNEC; - Track technology developments in order to optimise application development; - Compile all applicable CIS standards as baseline for optimising programmes and project selection and adherence; - Assess applicable CIS products for system application; - Support architecture-based CIS programme development and evolution; - Provision of technical reference and rationale to promote and optimise NATO CIS systems interoperability; - Promote NATO internal, Nation to NATO and Nation to Nation interoperability; - Provide guidance on transformation to NNEC. 4. The NISP specifies the minimum set of communication and information technology standards to be mandated for the acquisition of all NATO Command, Control and Communication (C3) systems. Future NATO C3 systems are expected to support both combined and joint operations, and thus national commitments to the appropriate mandatory standards specified in this document will also significantly contribute to the achievement of the LOI required between NATO and national C3 systems for such objectives. The LOI needed to achieve the desired goal will be determined by operational requirements and stipulated in the applicable CONOPs. 5. In this scenario, it is important to note that different LOIs may be required to achieve internal interoperability between NATO systems than those required for external interoperability between NATO systems and national systems. The standards selection focuses on mandating only those standards critical to external interoperability, and is based primarily on commercial open system technology, which has strong support in the commercial marketplace. Where a system is to be implemented utilizing certain services, it is essential that it adopts the relevant standards mandated in the NISP (e.g., if a service/interface is required, it should be implemented in accordance with the associated mandated standard(s)). Specification and usage of other standards, if required beyond those identified in the NISP, shall be additive, complementary, and non-conflicting with NISP mandated standards [UCS 3020]. 3 - 15 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.1 Data Interchange/Communications Protocols and Standards 4.1.1 Data Interchange Services For data interchange services, at a minimum, the following NISP mandated standards shall be implemented in the UCS to achieve interoperability: Geographical [UCS 3021] Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard (DIGEST), STANAG 7074 Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) Geographic Information Exchange Standard, STANAG 3809 Digital Feature Analysis Data (DFAD) World Geodetic System - 84 (WGS-84), Mil-STD-2401 Communication Services [UCS 3022] For communication service areas, at a minimum, the following NISP mandated standards shall be implemented in the UCS to achieve interoperability: Internet Protocol (IP) IPv4 (STD 5) RFC 791, 792, 919, 922, 950:1985 updated by RFC 1112:1989, 2474:1998, 2507:1999, 2508:1999, 3168:2001, 3260:2002, 3376:2002 / IPv6, RFC 1981 through 4007 The UCS architecture will adhere to the IP version selected by the wider defence community within which they are integrated. In the near-term, systems will need to support the current version of IP (STD 5). In the longer term, the emerging standard IPv6 will be adopted by the military to overcome perceived weaknesses in IPv4. IPv6 increases the available address space, reorganizes the protocol headers and improves support for security, throughput, latency, error rate and cost. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (IETF STD 7) RFC 0793:1981 updated by RFC 3168:2001 1. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) [RFC 793] provides a connection oriented reliable byte stream service. TCP is a bi-directional protocol, which has no concept of messages. Any framing has to be added at the application level. TCP contains an acknowledgement scheme which makes it reliable (bytes are delivered correctly and in order) and which implements flow control. 2. The TCP/IP protocols were selected since they can provide consistent end-toend network and transport communications compliant with NATO-wide digitisation initiatives. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) (IETF STD 6:1980), RFC 768, 1122 The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) offers only a minimal transport service nonguaranteed datagram delivery and gives applications direct access to the datagram service of the IP layer. UDP is used by applications that do not require the level of service of TCP or that wish to use communications services (e.g., multicast or broadcast delivery) not available from TCP. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Version 1.1, IETF RFC 2616:1999 updated by RFC 2817:2000 3 - 16 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) should be the main protocol used for web browsing. Web browsing provides a common and powerful mechanism for sharing information. HTTP and applications associated with the use of HTTP are used to index, access and transfer processed information. The ability to search the web server can be provided using COTS applications. A C4I user needs a Web browser (e.g., Netscape or Internet Explorer), the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the page and communications connectivity to access the information. File Transfer Protocol (FTP), IETF, RFC 0959:1985 updated by RFC 2228:1997, 2640:1999, 2773:2000 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) should be used to transfer processed information. It can be used in support of HTTP to transfer files, but needs additional support for providing an index to the information stored on the file server. Once the file has been transferred to the C4I system it is then the responsibility of the C4I to provide applications to process the file. Network Time Protocol (NTP), RFC 1305:1992 1. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a client/server relationship that exists between the CUCS and the VSM (in the air or ground). This paragraph does not attempt to provide an in-depth response to the NTP explanation. For the definition, see RFC 1305 as well as Sun Microsystems NTP related information. These paragraphs provide an overview of the planned NTP client/server capability that the CUCS will use to control and maintain the VSM clock. 2. It will be required that the CUCS be provided a UTC reference source for the NTP server daemon. 3. There are two solutions to synchronizing the time using NTP. The solution recommended here is the xntp option (vs. the ntpdate). An ntp.conf file will be required to provide configuration information required by the NTP server daemon. 4. Within the NTP protocol, the designation of the NTP client and server is embedded as part of the NTP protocol initialization process. This process is defined at the lower layers of the operating system and is transparent to the application layer. 5. The end result of the NTP initialization process is that the client and server can be designated to the CUCS or VSM. 6. For a detailed explanation of this process, please see RFC 1305. 7. The NTP time server will use UDP to communicate with the clients. There is no overhead associated with the protocol because it is connectionless. It will not interfere with TCP/IP communications. This level of communication will not be required to be documented in the STANAG DLI. 8. This protocol provides 10 millisecond accuracy with a 1 millisecond resolution. 4.2 Standards for Optional Functionality If it is desired to implement additional service areas (e.g., data interchange), and classes within these service areas (e.g., video and audio interchange) into the UCS, the NISP mandated standards should be used in implementing these services. 4.3 Compliance with Other STANAGS 1. While STANAG 4586 is mandatory to enable UA command and control interoperability, the following ISR interface standards are required to address 3 - 17 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II interfaces among the various horizontal and vertical architectures of ISR, and include interfaces that use both physical (e.g., wired, tape, etc.) and electromagnetic links: STANAG 3809 - Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) Geographic Information Exchange Standard STANAG 4545 - NATO Secondary Imagery Format STANAG 4559 - NATO Standard Image Library Interface (NSILI) (If interface with Image library is desired) STANAG 4575 - NATO Advanced Data Storage Interface (NADSI) (If advanced storage is required) STANAG 4607 - NATO GMTI Data Format STANAG 4609 - NATO Digital Motion Imagery Standard STANAG 4633 - ELINT Common Message Format (ECMF) (Study) STANAG 5500 – Concept of NATO Message Text Formatting System (CONFORMETS) ADatP-3 STANAG 7023 - Air Reconnaissance Primary Imagery Data Standard STANAG 7024 - Imagery Air Reconnaissance (Digital Tape Storage) (If tape storage is required) STANAG 7074 - Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard (DIGEST) STANAG 7149 - NATO Message Catalogue - APP - 11 STANAG 7194 - NATO Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale (NIIRS) 2. To enhance UA interoperability and flexibility, it is recommended that the UCS should also be compliant with the following STANAGs: STANAG 3377 - Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Report Forms STANAG 4250 - NATO Reference Module for Open Systems Interconnection STANAG 7085 - Interoperable Data Links For Imaging Systems - Digital Point to Point Annex of STANAG 7085 (compatible with Common Data Link (CDL)/Tactical Common Data Link (TCDL) specification) 3 - 18 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II CHAPTER 4 – DATA LINK INTERFACE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION. ................................................................................................11 1.1 Scope. .............................................................................................................11 1.2 Chapter 4 Overview. .......................................................................................11 1.3 DLI General Overview. ...................................................................................11 1.4 Vehicle Specific Module Functions. ..............................................................12 1.5 Interfaces. .......................................................................................................15 1.6 Tailoring by Interoperability Level. ...............................................................17 1.7 Philosophy of Interface Data Representation...............................................18 2 SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS BY MISSION PHASE. ....................29 3 MESSAGE DISTRIBUTION STANDARD. ..........................................................31 3.1 Introduction. ...................................................................................................31 3.2 Requirements. ................................................................................................31 3.3 Message Handling Approach. .......................................................................32 4 GENERIC (COMMON) DLI MESSAGE OVERVIEW. ..........................................35 4.1 Common Message Properties. ......................................................................35 4.2 System ID Messages. .....................................................................................58 4.3 Flight Vehicle Command Messages. .............................................................76 4.4 Flight Vehicle Status Messages. ....................................................................96 4.5 Flight Vehicle Payload Relevant Messages. ............................................... 127 4.6 IFF Command Messages.............................................................................. 132 4.7 IFF Status Messages. ................................................................................... 135 4.8 ATC Interface Command Messages. ............................................................ 138 4-1 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.9 ATC Interface Status Messages. .................................................................. 139 4.10 Vehicle Auxiliary Command Messages...................................................... 140 4.11 Vehicle Auxiliary Status Messages. ........................................................... 142 4.12 Mission Command and Status Messages. ................................................. 146 4.13 Subsystems Status Messages................................................................... 166 4.14 Miscellaneous Message Types. .................................................................. 176 4.15 Payload Command Messages. .................................................................. 185 4.16 Payload Status Messages. ......................................................................... 221 4.17 Weapons Command Messages. ................................................................ 253 4.18 Weapons Status Messages........................................................................ 258 4.19 Data Link Discovery Messages. ................................................................ 261 4.20 Data Link Command Messages. ................................................................ 266 4.21 Data Link Status Messages. ...................................................................... 282 4.22 Data Link Transition Messages. ................................................................ 296 4.23 Autonomy Messages.................................................................................. 301 4.24 General Preconnection Configuration Messages. ................................... 307 4.25 General Postconnection Configuration Messages. ................................. 346 4.26 VSM Forced Command Messages. ........................................................... 354 4.27 Draw Interface Messages. .......................................................................... 360 4.28 Vehicle and Payload Specific Message Formats...................................... 368 5 MISCELLANEOUS INTERFACES. ................................................................... 369 5.1 Analogue Video Interface............................................................................. 369 5.2 Digital Image Data Interface......................................................................... 369 4-2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4 - 1: DLI Role in the UA/UCS Concept .....................................................13 Figure 4 - 2: DLI Role in the CDT/UCS Concept ..................................................14 Figure 4 - 3: Role of the VSM ................................................................................15 Figure 4 - 4: High-Level Depiction of DLI Interface Content ...............................16 Figure 4 - 5: Bit Numbering Example (2-Byte Field) ............................................18 Figure 4 - 6: Autonomy Message Flow ................................................................21 Figure 4 - 7: Proposition Mechanics Message Flow ...........................................22 Figure 4 - 8: Typical Scenario for Generating Vehicle-Specific Displays ..........25 Figure 4 - 9: Message Wrapper Structure ............................................................33 Figure 4 - 10: Message Properties Field Definition .............................................34 Figure 4 - 11: Valid Area Examples ......................................................................92 Figure 4 - 12: Loop Action .................................................................................. 148 Figure 4 - 13: Auto Altitude Change Actions ..................................................... 149 Figure 4 - 14: Loiter Pattern ................................................................................ 154 Figure 4 - 15: Terrain Data .................................................................................. 251 Figure 4 - 16: CUCS VSM CDT Connection........................................................ 263 Figure 4 - 17: Shared Data Links ........................................................................ 265 Figure 4 - 18: Relay System ................................................................................ 267 Figure 4 - 19: Commands from RF Data Flow ................................................... 273 LIST OF TABLES Table 4 - 1: Owning ID Table .................................................................................27 Table 4 - 2: Common vs. Vehicle Specific Functions by Mission Phase ...........30 Table 4 - 3: IDD Version Identification .................................................................35 Table 4 - 4: Optional Checksum ...........................................................................35 Table 4 - 5: Functional Message Group Table .....................................................40 Table 4 - 6: System ID Messages .........................................................................41 Table 4 - 7: Flight Vehicle Command Messages .................................................42 Table 4 - 8: Flight Vehicle Status Messages ........................................................43 Table 4 - 9: Flight Vehicle Payload Relevant Status Message............................43 Table 4 - 10: IFF Command Messages ..................................................................44 Table 4 - 11: IFF Status Messages ........................................................................44 Table 4 - 12: ATC Interface Command Messages ................................................44 Volume 2 4-3 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 13: ATC Interface Status Messages ......................................................45 Table 4 - 14: Vehicle Auxiliary Command Messages ..........................................45 Table 4 - 15: Vehicle Auxiliary Status Messages.................................................46 Table 4 - 16: Mission Command and Status Messages ......................................46 Table 4 - 17: Subsystem Status Messages ..........................................................47 Table 4 - 18: Miscellaneous Messages ................................................................48 Table 4 - 19: Payload Command Messages .........................................................48 Table 4 - 20: Payload Status Messages ...............................................................49 Table 4 - 21: Conditional Payload Message Groups ...........................................50 Table 4 - 22: Weapons Command Message Groups ...........................................51 Table 4 - 23: Weapons Status Message Groups..................................................51 Table 4 - 24: Data Link Discovery Messages .......................................................51 Table 4 - 25: Data Link Command Messages ......................................................52 Table 4 - 26: Data Link Status Messages .............................................................53 Table 4 - 27: Data Link Transition Messages.......................................................54 Table 4 - 28: Autonomy Messages .......................................................................54 Table 4 - 29: General Preconnection Configuration Messages ..........................55 Table 4 - 30: General Configuration Messages ...................................................56 Table 4 - 31: VSM Forced Command Messages ..................................................56 Table 4 - 32: Draw Interface Messages ................................................................57 Table 4 - 33: Private Messages .............................................................................57 Table 4 - 34: Message #1: CUCS Authorisation Request....................................63 Table 4 - 35: CUCS Type Table .............................................................................63 Table 4 - 36: Vehicle Type IDs ..............................................................................69 Table 4 - 37: Presence Vector Support Field Logic .............................................71 Table 4 - 38: Message #2: VSM Authorisation Response ...................................75 Table 4 - 39: Message #3: Vehicle ID....................................................................76 Table 4 - 40: Message #4: Positive Handover Authorisation Request ...............81 Table 4 - 41: Message #5: Positive Handover Authorisation Granted ...............86 Table 4 - 42: Message #2000: Vehicle Configuration Command ........................86 Table 4 - 43: Message #2005: Flight Termination Command..............................87 Table 4 - 44: Message #2007: Unmanned Aircraft Lights ...................................87 Table 4 - 45: Message #2008: Engine Command.................................................88 Table 4 - 46: Message #2009: Zeroize Encryption Keys Command ...................89 Volume 2 4-4 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 47: Message #2010: UA Stick Command ..............................................90 Table 4 - 48: Message #2011: Area Transmission Command............................91 Table 4 - 49: Message #2012: Area Polygon Loop Segment Message .............93 Table 4 - 50: Message #2013: Joystick Command .............................................94 Table 4 - 51: Message #2014: Emergency Mode Command ..............................95 Table 4 - 52: Message #2015: Energy Storage Unit Configuration....................96 Table 4 - 53: Message #2016: Vehicle Operating Mode Command ...................99 Table 4 - 54: Message #2017: Loiter Configuration.......................................... 101 Table 4 - 55: Message #2018: Slave to Sensor Configuration ......................... 105 Table 4 - 56: Message #2019: Slave to Location Configuration ...................... 108 Table 4 - 57: Message #3000: Vehicle Configuration ....................................... 110 Table 4 - 58: Message #3001: Vehicle Operating Mode Report ....................... 111 Table 4 - 59: Message #3002: Vehicle Operating States .................................. 113 Table 4 - 60: Message #3004: Loiter Configuration Report ............................. 115 Table 4 - 61: Message #3005: Flight Termination Mode Report ...................... 115 Table 4 - 62: Message #3006: Vehicle Lights State .......................................... 116 Table 4 - 63: Message #3007: Engine Operating States................................... 120 Table 4 - 64: Message #3008: Zeroize Encryption Keys State ......................... 121 Table 4 - 65: Message #3009: Air and Ground Relative States........................ 122 Table 4 - 66: Message #3010: Body-Relative Sensed States ........................... 122 Table 4 - 67: Message #3011: UA Stick Status ................................................. 124 Table 4 - 68: Message #3012: Area Status Alert Message ............................... 125 Table 4 - 69: Message #3013: Area Transmission Status ................................ 125 Table 4 - 70: Message #3014: Emergency Mode Report .................................. 126 Table 4 - 71: Message #3015: Energy Storage Unit State ................................ 127 Table 4 - 72: Message #3016: Relative Route/Waypoint/Location Report ...... 128 Table 4 - 73: Message #4000: Inertial States .................................................... 130 Table 4 - 74: Message #4001: From-To-Next Waypoint States ........................ 132 Table 4 - 75: Message #5000: IFF/SSR Code Command .................................. 134 Table 4 - 76: Message #5001: IFF/SSR Identification of Position Command .. 134 Table 4 - 77: Message #5002: IFF Key Control Command ............................... 135 Table 4 - 78: Message #5003: IFF/SSR BIT Command ..................................... 135 Table 4 - 79: Message #6000: IFF/SSR Status Report ...................................... 138 Volume 2 4-5 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 80: Message #7000: Civilian Air Traffic Control (ATC) Radio Command ...................................................................................................... 138 Table 4 - 81: Message #7001: NAVAID Radio Command ................................. 139 Table 4 - 82: Message #9000: Civilian Air Traffic Control (ATC) Radio Status ............................................................................................................ 140 Table 4 - 83: Message #9001: NAVAID Radio Status ....................................... 140 Table 4 - 84: Message #11000: Vehicle Auxiliary Command ............................ 141 Table 4 - 85: Message #11001: Fuel, Oil & Hydraulic Command ...................... 142 Table 4 - 86: Message #11101: Battery Bank Select ......................................... 142 Table 4 - 87: Message #12000: Vehicle Auxiliary Status................................... 143 Table 4 - 88: Message #12001: Electrical Report............................................... 143 Table 4 - 89: Message #12002: Meteorological Data ......................................... 144 Table 4 - 90: Message #12003: Fuel, Oil & Hydraulic Status ............................ 145 Table 4 - 91: Message #12101: Battery Report .................................................. 146 Table 4 - 92: Message #13000: Mission Transfer Command ............................ 147 Table 4 - 93: Message #13001: UA Route .......................................................... 148 Table 4 - 94: Message #13002: UA Position Waypoint ...................................... 151 Table 4 - 95: Message #13003: UA Loiter Waypoint .......................................... 153 Table 4 - 96: Message #13004: Payload Action Waypoint ................................ 158 Table 4 - 97: Message #13005: Airframe Action Waypoint ............................... 158 Table 4 - 98: Message #13006: Vehicle Specific Waypoint ............................... 159 Table 4 - 99: Message #13007: Define Contingency ......................................... 161 Table 4 - 100: Message #13008: IFF/SSR Action Waypoint .............................. 163 Table 4 - 101: Message #13009: Data Recorder Action Waypoint .................... 164 Table 4 - 102: Message #13010: VSM Flight Data Record Stream .................... 165 Table 4 - 103: Message #13011: Playback Control Command.......................... 165 Table 4 - 104: Message #14000: Mission Upload/Download Status ................. 166 Table 4 - 105: Message #15000: Subsystem Status Request ........................... 169 Table 4 - 106: Message #15001: Subsystem Status Detail Request................. 169 Table 4 - 107: Message #16000: Subsystem Status Alert ................................. 173 Table 4 - 108: Message #16001: Subsystem Status Report .............................. 175 Table 4 - 109: Message #16002: Heartbeat Message ........................................ 176 Table 4 - 110: Message #17000: Message Acknowledgement.......................... 176 Table 4 - 111: Message #17001: Schedule Message Update Command .......... 177 Volume 2 4-6 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 112: Message #17002: Generic Information Request Message ........ 180 Table 4 - 113: Message #17003: File Transfer Notification ............................... 180 Table 4 - 114: Message #18000: Link Audio Command .................................... 181 Table 4 - 115: Message #18001: Emitters All Off Command ............................. 182 Table 4 - 116: Message #18002: Console Light Command ............................... 182 Table 4 - 117: Message #18003: Aircraft Weight Status.................................... 183 Table 4 - 118: Message #18100: Link Audio Status........................................... 183 Table 4 - 119: Message #18101: Emitters Status ............................................... 183 Table 4 - 120: Message #18200: Meterological Table Message ........................ 184 Table 4 - 121: Message #18300: Meterological Table Report ........................... 185 Table 4 - 122: Message #18400: KLV Security Configuration Data .................. 187 Table 4 - 123: Message #18401: KLV Security Classification Data .................. 190 Table 4 - 124: Message #18402: KLV Security Classification Comment Data . 191 Table 4 - 125: Message #18403: KLV Security Image Data ............................... 193 Table 4 - 126: Message #18500: GPS Status Report ......................................... 194 Table 4 - 127: Message #19000: Payload Bay Command ................................. 196 Table 4 - 128: Message #19001: Payload Steering Command .......................... 199 Table 4 - 129: Message #19100: EO/IR/Laser Payload Command .................... 205 Table 4 - 130: Message #19101: EO/IR/Laser Payload Quality Control ............ 207 Table 4 - 131: Message #19200: SAR Payload Command ................................ 212 Table 4 - 132: Message #19400: Communications Relay Command ............... 215 Table 4 - 133: Message #19401: Load Communications Relay Configuration Command ...................................................................................................... 217 Table 4 - 134: Message #19500: Payload Data Recorder Control Command .. 218 Table 4 - 135: Message #19600: Terrain Data Update ....................................... 219 Table 4 - 136: Message #19700: Payload Operating Mode Command ............. 221 Table 4 - 137: Message #21000: Payload Bay Status ........................................ 222 Table 4 - 138: Message #21001: Payload Configuration ................................... 226 Table 4 - 139: Message #21100: EO/IR Configuration State ............................. 229 Table 4 - 140: Message #21101: EO/IR/Laser Operating State ......................... 234 Table 4 - 141: Message #21200: SAR Operating State ...................................... 240 Table 4 - 142: Message #21400: Communications Relay Status ...................... 243 Table 4 - 143: Message #21401: Communications Relay Configuration Status ............................................................................................................ 245 Volume 2 4-7 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 144: Message #21402: Communication Relay Configuration State .. 247 Table 4 - 145: Message #21500: Payload Data Recorder Status ...................... 248 Table 4 - 146: Message #21501: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration ..... 249 Table 4 - 147: Message #21600: Terrain Data Request ..................................... 250 Table 4 - 148: Message #21700: Payload Operating Mode Report ................... 253 Table 4 - 149: Message #21800: Slave to Sensor Settings Report ................... 255 Table 4 - 150: Message #24000: Stores Management System Command ....... 258 Table 4 - 151: Message #26000: Stores Management System Status .............. 261 Table 4 - 152: Message #28000: Data Link Control Authorisation Request .... 264 Table 4 - 153: Message #28001: Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message ........................................................................................................ 266 Table 4 - 154: Message #30000: Data Link To Vehicle ID Assignment ............ 268 Table 4 - 155: Message #30001: 7085 Data Link Active Configuration Set Up Message ........................................................................................................ 270 Table 4 - 156: Message #30002: 7085 Data Link Fallback Configuration Set Up Message ........................................................................................................ 271 Table 4 - 157: Message #30003: Data Link Control Command ......................... 273 Table 4 - 158: Message #30004: RF Command Processing Set Up Message .. 274 Table 4 - 159: Message #30100: Antenna Pedestal Location Command ......... 275 Table 4 - 160: Message #30101: Antenna Control Command ........................... 278 Table 4 - 161: Message #30102: Antenna Position Command ......................... 279 Table 4 - 162: Message #30200: Link Health Command ................................... 279 Table 4 - 163: Message #30300: Set Data Link UDP Monitor Period ................ 280 Table 4 - 164: Message #30301: IP Address and Port Assignment Request ... 282 Table 4 - 165: Message #30400: Lost Link Delay Timer Command .................. 283 Table 4 - 166: Message #32000: Data Link To Vehicle ID Report ..................... 284 Table 4 - 167: Message #32001: 7085 Data Link Active Configuration Status Report ............................................................................................................ 285 Table 4 - 168: Message #32002: 7085 Data Link Fallback Configuration Status Report ............................................................................................................ 286 Table 4 - 169: Message #32003: Data Link Control Status Report ................... 287 Table 4 - 170: Message #32004: RF Command Processing Status Report...... 287 Table 4 - 171: Message #32005: Legacy Data Link Status Report ................... 288 Table 4 - 172: Message #32006: Legacy Data Link Control Command Status 288 Table 4 - 173: Message #32100: Antenna Pedestal Location Status Report ... 289 Volume 2 4-8 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 174: Message #32101: Antenna Control Status Report ..................... 290 Table 4 - 175: Message #32102: Antenna Position Report ............................... 291 Table 4 - 176: Message #32103: Legacy Pedestal Status Report ..................... 292 Table 4 - 177: Message #32200: Link Health Status .......................................... 292 Table 4 - 178: Message #32201: Data Link Fallback Status .............................. 293 Table 4 - 179: Message #32300: Data Link UDP Count ..................................... 293 Table 4 - 180: Message #32301: UA IP Disclosure Message ............................ 296 Table 4 - 181: Message #32302: Data Link in Control Report ........................... 298 Table 4 - 182: Message #32400: Lost Link Delay Timer Report........................ 299 Table 4 - 183: Message #34000: Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message ........................................................................................................ 300 Table 4 - 184: Message #35000: Handover Status Report ................................ 301 Table 4 - 185: Message #36000: Activity Constraint Message ......................... 304 Table 4 - 186: Message #36001: Constraint Response Message ..................... 305 Table 4 - 187: Message #36002: Constraint Requests Complete Message ..... 305 Table 4 - 188: Message #36003: Constraint Responses Complete Message .. 305 Table 4 - 189: Message #36004: Activity ID Config ........................................... 306 Table 4 - 190: Message #36005: Activity ID Config Response ......................... 306 Table 4 - 191: Message #36100: Activity Complete Message ........................... 307 Table 4 - 192: Message #36200: Activity Status Message ................................ 307 Table 4 - 193: Message #36300: Authorisation Request Message ................... 308 Table 4 - 194: Autonomous Functions & Behaviours ....................................... 309 Table 4 - 195: Message #36301: Authorisation Request Acknowledgment Message ........................................................................................................ 310 Table 4 - 196: Message #36302: Decision Notification Message...................... 311 Table 4 - 197: Message #36303: Authorisation Request Data Message .......... 311 Table 4 - 198: Message #40000: Field Configuration Request ......................... 314 Table 4 - 199: Message #41000: Field Configuration Integer Response .......... 321 Table 4 - 200: Message #41001: Field Configuration Float Response ............. 328 Table 4 - 201: Message #41002: Field Configuration Enumerated Response 334 Table 4 - 202: Message #41003: Field Configuration Unsigned Response ..... 339 Table 4 - 203: Message #41004: Field Configuration Character Response ..... 341 Table 4 - 204: Message #41005: Configuration Complete ................................ 343 Table 4 - 205: Message #41006: Integer Enumeration Response .................... 346 Volume 2 4-9 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 206: Message #42000: Display Unit Request ..................................... 347 Table 4 - 207: Message #42001: CUCS Resource Report ................................. 348 Table 4 - 208: Message #42002: Manage VSM Windows Message................... 351 Table 4 - 209: Message #42003: Report Controllable Element ......................... 352 Table 4 - 210: Message #43000: VSM Services Report Message ..................... 353 Table 4 - 211: Message #43001: UA Route Configuration ................................ 353 Table 4 - 212: Message #43002: Remote Windows GUI Definition ................... 354 Table 4 - 213: Message #44000: Field Change Integer Command ................... 355 Table 4 - 214: Message #44001: Field Change Float Command ....................... 355 Table 4 - 215: Message #44002: Field Change Enumerated Command ........... 356 Table 4 - 216: Message #44003: Message Parameter Availability .................... 360 Table 4 - 217: Message #46000: Draw Layer Configuration ............................. 361 Table 4 - 218: Message #46001: Draw Layer Update Request/Status .............. 361 Table 4 - 219: Message #46002: Draw Layer Control ........................................ 362 Table 4 - 220: Message #46003: Draw Line ........................................................ 363 Table 4 - 221: Message #46004: Draw Simple Polygon..................................... 363 Table 4 - 222: Message #46005: Draw Complex Polygon ................................. 364 Table 4 - 223: Message #46006: Draw Arc/Circle .............................................. 365 Table 4 - 224: Message #46007: Draw Text ........................................................ 366 Table 4 - 225: Message #46008: Draw Arrow ..................................................... 367 Table 4 - 226: Message #46009: Set Cursor Interest ......................................... 367 Table 4 - 227: Message #46010: Remove Cursor Interest ................................. 367 Table 4 - 228: Message #46011: Cursor Interest Return ................................... 368 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment 4 - 1: Modified DLI Generic Messages and Private Message Repository for UVs – AEP-84 Volume II…………… .……………………………………………………………258 Volume 2 4 - 10 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope 1. Allied Engineering Publication (AEP)-84 Volume II Chapter 4 specifies the detailed requirements for interfacing the Core UCS (CUCS) to a Vehicle Specific Module (VSM). This interface is designated as the Data Link Interface (DLI) throughout this document. 2. Chapter 4 is intended to allow NATO nations to enable UA interoperability between any compliant CUCS and any compliant UAS (through its VSM) by specifying a standard set of messages and data formats for the interface while at the same time providing support for handling vehicle-specific data needs. 1.2 Chapter 4 Overview Chapter 4 defines the DLI element of the UCS. The DLI provides a common set of messages and mechanisms for handling UA and payload specific messages. Chapter 4 is divided into the following sections: Section 1 Introduction Section 2 System Functional Requirements By Mission Phase Section 3 Message Distribution Standard Section 4 Message Formats Section 5 Miscellaneous Interfaces 1.3 DLI General Overview 1. A wide range of UA and control system requirements have been considered in establishing the DLI message set. The DLI shall be the interface between the UA/data link and the CUCS element [DLI 3001]. The DLI provides standard messages and formats to enable communication between a variety of UA and STANAG 4586 compliant CUCSs. 2. Defining the DLI generic message structure for the UA/CDT/CUCS communication is the purpose of Chapter 4. The message set defined in Chapter 4 includes control and status messages for the following: Unmanned Aircraft Payloads Data Links Alerts 3. The message set contains UA data that is UA and payload independent, such that the interface standard is not required to change to accommodate a particular UA or payload. In addition, the message set includes a capability to have the DLI generate system specific displays through the UCS HCI. 4. The DLI has two major components. The first component is a generic set of messages designed to be UA and payload independent that support CUCS functionality and common UA data needs. The second component is a mechanism to support communication of vehicle specific information, from the UA/CDT to the CUCS, to remotely display vehicle specific information. The “services” methodology allows new vehicle specific elements, and even new vehicles, to be added to a UCS system without having to modify the CUCS software components. Volume 2 4 - 11 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 5. The CUCS shall generate and understand common UA and payload messages using the DLI [DLI 3005]. The development of a standard message set and protocol for communication between the UA/data link and the CUCS function is key to establishing an interoperable CUCS architecture. These messages as defined in this document are UA and payload independent. 6. The CUCS and UA/CDT communicate with each other via “messages” as the primary method of transferring information between these two components. This messaging structure has the objective of passing UA control and status information between the CUCS and UA/CDT without creating dependencies between the two components. Messages are used to pass a generic set of data between the CUCS and the UA/CDT, and this generic data may be acted upon by both the CUCS and UA/CDT (local host machine). This methodology allows the CUCS to act upon data originating at the UA/CDT, and then transmits the data to an independent location. 7. The secondary method of communication between the CUCS and the UA/CDT is the use of “services” to pass information between the two components. The services allow the UA/CDT to affect the HCI on the CUCS, much like a web browser accesses web pages for locally displaying data residing on a remote host. The UA/CDT driven displays include the display of data that is not part of any standard "data" message sets, and allows the operator to interact with an UA through the UA/CDT to select options, modes of operation, and other vehicle-specific actions. The CUCS has no capability to alter or use the content of the “remote displays” on the local machine. 8. There are several ways to implement the DLI in a UAS. The following sections describe the role of the VSM for implementing the DLI for the UA and data link. 1.4 Vehicle Specific Module Functions 1. In the UCS system functional architecture, the VSM shall be responsible for the following functions where they are not part of the UA or CDT: Translating data from the representation used by the CUCS (DLI defined messages) to vehicle specific representations and vice versa [DLI 3006]. Acting as a repository and server for vehicle-specific data (such as vehicle configuration and performance limitations) and methods (such as routines for updating vehicle-specific operator displays) [DLI 3007]. Packing and unpacking data link data to optimise transmission bandwidth when necessary [DLI 3008]. Managing UA performance, vehicle specific data and interfaces required to control and monitor data link(s) operation [DLI 3009]. Managing interfaces required to control and monitor launch and recovery (L/R) systems associated with the respective UA [DLI 3010]. Analogue to digital conversion of sensor data, if required [DLI 3451]. 2. These VSM functions service/support the DLI between the CUCS elements and the UA. The VSM functions insulate the CUCS from UA, data link, launch and recovery (L/R) and UA specific interface peculiarities, by maintaining closed-loop control and communication with the UA and its payload(s) following the UA’s specific protocols, timing and encoding methods. Volume 2 4 - 12 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 3. To accomplish these functions, the VSM functions can be allocated to various UAS components (i.e., CUCS, CDT, VDT, UA or a “stand alone” VSM system element). It is envisaged that a VSM function will be an embedded processing element that performs the processing associated with the above VSM functions. The VSM is envisioned as the element of the UAS architecture that provides a migration path for legacy UASs to achieve STANAG 4586 compliance with minimal impact to the UA design. 1.4.1 Example Implementations for the UA 1. The location of the VSM function may be located in the UA and/or with the UA control system. The CUCS shall not contain performance/vehicle specific processes that are required to support the UA and CDT operation [DLI 3452]. There are several ways to implement DLI and this relationship, or architecture, is presented in Figure 4 1. Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 UAV UAV UAV UAV VDT VDT VSM VSM VDT VDT CDT CDT CDT CDT VSM VSM CUCS CCISM C4I Systems HCI DLI Operator CCI C4I Systems Figure 4 - 1: DLI Role in the UA/UCS Concept 2. Figure 4 -1 illustrates four UA which support different levels of DLI as its native language. In Case 1, the UA and CDT support all of the VSM functionality as identified in Section 1.4.2 below. Vehicle Specific remote display and processing functionality, if required, would be provided by the CUCS. In Case 2, the UA and CDT don’t support any of the VSM functions and require a VSM to provide this functionality. In Case 3, Volume 2 4 - 13 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II the VSM functionality, with possible exception of remote display and performance/vehicle specific processing, is allocated to the UA. In Case 4, the VSM functionality is split between the UA and the ground elements of the UAS. 1.4.2 Example Implementations for the Data Link 1. In the case of systems using a data link that is not compliant with STANAG 7085 (e.g., BLOS/SATCOM), the VSM CDT function shall serve as an isolating interface that allows the UAS CDT interface to become STANAG 4586 compliant without requiring modifications to the UA or the data link [DLI 3753]. Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 CDT CDT CDT VSM VSM VSM DLI Case 4 CDT Case 5 CDT VSM VSM DLI to CDT DLI to Air Vehicle Figure 4 - 2: DLI Role in the CDT/UCS Concept 2. Figure 4 - 2 addresses the Control Data Terminal (CDT) DLI interface. To show the functional flow, the UA DLI messages are shown as a separate, dotted line from the CDT DLI messages. As with the UA, the CDT may understand the DLI messages and not require a separate VSM. This could be true even if the UA required a VSM of its own. The CDT could require a VSM and the UA may not require one. Both the UA and the CDT could both require a VSM and this could be supported by either a single physical VSM or two separate VSMs. Volume 2 4 - 14 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II U D O W PL NL IN IN K BLOS K Closed-loop communication LOS DLI VSM Control of ground-based datalink components Real-time Processing Communication with the UCS core processing suite via DLI and control UCS Core Processing Suite Real-time and Non-Real-time Processing Additional A/V spe cif ic functions as re quired (only those outside of UCS Core / Com mon func tions) Figure 4 - 3: Role of the VSM 3. Figure 4 - 3 provides another view of the relationship among the CUCS, the VSM, and the DLI. In this figure, note that any system and/or performance specific processing has been allocated to the VSM which maintains closed loop control with the UA. In addition, it provides a command and status interface with the data link subsystem. The CUCS performs functions consistent with the capabilities defined within this STANAG and the maximum latency requirements for the various functions and messages as specified in this chapter. 4. The VSM function can reside on the same, different, or even remote hardware with respect to the CUCS, as long as sufficient bandwidth for the message interface (including sensor data) can be provided. The intent of this chapter is not to specify hardware, but to specify in detail the DLI such that interoperability can be achieved. 1.5 Interfaces 1.5.1 Physical Interfaces 1. The DLI (notionally depicted in Figure 4-4) can actually consist of multiple physical interfaces. At least one full duplex bi-directional digital data interface shall provide a communication pathway for the following: Commands to the UA, payload, data link and VSM [DLI 3019] Environmental data to the UAS elements [DLI 3020] Status from the UA, payload, data link and VSM [DLI 3021] Digital payload data from the UA - depending on data rate requirements and available bandwidth, digital payload data may require a separate physical interface to be included in a specific DLI implementation [DLI 3022] 2. Voice communication with ATC, if required, is outside the scope of this STANAG. Volume 2 4 - 15 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Analogue Sensor Data (under conditions specified in text below) CCISM A/V Telemetry and Digital Sensor Data VSM A/V, Data link, Payload, and VSM Status UCS Core Processing A/V & Payload Mode/Control Commands, Environmental Data Antenna and VSM Commands Suite Data Link Interface Figure 4 - 4: High-Level Depiction of DLI Interface Content 3. This STANAG envisions an all-digital medium for data; analogue data interfaces are not within the scope of the DLI. The VSM shall provide analogue to digital conversion (“frame grabbing”) services when imagery or other sensor data is transmitted from the UA in analogue format [DLI 3023]. Under this circumstance, to avoid unnecessary translation from analogue to digital and back to analogue when a C4I system requires analogue video, the VSM shall provide a dedicated physical interface for displays or for external feeds (through a CCISM) [DLI 3024]. 4. The physical interface between the CUCS and the VSM functions can differ depending upon where the VSM functionality is physically located. The VSM functionality can reside on the ground as part of the UCS and/or as a subsystem in the UA. When the VSM function is allocated to a component outside the CUCS, its interface with the CUCS, the physical interface, shall support the TCP/IP and UDP/IP protocols (e.g., Ethernet (IEEE 802) – 10Base2, 10BaseT, 100BaseT, 1000BaseT, fibre, etc.) [DLI 3025]. When the VSM functionality resides in the UA, the interface to the VDT portion of the data link is defined in STANAG 7085. 1.5.2 System Latency and Interface Considerations 1. In vehicle control systems, designers typically should consider all sources of latency and latency deviation to ensure satisfactory handling qualities and system stability. This is particularly true in a UAS employing manual control of the aircraft. In such systems, a critical area of concern is the total latency between the UA and the Volume 2 4 - 16 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II operator controls and displays, as this attribute will strongly influence system performance under manual control. 2. In the UCS architecture, UA and data link control functions, when required due to performance considerations are managed by the VSM. The CUCS performs supervisory, non-system/non-performance specific processing, and the DLI specifies neither fixed nor maximum latency in exchanges between the VSM and the CUCS. In general, the DLI physical medium will have sufficiently high data rates to support control and display data needs at reasonable rates for human interaction. However, because the DLI medium may potentially be shared among a number of VSMs simultaneously, messaging rates and overall bandwidth may tend to be variable and should not be relied upon. 3. Several approaches are possible in constituting a UCS-compliant system: The VSM performs all system and/or performance specific functionality autonomously, and data interchange needed to support controls and displays are designed to be of a supervisory nature. In this approach, controls and displays presented to the user are not dependent upon any particular latency. Changes in latency are managed such that they do not affect readability of displays or performance of controls. The system is designed to take advantage of measured throughput available through the DLI and in the CUCS using techniques resulting in system tolerable delays. This approach is somewhat risky in that the CUCS hardware configuration is variable and some configurations may not support a given function or approach. Certain manual controls and displays are performance/latency sensitive and will be serviced with system tolerable delays. In this case, processing may be performed in the VSM and device interfaces may be managed directly by the VSM without passing through the DLI logically or physically. This approach might be of particular use to legacy systems and UA that do not have the sophistication to perform operations utilizing DLI 4. In the case where the VSM is housed in the UA, the CDT shall have a DLIcompliant interface [DLI 3029]. 1.6 Tailoring by Interoperability Level 1. The applicability of the messages within the complete DLI message sets vary with the selected interoperability level and the selected UAS functionality. For example, vehicle steering commands are inappropriate at Levels of Interoperability (LOI) 1-3 (as defined in Chapter 3). The CUCS shall filter messages and respond to, as well as issue, only those messages that are applicable at the currently authorized LOI [DLI 3030]. The definition of the authorized LOI is contained later in Table 4 - 5, which define applicability of each message. 2. LOI 3 monitor only and LOl 3 control and monitor are divisible on a per payload station basis for an UA where there is more than one payload (station) located onboard the UA. 3. LOI 4 is for the UA alone, and does not include payload monitor only or control and monitor, as that capability is specified as LOI 3 respectively. A CUCS controlling both the UA and its payload is exercising LOI 3 and LOI 4 control. Volume 2 4 - 17 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 1.7 Philosophy of Interface Data Representation The approach adopted for creating the Interface Data Representation for a message is outlined in the following sub-sections. The general requirements for the generation of a message are identified and each message is defined in detail in Section 4. It is recommended that these requirements be complied with whenever possible in the specification of new messages. 1.7.1 Byte Ordering, Bit Numbering and Floating Point 1. The byte ordering shall be most significant byte first (big-endian) [DLI 3031]. Bit numbering starts at zero for the least significant bit, also known as LSB 0 [DLI 3754]. Most Significant Byte (MSB) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Least Significant Byte (LSB) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Figure 4 - 5: Bit Numbering Example (2-Byte Field) 2. Floating point numbers shall be as defined in IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, August 1985 [DLI 3032]. 1.7.2 Units 1. Due to the variety of possible UASs envisioned in the future, and the international nature of the interoperability planned for the UCS, the philosophy for developing the message types in the DLI shall be to use metric (SI, ISO/IEC 80000) units wherever possible [DLI 3033]. The DLI is a system-internal representation only between the CUCS and the VSM, and therefore any conversions required for human readability or familiarity (e.g., metres/second to knots) can be performed at the appropriate user interface. 2. All earth-fixed position references shall be expressed in the latitude-longitude system with respect to the WGS-84 ellipsoid in units of radians using Binary Angle Measurement (BAM) [DLI 3034]. Representations in other systems, such as Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), shall be converted at the point of use [DLI 3035]. All times shall be represented in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) in seconds since Jan 1, 2000 using a 5 byte unsigned integer where the least significant bit represents 0.001 seconds [DLI 3036]. In 2034 and in subsequent years, when the maximum value of the five byte field is exceeded, the timestamp shall “roll over” and numbering shall restart at zero [DLI 3746]. 3. All angular parameters shall be expressed in radians [DLI 3037]. Bearings shall be measured clockwise from true north [DLI 3038]. Elevation shall be referenced from local horizontal, positive toward the zenith [DLI 3039]. 4. Data quantities, where specified in megabits (or megabytes), shall be specified as 1,000,000 bytes (or bits) instead of 220 [DLI 3030]. (Reference: Amendment 2 to International Standard IEC 60027-2: Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology - Part 2: Telecommunications and electronics (Jan 1999)) [DLI 3454]. Volume 2 4 - 18 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 1.7.3 Approach to Packaging Command Data 1. The general intent for packaging data was to strike a balance between minimizing the overhead associated with message headers while maximizing the modularity of the message set. In addition, the further intent was to categorize data into logical message combinations, such as inertial data vs. body-relative data vs. wind-relative data when referring to vehicle state. Command and status data are kept in separate message groups to separate uplink messages from downlink messages. Data for which some sort of acknowledgement receipt is generally required are separated from status information requiring no acknowledgement. Finally, an attempt is made to keep data from appearing in multiple messages to avoid the possibility of inconsistencies. 2. Unless specifically stated, a zero fixed point value is equal to a zero real value (i.e., no bias or offset). In the cases where the range limit values cannot be perfectly represented by the fixed point representation, the fix point value closest to, but not exceeding the real limit shall be used [DLI 3455]. For angular measurement values, Binary Angle Measure (BAM) may be used. The fixed point scaling for BAM is a function of the field size and is defined as / 2(n-1) radians, where n is the bit-width of the field For an Integer field, this provides a real range of - inclusive to exclusive, and for an Unsigned field, a real range of 0 inclusive to 2 exclusive. 1.7.4 Concept for Autonomy 1. Autonomous behaviour, to be provided by the VSM and/or UA, is described using activity identifiers in messages that specify vehicle, payload or data link activities. As depicted in Figure 4-6, each activity that the CUCS requests of the UA/VSM may be immediate or may be part of a set of goals, behaviours and constraints that the CUCS may communicate to the UA/VSM. An activity with an Activity ID value of zero is an activity that the vehicle, payload or data link is to perform immediately. An activity with a non-zero Activity ID is part of a set of goals, behaviours and constraints. Message #36000 through 36003 are used to specify the constraints to be applied to the activities with non-zero Activity IDs. Message# 36004 and Message #36005 are used to update or delete an Activity ID already sent to the VSM. Message #36100 and Message #36200 are used to describe activity status from the VSM to the CUCS during mission execution. The 36000 series of messages are also used by the UA/VSM to communicate its ability to comply with the requested constraints. 2. During initialization and discovery, the UA/VSM/CDT/VDT shall indicate whether or not it supports the Activity ID field for each activity message [DLI 3456]. If a UA/VSM indicates that it doesn’t support an Activity ID field for a particular activity, then the only UA/VSM supported operation for that activity is immediate (Activity ID = 0). 3. To implement autonomous operations for an UA/VSM/CDT/VDT that supports non-zero Activity IDs, the CUCS shall send a set of activities with non-zero Activity IDs to the UA/VSM/CDT/VDT [DLI 3457]. For each non-zero Activity ID the CUCS shall also send one or more Activity Constraint Messages (Message #36000) to the UA/VSM/CDT/VDT indicating the constraints describing the conditions under which the activity is to be performed [DLI 3458]. After sending all of the activities with non-zero Activity IDs and all of the Constraints Messages for those activities, the CUCS shall send a Constraints Complete Message [DLI 3459]. After receipt of a Constraints Complete Message, the UA/VSM/CDT/VDT shall send a Constraint Response Message for each Constraint Message received from the CUCS [DLI 3460]. The Volume 2 4 - 19 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UA/VSM/CDT/VDT shall send an Activity Status Message for each activity whose constraints are marked as "satisfied" in the associated Constraint Response Message [DLI 3461]. After all of the constraint responses have been sent, the UA/VSM/CDT/VDT shall send an Activity Status Message for each activity whose constraints have been "satisfied" [DLI 3462]. Finally the UA/VSM/CDT/VDT shall send a Constraint Responses Complete Message [DLI 3463]. 4. To implement the update of an Activity ID, the CUCS shall send a Message #36004 (with the field 3 set to value 0) [DLI 3796]. Then, the same flow as for the creation of the Activity ID shall be used to establish the new constraints of the specified Activity ID [DLI 3797]. When received, the VSM shall send a Message #36005 to the CUCS [DLI 3798]. 5. To implement the deletion of an Activity ID, the CUCS shall send a Message #36004 (with the field 3 set to value 1) [DLI 3799]. Then, the VSM can accept or reject the deletion and shall send a Message #36005 to inform the CUCS on the Activity ID status [DLI 3800]. 6. The VSM can reject an Activity ID update or a deletion command. 7. The VSM shall reject an update or a deletion command of an Activity ID which has already been treated [DLI 3801]. 8. Note that Activity IDs can be referenced in more than one Constraint Message, but Constraint IDs cannot be reused. Activity IDs will be reused if multiple constraints are to be applied to the same activity. For example, if an activity is to occur before waypoint 9 that could be specified in a Constraint Message and if the same activity is to occur after waypoint 3 that would be specified in a second Constraint Message, but both Constraint Messages would refer to the same Activity ID. If the activity would not be executed because one of the constraints could not be satisfied, it is necessary for that Constraint ID to be uniquely identified so that the user knows why the activity will not occur. 9. During the execution of the mission, if the UA/VSM/CDT/VDT determines that constraint satisfaction conditions have changed, the UA/VSM/CDT/VDT shall send a constraint response for each constraint whose satisfaction condition has changed, followed by an Activity Status Message for each activity whose status has changed and then the UA/VSM/CDT/VDT shall send a Constraint Responses Complete Message [DLI 3464]. This means that if conditions have changed so that either: 1. an activity that was to have been performed will not be performed or 2. an activity that was not to have been performed will be performed the UA/VSM/CDT/VDT shall send a Constraint Response Message (Message #36001) for each activity where condition 1 or 2, above, has occurred and shall send an Activity Status Message (Message #36200) for each activity where condition 2 has occurred and shall then send a Constraint Responses Complete Message (Message #36003) [DLI 3465]. Volume 2 4 - 20 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message 36004 UA/VSM CUCS Multiple Activity Constraint Messages 36000 Single Constraints Complete Messages 36002 Multiple Constraint Response Messages 36001 Multiple Activity Status Messages 36200 Single Constraints Responses Complete Messages 36003 Messages 36005 Figure 4 - 6: Autonomy Message Flow Concept for Autonomy Regarding Proposition Mechanics 1. The Proposition Messages are intended to allow a UA to inform the CUCS of a decision that needs to be made or has been made and to permit the CUCS to respond. 2. These messages are intended to support functions where the UA is capable of developing a plan for its own action, but should seek operator approval for the planned action. Examples include sense-and-avoid where the UA will detect an impending separation breach & propose an avoidance manoeuvre; or contingency management where the UA will detect a change in weather or system health, and assesses that the most prudent action is to abort the mission and land. 3. The philosophy of these messages is that the UA proposes a decision or action to the CUCS, but does not necessarily explain the action in detail unless asked (through the Authorisation Request Data Message). The CUCS then accepts or denies the proposition, and the UA transmits a log of the outcome of the decision or action for forensic purposes. 4. At a simple level, this can be viewed as the aircraft requesting permission to initiate a procedure or checklist including those that may represent ‘textbook’ approaches to manoeuvring and emergency management that include subjective pilot judgement. Volume 2 4 - 21 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II CUCS UA/VSM Authorisation Request Message #36300 Authorisation Request Data Message #36303 Authorisation Request Acknowledgment Message #36301: Decision Notification Message #36302: Figure 4 - 7: Proposition Mechanics Message Flow 1.7.5 Concept for Display of Vehicle Specific Data 1. There is a requirement to control and monitor an UA through the generic DLI message set, identified in this chapter of this document. The generic message set provides the capability for a qualified operator to control and monitor a significant percentage of UA functions through the use of generic control panels and dialogs. The VSM is required to support all the formatted DLI messages that are applicable to the UA for which it has been developed. All data elements contained in the generic message set that are applicable to the UA are therefore available to the CUCS, and are able to be displayed as required in the generic displays, and allow for control of the generic UA functionality by a qualified operator. 2. There are control and monitoring requirements that an UA may require that are not provided for through the generic DLI message set, as they are not considered to be generic to all UAs. There shall, therefore, be a capability to provide additional operator displays and controls for these vehicle specific functionalities [DLI 3041]. This capability is identified as the “remote display” capability or “vehicle specific” mechanism. 3. The DLI enables the VSM to display information on the CUCS, for example: Vehicle specific displays show status Vehicle specific displays allow the selection of options and modes of control Vehicle specific displays are independent of the CUCS capabilities, except for specified generic services (e.g., a change in VSM capability should not be limited by the CUCS capability) Vehicle specific displays are controlled by the CUCS Vehicle specific display information is passed through the DLI interface Vehicle specific data intent should be maintained Volume 2 4 - 22 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4. It is important to note that the CUCS does not know the intended usage of the vehicle specific parameters, and is not able to manipulate the vehicle specific parameters. The vehicle specific data is “remotely displayed” on the CUCS displays. The content and arrangement of these displays is controlled by the VSM, and the displays are therefore tailored to a specific UA. The VSM process is controlling specific UA functionality and providing status information for these specific processes through these remote displays. Vehicle Specific Display Services For generating the remote displays according to the requirements identified in this section of the document, the following services shall be supported [DLI 3042]. The display formats are determined by the VSM. The following services are the minimum requirement of the CUCS platform to support interoperability with all VSMs and the maximum allowable for the VSM platform that shall be supported for interoperability [DLI 3043]: Web Browser Services shall be compatible with [DLI 3044]: - Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 W3C Recommendation 12 May 1998, revised 11 April 2008 - Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification Version 1.0 W3C Recommendation 07 April 2004 - Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Load and Save Specification Version 1.0 W3C Recommendation 07 April 2004 - Element Traversal Specification W3C Recommendation 22 December 2008 - HTML 4.01 Specification W3C Recommendation 24 December 1999 - st/Ecma- 262.pdf Referred as to Jscript or JavaScript ECMA Script 262 or ISO/IEC 16262 5th Edition December 2009 - Java applet mechanism shall be compatible with: - Sun Microsystems Compliant JRE V1.6 or superior version [DLI 3045] The Java applet mechanism shall be integrated with the Web Browser Service [DLI 3748] - The X-Server Services shall be compatible with: Volume 2 4 - 23 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - X11R6 X Window System Release 6 - [DLI 3046] Vehicle Specific Display Requests and Presentation 1. Vehicle Specific (remote) displays are initiated by the CUCS making a request to the VSM, through the mechanisms provided by the generic formatted DLI message set. 2. The remote display philosophy is that the generic control panels shall be displayed to the operator prior to requesting the remote displays [DLI 3047], and the CUCS shall have been authorized control of the specified UA [DLI 3048]. To initiate the transmission of the remote displays from the VSM, the CUCS shall transmit Message #42001, CUCS Resource Report, to the VSM [DLI 3049]. The VSM shall transmit the required vehicle specific control panels after the reception of the CUCS Resource Report Message [DLI 3050]. The CUCS Resource Report provides the VSM with the details of where to transmit and locate the remote displays. 3. As identified previously, the CUCS is required to contain a browser, an xwindows display capability, and a Java run-time environment in accordance with Section Vehicle Specific Display Services. The positive control over the remote services shall be a CUCS responsibility, to include the security settings for these services [DLI 3051]. It is a CUCS responsibility to ensure adequate services are selected for the remote displays. As an example, for the web browser service this means that the selected browser should have adequate security settings to disallow un-requested windows from popping up on the system; potentially have the capability to hide the close button; and disallow the resizing of the remote display windows, etc. 4. Vehicle specific displays can be used to request additional vehicle specific displays. When these additional vehicle specific displays are required, they shall be initially displayed within the resources allocated by Message #42001 or within the window from which it was requested [DLI 3052]. A second method of an operator initiating remote displays from the VSM is through the use of the STANAG 4586 “Subsystem State Report Reference” field of Message #15001, Subsystem Status Detail Request. These processes ensure that the operator will have to request all remote panels for display thus maintaining positive control over the displays. 5. Remote Displays shall not be initiated by the VSM via Message #16000 or #16001 until the CUCS Resource Report has been transmitted to the VSM [DLI 3053]. 6. The VSM shall use remote services that transmit remote displays to the CUCS in accordance with Message #42001, CUCS Resource Report [DLI 3054]. This provides a second level of security to ensure remote displays are displayed where expected on the CUCS displays and not covering critical data. 7. Refer to Section 4.25.2 Message #42001: CUCS Resource Report for additional requirements. 8. Figure 4-8 below provides a representation of how the remote displays are generated using the subsystem reference report. The generic displays will identify an alert condition and any requirement to place a vehicle-specific display on the CUCS display screens. The additional information will usually be information specific to the UA and not provided through the generic message set. Volume 2 4 - 24 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 9. In Figure 4-8, a generic Alert indication is provided to the operator in the generic displays identifying a problem with Engine #2. An enunciator flashes to indicate to the operator that an engine warning state exists, and identifies a more detailed display is available to the operator. The operator may request the additional information by clicking on the enunciator, which then generates a request to the VSM through the generic message mechanism, requesting the detailed Engine #2 status information. The VSM then transmits the required information to the CUCS through the vehiclespecific mechanism implemented for the UA. The CUCS then displays this information to the operator in a controlled manner. 5: Window pops up in which vehicle-specific engine status display is drawn 1: Warning Light flashes in standard display area 2: User clicks on light for more information CUCS VSM CUCS 3: Generic “Engine 2 Status Request” is sent to VSM VSM 4: Engine-specific display data is formatted and returned Figure 4 - 8: Typical Scenario for Generating Vehicle-Specific Displays 10. The vehicle specific mechanism provides the capability to create CUCS displays for a specific UA, without having to present data that is specific to a particular vehicle in a set of generic displays, thus eliminating unnecessary clutter from the displays. This capability also eliminates the need for the CUCS to carry around large libraries of display functions for many different types of UA that would be difficult to keep current. In this concept, the VSM is responsible for providing the information necessary for detailed system management functions, and that information remains hidden from the operator until needed. 1.7.6 Vehicle, Data Link, and CUCS Identification (ID) Numbers 1. Each message shall contain fields that specify the identification (ID) numbers for the two units (e.g., UA and CUCS) that are communicating with one another [DLI 3055]. Some messages also contain the Data Link ID. The destination ID may be set to the ID of a VSM in advance of a connection to an UA, payload or a data link. The Volume 2 4 - 25 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II purpose of these numbers is to uniquely identify any entity in an arbitrarily formed system combining multiple CUCS, UA, and data links all potentially interacting with VSMs which may control zero or more vehicles at a time. A VSM that controls zero UA might require connection to a CUCS in advance of receiving an UA handover from another STANAG 4586 ground station. 2. ID numbers shall be formed as 4-byte numbers [DLI 3056]. The first (most significant) byte shall be the Owning ID for that CUCS or UA [DLI 3057]. The Custodian of STANAG 4586 may assign Owning IDs and identify an associated authority for the Owning ID at its discretion. Two-hundred and fifty five (255 (hexadecimal FF)) shall be reserved [DLI 3059]. The remaining three bytes shall be assigned according to procedures and protocols identified and maintained by the authority associated with the Owning ID to assure unique ID numbers for each inservice device [DLI 3060]. 3. The following table assigns an integer for each Owning ID. Please contact the Custodian of 4586 for future assignments or changes. Owning ID Assigned Number BELGIUM BULGARIA CANADA CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK ESTONIA FRANCE GERMANY GREECE HUNGARY ICELAND ITALY LATVIA LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG NETHERLANDS NORWAY POLAND PORTUGAL ROMANIA SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SPAIN TURKEY UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES PfP ALBANIA ARMENIA 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 100 101 Volume 2 4 - 26 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Owning ID Assigned Number AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BELARUS CROATIA FINLAND GEORGIA IRELAND KAZAKHSTAN KYRGYZSTAN REPUBLIC of MOLDOVA RUSSIAN FEDERATION SWEDEN SWITZERLAND TAJIKISTAN TURKMENISTAN UKRAINE UZBEKISTAN Other Israel 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Table 4 - 1: Owning ID Table 4. Each STANAG 4586 compliant UA, data link, and CUCS shall be assigned a unique system ID within its respective type [DLI 3062]. Among the three types (A/V, data link, or CUCS), devices of different types may have an identical ID number, but this should be avoided where possible. If sharing of numbers across types is used, it shall be according to the member nations’ procedures [DLI 3063]. 5. In cases where the entity is not an “UA” (e.g., aerostats, mast-mounted sensors, and “strap-on” self-contained mission packages), the entity is treated as if an UA (albeit with very limited or non-existent LOI 4/5 functionality), These entities, or platforms, shall be assigned Vehicle IDs by the Owning ID authority [DLI 3811]. 6. In this document and in the accompanying SRD AEP-84.1 Implementation Guidelines document, ID numbers will be represented as individual hexadecimal bytes separated by colons (e.g., 10:4E:F3:06). ID number FF:FF:FF:FF shall be reserved as a broadcast ID referring to all UA or all CUCS [DLI 3064], and FF:00:00:00 shall be reserved as a Null ID [DLI 3065]. 0.xx.xx.xx shall be reserved for logical IDs that describe a logical UA that does not have a specific instantiation [DLI 3346]. These logical IDs are defined by the VSM manufacturer. ID Number 00:00:00:00 is reserved and indicates that this field is not applicable. 7. Each STANAG 4586 compliant device shall be responsible for maintaining a permanent record of its ID number and being able to provide its ID number upon request [DLI 3066]. For UA and data link systems not possessing assigned IDs, the VSM employed to interface with that system shall maintain a correspondence between devices and assigned ID numbers [DLI 3067]. 8. An UA/data link/payload directly receiving a CUCS Authorisation Request Message (Message #1, see Section 4.2.1) with a Broadcast Request ID, will respond Volume 2 4 - 27 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II with at least one VSM Authorisation Response Message (Message #2, see Section 4.2.2), and more than one if more than one payload entity type/subtype combination is controllable through the UA. 9. A VSM receiving a CUCS Authorisation Request Message (Message #1, see Section 4.2.1) with a Broadcast Request ID, will respond with at least one VSM Authorisation Response Message (Message #2, see Section 4.2.2), and more than one if more than one UA/payload entity type/subtype combination is controllable through the VSM. When a VSM is not connected to an UA/payload the Vehicle ID field shall be filled with a distinct logical Vehicle ID [DLI 3068]. A distinct logical Vehicle ID shall be reported up to the number of vehicle entities that the VSM can control/monitor [DLI 3347]. 10. A CUCS, VSM, data link and UA shall only respond to messages addressed to it [DLI 3466]. Broadcast IDs are addressed to all units and each unit shall respond to those messages as required [DLI 3467]. A unit responding to a specific message shall set the Destination ID to the ID of the requesting unit [DLI 3468]. If a CUCS is in the monitor mode for a given LOI, it shall process and display all downlink data for that LOI from the desired unit regardless of the Destination ID [DLI 3469]. If a CUCS is connected to an UA, data link or VSM in monitor mode, the UA, data link or VSM shall only set the Destination ID to the monitoring CUCS if the message is in direct response to a specific request (e.g., a Message #41000 in response to a Message #40000) [DLI 3470]. Volume 2 4 - 28 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2 System Functional Requirements by Mission Phase The DLI data content is determined by the functional and communication requirements of the CUCS and VSM. The set of common functions and UA/payload specific functions from which data elements of the DLI are described can be found in detail in Section 4. Functionality is categorised by the phase of a UA mission. Within each mission phase, functionality is identified as either common (meaning consistent across all vehicle and payload types) or vehicle-specific. In most cases, vehicle specific functions are those that vary either in procedure or in data content and will require interaction between the CUCS and the VSM to how those functions are to be performed. The functions within each of the phases of the UA mission are described in the table below. Volume 2 4 - 29 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Mission Phase Common Functions Vehicle-Specific Functions Pre-flight Interoperable Mission Planning Mission Plan/Verify Upload Process. Common Built-In-Testing (BIT). Mission Go / No-go Vehicle Availability. Flight Plan Validation. Lost Link Strategy. Vehicle Specific BIT. Payload Configuration Validation & BIT checks. Pre-flight Checkout and Initialisation. Downloaded Mission Plan Validation. UCS/Vehicle Communications. Clocks Synchronization (UA & UCS). Takeoff Local ATC Communications. Checklists Complete Validation. UCS/UA Communications Validation. Takeoff Clearance Acquisition. Ground Traffic Pattern/Plan Execution. Ground Operations Safety Constraints Monitoring. Launch. Abort Sequence Management. Ingress / Egress Mission Execution Monitoring. Active Emitters (e.g., radar) Activation. UA Vehicle-Specific Handover Data Management. Prime Mission Area (Target Area) Generic Payload Control. Payload Data Handling. Mission Execution Monitoring. System Status Summary Information. Detailed System Status Monitoring. Payload Specific Control & Monitoring. Payload Specific Data Handling Approach / Landing ATC Coordination. Recovery Procedures Execution. Approach Flight path Acquisition and Maintenance. Landing Sequences Execution. Taxi Sequence Execution. Shutdown / Safing Checklists & Procedure Execution. Post-Mission Reporting Mission Execution Summary Report. Vehicle Maintenance Status Report. Phase-independent Inflight UA handover among UCSs Management. Mission Execution Monitoring. Mission Phase Monitoring. General Health & Status Monitoring (H&SM) and Alert. Dynamic Flight Path Replanning. Multiple (Possibly Different) Aircraft Control. Data Recording / Buffering. CDT Control, Status, & Initialisation. Detailed Health & Status Monitoring. Lost Link Strategy Execution and Monitoring. Operator Control Modes Management. CBIT (Continuous Built-In-Tests) Across Subsystems. Differential GPS Corrections. Table 4 - 2: Common vs. Vehicle Specific Functions by Mission Phase Volume 2 4 - 30 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 3 Message Distribution Standard 3.1 Introduction 1. A primary goal of the Core UA Control System (CUCS) is to provide a set of functions that are common among many different vehicle platforms and different C4I systems. Some of the functions of the CUCS include providing connectivity with various national C4I systems, providing standard controls and displays for qualified users with an appropriate training background to operate differing UA platforms, providing standard operations and maintenance displays, and providing a common basis for battle space awareness and mission management. However, to perform the full range of its functions in a manner that is truly interoperable among different vehicle platforms and varying external ground-based systems, the CUCS should have a consistent, common way of obtaining input from and providing output to external systems. A common “language” for expressing key information has to be established that is both robust enough to support a full range of functions as well as flexible enough to adapt to a rapidly changing technology environment. The DLI in particular should address this problem, as it shall serve as the point of contact between vehicle specific systems and the CUCS [DLI 3069]. 2. A common approach to providing inter-process (and inter-processor) communications is a technique known as “message passing.” In a message passing system, data serving a common purpose is aggregated into structured packages that are commonly understood by both sender and receiver. A system for transporting messages, assuring proper delivery, and managing allocation of resources, as well as a standard definition for how data is packaged and formatted, is all that is required. If a common available library of functions is provided for these services, robust integration can be achieved at relatively little extra cost and with very little interaction among disparate development teams. Properly defined, this technique of formatting, packing, transmitting, parsing, and interpreting information can be as flexible, detailed, and robust in application as needed. If defined as an open standard, it can assure interoperability among independently developed systems. 3. This section provides a definition for message content and handling methods within the CUCS. In general, inter-process communications shall be implemented as message transactions in which data is sent in half-duplex mode from one process to another [DLI 3070]. 4. Data communications within a given process may be managed by whatever means the developer chooses, consistent with sound software engineering practices. Interoperability between tasks within a process is entirely within control of the developer because performance constraints may not always permit messaging system overhead. 3.2 Requirements A message handling structure shall, as a minimum, consist of the following elements: Definition of structured data format and content for standard information [DLI 3072]. o For information supporting common functions within the CUCS that is supportable across multiple system types, a set of messages are defined that specify the variables, values, data formats, and locations within the message to permit efficient handling of the information according to a consistent scheme. This structure should not be burdened by vehicle or system specific “baggage”, and shall encompass only that which serves a common purpose [DLI 3443]. This structured data definition should not unduly burden message passing with unnecessary data. Volume 2 4 - 31 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II A means for transmitting unstructured data [DLI 3073]. o A means of managing transport of messages of any type [DLI 3074]. o Some information will have to be exchanged between UA and ground processing elements that support platform-specific functionality. A generalized messaging scheme shall be capable of passing data for which the format and content of the message are unknown to the CUCS but through which the data should pass [DLI 3444]. A variety of message types will have to be supported, and a means for distinguishing among types for proper processing shall be defined [DLI 3445]. Furthermore, UASs will have multiple channels for transporting information among system components, and the messaging system has to be capable of managing messages passing among multiple sourcedestination pairs across multiple communications channels. A means for managing multiple (possibly redundant) channels of communications among multiple processes [DLI 3075]. o This requirement has several different “flavours.” Data may need to be replicated across multiple channels for the sake of redundancy. Data may need to be passed from one process to a sole recipient (private communication) or from one process to many (broadcast communication). To assure interoperability and portability among environments, the means of transporting and routing messages shall be independent of the physical transport mechanism used (e.g., Ethernet, dedicated serial port, UNIX sockets) and transport protocol (either TCP/IP or UDP, depending on the port used) [DLI 3076]. o In the case where data integrity must be formally checked, a transport independent means of checking it should exist. A means of cataloguing an expanding set of message types and tracking changes needed to support evolving technology [DLI 3077]. o UA technology is rapidly evolving, and a static system definition will soon become obsolete. Therefore, provision shall be made for supporting a continually evolving set of message types [DLI 3078]. This catalogue should not only support the definition of the message types, but to be maximally useful it shall also support an open source library of methods for handling new and evolving message types [DLI 3079]. 3.3 Message Handling Approach 3.3.1 Message Wrapper Information 1. Each message shall use the message wrapper structure defined in Figure 4-9 [DLI 3080]. The header contains information that enables the message handling software to manage transmission and distribution of the messages to the appropriate entities. The footer contains the checksum information that assists in identifying transmission errors. The following sections provide a description of each of the data items in the wrapper and its role in the message handling system. Volume 2 4 - 32 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Source Port* Destination Port* Packet Length* UDP Checksum* Reserved Message Length Source ID Destination ID Message Type Message Properties Data (Message Payload) Optional Checksum Figure 4 - 9: Message Wrapper Structure 2. Special Notes: Unless otherwise noted, all header entries described below shall be 16bit unsigned integers [DLI 3081]. 3. A “*” indicates a UDP header field and is shown in the above Figure to illustrate the complete message header including the UDP header. The application layer message wrapper starts with a two-byte reserved field and ends with “Optional Checksum”. Source Port Field of standard UDP header. Destination Port Field of standard UDP header. Packet Length Field of standard UDP header. UDP Checksum Field of standard UDP header. Reserved Message Length 1. The length shall be a 16-bit unsigned integer of the number of bytes in the “Message Data” [DLI 3091]. The length shall be any number between 1 and 528 [DLI 3092]. 2. Note. The UDP protocol under IPv4 has a guaranteed minimum datagram size of 576 bytes. Subtracting the IPv4 header size of 20 bytes and the UDP header size of 8 bytes, leaves 548 bytes as the maximum amount of data that can be sent in a datagram that will guarantee interoperability. Therefore, no message or multi-message datagram shall exceed this data limit [DLI 3348]. Subtracting the message wrapper size of 20 bytes, gives 528 bytes as the maximum message length of a single message with no room for another message in the datagram. Extra care should be taken when packing multiple messages in the same datagram. Volume 2 4 - 33 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Source ID Source ID shall be the ID number of UAS element which is originating/transmitting the message, (e.g., UA for downlink messages) [DLI 3471]. ID formation shall be consistent with Section 1.7.6 [DLI 3472]. Destination ID The Destination ID shall be the ID number for the UAS element which is the intended recipient of the message (e.g., CUCS for UA downlink messages) [DLI 3473]. ID formation shall be consistent with Section 1.7.6 [DLI 3474]. Message Type The message type is a 16-bit unsigned integer value associated with the defined message types below. Message types shall be numbered as shown in Section 4.1.1 [DLI 3750]. It is anticipated that the number of standard message types may grow and that NATO will establish a commission to maintain configuration control on changes to the standard message list. For vehicle specific messages (private), the number range is specified in Section Message Properties 1. Message Properties is a Bitmapped field with four subfields. The most significant bit shall be used to indicate whether or not receipt of the message shall be acknowledged [DLI 3475]. When the bit is “1,” an acknowledgement shall be sent: if “0,” an acknowledgement shall not be sent [DLI 3476]. The next seven bits (bits 14:8) shall indicate the IDD version number [DLI 3477]. No ACK = 0, ACK =1 Checksum No Checksum =0 2 bytes = 01 4 bytes = 10 4 bytes / CRC-32 = 11 Version Range 0……127 See Table 4-3 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Reserved for Future Use 5 4 3 2 1 0 Figure 4 - 10: Message Properties Field Definition 2. Each message shall contain the version identification of the Interface Definition Document (IDD) from which its structure was defined [DLI 3084]. This version identification shall be placed in a fixed 7 bit field [DLI 3085]. Version identification management shall be used by error checking functions to validate format consistency [DLI 3086]. Table 4-3 shows the current version of the IDD that have been assigned. Volume 2 4 - 34 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II STANAG 4586 Document Version IDD Version Identification STANAG 4586 Edition 3 30 STANAG 4586 Edition 3 Version 1 31 STANAG 4586 Edition 4 Using AEP-84 Volume II 32 Table 4 - 3: IDD Version Identification Checksum Checksum Length Method 00 bin = "0" 0 bytes No Checksum is used 01 bin = "1" 2 bytes Addition 10 bin = "2" 4 bytes Addition 11 bin = “3” 4 bytes CRC-32 Table 4 - 4: Optional Checksum Optional Checksum In addition to the UDP checksum (part of the UDP header), Optional Checksum may be employed to determine the presence of errors during transmission or handling of messages. The use of optional checksum and its length (i.e., 2-byte or 4-byte), is specified by the checksum length field of Message Properties as illustrated in Table 4 - 4. There are two methods used for the checksum calculation: By addition: Checksum is an unsigned integer and calculated by simple, bytewise unsigned binary addition of all data contained in the message excluding the checksum, and truncated to 2 or 4 bytes. By CRC-32: Cyclic Redundancy Check checksum, as defined in ITU-T V.42. Volume 2 4 - 35 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4 Generic (Common) DLI Message Overview 4.1 Common Message Properties 1. The Message Summary and Properties Tables (Tables 4 - 6 through 4 - 33) in this section define the required messages that shall be implemented in order to enable the desired UA NATO LOI via the DLI [DLI 3103]. Control systems will have a set of common commands and requests for the UA, such as UA or payload operating commands. The primary purpose of this section is to define the set of generic (common) messages for communicating across the DLI between the VSM/UA/data link and the CUCS. The information contained in the messages will be used for the display and control of functions common to a STANAG 4586 compliant UCS implementation. The intent of this Chapter is to provide an expandable structure and preliminary set of message definitions that can grow with UAS technology. 2. The goal of the common message set is to provide standard information and the functional groupings required by a CUCS for use in displays that can be made common to all UA monitored or controlled by that CUCS. Provisions are also made for the development and use of vehicle-specific (private) message types and remote displays. Manufacturers may provide any amount of information, whether or not redundant with the common message types, as required by their particular design, but shall still support the generic messages that contain that data [DLI 3813]. The generic (common) message types for a functional grouping shall be supported by the VSM (vehicle, payload, data link) regardless of where that functionality is allocated (e.g., vehicle, CUCS, etc.), for a STANAG 4586 system to guarantee interoperability and be considered a compliant implementation [DLI 3478]. As not every data element in the applicable generic messages are required by the VSM (vehicle, payload, data link) in every application, the general configuration messages allow the identification of unsupported data elements within a message or of non-support for a complete message within a functional grouping. 3. Receiving processes shall perform range checking and properly handle out-ofrange values for their system [DLI 3106]. The generic messages provide the capability to modify the ranges and contents of the generic message data elements to specifically tailor a message to the UAS as applicable. Out of range values, invalid data and nonsupported messages shall not cause the CUCS/VSM to be adversely affected if received by the system [DLI 3107]. 4. All the messages detailed in Section 4.1.1 below start with a presence vector. The presence vector provides the sender a method to not send data that is not applicable in the current message context or is not supported, thereby potentially saving transmission bandwidth and processing time. Fields which are not supported are disabled during configuration prior to using presence vectors to remove the fields from a message. Fields which are not used or are not relevant per values in other fields in the message can be eliminated using the presence vector without prior configuration. Other uses of the presence vector are not supported. Specifically, the presence vector shall not be used to omit data that is unchanged or “stale” [DLI 3479]. The lack of a field in a message only indicates that no data is present; it does not imply that the field is not supported. While STANAG 4586 does not require that all data be sent in a message, it does not preclude it. 5. The presence vector is a “Bitmapped” field indicating which fields in the remainder of the message are present in that message. Each bit represents a specific AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 35 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II field. A “1” in a given bit location indicates that the field is present, and a “0” indicates that the field is absent. For example, a message containing ten fields would have a two-byte Presence Vector. For messages that are variable in length, the repeated fields and the repeat count field, if contiguous, are mapped to a single bit. The least significant bit indicates the presence of the time stamp (field 1); the next more significant bit indicates the presence of the second field, etc. 6. The first field after the presence vector is the time stamp indicating the time the message was created, not necessarily the time at which the data was current or accurate. For those data where unknown latency may cause a problem, it is recommended that a “time of validity” also be included in the private message indicating the time of validity of the data. 7. The message tables contained in this section of the document define functional groupings that shall be supported by the CUCS [DLI 3480]. These tables also shall be supported by a VSM if the NATO UA LOI and functional group is supported by the UCS system [DLI 3481]. 4.1.1 Common Message Functional Groups 1. In the development of the STANAG 4586, the generic (common) messages have been grouped and numbered according to their functionality. These groups of messages are defined as Functional Groups. The currently defined Functional Groups are as follows: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. System ID Flight Vehicle Command Flight Vehicle Status Flight Vehicle Payload Relevant IFF Command IFF Status ATC Interface Command ATC Interface Status Vehicle Auxiliary Command Vehicle Auxiliary Status Mission Command and Status Subsystem Status Miscellaneous Messages Payload Command Payload Status Weapons Command Weapons Status Data Link Discovery Data Link Command Data Link Status AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 36 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II u. v. w. x. y. z. aa. Data Link Transition General Pre-connection Configuration General Post-connection Configuration Autonomy VSM Forced Commands Draw Interface Private Messages 2. The applicability of the messages within the complete DLI message set varies with the selected interoperability level (LOI) and the selected UAS functionality. The following table is a summary of the requirements to implement each of the functional message groups to achieve a specific LOI. 3. The LOI columns in the table associate the functional message groups with the level of control the CUCS has over the UA and/or its payloads to include the VDT. 4. The LOI fields shall define the requirement to implement the specified functional message group for a specified LOI [DLI 3482]. LOI 2 has been reserved for a ground station that is capable of receiving other STANAG compliant digital payload data (e.g., STANAG 4545, 7023, 4609) for a specific payload type and the associated auxiliary data (pointing, position), and such a ground station shall be considered STANAG 4586 LOI 2 compliant for that payload type without having to receive the formatted LOI 3 DLI payload messages for that payload type (e.g., for these ground systems these messages are optional for LOI 2) [DLI 3483]. LOI 3 messages are for monitor only or control and monitoring of payload types that are installed onboard an UA. LOI 4 messages are for the monitor only or control and monitoring of an UA, without the capability to launch or recover the UA. Since launch and recovery is vehicle specific, complex LOI 5 functionality for launch and recovery functions is not implemented via generic STANAG 4586 DLI messages. Launch and recovery functions in excess of the flight modes provided in Message #2016, Vehicle Operating Mode Command, shall be implemented through the VSM using the vehicle specific mechanism or through the definition of private messages [DLI 3484]. The Stick Commands and Status Messages are sent between CUCS and the UA/VSM. 5. The Functional Message Groups in Table 4 - 5 specify at which LOI(s) each of the messages shall be supported by the CUCS/VSM to achieve a compliant STANAG 4586 implementation for that LOI [DLI 3814]. In general, the messages are not to be transmitted between the CUCS and VSM until an authorized connection between the two components has been established (accomplished via Message #1 and Message #2 for all functionality with the exception of data links); however certain messages such as the System ID Messages are required to be exchanged in advance of a connection to actually create the connection. Messages that are allowed to be transmitted “outside” a valid connection will be noted. 6. O = Optional, Y = Yes, - = optional if the CUCS is the destination AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 37 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message Group LOI 2 LOI 3 (Monitor Only) LOI 3 (Control & Monitor) LOI 4 (Monitor Only) LOI 4 (Control & Monitor) LOI 5 System ID O Y Y Y Y Y Flight Vehicle Command - - - - Y Y Flight Vehicle Status - - - Y Y Y LOI 4 Monitor not required for Message #3011 LOI 3 (Control & Monitor) optional for Message #3001 Flight Vehicle Payload-relevant O Y Y Y Y Y - IFF Command - Y Y IFF Status Y Y Y ATC Interface Command Y Y Y LOI applicability is ATC equipment dependent ATC Interface Status Y Y Y LOI applicability is ATC equipment dependent Vehicle Auxiliary Command Y Y Y Vehicle Auxiliary Status Y Y Y Comment Mission Command and Status: Vehicle Mission Messages O O Y Y Y Note: In LOI 4M only require messages from VSM to CUCS. Payload Mission Messages O O Y Y Y Note: In LOI 4M only require messages from VSM to CUCS. Subsystem Status Y Y Y Y Y LOI 3/ 3M – required payload systems only. LOI 4M – status messages only. Y Y Y Y Y - Y - - - Y Y - - - Miscellaneous Messages O Payload Command Payload Status - AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 38 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message Group LOI 2 LOI 3 (Monitor Only) Weapons Command LOI 4 (Monitor Only) LOI 4 (Control & Monitor) LOI 5 Y Y Y Comment Y Weapons Status Data Link Discovery LOI 3 (Control & Monitor) O Y Y Y Y Data Link Command: Control Data Link (CDT) LOI is not applicable to the CDT however the STANAG DLI messages are mandatory for controlling a STANAG 7085 CDT. The messages are optional for all other data link types. Vehicle Data link (VDT) O O O O Y Y In LOI 3/3M, these messages are optional as a LOI 3 operator may not be allowed to control/monitor a VDT. The VDT is considered a vehicle subsystem; therefore separation of this system from the vehicle is an implementation decision. Data Link Status: Control Data Link (CDT) LOI is not applicable to the CDT however the STANAG DLI messages are mandatory for monitoring a STANAG 7085 CDT. The messages are optional for all other data link types. Vehicle Data link (VDT) O Data Link Transition O O Y O Y Y Y Y In LOI 3/3M, these messages are optional as a LOI 3 operator may not be allowed to control/ onitor a VDT. The VDT is considered a vehicle subsystem; therefore separation of this system from the vehicle is an implementation decision. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 39 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II LOI 3 (Monitor Only) LOI 3 (Control & Monitor) LOI 4 (Monitor Only) LOI 4 (Control & Monitor) LOI 5 Vehicle Autonomy O O Y Y Y Payload Autonomy O O Y Y Y Message Group LOI 2 Comment Autonomy: General PreConnection Configuration O Y Y Y Y Y General PostConnection Configuration O Y Y Y Y Y O O O O O O O O O O O VSM Forced Commands Private Messages Draw Interface VSM-specific Payload data (product): UA Stick Command UA Stick Status Y Primary data Y Y Embedded Metadata Y O Y Y Y Y Y Metadata optional if available through DLI Table 4 - 5: Functional Message Group Table 7. In the following tables (i.e., Tables 4 – 6 through 4 – 33), each message type entry is identified with several properties, one of these properties is labelled the “Push/Pull” property. Push messages are communicated either periodically or based on some event, but do not require a request to result in sending a message. Pull messages are messages that are communicated in response to a request. This mechanism is used to assure that data link bandwidth is not unnecessarily consumed by unneeded data. 8. The “Source” property in the tables shall identify the component from which the message is issued [DLI 3485]. Where the VSM is identified as the source of the message in the table, it can be considered to mean either the VSM, AV, or data link as appropriate, dependent on the functionally grouping and selected implementation of the UCS. In the case of a private message and related configuration messages, the destination may be either the CUCS or VSM, depending on where the private message is to be processed (e.g., in a split VSM, where one VSM sends a message to the other part of the split VSM). 9. The “Allowable Max Latency (msec)” property defines the maximum transport delay between the HCI input and the output at the DLI interfaces on a CUCS. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 40 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 10. DLI common messages shall all be transmitted through a port configured for communications using UDP multicast [DLI 3184]. UDP multicast enables multiple processes (VSMs and CUCSs) to communicate with each other on a single IP address and port number. Since UDP does not provide guaranteed delivery, messages requiring acknowledgement of receipt shall be acknowledged using the Message Acknowledgement (Message #17000) [DLI 3185]. Messages designated as “Push” type messages may be communicated without the requirement for acknowledgement. This allows transmission of streaming and ephemeral data (such as periodic vehicle state data) for which retransmit is neither required nor desired. Messages designated as “Pull” type messages are responses to queries and the message is itself an acknowledgement. UDP multicast of these “Pull” type messages makes it possible for multiple CUCSs to remain synchronized with each other and with multiple VSMs by monitoring query/response transactions for vehicles and payloads that are controlled by other CUCSs. However, acknowledgement of receipt of a request to generate a pull-type message may be required if delayed response is an issue. In such cases, the Message Acknowledgement bit in the header shall be used to fulfil a requirement for such acknowledgement cases [DLI 3186]. 11. When an UA is in Monitor Only Mode for a given LOI, only messages used to discover and configure (#2, 3, 21001, 21100, 28001, 41000-41005, 17000-17002) and download a mission plan (13000-13060,14000) shall be sent from the UA using the monitoring CUCS’s CUCS ID [DLI 3755]. All other messages (e.g., #4000, 4001, and 21101) shall use the CUCS ID that is controlling the UA/Payload/data link or, if no CUCS is controlling that subsystem, the UA will set the CUCS ID to FF:FF:FF:FF [DLI 3756]. System ID Functional Group The messages defined in the System ID Messages table shall compose the System ID Functional Group of messages [DLI 3486]. The messages identified here as pulled from the VSM will be in response to the command. The System ID messages shall be able to be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3487]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 1 CUCS Authorisation Request Push CUCS 1,000 2 VSM Authorisation Response Push/Pull VSM 1,000 3 Vehicle ID Push/Pull VSM 1,000 4 Positive Handover Authorisation Request Push CUCS/VSM 1,000 5 Positive Handover Authorisation Granted Pull CUCS/VSM 1,000 Unassigned message types in the range of 0 - 1999 are reserved Table 4 - 6: System ID Messages Flight Vehicle Command Functional Group AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 41 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II The messages defined in the Flight Vehicle Command Messages table shall compose the Flight Vehicle Command Functional Group of messages [DLI 3488]. The Flight Vehicle Command messages shall not be able to be sent between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3489]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 2000 Vehicle Configuration Command Push CUCS 1,000 2005 Flight Termination Command Push CUCS 500 2007 Unmanned Aircraft Lights Push CUCS 500 2008 Engine Command Push CUCS 500 2009 Zeroize Encryption Keys Command Push CUCS 500 2010 UA Stick Command Message Push CUCS 200 2011 Area Transmission Command Push CUCS 1000 2012 Area Polygon Loop Segment Message Push/Pull CUCS/VSM 1000 2013 Joystick Command Push CUCS 200 2014 Emergency Mode Command Push CUCS 500 2015 Energy Storage Unit Configuration Push CUCS 500 2016 Vehicle Operating Mode Command Push CUCS 500 2017 Loiter Configuration Push CUCS 500 2018 Slave to Sensor Configuration Push CUCS 500 2019 Slave to Location Configuration Push CUCS 500 2020 - 2999 Unassigned message types in the range of 2000 –2999 are reserved Table 4 - 7: Flight Vehicle Command Messages Flight Vehicle Status Functional Group The messages defined in the Flight Vehicle Status Messages table shall compose the Flight Vehicle Status Functional Group of messages [DLI 3490]. The Flight Vehicle Status messages shall not be able to be sent between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection, with the exception of Message #3000, Vehicle Configuration Message in response to a specific configuration request via Message #17002, Generic Information Request Message [DLI 3491]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 3000 Vehicle Configuration Pull VSM 1,000 3001 Vehicle Operating Mode Report Push/Pull VSM 500 3002 Vehicle Operating States Push/Pull VSM 500 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 42 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 3003 Reserved - - - 3004 Loiter Configuration Report Push/Pull VSM 500 3005 Flight Termination Mode Report Push/Pull VSM 500 3006 Vehicle Lights State Push/Pull VSM 500 3007 Engine Operating States Push/Pull VSM 500 3008 Zeroize Encryption Keys State Push/Pull VSM 500 3009 Air and Ground Relative States Push VSM 500 3010 Body-Relative Sensed States Push VSM 200 3011 UA Stick Status Message Push VSM 200 3012 Area Status Alert Message Push VSM 1,000 3013 Area Transmission Status Pull VSM 1,000 3014 Emergency Mode Report Pull VSM 500 3015 Energy Storage Unit State Push/Pull VSM 500 3016 Relative Route/Waypoint/Location Report Push/Pull VSM 1,000 3017-3999 Unassigned message types in the range of 3000 – 3999 are reserved Table 4 - 8: Flight Vehicle Status Messages Flight Vehicle Payload Relevant Status Functional Group The messages defined in the Flight Vehicle Payload Relevant Status Messages table shall compose the Flight Vehicle Payload Relevant Status Functional Group of messages [DLI 3492]. The Flight Vehicle Payload Relevant Status Messages have been distinguished from the other Flight Vehicle Status Messages to limit implementation of messages on a system, CUCS and VSM that require the flight vehicle orientation, or location knowledge, to correctly implement LOI 3 monitor capabilities for a payload. The Flight Vehicle Payload Relevant Status Messages shall not be able to be sent between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3493]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 4000 Inertial States Push VSM 500 4001 From-To-Next Waypoint States Push VSM 1000 Unassigned message types in the range of 4000 – 4999 are reserved Table 4 - 9: Flight Vehicle Payload Relevant Status Message IFF/SSR Command Functional Group AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 43 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II The messages defined in the IFF/SSR Command Messages table shall compose the IFF/SSR Command Functional Group of messages [DLI 3494]. The IFF/SSR Command Messages shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3495]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 5000 IFF/SSR Code Command Push CUCS 500 5001 IFF/SSR Identification of Position Command Push CUCS 500 5002 IFF Key Control Command Push CUCS 500 5003 IFF/SSR BIT Command Push CUCS 500 Unassigned message types in the range of 5000 – 5999 are reserved Table 4 - 10: IFF Command Messages IFF/SSR Status Functional Group The messages defined in the IFF/SSR Status Messages table shall compose the IFF/SSR Status Functional Group of messages [DLI 3496]. The IFF/SSR Status Messages shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3497]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 6000 IFF/SSR Status Report Push/Pull VSM 500 Unassigned message types in the range of 6000 – 6999 are reserved Table 4 - 11: IFF Status Messages ATC Interface Command Functional Group The messages defined in the ATC Interface Command Messages table shall compose the ATC Interface Command Functional Group of messages [DLI 3498]. The ATC Interface Command Messages shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3499]. Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 7000 Civilian Air Traffic Control (ATC) Radio Command Push CUCS 500 7001 NAVAID Radio Command Push CUCS 500 New Msg # Unassigned message types in the range of 7000 – 8999 are reserved Table 4 - 12: ATC Interface Command Messages AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 44 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II ATC Interface Status Functional Group The messages defined in the ATC Interface Status Messages table shall compose the ATC Interface Status Functional Group of messages [DLI 3500]. The ATC Interface Status Messages shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3501]. Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 9000 Civilian Air Traffic Control (ATC) Radio Status Push/Pull VSM 500 9001 NAVAID Radio Status Push/Pull VSM 500 New Msg # Unassigned message types in the range of 9000 – 10999 are reserved Table 4 - 13: ATC Interface Status Messages Vehicle Auxiliary Command Functional Group The messages defined in the Vehicle Auxiliary Command Messages table shall compose the Vehicle Auxiliary Command Functional Group of messages [DLI 3502]. The Vehicle Auxiliary Command Messages shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3503]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 11000 Vehicle Auxiliary Command Push CUCS 500 11001 Fuel, Oil, & Hydraulic Commands Push CUCS 500 11101 Battery Bank Select Push CUCS 500 Unassigned message types in the range of 11000 – 11999 are reserved Table 4 - 14: Vehicle Auxiliary Command Messages Vehicle Auxiliary Status Functional Group The messages defined in the Vehicle Auxiliary Status Messages table shall compose the Vehicle Auxiliary Status Functional Group of messages [DLI 3504]. The Vehicle Auxiliary Status Messages shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3505]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 12000 Vehicle Auxiliary Status Push/Pull VSM 500 12001 Electrical Report Push VSM 500 12002 Meteorological Data Push CUCS 500 12003 Fuel, Oil, & Hydraulic Status Push VSM 500 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 45 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 12101 Battery Report Push VSM 500 Unassigned message types in the range of 12003 – 12999 are reserved Table 4 - 15: Vehicle Auxiliary Status Messages Mission Command and Status Functional Group The messages defined in the Mission Command and Status Messages table shall compose the Mission Command and Status Functional Group of messages [DLI 3506]. The Mission Command and Status messages shall not be able to be sent between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3507]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 13000 Mission Transfer Command Push CUCS/VSM 500 13001 UA Route Push/Pull CUCS/VSM 500 13002 UA Position Waypoint Push/Pull CUCS/VSM 500 13003 UA Loiter Waypoint Push/Pull CUCS/VSM 500 13004 Payload Action Waypoint Push/Pull CUCS/VSM 500 13005 Airframe Action Waypoint Push/Pull CUCS/VSM 500 13006 Vehicle Specific Waypoint Push/Pull CUCS/VSM 500 13007 Define Contingency Push/Pull CUCS/VSM 500 13008 IFF/SSR Action Waypoint Push/Pull CUCS/VSM 500 13009 Data Recorder Action Waypoint Push/Pull CUCS/VSM 500 13010 VSM Flight Data Record Stream Push CUCS/VSM 2,000 13011 Playback Control Command Push CUCS 500 14000 Mission Upload/Download Status Push VSM 500 Unassigned message types in the range of 13000 – 14999 are reserved Table 4 - 16: Mission Command and Status Messages Subsystem Status Functional Group The messages defined in the Subsystem Status Messages table shall compose the Subsystem Status Functional Group of messages [DLI 3508]. The Subsystem Status Messages shall not be able to be sent between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3509]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 46 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 15000 Subsystem Status Request Push CUCS 500 15001 Subsystem Status Detail Request Push CUCS 500 16000 Subsystem Status Alert Push VSM 500 16001 Subsystem Status Report Pull/Push VSM 500 16002 Heartbeat Message Pull CUCS/VSM 500 Unassigned message types in the range of 16000 – 16999 are reserved Table 4 - 17: Subsystem Status Messages Miscellaneous Message Functional Group The messages defined in the Miscellaneous Messages table shall compose the Miscellaneous Message Functional Group of messages [DLI 3510]. The Miscellaneous Messages shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized LOI connection with the exception of Message #17000, Message Acknowledgement, in response to a request for acknowledgement to a message that may be transmitted without a valid connection [DLI 3511]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 17000 Message Acknowledgement Pull CUCS/VSM 500 17001 Schedule Message Update Command Push CUCS/VSM 1,000 17002 Generic Information Request Push CUCS/VSM 1,000 17003 File Transfer Notification Push CUCS/VSM 1,000 18000 Link Audio Command Push CUCS 500 18001 Emitters All Off Command Push CUCS 500 18002 Console Light Command Push VSM 500 18003 Aircraft Weight Status Push VSM 500 18100 Link Audio Status Pull VSM 500 18101 Emitters Status Pull VSM 500 18200 Meteorological Table Message Push CUCS 500 18300 Meteorological Table Report Push VSM 500 18400 KLV Security Configuration Data Push VSM 200 18401 KLV Security Classification Data Push VSM 200 18402 KLV Security Classification Comment Data Push VSM 200 18403 KLV Security Image Data Push VSM 200 18500 GPS Status Report Push CUCS/VSM 500 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 47 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II New Msg # Description Push/Pull Allowable Max Latency (msec) Source Unassigned message types in the range of 17000 – 18999 are reserved Table 4 - 18: Miscellaneous Messages Payload Command Functional Group The messages defined in the Payload Command Messages table shall compose the Payload Command Functional Group messages, divisible by payload type [DLI 3512]. The Payload Command messages shall not be sent between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection for the specified “Payload Type” [DLI 3513]. Allowable Max Latency (msec) New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source 19000 Payload Bay Command Push CUCS As applicable 500 19001 Payload Steering Command Push CUCS EO/IR, SAR, others as applicable 200 19100 EO/IR/Laser Payload Command Push CUCS EO/IR 500 19101 EO/IR/Laser Payload Quality Control Push CUCS EO/IR 500 19200 SAR Payload Command Push CUCS SAR 500 19400 Communications Relay Command Push CUCS Comm Relay 500 19401 Load Communications Relay Configuration Command Pull/Push CUCS/ VSM Comm Relay 500 19500 Payload Data Recorder Control Command Push CUCS Recorder 500 19600 Terrain Data Update Push CUCS EO/IR, SAR, others as applicable 500 19700 Payload Operating Mode Command Push CUCS As applicable 500 Payload Type Unassigned message types in the range of 19000 – 20999 are reserved Table 4 - 19: Payload Command Messages Payload Status Functional Group AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 48 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II The messages defined in the Payload Status Messages table shall compose the Payload Status Functional Group messages, divisible by payload type [DLI 3514]. The Payload Status Messages shall not be able to be sent between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection for the specified “Payload Type”, with the exception of Message #21001, Payload Configuration and Message #12100, EO/IR – Configuration State in response to a specific configuration request via Message #17002, Generic Information Request [DLI 3515]. Allowable Max Latency (msec) New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source 21000 Payload Bay Status Pull VSM As applicable 500 21001 Payload Configuration Push/Pull VSM All 500 21100 EO/IR - Configuration State Pull VSM EO/IR 200 21101 EO/IR/Laser Operating State Push/Pull VSM EO/IR 500 21200 SAR Operating State Pull VSM SAR 500 21400 Communications Relay Status Pull VSM Comm Relay 500 21401 Communications Relay Configuration Status Pull/Push CUCS/VSM Comm Relay 500 21402 Communication Relay Configuration State Pull VSM Comm Relay 500 21500 Payload Data Recorder Status Pull VSM Recorder 500 21501 Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration Pull VSM Recorder 1,000 21600 Terrain Data Request Push VSM EO/IR, SAR, others as applicable 500 21700 Payload Operating Mode Report Pull VSM As applicable 500 21800 Slave to Sensor Settings Report Pull VSM Any 500 Payload Type Unassigned message types in the range of 21000 – 23999 are reserved Table 4 - 20: Payload Status Messages 1. The “Payload Types" have been defined to provide a set of generic (common) messages per payload type for common UA payloads. A CUCS and/or VSM do not have to support the generic payload messages that do not apply to the payload type(s) in their systems configuration. However, if a generically identified payload type(s) is applicable for the UAS, the identified formatted DLI message(s) for that payload type shall be supported [DLI 3516]. 2. A generic set of “Payload Types” has been identified in Message #21001, Payload Configuration Message. The generic DLI messages associated with each of the payload types is identified in Table 4 - 21. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 49 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Payload Type Required Message Msg Type All LOI 2 & 3 Message #21001: Payload Configuration Configuration EO/IR & Fixed Message #21100: EO/IR Configuration State Message #21101: EO/IR/Laser Operating State Message #21700: Payload Operating Mode Report Message #19001: Payload Steering Command Message #19100: EO/IR/Laser Payload Command Message #19101: EO/IR/Laser Payload Quality Control Message #19700: Payload Operating Mode Command Configuration Status Command Command (Modes) Command Command Command SAR N/A : Configuration Message Message #21200: SAR Operating State Message #19001: Payload Steering Command Message #19200: SAR Payload Command Configuration Status Command Command (modes) Dispensable (Stores) N/A : Configuration Message Message #26000: Stores Management System Status Message #24000: Stores Management System Command Configuration Status Command Comm. Relay N/A : Configuration Message Message #21400: Communication Relay Status Message #21401: Communications Relay Configuration Status Message #21402: Communication Relay Configuration State Message #19400: Communications Relay Command Message #19401: Load Communications Relay Configuration Command Configuration Status Status Status Command Command Recorder Message #21501: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration Message #21500: Payload Data Recorder Status Message #19500: Payload Data Recorder Control Command Configuration Status Command Payload Bay Message #19000: Payload Bay Command Command Table 4 - 21: Conditional Payload Message Groups 3. Common message formats covering command and status of other payloads (e.g., electronic countermeasures, weapons delivery, electronic warfare, self-defence payloads) are not currently defined. UA carrying such payloads shall use vehicle specific message mechanisms described above [DLI 3517]. Future revisions of this STANAG will incorporate standard control and status messages for such payloads as they become commonly employed across a variety of UA platforms. Weapons Command Functional Group AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 50 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II New Msg # 24000 Description Push/Pull Source Stores Management System Command Push CUCS Payload Type Disp. Stores Allowable Max Latency (msec) 500 Unassigned message types in the range of 24000 – 25999 are reserved Table 4 - 22: Weapons Command Message Groups Weapons Status Functional Group New Msg # 26000 Description Push/Pull Source Stores Management System Status Pull VSM Payload Type Disp. Stores Allowable Max Latency (msec) 500 Unassigned message types in the range of 26000 – 27999 are reserved Table 4 - 23: Weapons Status Message Groups Data Link Discovery Functional Group The messages defined in the Data Link Discovery Messages table shall compose the Data Link Discovery Functional Group of messages [DLI 3518]. The messages identified here as pulled from the VSM will be in response to the command. The Data Link Discovery messages shall be able to be sent between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3519]. Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 28000 Data Link Control Authorisation Request Push CUCS 500 28001 Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message Pull VSM 500 New Msg # Unassigned message types in the range of 28000 – 29999 are reserved Table 4 - 24: Data Link Discovery Messages Data Link Command Functional Group 1. The messages defined in the Data Link Command Messages table shall compose the Data Link Command Functional Group of messages [DLI 3520]. 2. Note that LOI is not applicable to controlling or monitoring a CDT, as the CUCS is either controlling or monitoring that terminal, or it is not. The VDT, for all intents and purposes, is considered to be a subsystem of the UA, therefore it is an UA AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 51 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II implementation decision whether to allow control of the VDT at LOI 3 or 4. It is recommended that at a minimum the LOI 4/5 operator is in control of at least one VDT to maintain positive control over the flight vehicle. 3. The Data Link Command Messages shall not be able to be sent from a CUCS to a VSM for a VDT without an authorized connection [DLI 3521]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 30000 Data Link to Vehicle ID Assignment Push CUCS 500 30001 7085 Data Link Active Configuration Set Up Message Push CUCS 500 30002 7085 Data Link Fallback Configuration Set Up Message Push CUCS 500 30003 Data Link Control Command Push CUCS 500 30004 RF Command Processing Set Up Message Push CUCS 500 30100 Antenna Pedestal Location Command Push CUCS 500 30101 Antenna Control Command Push CUCS 500 30102 Antenna Position Command Push CUCS 500 30200 Link Health Command Push CUCS 500 30300 Set Data Link UDP Monitor Period Push CUCS 1,000 30301 IP Address and Port Assignment Request Push CUCS 1,000 30400 Lost Link Delay Timer Command Push CUCS 1,000 31XXX Reserved for future IC2DL Commands Unassigned message types in the range of 30000 – 31999 are reserved Table 4 - 25: Data Link Command Messages Data Link Status Functional Group 1. The messages defined in the Data Link Status Messages table shall compose the Data Link Status Functional Group of messages [DLI 3522]. 2. The Data Link Status messages shall not be able to be sent from a VSM to a CUCS for a VDT without an authorized connection [DLI 3523]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 32000 Data Link to Vehicle ID Report Push VSM 500 32001 7085 Data Link Active Configuration Status Report Pull VSM 500 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 52 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 32002 7085 Data Link Fallback Configuration Status Report Pull VSM 500 32003 Data Link Control Status Report Push VSM 500 32004 RF Command Processing Status Report Pull VSM 500 32005 Legacy Data Link Status Report Push VSM 500 32006 Legacy Data Link Control Command Status Push VSM 500 32100 Antenna Pedestal Location Status Report Push VSM 500 32101 Antenna Control Status Report Push VSM 500 32102 Antenna Position Report Push VSM 500 32103 Legacy Pedestal Status Report Push VSM 500 32200 Link Health Status Push VSM 500 32201 Data Link Fallback Status Push VSM 500 32300 Data Link UDP Count Push VSM 500 32301 UA IP Disclosure Message Push/Pull VSM 1,000 32302 Data Link in Control Report Push VSM 500 32400 Lost Link Delay Timer Report Push/Pull VSM 500 33XXX Reserved for future IC2DL Status New Msg # Unassigned message types in the range of 32000 – 33999 are reserved Table 4 - 26: Data Link Status Messages Data Link Transition Functional Group 1. The messages in this grouping are provided to allow the transition in control of a vehicle from one UCS system to another where the vehicle only has a single, directional VDT. Therefore these messages need to be implemented to support interoperability with such systems. 2. The messages defined in the Data Link Transition Messages table shall compose the Data Link Transition Functional Group of messages [DLI 3524]. 3. The Data Link Transition messages shall not be able to be sent between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3525]. Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 34000 Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message Push CUCS 500 35000 Handover Status Report Push/Pull CUCS/VSM 500 New Msg # AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 53 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II New Msg # Description Push/Pull Allowable Max Latency (msec) Source Unassigned message types in the range of 34000 – 35999 are reserved Table 4 - 27: Data Link Transition Messages Autonomy Functional Group The messages defined in the Autonomy Messages table shall compose the Autonomy Message Functional Group of messages [DLI 3526]. The Autonomy Messages shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3527]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 36000 Activity Constraint Push CUCS 500 36001 Constraint Response Message Push VSM 500 36002 Constraint Requests Complete Message Push CUCS 500 36003 Constraint Responses Complete Message Push VSM 500 36004 Activity ID Config Push CUCS 500 36005 Activity ID Config Response Push VSM 500 36100 Activity Complete Message Push VSM 500 36200 Activity Status Message Push/Pull VSM 500 N/A Deleted (Area Definition) 36300 Authorisation Request Message Push VSM 500 36301 Authorisation Request Acknowledgment Message Pull CUCS 500 36302 Decision Notification Message Push/Pull VSM 500 36303 Authorisation Request Data Message Push CUCS 500 Unassigned message types in the range of 36000 – 39999 are reserved Table 4 - 28: Autonomy Messages General Pre-connection Configuration Functional Group The messages defined in the General Pre-connection Configuration Messages table shall compose the General Pre-connection Configuration Functional Group of messages, which do not require an authorized connection to be transmitted between the CUCS and the VSM [DLI 3528]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 54 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 40000 Field Configuration Request Push CUCS 500 41000* Field Configuration Integer Response Push/Pull VSM 500 41001* Field Configuration Float Response Push/Pull VSM 500 41002* Field Configuration Enumerated Response Push/Pull VSM 500 41003* Field Configuration Unsigned Response Push/Pull VSM 500 41004* Field Configuration Character Response Push/Pull VSM 500 41005 Configuration Complete Push CUCS/VSM 500 41006 Integer Enumeration Response Pull CUCS 1000 Unassigned message types in the range of 40000 – 41999 are reserved Note (*): These messages are used for both Pre-connection and Post connection Table 4 - 29: General Preconnection Configuration Messages General Post-connection Configuration Functional Group The messages defined in the General Post-connection Configuration Messages table shall compose the General Post-connection Configuration Functional Group of messages [DLI 3529]. The General Post-connection Configuration Messages shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3530]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 42000 Display Unit Request Push CUCS 500 42001 CUCS Resource Report Push CUCS 1,000 42002 Manage VSM Windows Message Push CUCS 1,000 42003 Report Controllable Element Message Push VSM 1,000 43000 VSM Services Report Message Pull VSM 1,000 43001 UA Route Configuration Pull VSM 500 43002 Remote Windows GUI Definition Pull VSM 1,000 41000* Field Configuration Integer Response Push/Pull VSM 500 41001* Field Configuration Float Response Push/Pull VSM 500 41002* Field Configuration Enumerated Response Push/Pull VSM 500 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 55 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 41003* Field Configuration Unsigned Response Push/Pull VSM 500 41004* Field Configuration Character Response Push/Pull VSM 500 New Msg # Unassigned message types in the range of 42000 – 43999 are reserved Note (*): These messages are used for both Pre-connection and Post connection Table 4 - 30: General Configuration Messages VSM Forced Commands Functional Group The messages defined in the VSM Forced Commands Messages table shall compose the VSM Forced Commands Functional Group of messages [DLI 3531]. The VSM Forced Commands Messages shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3532]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 44000 Field Change Integer Command Push VSM 500 44001 Field Change Float Command Push VSM 500 44002 Field Change Enumerated Command Push VSM 500 44003 Message Parameter Availability Push VSM 500 Unassigned message types in the range of 44000 – 45999 are reserved Table 4 - 31: VSM Forced Command Messages Draw Interface Functional Group The messages defined in the Draw Interface Messages table shall compose the Draw Interface Functional Group of messages [DLI 3533]. The Draw Interface Messages shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection [DLI 3534]. New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 46000 Draw Layer Configuration Push VSM 500 46001 Draw Layer Update Request / Status Push CUCS 500 46002 Draw Layer Control Push VSM 500 46003 Draw Line Push VSM 500 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 56 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II New Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) 46004 Draw Simple Polygon Push VSM 500 46005 Draw Complex Polygon Push VSM 500 46006 Draw Arc / Circle Push VSM 500 46007 Draw Text Push VSM 500 46008 Draw Arrow Push VSM 500 46009 Set Cursor Interest Push VSM 500 46010 Remove Cursor Interest Push VSM 500 46011 Cursor Interest Return Push CUCS 500 Unassigned message types in the range of 46000 – 49999 are reserved Table 4 - 32: Draw Interface Messages Private Messages The Private Messages are defined as vehicle specific messages and are used within the above defined functional groups at the specified LOI(s) as per their definition when created. The Private Messages shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM without an authorized connection for the LOI specified in the private message definition [DLI 3535]. LOI New Msg # 50000 65000 Description Push/Pull Source VSM-Specific Private Message Push/Pull VSMSpecific 2/4M 3 4 or 5 Allowable Max Latency (msec) (1) (1) (1) 500 NOTE: (1) VSM-Specific Table 4 - 33: Private Messages 4.1.2 Generic (Common) DLI Messages 1. The following section contains the generic (common) DLI messages identified in the tables above. In the tables that follow, data types shall conform to the following meanings: Character (n) - ASCII character data of n bytes in length, which includes the null terminator character [DLI 3192] Integer (n) - Signed integers, where n is 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 bytes (negative integers are represented in twos complement) [DLI 3193] Float - IEEE format floating point numbers (4 bytes in length) [DLI 3194] AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 57 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unsigned (n) - Unsigned integers; where n is 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 bytes [DLI 3196] Byte (n) - Array of bytes, where n defines the size of the array [DLI 3536] Composite (n) - Unsigned integer of length <n> bytes consisting of one or more fixed-length sub-fields. Sub-field lengths are specified in bits and are listed in consecutive order starting with the mostsignificant sub-field. Subfields are not configurable [DLI 3835]. 2. Private messages may use additional data types not defined above. 3. In addition, data ranges that have “reserved” values shall not be used by a CUCS or VSM [DLI 3197]. Data ranges that have “VSM specific” values may be used by the VSM/UA/data link to add vehicle unique functionality that is not supported by the STANAG defined values to the specified data field. The addition of vehicle specific values to the generic message data fields is accomplished through the use of the Generic Pre-connection Configuration messages. 4. Bit maps are used in certain command messages to allow multiple data definition of data fields in a message, such as in the request for subsystem status. Each addressed component shall accept such a request and may respond with a separate status message for the overloaded request, or as specified in the specific message [DLI 3352]. Bit maps are indicated in the STANAG 4586 where the “Units = Bitmapped”. 5. Each field in a message has a Unique ID associated with it. Once a field is assigned a Unique ID, that ID remains with the field even if the field is moved within the message or to a new message. The Unique ID provides a message and position independent method to refer to a particular field that will not change if the field is moved. 6. Character(n) data types that are restricted to the Printable range shall only contain ASCII character codes in the range of 0x20-0x7e (which includes letters, digits, punctuation marks, the space character and a few miscellaneous symbols) followed by a null character (0x00) [DLI 3829]. 4.2 System ID Messages 4.2.1 Message #1: CUCS Authorisation Request 1. This message shall be sent by a CUCS to a VSM/UA to request a specific monitor/control connection to the VSM/UA, or to discover available connection(s) to the VSM/UA [DLI 3198]. If the Destination ID (e.g., UA/VSM) for the connection is known by the CUCS then the Destination ID field in this message shall be filled in with the specified IDs [DLI 3199]. Where the CUCS is discovering a connection, the Destination ID field shall be filled with the broadcast VSM ID/Vehicle ID [DLI 3353]. If more than one authorisation (connection) is needed for a specific vehicle (including payload onboard), this message may be sent multiple times, once for the vehicle and once for each payload station. 2. This message is designed to allow more than one CUCS to control UA/payload functions of a single VSM/UA for a given Vehicle ID. For example, one CUCS controlling the vehicle and another CUCS controlling a payload, or two stations simultaneously controlling the vehicle, but in different flight modes. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 58 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 3. A CUCS controlling a connection (e.g., an UA at LOI 4 or 5) shall maintain control of that functionality until either it breaks the connection, specifically relinquishes control, or is displaced by another CUCS that is asserting override over the same functionality while the current CUCS is not [DLI 3354]. A controlling CUCS may allow another CUCS to have control of some or all flight modes and their associated messages. Control of non-associated message, (e.g., Unmanned Aircraft Lights), would remain with the original controlling CUCS. The original controlling CUCS can always select flight modes not transferred to another CUCS and can always unilaterally take back complete control of all flight modes. 4. A CUCS controlling a payload (e.g., LOI 3) shall maintain payload control until it either breaks the connection, specifically relinquishes control, or when the CUCS that has control over the platform (i.e., LOI 4 or 5) specifically requests control of that payload [DLI 3355]. 5. The Asset Mode field shall be filled with “3 = Broadcast Request” for a broadcast request [DLI 3356]. 6. As specified above, the CUCS Authorisation Request Message may be transmitted from a CUCS to a VSM without an authorized LOI connection as it is used to discover possible connections, and it is used to request an authorized LOI connection. 7. The CUCS shall be required to support the presence vector capability and demonstrate this support via the minimum test set described in the SRD AEP-84.2 Validation/Test Guideline Document [DLI 3537]. However, should customer or regulatory test requirements for support of the presence vector prove prohibitive for a specific system, use of the Presence Vector Support field may be used to enforce this field to be ignored in all messaging between the CUCS and VSM for a given system. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0001.04 2 1 VSM ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0001.05 3 2 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 Unsigned 2 Enumerated 0 - 65535 = See Table 4-36 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Identifies the specific data link to process this message. 0001.06 4 3 Vehicle Type Identifies the type name of vehicle; numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 0001.07 5 4 Vehicle Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 59 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0001.08 6 5 Requested/Handover LOI Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = Unspecified 0x01 = NA 0x02 = LOI 2 0x04 = LOI 3 0x08 = LOI 4 0x10 = LOI 5 0001.16 7 6 Requested/Handover Access Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Unspecified 1 = Monitor Only 2 = Control & Monitor Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Mode 1 = All Modes 2 = Flight Director (Manual control of UA using Message #2016, where UA autopilot is disengaged) 3 - 10 = Reserved 3-10 11 = Waypoint (Fly to predefined waypoint(s)) 12 = Loiter (Defined in Message #2017) 13 - 14 = Reserved 13-14 15 = Autopilot (Autopilot Engaged, but Manual Override of UA Using Message #2016) 16 = Terrain Avoidance (Uses Unique ID 0043.05 to define clearance distance) 17 = NavAid (Slaved Navigation relative to a navigation beacon.) 18 = Reserved 18 19 = Autoland Engage 20 = Autoland Wave-off 21 = Launch 22 = Slave to Sensor 23 - 31 = Reserved 23-31 32 - 255 = Vehicle Specific Allows request or handover 0001.17 8 7 Requested Flight Mode Identifies which flight modes the CUCS is requesting authorisation to use. The first CUCS connecting at LOI 4/5 can always regain control of all flight modes by sending this message with the enumeration of “All Modes”. This field is only used when the requested / handover LOI is 4/5. The actual flight modes supported by this field are restricted to those of the LOI(s) shown in the requested / handover LOI field. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 60 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0001.09 9 8 Controlled Station 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform, does not include Payload Stations 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 0001.19 10 9 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 0001.20 11 10 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 61 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0001.14 12 11 Payload Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified/N/A 1 = EO 2 = IR 3 = EO/IR 4 = SAR 5 = Fixed Camera 6 = Comms Relay 7 = Dispensable Payload 8 = Recorder 9 = Payload Bay Door 10 = CBRN 11 = SMS 12 - 50 = Reserved 51 - 255 = VSM Specific 0001.15 13 12 Asset Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Relinquish/Handover 1 = Request 2 = Override 3 = Broadcast Request 0001.11 14 13 Wait for Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Don’t wait 1 = Wait for Message Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = See Table 4-35 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Presence Vector Ignored 1 = Presence Vector Used Wait for Message #34000 0001.12 15 14 CUCS Type Identifies the type name of CUCS; Numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 0001.13 16 15 CUCS Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 0001.18 17 16 Presence Vector Support This field indicates whether the CUCS uses the presence vector. If and only if both the CUCS and the VSM declare use of the presence vector will the CUCS and VSM utilize the presence vector in the message set to remove message parameters; otherwise, both the VSM and CUCS will implement the STANAG message set with all parameters present in all of the messages; the presence vector is ignored. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 62 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0001.21 18 17 Controlled Station 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 34: Message #1: CUCS Authorisation Request 8. Table 4-35 lists the CUCS Types of many current CUCSs. STANAG 4586 Custodian for the most current CUCS Type Table.) (Contact the CUCS Type CUCS Name 0 Not Identified 1 US Army One System 2 US Navy TCS 3 US Army MUM 4 US Army BDRVT 5 US Air Force Advanced Cockpit 6 Open Unmanned Mission Interface (UMI) – Defense Technologies Inc. (DTI) 7 US Army J-CUCS (Controller) 8 US Army J-CUCS (Manned User 1) 9 US Army J-CUCS (Manned User 2) 10 THALES Spy’C CUCS Table 4 - 35: CUCS Type Table AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 63 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 9. Table 4 - 36 lists the Vehicle Type IDs of many current UAs. The Custodian staff will add to this table as requested due to systems implementing or experimenting with STANAG 4586. Contact the STANAG 4586 Custodian for the most current Vehicle Type ID table. Vehicle Type ID Vehicle Name 0 Not Identified 1 BAMS UA 2 Crecerelle 3 Crecerelle GE 4 Eagle-1 5 MQ-8B Fire Scout (Navy) 6 RQ-4A Global Hawk A 7 Grasshopper 8 Moyen Duc 9 Petit Duc 10 Phoenix 11 MQ-1 Predator A 12 MQ-9 Predator B 13 Ranger 14 RQ-7 Shadow 200 15 Sperwer 16 Sperwer LE 17 RQ-2B Pioneer 18 Eagle Eye 19 RQ-5 Hunter 20 GHMD (Navy) 21 Mucke 22 Luna 23 KZO 24 Taifun 25 Fledermaus AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 64 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 26 Falco 27 Nibbo 28 Hermes 180 29 Hermes 450 30 RQ-4B Global Hawk B 31 MQ-1C Gray Eagle 32 ScanEagle A15 33 Vigilante 496 34 Vigilante 502 35 CamCopter S100 36 Little Bird 37 Neuron 38 Tier II (USMC) 39 RQ-14A - Dragon Eye 40 Silver Fox 41 SkyLark 1 42 Kestrel 43 Voyeur 44 Coyote 45 FCS Class I (YRQ-16A) 46 Reserved 47 Reserved 48 RQ-11A - Raven-B 49 Spyhawk 50 Wasp 51 Puma 52 Aerosonde 53 ScanEagle A20 54 Sky-X 55 Lince AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 65 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 56 Cobra 57 N-UCAS 58 Killer Bee 59 FCS Class IV (MQ-8B - Army) 60 GoldenEye 50 61 GoldenEye 80 62 Excalibur 63 Orion 64 STRIX-A 65 A -160 66 A-UAV SR 67 A-UAV FR 68 ORKA 69 Watchkeeper Air Vehicle WK450 70 HSUSV 71 CUSV 72 HERTI 73 Fire Shadow 74 RQ-21A 75 LookOut 76 SPY-V 77 Xr-T9 (Rotary wing UA series) 78 Xf-T9 (Fixed wing UA series) 79 Hermes 90 80 Hermes 900 81 Hermes 1500 82 Skylark 2 83 Boeing Experimental 1 84 Boeing Experimental 2 85 Boeing Experimental 3 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 66 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 86 Boeing Experimental 4 87 US Army Tier 1 Test UA 88 US Army Tier 2 Test UA 89 US Army Tier 3 Test UA 90 Switchblade 91 LEMV 92 Commercial Integrator 93 RQ-4 EuroHawk 94 RQ-1 Predator 95 Heron 96 Asio 97 Spyball 98 Centaur 99 Crex 100 Fury 101 Aerovironment Experimental 1 102 Aerovironment Experimental 2 103 Aerovironment Experimental 3 104 Aerovironment Experimental 4 105 Aerovironment Fixed Sensor 1 106 Aerovironment Fixed Sensor 2 107 Aerovironment Fixed Sensor 3 108 Aerovironment Mobile Sensor 1 109 Aerovironment Mobile Sensor 2 110 Aerovironment Mobile Sensor 3 111 Qube 112 Shrike 113 Global Observer 114 Thunder Quail 115 Avenger AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 67 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 116 ScanEagle ll 117 PATROLLER 118 Spy Owl 100 119 Spy Owl 200 120 Spy Owl 300 121 Persistent Threat Detection System (PTDS) 122 Maveric 123 US Army J-Bird 124 Heron- MALE 125 Heron TP (Turbo Prop) – MALE 126 Searcher MKIII – Tactical 127 Hunter – Tactical 128 Ranger – Tactical 129 Panther- Tactical VTOL 130 Mini Panther – Mini VTOL 131 Bird-Eye 400 – Mini 132 Bird Eye 650 – Mini 133 Ghost-Rotary Mini UAS 134 Electrical Tethered Observation Platform (ETOP) – Hovering Aerial System 135 OH-58 Kiowa Warrior 136 AH-64 Apache 137 Desert Hawk III 138 Indago 139 K-MAX 140 Stalker 141 Terminator 142 Lockheed Experimental 1 143 Lockheed Experimental 2 144 Lockheed Experimental 3 145 Lockheed Experimental 4 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 68 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 146 ScanEagle 2 147 AFRL Development A/C 1 148 AFRL Development A/C 2 149 AFRL Development A/C 3 150 Canada Abstracted Vehicle for Sensors 151 Spy’Arrow 152 Spy’Copter 153 Spy’Ranger 154 THALES Experimental 1 155 THALES Experimental 2 156 THALES Experimental 3 157 THALES Experimental 4 158 Altius 159 x < 216 Reserved Table 4 - 36: Vehicle Type IDs 4.2.2 Message #2: VSM Authorisation Response 1. This message shall be sent by the VSM/UA in response to a CUCS Authorisation Request Message (Message #1) received from a CUCS [DLI 3201]. If the request from the CUCS was a “Broadcast Request” or for unspecified connection access, and the Source ID received in the wrapper message is for an authorised CUCS, the VSM/UA shall respond once for each UA or payload that it can potentially control [DLI 3202]. For each UA/payload that the VSM/UA has granted monitor only or control and monitoring to a CUCS, the VSM/UA shall respond with its VSM ID (as applicable) and/or specific/logical Vehicle ID(s), the Access Authorized, LOI Authorized, and Access Granted fields set as granted to that CUCS for the controlled station and the vehicle type and vehicle sub-type fields set correctly to the controlling CUCS [DLI 3361]. For each UA/payload that the VSM/UA has not granted control to any CUCS, the VSM/UA shall respond with its VSM ID (as applicable) and/or specific/logical Vehicle ID(s), Access Authorized, Access Granted set as N/A, controlled station, payload type, vehicle type, and vehicle subtype to the requesting CUCS [DLI 3362]. Where a VSM is able to monitor only or control and monitor more than one UA/payload entity, this capability shall be relayed to the CUCS by the use of multiple instances of this message, one per available UA/payload combination [DLI 3363]. 2. If the CUCS requested a specified connection, monitor only or control and monitor, for a specific VSM ID/Vehicle ID and functionality in the Authorisation Request Message, then the VSM/UA shall respond with the Access Granted and Controlled Station Asset fields set as appropriate, with the Access Request field filled to echo the original request [DLI 3203]. If another CUCS is in control of the requested UA/payload, AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 69 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II the VSM/UA shall deny control to a second CUCS unless that CUCS is commanding an override for the requested functionality [DLI 3204]. If the granting of control of a UA/payload to a CUCS eliminates the potential control of another reported UA/payload entity, the VSM shall send this message to that CUCS ID indicating that the connection to the eliminated UA/payload is no longer available, (i.e., connection not authorized) [DLI 3205]. For example, a VSM may be able to potentially control two types of UA but only control one UA at a time. Once the VSM grants control of one of the UA types to a CUCS, the other type is no longer available for control. 3. A CUCS may monitor all VSM Authorisation Response Messages on the network, not only the messages directed to that CUCS. By monitoring all messages, a CUCS will know what UA/payloads are available for control/monitor and will know what UA/payloads are currently being controlled by other CUCS. This may be necessary to provide the override capability. 4. As specified above, the VSM Authorisation Response Message may be transmitted from a VSM to a CUCS without an authorized connection as it is used to report possible connections, and it is used to authorize connections. 5. The Presence Vector Support field can be used by the VSM and CUCS to enforce the use of the presence vector, when required by customer or regulatory requirements. The VSM will be required to support the presence vector capability and demonstrate this support via the minimum test set described in the SRD AEP-84.2 Validation/Test Guideline Document. However, should a specific system be designed in such a manner that full length messages are unable to be supported, then these systems can refuse to allow control by a CUCS declaring itself as not supporting the presence vector by setting the “LOI Authorized” field to 0x00 = Connection Not Authorized. 6. Assuming all other parameters in the CUCS Authorisation Request are acceptable for the VSM to grant control, then the logic applied to the Presence Vector Support field will be as follows: CUCS Indicates Presence Vector Support VSM Indicates Presence Vector Support Both CUCS and VSM utilize the presence vector within their messaging to support variable length messaging CUCS Indicates Presence Vector Support VSM Indicates No Presence Vector Support Both CUCS and VSM ignore the Presence Vector field and treat all PVs as if all bits are set (note that the bits need not be set by sender; the receiver will treat them as if they are set, regardless) AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 70 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II CUCS Indicates No Presence Vector Support VSM Indicates Presence Vector Support Both CUCS and VSM ignore the Presence Vector field and treat all PVs as if all bits are set (note that the bits need not be set by sender; the receiver will treat them as if they are set, regardless) CUCS Indicates No Presence Vector Support VSM Indicates No Presence Vector Support Both CUCS and VSM ignore the Presence Vector field and treat all PVs as if all bits are set (note that the bits need not be set by sender; the receiver will treat them as if they are set, regardless) Table 4 - 37: Presence Vector Support Field Logic Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0021.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0021.04 2 1 VSM ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0021.05 3 2 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0021.13 4 3 Access Authorized Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Connection Not Authorised 1 = Monitor Only 2 = Control & Monitor 3 = Relinquish/Handover 0021.09 5 4 Access Granted Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Monitor Only 2 = Control & Monitor 0021.06 6 5 LOI Authorized Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = Unspecified 0x01 = Not Authorized 0x02 = LOI 2 0x04 = LOI 3 0x08 = LOI 4 0x10 = LOI 5 0021.07 7 6 LOI Granted Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = N/A 0x01 = LOI 2 0x02 = LOI 3 0x04 = LOI 4 0x08 = LOI 5 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 71 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0021.16 8 7 Flight Modes Granted Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Mode 1 = All Modes 2 = Flight Director (Manual Control of UA using Message #2016, where UA autopilot is disengaged) 3 - 10 = Reserved 3-10 11 = Waypoint (Fly to predefined waypoint(s)) 12 = Loiter (Defined in Message #2017) 13 - 14 = Reserved 13-14 15 = Autopilot (Autopilot engaged, but manual override of UA using Message #2016) 16 = Terrain Avoidance (Uses Unique ID 0043.05 to define clearance distance) 17 = NavAid (Slaved Navigation relative to a navigation beacon.) 18 = Reserved 18 19 = Autoland Engage 20 = Autoland Wave-off 21 = Launch 22 = Slave to Sensor 23 - 31 = Reserved 23-31 32 - 255 = Vehicle Specific Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = No Change 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 Identifies which flight modes the CUCS is authorised to use. This field only contains valid data if the LOI Authorized is 4 or 5. 0021.08 9 8 Controlled Station 1-16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 72 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0002.07 10 9 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 0002.08 11 10 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 0021.12 12 11 Payload Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified/N/A 1 = EO 2 = IR 3 = EO/IR 4 = SAR 5 = Fixed Camera 6 = Comms Relay 7 = Dispensable Payload 8 = Recorder 9 = Payload Bay Door 10 = CBRN 11 = SMS 12 - 50 = Reserved 51 - 255 = VSM Specific 0021.15 13 12 Access Requested Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = Unspecified 0x01 = Monitor 0x02 = Control 0x04 = Broadcast Response 0x08 = Relinquish/ Handover This field echoes the access request that this response addresses. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 73 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0021.10 14 13 Vehicle Type Unsigned 2 Enumerated 0 - 65535 = See Table 4-36 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = See Table 4-35 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Presence Vector Ignored 1 = Presence Vector Used Identifies the type name of vehicle; numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 0021.11 15 14 Vehicle Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 0002.01 16 15 CUCS Type Identifies the type name of CUCS; Numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 0002.02 17 16 CUCS Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 0002.05 18 17 Presence Vector Support This field indicates whether the VSM uses the presence vector. If and only if both the CUCS and the VSM declare full support for the presence vector will the CUCS and VSM utilize the presence vector in the message set to remove message parameters; otherwise, both the VSM and CUCS will implement the STANAG message set by ignoring the presence vector field and populating all the message fields. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 74 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0002.09 19 18 Controlled Station 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = No Change 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 38: Message #2: VSM Authorisation Response 4.2.3 Message #3: Vehicle ID 1. This message shall be sent by a VSM/UA to the CUCS to identify the UA [DLI 3200]. The VSM ID shall be filled with the Null ID when this message is transmitted directly from a vehicle for which a ground based VSM does not exist [DLI 3357]. This message shall indicate a Tail Number of zero, and a Logical Vehicle ID (Source ID) if transmitted from a VSM, along with the VSM ID when there is no UA connected to the VSM [DLI 3358]. This message shall be sent by the VSM/UA whenever the contents of this message (Vehicle ID, tail number, Mission ID or ATC Call sign) change [DLI 3359]. The Vehicle ID Update field allows a VSM to change a logical Vehicle ID to a real Vehicle ID and vice versa. When the Vehicle ID Update field in this message is filled differently than the Source ID field in this message, this shall signify that the currently used Vehicle ID value is to be replaced with the Vehicle ID update value [DLI 3360]. 2. Upon initial connection with a VSM, after establishment (via Message #3) of vehicle type and vehicle subtype, an optional configuration process may be utilized to configure the CUCS. This configuration process will use a file in lieu of the configuration commands directly from the UA. If this option is utilized, it eliminates the need to send the configuration messages to configure the CUCS for the UA. 3. The binary-formatted file will contain the messages as they would be received from the VSM/UA directly via UDP. The first message in the file shall be Message #3, with the following fields required: 4 (Vehicle Type), 5 (Vehicle Subtype) & 6 (Owning ID) [DLI 3538]. Following Message #3 will be further messages, in the same binary format, for the particular UA’s configuration and setup. 4. If the file for the UA type, subtype or Owning ID, or if the checksum provided in Message #3 received from the UA does not match the checksum of the file local to the CUCS, the VSM/UA and CUCS configuration shall continue as defined below [DLI 3446]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 75 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0020.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0020.04 2 1 VSM ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0020.05 3 2 Vehicle ID Update Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 Unsigned 2 Enumerated 0 - 65535 = See Table 4-36 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None 1 ≤ x < 255 (See Section 1.7.6) Character 16 None Printable Character 20 None Printable Vehicle ID that will replace the current Vehicle ID. 0020.06 4 3 Vehicle Type Identifies the type name of vehicle; numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 0020.07 5 4 Vehicle Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 0020.08 6 5 Owning ID Identifies the owning country using STANAG 4586 maintained Owning ID Table. 0020.09 7 6 Tail Number Null terminated string with the tail number designated by the owning country’s certifying agency. 0020.10 8 7 Mission ID Identifies mission and (by reference) flight plan currently executing on this platform. 0020.11 9 8 ATC Call Sign Character 32 None Printable 0020.12 10 9 Configuration Checksum Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Identifies the checksum of the optional configuration file. Table 4 - 39: Message #3: Vehicle ID 4.2.4 Message #4: Positive Handover Authorisation Request 1. The Positive Handover Authorisation Request message shall be used to request control of a portion or all of the UA/payload functions via a positive handover [DLI 3822]. This message is sent from the CUCS that attempts to gain control of the UA/payload. The UA when receiving this message shall send it to each CUCS that is currently granted authority to use those requested functions [DLI 3823]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 76 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2. The first CUCS connecting at LOI 4/5 can always regain control of all flight modes by sending this message with the Requested Flight Mode enumeration of “All Modes”. This Requested Flight Mode field is only used when the requested/ handover LOI is 4/5. The actual Flight Modes supported by this field are restricted to those of the LOI(s) shown in the requested/handover LOI field. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0004.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0004.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0004.02 2 1 VSM ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0004.03 3 2 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 Unsigned 2 Enumerat ed 0 - 65535 = See Table 4-36 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Identifies the specific data link to process this message. 0004.04 4 3 Vehicle Type Identifies the type name of vehicle; numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 0004.05 5 4 Vehicle Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 0004.06 6 5 Requested/ Handover LOI Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = Unspecified 0x01 = NA 0x02 = LOI 2 0x04 = LOI 3 0x08 = LOI 4 0x10 = LOI 5 0004.07 7 6 Flight Mode Offset Unsigned 1 None x≤7 Offset added to Requested Flight Mode field bit values where: 0 = No Change 1 = 32 - 63 2 = 64 - 95 ... AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 77 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0004.08 8 7 Requested Flight Mode Type Units Range Unsigned 4 Bitmapped 0x00000001 = All Modes / Vehicle Specific 33, 65, 97, 129, 161, 193, 225 0x00000002 = Flight Director / Vehicle Specific 34, 66, 98, 130, 162, 194, 226 0x00000004 = Reserved 3 / Vehicle Specific 35, 67, 99, 131, 163, 195, 227 0x00000008 = Reserved 4 / Vehicle Specific 36, 68, 100, 132, 164, 196, 228 0x00000010 = Reserved 5 / Vehicle Specific 37, 69, 101, 133, 165, 197, 229 0x00000020 = Reserved 6 / Vehicle Specific 38, 70, 102, 134, 166, 198, 230 0x00000040 = Reserved 7 / Vehicle Specific 39, 71, 103, 135, 167, 199, 231 0x00000080 = Reserved 8 / Vehicle Specific 40, 72, 104, 136, 168, 200, 232 0x00000100 = Reserved 9 / Vehicle Specific 41, 73, 105, 137, 169, 201, 233 0x00000200 = Reserved 10 / Vehicle Specific 42, 74, 106, 138, 170, 202, 234 0x00000400 = Waypoint / Vehicle Specific 43, 75, 107, 139, 171, 203, 235 0x00000800 = Loiter / Vehicle Specific 44, 76, 108, 140, 172, 204, 236 0x00001000 = Reserved 13 / Vehicle Specific 45, 77, 109, 141, 173, 205, 237 0x00002000 = Reserved 14 / Vehicle Specific 46, 78, 110, 142, 174, 206, 238 0x00004000 = Autopilot / Vehicle Specific 47, 79, 111, 143, 175, 207, 239 0x00008000 = Terrain Avoidance / Vehicle Specific 48, 80, 112, 144, 176, 208, 240 0x00010000 = NavAid / Vehicle Specific 49, 81, 113, 145, 177, 209, 241 0x00020000 = Reserved 18 / Vehicle Specific 50, 82, 114, 146, 178, 210, 242 0x00040000 = Autoland Engage / Vehicle Specific 51, 83, 115, 147, 179, 211, 243 0x00080000 = Autoland Wave-off / Vehicle Specific 52, 84, 116, 148, 180, 212, 244 0x00100000 = Launch / Vehicle Specific 53, 85, 117, 149, 181, 213, 245 0x00200000 = Slave to Sensor / Vehicle Specific 54, 86, 118, 150, 182, 214, 246 0x00400000 = Reserved 23 / Vehicle Specific 55, 87, 119, 151, 183, 215, 247 0x00800000 = Reserved 24 / Vehicle Specific 56, 88, 120, 152, 184, 216, 248 0x01000000 = Reserved 25 / Vehicle Specific 57, 89, 121, 153, 185, 217, 249 0x02000000 = Reserved 26 / Vehicle Specific 58, 90, 122, 154, 186, 218, 250 0x04000000 = Reserved 27 / Vehicle Specific 59, 91, 123, 155, 187, 219, 251 0x08000000 = Reserved 28 / Vehicle Specific 60, 92, 124, 156, 188, 220, 252 0x10000000 = Reserved 29 / Vehicle Specific 61, 93, 125, 157, 189, 221, 253 0x20000000 = Reserved 30 / Vehicle Specific 62, 94, 126, 158, 190, 222, 254 0x40000000 = Reserved 31 / Vehicle Specific 63, 95, 127, 159, 191, 223, 255 0x80000000 = Vehicle Specific 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224 / NA Identifies which flight modes the CUCS is requesting authorisation to use. If Flight Mode Offset is 0, then bit 1 of this field is for Flight Mode enumeration 1 (All Modes). If Flight Mode Offset is 1, then bit 1 of this field is for Flight Mode enumeration 33 (Vehicle Specific). ... AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 78 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0004.09 9 8 0004.10 10 9 Type Units Range Controlled Station 116 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform, does not include Payload Stations 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 0004.11 11 10 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 79 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0004.12 12 11 Requesting CUCS Type Type Units Range Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = See Table 4-35 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Identifies the type name of CUCS; Numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 0004.13 13 12 Requesting CUCS Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 0004.14 14 13 Requesting CUCS ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0004.15 15 14 Presence Vector Support Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Presence Vector Ignored 1 = Presence Vector Used This field indicates whether the CUCS uses the presence vector. If and only if both the CUCS and the VSM declare use of the presence vector will the CUCS and VSM utilize the presence vector in the message set to remove message parameters; otherwise, both the VSM and CUCS will implement the STANAG message set with all parameters present in all of the messages; the presence vector is ignored. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 80 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0004.16 16 15 Controlled Station 17-32 Type Units Range Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 40: Message #4: Positive Handover Authorisation Request 4.2.5 Message #5: Positive Handover Authorisation Granted Message The Positive Handover Authorisation Granted Message shall be used to indicate what functions, which were requested by another CUCS, have been authorised for the requesting CUCS [DLI 3824]. This message shall be sent by the CUCS in response to Message #4, Positive Handover Authorisation Request [DLI 3825]. When the UA receives this message, it shall send this message to the CUCS that requested the Authorization [DLI 3826]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0005.00 0 - 0005.01 1 0005.02 Type Units Range Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 2 1 VSM ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0005.03 3 2 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0005.04 4 3 LOI Authorized Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = Unspecified 0x01 = Not Authorized 0x02 = LOI 2 0x04 = LOI 3 0x08 = LOI 4 0x10 = LOI 5 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 81 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0005.05 5 4 Flight Mode Offset Offset added to Requested Flight Mode field bit values where: Type Units Range Unsigned 1 None x≤7 0 = No Change 1 = 32 - 63 2 = 64 - 95 ... AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 82 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0005.06 6 5 Flight Modes Authorized Unsigned 4 Bitmapped 0x00000001 = All Modes / Vehicle Specific 33, 65, 97, 129, 161, 193, 225 0x00000002 = Flight Director / Vehicle Specific 34, 66, 98, 130, 162, 194, 226 0x00000004 = Reserved 3 / Vehicle Specific 35, 67, 99, 131, 163, 195, 227 0x00000008 = Reserved 4 / Vehicle Specific 36, 68, 100, 132, 164, 196, 228 0x00000010 = Reserved 5 / Vehicle Specific 37, 69, 101, 133, 165, 197, 229 0x00000020 = Reserved 6 / Vehicle Specific 38, 70, 102, 134, 166, 198, 230 0x00000040 = Reserved 7 / Vehicle Specific 39, 71, 103, 135, 167, 199, 231 0x00000080 = Reserved 8 / Vehicle Specific 40, 72, 104, 136, 168, 200, 232 0x00000100 = Reserved 9 / Vehicle Specific 41, 73, 105, 137, 169, 201, 233 0x00000200 = Reserved 10 / Vehicle Specific 42, 74, 106, 138, 170, 202, 234 0x00000400 = Waypoint / Vehicle Specific 43, 75, 107, 139, 171, 203, 235 0x00000800 = Loiter / Vehicle Specific 44, 76, 108, 140, 172, 204, 236 0x00001000 = Reserved 13 / Vehicle Specific 45, 77, 109, 141, 173, 205, 237 0x00002000 = Reserved 14 / Vehicle Specific 46, 78, 110, 142, 174, 206, 238 0x00004000 = Autopilot / Vehicle Specific 47, 79, 111, 143, 175, 207, 239 0x00008000 = Terrain Avoidance / Vehicle Specific 48, 80, 112, 144, 176, 208, 240 0x00010000 = NavAid / Vehicle Specific 49, 81, 113, 145, 177, 209, 241 0x00020000 = Reserved 18 / Vehicle Specific 50, 82, 114, 146, 178, 210, 242 0x00040000 = Autoland Engage / Vehicle Specific 51, 83, 115, 147, 179, 211, 243 0x00080000 = Autoland Wave-off / Vehicle Specific 52, 84, 116, 148, 180, 212, 244 0x00100000 = Launch / Vehicle Specific 53, 85, 117, 149, 181, 213, 245 0x00200000 = Slave to Sensor / Vehicle Specific 54, 86, 118, 150, 182, 214, 246 0x00400000 = Reserved 23 / Vehicle Specific 55, 87, 119, 151, 183, 215, 247 0x00800000 = Reserved 24 / Vehicle Specific 56, 88, 120, 152, 184, 216, 248 0x01000000 = Reserved 25 / Vehicle Specific 57, 89, 121, 153, 185, 217, 249 0x02000000 = Reserved 26 / Vehicle Specific 58, 90, 122, 154, 186, 218, 250 0x04000000 = Reserved 27 / Vehicle Specific 59, 91, 123, 155, 187, 219, 251 0x08000000 = Reserved 28 / Vehicle Specific 60, 92, 124, 156, 188, 220, 252 0x10000000 = Reserved 29 / Vehicle Specific 61, 93, 125, 157, 189, 221, 253 0x20000000 = Reserved 30 / Vehicle Specific 62, 94, 126, 158, 190, 222, 254 0x40000000 = Reserved 31 / Vehicle Specific 63, 95, 127, 159, 191, 223, 255 0x80000000 = Vehicle Specific 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224 / NA Identifies which flight modes the CUCS is authorisation to use. This field only contains valid data if the LOI Authorized is 4 or 5. If Flight Mode Offset is 0, then bit 1 of this field is for Flight Mode enumeration 1 (All Modes). If Flight Mode Offset is 1, then bit 1 of this field is for Flight Mode enumeration 33 (Vehicle Specific). ... AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 83 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0005.07 7 6 Controlled Station 1 16 Authorized Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = No Change 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 0005.08 8 7 Component Number Authorized Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 0005.09 9 8 Sub-Component Number Authorized Location ID on a given Component Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 84 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0005.10 10 9 Vehicle Type Identifies the type name of vehicle; numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 0005.11 11 10 Vehicle Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 0005.12 12 11 Requesting CUCS Type Type Units Range Unsigned 2 Enumerat ed 0 - 65535 = See Table 4-36 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = See Table 4-35 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Identifies the type name of CUCS; Numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 0005.13 13 12 Requesting CUCS Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 0005.14 14 13 Requesting CUCS ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0005.15 15 14 Presence Vector Support Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Presence Vector Ignored 1 = Presence Vector Used This field indicates whether the VSM uses the presence vector. If and only if both the CUCS and the VSM declare full support for the presence vector will the CUCS and VSM utilize the presence vector in the message set to remove message parameters; otherwise, both the VSM and CUCS will implement the STANAG message set by ignoring the presence vector field and populating all the message fields. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 85 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0005.16 16 15 Controlled Station 17-32 Authorized Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = No Change 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 41: Message #5: Positive Handover Authorisation Granted 4.3 Flight Vehicle Command Messages 4.3.1 Message #2000: Vehicle Configuration Command This message shall be used to initialize the UA energy storage unit to its current state as required, usually in preparation for launch [DLI 3206]. This message shall be sent from the CUCS to the VSM whenever the UA configuration is changed [DLI 3207]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0040.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 2000.01 2 1 Energy Storage Unit Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 0.002 % No Restrictions 0 = Aggregate of all storage units (added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1). 0040.04 3 2 Initial Propulsion Energy Amount of usable propulsion energy with respect to the maximum usable propulsion energy for this energy storage unit configuration. Table 4 - 42: Message #2000: Vehicle Configuration Command 4.3.2 Message #2005: Flight Termination Command This message shall be used to provide means for the CUCS to issue a flight termination command to the VSM [DLI 3216]. To accomplish flight termination, this message shall be sent twice with two different values in field 2 (once to arm, and a second time to execute) [DLI 3217]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 86 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2005.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0046.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0046.04 2 1 Commanded Flight Termination State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Reset FT System 1 = Arm FT System 2 = Execute FT Seq. 0046.05 3 2 Flight Termination Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified 1 - 255 = VSM specific 2005.01 4 3 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 43: Message #2005: Flight Termination Command 4.3.3 Message #2007: Unmanned Aircraft Lights This message shall be used by the CUCS to control the UA lights [DLI 3214]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2007.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0044.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0044.04 2 1 Set Lights Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Nav 0x0002 = NavIR 0x0004 = Strobe 0x0008 = StrobeIR 0x0010 = NVD 0x0020 = Reserved 0x0040 = Landing 0x0080 = LandingIR 0x0100 = Vehicle Specific 1 0x0200 = Vehicle Specific 2 0x0400 = Vehicle Specific 3 0x0800 = Vehicle Specific 4 0x1000 = Vehicle Specific 5 0x2000 = Vehicle Specific 6 0x4000 = Vehicle Specific 7 0x8000 = Vehicle Specific 8 Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions When a bit is set the lights are commanded on, when the bit is cleared the lights are commanded off. 2007.01 3 2 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 44: Message #2007: Unmanned Aircraft Lights 4.3.4 Message #2008: Engine Command 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to control the UA engines [DLI 3215]. It is sent for each engine. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 87 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the UA capability to support the fields commanded in Message #2008 [DLI 3368]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25 General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2008.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0045.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0045.04 2 1 Engine Number Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions ID of engine currently being commanded 0045.05 3 2 Engine Command Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stop 1 = Start 2 = Enable/Run 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 2008.20 4 3 Reverse Thrust Power Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off-All Engines 1 = On-All Engines 2 = Auto-All Engines 3 = Not Specified 4 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 2008.21 5 4 Reverse Thrust For turbojets, it is applicable for thrust reversers; for props, it is applicable for reverse prop pitch. Enumeration 3 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 2008.22 6 5 Ignition Switch Power Power to the engine ignition circuit. Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 2008.23 7 6 Ignition Switch Activation Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 2008.01 8 7 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 45: Message #2008: Engine Command AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 88 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.3.5 Message #2009: Zeroize Encryption Keys Command This message shall be used by the CUCS to request that the encryption keys zeroize [DLI 3539]. The VSM will perform the appropriate zeroize operations for the ground and/or the VDTs for that UA’s data links. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2009.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 2009.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 2009.02 2 1 Zeroize Unmanned Aircraft Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Ignore 1 = Command Zeroize Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Ignore 1 = Command Zeroize Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Zeroizes all keys in vehicle 2009.03 3 2 Zeroize GCS Zeroizes all keys in ground control system associated with the specified Vehicle ID. If Vehicle ID = 0, applies to all GCS encryption equipment controlled by the VSM. 2009.04 4 3 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 46: Message #2009: Zeroize Encryption Keys Command 4.3.6 Message #2010: UA Stick Command The UA Stick Command Message is used to control the UA flight surface and taxi related functions. The UA Stick Command Message shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and the UA without an authorized connection [DLI 3540]. This message shall be used to send UA stick commands from the CUCS to the UA [DLI 3541]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2010.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 2010.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 2010.02 2 1 Lateral Stick Integer 1 None -127 ≤ x Integer 1 None -127 ≤ x Integer 1 None -127 ≤ x -127 is full left, 0 is centre, 127 is full right 2010.03 3 2 Longitudinal Stick -127 is full back, 0 is centre, 127 is full front 2010.04 4 3 Rotational Stick (Rudder) -127 is full counter clockwise, 0 is centre, 127 is full clockwise AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 89 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2010.05 5 4 Throttle Stick - Engine 1 Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Integer 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Integer 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Integer 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Integer 1 None No Restrictions Integer 1 None -127 ≤ x 0 is idle, 255 is full 2010.06 6 5 Pitch Stick - Engine 1 -127 is full reverse, 0 is neutral, 127 is full forward/up, -128 feather 2010.07 7 6 Throttle Stick - Engine 2 0 is idle, 255 is full 2010.08 8 7 Pitch Stick - Engine 2 -127 is full reverse, 0 is neutral, 127 is full forward/up, -128 feather 2010.09 9 8 Throttle Stick - Engine 3 0 is idle, 255 is full 2010.10 10 9 Pitch Stick - Engine 3 -127 is full reverse, 0 is neutral, 127 is full forward/up, -128 feather 2010.11 11 10 Throttle Stick - Engine 4 0 is idle, 255 is full 2010.12 12 11 Pitch Stick - Engine 4 -127 is full reverse, 0 is neutral, 127 is full forward/up, -128 feather 2010.13 13 12 Taxi Stick -127 is full left, 0 is centre, 127 is full right Table 4 - 47: Message #2010: UA Stick Command 4.3.7 Message #2011: Area Transmission Command The Area Transmission Command Message shall be sent from the CUCS to the UA or from the UA to the CUCS to indicate that a new area definition is about to be transmitted [DLI 3542]. The CUCS can also send the message to the UA to request the transmission of an area. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2011.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 2011.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 2011.02 2 1 UA Cruise Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 2011.03 3 2 Area Min Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 2011.04 4 3 Area Max Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 90 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2011.05 5 4 Area Safety Offset Unsigned 2 m No Restrictions Distance from edge of defined “Stay In” polygon before a manoeuvre is required to avoid crossing the edge of the polygon. 2011.06 6 5 Area Transfer Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Assigned 1 = Initiate Upload 2 = Upload Complete 3 = Initiate Download 4 = Download Complete 5 = Request Transmission 6 = Cancel Upload 7 = Verify Upload 2011.07 7 6 Area ID Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None 1≤x Unique ID for area 0 = Download all areas 2011.08 8 7 Area Loop Count Number of polygon loops defined for this Area Table 4 - 48: Message #2011: Area Transmission Command 4.3.8 Message #2012: Area Polygon Loop Segment Message 1. This message shall be used to define an area [DLI 3543]. An area can be made up of one or more polygons. A single polygon (also called a loop) is made up of a set of vertices. A single polygon cannot have crossed lines. These polygons can define safe airspace (Zone Mode set to “Stay in”), they can define restricted airspace (Zone Mode set to “Keep Out”) or other areas as defined in this message. The figure below shows examples of how polygons go toward forming an area. If “Keep In” and “Stay Out” polygons in an area overlap, the polygon with the higher polygon ID will be active for the overlapped area. 2. Field ten of Message #2012 Area Polygon Loop Segment Message is stated as being a “Vertices List.” This is an array of up to 50 latitude and longitude pairs. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 91 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Figure 4 - 11: Valid Area Examples Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2012.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 2012.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 2012.02 2 1 Area ID Unsigned 1 None 1≤x Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Keep Out 1 = Stay In 2 = Surveillance 3 = No Collection 4 = No Emission 5 - 255 = Vehicle Specific Unsigned 1 None 1<x Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Unique identifier of the area this polygon is a member of. 2012.03 3 2 Activity Type Identifies the activity with (non-zero Activity ID) to which this constraint is to be applied 2012.04 4 3 Polygon ID A unique identifier for this polygon 2012.05 5 4 Polygon Start Time Used to identify the absolute time that this polygon definition begins. 2012.06 6 5 Polygon End Time Used to identify the absolute time that this polygon definition ends. 2012.07 7 6 Number of Segments in this polygon (Loop) Unsigned 1 None 1<x 2012.08 8 7 Loop segment number Unsigned 1 None 1<x 2012.09 9 8 Number of Vertices in this Segment (n) Unsigned 1 None 3 < x ≤ 50 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 92 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range Vertices List: repeated fields begin (where n = 1 to "Number of Vertices in this Segment (n)") 2012.10 - 8 Latitude #<n> Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 2012.12 - 8 Longitude #<n> Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Vertices List: repeated fields end (where n = 1 to "Number of Vertices in this Segment (n)") 2012.11 110 9 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 49: Message #2012: Area Polygon Loop Segment Message 4.3.9 Message #2013: Joystick Command 1. This message shall be used to send joystick input data to the UA [DLI 3544]. A joystick may be used to control any number of controllable elements exposed by the vehicle system. 2. This message shall be used to provide the UA with joystick data from the CUCS [DLI 3545]. This message is constructed so that the CUCS can send a set of joystick inputs in one or more messages. A CUCS may send one or multiple messages to report a single set of joystick inputs. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2013.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 2013.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 2013.02 2 1 Number of Analogue Inputs Reported Unsigned 1 None x ≤ 32 Identifies the number of analogue inputs reported in this message Analog Inputs: repeated fields begin (where n = 1 to "Number of Analogue Inputs Reported") 2013.03 - 1 Controllable Analog Element ID #<n> Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Integer 1 None -127 ≤ x Identifies the analogue device being controlled 2013.04 - 1 Axis Control Value #<n> -127 is Axis Min (full back, left, or counter clockwise); 127 is Axis Max (full front, right or clockwise) Analog Inputs: repeated fields end (where n = 1 to "Number of Analogue Inputs Reported") 2013.05 67 2 Number of Discrete Inputs Reported Unsigned 1 None x ≤ 32 Identifies the number of discrete inputs reported in this message AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 93 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range Discrete Inputs: repeated fields begin (where n = 1 to "Number of Discrete Inputs Reported") 2013.06 - 2 Controllable Discrete Element ID #<n> Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Integer 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On Identifies the discrete device being controlled 2013.07 - 2 Discrete Control Value #<n> 0 is button not pressed; 1 is button pressed Discrete Inputs: repeated fields end (where n = 1 to "Number of Discrete Inputs Reported") Table 4 - 50: Message #2013: Joystick Command 4.3.10 Message #2014: Emergency Mode Command This message shall be used to transmit the Emergency Mode to the VSM/UA that the UA should enter if not in the Waypoint Flight Path Control Mode [DLI 3546]. The value of Unique ID 2014.09 shall be greater or equal to Contingency Delay A (Unique ID 2014.03) [DLI 3815]. The value of Unique ID 2014.10 shall be greater or equal to Contingency Delay B (Unique ID 2014.06 [DLI 3816]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2014.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 2014.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 2014.02 2 1 Contingency A Command Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Bypass 1 = Waypoint 2 = Glide 3 = Take-off Climb 4 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 2014.03 3 2 Contingency A Delay Unsigned 2 s No Restrictions 2014.09 4 3 Required Manual Restore Time A Unsigned 2 s No Restrictions Unsigned 2 None 1≤x Time prior to UA executing loss link manoeuvre where restoration of the link will not result in automatic recovery of CUCS control. (Contingency flight path is latched). CUCS control is regained when a Resume From Contingency = to 1 is received. 2014.04 5 4 Contingency A Waypoint Number AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 94 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2014.05 6 5 Contingency B Command Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Bypass 1 = Waypoint 2 = Glide 3 = Take-off Climb 4 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 2014.06 7 6 Contingency B Delay Unsigned 2 s No Restrictions 2014.10 8 7 Required Manual Restore Time B Unsigned 2 s No Restrictions Time prior to UA executing loss link manoeuvre where restoration of the link will not result in automatic recovery of CUCS control. (Contingency flight path is latched). CUCS control is regained when a Resume From Contingency = to 1 is received. 2014.07 9 8 Contingency B Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1≤x 2014.08 10 9 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Do Not Exit Latched 1 = Exit Latched State Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity 2014.11 11 10 Resume From Contingency Commands the UA to exit from a Contingency latched state are determined by the Manual Restore Time. Table 4 - 51: Message #2014: Emergency Mode Command 4.3.11 Message #2015: Energy Storage Unit Configuration This message shall be sent from the UA/VSM to the CUCS to indicate the capacity of each energy storage unit [DLI 3547]. This command shall not be sent if only one energy storage unit is present. Message #3000 shall be used if only one energy storage unit is present [DLI 3548]. If multiple energy storage units are present and the total of the capacity does not equal the value(s) specified in Message #3000, then the energy values in Message # 3000 will be ignored. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2015.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 2015.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 95 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2015.02 2 1 Energy Storage Unit ID Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Float kg No Restrictions Float J No Restrictions Identifies particular energy storage unit (e.g., fuel tank, battery bank) on the vehicle. 2015.03 3 2 Propulsion Fuel Capacity Amount of weight in fuel that can be carried in this energy storage unit. <0: Not Applicable 2015.04 4 3 Propulsion Battery Capacity <0: Not Applicable Table 4 - 52: Message #2015: Energy Storage Unit Configuration 4.3.12 Message #2016: Vehicle Operating Mode Command 1. This message shall be used to control the Vehicle Operating Mode [DLI 3209]. The Vehicle Operating Mode defines the system behaviour and establishes how commands shall be interpreted [DLI 3210]. The behaviours established include vehicle flight path response. The intent of these behaviours is to provide a standard way of expressing common operating modes and tactics. The specific implementation is left up to the vehicle manufacturer. 2. This message shall be used to provide the ability to command a new flight vector to the UA [DLI 3211]. Such commands are generated by manual input. Upon receipt of this message, the UA’s response shall be to immediately enter into a manoeuvre to achieve the new desired flight state [DLI 3212]. The UA’s responsibility shall be to avoid unsafe flight states during the manoeuvre to answer the new command [DLI 3213]. 3. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the UA capability to support the fields commanded in Message #2016, dependent on the current Flight Mode [DLI 3367]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25 General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2016.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 2016.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 96 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0042.04 2 1 Select Flight Path Control Mode Type Units Range Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Mode 1 = Reserved 1 2 = Flight Director 3 - 10 = Reserved 3-10 11 = Waypoint (Fly to predefined waypoint(s) Altitude and Airspeed in route are taken from waypoint messages #13002 UA Position Waypoint) 12 = Loiter 13 - 14 = Reserved 13-14 15 = Autopilot (Autopilot engaged, but manual override of UA) 16 = Terrain Avoidance (Uses Unique ID 0043.05 to define clearance distance) 17 = NavAid (Slaved Navigation relative to a navigation beacon.) 18 = Reserved 18 19 = Autoland Engage 20 = Autoland Wave-off 21 = Launch 22 = Slave to Sensor 23 = Fly Contingency A 24 = Fly Contingency B 25 = Slave to Location 26 - 31 = Reserved 26-31 32 - 255 = Vehicle Specific Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified 1 = Altitude 2 = Vertical Speed 3 = Rate-limited altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Specifies the method for controlling the vehicle’s flight path. Manual control modes lie in the range 1-10, automatic control modes lie in the range 11-31 0043.04 3 2 Altitude Command Type Enumeration 0 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0043.05 4 3 Commanded Altitude Altitude hold value to be achieved (ignored in Altitude Command Type = 2). 0043.06 5 4 Commanded Vertical Speed Vertical Speed value to be achieved (Used in Altitude Command Type = 2, ignored in Altitude Command Type = 1, used as rate limit in Altitude Command Type = 3). AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 97 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0043.07 6 5 Heading Command Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified 1 = Heading 2 = Course 3 = Heading and Course 4 = Roll 5 = Heading Rate Enumeration 0 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0043.21 7 6 Heading Reference Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = True North 1 = Magnetic North 0043.08 8 7 Commanded Heading Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 0.005 rad/s No Restrictions Integer 2 0.005 rad/s No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 2 0.5 m/s x ≤ 10,000 Heading hold value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 1 and 3, ignored in Heading Command Type = 2, 4, and 5). Provided in True North if Heading Reference is 0, and in Magnetic North if Heading Reference is 1. 0043.09 9 8 Commanded Course Course value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 2 and 3, ignored in Heading Command Type = 1, 4 and 5) 0043.10 10 9 Commanded Turn Rate Heading or Course turn rate value to be achieved (Used in Heading Command Type = 1 thru 3, and 5) A zero commanded rate indicates that the UA should use its default rates for the Applicable Heading Command type mode (i.e., Does not apply to Heading Command Type = 5). 0043.11 11 10 Commanded Roll Rate Roll rate value to be achieved (used in Heading Command Type = 4) A zero commanded rate indicates that the UA should use its default rates. 0043.12 12 11 Commanded Roll (Used in Heading Command Type = 4) 0043.13 13 12 Commanded Speed AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 98 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0043.14 14 13 Speed Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Indicated Airspeed 1 = True Airspeed 2 = Ground Speed 3 = Thrust Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 Unsigned 2 10 Pa x ≤ 107,500 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Defines speed type (reference frame) for all speed related fields in this message. 0043.15 15 14 Commanded Waypoint Number As defined in Section 4.12, Mission Messages. 0043.16 16 15 Altimeter Setting Local Barometric pressure at sea level. Used to correct pressure altitude to barometric altitude. 0043.17 17 16 Altitude Type Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 0043.18 18 17 Loiter Position Latitude Manual Loiter position latitude command. 0043.19 19 18 Loiter Position Longitude Manual Loiter position longitude command. 0041.15 20 19 Loiter Altitude Change Behaviour Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Manual 1 = Critical Altitude 2 = Gradual 3 = Max Rate (ROC/ROD) 4 = UAV Dependent (Optimum Performance) 5 = Not Defined 2002.02 21 20 Thrust Direction Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Direction that the thrust is directed. 2002.03 22 21 Thrust Unsigned 1 % No Restrictions 2016.02 23 22 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 53: Message #2016: Vehicle Operating Mode Command AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 99 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.3.13 Message #2017: Loiter Configuration 1. This message shall be used to command the loiter pattern that the UA uses when in the Loiter Flight Mode [DLI 3208]. (Refer to Message #2016 Vehicle Operating Mode Command). The loiter position is defined by Unique ID 0043.18 – Loiter Position Latitude and Unique ID 0043.19 – Loiter Position Longitude. 2. If the “Loiter Length” is specified in time, the time is for the inbound leg of the loiter pattern. The inbound leg is, by convention, the first tangent leg the UA flies. The “Time” and the “Loiter Speed” (0041.11 and 0041.12) determine the distance travelled on the inbound leg. The UA adjusts the outbound leg time to be able to travel that same distance on the outbound leg while maintaining speed. 3. Loiter patterns can be repeated using the “Loiter Duration” field. Repetition can be specified as the number of laps or the total time to execute the pattern using the “Loiter Duration Units” field. 4. Loiter entry and exit behaviour is UA-dependent, including what to do when “Loiter Duration” is specified in time and there is insufficient time to complete another lap. 5. The ATC Hold pattern (0041.04 = 5) is intended to be used to support a standard hold pattern for air traffic control. It has the same shape as the Racetrack pattern, but the primary difference is that pattern is not centred at the loiter point. Rather, the inbound leg terminates at the loiter point, also known as the holding fix. Thus, the “Loiter Bearing” and “Loiter Direction” have a significant impact to the footprint of the ATC Hold pattern relative to the loiter point. The ATC Hold pattern is available when the UA can properly execute the pattern described. Alternatively, the CUCS may transform the parameters provided by ATC into a Racetrack pattern (0041.04 = 2) to send to the UA. 6. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the UA capability to support the fields commanded in Message #2017 [DLI 3366]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25 General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2017.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 2017.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0041.04 2 1 Loiter Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Circular 2 = Racetrack 3 = Figure 8 4 = Hover 5 = ATC Hold 6 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 0041.05 3 2 Loiter Radius Unsigned 2 1.5 m 1.5 ≤ x The radius of the turn for Circular, Racetrack, and Figure 8 patterns. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 100 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0041.06 4 3 Loiter Length Unsigned 2 1.5 m or 1.5 s 0<x Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Distance (m) 1 = Time (s) Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Vehicle Dependent 1 = Clockwise 2 = Counter-Clockwise 3 = Into the wind Used for Racetrack and Figure 8 to define length of pattern, centred around the Loiter Point (defined in Message #2016) in the direction of the Loiter Bearing. 2004.01 5 4 Loiter Length Units Used for specifying the units of measurement for the Loiter Length. Timebased loiter lengths only apply to Racetrack patterns. 0041.07 6 5 Loiter Bearing The bearing of the loiter pattern, referenced to the Loiter Point (defined in Message #2016), from True North. 0041.08 7 6 Loiter Direction Defines direction of turn, viewed from above, when rounding the loiter point defined by “Vehicle Steering Command” Message (Message #2016). 2004.15 8 7 Flying Behaviour Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Flyby 1 = Flyover 2 = Vehicle Discretion (added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1) 2004.17 9 8 Loiter Duration Unsigned 2 User Specified No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Lap 1=s Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Expected duration of a loiter. A zero value indicates forever. 2004.18 10 9 Loiter Duration Units Specifies the units of measurement for Loiter Duration (2004.17). 2017.02 11 10 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 54: Message #2017: Loiter Configuration AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 101 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.3.14 Message #2018: Slave to Sensor Configuration 1. Slave to sensor is an UA Flight Mode where the positioning of the UA is with respect to the sensor's reported stare point location. The UA maneuvers to maintain itself at a range (offset distance) and bearing (offset direction) relative to the target location (reported sensor stare point). The UA will use the specified offset distance and offset direction to calculate the required UA loiter location with respect to the target location. The look down angle is relative to the centre of the loiter pattern. 2. The CUCS shall transmit this message to the UA/VSM to provide a “Slave to Sensor Offset” distance and “Slave to Sensor Direction” to the UA [DLI 3772]. The UA shall use the offset distance and offset direction to calculate it’s loiter location with respect to the reported starepoint location while in Slave to Sensor Flight Mode [DLI 3773]. 3. This message shall be used to link a specific sensor to the Slave to Sensor Flight Mode [DLI 3774]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2018.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 2018.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 19800.02 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 19800.03 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 102 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19800.04 4 3 Sub-Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Component Location 19800.05 5 4 Slave To Sensor Offset Integer 4 m No Restrictions 19800.06 6 5 Slave To Sensor Direction Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 19800.07 7 6 Slave To Sensor Look Down Angle Integer 2 BAM 0 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0 = Look down angle is not defined 19800.08 8 7 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 19801.05 9 8 Addressed Sensor Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = EO 0x02 = IR 0x04 = Payload Specific Identifies which sensor (s) to control where applicable. Laser pointers and rangefinders integrated with an EO/IR sensor are not considered a separate sensor. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 103 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19801.06 10 9 Link Sensor Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Un-Linked 1 = Linked Determines it the Slave to Sensor flight mode is linked to this sensor. Only one sensor can be linked at a time. 0041.04 11 10 Loiter Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Circular 2 = Racetrack 3 = Figure 8 4 = Hover 5 = ATC Hold 6 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 0041.05 12 11 Loiter Radius Unsigned 2 1.5 m 1.5 ≤ x Unsigned 2 1.5 m or 1.5 s 0<x Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Distance (m) 1 = Time (s) Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Vehicle Dependent 1 = Clockwise 2 = Counter-Clockwise 3 = Into the wind Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Flyby 1 = Flyover 2 = Vehicle Discretion (added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1) The radius of the turn for Circular, Racetrack, and Figure 8 patterns. 0041.06 13 12 Loiter Length Used for Racetrack and Figure 8 to define length of pattern, centred around the Loiter Point (defined in Message #2016) in the direction of the Loiter Bearing. 2004.01 14 13 Loiter Length Units Used for specifying the units of measurement for the Loiter Length. Timebased loiter lengths only apply to Racetrack patterns. 0041.07 15 14 Loiter Bearing The bearing of the loiter pattern, referenced to the Loiter Point (defined in Message #2016), from True North. 0041.08 16 15 Loiter Direction Defines direction of turn, viewed from above, when rounding the loiter point. 2004.15 17 16 Flying Behaviour AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 104 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2004.17 18 17 Loiter Duration Unsigned 2 User Specified No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Lap 1=s Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Expected duration of a loiter. A zero value indicates forever. 2004.18 19 18 Loiter Duration Units Specifies the units of measurement for Loiter Duration (2004.17). 2018.02 20 19 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 55: Message #2018: Slave to Sensor Configuration 4.3.15 Message #2019: Slave to Location Configuration 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to identify the absolute reference system for locations, relative routes and their associated waypoints [DLI 3218]. The intent of this message is to allow specification of vehicle flight relative to a specific location, support moving platforms for launch and recovery, and to support usage of reusable “route templates” (e.g., for search patterns). This message shall be provided prior to commanding programmed flight along any relative route, and updated as necessary otherwise [DLI 3219]. When used to specify relative route and waypoint locations Unique ID 2006.02 shall be set to a value of “0” [DLI 3804]. 2. When used to specify slave to location, Unique ID 2006.02 shall be set to a value of “1” [DLI 3805]. Slave to location is an UA Flight Mode where the positioning of the UA is with respect to the reference location provided in this message. The intent is to command the vehicle to maneuver so that it maintains itself at a range (offset distance) and bearing (offset direction) and altitude/looking angle relative to the provided slave to location. The UA will use the specified offset distance, offset direction and relative altitude/looking angle to calculate the required UA loiter location with respect to the provided slave to location. 3. The CUCS shall transmit this message to the UA/VSM to provide a “Slave to Location Offset” distance, “Offset” direction and “Relative Altitude”/”Looking Angle” to the UA [DLI 3806]. The vehicle shall use the “Offset” distance and “Offset” direction from the “Latitude” and “Longitude” provided in this message to calculate it’s loiter location while in Slave to Location Flight Mode [DLI 3807]. The UA shall also use the “Location Altitude” and the “Relative Altitude”/”Looking Angle” to set its own altitude [DLI 3808]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2019.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 2019.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 105 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0047.04 2 1 0047.05 3 0047.06 4 Type Units Range Location Latitude (Y-axis zero) Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 2 Location Longitude (Xaxis zero) Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 3 Location Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message 0047.07 5 4 Location Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0047.08 6 5 Orientation Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Character 33 None No Restrictions Defines heading of Y-axis for relative routes or bearing from vehicle to offset location for slaved to location. 0047.09 7 6 Route ID Text identifier of route, or null to update all routes. (Valid only if field 2006.02 = 0) 2006.02 8 7 Route vs. Slave to Location Identifier Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Relative Route 1 = Slave to Location Relative Altitude 2 = Slave to Location Looking Angle 2006.03 9 8 Slave to Location Offset Integer 4 m No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Integer 3 0.02 m -100,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 (Valid only if field 2006.02 ≠ 0) 2006.05 10 9 UA Relative Altitude Type (used only if field 2006.02 = 1) 2006.06 11 10 UA Relative Altitude Above Location Altitude (used only if field 2006.02 = 1) Note: Since the location altitude can range up to +100,000 the UA can be 100,000 Below AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 106 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 2006.04 12 11 Slave to Location Looking Angle Type Units Range Integer 2 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0 = Look angle is not defined (used only if field 2006.02 = 2) 0041.04 13 12 Loiter Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Circular 2 = Racetrack 3 = Figure 8 4 = Hover 5 = ATC Hold 6 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 0041.05 14 13 Loiter Radius Unsigned 2 1.5 m 1.5 ≤ x Unsigned 2 1.5 m or 1.5 s 0<x Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Distance (m) 1 = Time (s) Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Vehicle Dependent 1 = Clockwise 2 = Counter-Clockwise 3 = Into the wind Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Flyby 1 = Flyover 2 = Vehicle Discretion (added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1) The radius of the turn for Circular, Racetrack, and Figure 8 patterns. 0041.06 15 14 Loiter Length Used for Racetrack and Figure 8 to define length of pattern, centred around the Loiter Point (defined in Message #2016) in the direction of the Loiter Bearing. 2004.01 16 15 Loiter Length Units Used for specifying the units of measurement for the Loiter Length. Timebased loiter lengths only apply to Racetrack patterns. 0041.07 17 16 Loiter Bearing The bearing of the loiter pattern, referenced to the Loiter Point (defined in Message #2016), from True North. 0041.08 18 17 Loiter Direction Defines direction of turn, viewed from above, when rounding the loiter point. 2004.15 19 18 Flying Behaviour AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 107 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 2004.17 20 19 Loiter Duration Unsigned 2 User Specified No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Lap 1=s Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Expected duration of a loiter. A zero value indicates forever. 2004.18 21 20 Loiter Duration Units Specifies the units of measurement for Loiter Duration (2004.17). 2019.02 22 21 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 56: Message #2019: Slave to Location Configuration AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 108 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.4 Flight Vehicle Status Messages 4.4.1 Message #3000: Vehicle Configuration This message shall be used to specify the characteristics of the UA, primarily for flight planning purposes [DLI 3220]. It indicates the current characteristics of the UA either as specified by type by the manufacturer, or based on current loading. For instance, “Optimum Cruise Speed” is likely only to be available as the manufacturer-specified performance index, even though presence of extra load or external stores may cause the number to vary in an unknown manner. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0100.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0100.05 2 1 Configuration ID Unsigned 4 None No Restrictions Float kg No Restrictions Float J No Restrictions Unsigned 2 0.05 m/s No Restrictions Identifies particular configuration of the UA as specified by the manufacturer. (This manufacturer-specified identifier is used by the VSM to provide vehicle specific data, such as current weight and c.g. given current stores status.) 0100.06 3 2 Propulsion Fuel Capacity Amount of weight in fuel that can be carried for this configuration. <0: Not Applicable 0100.07 4 3 Propulsion Battery Capacity <0: Not Applicable 0100.08 5 4 Maximum Indicated Airspeed Not to exceed dash speed 0100.09 6 5 Optimum Cruise Indicated Airspeed Unsigned 2 0.05 m/s No Restrictions 0100.10 7 6 Optimum Endurance Indicated Airspeed Unsigned 2 0.05 m/s No Restrictions 0100.11 8 7 Maximum Load Factor Unsigned 1 m/s² No Restrictions Not-to-exceed G-load tolerance AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 109 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0100.12 9 8 Gross Weight Float kg No Restrictions Float m No Restrictions Calculated gross weight of current configuration, including effects of fuel load changes. Determined by Vehicle Configuration 0100.13 10 9 X_CG Calculated centre of gravity of current configuration rearward from the nose. Determined by Vehicle Configuration 0100.14 11 10 Number of Engines Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 3000.01 12 11 Fuel Density Unsigned 1 5 kg/m³ No Restrictions Table 4 - 57: Message #3000: Vehicle Configuration 4.4.2 Message #3001: Vehicle Operating Mode Report This message shall be used to report the vehicle-operating mode, as commanded from the Vehicle Operating Mode Command (Message #2016) [DLI 3228]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0106.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 110 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0106.04 2 1 Select Flight Path Control Mode Type Units Range Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Mode 1 = Reserved 1 2 = Flight Director (Manual control of UA using Message #2016, where UA autopilot is disengaged) 3 - 10 = Reserved 3-10 11 = Waypoint (Fly to predefined waypoint(s)) 12 = Loiter 13 - 14 = Reserved 13-14 15 = Autopilot (Autopilot engaged, but manual override of UA using Message #2016) 16 = Terrain Avoidance (Uses Unique ID 0043.05 to define clearance distance) 17 = NavAid (Slaved Navigation relative to a navigation beacon.) 18 = Reserved 18 19 = Autoland Engage 20 = Autoland Wave-off 21 = Launch 22 = Slave to Sensor 23 = Flying Contingency A 24 = Flying Contingency B 25 = Slave to Location (Loiter as Defined in Message #2019) 26 - 31 = Reserved 26-31 32 - 255 = Vehicle Specific Specifies the method for controlling the vehicle’s flight path. Manual control modes lie in the range 1-10, automatic control modes lie in the range 11-31 Table 4 - 58: Message #3001: Vehicle Operating Mode Report 4.4.3 Message #3002: Vehicle Operating States This message shall be used to report the current UA operating state [DLI 3225]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0104.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0104.04 2 1 Commanded Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0104.05 3 2 Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 0104.06 4 3 Commanded Heading AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 111 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0104.07 5 4 Commanded Course Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0104.08 6 5 Commanded Turn Rate Integer 2 0.005 rad/s No Restrictions 0104.09 7 6 Commanded Roll Rate Integer 2 0.005 rad/s No Restrictions A zero commanded rate indicates that the UA should use its default rates. 0104.10 8 7 Commanded Speed Unsigned 2 0.5 m/s x ≤ 10,000 0104.11 9 8 Speed Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Indicated / Calibrated Airspeed 1 = True Airspeed 2 = Ground Speed 3 = Thrust Integer 1 % No Restrictions Unsigned 2 0.0016 % x ≤ 100 Unsigned 2 0.0016 % x ≤ 100 Unsigned 2 0.0002 %/s x ≤ 13.1 Defines speed type (reference frame) for all speed related fields in this message. 0104.12 10 9 Power Level Average throttle setting of all engines Nominally 0-110 Percent 0104.21 11 10 Bingo Energy Minimum energy required to return to base with reserve energy. 0104.16 12 11 Current Propulsion Energy Level Reported as a percentage of maximum usable energy for interoperable gauge displays. 0104.17 13 12 Current Propulsion Energy Usage Rate Total consumption as a percentage of maximum usable energy of this configuration. 0104.18 14 13 Commanded Roll Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0104.19 15 14 Altitude Command Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Altitude 2 = Vertical Speed 3 = Rate-limited altitude 0104.20 16 15 Heading Command Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Heading 2 = Course 3 = Heading and Course 4 = Roll 5 = Heading Rate AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 112 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3002.01 17 16 UA State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Unknown 1 = Power Up 2 = Pre-start 3 = Pre-launch 4 = Launch Abort 5 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = VSM Specific Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions The reported flight phase of the UA. 3002.02 18 17 Thrust Direction Direction that the thrust is directed. 3002.03 19 18 Thrust Unsigned 1 % No Restrictions 3002.04 20 19 Loiter & Waypoint Validity Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Fields 21 and 22 are Valid 0x02 = Field 23 is Valid Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Indicates validity of field 21, 22 and 23. 3002.05 21 20 Commanded Loiter Position Latitude Applicable even if vehicle is not in Loiter operating mode. 3002.06 22 21 Commanded Loiter Position Longitude Applicable even if vehicle is not in Loiter operating mode. 3004.02 23 22 Altitude Change Behaviour Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Manual 1 = Critical Altitude 2 = Gradual 3 = Max Rate (ROC/ROD) 4 = UAV Dependent (Optimum Performance) 5 = Not Defined 3002.07 24 23 Commanded Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 Applicable even if vehicle is not in Waypoint operating mode. Table 4 - 59: Message #3002: Vehicle Operating States 4.4.4 Message #3003: Mode Preference Report (Obsolete and Deleted) This message is obsolete. 4.4.5 Message #3004: Loiter Configuration Report This message shall be used by the VSM/UA to report the loiter pattern/configuration that the UA is using in the Loiter Flight Mode, or other Flight Mode(s) as applicable [DLI 3550]. Refer to Message #2017 Loiter Configuration, for a description of the patterns. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 113 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3004.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 3004.06 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 3004.07 2 1 Loiter Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Circular 2 = Racetrack 3 = Figure 8 4 = Hover 5 = ATC Hold 6 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 3004.08 3 2 Loiter Radius Unsigned 2 1.5 m 1.5 ≤ x Unsigned 2 1.5 m or 1.5 s 0<x Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Distance (m) 1 = Time (s) Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Vehicle Dependent 1 = Clockwise 2 = Counter-Clockwise 3 = Into the wind The radius of the turn for Circular, Racetrack, and Figure 8 patterns. 3004.09 4 3 Loiter Length Used for Racetrack and Figure 8 to define length of pattern, centred around the Loiter Point (defined in Message #2016) in the direction of the Loiter Bearing. 3004.03 5 4 Loiter Length Units Used for specifying the units of measurement for the Loiter Length. Timebased loiter lengths only apply to Racetrack patterns. 3004.10 6 5 Loiter Bearing The bearing of the loiter pattern, referenced to the Loiter Point (defined in Message #2016), from True North. 3004.11 7 6 Loiter Direction Defines direction of turn, viewed from above, when rounding the loiter point. 3004.12 8 7 Loiter Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 3004.13 9 8 Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Unsigned 2 0.5 m/s x ≤ 10,000 Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 3004.14 10 9 Loiter Speed AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 114 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3004.15 11 10 Speed Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Indicated Airspeed 1 = True Airspeed 2 = Ground Speed Defines speed type (reference frame) for all speed related fields in this message 3004.01 12 11 Flying Behaviour Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Flyby 1 = Flyover 3004.04 13 12 Loiter Duration Unsigned 2 Lap or s 1≤x Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Lap 1=s Expected duration of a loiter 3004.05 14 13 Loiter Duration Units Specifies the units of measurement for Loiter Duration (3004.04). Table 4 - 60: Message #3004: Loiter Configuration Report 4.4.6 Message #3005: Flight Termination Mode Report This message shall be used to report the Flight Termination Command set at the VSM and its current status [DLI 3230]. This message shall be sent in response to the Flight Termination Message (Message #2005) and whenever the current status of flight termination changes [DLI 3231]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3005.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0108.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0108.04 2 1 Reported Flight Termination State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Reset FT System 1 = Arm FT System 2 = Execute FT Seq. 0108.05 3 2 Reported Flight Termination Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified 1 - 255 = VSM specific Table 4 - 1: Message #3005: Flight Termination Mode Report 4.4.7 Message #3006: Vehicle Lights State This message shall be used by the VSM to report the state of the UA lights [DLI 3229]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3006.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0107.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 115 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0107.04 2 1 Navigation Lights State Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Nav 0x0002 = NavIR 0x0004 = Strobe 0x0008 = StrobeIR 0x0010 = NVD 0x0020 = Reserved 0x0040 = Landing 0x0080 = LandingIR 0x0100 = Vehicle Specific 1 0x0200 = Vehicle Specific 2 0x0400 = Vehicle Specific 3 0x0800 = Vehicle Specific 4 0x1000 = Vehicle Specific 5 0x2000 = Vehicle Specific 6 0x4000 = Vehicle Specific 7 0x8000 = Vehicle Specific 8 When a bit is set the lights are commanded on, when the bit is cleared the lights are commanded off Table 4 - 2: Message #3006: Vehicle Lights State 4.4.8 Message #3007: Engine Operating States This message shall be used to report the operating state of a given engine and its major components [DLI 3226]. For UA with multiple engines, full operating state shall require one such message for each engine [DLI 3227]. The intent of this message is to provide data for a generic set of indicators for the operator. Additional information about engine operating state and health is left as a vehicle-specific function. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3007.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 5 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0105.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0105.04 2 1 Engine Number Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions ID of engine currently being reported 0105.05 3 2 Engine Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stopped 1 = Started 2 = Enabled/Running 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 0105.06 4 3 Reported Engine Command Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stop 1 = Start 2 = Enable/Run 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 3007.01 5 4 Reverse Thrust Power Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Not Specified Added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 116 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3007.02 6 5 Reported Reverse Thrust Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off-All Engines 1 = On-All Engines 2 = Auto-All Engines 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 3007.03 7 6 Ignition Switch Power Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On Power to the engine ignition circuit 3007.04 8 7 Ignition Switch Activation Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 0105.07 9 8 Engine Power Setting Unsigned 2 0.0017 % x ≤ 110 3007.12 10 9 Engine Speed 1 Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Output Shaft 1 = Gas Turbine 2 = Power Turbine 3 = Rotor 4 = N/A 5 = Not Specified Unsigned 2 0.5 rad/s x ≤ 21,000 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Output Shaft 1 = Gas Turbine 2 = Power Turbine 3 = Rotor 4 = N/A 5 = Not Specified Unsigned 2 0.5 rad/s x ≤ 21,000 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Output Shaft 1 = Gas Turbine 2 = Power Turbine 3 = Rotor 4 = N/A 5 = Not Specified Unsigned 2 0.5 rad/s x ≤ 21,000 Integer 1 0.02 rad -π/2 ≤ x < π/2 Major component of engine selected. Enumerations 4 & 5 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0105.08 11 10 Engine Speed 1 Major component of engine selected 3007.13 12 11 Engine Speed 2 Type Major component of engine selected. Enumerations 4 & 5 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 3007.14 13 12 Engine Speed 2 Major component of engine selected 3007.15 14 13 Engine Speed 3 Type Major component of engine selected. Enumerations 4 & 5 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 3007.16 15 14 Engine Speed 3 Major component of engine selected 3007.25 16 15 Propeller Pitch Angle AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 117 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0105.10 17 16 3007.18 18 17 Type Units Range Output Power (Shaft Torque) Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Status 1 = Low – Red 2 = Low – Yellow 3 = Low – Green 4 = Normal – Green 5 = High – Green 6 = High – Yellow 7 = High – Red Engine Temperature 1 Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Engine Body 2 = Inlet Gas 3 = Exhaust Gas 4 = Rotor Air Outlet 5 = Lubricant - Engine 6 = Lubricant Transmission 7 = Coolant 8 = Fuel 9 = Induction for Pre-Heater Unsigned 2 0.5 K 172.15 ≤ x ≤ 1,500.15 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Engine Body 2 = Inlet Gas 3 = Exhaust Gas 4 = Rotor Air Outlet 5 = Lubricant - Engine 6 = Lubricant Transmission 7 = Coolant 8 = Fuel 9 = Induction for Pre-Heater Unsigned 2 0.5 K 172.15 ≤ x ≤ 1,500.15 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Engine Body 2 = Inlet Gas 3 = Exhaust Gas 4 = Rotor Air Outlet 5 = Lubricant - Engine 6 = Lubricant Transmission 7 = Coolant 8 = Fuel 9 = Induction for Pre-Heater Unsigned 2 0.5 K 172.15 ≤ x ≤ 1,500.15 Major component of engine selected 0105.11 19 18 Engine Temperature 1 Major component of engine selected 3007.19 20 19 Engine Temperature 2 Type Major component of engine selected 3007.20 21 20 Engine Temperature 2 Major component of engine selected 3007.21 22 21 Engine Temperature 3 Type Major component of engine selected 3007.22 23 22 Engine Temperature 3 Major component of engine selected AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 118 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 3007.23 24 23 Engine Temperature 4 Type Type Units Range Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Engine Body 2 = Inlet Gas 3 = Exhaust Gas 4 = Rotor Air Outlet 5 = Lubricant - Engine 6 = Lubricant Transmission 7 = Coolant 8 = Fuel 9 = Induction for Pre-Heater Unsigned 2 0.5 K 172.15 ≤ x ≤ 1,500.15 Major component of engine selected 3007.24 25 24 Engine Temperature 4 Major component of engine selected 3007.05 26 25 Engine Pressure 1 Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Fuel 2 = Lubricant – Engine 3 = Lubricant Transmission 4 = Coolant 5 = Manifold 3007.06 27 26 Engine Pressure 1 Unsigned 2 10 Pa x ≤ 107,500 3007.07 28 27 Engine Pressure 1 Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Status 1 = Low – Red 2 = Low – Yellow 3 = Low – Green 4 = Normal – Green 5 = High – Green 6 = High – Yellow 7 = High – Red Status is for the Engine Pressure Type selected 3007.08 29 28 Engine Pressure 2 Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Fuel 2 = Lubricant – Engine 3 = Lubricant Transmission 4 = Coolant 5 = Manifold 3007.09 30 29 Engine Pressure 2 Unsigned 2 10 Pa x ≤ 107,500 3007.10 31 30 Engine Pressure 2 Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Status 1 = Low – Red 2 = Low – Yellow 3 = Low – Green 4 = Normal – Green 5 = High – Green 6 = High – Yellow 7 = High – Red Status is for the Engine Pressure Type selected AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 119 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0105.16 32 31 Fire Detection Sensor Status Type Units Range Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Detection or suppression circuit trouble 1 = Detection and suppression circuits normal 2 = Detection circuit alarm one 3 = Detection circuit alarm two 4 = Suppression material discharged 5 = No status Unsigned 3 0.0017 %/s x ≤ 100 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Status 1 = Low – Red 2 = Low – Yellow 3 = Low – Green 4 = Normal – Green 5 = High – Green 6 = High – Yellow 7 = High – Red Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Status 1 = Low – Red 2 = Low – Yellow 3 = Low – Green 4 = Normal – Green 5 = High – Green 6 = High – Yellow 7 = High – Red Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Status 1 = Low – Red 2 = Low – Yellow 3 = Low – Green 4 = Normal – Green 5 = High – Green 6 = High – Yellow 7 = High – Red Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Status 1 = Low – Red 2 = Low – Yellow 3 = Low – Green 4 = Normal – Green 5 = High – Green 6 = High – Yellow 7 = High – Red Enumeration 5 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 3007.11 33 32 Engine Energy Flow Flow is percent of full energy capacity 0105.11 34 33 Engine Body Temperature Status For reciprocating engines, this state is nominally reported as cylinder head temperature. Added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0105.12 35 34 Exhaust Gas Temperature Status Added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0105.13 36 35 Coolant Temperature Status Added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0105.15 37 36 Lubricant Temperature Status Added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. Table 4 - 3: Message #3007: Engine Operating States AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 120 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.4.9 Message #3008: Zeroize Encryption Keys State This message shall be used by the VSM to report the state of the zeroized command [DLI 3549]. The VSM will report the Zeroize Unmanned Aircraft completion status as completed as the vehicle cannot respond further once it has been zeroized. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3008.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 3008.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 3008.02 2 1 Zeroize Unmanned Aircraft State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Zeroize not Completed 1 = Zeroize Completed 3008.03 3 2 Zeroize GCS State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Zeroize not Completed 1 = Zeroize Completed Table 4 - 4: Message #3008: Zeroize Encryption Keys State 4.4.10 Message #3009: Air and Ground Relative States This message shall be used to send the current state of the parameters defined in this message from the UA to the CUCS [DLI 3222]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3009.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0102.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0102.04 2 1 Angle of Attack Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0102.05 3 2 Angle of Sideslip Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0102.06 4 3 True Airspeed Unsigned 2 0.05 m/s x ≤ 1,500 0102.07 5 4 Indicated Airspeed Unsigned 2 0.05 m/s x ≤ 1,000 0102.08 6 5 Outside Air Temp Unsigned 2 0.5 K 172.15 ≤ x ≤ 327.65 0102.09 7 6 U_Wind Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Unsigned 2 10 Pa x ≤ 107,500 Estimated wind component along true north vector. The wind vector indicates the direction that the air mass is travelling. 0102.10 8 7 V_Wind Estimated wind component along true east vector. The wind vector indicates the direction that the air mass is travelling. 0102.11 9 8 Altimeter Setting Local Barometric pressure at sea level. Used to correct pressure altitude to barometric altitude. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 121 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0102.12 10 9 Barometric Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Altitude based on Altimeter Setting 0102.13 11 10 Barometric Altitude Rate Estimated vertical velocity (+ up) based on pressure rate from air data system 0102.14 12 11 Pressure Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0102.15 13 12 AGL Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0102.16 14 13 WGS-84 Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0102.17 15 14 U_Ground Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Ground Speed component along true north vector 0102.18 16 15 V_Ground Ground Speed component along true east vector Table 4 - 5: Message #3009: Air and Ground Relative States 4.4.11 Message #3010: Body-Relative Sensed States This message shall be used to send the UA body-relative sensed states to the CUCS [DLI 3224]. Directly sensed body-relative states are packaged as a separate message type from other vehicle states because these terms may need to be known at substantially higher rates for various control-related functions. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3010.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0103.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0103.04 2 1 X_Body_Accel Integer 2 0.005 m/s² -100 ≤ x ≤ 100 Integer 2 0.005 m/s² -100 ≤ x ≤ 100 Integer 2 0.005 m/s² -100 ≤ x ≤ 100 Longitudinal acceleration, + forward 0103.05 3 2 Y_Body_Accel Lateral acceleration, + right 0103.06 4 3 Z_Body_Accel Vertical acceleration, + down 0103.07 5 4 Roll_Rate Integer 2 0.005 rad/s No Restrictions 0103.08 6 5 Pitch_Rate Integer 2 0.005 rad/s No Restrictions 0103.09 7 6 Yaw_Rate Integer 2 0.005 rad/s No Restrictions Table 4 - 6: Message #3010: Body-Relative Sensed States AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 122 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.4.12 Message #3011: UA Stick Status The UA Stick Status Message is used to report the UA flight surface and taxi related functions. The UA Stick Status Message shall not be transmitted between a CUCS and the UA without an authorized connection [DLI 3551]. This message shall be used to report the UA stick status to the CUCS from the UA [DLI 3552]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3011.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 3011.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 3011.02 2 1 Lateral Stick Integer 1 None -127 ≤ x Integer 1 None -127 ≤ x Integer 1 None -127 ≤ x Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Integer 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Integer 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Integer 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Integer 1 None No Restrictions -127 is full left, 0 is centre, 127 is full right 3011.03 3 2 Longitudinal Stick -127 is full back, 0 is centre, 127 is full front 3011.04 4 3 Rotational Stick (Rudder) -127 is full counter clockwise, 0 is centre, 127 is full clockwise 3011.05 5 4 3011.06 6 5 Throttle Stick - Engine 1 0 is idle, 255 is full Pitch Stick - Engine 1 -127 is full reverse, 0 is neutral, 127 is full forward/up, -128 feather 3011.07 7 6 Throttle Stick - Engine 2 0 is idle, 255 is full 3011.08 8 7 Pitch Stick - Engine 2 -127 is full reverse, 0 is neutral, 127 is full forward/up, -128 feather 3011.09 9 8 Throttle Stick - Engine 3 0 is idle, 255 is full 3011.10 10 9 Pitch Stick - Engine 3 -127 is full reverse, 0 is neutral, 127 is full forward/up, -128 feather 3011.11 11 10 Throttle Stick - Engine 4 0 is idle, 255 is full 3011.12 12 11 Pitch Stick - Engine 5 -127 is full reverse, 0 is neutral, 127 is full forward/up, -128 feather AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 123 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3011.13 13 12 Taxi Stick Integer 1 None -127 ≤ x -127 is full left, 0 is centre, 127 is full right Table 4 - 7: Message #3011: UA Stick Status 4.4.13 Message #3012: Area Status Alert Message 1. The Area Status Alert Message shall be used to indicate to the CUCS that an error or warning condition has occurred related to the Area of Operations [DLI 3553]. 2. Field four of Message #3012 Area Status Alert is stated as being a “Return Status Data.” This defines 0 to 64 bytes of description data relevant to Alert Status given in field three. The length, form and format of this data are dependent on what the Alert Status is, and varies accordingly. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3012.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 3012.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 3012.02 2 1 Area ID Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 3012.03 3 2 Area Alert Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Area Transmission Successful 1 = Loiter Point Adjusted 2 = Area Loop Missing 3 = Area Unusable 4 = Area Unreachable 5 = Catastrophic Error 6 = Verify Upload Loiter Point Adjusted: ("Area Alert Status" == 1) conditional fields begin 3012.04 4 2 Adjusted Loiter Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 3012.05 5 2 Adjusted Loiter Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Loiter Point Adjusted: ("Area Alert Status" == 1) conditional fields end Area Loop Missing: ("Area Alert Status" == 2) conditional fields begin 3012.06 6 2 Polygon Loop Index #1 Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 3012.07 7 2 Loop Segment #1 Unsigned 1 None 1≤x Loops: repeated fields begin (where n = 1 to 31) 3012.08 - 2 Polygon Loop Index #<n+1> Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 3012.09 - 2 Loop Segment #<n+1> Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Loops: repeated fields end (where n = 1 to 31) Area Loop Missing: ("Area Alert Status" == 2) conditional fields end Area Unreachable: ("Area Alert Status" == 4) conditional fields begin 3012.10 70 2 Current UA Latitude Integer 4 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 124 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3012.11 71 2 Current UA Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions None No Restrictions Area Unreachable: ("Area Alert Status" == 4) conditional fields end Verify Upload: ("Area Alert Status" == 6) conditional fields begin 3012.12 72 2 Upload Checksum Unsigned 4 Verify Upload: ("Area Alert Status" == 6) conditional fields end Table 4 - 8: Message #3012: Area Status Alert Message 4.4.14 Message #3013: Area Transmission Status The Area Transmission Status Message shall be sent from the UA to the CUCS to indicate that an area definition is about to be transmitted [DLI 3554]. This message shall be sent in response to an Area Transmission Command Message with an Area Transfer Mode of Initiate Download [DLI 3555]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3013.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 3013.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 3013.02 2 1 UA Cruise Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 3013.03 3 2 Area Min Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 3013.04 4 3 Area Max Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 3013.05 5 4 Area Safety Offset Unsigned 2 m No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None 1≤x Distance from edge of defined “Stay In” polygon before a manoeuvre is required to avoid crossing the edge of the polygon. 3013.07 6 5 Area ID Unique ID for area 0 = Download all areas 3013.08 7 6 Area Loop Count Number of polygon loops defined for this Area Table 4 - 9: Message #3013: Area Transmission Status 4.4.15 Message #3014: Emergency Mode Report This message shall be used to report the selected Emergency Mode to the CUCS from the VSM/UA [DLI 3556]. The VSM/UA shall send this message to the CUCS to acknowledge that an Emergency Mode Command has been received from the CUCS [DLI 3557]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 125 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3014.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 3014.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 3014.02 2 1 Contingency A Response State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Bypass 1 = Waypoint 2 = Glide 3 = Take-off Climb 4 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 3014.03 3 2 Contingency A Response Delay Unsigned 2 s No Restrictions 3014.08 4 3 Required Manual Restore Time A Unsigned 2 s No Restrictions 3014.04 5 4 Contingency A Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions 3014.05 6 5 Contingency B Response State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Bypass 1 = Waypoint 2 = Glide 3 = Take-off Climb 4 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 3014.06 7 6 Contingency B Response Delay Unsigned 2 s No Restrictions 3014.09 8 7 Required Manual Restore Time B Unsigned 2 s No Restrictions 3014.07 9 8 Contingency B Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Table 4 - 10: Message #3014: Emergency Mode Report 4.4.16 Message #3015: Energy Storage Unit State This message shall be sent from the UA/VSM to the CUCS to define the current energy level in the storage unit [DLI 3558]. This command shall not be sent if only one energy storage unit is present; Message #3002 shall be used if this is the case [DLI 3559]. If multiple energy storage units are present and the total of the level does not equal the value(s) specified in Message #3002, then the energy value(s) in Message #3002 will be ignored. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3015.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 3015.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 3015.02 2 1 Energy Storage Unit ID Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Identifies particular energy storage unit (e.g., fuel tank, battery bank) on the vehicle. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 126 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 3015.03 3 2 Current Energy Storage Unit Level Type Units Range Unsigned 2 0.0016 % No Restrictions Reported as a percentage of the maximum capacity. <0: Not Applicable Table 4 - 11: Message #3015: Energy Storage Unit State 4.4.17 Message #3016: Relative Route/Waypoint/Location Report This message is to report the relative route/waypoint absolute references or current slave to location settings being used by the vehicle. One instance of Message #3016 shall be sent from the VSM/UA to the CUCS to report the relative route/waypoint references for each relative route (or all relative routes) [DLI 3808]. One instance of Message #3016 shall be sent from the VSM/UA to the CUCS to report the current Slave to Location parameters that the UA is using to calculate its loiter location with respect to the reference location while in Slave to Location Flight Mode [DLI 3809]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3016.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 3016.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 3016.02 2 1 Route vs. Slave to Location Identifier Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Relative Route 1 = Slave to Location Relative Altitude 2 = Slave to Location Looking Angle 3016.03 3 2 Location Latitude (Y-axis zero) Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 3016.04 4 3 Location Longitude (Xaxis zero) Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 3016.05 5 4 Location Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message 3016.06 6 5 Location Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 3016.07 7 6 Orientation Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Character 33 None No Restrictions Defines heading of Y-axis for relative routes or bearing from vehicle to offset location for slaved to location. 3016.08 8 7 Route ID Text identifier of route, or null to report for all routes. (Valid only if field 3016.02 = 0) AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 127 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 3016.09 9 8 Slave to Location Offset Unsigned 4 m No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Integer 3 0.02 m -100,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Integer 2 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 (Valid only if field 3016.02 ≠ 0) 3016.10 10 9 UA Relative Altitude Type (used only if field 3016.02 = 1) 3016.11 11 10 UA Relative Altitude Above Location Altitude (used only if field 3016.02 = 1) Note: Since the location altitude can range up to +100,000 the UA can be 100,000 Below 3016.12 12 11 Slave to Location Looking Angle 0 = Look angle is not defined (used only if field 3016.02 = 2) Table 4 - 12: Message #3016: Relative Route/Waypoint/Location Report 4.5 Flight Vehicle Payload Relevant Messages 4.5.1 Message #4000: Inertial States This message shall be used to send the current UA inertial state to the CUCS [DLI 3221]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 4000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0101.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0101.04 2 1 Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0101.05 3 2 Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 0101.06 4 3 Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 (geoid) Distance above (+) or below (-) 0101.07 5 4 Altitude Type Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 128 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0101.08 6 5 U_Speed Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Integer 2 0.005 m/s² -100 ≤ x ≤ 100 Integer 2 0.005 m/s² -100 ≤ x ≤ 100 Integer 2 0.005 m/s² -100 ≤ x ≤ 100 Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 0.005 rad/s No Restrictions Speed component along true north vector 0101.09 7 6 V_Speed Speed component along true east vector 0101.10 8 7 W_Speed Inertial vertical speed component pointing down 0101.11 9 8 U_Accel Acceleration component along true north vector 0101.12 10 9 V_Accel Acceleration component along the true east vector 0101.13 11 10 W_Accel Inertial vertical acceleration component pointing down 0101.14 12 11 Roll Rotation of the vehicle about the longitudinal axis relative to the local horizontal plane, + is clockwise looking from the rear of the UA towards the front. 0101.15 13 12 Pitch Angle of the vehicle’s longitudinal axis (tail to nose) relative to the local horizontal, + is up. 0101.16 14 13 Heading Projection of the longitudinal axis onto the horizontal plane, and that projection's bearing relative to true North 0101.17 15 14 Roll Rate Angular rotation rate (Euler convention) of the vehicle about the longitudinal axis, + is clockwise looking from the rear of the UA towards the front. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 129 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0101.18 16 15 Pitch Rate Integer 2 0.005 rad/s No Restrictions Integer 2 0.005 rad/s No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Angular rotation rate (Euler convention) of the vehicle’s longitudinal axis (tail to nose) relative to the local horizontal, + is up 0101.19 17 16 Turn Rate Angular rate change of the projection of the longitudinal axis onto the horizontal plane, and that projection's bearing relative to true North. 0101.20 18 17 Magnetic Variation True = Magnetic + Variation Table 4 - 13: Message #4000: Inertial States 4.5.2 Message #4001: From-To-Next Waypoint States 1. This message shall be used to report the UA From-To-Next Waypoints for the Flight Modes supported by the UA that requires this function [DLI 3381]. The From, To, or Next Waypoint may not be valid dependent on the current Flight Mode (Message #2016 Vehicle Operating Mode Command), therefore, zero values shall be transmitted in the waypoint number field to define invalid waypoints [DLI 3382]. Fields 11 through 16 (To waypoint) shall be used to define the non-loiter/loiter destination (the position toward which the vehicle is flying) when in the "Loiter" and "Waypoint" Flight modes [DLI 3383]. It is highly encouraged that the "To waypoint" be reported for all other Flight modes where the UA is attempting to achieve a non-loiter/loiter position. 2. Fields 6 through 10 (From waypoint) shall be used to define the point the UA is departing from when in the "Waypoint" Flight Mode (Message #2016 Vehicle Operating Mode Command) [DLI 3384]. Fields 17 through 22 (Next waypoint) shall be used to define the non-loiter/loiter point to which the UA will proceed after achieving the "To Waypoint" when in the "Waypoint" Flight Mode (Message #2016 Vehicle Operating Mode Command) [DLI 3385]. The From-To-Next Waypoints provide a monitoring station with the capability to view a portion of the UA route. It is highly encouraged that the "From waypoint" and “Next waypoint" be reported for all other Flight Modes where applicable. The "Waypoint Numbers" used by the VSM in this message shall not correspond to any Mission Waypoint numbers (Message #13002) loaded to the VSM/UA by a CUCS, except to report those Mission Waypoints [DLI 3386]. 3. The Loiter Configuration Report Validity field shall be set to valid in this message to indicate that the Message #3004, Loiter Configuration Report, is reporting the Loiter to be performed at the “To Waypoint” location [DLI 3560]. The UA/VSM shall push Message #3004 Loiter Configuration Report, to the CUCS as required by the Flight Mode to correctly report the loiter configuration [DLI 3561]. Such an instance would be while the UA is reporting the Fly-By-Sensor Mode of operation and is updating its own loiter position and pattern based on internal UA algorithms. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 130 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 4001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0110.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0110.04 2 1 Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Indicated Airspeed 1 = True Airspeed 2 = Ground Speed Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 0110.05 3 2 Speed Type Defines speed type (reference frame) for all speed related fields in this message. 0110.06 4 3 From Waypoint – Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0110.07 5 4 From Waypoint – Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 0110.08 6 5 From Waypoint Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0110.09 7 6 From Waypoint Time Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Unsigned 2 None x ≤ 65,534 The Time at which the UA reached the waypoint. 0110.10 8 7 From Waypoint Number 0 indicates that the From Waypoint is not valid. 0110.11 9 8 To Waypoint – Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0110.12 10 9 To Waypoint – Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 0110.13 11 10 To Waypoint Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0110.14 12 11 To Waypoint Speed Unsigned 2 0.5 m/s x ≤ 10,000 0110.15 13 12 To Waypoint Time Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions The Time at which the UA will reach the waypoint. Not a countdown. 0110.16 14 13 To Waypoint Number 0 indicates that the remaining To Waypoint data is not valid. 65535 indicates that the remaining To Waypoint data is valid, but there is no valid waypoint number. 0110.17 15 14 Next Waypoint – Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0110.18 16 15 Next Waypoint – Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 0110.19 17 16 Next Waypoint Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0110.20 18 17 Next Waypoint Speed Unsigned 2 0.5 None x ≤ 10,000 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 131 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0110.21 19 18 Next Waypoint Time Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Unsigned 2 None x ≤ 65,534 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Valid 1 = Valid The Time at which the UA will reach the waypoint. Not a countdown. 0110.22 20 19 Next Waypoint Number 0 indicates that the Next Waypoint is not valid 4001.01 21 20 Loiter Configuration Report Validity for “To Waypoint” Message #3004, Loiter Configuration Report, is valid for the “To Waypoint” Table 4 - 14: Message #4001: From-To-Next Waypoint States 4.6 IFF/SSR Command Messages 4.6.1 Message #5000: IFF/SSR Code Command 1. This message shall be used to set the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) and Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) parameters and is sent by the CUCS [DLI 3322]. 2. Octal values shall be packed in the 6 or 12 least significant bits of the field (e.g., Octal 1234 would be stored as 0x029C, or 668 decimal) [DLI 3562]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 5000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 4 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1500.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1500.04 2 1 Mode 1 Code Integer 1 None 0 ≤ x ≤ 3 (First Digit 0, 2nd Digit 0..3) 8 ≤ x ≤ 11 (First Digit 1, 2nd Digit 0..3) 16 ≤ x ≤ 19 (First Digit 2, 2nd Digit 0..3) 24 ≤ x ≤ 27 (First Digit 3, 2nd Digit 0..3) 32 ≤ x ≤ 35 (First Digit 4, 2nd Digit 0..3) 40 ≤ x ≤ 43 (First Digit 5, 2nd Digit 0..3) 48 ≤ x ≤ 51 (First Digit 6, 2nd Digit 0..3) 56 ≤ x ≤ 59 (First Digit 7, 2nd Digit 0..3) Note: If both fields 1500.04 and 1500.19 are enabled then they should be consistent. 1500.05 3 2 Mode 1 Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1500.06 4 3 Mode 2 Code Integer 2 None 0 ≤ x ≤ 4,095 (Octal 0000 to 7777) AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 132 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 1500.07 5 4 Mode 2 Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1500.08 6 5 Mode 3/A Code Integer 2 None 0 ≤ x ≤ 4,095 (Octal 0000 to 7777) 1500.09 7 6 Mode 3/A Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1500.10 8 7 Mode C Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1500.11 9 8 Mode 4 Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 5000.06 10 9 Mode 4 Reply Light Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 5000.07 11 10 Mode 4 Reply Audio Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 5000.01 12 11 Mode S Address Unsigned 3 None 1 ≤ x ≤ 16,777,214 (Octal 00000001 to 77777776) 5000.02 13 12 Mode S Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 5000.03 14 13 Mode S Aircraft ID Character 9 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Airspeed Available 1 = 0 to 140 2 = >140 to 280 3 = >280 to 560 4 = >560 to 1110 5 = >1110 to 2220 6 = >2220 7 = Not Assigned See ICAO Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Volume IV 5000.04 15 14 Mode S Maximum True Airspeed Limits are given in km/h 1500.16 16 15 Mode S Squitter Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disable 1 = Short 2 = Extended 1500.17 17 16 Mode S Surveillance Response Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Elementary 1 = Enhanced 1500.18 18 17 Mode 5 Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1500.19 19 18 Mode 1 Code Extended Integer 2 None 0 ≤ x ≤ 4,095 (Octal 0000 to 7777) Unsigned 2 None x ≤ 16,383 (Octal 00000 to 37777) Note: If both fields 1500.04 and 1500.19 are enabled then they should be consistent. 1500.20 20 19 Mode 5 Platform Identification Number AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 133 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 1500.21 21 20 Mode 5 National Origin Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions See STANAG 4193 1500.22 22 21 Mode 5 Mission Code See STANAG 4193 1500.23 23 22 Mode 5 Squitter Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disable 1 = Short 2 = Extended 1500.24 24 23 Mode 5 Reply Light Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1500.25 25 24 Mode 5 Time of Day Source Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Manual 1 = GPS 1500.26 26 25 Mode 5 Time of Day Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1500.15 27 26 Operating Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = Standby 2 = Normal 3 = Emergency 5000.05 28 27 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 15: Message #5000: IFF/SSR Code Command 4.6.2 Message #5001: IFF/SSR Identification of Position Command This message shall be used to direct the transponder onboard the UA to transmit the UA’s identification of position (I/P) [DLI 3323]. Setting UID 1501.04 to “I/P Active” (1) shall initiate the I/P process, if supported [DLI 3830]. The duration of the I/P process is system dependent. Setting UID 1501.04 to “Normal” (0) shall be used to terminate the I/P process, if supported. [DLI 3831]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 5001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1501.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1501.04 2 1 Identification Of Position (I/P) Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Normal 1 = I/P Active 5001.01 3 2 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 16: Message #5001: IFF/SSR Identification of Position Command 4.6.3 Message #5002: IFF Key Control Command This message shall be used to control the cryptographic key settings and commands for the transponder onboard the UA [DLI 3832]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 134 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 5002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1502.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1502.04 2 1 Mode 4 A/B Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0=A 1=B 1502.05 3 2 IFF Mode 4 Key Hold Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Change 1 = Hold On 2 = Hold Off 1502.07 4 3 IFF Mode 5 Key Hold Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Change 1 = Hold On 2 = Hold Off 1502.06 5 4 IFF Key Zeroize Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = No Change 0x01 = Mode 4 Zeroize 0x02 = Mode 5 Zeroize 5002.01 6 5 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 17: Message #5002: IFF Key Control Command 4.6.4 Message #5003: IFF/SSR BIT Command This message shall be used to command initiation of the transponder built-in test (BIT) [DLI 3833]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 5003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1503.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1503.04 2 1 IFF/SSR BIT Command Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Change 1 = Initiate 5003.01 3 2 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 18: Message #5003: IFF/SSR BIT Command 4.7 IFF/SSR Status Messages 4.7.1 Message #6000: IFF/SSR Status Report This message shall be used to report the IFF/SSR status to the CUCS [DLI 3327]. Octal values shall be packed in the 6 or 12 least significant bits of the field (e.g., Octal 1234 would be stored as 0x029C, or 668 decimal) [DLI 3563]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 6000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 5 Bitmapped No Restrictions AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 135 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 1600.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1600.04 2 1 Mode 1 Code Integer 1 None 0 ≤ x ≤ 3 (First Digit 0, 2nd Digit 0..3) 8 ≤ x ≤ 11 (First Digit 1, 2nd Digit 0..3) 16 ≤ x ≤ 19 (First Digit 2, 2nd Digit 0..3) 24 ≤ x ≤ 27 (First Digit 3, 2nd Digit 0..3) 32 ≤ x ≤ 35 (First Digit 4, 2nd Digit 0..3) 40 ≤ x ≤ 43 (First Digit 5, 2nd Digit 0..3) 48 ≤ x ≤ 51 (First Digit 6, 2nd Digit 0..3) 56 ≤ x ≤ 59 (First Digit 7, 2nd Digit 0..3) Note: If both fields 1600.04 and 1600.17 are enabled then they should be consistent. 1600.05 3 2 Mode 1 Enabled Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1600.18 4 3 Mode 2 Code Integer 2 None 0 ≤ x ≤ 4,095 (Octal 0000 to 7777) 1600.06 5 4 Mode 2 Enabled Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1600.07 6 5 Mode 3/A Code Integer 2 None 0 ≤ x ≤ 4,095 (Octal 0000 to 7777) 1600.08 7 6 Mode 3/A Enabled Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1600.09 8 7 Mode C Enabled Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1600.10 9 8 Mode 4 Enabled Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1600.11 10 9 Mode 4 A/B Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0=A 1=B 1600.12 11 10 Mode 4 Hold Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Normal 1 = Hold 2 = Zeroized 6000.06 12 11 Mode 4 Reply Light Enabled Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 6000.07 13 12 Mode 4 Reply Light Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 6000.08 14 13 Mode 4 Reply Audio Enabled Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 6000.09 15 14 Mode 4 Reply Audio Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 6000.01 16 15 Mode S Address Unsigned 3 None 1 ≤ x ≤ 16,777,214 (Octal 00000001 to 77777776) AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 136 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 6000.02 17 16 Mode S Enabled Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 6000.03 18 17 Mode S Aircraft ID Character 9 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Airspeed Available 1 = 0 to 140 2 = >140 to 280 3 = >280 to 560 4 = >560 to 1110 5 = >1110 to 2220 6 = >2220 7 = Not Assigned See ICAO Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Volume IV 6000.04 19 18 Mode S Maximum True Airspeed Limits are in km/h 1600.14 20 19 Mode S Squitter Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disable 1 = Short 2 = Extended 1600.15 21 20 Mode S Surveillance Response Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Elementary 1 = Enhanced 1600.16 22 21 Mode 5 Enabled Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1600.17 23 22 Mode 1 Code Extended Integer 2 None 0 ≤ x ≤ 4,095 (Octal 0000 to 7777) Note: If both fields 1600.04 and 1600.17 are enabled then they should be consistent. 1600.19 24 23 Mode 5 Platform Identification Number Unsigned 2 None x ≤ 16,383 (Octal 00000 to 37777) 1600.20 25 24 Mode 5 National Origin Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions See STANAG 4193 1600.21 26 25 Mode 5 Mission Code See STANAG 4193 1600.22 27 26 Mode 5 Squitter Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disable 1 = Short 2 = Extended 1600.23 28 27 Mode 5 Reply Light Enabled Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1600.24 29 28 Mode 5 Reply Light Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 1600.25 30 29 Mode 5 Time of Day Source Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Manual 1 = GPS 1600.26 31 30 Mode 5 Time of Day Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1600.27 32 31 Mode 5 Hold Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Normal 1 = Hold 2 = Zeroized AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 137 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 1600.28 33 32 IFF/SSR BIT Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Run 1 = Running 2 = Fail 3 = Pass 1600.13 34 33 Operating Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = Standby 2 = Normal 3 = Emergency 6000.05 35 34 Identification Of Position (I/P) Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = I/P Inactive 1 = I/P Active Valid for Modes 1, 2, 3/A and S Table 4 - 19: Message #6000: IFF/SSR Status Report 4.8 ATC Interface Command Messages 4.8.1 Messages #7000: Civilian Air Traffic Control (ATC) Radio Command This message shall be used to command the UA radios for data that should be sent or received from civil aviation authorities if the UA has to pass through civil airspace. It is sent from the CUCS to the UA [DLI 3564]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 7000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 7000.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 7000.02 2 1 Set Communication Radio State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 7000.03 3 2 Set Communication Frequency Unsigned 3 4.166667 kHz 118,000 ≤ x ≤ 500,000 7000.04 4 3 Voice Transmit Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Enables voice transmission to ATC 7000.05 5 4 Radio Unit Selects which radio unit is addressed by this message. 7000.06 6 5 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 20: Message #7000: Civilian Air Traffic Control (ATC) Radio Command 4.8.2 Message #7001: NAVAID Radio Command This message shall be used to command the NAVAID radios and is sent from the CUCS to the UA [DLI 3565]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 138 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 7001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 7001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 7001.02 2 1 Set NAVAID Radio State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 7001.03 3 2 Set NAVAID Frequency Unsigned 2 50 kHz 108,000 ≤ x ≤ 117,950 7001.04 4 3 VOR Radial Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = In 1 = Out Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Requested Radial that UA should fly 7001.05 5 4 Radial To/From Defines if UA is flying in to the VOR or away from the VOR 7001.06 6 5 Voice Transmit Enable Enables voice transmission from ATC over NAVAID Radio 7001.07 7 6 Radio Unit Selects which radio unit is addressed by this message. 7001.08 8 7 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 21: Message #7001: NAVAID Radio Command 4.9 ATC Interface Status Messages 4.9.1 Messages #9000: Civilian Air Traffic Control (ATC) Radio Status This message shall be used to report the ATC radio status to the CUCS from the UA [DLI 3566]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 9000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 9000.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 9000.02 2 1 Communication Radio State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 9000.03 3 2 Communication Frequency Unsigned 3 4.166667 kHz 118,000 ≤ x ≤ 500,000 9000.04 4 3 Voice Transmit Enabled Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Enables voice transmission to ATC AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 139 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 9000.05 5 4 Radio Unit Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Selects which radio unit is addressed by this message. Table 4 - 22: Message #9000: Civilian Air Traffic Control (ATC) Radio Status 4.9.2 Message #9001: NAVAID Radio Status This message shall be used to report the NAVAID radio status to the CUCS from the UA [DLI 3567]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 9001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 9001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 9001.02 2 1 VOR NAVAID State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 9001.03 3 2 NAVAID Frequency Unsigned 2 50 kHz 108,000 ≤ x ≤ 117,950 9001.04 4 3 VOR Azimuth Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 9001.05 5 4 DME Integer 3 m 0 ≤ x ≤ 364,000 9001.06 6 5 LOC/Glide Slope Valid Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = LOC Valid 0x02 = Glideslope Valid 9001.07 7 6 LOC Integer 1 None No Restrictions Integer 1 None No Restrictions Left (-128), Right (127) 9001.08 8 7 Glide Slope Down (-128), Up (127) 9001.09 9 8 Marker Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Outer 0x02 = Middle 0x04 = Inner 9001.10 10 9 Voice Transmit Enabled Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Enables voice transmission from ATC over NAVAID Radio 9001.11 11 10 Radio Unit Selects which radio unit is addressed by this message. Table 4 - 23: Message #9001: NAVAID Radio Status 4.10 Vehicle Auxiliary Command Messages 4.10.1 Message #11000: Vehicle Auxiliary Command 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to control the UA’s landing gear, flaps, and speed brakes [DLI 3568]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 140 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the UA’s capability to support the fields commanded in Message #11000 [DLI 3569]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 11000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 11000.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 11000.02 2 1 Landing Gear Command Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Up 1 = Down 2 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 11000.03 3 2 Flap Deployment Command Integer 1 0.02 rad -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 1 0.02 rad -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Command to set flap position 11000.04 4 3 Speed Brake Deployment Command Command to set speed break position 11000.05 5 4 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 24: Message #11000: Vehicle Auxiliary Command 4.10.2 Message #11001: Fuel, Oil and Hydraulic Commands 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to control the vehicle’s fuel, oil, and hydraulic subsystems, when control or transfer valves exist to do so [DLI 3570]. This message will be sent for each tank or type of fluid selected. 2. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the UA’s capability to support the fields commanded in Message #11000 [DLI 3571]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 11001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 11001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 11001.02 2 1 Source Tank ID Integer 4 None No Restrictions 11001.03 3 2 Tank Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = None 1 = Fuel 2 = Lubricant - Engine 3 = Lubricant Transmission 4 = Coolant 5 = Hydraulic 6 - 255 = Vehicle Specific Identifies type of tank or fluid AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 141 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 11001.04 4 3 Valve Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = None 1 = Shut-Off 2 = Transfer 3 = Jettison 11001.05 5 4 Valve Activation Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Closed 1 = Open 11001.06 6 5 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 25: Message #11001: Fuel, Oil & Hydraulic Command 4.10.3 Message #11101: Battery Bank Select This message shall be used by the CUCS to control the battery bank selection for both power use and charging [DLI 3572]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 11101.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 11101.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 11101.02 2 1 Bank Select Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Bank 1 0x02 = Bank 2 0x04 = Bank 3 0x08 = Bank 4 0x10 = Bank 5 11101.03 3 2 Connection Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Connected 1 = Connected Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Defines if the bank(s) are connected to the power bus 11101.04 4 3 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 26: Message #11101: Battery Bank Select 4.11 Vehicle Auxiliary Status Messages 4.11.1 Message #12000: Vehicle Auxiliary Status 1. This message shall be used by the VSM to report the state of the UA’s landing gear, flaps, and speed brakes [DLI 3573]. 2. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the UA’s capability to support the fields commanded in Message #12000 [DLI 3574]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 12000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 142 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 12000.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0104.15 2 1 Landing Gear State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Up 1 = Down & Locked 2 = Down & Not Locked 3 = No Value (added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1) 4 = Inoperative (added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1) 5 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific This reflects the state of the gears defined in the Gear Location field. 12000.03 3 2 Gear Location Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = All 1 = Nose 2 = Port 3 = Starboard 4 = Aft 5 - 8 = Reserved 9 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 0104.13 4 3 Flap Deployment Angle Integer 1 0.02 rad -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 1 0.02 rad -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Command to set flap position 0104.14 5 4 Speed Brake Deployment Angle Command to set speed break position Table 4 - 27: Message #12000: Vehicle Auxiliary Status 4.11.2 Message #12001: Electrical Report This message shall be used to report the bus voltage, current and battery time remaining in the UA [DLI 3575]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 12001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 12001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 12001.02 2 1 Bus ID Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 12001.03 3 2 Bus Voltage Unsigned 1 0.5 V x ≤ 127 12001.04 4 3 Bus Current Unsigned 2 0.1 A x ≤ 1,000 12001.05 5 4 Battery Time Remaining Unsigned 4 s No Restrictions Table 4 - 28: Message #12001: Electrical Report 4.11.3 Message #12002: Meteorological Data This message shall be used to send ground measured meteorological data from the CUCS to the VSM/UA [DLI 3576]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 143 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 12002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 12002.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 12002.02 2 1 Wind U_Speed instantaneous Integer 2 0.005 m/s -100 ≤ x ≤ 100 12002.03 3 2 Wind V_Speed instantaneous Integer 2 0.005 m/s -100 ≤ x ≤ 100 12002.04 4 3 Wind U_Speed Averaged Integer 2 0.005 m/s -100 ≤ x ≤ 100 12002.05 5 4 Wind V_Speed - Averaged Integer 2 0.005 m/s -100 ≤ x ≤ 100 12002.06 6 5 Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 (geoid) Location of the weather report 12002.07 7 6 Longitude Location of the weather report 12002.08 8 7 Altitude Location of the weather report 12002.09 9 8 Altitude Type Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 12002.10 10 9 Outside Air Temp Unsigned 2 0.5 K 172.15 ≤ x ≤ 327.65 12002.11 11 10 Barometric Pressure Unsigned 2 10 Pa x ≤ 107,500 12002.12 12 11 Weather Station Sensor Status Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Baro Pressure Invalid 0x02 = Air Temp Invalid 0x04 = Inst U_Speed Invalid 0x08 = Inst V_Speed Invalid 0x10 = Avg U_Speed Invalid 0x20 = Avg V_Speed Invalid Table 4 - 29: Message #12002: Meteorological Data 4.11.4 Message #12003: Fuel, Oil and Hydraulic Status 1. This message shall be used by the VSM to report the state of the vehicle’s fuel, oil, and hydraulic subsystems [DLI 3577]. This message will be sent for each tank or type of fluid selected. 2. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the UA’s capability to support the fields commanded in Message #12000 [DLI 3578]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 144 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 12003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 12003.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 12003.02 2 1 Source Tank ID Integer 4 None No Restrictions 12003.03 3 2 Tank Type Selected Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = None 1 = Fuel 2 = Lubricant - Engine 3 = Lubricant Transmission 4 = Coolant 5 = Hydraulic 6 - 255 = Vehicle Specific Identifies type of tank or fluid 12003.04 4 3 Valve Type Selected Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = None 1 = Shut-Off 2 = Transfer 3 = Jettison 12003.05 5 4 Valve Activation Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Closed 1 = Open 2 = Moving to Close 3 = Moving to Open 12003.06 6 5 Remaining Tank Quantity Unsigned 2 0.1 L x < 4,000 Amount of remaining fluid in selected tank. NOTE: Remaining fuel (as energy source) is reported under Message #3015. 12003.07 7 6 Tank Pressure Unsigned 2 10 Pa x ≤ 107,500 12003.08 8 7 Fluid Density Unsigned 1 0.005 kg/L No Restrictions Table 4 - 30: Message #12003: Fuel, Oil & Hydraulic Status 4.11.5 Message #12101: Battery Report This message shall be used to display the battery voltage, charge state, current and temperature [DLI 3579]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 12101.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 12101.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 12101.02 2 1 Bank Selected Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Bank 1 0x02 = Bank 2 0x04 = Bank 3 0x08 = Bank 4 0x10 = Bank 5 12101.03 3 2 Connection Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Connected 1 = Connected Unsigned 2 0.1 V x ≤ 500 Reports if the bank(s) are connected to the power bus 12101.04 4 3 Bus Voltage AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 145 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 12101.07 5 4 Battery Current Integer 2 0.1 A -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 A negative value indicate current flow out of the battery 12101.05 6 5 Battery Charge Remaining Unsigned 2 0.1 % x ≤ 100 12101.06 7 6 Battery Temperature Unsigned 2 0.5 K 172.15 ≤ x ≤ 327.65 Table 4 - 31: Message #12101: Battery Report 4.12 Mission Command and Status Messages The messages in this section support transfer of a mission plan between the UA and the CUCS. Mission messages can be sent to/from the UA before and during flight. 4.12.1 Message #13000: Mission Transfer Command 1. The Mission Transfer Command shall be used to control the overall mission transfer and storage of a mission and to request autonomous activity status [DLI 3268]. The mission shall be transmitted between a CUCS and VSM as a series of individual waypoints based on Message #13002 UA Position Waypoint Message, for which there may be a number of optional associated messages [DLI 3269]. The optional associated messages include Message #13003 UA Loiter Waypoint, Message #13004 Payload Action Waypoint, Message #13005 Airframe Action Waypoint, and Message #13006 Vehicle Specific Waypoint. A Message #13000, Mission Plan Mode “Transmit Mission” Command to the UA/VSM, shall identify that all mission waypoints have all been transmitted from the CUCS to the VSM [DLI 3404], and the VSM shall transform the mission as required and load it to the UA [DLI 3405]. 2. Field 3 value 6, "Receive All Activity Status" shall be used to transmit an Activity Status Message, Message #36200 for each activity that the VSM or UA will execute, describing the scheduling status of that activity [DLI 3580]. 3. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the UA’s capability to support the fields commanded in Message #13000 [DLI 3406]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0800.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0800.04 2 1 Mission ID Character 20 None No Restrictions Text Identifier of Mission AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 146 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0800.05 3 2 Mission Plan Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Clear Route 1 = Clear Mission 2 = Transmit Mission 3 = Receive Mission 4 = Receive Single Waypoint 5 = Cancel Transmit/Receive 6 = Receive All Activity Status 0800.06 4 3 Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 13000.01 5 4 Route ID Character 33 None No Restrictions Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Text Identifier of Route 13000.02 6 5 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 32: Message #13000: Mission Transfer Command 4.12.2 Message #13001: UA Route 1. This message shall be used to define a Route Type for an UA route defined by a series of Message #13002 UA Position Waypoint Messages [DLI 3270]. If the “Initial Waypoint Number” field in this message is set to 0, the route definition, but not the waypoints, shall be deleted [DLI 3407]. Where routes have been uploaded to an UA without a defined “Route Type”, the default “Route Type” shall be “2 = Flight” [DLI 3408]. 2. This message shall be transmitted from the VSM/UA in response to a Message #13000, “Receive Mission” request to report the UA “Route Types” loaded onboard [DLI 3409]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0801.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0801.04 2 1 Initial Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None x < 65,535 Character 33 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Launch 1 = Approach 2 = Flight 3 = Contingency A 4 = Contingency B First Waypoint in defined route. 0801.05 3 2 Route ID Text Identifier of Route 0801.06 4 3 Route Type AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 147 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13001.01 5 4 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 33: Message #13001: UA Route 4.12.3 Message #13002: UA Position Waypoint 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to define a single route, or series of routes, to be uploaded to the VSM/UA [DLI 3410]. Waypoint numbers forming a route do not need to be contiguous, but the use of contiguous integers is recommended within a route. This message shall be used to define the location the UA will fly to [DLI 3271]. When the “Location Type” is relative, the “Relative Y” and “Relative X” shall maintain the units of radians. 2. This message shall be transmitted from the VSM/UA in response to a Message #13000, “Receive Mission” request to report the UA Position Waypoints loaded onboard [DLI 4311]. 3. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the UA’s capability to support the fields commanded in Message #13002 [DLI 3581]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. 4. Note on Loop Action: A Loop Action can be defined by using the “Waypoint Type” field to direct to a different set of WPs that defines a loop connected to a waypoint in a route. The Loop Action defines a waypoint, which is the first (and end) loop waypoint. When encountering a Loop Action the UA checks the loop limit condition: if True the UA starts the loop path, if False it continues to fly on the main flight path. While in loop, flying towards initial point, the UA again calculates if it can perform the next loop without meeting the limit terms. Limit term definitions are the number of turns or minimum fuel quantity or time pass). The calculation is based on present velocity and fuel flow. If next loop can be performed without meeting limit terms the UA will turn towards the next loop point. Otherwise the UA will continue to the next WP after the loop start/end point (WPN+1 in the following figure). WPL +1 WPL+2 Loop Action Defines WPN/Lo N is main path waypoint L0 is first/last loop waypoint M pa n i a WPL+3 WPN+1 th WPN/Lo Loop Start/End Point WPL+M Figure 4 - 12: Loop Action AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 148 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 5. Note on Auto Altitude Change Actions: The altitude change can be performed either manually by commanding the UA rate of climb/decent, or automatically by commanding the UA Altitude Change Behaviour: - In case of flight path altitude restriction: The altitude change is immediate in spiral path (See the figure below for critical altitude action) or - Change altitude gradually towards the next navigation point, or - Change altitude rapidly in Max Rate of Climb or Max Rate of Descent along the track to the next waypoint, or - When attitude in the track is not critical, change altitude according to the UA optimum performance MAX Rate (ROC/ROD) Action UAV dependent Optimum Altitude Action Graduate Altitude Action WPN WPN+1 Critical Altitude Action Figure 4 - 13: Auto Altitude Change Actions 6. An UA will change its Speed, subject to Message #2016, as it flies to the waypoint. The rate of airspeed change is not defined by this message and is UA specific. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0802.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0802.04 2 1 Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 0802.05 3 2 Waypoint to Latitude or Relative Y Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0802.06 4 3 Waypoint to Longitude or Relative X Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 0802.07 5 4 Location Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Absolute 1 = Relative (See Message #2019) 0802.08 6 5 Waypoint to Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Altitude that the vehicle should reach while travelling to the waypoint. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 149 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0802.09 7 6 Waypoint Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Defines altitude type for all altitude related fields in the messages for this waypoint. 0802.20 8 7 Altitude Change Behaviour Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Manual 1 = Critical Altitude 2 = Gradual 3 = Max (ROC/ROD) 4 = UA Dependent (Optimum Performance) 5 = Not Defined 0802.10 9 8 Waypoint to Speed Unsigned 2 0.5 m/s x ≤ 10,000 0802.11 10 9 Waypoint Speed Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Indicated Airspeed 1 = True Airspeed 2 = Groundspeed 3 = Arrival Time 0802.12 11 10 Next Waypoint Unsigned 2 None x < 65,535 Next waypoint to fly to when this waypoint is reached. If value = 0 and Activity = 0, this is the last waypoint in the series. If value = 0 and Activity ID ≠ 0, then the VSM is to fill in the next waypoint value to determine the order to fly the waypoints. 0802.16 12 11 Turn Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Short Turn 1 = Flyover 13002.01 13 12 Optional Messages for Waypoint Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = None 0x01 = Msg #13003 0x02 = Msg #13004 0x04 = Msg #13005 0x08 = Msg #13006 0802.17 14 13 Waypoint Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Regular/In Loop WP 1 = First/End Loop WP 0802.18 15 14 Limit Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Time Pass 1 = Minimum Fuel 2 = Number of Laps 3 = Bingo Energy (See 0104.21) 0802.19 16 15 Loop Limit Unsigned 2 s/Fuel (%)/None (Number) No Restrictions Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Time/Fuel/Number of Laps 0802.15 17 16 Arrival Time AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 150 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13002.02 18 17 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 34: Message #13002: UA Position Waypoint 4.12.4 Message #13003: UA Loiter Waypoint 1. This message shall be used to define the loiter characteristics the UA will perform once it has arrived at the “Waypoint Number” [DLI 3272]. 2. If the “Loiter Length” is specified in time, the time shall be for the inbound leg of the loiter pattern [DLI 3790]. The inbound leg is, by convention, the first tangent leg the UA flies. The “Loiter Speed” and “Speed Type” (13003.03 and 13003.04) determine the distance travelled on the inbound leg. The UA adjusts the outbound leg time to be able to travel that same distance on the outbound leg while maintaining speed. 3. Loiter patterns can be repeated using the “Loiter Duration” field. Repetition can be specified as the number of laps or the total time to execute the pattern using the “Loiter Duration Units” field. 4. Loiter entry and exit behaviour is UA-dependent, including what to do when “Loiter Duration” is specified in time and there is insufficient time to complete another lap. 5. The ATC Hold pattern (0041.04 = 5) is intended to be used to support a standard hold pattern for air traffic control. It has the same shape as the Racetrack pattern, but the primary difference is that pattern is not centred at the loiter point. Rather, the inbound leg shall terminate at the loiter point, also known as the holding fix [DLI 3791]. Thus, the “Loiter Bearing” and “Loiter Direction” have a significant impact to the footprint of the ATC Hold pattern relative to the loiter point. The ATC Hold pattern is available when the UA can properly execute the pattern described. Alternatively, the CUCS may transform the parameters provided by ATC into a Racetrack pattern (0041.04 = 2) to send to the UA. 6. This message shall be transmitted from the VSM/UA in response to a Message #13000, “Receive Mission” request to report the loiter characteristics waypoints loaded onboard [DLI 3412]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0803.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0803.04 2 1 Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 151 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0803.06 3 2 Waypoint Loiter Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Circular 2 = Racetrack 3 = Figure 8 4 = Hover 5 = ATC Hold 6 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 0803.07 4 3 Loiter Radius Unsigned 2 1.5 m 1.5 ≤ x Unsigned 2 1.5 m or 1.5 s 0<x Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Distance (m) 1 = Time (s) Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Vehicle Dependent 1 = Clockwise 2 = Counter-Clockwise 3 = Into the Wind The radius of the turn for Circular, Racetrack, and Figure 8 patterns. 0803.08 5 4 Loiter Length Used for Racetrack and Figure 8 to define length of pattern, centred around the Loiter Point (defined in Message #13002) in the direction of the Loiter Bearing. 13003.02 6 5 Loiter Length Units Used for specifying the units of measurement for the Loiter Length. Timebased loiter lengths only apply to Racetrack patterns. 0803.09 7 6 Loiter Bearing The bearing of the loiter pattern, referenced to the Loiter Point (defined in Message #13002), from True North. 0803.10 8 7 Loiter Direction Defines direction of turn when rounding the loiter point defined by the UA Position Waypoint Message (Message #13002). 13003.03 9 8 Loiter Speed Unsigned 2 0.5 m/s x ≤ 10,000 13003.04 10 9 Speed Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Indicated Airspeed 1 = True Airspeed 2 = Ground Speed 3 = Not Specified Defines speed type (reference frame) for all speed related fields in this message. Enumeration 3 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 152 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13003.01 11 10 Flying Behaviour Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Flyby 1 = Flyover 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 2 Lap or s 1≤x Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 13003.05 12 11 Loiter Duration Expected duration of a loiter 13003.06 13 12 Loiter Duration Units Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Lap 1=s 13003.07 14 13 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 35: Message #13003: UA Loiter Waypoint AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 153 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Figure 4 - 14: Loiter Pattern AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 154 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.12.5 Message #13004: Payload Action Waypoint 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to define the payload action that will be performed when the UA begins to fly to the waypoint defined by the “Waypoint Number” [DLI 3273]. 2. This message shall be transmitted from the VSM/UA in response to a Message #13000, “Receive Mission” request to report the payload action waypoints loaded onboard [DLI 3413]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13004.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0804.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0804.04 2 1 Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 0804.05 3 2 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 13004.01 4 3 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 155 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13004.02 5 4 Sub-Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Component Location 0804.06 6 5 Set Sensor 1 Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Turn Off 1 = Turn On 2 = Go to Standby 3 = No Change 4 - 10 = Reserved 11 - 255 = UA/Payload Specific 0804.07 7 6 Set Sensor 2 Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Turn Off 1 = Turn On 2 = Go to Standby 3 = No Change 4 - 10 = Reserved 11 - 255 = UA/Payload Specific 0804.08 8 7 Sensor Output Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = None 1 = Sensor 1 2 = Sensor 2 3 = Both Sensors 4 = No Change 5 - 10 = Reserved 11 - 255 = UA/Payload Specific 0804.09 9 8 Set Sensor Pointing Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Nil 1 = Angle Relative to UA 2 = Slewing Rate Relative to UA 3 = Slewing Rate Relative to Inertial 4 = Lat-Long Slaved 5 = Target Slaved 6 = Stow 7 = Line Search Start Location 8 = Line Search End Location 9 = Cage 10 - 31 = Reserved 32 - 255 = Payload Specific AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 156 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0804.10 10 9 Starepoint Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0804.11 11 10 Starepoint Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 0804.12 12 11 Starepoint Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0804.13 13 12 Starepoint Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 (geoid) Defines altitude type for previous field 0804.14 14 13 Payload Az (wrt UA) Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0804.15 15 14 Payload El (wrt UA) Integer 2 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0804.16 16 15 Payload Sensor Rotation Angle Integer 2 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 13004.05 17 16 Sensor Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = EO 1 = IR 2 = Fuse 3 = Continuous Zoom 4 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = BW Mode 1 = Colour Mode 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Black Hot 1 = White Hot 2 = Not Specified Enumeration 4 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 13004.06 18 17 EO Sensor Mode Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 13004.07 19 18 IR Polarity Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 13004.08 20 19 Horizontal Field of View Unsigned 2 BAM No Restrictions 13004.09 21 20 Vertical Field of View Unsigned 2 BAM No Restrictions 13004.04 22 21 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity 13004.03 23 22 Station Number 17-32 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 157 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 36: Message #13004: Payload Action Waypoint 4.12.6 Message #13005: Airframe Action Waypoint 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to define the airframe action that will be performed when the UA begins to fly to the waypoint defined by the “Waypoint Number” [DLI 3274]. 2. This message shall be transmitted from the VSM/UA in response to a Message #13000, “Receive Mission” request to report the airframe action waypoints loaded onboard [DLI 3414]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13005.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0805.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0805.04 2 1 Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 0805.05 3 2 Function Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Navigation Lights 2 = Strobe Lights 3 = Primary Data Link 4 = Secondary Data Link 5 = Navigation IR Lights 6 = Strobe IR Lights 7 = NVD Compatible 8 = Landing 9 = Landing IR 10 = Reserved 11 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 0805.06 4 3 Enumerated State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Turn Off 1 = Turn On 2 = Go to Standby 3 = Receive Only 4 = Transmit Only 13005.01 5 4 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 37: Message #13005: Airframe Action Waypoint 4.12.7 Message #13006: Vehicle Specific Waypoint This message shall be used to define the vehicle specific action that will be performed when the UA begins to fly to the waypoint [DLI 3275]. This message shall be used to pass Common Route Definition (CRD) messages that cannot be mapped to the generic waypoints defined in this section [DLI 3276]. A waypoint value of zero indicates mission generic data that is not associated with any specific waypoint. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13006.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0806.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0806.04 2 1 Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None x < 65,535 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 158 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0806.05 3 2 Tag Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = None 1 = Start Tag 2 = Stop Tag 0806.06 4 3 Tag/Data Character 20 None No Restrictions 13006.01 5 4 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 38: Message #13006: Vehicle Specific Waypoint 4.12.8 Message #13007: Define Contingency 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to define a contingency waypoint for a single waypoint, route, mission, or area [DLI 3582]. Waypoint contingencies shall take priority over route contingencies which shall have priority over mission contingencies which shall have priority over area contingencies [DLI 3583]. This message shall be transmitted from the CUCS to the UA/VSM along with a mission transfer [DLI 3584]. 2. Messages #2011 and #2012 shall be used to define the area referenced by this message when defining a contingency for an area [DLI 3585], This message shall be transmitted from the UA/VSM in response to a Message #13000, “Receive Mission” request to report the vehicle waypoint contingencies loaded onboard [DLI 3586]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13007.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 13007.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 13007.02 2 1 Contingency Scope Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Waypoint 1 = Route 2 = Mission 3 = Area None 1 ≤ x < 65,534 None 1 ≤ x ≤ 255 This allows a contingency to be assigned on a Mission, Route, or Waypoint basis. Waypoint Scope: ("Contingency Scope" == 0) conditional fields begin 13007.10 3 1 Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 The ID of the waypoint this contingency applies to when scope is “Waypoint.” Waypoint Scope: ("Contingency Scope" == 0) conditional fields end Area Scope: ("Contingency Scope" == 3) conditional fields begin 13007.11 4 1 Area ID Unsigned 2 The ID of the area this contingency applies to when scope is “Area.” Area Scope: ("Contingency Scope" == 3) conditional fields end AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 159 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 13007.04 5 2 Route/Mission ID The ID of route or mission (as specified by scope) that this contingency applies to. Type Units Range Character 33 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,534 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disjunctive Logic (OR) 1 = Conjunctive Logic (AND) Unsigned 1 None x < 255 This field is only valid if the scope is “Route” or “Mission” Text identifier of Mission or Route (respectively) as selected by Scope. NOTE: If scope is “Mission,” the effective length of this field is 20. 13007.05 6 3 Contingency Waypoint Number The waypoint to go to if the contingency conditions are met. 13007.06 7 4 Condition Modifier Specifies how multiple conditions are to be handled. If disjunctive, the contingency is met if any or all of the conditions are met (logical OR operation). If conjunctive, the contingency is only met if all of the contingencies are met (logical AND operation). 13007.07 8 5 Number of Conditions The number of conditions that will comprise this contingency. 0 – Clear Contingency Conditions: repeated fields begin (where n = 1 to "Number of Conditions") 13007.08 - 5 Contingency Condition <n-1> Unsigned 1 Enumerated Defines the nth condition for this contingency. 0 = Loss of Comms 1 = Loss of Critical Avionics 2 = Engine Out 3 = Missed Approach 4 - 20 = Reserved 21 - 255 = Vehicle Specific Conditions: repeated fields end (where n = 1 to "Number of Conditions") 13007.09 263 6 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 160 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 39: Message #13007: Define Contingency 4.12.9 Message #13008: IFF/SSR Action Waypoint 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to define the IFF/SSR action that will be performed when the UA begins to fly to the waypoint defined by the “Waypoint Number” [DLI 3757]. 2. This message shall be transmitted from the UA/VSM in response to a Message #13000, “Receive Mission” request to report the IFF action waypoints loaded onboard [DLI 3758]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13008.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 4 Bitmapped No Restrictions 13008.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 13008.02 2 1 Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 13008.03 3 2 Mode 1 Code Integer 1 None 0 ≤ x ≤ 3 (First Digit 0, 2nd Digit 0..3) 8 ≤ x ≤ 11 (First Digit 1, 2nd Digit 0..3) 16 ≤ x ≤ 19 (First Digit 2, 2nd Digit 0..3) 24 ≤ x ≤ 27 (First Digit 3, 2nd Digit 0..3) 32 ≤ x ≤ 35 (First Digit 4, 2nd Digit 0..3) 40 ≤ x ≤ 43 (First Digit 5, 2nd Digit 0..3) 48 ≤ x ≤ 51 (First Digit 6, 2nd Digit 0..3) 56 ≤ x ≤ 59 (First Digit 7, 2nd Digit 0..3) Note: If both fields 13008.03 and 13008.23 are enabled then they should be consistent. 13008.04 4 3 Mode 1 Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 13008.05 5 4 Mode 2 Code Integer 2 None 0 ≤ x ≤ 4,095 (Octal 0000 to 7777) 13008.06 6 5 Mode 2 Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 13008.07 7 6 Integer 2 None 0 ≤ x ≤ 4,095 (Octal 0000 to 7777) 13008.08 8 7 Mode 3/A Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 13008.09 9 8 Mode C Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 13008.10 10 9 Mode 4 Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 13008.18 11 10 Mode 4 Reply Light Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 13008.19 12 11 Mode 4 Reply Audio Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On Mode 3/A Code AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 161 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13008.12 13 12 Mode S Address Unsigned 3 None 1 ≤ x ≤ 16,777,214 (Octal 00000001 to 77777776) 13008.13 14 13 Mode S Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 13008.14 15 14 Mode S Aircraft ID Character 9 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Airspeed Available 1 = 0 to 140 2 = >140 to 280 3 = >280 to 560 4 = >560 to 1110 5 = >1110 to 2220 6 = >2220 7 = Not Assigned See ICAO Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Volume IV 13008.15 16 15 Mode S Maximum True Airspeed Limits are given in km/h 13008.20 17 16 Mode S Squitter Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disable 1 = Short 2 = Extended 13008.21 18 17 Mode S Surveillance Response Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Elementary 1 = Enhanced 13008.22 19 18 Mode 5 Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 13008.23 20 19 Mode 1 Code Extended Integer 2 None 0 ≤ x ≤ 4,095 (Octal 0000 to 7777) Note: If both fields 13008.03 and 13008.23 are enabled then they should be consistent. 13008.24 21 20 Mode 5 Platform Identification Number Unsigned 2 None x ≤ 16,383 (Octal 00000 to 37777) 13008.25 22 21 Mode 5 National Origin Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions See STANAG 4193 13008.26 23 22 Mode 5 Mission Code See STANAG 4193 13008.27 24 23 Mode 5 Squitter Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disable 1 = Short 2 = Extended 13008.28 25 24 Mode 5 Reply Light Enable Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 13008.29 26 25 Mode 5 Time of Day Source Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Manual 1 = GPS 13008.30 27 26 Mode 5 Time of Day Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 13008.16 28 27 Operating Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = Standby 2 = Normal 3 = Emergency AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 162 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13008.17 29 28 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 40: Message #13008: IFF/SSR Action Waypoint 4.12.10 Message #13009: Data Recorder Action Waypoint 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to define the data recorder action that will be performed when the UA begins to fly to the waypoint defined by the “Waypoint Number” [DLI 3759]. 2. This message shall be transmitted from the UA/VSM in response to a Message #13000, “Receive Mission” request to report the data recorder action waypoints loaded onboard [DLI 3760]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13009.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 13009.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 13009.02 2 1 Waypoint Number Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 13009.03 3 2 Recording Device Number Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 13009.04 4 3 Set Recording Index Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Time 1 = Block Number 2 = Event Mark 3 = Session Number 13009.05 5 4 Set Recording Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stop 1 = Ready 2 = Recording 3 = Play 4 = Seek 5 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload Specific 13009.06 6 5 Set Recording Rate Float Mbit/s 0.001 ≤ x ≤ 40,000 13009.07 7 6 Initial Recording Index Integer 4 None 0≤x 0 = No Active Index 13009.08 8 7 Set Replay Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stop 1 = Ready 2 = Reading 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload Specific 13009.09 9 8 Replay Clock Rate Float Mbit/s 0.001 ≤ x ≤ 40,000 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 163 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13009.10 10 9 Seek Replay Index Integer 4 None 0≤x Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions 0 = No Active Index 13009.11 11 10 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 41: Message #13009: Data Recorder Action Waypoint 4.12.11 Message #13010: VSM Flight Data Record Stream This message shall be used to record and playback vehicle specific data without the CUCS knowing the vehicle protocol [DLI 3761]. This may be important to users who do not want to expose their vehicle specific protocol or for non DLI data, but still desire the ability to record and playback their vehicle specific messages through the generic user interface. To record raw messages, the VSM shall transmit this message to the CUCS for recording [DLI 3762]. To playback, the CUCS shall transmit the raw messages back to the VSM in their original form, setting the Time Stamp to the current time, the Source ID to the CUCS ID, and the Destination ID to the appropriate value for the current playback connection [DLI 3763]. The CUCS essentially redirects these messages back to the VSM for decoding and playback to the CUCS. The VSM then decodes the raw messages and sends generic messages back to the CUCS, and provides the remote displays as per “live” mode. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13010.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 13010.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 13010.02 2 1 Vehicle Type Unsigned 2 Enumerated 0 - 65535 = See Table 4-36 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Identifies the type name of vehicle; numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 13010.03 3 2 Vehicle Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 13010.04 4 3 VSM FDR Record Type Vehicle Specific definition. 13010.05 5 4 Record Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 13010.06 6 5 Record Size Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x ≤ 507 Byte ["Record Size"] None No Restrictions Number of Data Bytes 13010.07 7 6 Raw Binary Record Raw binary data to be recorded. Variable length. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 164 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13010.08 8 7 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 42: Message #13010: VSM Flight Data Record Stream 4.12.12 Message #13011: Playback Control Command This message shall be used by the CUCS to place the VSM into a “playback” mode of operation and to return it to “live” mode [DLI 3764]. The CUCS shall use this message to identify the current playback speed and direction to the VSM [DLI 3765]. In the reverse playback direction, the CUCS shall transmit the VSM Flight Data Record Stream (Message #13010) Messages in the reverse direction to the VSM [DLI 3766]. The CUCS shall transmit the complete set of VSM Flight Data Record Stream (Message #13010) Messages to the VSM, in order and at the specified speed [DLI 3767]. The VSM shall determine its playback capabilities to ensure state changes, and other changes are not missed by the VSM (i.e., the VSM plays back messages at specified speed or drops messages to maintain speed) [DLI 3768]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 13011.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 13011.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 13011.02 2 1 CUCS ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 13011.03 3 2 Playback Speed Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pause 1 = 1x (Real-time) 2 = Single Step 3 = 1/5x 4 = 4x 5 = 6x 6 = 10x 13011.04 4 3 Playback Direction Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stop 1 = Forward 2 = Reverse 13011.05 5 4 Playback Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Live Mode 1 = Playback Table 4 - 43: Message #13011: Playback Control Command 4.12.13 Message #14000: Mission Upload/Download Status This message shall be used to provide status on a mission upload/download from a VSM to a CUCS [DLI 3277], and to request a missing waypoint from a CUCS mission upload [DLI 3587]. If there are no waypoints to transfer when a transfer is requested, the CUCS/VSM shall send this message with a status of complete and percent complete of 100 [DLI 3588]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 165 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 14000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0900.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 14000.01 2 1 Mission ID Character 20 None No Restrictions Identifies mission and (by reference) flight plan uploading or downloading on this platform. Text Identifier of Mission. 0900.04 3 2 Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = In progress 1 = Complete 2 = Aborted / Rejected 0900.05 4 3 Percent Complete Unsigned 1 % x ≤ 100 14000.02 5 4 Waypoint Request Unsigned 2 None x < 65,535 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Clearing Route 2 = Clearing Mission 3 = Transmitting Mission 4 = Receiving Mission 5 = Receiving Single Waypoint 6 = Receiving Activities 0 = N/A 14000.03 6 5 Mission Plan Mode Table 4 - 44: Message #14000: Mission Upload/Download Status 4.13 Subsystems Status Messages 1. The Subsystems Status Messages set includes summary health and status information for use by CUCS status displays. This information need not convey detailed, configuration-specific health and status information, but should provide the CUCS with overall health summary data suitable for annunciation on the console using conventional colour codes (Green=Nominal, Yellow=Caution, Red=Warning, Black=Failed or Out-of-service). In the event of a system caution or warning, vehicle, payload or data link specific status messages can provide detailed diagnostic information peculiar to the configuration. 2. These messages shall provide health and status overview information only in an interoperable context [DLI 3278]. Detailed status information about particular subsystems shall be a vehicle-specific message type [DLI 3279]. 4.13.1 Message #15000: Subsystem Status Request This message shall be used by the CUCS to request Subsystem information from the UA, VSM or data link [DLI 3280]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 15000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1000.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1000.05 2 1 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 166 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 1000.04 3 2 Subsystem ID Unsigned 4 Bitmapped 0x00000001 = Engine 0x00000002 = Mechanical 0x00000004 = Electrical 0x00000008 = Comms 0x00000010 = Propulsion Energy 0x00000020 = Navigation 0x00000040 = Payload 0x00000080 = Recovery System 0x00000100 = Environmental Control System 0x00000200 = VSM Status 0x00000400 = VDT 0x00000800 = CDT 0x00001000 = Reserved 1 0x00002000 = Reserved 2 0x00004000 = Reserved 3 0x00008000 = Reserved 4 0x00010000 = Reserved 5 0x00020000 = Reserved 6 0x00040000 = Reserved 7 0x00080000 = Reserved 8 0x00100000 = VSM Specific 1 0x00200000 = VSM Specific 2 0x00400000 = VSM Specific 3 0x00800000 = VSM Specific 4 0x01000000 = VSM Specific 5 0x02000000 = VSM Specific 6 0x04000000 = VSM Specific 7 0x08000000 = VSM Specific 8 0x10000000 = VSM Specific 9 0x20000000 = VSM Specific 10 0x40000000 = VSM Specific 11 0x80000000 = VSM Specific 12 Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Identifier associated with the subsystem for which status information is being requested as applicable. 15000.01 4 3 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 167 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 15000.02 5 4 Controlled Station 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UAV Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 15000.03 6 5 Controlled Station 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UAV Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 15000.04 7 6 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 168 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 15000.05 8 7 Sub-Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Component Location Table 4 - 45: Message #15000: Subsystem Status Request 4.13.2 Message #15001: Subsystem Status Detail Request This message shall be used by the CUCS to request more information from the UA, VSM or data link about a specific subsystem [DLI 3281]. The UA, VSM or data link shall respond using a vehicle specific service specified in Section [DLI 3282]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 15001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1001.04 2 1 Subsystem State Report Reference Integer 4 None 0≤x The Report Reference is the Vehicle or Data Link Specific information reference previously provided by the UA, VSM or Data Link. Table 4 - 46: Message #15001: Subsystem Status Detail Request 4.13.3 Message #16000: Subsystem Status Alert Message 1. This message shall be used by the UA, VSM, or data link to create a Subsystem Status Alert [DLI 3283]. Examples are: “Engine #3 Failure” “Engine #3 Cylinder Head Temp > 280C, currently 295 C” 2. The Subsystem State Report Reference shall be assigned by the UA, VSM or data link [DLI 3284]. The purpose of this field is to provide a reference number for subsequent requests for more information on a posted alert by the CUCS. If the CUCS requires additional information for a specific alert posted by the UA, VSM or the data link, the CUCS shall request this information using Message #15001 [DLI 3285]. Alert messages of Type 1 (Not Clearable or Acknowledgeable by operator) can be cleared AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 169 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II by the UA, VSM or data link sending the alert with a Priority of “0 = Clear” or Type of “0 = Clear”. 3. Alert groups, other than UA platform and payload are not required to be displayed to the user at the time of receipt and may be saved to a file for later review. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 16000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1100.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1100.11 2 1 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 1100.04 3 2 Priority Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Cleared 1 = Nominal 2 = Caution 3 = Warning 4 = Emergency 5 = Failed 1100.05 4 3 Subsystem State Report Reference Integer 4 None -1 ≤ x Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Engine 1 = Mechanical 2 = Electrical 3 = Comms 4 = Propulsion Energy 5 = Navigation 6 = Payload 7 = Recovery System 8 = Environmental Control System 9 = VSM Status 10 = VDT 11 = CDT 12 - 19 = Reserved 20 - 31 = VSM Specific Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = UA Platform 0x02 = Payload 0x04 = Maintenance 0x08 = Engineering 0x10 = User Defined 1 0x20 = User Defined 2 0x40 = User Defined 3 0x80 = User Defined 4 Identifier associated with a particular report associated with the specified subsystem. Used to request particular status information from the VSM. -1 = No More Info Available 1100.06 5 4 Subsystem ID Identifier associated with the subsystem for which status information is being reported. 16000.01 6 5 Alert Group AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 170 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 16000.02 7 6 Controlled Station 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 16000.03 8 7 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 16000.04 9 8 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 171 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 1100.07 10 9 Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Clear 1 = Not Clearable or Acknowledgeable By Operator 2 = Clearable By Operator 3 = Display For Fixed Time Then Automatically Clear 4 = Acknowledgeable By Operator 5 = Acknowledgeable and Clearable 1100.08 11 10 Alert ID Integer 4 None No Restrictions The Alert ID is used to update alert messages that have been previously sent to the CUCS from the VSM. Note: Alert ID is a unique value generated by the VSM for use when additional Message #16000s are sent about the same alert. The first instance is always a negative value and all subsequent values are positive (e.g. -123, 123, 123, ...). 1100.09 12 11 Text Character 80 None No Restrictions 1100.10 13 12 Persistence Integer 1 s No Restrictions This field determines the minimum time an alert will be displayed. This time is referenced to when this message is received by the CUCS. <0 = Not Defined 0 = Clear Immediately >0 = Display for at least this many seconds AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 172 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 16000.05 14 13 Controlled Station 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 1100.12 15 14 Message Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = New/Update Alert 1 = Append to Alert 1100.13 16 15 Append Order Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 1100.14 17 16 Append Total Number Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Table 4 - 47: Message #16000: Subsystem Status Alert 4.13.4 Message #16001: Subsystem Status Report This message shall be used by the UA, VSM or data link to produce a Subsystem Status Report [DLI 3287]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 16001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1101.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1101.04 2 1 Subsystem ID Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Engine 1 = Mechanical 2 = Electrical 3 = Comms 4 = Propulsion Energy 5 = Navigation 6 = Payload 7 = Recovery System 8 = Environmental Control System 9 = VSM Status 10 = VDT 11 = CDT 12 - 19 = Reserved 20 - 31 = VSM Specific Identifier associated with the subsystem for which status information is being reported as applicable. IDs above 20 are used for vehicle and payload specific subsystems. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 173 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 1101.05 3 2 Subsystem State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Status 1 = Nominal 2 = Caution 3 = Warning 4 = Emergency 5 = Failed 1101.06 4 3 Subsystem State Report Reference Integer 4 None -1 ≤ x The Report Reference is the Vehicle Specific information reference, provided by the UA, VSM or Data Link, which the CUCS can use to request additional information from the UA, VSM or Data Link on the reported alert. -1 = No More Info Available 16001.01 5 4 Report Text Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Use Report Reference 1 = http URL Address 2 = PDF URL Address 16001.02 6 5 Report Text Reference Character 256 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UAV Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 Contains the URL associated with the Subsystem detailed status. Null if Unused. 16001.03 7 6 Controlled Station 1-16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 174 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 16001.04 8 7 Controlled Station 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UAV Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 16001.05 9 8 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 16001.06 10 9 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location Table 4 - 48: Message #16001: Subsystem Status Report AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 175 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.13.5 Message #16002: Heartbeat Message This message shall be used to allow either the CUCS or the VSM to monitor whether the other component is operational [DLI 3589]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 16002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 16002.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Table 4 - 49: Message #16002: Heartbeat Message 4.14 Miscellaneous Message Types 4.14.1 Message #17000: Message Acknowledgement This message shall be used to acknowledge standard message types that require acknowledgement per the Message Acknowledge bit [DLI 3318]. Vehicle specific (private) message types may also elect to use this message if desired. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 17000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1400.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1400.06 2 1 Original Message Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1400.08 3 2 Original Message Type Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions 17000.01 4 3 Acknowledgement Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Message Received (no additional Message #17000 for this request) 1 = Message Received, but not completed (may receive another #17000 of Ack Type 2 or 3 or 4) 2 = Message Received and Completed 3 = Message Received, but Rejected 4 = Message Received, but Failed An Ack Type of 2 or 3 or 4 may be sent after an Ack Type 1 or can be sent without a preceding Ack Type 1. Table 4 - 50: Message #17000: Message Acknowledgement 4.14.2 Message #17001: Schedule Message Update Command 1. This message shall be used to request that the specified message be sent at a given frequency [DLI 3320]. The effect of this message is to make the requested message a “push” type message, but without requesting each pull individually. 2. The Schedule Message Update Command Message shall not be transmitted from a CUCS to a VSM, and vice versa, without an authorized connection [DLI 3591]. The Scheduled Message Update Command shall be valid until another Message #17001 is received for that message type or until a Message #2 VSM Authorisation AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 176 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Response Message “Connection Not Authorized” has been transmitted from the VSM, UA or data link to terminate the connection or the connection has been lost [DLI 3792]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 17001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1402.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1402.04 2 1 Requested Message Type Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions 1402.05 3 2 Frequency Unsigned 2 0.01 Hz x ≤ 100 Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions 0 = Cancel Automatic Send of Requested Message 17001.01 4 3 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 51: Message #17001: Schedule Message Update Command 4.14.3 Message #17002: Generic Information Request Message 1. This message shall be used to request the VSM, UA, data link or CUCS to send the specified message [DLI 3321]. The Presence Vector field allows the requesting unit to determine the minimum number of fields that shall be returned [DLI 3592]. This message shall not be used to request Message #41000, Message #41001, Message #41002, and Message #44003, as this is specifically achieved with Message #40000 [DLI 3441]. 2. The Generic Information Request Message shall not be transmitted from a CUCS to a VSM, and vice versa, without an authorized connection, with the exception of requesting specific (non-generic) Configuration Messages such as Message #3, Message #3000, Message #21001 and Message #21100 [DLI 3593]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 17002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1403.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1403.06 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 177 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 17002.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Location ID on a given Station Location 17002.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 1403.07 5 4 Message Type Type number of the message being requested AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 178 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 17002.04 6 5 Requested Field Presence Vector Type Units Range Unsigned 5 Bitmapped 0x0000000001 = PV Bit 0 0x0000000002 = PV Bit 1 0x0000000004 = PV Bit 2 0x0000000008 = PV Bit 3 0x0000000010 = PV Bit 4 0x0000000020 = PV Bit 5 0x0000000040 = PV Bit 6 0x0000000080 = PV Bit 7 0x0000000100 = PV Bit 8 0x0000000200 = PV Bit 9 0x0000000400 = PV Bit 10 0x0000000800 = PV Bit 11 0x0000001000 = PV Bit 12 0x0000002000 = PV Bit 13 0x0000004000 = PV Bit 14 0x0000008000 = PV Bit 15 0x0000010000 = PV Bit 16 0x0000020000 = PV Bit 17 0x0000040000 = PV Bit 18 0x0000080000 = PV Bit 19 0x0000100000 = PV Bit 20 0x0000200000 = PV Bit 21 0x0000400000 = PV Bit 22 0x0000800000 = PV Bit 23 0x0001000000 = PV Bit 24 0x0002000000 = PV Bit 25 0x0004000000 = PV Bit 26 0x0008000000 = PV Bit 27 0x0010000000 = PV Bit 28 0x0020000000 = PV Bit 29 0x0040000000 = PV Bit 30 0x0080000000 = PV Bit 31 0x0100000000 = PV Bit 32 0x0200000000 = PV Bit 33 0x0400000000 = PV Bit 34 0x0800000000 = PV Bit 35 0x1000000000 = PV Bit 36 0x2000000000 = PV Bit 37 0x4000000000 = PV Bit 38 0x8000000000 = PV Bit 39 Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Fields within the message that are requested. 17002.05 7 6 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 179 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 17002.03 8 7 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 52: Message #17002: Generic Information Request Message 4.14.4 Message #17003: File Transfer Notification 1. This message shall be used to report an FTP file transfer between the CUCS and the UA/VSM [DLI 3594]. The message can be sent in either direction. The file will be available in the FTP directory previously identified by the CUCS/VSM by Message #42001, CUCS Resource Report or Message #43000 VSM Services Report Message. 2. The File Transfer Notification Message shall not be transmitted from a CUCS to a VSM, and vice versa, without an authorized connection [DLI 3595]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 17003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 17003.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 17003.02 2 1 File Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Payload Data 1 - 10 = Reserved 11 - 255 = VSM Specific 17003.03 3 2 File Name Character 32 None Printable Name of binary file being transferred Table 4 - 53: Message #17003: File Transfer Notification 4.14.5 Message #18000: Link Audio Command This message shall be used by the CUCS to assert the Push To Talk (PTT) function within the UAS [DLI 3596]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18000.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 180 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18000.02 2 1 PTT Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Out #0 0x02 = Out #1 0x04 = Out #2 0x08 = Out #3 0x10 = Out #4 0x20 = Out #5 0x40 = Out #6 0x80 = Out #7 Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions This field will cause a change of the state of the PTT discrete output. Suggest that at least one discrete, controlled by Bit 0, be used, and reserved for the primary Push To Talk signal. For each bit: 0 = Not Active 1 = Active 18000.03 3 2 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 54: Message #18000: Link Audio Command 4.14.6 Message #18001: Emitters All Off Command 1. This message shall provide the ability for the CUCS to command, in a single message, that all emitters on the vehicle shall extinguish transmission [DLI 3597]. The UA/VSM shall preserve a “list” of vehicle emitters that were transmitting, and their state, in order to reset the state of the vehicle transmitters (if required) [DLI 3598]. This message shall provide the ability for the CUCS to command, in a single message, that the “transmission” state of all transmitters be restored to the state they were in before the reception of the “All Emitters Off” command [DLI 3599]. The UA/VSM may send an Emitter Status Message to indicate that all emitters are off prior to turning off the data link transmitter. 2. The UA/VSM shall only act upon this message from the CUCS with the highest LOI [DLI 3600]. If more than one CUCS has the same highest LOI, the first one to connect at that LOI shall be the only one whose command is acted upon by the UA/VSM [DLI 3793]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18001.02 2 1 All Emitters Off Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = All Emitters Off 2 = Restore Emitter Tx State 18001.03 3 2 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 181 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 55: Message #18001: Emitters All Off Command 4.14.7 Message #18002: Console Light Command This message shall be used to change the light state of an illuminated discrete console light [DLI 3769]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18002.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18002.02 2 1 Number of Discrete Light Commands Unsigned 1 None 1 ≤ x ≤ 32 Identifies the number of discrete light commands in this message Discrete Light Commands: repeated fields begin (where n = 1 to "Number of Discrete Light Commands") 18002.03 - 1 Controllable Discrete Light ID #<n> Unsigned 4 Bitmapped 0x00000001 = Light #1 0x00000002 = Light #2 0x00000004 = Light #3 0x00000008 = Light #4 0x00000010 = Light #5 0x00000020 = Light #6 0x00000040 = Light #7 0x00000080 = Light #8 0x00000100 = Light #9 0x00000200 = Light #10 0x00000400 = Light #11 0x00000800 = Light #12 0x00001000 = Light #13 0x00002000 = Light #14 0x00004000 = Light #15 0x00008000 = Light #16 0x00010000 = Light #17 0x00020000 = Light #18 0x00040000 = Light #19 0x00080000 = Light #20 0x00100000 = Light #21 0x00200000 = Light #22 0x00400000 = Light #23 0x00800000 = Light #24 0x01000000 = Light #25 0x02000000 = Light #26 0x04000000 = Light #27 0x08000000 = Light #28 0x10000000 = Light #29 0x20000000 = Light #30 0x40000000 = Light #31 0x80000000 = Light #32 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Flash Identifies the discrete light(s) being controlled 18002.04 - 1 Discrete Light Value #<n> Discrete Light Commands: repeated fields end (where n = 1 to "Number of Discrete Light Commands") Table 4 - 56: Message #18002: Console Light Command AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 182 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.14.8 Message #18003: Aircraft Weight Status This message shall be used by the UA/VSM to report the current UA weight [DLI 3770]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18003.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18003.02 2 1 Aircraft Weight Unsigned 4 0.01 kg x ≤ 50,000 Table 4 - 57: Message #18003: Aircraft Weight Status 4.14.9 Message #18100: Link Audio Status This message is sent from the VSM to the CUCS, and shall report the status of the Push To Talk (PTT) [DLI 3601]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18100.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18100.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18100.02 2 1 PTT Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Out #0 0x02 = Out #1 0x04 = Out #2 0x08 = Out #3 0x10 = Out #4 0x20 = Out #5 0x40 = Out #6 0x80 = Out #7 For each bit: 0 = Not Active 1 = Active Table 4 - 58: Message #18100: Link Audio Status 4.14.10 Message #18101: Emitters Status This message shall provide the ability for the UA/VSM to report, in a single message, that all emitters (on the UA) will be extinguished after this command is transmitted [DLI 3602]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18101.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18101.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18101.02 2 1 All Emitters Off Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not All Emitters Off 1 = All Emitters Off 2 = Emissions Restored Table 4 - 59: Message #18101: Emitters Status AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 183 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.14.11 Message #18200: Meteorological Table Message This message shall be used by the CUCS to send meteorological data to the UA [DLI 3603]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18200.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18200.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18200.02 2 1 Publish Time Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18200.03 3 2 Forecast Time Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18200.04 4 3 Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 18200.05 5 4 Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 18200.06 6 5 Number of levels Unsigned 1 None x ≤ 50 Repeat Count Levels: repeated fields begin (where n = 1 to "Number of levels") 18200.07 - 5 Altitude <n> Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 18200.08 - 5 U_Speed <n> Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Speed component along True North vector. Positive value indicates wind is moving to the North. 18200.09 - 5 V_Speed <n> Speed component along True East vector. Positive value indicates wind is moving to the East. 18200.10 - 5 Temperature <n> Unsigned 2 0.5 K 173 ≤ x ≤ 373 18200.11 - 5 Humidity <n> Unsigned 1 % x ≤ 100 Levels: repeated fields end (where n = 1 to "Number of levels") Table 4 - 60: Message #18200: Meterological Table Message 4.14.12 Message #18300: Meteorological Table Report This message shall be used by the UA to report meteorological data to the CUCS [DLI 3604]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18300.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18300.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18300.02 2 1 Publish Time Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 184 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18300.03 3 2 Forecast Time Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18300.04 4 3 Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 18300.05 5 4 Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 18300.06 6 5 Number of levels Unsigned 1 None x ≤ 50 Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Repeat Count Levels: repeated fields begin (where n = 1 to "Number of levels") 18300.07 - 5 Altitude <n> Location of the weather report 18300.08 - 5 U_Speed <n> Speed component along True North vector. Positive value indicates wind is moving to the North. 18300.09 - 5 V_Speed <n> Speed component along True East vector. Positive value indicates wind is moving to the East. 18300.10 - 5 Temperature <n> Unsigned 2 0.5 K 173 ≤ x ≤ 373 18300.11 - 5 Humidity <n> Unsigned 1 % x ≤ 100 Levels: repeated fields end (where n = 1 to "Number of levels") Table 4 - 61: Message #18300: Meterological Table Report 4.14.13 Message #18400: KLV Security Configuration Data This message shall be used by the CUCS to send KLV Security Configuration data to the UA for use in populating the payload Meta Data [DLI 3605]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18400.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18400.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 185 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18400.03 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 18400.04 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 18400.05 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 186 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 18400.06 5 4 18400.07 6 5 Type Units Range Classifying Country and Releasing Instructions Country Coding Method Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Defined 1 = ISO-3166 Two Letter 2 = ISO-3166 Three Letter 3 = FIPS 10-4 Two Letter 4 = FIPS 10-4 Four Letter 5 = ISO-3166 Numeric 6 = 1059 Two Letter 7 = 1059 Three Letter 8 - 9 = Reserved 10 = FIPS 10-4 Mixed 11 = ISO 3166 Mixed 12 = STANAG 1059 Mixed Classifying Country Character 33 None No Restrictions Character 41 None No Restrictions See FIPS 10-4, ISO-3166 or STANAG 1059 18400.08 7 6 Classified By See MISB 102.9 18400.09 8 7 Object Country Coding Method Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Defined 1 = ISO-3166 Two Letter 2 = ISO-3166 Three Letter 3 = ISO-3166 Numeric 4 = FIPS 10-4 Two Letter 5 = FIPS 10-4 Four Letter 6 = 1059 Two Letter 7 = 1059 Three Letter 18400.10 9 8 Object Country Codes Character 41 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 See MISB 102.9 18400.11 10 9 Version Value is version number of this document (e. g., for STD 0102.9, this value is 0d07). 18400.12 11 10 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 62: Message #18400: KLV Security Configuration Data AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 187 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.14.14 Message #18401: KLV Security Classification Data This message shall be used by the CUCS to send KLV Security Classification data to the UA for use in populating the payload Meta Data [DLI 3606]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18401.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18401.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18401.03 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 18401.04 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 188 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18401.05 4 3 Sub-Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Component Location 18401.06 5 4 Security Classification Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Defined 1 = UNCLASSIFIED 2 = RESTRICTED 3 = CONFIDENTIAL 4 = SECRET 5 = TOP SECRET 18401.07 6 5 Security-SCI/SHI information Byte 41 None No Restrictions Character 33 None No Restrictions Character 41 None No Restrictions Character 41 None No Restrictions Character 41 None No Restrictions Character 9 None No Restrictions Character 41 None No Restrictions Character 11 None No Restrictions Character 11 None No Restrictions See MISB 102.9 18401.08 7 6 Caveats See MISB 102.9 18401.09 8 7 Releasing Instructions See MISB 102.9 18401.10 9 8 Derived From See MISB 102.9 18401.11 10 9 Classification Reason See MISB 102.9 18401.12 11 10 Declassification Date See MISB 102.9 18401.13 12 11 Classification and Marking System See MISB 102.9 18401.14 13 12 Classifying Country and Releasing Instructions Country Coding Method Version Date See MISB 102.9 18401.15 14 13 Object Country Coding Method Version Date See MISB 102.9 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 189 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18401.16 15 14 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 63: Message #18401: KLV Security Classification Data 4.14.15 Message #18402: KLV Security Classification Comment Data This message shall be used by the CUCS to send KLV Security Classification Comment data to the UA for use in populating the payload Meta Data [DLI 3607]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18402.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18402.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18402.03 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 190 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18402.04 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Character 481 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Location ID on a given Station Location 18402.05 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 18402.06 5 4 Classification Comments See MISB 102.9 18402.07 6 5 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 64: Message #18402: KLV Security Classification Comment Data AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 191 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.14.16 Message #18403: KLV Security Image Data This message shall be used by the CUCS to send KLV Security Image data to the UA for use in populating the payload Meta Data [DLI 3608]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18403.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18403.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18403.03 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 18403.04 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 192 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18403.05 4 3 Sub-Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Character 33 None No Restrictions Character 33 None No Restrictions Character 33 None No Restrictions Character 33 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Byte 16 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Location ID on a given Component Location 18403.06 5 4 UMID Video See SMPTE 330M 18403.07 6 5 UMID Audio See SMPTE 330M 18403.08 7 6 UMID Data See SMPTE 330M 18403.09 8 7 UMID System See SMPTE 330M 18403.10 9 8 Stream ID See ISO/IEC 13818-1 18403.11 10 9 Transport Stream ID See ISO/IEC 13818-1 18403.12 11 10 Item Designator ID See SMPTE 336M 18403.13 12 11 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 65: Message #18403: KLV Security Image Data AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 193 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.14.17 Message #18500: GPS Status Report This message shall be used to report the Global Positioning System (GPS) status of the sending unit [DLI 3771]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 18500.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 18500.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 18500.02 2 1 Number of Satellites Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 18500.03 3 2 GPS Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Fixes 1 = 2D Mode 2 = 3D Mode 3 - 15 = Reserved 16 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 18500.04 4 3 GPS Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Usable Satellites 1 = GPS Fix 2 = DGPS Fix 3 = No GPS Time 4 = PDOP Too High 5 = Only 1 Usable Satellite 6 = Only 2 Usable Satellites 7 - 15 = Reserved 16 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 18500.05 5 4 PDOP Unsigned 1 0.1 No Restrictions Unsigned 1 0.1 No Restrictions Unsigned 1 0.1 No Restrictions Position Dilution Of Precision Values greater than 25.5 are reported as 25.5 18500.06 6 5 HDOP Horizontal Dilution Of Precision Values greater than 25.5 are reported as 25.5 18500.07 7 6 VDOP Vertical Dilution Of Precision Values greater than 25.5 are reported as 25.5 18500.08 8 7 Reserved Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 18500.09 9 8 GPS Time Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Table 4 - 66: Message #18500: GPS Status Report AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 194 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.15 Payload Command Messages Since UA are commonly used as carriers for payload systems, the messages in this group are specified to provide a means for the UCS to command the operating state in an interoperable fashion. Vehicles not carrying such payloads need not support the messages in the group. 4.15.1 Message #19000: Payload Bay Command This message shall be used to control each payload bay [DLI 3237]. Note: Message #21001 defines the station to payload bay door configuration. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0206.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0206.04 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 19000.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 195 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19000.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Component Location 0206.05 5 4 Payload Bay Doors Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Close 1 = Open 19000.04 6 5 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity 19000.03 7 6 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 67: Message #19000: Payload Bay Command 4.15.2 Message #19001: Payload Steering Command 1. This message shall be used to steer any steerable payload located at the Station Number specified in the message [DLI 3232]. Table 4-21, Conditional Payload Message Groups, identifies the common payload types that are required to use the Payload Steering Command. 2. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the payloads capability (specified by Station Number) to support the fields commanded in this message dependent on the current Payload Steering Mode (Message #19100 Set EO/IR Pointing Mode and Message #19200 SAR Mode) for the payload type [DLI AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 196 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 3388]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0200.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0200.04 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 19001.02 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 19001.03 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 197 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0200.05 5 4 Set Centreline Azimuth Angle Type Units Range Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Use Set Horizontal & Vertical Field of View 1 = Stop Zoom 2 = Zoom In 3 = Zoom Out 4 = Fast Zoom In 5 = Fast Zoom Out 6 - 10 = Reserved 11 - 255 = Payload Specific Unsigned 2 0.00005 Horizontal Screen Fraction of the Frame Width x≤1 Unsigned 2 0.00005 Vertical Screen Fraction of the Frame Height x≤1 Unsigned 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 0.0002 rad/s -2π ≤ x ≤ 2π Integer 2 0.0002 rad/s -2π ≤ x ≤ 2π Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 + right of aircraft x axis 0200.06 6 5 Set Centreline Elevation Angle + above aircraft waterline 0200.17 7 6 Set Zoom Allows control of the payload zoom by either requesting a specific angle or by requested the payload to zoom in or out until commanded to stop. 19001.04 8 7 Screen Fraction - X Horizontal position in the video frame. 0 is the left edge of the screen; 1 is the right edge of the screen; 0.5 is the half way across the screen. 19001.05 9 8 Screen Fraction - Y Vertical position in the video frame. 0 is the bottom edge of the screen; 1 is the top edge of the screen; 0.5 is halfway up the screen. 0200.07 10 9 Set Horizontal Field Of View Applies to the Addressed Sensor specified in Message #19100 0200.08 11 10 Set Vertical Field Of View Applies to the Addressed Sensor specified in Message #19100 0200.09 12 11 Horizontal Slew Rate + Slew FOV right 0200.10 13 12 Vertical Slew Rate + Slew FOV up 0200.11 14 13 Latitude Commanded Stare point latitude: latitude of centre of FOV AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 198 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0200.12 15 14 Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off/Break 1 = Acquire 2 = Track 3 - 255 = Payload Specific Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Commanded Stare point longitude: longitude of centre of FOV 0200.13 16 15 Altitude Altitude of centre of FOV 0200.14 17 16 Altitude Type Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 19001.01 18 17 Tracker Mode Command This field is valid when the “Set EO/IR Pointing Mode” is “Target Slaved (Track)”. 19001.08 19 18 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity 19001.06 20 19 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 0200.15 21 20 Set Focus Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Change 1 = Focus Closer 2 = Focus Farther Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Automatic 1 = Manual Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0200.16 22 21 Focus Type Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. Table 4 - 68: Message #19001: Payload Steering Command AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 199 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.15.3 Message #19100: EO/IR/Laser Payload Command 1. This message shall be used to command EO/IR/Laser payloads with the exception of payload pointing commands, manual focus commands and FOV (zoom) commands which are commanded from the Payload Steering Command Message (Message #19001) [DLI 3233]. 2. Notes: Slaved modes are assumed to lock on the centre of FOV at the time the command is received by the payload (VSM). Target slaving implies that the FOV will track the target. Lat-Long slaving implies that the FOV will track a specific location on the ground. 3. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the payloads capability (specified by Station Number) to support the fields commanded in this message [DLI 3389]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19100.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 4 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0201.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0201.04 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 200 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19100.02 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location. 0x0000 = None Selected 0x0000 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 19100.03 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location. 0x0000 = None Selected 0x0000 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 201 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0201.05 5 4 Addressed Sensor Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = EO 0x0002 = IR 0x0004 = Reserved 1 0x0008 = Reserved 2 0x0010 = Reserved 3 0x0020 = Reserved 4 0x0040 = Reserved 5 0x0080 = Reserved 6 0x0100 = Payload – Specific 1 0x0200 = Payload – Specific 2 0x0400 = Payload – Specific 3 0x0800 = Payload – Specific 4 0x1000 = Payload – Specific 5 0x2000 = Payload – Specific 6 0x4000 = Payload – Specific 7 0x8000 = Payload – Specific 8 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = BW Mode 1 = Colour Mode 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Automatic 1 = Manual 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Automatic 1 = Manual 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Automatic 1 = Manual 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Automatic 1 = Manual 2 = Not Specified Identifies which sensor (s) to control where applicable. Laser pointers and rangefinders integrated with an EO/IR sensor are not considered a separate sensor. 0x0000 = Not Specified 0x0000 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0201.07 6 5 Set EO Sensor Mode Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0200.16 7 6 Focus Type Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 19100.07 8 7 Set EO Iris Adjustment Mode Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 19100.08 9 8 Set IR Gain Adjustment Mode Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 19100.14 10 9 Set IR Level Adjustment Mode Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 202 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0201.08 11 10 Set IR Polarity Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Black Hot 1 = White Hot 2 = Not Specified Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 19100.09 12 11 Select IR Temperature Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 - 255 = Payload Specific 19100.04 13 12 Set NUC Table Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = Payload Specific 0201.09 14 13 Image Output Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = Not Specified; added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0x0001 = EO 0x0002 = IR 0x0004 = Reserved 1 0x0008 = Reserved 2 0x0010 = Reserved 3 0x0020 = Reserved 4 0x0040 = Reserved 5 0x0080 = Reserved 6 0x0100 = Payload – Specific 1 0x0200 = Payload – Specific 2 0x0400 = Payload – Specific 3 0x0800 = Payload – Specific 4 0x1000 = Payload – Specific 5 0x2000 = Payload – Specific 6 0x4000 = Payload – Specific 7 0x8000 = Payload – Specific 8 0201.10 15 14 Set EO/IR Pointing Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Value 1 = Angle Relative to UA 2 = Slewing Rate Relative to UA 3 = Slewing Rate Relative to Inertial 4 = Lat-Long Slaved 5 = Target Slaved (track) 6 = Stow 7 = Cage 8 - 31 = Reserved 32 - 255 = Payload Specific 19100.10 16 15 Enable Image Stabilization Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Not Specified Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 203 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0201.16 17 16 Fire Laser Pointer Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off (0000 0000) 51 = Arm (0011 0011) 68 = On - Safe (0100 0100) 102 = Payload-specific 1 (0110 0110) 136 = Payload-specific 2 (1000 1000) 153 = Payload-specific 3 (1001 1001) 204 = Payload-specific 4 (1100 1100) 238 = Fire (1110 1110) 0201.11 18 17 Fire Laser Rangefinder Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off (0000 0000) 51 = Arm (0011 0011) 68 = On - Safe (0100 0100) 85 = Fire One Pulse (0101 0101) 102 = Payload-specific 1 (0110 0110) 136 = Payload-specific 2 (1000 1000) 153 = Payload-specific 3 (1001 1001) 204 = Payload-specific 4 (1100 1100) 238 = Fire Multiple Pulses (1110 1110) 0201.12 19 18 Select Laser Rangefinder First/Last Pulse Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = First 2 = Last 3 = Not Specified Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off (0000 0000) 51 = Arm (0011 0011) 68 = On - Safe (0100 0100) 85 = Fire (0101 0101) 102 = Payload-specific 1 (0110 0110) 136 = Payload-specific 2 (1000 1000) 153 = Payload-specific 3 (1001 1001) 204 = Payload-specific 4 (1100 1100) Enumeration 3 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0201.13 20 19 Set Laser Designator Code Laser Illuminator Code per STANAG 5516 (Ed 2) (Link 16) Page E-3-527 DFI #1676 DUI 001 0201.14 21 20 Initiate Laser Designator AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 204 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19100.13 22 21 Laser Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Operational Check 1 = Mission 2 = Boresight 3 = Not Specified 4 - 7 = Reserved 8 - 255 = Payload Specific Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Reboot 3 = Not Specified Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Enumeration 3 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 19100.11 23 22 Sensor Power Applies to the Addressed Sensor. Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 19100.12 24 23 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity 19100.05 25 24 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 69: Message #19100: EO/IR/Laser Payload Command 4.15.4 Message #19101: EO/IR/Laser Payload Quality Control This message shall be used to manually adjust the payload quality [DLI 3609]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19101.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 19101.04 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 205 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19101.05 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 19101.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 19101.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 0200.15 5 4 Set Focus Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Change 1 = Focus Closer 2 = Focus Farther 19101.06 6 5 Adjust EO Iris Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Change 1 = Decrease Iris Size 2 = Increase Iris Size AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 206 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19101.07 7 6 Adjust IR Gain Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Change 1 = Decrease Gain 2 = Increase Gain 19101.08 8 7 Adjust IR Level Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Change 1 = Decrease Gain 2 = Increase Gain 19101.03 9 8 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 70: Message #19101: EO/IR/Laser Payload Quality Control 4.15.5 Message #19200: SAR Payload Command 1. This message shall be used to instruct the VSM to generate all commands for SAR payloads, except for pointing and FOV commands that are covered in the Payload Steering Command Message (Message #19001) [DLI 3234]. 2. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the SAR payloads capability (specified by Station Number) to support the fields commanded in this message [DLI 3610]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19200.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0202.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 207 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0202.04 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 19200.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Clutter Map 2 = Moving Target 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload-Specific Location ID on a given Station Location 19200.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 0202.06 5 4 Set MTI Radar Mode AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 208 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 0202.07 6 5 Set SAR Modes Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = 0FR - Mode 0, Slant Plane 1 = 0FG - Mode 0, Ground Plane 2 = 1FR - Mode 1, Slant Plane 3 = 1FG - Mode 1, Ground Plane 4 = 2FR - Mode 2, Slant Plane 5 = 2FG - Mode 2, Ground Plane 6 = 22FR - Mode 5, Slant Plane 7 = 22FG - Mode 5, Ground Plane 8 = 07A - Mode 3 Area, Slant Plan 9 = 07L - Mode 3 LOC, Slant Plan 10 = 14A - Mode 4 area, Slant Plane 11 = 14L - Mode 4 LOC, Slant Plane 12 = 1SP - ETP, Spotlight 1, Slant 13 = 3SP - ETP, Spotlight 3, Slant 14 = 10S - ETP, Scan, Slant 15 = GSP - Tier 2+ Spot Mode 16 = GSH - Tier 2+ Search Mode 17 = AIP13 - Monopulse Calibration 18 = AIP14 - Wide Area MTI (WAMTI) 19 = AIP15 - Coarse Resolution Search 20 = AIP16 -Medium Resolution Search 21 = AIP17 - High Resolution Search 22 = AIP18 - Point Imaging 23 = AIP19 - Swath MTI (SMTI) 24 = AIP20 - Repetitive Point Imaging 25 = AS201 – Search 26 = AS202 - Spot 3 27 = AS204 - Spot 1 28 = AS207 - Continuous Spot 3 29 = AS208 - Continuous Spot 1 30 = AS209 - EMTI Wide Frame Search AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 209 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 31 = AS210 - EMTI Narrow Frame Search 32 = AS211 - EMTI Augmented Spot 33 = AS212 - EMTI Wide Area MTI (WAMTI) 34 = AS213 – Monopulse Calibration 35 - 100 = Reserved 101 - 255 = VSM Specific 0202.08 7 6 Set Radar Resolution Unsigned 2 0.01 m x ≤ 100 0 = Unknown AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 210 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 19200.05 8 7 Set GMTI Processing Performed Reference : Table 2-14.2 of STANAG 4607 JAS (EDITION 3) – NATO Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) format (NSA1002(2010)JAS/4607) Unsigned 4 Bitmapped 0x00000001 = Area Filtering 0x00000002 = Target Classification Filtering 0x00000004 = Line-of-Slant Velocity Filtering 0x00000008 = SNR Filtering 0x00000010 = De-clutter Filtering 0x00000020 = Bandwidth Filtering 0x00000040 = Revisit Filtering 0x00000080 = Location Adjustment 0x00000100 = Geoid Adjustment 0x00000200 = Location Registration 0x00000400 = Time Filtering 0x00000800 = Security Filtering 0x00001000 = Data Augmentation 0x00002000 = Target Coordinate Conversion 0x00004000 = Reserved 1 0x00008000 = Reserved 2 0x00010000 = Payload Specific 1 0x00020000 = Payload Specific 2 0x00040000 = Payload Specific 3 0x00080000 = Payload Specific 4 0x00100000 = Payload Specific 5 0x00200000 = Payload Specific 6 0x00400000 = Payload Specific 7 0x00800000 = Payload Specific 8 0x01000000 = Payload Specific 9 0x02000000 = Payload Specific 10 0x04000000 = Payload Specific 11 0x08000000 = Payload Specific 12 0x10000000 = Payload Specific 13 0x20000000 = Payload Specific 14 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 211 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0x40000000 = Payload Specific 15 0x80000000 = Payload Specific 16 19200.04 9 8 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity 19200.03 10 9 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 71: Message #19200: SAR Payload Command 4.15.6 Message #19400: Communications Relay Command 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to command the Communications Relay located at the Station Number specified in the message [DLI 3391]. 2. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the Communication Relay (specified by Station Number) capability to support the fields commanded in this message [DLI 3392]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19400.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0204.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 212 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0204.04 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 19400.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location. 0x0000 = Not Specified (added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1). 19400.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location. 0x0000 = Not Specified (added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1). AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 213 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19400.03 5 4 Power Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Standby 3 = Deploy 4 = Activate 5 = Deactivate 6 = Stow 7 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 - 8 = Reserved 9 = Not Specified 10 - 255 = Payload Specific Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Enumerations 3-7 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 19400.04 6 5 Set Mode Enumerations 1-9 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 19400.05 7 6 RF Power Level – Radio A Defines the transmission power level of radio A. 0 is the lowest power level. If the radio has less than 256 power levels the upper range should be configured to only support the number of available power settings. 19400.06 8 7 RF Power Level – Radio B Defines the transmission power level of radio B. 0 is the lowest power level. If the radio has less than 256 power levels the upper range should be configured to only support the number of available power settings. 19400.07 9 8 Select Stored Configuration Number – Radio A Selects a predefined repeater configuration. 19400.08 10 9 Select Stored Configuration Number – Radio B Selects a predefined repeater configuration. 19400.09 11 10 Initiate BIT Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Do not run BIT 1 - 255 = Payload Specific 19400.10 12 11 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 214 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19400.11 13 12 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 72: Message #19400: Communications Relay Command 4.15.7 Message #19401: Load Communications Relay Configuration Command 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to load the Communications Relay configuration values to the located Communication Relay located at the Station Number specified in the message [DLI 3611]. 2. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the Communication Relay (specified by Station Number) capability to support the fields commanded in this message [DLI 3612]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19401.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 19401.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 19401.02 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 215 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19401.07 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 19401.08 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 19401.03 5 4 Configuration Number Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 19401.04 6 5 Frequency Unsigned 3 100 Hz x ≤ 512,000,000.0 19401.05 7 6 Hop ID Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions 0 = No hop 19401.06 8 7 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 216 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19401.09 9 8 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 73: Message #19401: Load Communications Relay Configuration Command 4.15.8 Message #19500: Payload Data Recorder Control Command 1. This message shall be used to command the platform payload data storage device indicated in the "Recording Device Number" field to the state as specified in the message [DLI 3236]. 2. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the payload data recorders (specified by “Recording Device Number”) capability to support the fields commanded in this message [DLI 3613]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. 3. Note: Message #21501 defines the payload to recording device configuration. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19500.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0205.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0205.04 2 1 Recording Device Number Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 0205.05 3 2 Set Recording Index Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Time 1 = Block Number 2 = Event Mark 3 = Session Number 0205.06 4 3 Set Recording Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stop 1 = Ready 2 = Recording 3 = Play 4 = Seek 5 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload Specific 0205.07 5 4 Set Recording Rate Float Mbit/s 0.001 ≤ x ≤ 40,000 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 217 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0205.08 6 5 Initial Recording Index Integer 4 None 0≤x 0 = No Active Index 0205.09 7 6 Set Replay Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stop 1 = Ready 2 = Reading 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload Specific 0205.10 8 7 Replay Clock Rate Float Mbit/s 0.001 ≤ x ≤ 40,000 0205.11 9 8 Seek Replay Index Integer 4 None 0≤x Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions 0 = No Active Index 19500.01 10 9 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 74: Message #19500: Payload Data Recorder Control Command 4.15.9 Message #19600: Terrain Data Update This message shall be used by the CUCS to convey terrain data at a specific location [DLI 3238]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19600.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0207.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0207.04 2 1 Latitude of terrain data point Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0207.05 3 2 Longitude of terrain data point Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 0207.06 4 3 Elevation of terrain data point Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Distance above (+) or below (-) the WGS-84 reference geoid 19600.01 5 4 DTED Level Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No DTED 1 = Level 0 2 = Level 1 3 = Level 2 4 = Level 3 5 = Level 4 6 = Level 5 19600.02 6 5 Magnetic Variation Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions East (+) or West (-) AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 218 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 75: Message #19600: Terrain Data Update 4.15.10 Message #19700: Payload Operating Mode Command This message shall be used to command the payload to a specific mode and whether it should be commanded via a preplanned mission or immediately upon receipt [DLI 3614]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19700.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 19700.04 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 19700.05 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 19700.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 219 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19700.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Component Location 19700.06 5 4 Device Number Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 19700.07 6 5 Platform Power Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = Standby Power 2 = On 0201.06 7 6 System Operating Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Deploy 1 = Activate 2 = Deactivate 3 = Initialise (for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1) 4 = Calibrate (for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1) 5 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload-Specific 19700.08 8 7 Mission Plan Control Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Preplanned Mode 1 = Manual Mode 19700.09 9 8 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 220 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 19700.03 10 9 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 76: Message #19700: Payload Operating Mode Command 4.16 Payload Status Messages Since UA are commonly used as carriers for payload systems, the messages in this group are specified to provide a means for the UCS to report the operating state in an interoperable fashion. Vehicles not carrying such payloads need not support the messages in the group. 4.16.1 Message #21000: Payload Bay Status This message shall be used to return the status of a payload bay [DLI 3251]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0308.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0308.04 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 221 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21000.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 21000.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 0308.05 5 4 Payload Bay Door Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Closed 1 = Open 21000.03 6 5 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 77: Message #21000: Payload Bay Status AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 222 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.16.2 Message #21001: Payload Configuration 1. This message shall be used to identify payload configuration by vehicle station and device number [DLI 3239]. Configuration data is used by mission planning, dynamic re-planning, and mission execution monitoring applications to determine flight performance characteristics, manoeuvring limits, and to ascertain flight safety issues, particularly during takeoff and landing. In-flight configuration changes may also need to be tracked by the CUCS in terms of their effect on vehicle performance as the mission progresses. 2. This message shall be used to provide the CUCS with payload configuration on initial start up and on a change basis [DLI 3240]. The CUCS shall request this message from the UA/VSM using Message #17002 Generic Information Request Message, during the configuration process as required for determination of the vehicle payload configuration [DLI 3393]. At least one instance of this message shall be sent by the UA/VSM for each employed device type [DLI 3241]. Sufficient messages shall be sent to define the configuration for all devices installed in the payload station, component, sub-component hierarchy when requested by the CUCS [DLI 3615]. An instance of the message shall be sent by the UA/VSM each time the configuration changes [DLI 3242]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0300.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0300.05 2 1 Payload Count Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 Defines the total number of available stations on the UA. Multiple instances of this message may be required to define the configuration of all available payloads. 0300.06 3 2 Station Number 1-16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 223 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21001.04 4 3 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 21001.05 5 4 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 0300.10 6 5 Device Number Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 0300.07 7 6 Payload Class Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified/N/A 1 = EO 2 = IR 3 = EO/IR 4 = SAR 5 = Fixed Camera 6 = Comms Relay 7 = Dispensable Payload 8 = Recorder 9 = Payload Bay Door 10 = CBRN 11 = SMS 12 - 50 = Reserved 51 - 255 = VSM Specific 21001.01 8 7 Payload Type Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Assigned by UA manufacturer. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 224 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21001.02 9 8 Payload Subtype Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Character 20 None No Restrictions Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 21001.03 10 9 Payload Name Vehicle Specific 0300.08 11 10 Station Door Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No 1 = Yes 0300.09 12 11 Number of Devices on this Station Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions 21001.06 13 12 Focus Distance Change Rate Unsigned 2 m/s No Restrictions 21001.07 14 13 Horizontal Zoom Change Rate Unsigned 2 0.004 rad/s No Restrictions 21001.08 15 14 Number of Discrete Fields of View Unsigned 1 None x ≤ 29 Discrete Field of View List: repeated fields begin (where n = 1 to "Number of Discrete Fields of View") 21001.09 - 14 Horizontal Field of View #<n> Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 21001.11 - 14 Vertical Field Of View #<n> Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Discrete Field of View List: repeated fields end (where n = 1 to "Number of Discrete Fields of View") 21001.10 74 15 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 225 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 21001.11 75 16 Payload Stations Available Type Units Range Unsigned 4 Bitmapped 0x00000001 = Stn #1 0x00000002 = Stn #2 0x00000004 = Stn #3 0x00000008 = Stn #4 0x00000010 = Stn #5 0x00000020 = Stn #6 0x00000040 = Stn #7 0x00000080 = Stn #8 0x00000100 = Stn #9 0x00000200 = Stn #10 0x00000400 = Stn #11 0x00000800 = Stn #12 0x00001000 = Stn #13 0x00002000 = Stn #14 0x00004000 = Stn #15 0x00008000 = Stn #16 0x00010000 = Stn #17 0x00020000 = Stn #18 0x00040000 = Stn #19 0x00080000 = Stn #20 0x00100000 = Stn #21 0x00200000 = Stn #22 0x00400000 = Stn #23 0x00800000 = Stn #24 0x01000000 = Stn #25 0x02000000 = Stn #26 0x04000000 = Stn #27 0x08000000 = Stn #28 0x10000000 = Stn #29 0x20000000 = Stn #30 0x40000000 = Stn #31 0x80000000 = Stn #32 Added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. Table 4 - 78: Message #21001: Payload Configuration 4.16.3 Message #21100: EO/IR Configuration State This message shall be used to define the EO/IR configuration to the CUCS [DLI 3243]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21100.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0301.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 226 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0301.05 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 21100.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 21100.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 227 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0301.06 5 4 EO/IR Type Type is identified using NATO stock numbers, which are 13-digit numerical values conforming with the NATO Codification System as defined in STANAGs 3150 and 3151 which define the structure for these values. 0301.07 6 5 EO/IR Type Revision Level Type Units Range Character 14 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Number identifying modification level of the type specified in EO/IR Type Field. 0301.08 7 6 EO Vertical Image Dimension Number of pixel rows 0 = Off 0301.09 8 7 EO Horizontal Image Dimension Number of pixel columns 0 = Off 0301.10 9 8 IR Vertical Image Dimension Number of pixel rows 0 = Off 0301.11 10 9 IR Horizontal Image Dimension Number of pixel columns 0 = Off 0301.12 11 10 Field of Regard – Elevation Min Minimum payload centre field of view wrt UA, using payload gimbal if present. Positive value is above the surface defined by the UA lateral/longitudinal plane AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 228 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0301.13 12 11 Field of Regard – Elevation Max Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Maximum payload centre field of view wrt UA, using payload gimbal if present. Positive value is above the surface defined by the UA lateral/longitudinal plane 0301.14 13 12 Field of Regard – Azimuth Min Minimum payload centre field of view wrt UA, using payload gimbal if present. Positive value is clockwise as viewed from above relative to the nose of the UA. 0301.15 14 13 Field of Regard – Azimuth Max Maximum payload centre field of view wrt UA, using payload gimbal if present. Positive value is clockwise as viewed from above relative to the nose of the UA. 21100.03 15 14 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 79: Message #21100: EO/IR Configuration State 4.16.4 Message #21101: EO/IR/Laser Operating State This message shall be used to report the operating state of the EO/IR payload by station to the CUCS [DLI 3244]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21101.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 5 Bitmapped No Restrictions AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 229 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0302.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0302.04 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 21101.05 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 21101.06 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 230 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0302.05 5 4 Addressed Sensor Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = EO 0x02 = IR 0x04 = Payload -Specific Identifies which sensor (s) to control where applicable. Laser pointers and rangefinders integrated with an EO/IR sensor are not considered a separate sensor 0302.07 6 5 EO Camera Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = B/W mode 1 = Colour Mode 21101.07 7 6 EO Iris Adjustment Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Automatic 1 = Manual 0302.08 8 7 IR Polarity Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Black Hot 1 = White Hot 21101.10 9 8 NUC Table Selection Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = VSM Specific 21101.11 10 9 IR Integration Time Status Integer 2 0.001 s 0≤x≤1 21101.12 11 10 IR Gain Adjustment Mode Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Automatic 1 = Manual 0302.36 12 11 IR Level Adjustment Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Automatic 1 = Manual 0302.09 13 12 Image Output State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = None 1 = EO 2 = IR 3 = Both Simultaneously 4 = Payload -Specific 0302.10 14 13 Actual Centreline Elevation Angle Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions + above aircraft waterline 0302.11 15 14 Actual Vertical Field of View Unsigned 2 BAM No Restrictions 0302.12 16 15 Actual Centreline Azimuth Angle Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions + right of aircraft x axis 0302.13 17 16 Actual Horizontal Field of View Unsigned 2 BAM No Restrictions 0302.14 18 17 Actual Sensor Rotation Angle Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Fields 20, 21, and 22 Not Valid 1 = Fields 20, 21, and 22 Valid 2 = Fields 20, 21, 22 and 27 Valid measured by LRF + Clockwise rotation from aircraft normal (Up) 0302.15 19 18 Image Position Indicates when the latitude, longitude and altitude fields are filled with valid data AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 231 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0302.16 20 19 Latitude of image centre Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0302.17 21 20 Longitude of image centre Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 0302.18 22 21 Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Unsigned 2 0.00005 Horizontal Screen Fraction of the Frame Width x≤1 Unsigned 2 0.00005 Vertical Screen Fraction of the Frame Height x≤1 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Value 1 = Angle Relative to UA 2 = Slewing Rate Relative to UA 3 = Slewing Rate Relative to Inertial 4 = Lat-Long Slaved 5 = Target Slaved (track) 6 = Stowed 7 = Caged 8 = Initialising 9 = Calibration 10 = Standby 11 - 31 = Reserved 32 - 255 = Payload Specific Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off/Break 1 = Acquire 2 = Track 3 = Not Specified 4 - 255 = Payload Specific Distance above (+) or below (-) the WGS-84 reference geoid of image centre. 21101.03 23 22 Screen Fraction - X Horizontal position in the video frame. 0 is the left edge of the screen; 1 is the right edge of the screen; 0.5 is halfway across the screen. 21101.04 24 23 Screen Fraction - Y Vertical position in the video frame. 0 is the bottom edge of the screen; 1 is the top edge of the screen; 0.5 is halfway up the screen. 0302.19 25 24 Pointing Mode State Enumerations 8-10 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 21101.02 26 25 Tracker Mode Status This field is valid when the “Set EO/IR Pointing Mode” is “Target Slaved (Track)”. Enumeration 3 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 232 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0302.21 27 26 Reported Range Unsigned 2 m No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Automatic 1 = Manual 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Not Specified If > 0, then reported range is valid for the current reported location in this message 0 = Range is Invalid 21101.13 28 27 Focus Type Status Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 21101.14 29 28 Image Stabilization Status Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0302.22 30 29 Fire Laser Pointer Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On - Safed 2 = Armed 3 = Firing 4 = Masked 5 = Charging 6 - 15 = Reserved 16 - 255 = Payload-specific 0302.26 31 30 Fire Rangefinder Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On - Safed 2 = Armed 3 = Charging 4 = Firing 5 = Masked 6 - 15 = Reserved 16 - 255 = Payload-specific 21101.18 32 31 Laser Mode Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Operational Check 1 = Mission 2 = Boresight 3 = Not Specified 4 - 7 = Reserved 8 - 255 = Payload Specific Enumeration 3 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0302.23 33 32 Selected Laser Rangefinder First/Last Pulse Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = First 2 = Last 0302.24 34 33 Laser Designator Code Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Laser Illuminator Code per STANAG 5516 (Ed 2) (Link 16) Page E-3-527 DFI #1676 DUI 001 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 233 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0302.25 35 34 Laser Designator Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On - Safed 2 = Armed 3 = Firing 4 = Masked 5 = Charging 6 - 15 = Reserved 16 - 255 = Payload-specific 21101.15 36 35 EO Sensor Power State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 21101.16 37 36 IR Sensor Power State Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 21101.17 38 37 Other Sensor Power State Enumeration 2 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 21101.08 39 38 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 80: Message #21101: EO/IR/Laser Operating State 4.16.5 Message #21200: SAR Operating State This message shall be used to report the SAR operating state by station to the CUCS [DLI 3245]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21200.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0303.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 234 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0303.04 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 21200.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Character 14 None No Restrictions Location ID on a given Station Location 21200.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 0303.05 5 4 SAR Type Type is identified using NATO stock numbers, which are 13-digit numerical values as of date of publication. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 235 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0303.06 6 5 SAR Type Revision Level Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = Payload Specific Number identifying modification level of the type specified in the SAR Type Field. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 236 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 0303.07 7 6 Radar Operating Mode Reference: NSIF Registry, AEDP-4, Annex D. Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = 0FR - Mode 0, Slant Plane 1 = 0FG - Mode 0, Ground Plane 2 = 1FR - Mode 1, Slant Plane 3 = 1FG - Mode 1, Ground Plane 4 = 2FR - Mode 2, Slant Plane 5 = 2FG - Mode 2, Ground Plane 6 = 22FR - Mode 5, Slant Plane 7 = 22FG - Mode 5, Ground Plane 8 = 07A - Mode 3 Area, Slant Plan 9 = 07L - Mode 3 LOC, Slant Plan 10 = 14A - Mode 4 area, Slant Plane 11 = 14L - Mode 4 LOC, Slant Plane 12 = 1SP - ETP, Spotlight 1, Slant 13 = 3SP - ETP, Spotlight 3, Slant 14 = 10S - ETP, Scan, Slant 15 = GSP - Tier 2+ Spot Mode 16 = GSH - Tier 2+ Search Mode 17 = AIP13 - Monopulse Calibration 18 = AIP14 - Wide Area MTI (WAMTI) 19 = AIP15 - Coarse Resolution Search 20 = AIP16 -Medium Resolution Search 21 = AIP17 - High Resolution Search 22 = AIP18 - Point Imaging 23 = AIP19 - Swath MTI (SMTI) 24 = AIP20 - Repetitive Point Imaging 25 = AS201 – Search 26 = AS202 - Spot 3 27 = AS204 - Spot 1 28 = AS207 - Continuous Spot 3 29 = AS208 - Continuous Spot 1 30 = AS209 - EMTI Wide Frame Search AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 237 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 31 = AS210 - EMTI Narrow Frame Search 32 = AS211 - EMTI Augmented Spot 33 = AS212 - EMTI Wide Area MTI (WAMTI) 34 = AS213 – Monopulse Calibration 35 - 100 = Reserved 101 - 255 = VSM Specific 0303.09 8 7 Radar MTI Mode Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Clutter Map 2 = Moving Target 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload-Specific Unsigned 2 0.01 m x ≤ 100 Reference: NSIF Registry, AEDP-4, Annex D. 0303.10 9 8 Resolution Current pixel resolution of SAR product 0 = Unknown AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 238 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 21200.04 10 9 GMTI Processing Performed Reference : Table 2-14.2 of STANAG 4607 JAS (EDITION 3) – NATO Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) format (NSA1002(2010)JAS/4607) Unsigned 4 Bitmapped 0x00000001 = Area Filtering 0x00000002 = Target Classification Filtering 0x00000004 = Line-of-Slant Velocity Filtering 0x00000008 = SNR Filtering 0x00000010 = De-clutter Filtering 0x00000020 = Bandwidth Filtering 0x00000040 = Revisit Filtering 0x00000080 = Location Adjustment 0x00000100 = Geoid Adjustment 0x00000200 = Location Registration 0x00000400 = Time Filtering 0x00000800 = Security Filtering 0x00001000 = Data Augmentation 0x00002000 = Target Coordinate Conversion 0x00004000 = Reserved 1 0x00008000 = Reserved 2 0x00010000 = Payload Specific 1 0x00020000 = Payload Specific 2 0x00040000 = Payload Specific 3 0x00080000 = Payload Specific 4 0x00100000 = Payload Specific 5 0x00200000 = Payload Specific 6 0x00400000 = Payload Specific 7 0x00800000 = Payload Specific 8 0x01000000 = Payload Specific 9 0x02000000 = Payload Specific 10 0x04000000 = Payload Specific 11 0x08000000 = Payload Specific 12 0x10000000 = Payload Specific 13 0x20000000 = Payload Specific 14 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 239 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0x40000000 = Payload Specific 15 0x80000000 = Payload Specific 16 0303.11 11 10 Current Field of View Elevation Min Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 above body x axis 0303.12 12 11 Current Field of View – Elevation Max above body x axis 0303.13 13 12 Current Field of View – Azimuth Min right of body x axis 0303.14 14 13 Current Field of View – Azimuth Max right of body x axis 21200.03 15 14 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 81: Message #21200: SAR Operating State 4.16.6 Message #21400: Communications Relay Status This message shall be used to report the Communications Relay status to the CUCS [DLI 3247]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21400.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0305.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 240 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0305.04 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 21400.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 21400.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 241 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21400.03 5 4 Power Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Standby 3 = Deploy 4 = Activate 5 = Deactivate 6 = Stow 7 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 - 8 = Reserved 9 = Not Specified 10 - 255 = Payload Specific Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Character 80 None No Restrictions Character 80 None No Restrictions Enumerations 3-7 added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 21400.04 6 5 Mode Status Enumerations 1-9 added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 21400.05 7 6 RF Power Level – Radio A Reports the transmission power level of radio A. 0 is the lowest power level. If the radio has less than 256 power levels the upper range should be configured to only support the number of available power settings. 21400.06 8 7 RF Power Level – Radio B Reports the transmission power level of radio B. 0 is the lowest power level. If the radio has less than 256 power levels the upper range should be configured to only support the number of available power settings. 21400.07 9 8 Configuration Number – Radio A Reports the predefined repeater configuration. 21400.08 10 9 Configuration Number – Radio B Reports the predefined repeater configuration 21400.09 11 10 Configuration Name – Radio A Reports the configuration name. 21400.10 12 11 Configuration Name – Radio B Reports the configuration name. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 242 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21400.11 13 12 BIT Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = BIT Not Run 1 = BIT Running 2 = BIT Passed 3 = BIT Failed 21400.12 14 13 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 82: Message #21400: Communications Relay Status 4.16.7 Message #21401: Communications Relay Configuration Status This message shall be used by the VSM to indicate the Communications Relay configuration status [DLI 3616]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21401.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 21401.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 21401.02 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 243 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21401.07 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 21401.08 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 21401.03 5 4 Configuration Number Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 21401.04 6 5 Frequency Unsigned 3 100 Hz x ≤ 512,000,000.0 21401.05 7 6 Hop ID Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Loaded 1 = Loading 2 = Loading Complete 3 = Loading Failed 4 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 0 = No hop 21401.06 8 7 Configuration Status AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 244 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21401.09 9 8 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 83: Message #21401: Communications Relay Configuration Status 4.16.8 Message #21402: Communication Relay Configuration State This message shall be used to define the Communication Relay configuration to the CUCS [DLI 3617]. Please refer to Message #21001. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21402.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 21402.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 21402.02 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 245 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21402.03 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 21402.04 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 21402.05 5 4 Communication Relay Type Character 14 None No Restrictions 21402.06 6 5 Communication Relay Type Revision Level Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Number identifying modification level of the type specified in Communication Relay Type Field. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 246 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21402.07 7 6 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 84: Message #21402: Communication Relay Configuration State 4.16.9 Message #21500: Payload Data Recorder Status This message shall be used to report the status of the platform payload data storage device(s) [DLI 3248]. It assumes that there is a potential for multiple recorders onboard the platform and that each recorder has independent play/record states (e.g., is capable of simultaneous record and playback activity.) Recorder status messages shall be sent by request only [DLI 3249]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21500.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0306.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0306.04 2 1 Recording Device Number Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 0306.05 3 2 Active Index Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Time 1 = Block Number 2 = Event Mark 3 = Session Number 4 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload Specific Indicates the type of indexing currently in use on the given recorder. 0306.06 4 3 Recording Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stop 1 = Active, Not Ready 2 = Ready/Pause 3 = Recording 4 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload Specific 0306.07 5 4 Record Rate Float Mbit/s 0.001 ≤ x ≤ 40,000 0306.08 6 5 Current Recording Index Integer 4 None 0≤x 0 = No Active Index AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 247 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0306.09 7 6 Record Index Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 For events, time of the event, for blocks or sessions, the time of block or session start. 0306.10 8 7 Replay Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stop 1 = Active, Not Ready 2 = Ready/Pause 3 = Reading 4 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload Specific 0306.11 9 8 Replay Rate Float Mbit/s 0.001 ≤ x ≤ 40,000 0306.12 10 9 Current Replay Index Integer 4 None 0≤x Integer 2 None No Restrictions 0 = No Active Index 0306.13 11 10 Health Status Code Recorder Specific Table 4 - 85: Message #21500: Payload Data Recorder Status 4.16.10 Message #21501: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration This message shall be used by the VSM to identify the payload/recorder configuration of the UA and is sent to the CUCS [DLI 3751]. This message will be sent once for each connection between a payload and recorder. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21501.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0307.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0307.04 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 248 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21501.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 21501.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 0307.05 5 4 Payload Recorder Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 21501.03 6 5 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 86: Message #21501: Vehicle Payload/Recorder Configuration AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 249 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.16.11 Message #21600: Terrain Data Request This message shall be used to request the highest terrain data in a specific area [DLI 3618]. To enable a single point request, the Latitude 1 and Latitude 2 value will have the same latitude value while Longitude 1 and Longitude 2 will have the same longitude value. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21600.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 21600.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 21600.02 2 1 Latitude 1 Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions of terrain corner 21600.03 3 2 Longitude 1 of terrain corner 21600.04 4 3 Latitude 2 of terrain corner 21600.05 5 4 Longitude 2 of terrain corner Table 4 - 87: Message #21600: Terrain Data Request AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 250 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Figure 4 - 15: Terrain Data 4.16.12 Message #21700: Payload Operating Mode Report This message shall be used to define the payload specific mode and whether it is commanded via a preplanned mission or manually [DLI 3619]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21700.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 21700.04 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 251 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21700.05 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 21700.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 21700.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 21700.06 5 4 Device Number Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 21700.07 6 5 Platform Power Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = Power Standby 2 = On AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 252 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0302.06 7 6 21700.08 8 21700.03 9 Type Units Range System Operating Mode State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Deployed 1 = Activated 2 = Deactivated 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload-Specific 7 Mission Plan Control Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Preplanned Mode 1 = Manual Mode 8 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 88: Message #21700: Payload Operating Mode Report 4.16.13 Message #21800: Slave to Sensor Settings Report 1. This message is to report the current Camera Guide Settings being used by the UA. 2. The UA/VSM shall transmit this message to the CUCS to report the “Slave to Sensor Offset” distance and “Slave to Sensor Direction" that the UA is using to calculate its loiter location with respect to the reported starepoint location while in Slave to Sensor Flight Mode [DLI 3775]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21800.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 21800.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 253 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 21800.02 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 21800.03 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 21800.04 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 21800.05 5 4 Slave To Sensor Offset Integer 4 m No Restrictions 21800.06 6 5 Slave To Sensor Direction Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 254 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 21800.07 7 6 Slave To Sensor Look Down Angle Type Units Range Integer 2 BAM 0 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 0 = Look down angle is not defined 21800.08 8 7 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 89: Message #21800: Slave to Sensor Settings Report 4.17 Weapons Command Messages 4.17.1 Message #24000: Stores Management System Command 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to command the Stores Management System located at the Station Number specified in the message [DLI 3235]. 2. The VSM shall use the General Configuration Messages to define the Stores Management Systems (specified by Station Number) capability to support the fields commanded in this message [DLI 3390]. Refer to Sections 4.24 and 4.25, General Configuration Messages for additional details. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 24000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0203.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 255 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0203.04 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 24000.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 24000.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 24000.04 5 4 Device Number Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 24000.05 6 5 Number of Stores to Release Each Time Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 256 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0203.06 7 6 0203.07 8 0203.08 Type Units Range Active Weapon Mode Command Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A (0000 0000) 17 = Disarm (0001 0001) 34 = Initialise (0010 0010) 51 = Arm (0011 0011) 68 = Jettison (0100 0100) 85 = Launch (0101 0101) 7 Active Target Acquisition Mode Select Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Coordinates 2 = Sensor-Based Tracking 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload Specific 9 8 Active Attack Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Time 2 = Heading 3 = Window 4 = Altitude 5 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload Specific 0203.09 10 9 Rack/Rail Ejector Enable (Hung Ordnance) Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Lock 2 = Unlock 0203.10 11 10 Safety Enable Discrete Command Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Enable 2 = Inhibit 0203.11 12 11 Set Target Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0203.12 13 12 Set Target Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 0203.13 14 13 Set Target Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0203.14 15 14 Target Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Defines altitude type for previous field 0203.15 16 15 Set Target Inertial Speed (Vx) Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 0203.16 17 16 Set Target Inertial Speed (Vy) Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 0203.17 18 17 Set Target Inertial Speed (Vz) Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 20000.06 19 18 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 257 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 24000.03 20 19 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 90: Message #24000: Stores Management System Command 4.18 Weapons Status Messages 4.18.1 Message #26000: Stores Management System Status This message shall be used to report the Stores Management System status to the CUCS [DLI 3752]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 26000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0304.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0304.04 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 258 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 26000.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 26000.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 26000.04 5 4 Device Number Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 0304.05 6 5 Active Weapon Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Mode 1 = Air-To-Air Weapon 2 = Air-To-Ground Weapon 3 = Anti-Submarine Weapon 4 - 10 = Reserved 11 - 255 = Payload Specific 0304.06 7 6 Active Weapon Sensors Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Mode 1 = EO 2 = Laser 3 = EM 4 = IR 0304.07 8 7 Active Weapon Number per Station Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 0304.08 9 8 Active Target Acquisition Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Mode 1 = Coordinates 2 = Sensor-Based Tracking 3 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload Specific AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 259 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0304.09 10 9 Active Attack Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Mode 1 = Time 2 = Heading 3 = Window 4 = Altitude 5 - 9 = Reserved 10 - 255 = Payload Specific 0304.10 11 10 Weapon Initialising Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Mode 1 = Sensors Initial Alignment 2 = Seeker Steering Mode 3 = Navigation Data Loading 4 = Target Data Loading 5 = BIT in Progress 0304.11 12 11 Weapon Release Clearance Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Clear 1 = Clear 0304.12 13 12 Clearance Validity Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Clear 1 = Clear 0304.14 14 13 Weapon Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Ready 2 = Armed 3 = Failed 26000.05 15 14 Current Target Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 26000.06 16 15 Current Target Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 26000.07 17 16 Current Target Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 -100,000 ≤ x ≤ -100,000 If this field is -100,000, then the Current Target location fields do not contain valid target coordinates. -100,000 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 26000.08 18 17 Current Target Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 0304.15 19 18 Rack/Rail/Ejector Unlock Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Unlocked 1 = Locked 0304.16 20 19 Safety Enable Discrete State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Enable 2 = Inhibit 0304.17 21 20 Launch Acceptable Region (LAR) Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Green (Acceptable) 2 = Yellow (Marginal) 3 = Red (Not Acceptable) AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 260 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0304.18 22 21 0304.19 23 22 Type Units Range Safe Separation Status (Weapon) Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Green (Released) 2 = Red (Hung Store) Number of Stores Available Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 0 = Empty or N/A 1 to 65534 = Count 65535 = 65535 or Greater Count 26000.03 24 23 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 91: Message #26000: Stores Management System Status 4.19 Data Link Discovery Messages 1. The messages have been developed with the intention of separating the communication (radio) equipment functionality from the pedestal functionality. The Data Link Command and Status Messages have also been developed with the intention to fully control a STANAG 7085 compliant data link. 2. Message #28000 and Message #28001 are considered to be the Data Link Discovery and Connection messages. The Data Link Discovery functionality is intended to allow a CUCS on the network to discover any data link connected to the network, whether it is a standalone network data link or a data link connection to the network through a VSM, without the CUCS having previous knowledge of the system data links. Once a data link has been configured for control, using the General Configuration Messages, Message #28000 and Message #28001 are used for the requesting and granting of data link control within the system. 3. Each of the data link messages contain a Data Link ID field which is used to specifically identify the data link terminal for which the message applies. In Message #28001 there is an additional VDT/CDT flag to specifically identify a data link as a VDT or as a CDT. The VDT and CDT are not considered permanently paired; therefore the Data Link ID for a VDT/CDT combination shall not be a single Data Link ID for a specific hardware pair [DLI 3620]. This is to provide the capacity to maintain a Data Link ID reference for each terminal, such as in the event of a transition in control of an UA from one CDT to another, where the CDT/VDT combination is altered. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 261 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4. A CUCS may be directly configured for control of a CDT from the CDT itself if the data link terminal “speaks” DLI, or via a VSM, using the General Configuration Messages. A VDT onboard an UA that “speaks” DLI cannot report its presence until it has a communication channel to the CUCS. Therefore, it is expected that a CUCS that requires control over a VDT will first be communicating with the UA. 5. It is suggested that the configuration, control and status of a VDT(s) onboard an UA be coordinated by the UA avionics (control system) and not by the VDT independent of the vehicle control system. This will ensure that the CUCS controlling the UA maintains control over a VDT for communicating UA control and status messages between that CUCS and the UA. To support this philosophy, the Data Link Command Messages (#30004 & #32004) support the capability to command the data link to pass all data link messages received from the RF side of the link to the local CUCS/UA/VSM without interpreting those commands at the data link, and only interpret commands for itself from the “hardware/wired” interface. In this sense, any data link control messages transmitted for a VDT located onboard an UA are considered UA control messages, and any data link status messages transmitted from the UA for n VDT are considered UA status messages, and treated as such. 6. Currently a multicast schema has been defined for transmitting the DLI messages across the network, therefore the data link messages have been developed to provide a basic functional message routing capability. The messages allow for the use of CDTs and VDTs that do not have a built in switching or routing capability for multicast messages. 4.19.1 Message #28000: Data Link Control Authorisation Request 1. When a CUCS is required to communicate with a data link (CDT) in order to transmit and receive messages to and from an UA, the determination of the type and number of data links attached to the system may be required in order for that CUCS to select the data link(s) to communicate with the specified vehicle. Where the CUCS does not know the Data Link ID(s) on the network, the CUCS may conduct a broadcast request for data link information. 2. When a CDT is being “discovered”, the vehicle type and subtype fields shall be filled appropriate to the request [DLI 3621]. The “Request/Handover Access” field shall be transmitted as “Unspecified” for a Broadcast Discovery (Request) and the Asset Mode field shall be set to “Broadcast Request” [DLI 3622]. 3. To conduct a broadcast for the VDT/s located on an UA, the Vehicle ID of the UA is used in the wrapper “destination” field to filter (limit) the request to that UA. 4. Where the CUCS knows the CDT/VDT Data Link ID, the Data Link Control Authorisation Request shall be used to request and release control over the Data Link ID for the configuration specified in the message (i.e., by Vehicle ID, vehicle type, and vehicle subtype) [DLI 3396]. 5. The transmission of the Data Link Control Authorisation Request with both a Vehicle ID and a Data Link ID (Destination ID in wrapper) shall be to request or release control of the specified Data Link ID located on the specific Vehicle ID in accordance with the “Requested/Handover Access” and “Assets Mode” fields [DLI 3397]. Most likely the CDT will not be located on an UA. In this instance, the Vehicle ID value shall be set to the Null ID to indicate that it does not apply [DLI 3623]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 262 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 6. Where a VSM is between the Data Link ID and the CUCS, the VSM shall be responsible for transferring the Data Link Command and Status Messages (Section 4.20 and 4.21) between the specified Data Link ID and the CUCS [DLI 3399]. Refer to the following figure. UA CDT VSM CUCS Data Link ID VSM ID Figure 4 - 16: CUCS VSM CDT Connection 7. The response to this message Configuration/Assignment Message. is Message #28001, Data Link Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 28000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0404.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0404.10 2 1 Requested/Handover Access Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = Unspecified 0x01 = Monitor 0x02 = Control Allows request or handover 0404.12 3 2 VSM/Vehicle ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0404.11 4 3 Asset Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Relinquish/Handover 1 = Request 2 = Override 3 = Broadcast Request 0404.07 5 4 Vehicle Type Unsigned 2 Enumerated 0 - 65535 = See Table 4-36 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Identifies the type name of vehicle; numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 0404.08 6 5 Vehicle Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 263 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 28000.01 7 6 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 92: Message #28000: Data Link Control Authorisation Request 4.19.2 Message #28001: Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message 1. The intent of this message is to provide the CUCS with the data link configuration of the VSM, or network, on request from a CUCS, with one instance of this message sent for each employed Data Link ID/vehicle type/vehicle subtype combination. 2. This message shall be transmitted in response to Message #28000, Data Link Control Authorisation Request, by appropriately filling this message with the reported Data Link IDs capabilities and setting the “Access Authorized” field as appropriate [DLI 3258]. The “Access Granted” field shall be set appropriately in response to a Data Link Broadcast Request from a CUCS that is already in control of the data link being reported in the broadcast response [DLI 3624]. 3. The appropriate supported vehicle type and vehicle subtype identified in this message shall be transmitted once for each vehicle type/subtype combination possible [DLI 3625]. The Data Link (ID) shall be responsible for identifying (reporting) the availability of the data link based on the number of UA/CUCS connections that are possible versus connected [DLI 3626]. 4. This message shall be used by a VDT (Data Link ID) to identify its capabilities to the CUCS, where the message wrapper specifically identifies the Vehicle ID on which the VDT is located [DLI 3401]. 5. This message shall be used by a VSM to identify to a CUCS the data link capabilities associated with a VSM, where the data links are attached behind the UA’s ground based VSM [DLI 3627]. Refer to Figure 4 - 17. Where a CDT is connected through the VSM, the VSM shall assign a “logical” Vehicle ID to be transmitted with the supported vehicle type and vehicle subtype identified in this message along with the VSM ID to identify the connection [DLI 3628]. This message therefore provides the association between the VSM and data link through their respective IDs as reported in this message. Where a VSM supports more than one vehicle type and vehicle subtype for a single CDT (resource sharing), each instance of support shall be reported to the CUCS with the same Data Link ID, but with a different logical Vehicle ID, vehicle type and subtype [DLI 3402]. 6. Where a data link is shared between two or more VSMs, physical or logical, the CDT status shall be the responsibility of the VSMs [DLI 3260] Refer to the following figure. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 264 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II CUCS Network VSM VSM VSM ID VSM ID Network CDT - A CDT - B Data Link ID Figure 4 - 17: Shared Data Links Data Link ID 7. This message shall be used by the VSM/data link to grant a CUCS control over a specific Data Link ID, report the Data Link ID connection as not authorized, or to report the successful release/availability of a Data Link ID [DLI 3261]. For each reported Data Link ID/vehicle type/vehicle subtype combination, the VSM/data link shall report the controllability of the data link in the “Access Authorized” field [DLI 3262]. Where the CDT is in control and being used to transmit messages to a vehicle for one of these Data Link ID/vehicle type/vehicle subtype combinations, the Vehicle ID field located in the message wrapper structure shall be filled with the controlled Vehicle ID [DLI 3403]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 28001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0500.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 28001.06 2 1 VSM / Vehicle ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 28001.01 3 2 Access Authorized Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = Connection Not Authorised 0x01 = Monitor 0x02 = Control 28001.02 4 3 Access Granted Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = N/A 0x01 = Monitor 0x02 = Control AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 265 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 28001.03 5 4 Access Requested Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = Unspecified 0x01 = Monitor 0x02 = Control 0x04 = Broadcast Response This field echoes the access request that this response addresses. 0500.07 6 5 Terminal Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = CDT 1 = VDT 0500.08 7 6 Data Link Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = STANAG 7085 1 - 7 = Reserved 8 - 255 = VSM Specific 28001.05 8 7 Data Link Subtype Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Character 20 None Printable Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 0500.09 9 8 Data Link Name Text identifier for Data Link 0500.10 10 9 Antenna Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Omni 2 = Directional 28001.04 11 10 Pedestal Index Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 0500.11 12 11 Vehicle Type Unsigned 2 Enumerated 0 - 65535 = See Table 4-36 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Available for Control 1 = Unavailable for Control 2 = Request Granted Identifies the type name of vehicle; numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 0500.12 13 12 Vehicle Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 28001.07 14 13 Data Link Control Availability Table 4 - 93: Message #28001: Data Link Configuration/Assignment Message 4.20 Data Link Command Messages 4.20.1 Message #30000: Data Link To Vehicle ID Assignment 1. This message allows for the use of CDTs and VDTs that do not have a built in switching or routing capability for multicast messages. 2. The CUCS shall transmit this message to the Vehicle ID, VSM ID, and Data Link ID to identify which vehicles are communicating via the Data Link ID [DLI 3629]. The data link with the Data Link ID specified in this message shall intercept all the other DLI messages with the Vehicle ID specified in the Communicating Vehicle ID field and forward those messages to the specified Vehicle ID over the RF link [DLI 3630]. The data link with the Data Link ID specified in this message shall receive messages from the Vehicle ID (Communicating Vehicle ID) and forward the messages to the required CUCS ID/VSM ID per the received message [DLI 3631]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 266 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 3. This message shall be sent once for each Vehicle ID required to communicate through the specified Data Link ID [DLI 3632]. Vehicle B Vehicle A CDT CDT Data Link ID - C Data Link ID - B CDT CUC S Figure 4 - 18: Relay System 4. In the above example, the CUCS transmits one message to the Null Vehicle ID/Data Link ID – A to indicate that Vehicle ID – A is communicating through Data Link ID – A, and one message to the Null Vehicle ID/Data Link ID – A to indicate that Vehicle ID – B is communicating through Data Link ID – A. The CUCS transmits one message to the Vehicle ID - A/Data Link ID – C to indicate that Vehicle ID – B is communicating through Data Link ID – A. 5. If multiple data links on the UA are not capable of routing messages between themselves through a multicast routing, it is the UA’s responsibility to ensure the correct messages pass between the two data links in the system. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 30000.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 30000.02 2 1 Communicating Vehicle ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 Vehicle ID to be controlled through Data Link ID. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 267 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30000.03 3 2 Communication State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Specified communicating Vehicle ID to be unassigned from DL 1 = Specified communicating Vehicle ID to be assigned to DL For Communicating Vehicle ID 30000.04 4 3 Message Assignment Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pass All Messages 1 = Pass Specific Message 2 = Do Not Pass Specific Message 3 = Pass Specific LOI 4 = Do Not Pass Specific LOI 5 = Clear All Message Passing Assignments 30000.05 5 4 Message Type Unsigned 4 None No Restrictions See Section 30000.06 6 5 Specific LOI Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = LOI 1 0x02 = LOI 2 0x04 = LOI 3 0x08 = LOI 4 0x10 = LOI 5 30000.08 7 6 Specific Control/Monitor Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = Unspecified 0x01 = Monitor 0x02 = Control 30000.07 8 7 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 94: Message #30000: Data Link To Vehicle ID Assignment 4.20.2 Message #30001: 7085 Data Link Active Configuration Set Up Message This message shall be used to set up the components of the VDT and/or CDT communication equipment [DLI 3633]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 30001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 30001.02 2 1 STANAG 7085 Profile ID – Part 1 Composite 1 None No Restrictions Defines the first three digits of the Profile Identifier as specified in STANAG 7085. See STANAG 7085, Annex P AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 268 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 2.1 - 7085 Annex Most significant bits of 30001.02 Units Range Unsigned Bits 2 Enumerated 0 = Annex B 1 = Annex C 2.2 - 7085 Appendix Unsigned Bits 2 Enumerated 0 = Appendix 1 2.3 - 7085 Implementation Unsigned Bits 4 Enumerated 0 = Implementation 1 1 = Implementation 2 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified 1 - 255 = See STANAG 7085, Annex P Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Specified 1 - 255 = See STANAG AR 7085, Annex B, Appendix 1, Implementation 1 Unsigned 2 0.5 MHz No Restrictions Unsigned 2 0.5 MHz No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Least significant bits of 30001.02 30001.08 Type 3 2 STANAG 7085 Profile ID – Part 2 Defines the last digit of the Profile Identifier as specified in STANAG 7085. Enumeration 0 added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 30001.03 4 3 Set Configuration Index Defines default values for the data link configuration fields. Enumeration 0 added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 30001.04 5 4 Set Forward Link (FL) Carrier Frequency A bias of 9000 MHz is applied to the decoded value. (bias = 9,000 MHz) 30001.05 6 5 Set Return Link (RL) Carrier Frequency A bias of 9000 MHz is applied to the decoded value. (bias = 9,000 MHz) 30001.06 7 6 Set Forward PN Code Index Implementation Specific 30001.07 8 7 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 269 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0400.05 9 8 Addressed Terminal Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = CDT 1 = VDT Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0400.06 10 9 Select Channel This field is ignored if a valid 7085 profile is specified. Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0400.07 11 10 Select Primary Hop Pattern This field is ignored if a valid 7085 profile is specified. Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. Table 4 - 95: Message #30001: 7085 Data Link Active Configuration Set Up Message 4.20.3 Message #30002: 7085 Data Link Fallback Configuration Set Up Message This message shall be used to set up the fallback configuration of the VDT and/or CDT communication equipment [DLI 3634]. The data link equipment will assume this configuration if a loss of link exceeds the “Fallback Time” defined in this message. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 30002.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 30002.02 2 1 STANAG 7085 Profile ID – Part 1 Composite 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned Bits 2 Enumerated 0 = Annex B 1 = Annex C Unsigned Bits 2 Enumerated 0 = Appendix 1 Defines the first three digits of the Profile Identifier as specified in STANAG 7085. See STANAG 7085, Annex P 2.1 - 7085 Annex Most significant bits of 30002.02 2.2 - 7085 Appendix AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 270 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 2.3 - 7085 Implementation Least significant bits of 30002.02 30002.09 3 2 STANAG 7085 Profile ID – Part 2 Type Units Range Unsigned Bits 4 Enumerated 0 = Implementation 1 1 = Implementation 2 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 - 255 = See STANAG 7085, Annex P Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 - 255 = See STANAG AR 7085, Annex B, Appendix 1, Implementation 1 Unsigned 2 0.5 MHz No Restrictions Unsigned 2 0.5 MHz No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 10 s No Restrictions Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Defines the last digit of the Profile Identifier as specified in STANAG 7085. 30002.06 4 3 Set Configuration Index Defines default values for the data link configuration fields. 30002.03 5 4 Set Forward Link (FL) Carrier Frequency A bias of 9000 MHz is applied to the decoded value. (bias = 9,000 MHz) 30002.04 6 5 Set Return Link (RL) Carrier Frequency A bias of 9000 MHz is applied to the decoded value. (bias = 9,000 MHz) 30002.05 7 6 Set Forward PN Code Index Implementation Specific 30002.07 8 7 Set Fallback Time Loss of link greater than this time will cause the data link to change to this configuration. 0 = Fallback Function Disabled 30002.08 9 8 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 96: Message #30002: 7085 Data Link Fallback Configuration Set Up Message 4.20.4 Message #30003: Data Link Control Command This message shall be used to send instructions to the VSM/data link to command the components of the CDT and/or VDT communications equipment [DLI 3635]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 271 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 30003.02 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 30003.03 2 1 Set Transmitter State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = Standby 2 = On 30003.04 3 2 Set Transmit Attenuation Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = Data Link Specific 30003.05 4 3 Set Receiver State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Not Specified Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = Data Link Specific Enumeration 2 added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 30003.06 5 4 Select Active Antenna Pedestal Index Selects which antenna is being addressed 30003.07 6 5 Communication Security Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Normal (0000 0000) 17 = Zeroize (0001 0001) 34 = Hold (0010 0010) 51 = Reset (0011 0011) 68 = Bypass (0100 0100 (Future)) 30003.01 7 6 Communication Security Key Action Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Clear 1 = Set 2 = Not Specified Enumeration 2 added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 30003.08 8 7 Communication Security Key Index Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Primary 2 - 255 = Data Link Specific 30003.09 9 8 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = CDT 1 = VDT Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Omni 1 = Directional 2 = Auto Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity 0401.05 10 9 Addressed Terminal Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0401.07 11 10 Set Antenna Mode Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 272 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0401.09 12 11 Link Channel Priority Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Primary 1 = Secondary 2 = Tertiary 3 - 255 = Quaternary to Last Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. Table 4 - 97: Message #30003: Data Link Control Command 4.20.5 Message #30004: RF Command Processing Set Up Message This message shall be used to specify how the data link will use the data link commands directly received via the RF transmission [DLI 3636]. The Commands from RF field specifies if the commands are to be acted on when received via the RF path and if the command should be passed on to the local host. RF MSG Data Link RF Message Processing 0&2 Local Host Computer 0&1 Data Link HW/SW Control 2 Figure 4 - 19: Commands from RF Data Flow Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30004.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 30004.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 273 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30004.02 2 1 Commands From RF Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Use RF commands and Pass them through 1 = Use RF commands and do not pass them through 2 = Do not use RF commands but pass them through Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Commands the data link if it should directly interpret messages sent as received on the RF side of the data link. Also commands the data link if it should pass all data link messages received from the RF side on to the local CUCS/VSM/UA. 30004.03 3 2 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 98: Message #30004: RF Command Processing Set Up Message 4.20.6 Message #30100: Antenna Pedestal Location Command This message shall be used by the CUCS/VSM to send the location of the data link antenna pedestal to the data link to allow the data link to point the antenna [DLI 3637]. If the antenna is not located on a pedestal, the parameters shall be filled with the antenna location [DLI 3794]. This message is normally used only for the local antenna pedestal. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30100.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 30100.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 30100.02 2 1 Antenna Pedestal Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions WGS-84 30100.03 3 2 Antenna Pedestal Longitude WGS-84 30100.04 4 3 Antenna Pedestal Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 30100.12 5 4 Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Unsigned 2 0.05 m/s No Restrictions Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 30100.05 6 5 Antenna Pedestal Ground Speed AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 274 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 30100.06 7 6 Antenna Pedestal Vertical Speed Type Units Range Integer 2 0.05 m/s No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 2 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Platform Dependent 30100.07 8 7 Antenna Pedestal Course Clockwise from true north 30100.08 9 8 Antenna Pedestal Heading Clockwise from true north 30100.09 10 9 Antenna Pedestal Pitch THETA 30100.10 11 10 Antenna Pedestal Roll PHI 30100.11 12 11 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 99: Message #30100: Antenna Pedestal Location Command 4.20.7 Message #30101: Antenna Control Command 1. This message shall be used to send instructions to the VSM/pedestal to command the components of the pedestal [DLI 3638]. 2. Set Antenna pointing modes are defined below: - Manual, Position: - Antenna is steered manually by providing azimuth and elevation angle - (This corresponds roughly to Air Auto Mode in the CDL spec. The only difference is that in the CDL spec, the elevation is expected to come from a stored value and in this case, the elevation is provided. For backward compatibility, the elevation could be ignored which would be reflected in the status) - Manual, Rate: - Antenna is steered manually by providing rate and direction for Azimuth and Elevation - (This corresponds roughly to Ground Manual in the CDL spec. The difference is that Ground Manual only specifies a direction with the rate being fixed and this command specifies a magnitude and sign indicating direction and speed. For backward compatibility, a note could be added indicating that AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 275 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II fixed rate systems need only look at the sign of the parameter and not the magnitude.) - Auto, RF Tracking: - Antenna follows the remote antenna by adjusting the antenna position to maintain maximum RF signal strength received from the remote antenna. - (This is not documented in the current CDL specification but was back in Rev E where it was referred to as Closed Loop Tracking. This is primarily a Ground Antenna Mode but there is no reason any random terminal, air or ground, couldn’t use it.) - Auto, Location Tracking: - Antenna points to the geographic location (latitude, longitude, altitude) of the remote antenna. Remote antenna location may be static or dynamic. - (This corresponds directly to the Air Auto Mode defined in the CDL specification. Generically, this mode applies to both air and ground antennas. In the Rev E specification, this was referred to as “Open Loop” tracking with respect to ground antennas.) - Search, Pattern 1 - Data Link specific. - Search, Pattern 2 - Data Link specific. - Search, Pattern 3 - Data Link specific. - Search, Pattern 4 - Data Link specific. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30101.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 30101.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 30101.02 2 1 Pedestal Index Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = Data Link Specific Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stowed - Off 1 = Deployed - Off 2 = Deployed - Standby 3 = Deployed – On The antenna pedestal to which the information in this message is addressed. 30101.03 3 2 Set Pedestal State AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 276 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 30101.04 4 3 30101.08 5 30101.05 30101.06 Type Units Range Set Antenna Pointing Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Manual – Position 1 = Manual - Rate 2 = Auto – RF Tracking 3 = Reserved 4 = Auto - Location 5 = Search – Pattern 1 6 = Search – Pattern 2 7 = Search – Pattern 3 8 = Search – Pattern 4 9 - 255 = Data Link Specific 4 Set Antenna Type Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Manual 1 = Auto 6 5 Set Antenna Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Omni 1 = Directional 2 - 255 = Data Link Specific 7 6 Set Pedestal Location Source Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = External 1 = Internal Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Float rad 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π Float rad -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Float rad/s -π ≤ x ≤ π Float rad/s -π ≤ x ≤ π Determine the pedestal source of its own location (e.g., internal = pedestal IMU). 30101.07 8 7 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity 0403.07 9 8 Set Antenna Azimuth Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0403.08 10 9 Set Antenna Elevation Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0403.11 11 10 Set Azimuth Slew Rate Valid for Manual Rate control mode. Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0403.12 12 11 Set Elevation Slew Rate Valid for Manual Rate control mode. Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 277 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0403.09 13 12 Set Azimuth Offset Float rad 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π Float rad -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Offset relative to Antenna Azimuth. Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 0403.10 14 13 Set Elevation Offset Offset relative to Antenna Elevation. Field added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. Table 4 - 100: Message #30101: Antenna Control Command 4.20.8 Message #30102: Antenna Position Command This message shall be used to control the position of the local antenna relative to the data link/pedestal [DLI 3639]. It also provides information about the remote antenna position and motion. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30102.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 30102.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 30102.02 2 1 Pedestal Index Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = Data Link Specific The antenna pedestal to which the information in this message is addressed. 0403.07 3 2 Set Antenna Azimuth Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0403.08 4 3 Set Antenna Elevation Integer 2 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0403.11 5 4 Set Azimuth Slew Rate Integer 2 0.0001 rad/s -π ≤ x ≤ π Integer 2 0.0001 rad/s -π ≤ x ≤ π Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Valid for Manual Rate control mode. 0403.12 6 5 Set Elevation Slew Rate Valid for Manual Rate control mode 30102.07 7 6 Remote Antenna Latitude WGS-84 30102.08 8 7 Remote Antenna Longitude WGS-84 30102.09 9 8 Remote Antenna Altitude AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 278 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30102.14 10 9 Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 30102.10 11 10 Remote Antenna Ground Speed Unsigned 2 0.05 m/s No Restrictions 30102.11 12 11 Remote Antenna Course Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 30102.12 13 12 Remote Antenna Vertical Speed Integer 2 0.05 m/s No Restrictions Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Platform Dependent 30102.13 14 13 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 101: Message #30102: Antenna Position Command 4.20.9 Message #30200: Link Health Command This message shall be used to set the Data Link Health Reporting Mode [DLI 3640]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30200.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 30200.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 30200.02 2 1 BIT Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off (Abort) 1 = Run Initiated BIT 2 = Run Continuous BIT 3 - 255 = Data Link Specific 30200.03 3 2 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 102: Message #30200: Link Health Command 4.20.10 Message #30300: Set Data Link UDP Monitor Period This message shall be used to set the period to accumulate UDP messages received by the data link [DLI 3641]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30300.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 30300.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 279 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30300.02 2 1 UDP Monitor Period Unsigned 1 s x < 255 Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Defines the period to count UDP messages received and processed by this data link. 0 = Do not count number of UDP messages 30300.03 3 2 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 103: Message #30300: Set Data Link UDP Monitor Period 4.20.11 Message #30301: IP Address and Port Assignment Request This message shall be sent by the CUCS to a CDT or UA to request a change in the IP address and/or port used by the CDT or UA [DLI 3642]. If the receiving CDT or UA accepts the requested change, it will update Message #32301 with the new configuration. The CDT/UA may reject the request if certain criteria are not meet. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30301.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 30301.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 30301.02 2 1 Controlled Station 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 280 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30301.06 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location 30301.07 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 30301.05 5 4 Stream ID Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 30301.06 6 5 New IP Address Assignment Unsigned 4 None No Restrictions 30301.07 7 6 New Port Assignment Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions 30301.08 8 7 Controlled Station 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 281 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 104: Message #30301: IP Address and Port Assignment Request 4.20.12 Message #30400: Lost Link Delay Timer Command 1. During critical events, such as when the UA is laser designating for a CUCS on an aircraft equipped with missiles, it is necessary to ensure that a loss of link situation from any CUCS does not immediately result in a LOI snatch-back from the CUCS with the guided armament in flight to the CUCS controlling the laser. To address this situation, the UA and CUCS shall employ a loss of link minimum timer, which is configured and enabled by the CUCS when the critical event occurs [DLI 3776]. The Lost Link Delay Timer Command Message (Message #30400) shall be used to set the timer starting value as well as enable and/or disable the countdown [DLI 3777]. The loss of link minimum timer shall be supported as follows: - A CUCS with the guided armament sets the timer value using this message before the critical event begins. The CUCS with the guided armament will include margin in the timer value as needed [DLI 3778]. - UA responds with the accepted timer value, which should match the commanded timer value [DLI 3779]. - The CUCS with the guided armament will enable the timer slightly before the time the critical event occurs, such as missile-off-rail. The CUCS with the guided armament can verify the timer is enabled using Message #32400 [DLI 3780]. - UA starts the timer countdown [DLI 3781]. - UA and UA operator shall ensure that the snatch-back and recovery process (in the event of a loss of link situation from any CUCS), does not begin until the timer has reached zero [DLI 3782]. - The CUCS with the guided armament can disable the timer countdown at any point in the process, and the UA will reset the timer to the currently commanded value [DLI 3783]. - If the timer has already been enabled and a new “Requested Delay Time” is received that is different than the previous “Requested Delay Time”, then the commanded time is updated to the new time. The current timer value is not “reset”, but rather the current timer value is adjusted as if the timer had originally been started with the new “Requested Delay Time”. If the new “Requested Delay Time” is shorter than the time that has already elapsed, then the timer would expire [DLI 3784]. 2. The CUCS with the guided armament will command the timer using this message; the timer status shall be reported in Message #32400 [DLI 3785]. This message will override the snatch back of UA and payload control from a CUCS with the guided armament by a CUCS controlling the laser if the timer is counting down. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30400.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 30400.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 30400.02 2 1 Lost Link Delay Timer Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Enables/disables the lossof-link minimum timer. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 282 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 30400.03 3 2 Requested Delay Time Unsigned 1 s No Restrictions Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions The requested value of the loss-of-link minimum timer. 30400.04 4 3 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 105: Message #30400: Lost Link Delay Timer Command 4.21 Data Link Status Messages 4.21.1 Message #32000: Data Link To Vehicle ID Report The Data Link ID/Vehicle ID/VSM ID shall transmit this message to the CUCS ID to report the Vehicle ID(s) communicating through the Data Link ID [DLI 3643]. This message shall be sent for each Vehicle ID communicating, uplink or downlink, through the specified Data Link ID [DLI 3644]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32000.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 32000.02 2 1 Communicating Vehicle ID - Uplink Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Specified communicating vehicle ID unassigned from DL 2 = Specified communicating vehicle ID assigned to DL Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 Vehicle ID to which the Data Link ID is transmitting messages over the RF link. Use Null ID to specify as not applicable. 32000.03 3 2 Uplink Communication State For Communicating Vehicle ID - Uplink 32000.04 4 3 Communicating Vehicle ID - Downlink Vehicle ID for which the Data Link ID is receiving messages on the RF link. Use null ID to specify as not applicable. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 283 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 32000.05 5 4 Downlink Communication State Type Units Range Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Specified communicating vehicle ID no longer communicating with DL 2 = Specified communicating vehicle ID down linking to DL for Communicating Vehicle ID - Downlink Table 4 - 106: Message #32000: Data Link To Vehicle ID Report 4.21.2 Message #32001: 7085 Data Link Active Configuration Status Report This message shall be used by the VSM to send the CUCS information on the status of the VDT and/or CDT communications equipment [DLI 3263]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 32001.02 2 1 STANAG 7085 Profile ID – Part 1 Composite 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned Bits 2 Enumerated 0 = Annex B 1 = Annex C Defines the first three digits of the Profile Identifier as specified in STANAG 7085. 2.1 - 7085 Annex Most significant bits of 32001.02 2.2 - 7085 Appendix Unsigned Bits 2 Enumerated 0 = Appendix 1 2.3 - 7085 Implementation Unsigned Bits 4 Enumerated 0 = Implementation 1 1 = Implementation 2 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 - 255 = See STANAG 7085, Annex P See STANAG 7085, Annex P Least significant bits of 32001.02 32001.07 3 2 STANAG 7085 Profile ID – Part 2 Defines the last digit of the Profile Identifier as specified in STANAG 7085. 32001.03 4 3 Configuration Index Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 0501.10 5 4 Reported Forward Link (FL) Carrier Frequency Unsigned 2 0.5 MHz No Restrictions A bias of 9000 MHz is applied to the decoded value. Link Dependent (bias = 9,000 MHz) AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 284 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0501.11 6 5 Reported Return Link (RL) Carrier Frequency Type Units Range Unsigned 2 0.5 MHz No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions A bias of 9000 MHz is applied to the decoded value. Link Dependent (bias = 9,000 MHz) 32001.06 7 6 Forward PN Code Index Link Dependent Table 4 - 107: Message #32001: 7085 Data Link Active Configuration Status Report 4.21.3 Message #32002: 7085 Data Link Fallback Configuration Status Report This message shall be used by the VSM to send the CUCS information on the fallback status of the VDT and/or CDT communications equipment [DLI 3645]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 0503.14 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32002.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 32002.02 2 1 STANAG 7085 Profile ID – Part 1 Composite 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned Bits 2 Enumerated 0 = Annex B 1 = Annex C Defines the first three digits of the Profile Identifier as specified in STANAG 7085. 2.1 - 7085 Annex Most significant bits of 32002.02 2.2 - 7085 Appendix Unsigned Bits 2 Enumerated 0 = Appendix 1 2.3 - 7085 Implementation Unsigned Bits 4 Enumerated 0 = Implementation 1 1 = Implementation 2 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 - 255 = See STANAG 7085, Annex P Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions See STANAG 7085, Annex P Least significant bits of 32002.02 32002.08 3 2 STANAG 7085 Profile ID – Part 2 Defines the last digit of the Profile Identifier as specified in STANAG 7085. 32002.03 4 3 Configuration Index AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 285 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 32002.04 5 4 Reported Forward Link (FL) Carrier Frequency Type Units Range Unsigned 2 0.5 MHz No Restrictions Unsigned 2 0.5 MHz No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 10 s No Restrictions A bias of 9000 MHz is applied to the decoded value. Link Dependent (bias = 9,000 MHz) 32002.05 6 5 Reported Return Link (RL) Carrier Frequency A bias of 9000 MHz is applied to the decoded value. Link Dependent (bias = 9,000 MHz) 32002.06 7 6 Forward PN Code Index Link Dependent 32002.07 8 7 Fallback Timeout 0= Fallback Function Disabled Table 4 - 108: Message #32002: 7085 Data Link Fallback Configuration Status Report 4.21.4 Message #32003: Data Link Control Status Report This message shall be used by the VSM to send the CUCS information on the status of the VDT and/or CDT communications equipment [DLI 3646]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32003.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 32003.02 2 1 Transmitter State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = Standby 2 = On 32003.03 3 2 Transmit Attenuation State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = Data Link Specific 32003.04 4 3 Receiver State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = On 32003.05 5 4 Active Antenna Pedestal Index Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = Data Link Specific 0501.13 6 5 Communication Security State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Normal (0000 0000) 17 = Zeroized (0001 0001) 34 = Holding (0010 0010) 51 = Reset (0011 0011) 68 = Bypass (0100 0100 (Future)) AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 286 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 32003.07 7 6 Communication Security Key Index Type Units Range Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Primary 1 - 255 = Alternate Keys Table 4 - 109: Message #32003: Data Link Control Status Report 4.21.5 Message #32004: RF Command Processing Status Report This message shall be used to report the current command processing status of the data link [DLI 3647]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32004.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32004.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 32004.02 2 1 Commands From RF Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Used RF commands and passed them through 1 = Used RF commands and did not pass them through 2 = Did not use RF commands, but passed them through. Table 4 - 110: Message #32004: RF Command Processing Status Report 4.21.6 Message #32005: Legacy Data Link Status Report This message shall be used by the VSM to send the CUCS information on the status of the VDT and/or CDT communications equipment [DLI 3648]. This message is to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32005.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32005.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0501.05 2 1 Addressed Terminal Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = CDT 1 = VDT 0501.06 3 2 Data Link State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = Rx Only 2 = Tx / Rx 3 = Tx High Power / Rx 0501.07 4 3 Antenna State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Omni 1 = Directional 0501.08 5 4 Reported Channel Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions 0501.09 6 5 Reported Primary Hop Pattern Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 0501.10 7 6 Reported Forward Link (FL) Carrier Frequency Float Hz No Restrictions AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 287 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0501.11 8 7 0501.12 9 0501.13 0501.14 Type Units Range Reported Return Link (RL) Carrier Frequency Float Hz No Restrictions 8 Downlink Status Integer 2 % 0 ≤ x ≤ 100 10 9 Communication Security State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Installed 1 = Not Keyed 2 = Keyed 3 = Zeroized 4 = Bypass 11 10 Link Channel Priority State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Primary 1 = Secondary 2 = Tertiary 3 - 255 = Quaternary to Last Table 4 - 111: Message #32005: Legacy Data Link Status Report 4.21.7 Message #32006: Legacy Data Link Control Command Status This message is sent from the VSM to the CUCS, and shall report the status of the instructions to the VSM for the command of the components of the data link [DLI 3264]. This message is to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32006.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32006.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0502.05 2 1 Addressed Terminal Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = CDT 1 = VDT 0502.06 3 2 Reported Demanded Data Link State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Turn Off 1 = Rx Only 2 = Tx / Rx 3 = Tx High Power / Rx 0502.07 4 3 Reported Demanded Antenna Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Omni 1 = Directional 2 = Auto 0502.08 5 4 Reported Demanded Communication Security Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Normal 1 = Zeroize Table 4 - 112: Message #32006: Legacy Data Link Control Command Status 4.21.8 Message #32100: Antenna Pedestal Location Status Report This message shall be used by the VSM to send the CUCS information on the antenna pedestal location [DLI 3265]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32100.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32100.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 32100.10 2 1 Pedestal Index Integer 1 None No Restrictions AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 288 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0503.11 3 2 Antenna Pedestal Latitude Type Units Range Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions WGS-84 0503.12 4 3 Antenna Pedestal Longitude WGS-84 0503.13 5 4 Antenna Pedestal Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 32100.11 6 5 Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 32100.05 7 6 Antenna Pedestal Ground Speed Unsigned 2 0.05 m/s No Restrictions 32100.06 8 7 Antenna Pedestal Vertical Speed Integer 2 0.05 m/s No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 2 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 2 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Platform Dependent 32100.07 9 8 Antenna Pedestal Course Clockwise from True North 32100.12 10 9 Antenna Pedestal Heading Clockwise from True North 32100.08 11 10 Antenna Pedestal Pitch THETA 32100.09 12 11 Antenna Pedestal Roll PHI Table 4 - 113: Message #32100: Antenna Pedestal Location Status Report 4.21.9 Message #32101: Antenna Control Status Report This message shall be used by the VSM to send the CUCS information on the status of the VDT and/or CDT pedestal [DLI 3649]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32101.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32101.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 32101.02 2 1 Pedestal Index Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 32101.03 3 2 Pedestal State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Stowed - Off 1 = Deployed - Off 2 = Deployed - Standby 3 = Deployed – On AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 289 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32101.04 4 3 Antenna Pointing Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Manual – Position 1 = Manual - Rate 2 = Auto – RF Tracking 3 = Auto – Azimuth 4 = Auto - Location 5 = Search – Pattern 1 6 = Search – Pattern 2 7 = Search – Pattern 3 8 = Search – Pattern 4 9 - 255 = Data Link Specific 32101.07 5 4 Antenna Type Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Manual 1 = Auto 32101.05 6 5 Antenna Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Omni 1 = Directional 2 - 255 = Data Link Specific 32101.06 7 6 Pedestal Location Source Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = External 1 = Internal Table 4 - 114: Message #32101: Antenna Control Status Report 4.21.10 Message #32102: Antenna Position Report This message shall be used to report the local antenna position and control command and the remote antenna location and movement [DLI 3650]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32102.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32102.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 32102.02 2 1 Pedestal Index Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = Data Link Specific The antenna pedestal to which the information in this message is addressed. 0503.07 3 2 Reported Antenna Azimuth Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 0503.08 4 3 Reported Antenna Elevation Integer 2 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0503.09 5 4 Reported Azimuth Slew Rate Integer 2 0.0001 rad/s -π ≤ x ≤ π Integer 2 0.0001 rad/s -π ≤ x ≤ π Valid for Manual Rate control mode. 0503.10 6 5 Reported Elevation Slew Rate Valid for Manual Rate control mode AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 290 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 32102.07 7 6 Reported Remote Antenna Latitude Type Units Range Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions WGS-84 32102.08 8 7 Reported Remote Antenna Longitude WGS-84 32102.09 9 8 Reported Remote Antenna Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 32102.13 10 9 Altitude Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Pressure Altitude 1 = Baro Altitude 2 = AGL 3 = WGS-84 Defines altitude type (reference frame) for all altitude related fields in this message. 32102.10 11 10 Reported Remote Antenna Ground Speed Unsigned 2 0.05 m/s No Restrictions 32102.11 12 11 Reported Remote Antenna Course Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 32102.12 13 12 Reported Remote Antenna Vertical Speed Integer 2 0.05 m/s No Restrictions Platform Dependent Table 4 - 115: Message #32102: Antenna Position Report 4.21.11 Message #32103: Legacy Pedestal Status Report This message shall be used by the VSM to send the CUCS information on the status of the VDT and/or CDT pedestal [DLI 3651]. This message is to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32103.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32103.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0503.05 2 1 Addressed Pedestal Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = CDT 1 = VDT 0503.06 3 2 Pedestal Mode State Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Turn Off 1 = Turn On 2 = Go To Standby 3 = Deploy 4 = Stow 5 = Manual - Position 6 = Manual - Rate 7 = Acquire (Search) 8 = Track (Auto) AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 291 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 0503.07 4 3 Reported Antenna Azimuth Type Units Range Float rad 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π Float rad -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Relative to True North 0503.08 5 4 Reported Antenna Elevation Relative to local horizontal 0503.09 6 5 Reported Antenna Azimuth Slew Rate Float rad/s -π ≤ x ≤ π 0503.10 7 6 Reported Antenna Elevation Slew Rate Float rad/s -π ≤ x ≤ π 0503.11 8 7 Reported CDT Latitude Float rad -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Float rad -π ≤ x ≤ π Float m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Not applicable to VDT. 0503.12 9 8 Reported CDT Longitude Not applicable to VDT. 0503.13 10 9 Reported CDT Altitude Not applicable to VDT. Table 4 - 116: Message #32103: Legacy Pedestal Status Report 4.21.12 Message #32200: Link Health Status This message shall be used by the VSM to report to the CUCS the link health [DLI 3652]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32200.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32200.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 32200.02 2 1 Bit Mode Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off (Abort) 1 = Running BIT 2 = BIT Passed 3 = BIT Failed 4 - 255 = Link Specific Table 4 - 117: Message #32200: Link Health Status 4.21.13 Message #32201: Data Link Fallback Status This message shall be used to report the fallback status of the data link [DLI 3653]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32201.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32201.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 32201.02 2 1 Fallback Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Normal 1 = Fall Back in Progress 2 = Fallback Failed 3 = Fallback Successful AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 292 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 118: Message #32201: Data Link Fallback Status 4.21.14 Message #32300: Data Link UDP Count This message shall be used to report the number of UDP messages received by the data link [DLI 3654]. The period that the messages are counted is defined by Message #30300 Set Data Link UDP Monitor Period. The message reports the number of messages for the last complete period measured and not the current period being measured. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32300.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32300.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 32300.02 2 1 UDP Message Count Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Defines the number of UDP messages received and processed by this data link. 65535 = At least 65535 messages received during the monitor period. Table 4 - 119: Message #32300: Data Link UDP Count 4.21.15 Message #32301: UA IP Disclosure Message 1. This message shall be sent by the UA to inform a CUCS of the data streams in the data uplink and downlink [DLI 3655]. The primary goal is to inform the receiving entity of what is present in the UA uplink and downlink and how to connect to those streams. Those streams include, but are not limited to, bidirectional DLI, bidirectional audio and unidirectional payload data. 2. This message shall be sent from the UA on a universal multicast IP address and port (e.g., [DLI 3656]. It shall be sent once for each stream since a station (or the UA) may have multiple streams available [DLI 3657]. 3. This message shall be sent by the CDT to inform the local controlling processor (e.g., CUCS) of the DLI data streams used to control the CDT [DLI 3658]. This message will also indicate the IP routing the CDT will use to send/receive non-CDT data to/from the UA. Those non-CDT data streams include, but are not limited to, bidirectional DLI for the UA and VDT, bidirectional audio and unidirectional payload data. 4. This message shall be sent by the CDT on a different universal multicast IP address and port than used by the UA (x.x.x.x:x) [DLI 3659]. 5. Additional detail on the streams will have to be pulled from the streams themselves (e.g., the KLV portion of the video downlink streams). Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32301.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32301.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 293 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32301.02 2 1 Controlled Station 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 32301.03 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Location ID on a given Station Location 32301.04 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 32301.05 5 4 Stream ID AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 294 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 32301.06 6 5 Stream N Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = UA DLI Uplink 1 = UA DLI Downlink 2 = Data Link DLI Uplink 3 = Data Link DLI Downlink 4 = EO or IR Payload Full Motion Video (FMV) (live, from this UA) 5 = EO Payload Full Motion Video (FMV) (live, from this UA) 6 = IR Payload Full Motion Video (FMV) (live, from this UA) 7 = EO/IR Stills (WAS or other, from this UA) 8 = SAR Stills (from this UA) 9 = GMTI (live, from this UA) 10 = Pilot View Camera FMV (live, from this UA) 11 = ATC Audio - Uplink 12 = ATC Audio - Downlink 13 = Tactical Audio - Uplink 14 = Tactical Audio Downlink 15 = Tactical Comm Relay (non-audio/wide distribution) 16 = UA DLI Uplink - Relay (live, but relayed through this UA) 17 = UA DLI Downlink Relay (live, but relayed through this UA) 18 = EO or IR Full Motion Video (FMV) - Relay (live, but relayed through this UA) 19 = EO Payload Full Motion Video (FMV) Relay (live, but relayed through this UA) 20 = IR Payload Full Motion Video (FMV) - Relay (live, but relayed through this UA) 21 = EO/IR Stills - Relay (WAS or other, live, but relayed through this UA) 22 = SAR Stills - Relay (live, but relayed through this UA) 23 = GMTI - Relay (live, but relayed through this UA) AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 295 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 24 = Pilot View Camera FMV - Relay (live, but relayed through this UA) 25 = EO/IR FMV (stored/replayed) 26 = CBRNE Data (Basic Sampling and Alarm) 27 = SIGINT Data 28 = SAR FMV (live, from this UA) 29 = SAR FMV Relay (live, but relayed through this UA) 30 = CBRNE Data (Detailed Measurement) 31 = EO/IR FMV (replayed then relayed) 32 - 127 = Reserved 128 - 255 = System Specific 32301.07 7 6 Length of URI Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 32301.08 8 7 Uniform Resource Identifier Character ["Length of URI"] None No Restrictions 32301.09 9 8 Controlled Station 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 120: Message #32301: UA IP Disclosure Message 4.21.16 Message #32302: Data Link in Control Report This message shall be used by the UA to report the VDT by Data Link Identification (ID) from which it is taking commands for the specified UA LOI [DLI 3786]. This message shall be implemented where multiple Data Link IDs are communicating with a UA from a CUCS and the CUCS ID from which it is taking the commands [DLI 3787]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 296 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32302.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32302.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 32302.02 2 1 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A / Not In Control 1 = In-Control Link Identifies the specific data link to process this message. 32302.03 3 2 In-Control CUCS ID CUCS ID in control of Data Link ID 32302.04 4 3 Controlling Link Identifies the VDT Data Link from which the UA is taking commands for the specified functionality in the next fields. 32302.05 5 4 Controlled Station 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 32302.06 6 5 Controlled Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 297 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 32302.07 7 6 Controlled SubComponent Number Type Units Range Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Location ID on a given Component Location 32302.08 8 7 Controlled Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 121: Message #32302: Data Link in Control Report 4.21.17 Message #32400: Lost Link Delay Timer Report During critical events, such as when the UA is laser designating for another aircraft equipped with missiles, it is necessary to ensure that a loss of link situation does not immediately result in a LOI snatch-back from the CUCS with the guided armament. To address this situation, the UA and CUCS shall employ a loss of link minimum timer, which is configured and enabled by the CUCS with the guided armament when the critical event occurs [DLI 3788]. This status message shall be used to report the state and value of the loss of link timer [DLI 3789]. The message is sent to the CUCS with the guided armament upon receipt of a Lost Link Delay Timer Command (Message #30400). Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 32400.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 32400.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 298 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 32400.02 2 1 Lost Link Delay Timer Status Type Units Range Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Unsigned 1 s No Restrictions The enable/disable status of the loss of link minimum timer. 32400.03 3 2 Current Delay Time The requested and accepted value of the lossof-link minimum timer. Table 4 - 122: Message #32400: Lost Link Delay Timer Report 4.22 Data Link Transition Messages The messages in this section allow the CUCS to control the data links and receive the status of the data links. These messages also support UA handover. 4.22.1 Message #34000: Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message This message shall be used to establish a new data link configuration when transferring from one UCS data link to another UCS data link and is sent by the giving CUCS [DLI 3266]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 34000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0600.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0600.04 2 1 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 VDT data link ID for UA transition 0600.05 3 2 Acquiring CUCS ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 34000.04 4 3 STANAG 7085 Profile ID – Part 1 Composite 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned Bits 2 Enumerated 0 = Annex B 1 = Annex C Defines the first three digits of the Profile Identifier as specified in STANAG 7085. 4.1 - 7085 Annex Most significant bits of 34000.04 4.2 - 7085 Appendix Unsigned Bits 2 Enumerated 0 = Appendix 1 4.3 - 7085 Implementation Unsigned Bits 4 Enumerated 0 = Implementation 1 1 = Implementation 2 See STANAG 7085, Annex P Least significant bits of 34000.04 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 299 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 34000.05 5 4 STANAG 7085 Profile ID – Part 2 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 - 255 = See STANAG 7085, Annex P Unsigned 2 0.5 MHz No Restrictions Unsigned 2 0.5 MHz No Restrictions Defines the last digit of the Profile Identifier as specified in STANAG 7085. 0600.06 6 5 Set Forward Link (FL) Carrier Frequency (VDT) A bias of 9000 MHz is applied to the decoded value. Link Dependent (bias = 9,000 MHz) 0600.07 7 6 Set Return Link (RL) Carrier Frequency (VDT) A bias of 9000 MHz is applied to the decoded value. Link Dependent (bias = 9,000 MHz) 0600.08 8 7 Set PN Code (VDT) Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 0600.09 9 8 Acquiring CDT Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions WGS-84 0600.10 10 9 Acquiring CDT Longitude WGS-84 0600.11 11 10 Acquiring CDT Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 0600.12 12 11 Data Link Time-out Limit Unsigned 2 0.1 s No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 - 255 = See Table 4-35 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions 0 = Abort data link transition. Non-zero indicates duration. 34000.01 13 12 Acquiring CUCS Type Identifies the type name of CUCS; Numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 34000.02 14 13 Acquiring CUCS Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority. 34000.03 15 14 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 123: Message #34000: Vehicle Data Link Transition Coordination Message AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 300 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.22.2 Message #35000: Handover Status Report This message shall be used to report the status of the handover procedure [DLI 3267]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 35000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 0700.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 0700.04 2 1 Acquiring CUCS ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0700.05 3 2 Status Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Handover not Requested 1 = Handover in Progress 2 = Handover Successful 3 = Handover Failed 0700.06 4 3 Vehicle Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 Data link ID for UA transition Table 4 - 124: Message #35000: Handover Status Report 4.23 Autonomy Messages 4.23.1 Message #36000: Activity Constraint Message 1. The Activity Constraint Message, Message #36000, shall be used to communicate requested autonomous goals and behaviour constraints from the CUCS to the VSM [DLI 3660]. Each constraint shall be provided with a unique identifier by the CUCS so that it may be referenced by the VSM to indicate which constraints are able to be met and which constraints are not able to be met [DLI 3661]. In combination with the Constraint Response Message below, the unique constraint identifier enables the system to provide feedback describing why a particular constraint or set of constraints for an activity cannot be met. The system shall execute an activity if and only if all constraints associated with the activity are satisfied [DLI 3662]. 2. The following time window constraints may be specified using Message # 36000: Waypoint constraints, before, after or concurrent (field 6, values 6 – 8) o Example: Between ten and twenty seconds before waypoint six o Example: Between ten and twenty seconds after waypoint six o Example: Between ten seconds before and five seconds after reaching waypoint six Absolute time constraints, before, after or concurrent (field 6, values 3 – 5) o Example: Between ten and twenty seconds before a specific time o Example: Between ten and twenty seconds after a specific time o Example: Between ten seconds before and five seconds after a specific time AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 301 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Relative to other constraints, before, after or concurrent (field 6, values 0 – 2) o Example: Between ten and twenty seconds before satisfying constraint 37 o Example: Between ten and twenty seconds after satisfying constraint 37 o Example: Between ten seconds before and ten seconds after satisfying constraint 37 Conditioned on a contingency level occurring (field 6, values 9, 10) o Example: If contingency type "A" occurs; squawk a different IFF code o Example: If contingency type "B" occurs; turn on the landing lights Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 36000.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 36000.03 2 1 Constraint ID Unsigned 3 None 1≤x Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Before Constraint 1 = After Constraint 2 = Concurrent Constraint 3 = Before Time 4 = After Time 5 = Concurrent Time 6 = Before Waypoint 7 = After Waypoint 8 = Concurrent with Arrival at Waypoint, or Start of Loiter at UA Loiter Point 9 = If Contingency Type "A" Occurs 10 = If Contingency Type "B" Occurs 11 = Before Geographic Coordinates 12 = After Geographic Coordinates A unique identifier for this constraint 36000.04 3 2 Constraint Timing or Condition Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 302 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36000.05 4 3 Timing Start Unsigned 3 s No Restrictions Unsigned 3 s No Restrictions Unsigned 3 None 1≤x Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Used to identify the start time of a constraint time window, relative to a waypoint, start of loiter at an UA loiter waypoint, an absolute time, or another constraint. 36000.06 5 4 Timing End Used to identify the end time of a constraint time window, relative to a waypoint, start of loiter at an UA loiter waypoint, an absolute time, or another constraint. 36000.07 6 5 Referenced Constraint or Waypoint ID Used to identify the waypoint or other constraint that this constraint is relative to; used if field 3 has a value of 0, 1, 2, 6, 7, or 8. 36000.08 7 6 Constraint Time Used to identify the absolute time that this constraint is relative to; used if field 6 has a value of 3, 4, or 5. 36000.10 8 7 Constraint Position Latitude Used to identify the position that this constraint is relative to; used if field 3 has a value of 11 or 12 36000.11 9 8 Constraint Position Longitude Used to identify the position that this constraint is relative to; used if field 3 has a value of 11 or 12 36000.12 10 9 Constraint Position Altitude Used to identify the position that this constraint is relative to; used if field 3 has a value of 11 or 12 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 303 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36000.13 11 10 Constraint Position – Uncertainty Distance Unsigned 3 0.01 m 0<x Unsigned 3 0.01 m 0<x Unsigned 1 None x ≤ 100 Unsigned 3 None 1≤x Used to identify the uncertainty distance (applied to the constraint position) that this constraint is relative to; used if field 3 has a value of 11 or 12 36000.14 12 11 Constraint Position – Uncertainty Altitude Used to identify the uncertainty altitude (applied to the constraint position) that this constraint is relative to; used if field 3 has a value of 11 or 12 36000.09 13 12 Relative Priority Used to identify which constraints are more important than others; higher priority is more important 36000.02 14 13 Activity ID Identifies the activity with (non-zero activity ID) to which this constraint is to be applied Table 4 - 125: Message #36000: Activity Constraint Message 4.23.2 Message #36001: Constraint Response Message The Constraint Response Message (Message #36001), shall be sent from the VSM to the CUCS [DLI 3663]. It shall be used to communicate the ability of the UA/VSM to meet the requested autonomous goals and behaviour constraints received by the VSM in Message #36000 [DLI 3664]. For each constraint (Message #36000) received by the VSM, the VSM shall produce a constraint response (Message #36001) indicating whether or not the constraint will be satisfied [DLI 3665]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 36001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 36001.02 2 1 Constraint ID or Area ID Unsigned 3 None 1≤x Identifies the constraint that will be satisfied or that has failed, or the area that has been violated if field 3 value = 10 or 11. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 304 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36001.03 3 2 Constraint Response Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Satisfied 1 = Unsupported 2 = Priority Failure 3 = Resource Unavailable 4 = Time Constraint Failure 5 = Computing Complexity Failure 6 = Consistency Failure 7 = Auto-Router Failure 8 = Unknown Failure 9 = Vehicle Specific Failure 10 = Area Violation 11 = Illegal Area Specification 12 - 255 = Reserved Used indicate whether or not the constraint will be satisfied Table 4 - 126: Message #36001: Constraint Response Message 4.23.3 Message #36002: Constraint Requests Complete Message The Constraint Requests Complete Message (Message #36002), shall be sent from the CUCS to the VSM after the CUCS has sent all activity constraints [DLI 3666]. It shall be used to indicate to the VSM that it should begin processing all constrained activity and should produce constraint responses using one message (Message #36001) for each Message #36000 received [DLI 3667]. After all constraint responses have been sent by the VSM, the VSM shall send Message #36003, Constraint Responses Complete Message (see below) to indicate to the CUCS that all constraints have been processed [DLI 3668]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 36002.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Table 4 - 127: Message #36002: Constraint Requests Complete Message 4.23.4 Message #36003: Constraint Responses Complete Message The Constraint Responses Complete Message (Message #36003), shall be sent from the VSM to the CUCS after the VSM has sent all constraint responses to the CUCS [DLI 3669]. It shall be used to indicate to the CUCS that all constraints have been processed [DLI 3670]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 36003.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Table 4 - 128: Message #36003: Constraint Responses Complete Message 4.23.5 Message #36004: Activity ID Config The Activity ID Config Message (Message #36004), shall be sent by the CUCS to the VSM to update or to delete an already programmed Activity ID [DLI 3802]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 305 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36004.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 36004.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 36004.02 2 1 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None 1≤x Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Update 1 = Delete 2 - 255 = Reserved Identifies the activity with (non-zero Activity ID) to which this constraint is to be applied 36004.03 3 2 Configuration Mode Identify the mode to apply at the associated Activity ID. Table 4 - 129: Message #36004: Activity ID Config 4.23.6 Message #36005: Activity ID Config Response The Activity ID Config Response Message (Message #36005), shall be sent by the VSM to the CUCS after the reception of a Message #36004 [DLI 3803]. The Message #36005 informs the CUCS that the VSM has updated or deleted the Activity ID in conformity with the associated Message #36004. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36005.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 36005.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 36005.02 2 1 Requested Activity ID Unsigned 3 None 1≤x Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Update 1 = Delete 2 - 255 = Reserved Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Accepted 1 = Rejected: Activity ID Already Executed 2 = Rejected: Activity ID in Execution 3 = Rejected: Not Supported 4 = Rejected: One of the New Constraints was Rejected 5 - 255 = Reserved Identifies the activity with (non-zero Activity ID) to which this constraint is to be applied 36005.03 3 2 Requested Configuration Mode Identify the mode to apply at the associated Activity ID. 36005.04 4 3 Modification Applied Identity the modification (or not) that the VSM had applied on the original request. Table 4 - 130: Message #36005: Activity ID Config Response AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 306 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 4.23.7 Message #36100: Activity Complete Message The Activity Complete Message (Message #36100), shall be sent from the VSM to the CUCS after the UA, payload or data link has completed an activity [DLI 3671]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36100.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 36100.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 36100.02 2 1 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None 1≤x Activity ID that has been completed by the UA, payload or data link. Table 4 - 131: Message #36100: Activity Complete Message 4.23.8 Message #36200: Activity Status Message The Activity Status Message (Message #36200), shall be sent from the VSM to the CUCS at least once for each activity whose constraints are satisfied as described in Message #36001 [DLI 3672]. The VSM shall send Message #36200 when the activity status changes to notify the CUCS that the activity will occur at a different estimated time or enroute to a different waypoint [DLI 3673]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36200.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 36200.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 36200.03 2 1 Timing Start Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 Unsigned 2 None 1≤x Unsigned 3 None 1≤x Used to identify the estimated absolute start time of the activity in field 4. 36200.04 3 2 Timing End Used to identify the estimated absolute end time of the activity in field 4. 36200.05 4 3 Enroute Waypoint ID Used to identify the waypoint that the vehicle will be flying toward, or the UA Loiter waypoint the vehicle will be loitering at when the activity in field 4 is started 36200.02 5 4 Activity ID Table 4 - 132: Message #36200: Activity Status Message 4.23.9 Message #36300: Authorisation Request Message 1. The Authorisation Request Message shall be used to communicate requests from the UA to perform certain UA functions [DLI 3810]. Depending on the specified AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 307 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II timeout, this may require positive confirmation from the CUCS of the authorization before conducting the action or else give the operator the option to veto the particular function in question. 2. (Note: This message was developed by ASTRAEA and was originally Message #4000 in ASTRAEA terminology). 3. Note: An emergency ditch is an intentional, controlled descent into the surface, away from an airfield. A termination manoeuvre is the mode of impact upon the surface – whether a landing attempt, a deliberate hard landing or a deliberate crash. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36300.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 36300.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 36300.02 2 1 Behaviour ID Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Integer 4 None No Restrictions Identifies the UA behaviour that requires authorization by the operator. The originating system will provide the necessary matrix of enumerations. See Table 4-194 36300.03 3 2 Authorization Index A unique identifier for the decision in question. 36300.04 4 3 Autonomous Function ID Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Airborne Collision Avoidance 2 = Weather Avoidance 3 = Emergency Recovery 4 - 15 = Reserved 16 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 36300.05 5 4 Timeout Unsigned 2 s No Restrictions The period of time in which the operator has to respond. If zero, then the function will be activated automatically. 36300.06 6 5 Reason for Request Character 80 None No Restrictions 36300.07 7 6 Data Available Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No Additional Data 1 = Additional Data Available 36300.08 8 7 Data Source Unsigned 1 Enumerated 1 = Fused 2 = RADAR 3 = EO/IR 4 = TCAS 5 - 15 = Reserved 16 - 255 = Vehicle Specific Table 4 - 133: Message #36300: Authorisation Request Message AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 308 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Autonomous Function ID Airborne Collision Avoidance Behaviour ID 1 Description Strategic Deconfliction 2 3 4 Safe Separation Collision Avoidance Vertical Collision Avoidance (e.g., TCAS) Reserved Vehicle Specific Strategic Avoidance (i.e., from forecast) Safe Separation (i.e., Sensed Avoidance from Onboard Weather Radar, EO, etc.) Escape Encountered Weather (e.g., local icing) Reserved Vehicle Specific Amend Contingency Destination(s) Activate Contingency A Activate Contingency B Activate Emergency Ditch Activate Termination Manoeuvre Reserved Vehicle Specific 5 -32 33-255 1 Weather Avoidance 2 3 Emergency Recovery 4-32 33-255 1 2 3 4 5 6-32 33-255 Table 4 - 134: Autonomous Functions & Behaviours 4.23.10 Message #36301: Authorisation Request Acknowledgment Message 1. The Authorisation Request Acknowledgment Message shall be used to communicate the CUCS authorization in response to the Authorisation Request Message (Message #36300) [DLI 3821]. The request timeout shall allow the operator to defer a decision to when he wishes to make the decision. The authorisation index should match that of the request, where a request was issued. 2. Note: This message was developed by ASTRAEA and was originally Message #4001 in ASTRAEA terminology. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36301.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 36301.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 309 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36301.02 2 1 Authorization Index Integer 4 None No Restrictions A unique identifier for the decision in question. Note: The Range will be one of the Unique Identifiers of the Authorization Requested 36301.03 3 2 Decision Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Request Denied 1 = Request Accepted 36301.04 4 3 Request Timeout Unsigned 2 s No Restrictions Re-try request in a defined number of seconds. Zero indicated no retry. Table 4 - 135: Message #36301: Authorisation Request Acknowledgment Message 4.23.11 Message #36302: Decision Notification Message 1. The Decision Notification Message shall be sent from the UA for all decisions made, whether they are made by the UA or the operator [DLI 3819]. This will enable both a complete decision log to be maintained on the ground as well as to enable other interested parties to be informed of all decisions made. 2. Note: This message was developed by ASTRAEA and was originally Message #4002 in ASTRAEA terminology. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36302.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 36302.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 36302.02 2 1 Function ID Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Integer 4 None No Restrictions Identifies the UA function that requires authorization by the operator. Note: The Range will be an Enumeration of the Behaviour Requested by the Originating Subsystem. 36302.03 3 2 Authorization Index A unique identifier for the decision in question. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 310 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36302.04 4 3 Originating Subsystem Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = CUCS (ACMI or GFOMS) 1 = Take-Off System 2 = Landing System 3 = Routing 4 = Sense and Avoid 5 = Sense and Engage 6 = Collision Avoidance 7 = Prognostics & Health Management 8 - 15 = Reserved 16 - 255 = Vehicle Specific 36302.05 5 4 Reason Action Was Taken Character 80 None No Restrictions 36302.06 6 5 Decision Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Request Denied 1 = Request denied no retries allowed 2 = Request Accepted Table 4 - 136: Message #36302: Decision Notification Message 4.23.12 Message #36303: Authorisation Request Data Message 1. The Authorisation Request Data Message shall be used to request information associated with an Authorisation Request Message (Message #36300) [DLI 3812]. This might be used, for example, to request the download of a new route generated by the autonomous routing system. 2. Note: This message was developed by ASTRAEA and was originally Message #4003 in ASTRAEA terminology. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 36303.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 36303.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 36303.02 2 1 Authorization Index Integer 4 None No Restrictions Unique Identifier of the Authorization Requested Table 4 - 137: Message #36303: Authorisation Request Data Message 4.24 General Preconnection Configuration Messages 1. Upon initial connection with a VSM, after establishment (via Message #3) of vehicle type and vehicle subtype, an optional configuration process may be utilized to configure the CUCS. This configuration process will use a file in lieu of the configuration commands directly from the UA. If this option is utilized, it eliminates the need to send the configuration messages to configure the CUCS for the UA. 2. The binary-formatted file will contain the messages as they would be received from the UA/VSM directly via UDP. The first message in the file shall be Message #3, with the following fields required: 3 (Vehicle Type), 4 (Vehicle Subtype) & 5 (Owning AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 311 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II ID) [DLI 3674]. Following Message #3 will be further messages, in the same binary format, for the particular UA’s configuration and setup. 3. If the file for the UA type, subtype or Owning ID, or if the checksum provided in Message #3 received from the UA does not match the checksum of the file local to the CUCS, the UA/VSM and CUCS configuration shall continue as defined below [DLI 3675]. 4.24.1 Message #40000: Field Configuration Request 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to initiate and, if required, abort the transmission of the DLI field related configuration parameter information from the VSM, UA or data link, for a specified LOI, for a specified Data Link ID, Vehicle ID (specific or logical) or specific payload station, or to request the configuration of a single parameter [DLI 3289]. The CUCS uses this message to update DLI parameter configuration data at the CUCS, and to potentially control the display of information. The VSM, UA or data link shall respond with one or more Field Configuration Integer Response (Message #41000) Message(s), Field Configuration Float Response (Message #41001) Message(s), Field Configuration Enumerated Response (Message #41002) Message(s) or Field Configuration Unsigned Response (Message #41003) Message(s) with the static configuration for each of the configuration items specified in this document that are supported by the VSM [DLI 3291]. 2. The Field Configuration Request Message shall be able to be transmitted from a CUCS to a VSM without an authorized connection as it is used to request configuration in advance of requesting a connection in order to prepare the CUCS for the connection [DLI 3676]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 40000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1200.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 40000.07 2 1 Request LOI Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x00 = N/A 0x01 = N/A 0x02 = LOI 2 0x04 = LOI 3 0x08 = LOI 4 0x10 = LOI 5 0x80 = Data Link Bit 0x80 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 1200.06 3 2 Request Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Single Parameter 1 = Monitor 2 = Control 3 = Abort Configuration 1200.07 4 3 Requested Message Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 0 = N/A 1200.08 5 4 Requested Field 0 = N/A AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 312 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 1200.09 6 5 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 40000.01 7 6 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = N/A 1 = Sensor 1 2 = Sensor 2 3 = Sensor 3 Location ID on a given Station Location 40000.02 8 7 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 1200.10 9 8 Sensor Select AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 313 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 40000.04 10 9 Vehicle Type Unsigned 2 Enumerated 0 - 65535 = See Table 4-36 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Identifies the type name of vehicle; numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 40000.05 11 10 Vehicle Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority 40000.06 12 11 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity 40000.03 13 12 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 138: Message #40000: Field Configuration Request 4.24.2 Message #41000: Field Configuration Integer Response 1. This message shall be transmitted from the VSM/UA/data link to the CUCS after the reception of Message #40000 as required for each of the parameters within the list (below) that are required per a single parameter, monitor, or control configuration request, and supported by the VSM for the ‘Station Number” (i.e., based on the Request Type and Station Number fields in the Message #40000 configuration request) [DLI 3297]. 2. This message shall be transmitted from the VSM/UA/data link to the CUCS in direct response to a Message #40000 for a single parameter request from the CUCS if configuration information is available for the requested parameter [DLI 3298]. Where the VSM/UA/data link does not support a requested parameter, this message shall be sent with the “Field Supported” parameter filled as “Field Not Supported” [DLI 3418]. 3. Where the Message #40000, Request Type field is set to an LOI for “monitoring”, only parameters from status messages that are applicable to the Message #40000, Station Number field shall be required to be sent from the VSM/UA/data link (e.g., Message #3002 is a UA status message therefore parameter AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 314 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message #3002 Power Level is the Station Number equal to the UA platform; Request Type is equal to the monitor parameter required in response to such a configuration request) [DLI 3677]. 4. Where the Message #40000, Request Type field is set to an LOI for “controlling”, parameters from both control and status messages that are applicable to the Message #40000, Station Number, field shall be required to be sent from the UA/VSM/data link [DLI 3678]. 5. For CUCS commanded values, this message shall define the level of support provided to the CUCS for control over a specified commanded DLI message parameter of size Integer, by the UA/VSM/data link filling in the message for the requested parameter and transmitting it to the CUCS [DLI 3679]. 6. For UA/VSM/data link reported values, this message shall define the level of support provided for the reporting of a DLI message parameter, of size integer, by the UA/VSM/data link filling in the message for the requested parameter and transmitting it to the CUCS [DLI 3680]. 7. This message may be sent from the VSM to the CUCS after the Configuration Complete Message, Message #41005 has been sent to change the following attributes of a field: - Min Value - Max Value - Min Display Value - Max Display Value - Minimum Display Resolution - All warning and caution limits - Help Text 8. This message may be sent from the VSM/UA/Data Link to the CUCS anytime the controllable state of a commanded DLI message parameter changes thus altering the allowable states of control over the specified parameter at the VSM. 9. The CUCS will use this information to configure the display and control of VSM data elements. Based on the Warning and Caution Limits Usage field, the warnings and cautions values can be used to automatically generate alerts to the operator and/or change the display format of the value (e.g., colour of the display). 10. The Default Value field shall be used by the CUCS to define the initial state of the displayed field [DLI 3681]. If no configuration message is received by the CUCS during the VSM response(s) to Message #40000, the CUCS will display the field with its full range enabled. 11. Where the UA/VSM/data link uses this message to report a DLI message parameter, the CUCS shall present the Cautions and Warnings to the operator in accordance with the message for the specified parameter [DLI 3419]. The High Caution limit and Low Caution limit shall be equivalent to Message #16000, Priority enumeration of “Caution” [DLI 3420]. The High Warning limit and Low Warning limit shall be equivalent to Message #16000, Priority enumeration of “Warning.” [DLI 3834]. The VSM shall not present these same warnings [DLI 3421]. 12. At a minimum, the CUCS shall support the configuration of the following integer type DLI message parameters by a UA/VSM/data link [DLI 3299]: AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 315 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message #2016, Altimeter Setting Message #2016, Altitude Change Behaviour Message #2010, Lateral Stick Message #2010, Longitudinal Stick Message #2010, Rotational Stick (Rudder) Message #2010, Throttle Stick - Engine 1 Message #2010, Pitch Stick - Engine 1 Message #2010, Throttle Stick - Engine 2 Message #2010, Pitch Stick - Engine 2 Message #2010, Throttle Stick - Engine 3 Message #2010, Pitch Stick - Engine 3 Message #2010, Throttle Stick - Engine 4 Message #2010, Pitch Stick - Engine 4 Message #2010, Taxi Stick Message #2011, Area ID Message #2112, Area ID Message #2014, Contingency A Delay Message #2014, Contingency A Waypoint Number Message #2014, Contingency B Delay Message #2014, Contingency B Waypoint Number Message #2015, Energy Storage Unit ID Message #3002, Power Level Message #3002, Flap Deployment Angle Message #3002, Speed Brake Deployment Angle Message #3004, Altitude Change Behaviour Message #3007, Engine Temperature 1 Message #3007, Engine Temperature 2 Message #3007, Engine Temperature 3 Message #3007, Engine Temperature 4 Message #3007, Engine Speed 1 Message #3007, Engine Pressure 1 Message #3007, Engine Speed 2 Message #3007, Engine Pressure 2 Message #3007, Engine Speed 3 Message #3009, Altimeter Setting Message #3011, Lateral Stick Message #3011, Longitudinal Stick Message #3011, Rotational Stick (Rudder) Message #3011, Throttle Stick - Engine 1 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 316 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message #3011, Pitch Stick - Engine 1 Message #3011, Throttle Stick - Engine 2 Message #3011, Pitch Stick - Engine 2 Message #3011, Throttle Stick - Engine 3 Message #3011, Pitch Stick - Engine 3 Message #3011, Throttle Stick - Engine 4 Message #3011, Pitch Stick - Engine 4 Message #3011, Taxi Stick Message #9001, DME Message #9001, LOC Message #9001, Glide Slope Message #11000, Flap Deployment Command Message #11000, Speed Brake Deployment Command Message #12001, Bus ID Message #13002, Waypoint Number Message #13002, Altitude Change Behaviour Message #13004, Horizontal Field of View Message #13004, Vertical Field of View Message #19400, RF Power Level - Radio A Message #19400, RF Power Level - Radio B Message #19400, Select Stored Configuration Number, Radio A Message #19400, Select Stored Configuration Number, Radio B Message #19401, Configuration Number Message #19401, Frequency Message #19401, Hop ID Message #30001, Select Channel Message #30001, Select Primary Hop Pattern Message #30001, Set PN Code Message #30001, Set Forward Link (FL) Carrier Frequency Message #30001, Set Return Link (RL) Carrier Frequency Message #30002, Set Forward Link (FL) Carrier Frequency Message #30002, Set Return Link (RL) Carrier Frequency Message #30102, Set Antenna Elevation Message #30102, Set Azimuth Slew Rate Message #30102, Set Elevation Slew Rate Message #32001, Reported Forward Link (FL) Carrier Frequency Message #32001, Reported Return Link (RL) Carrier Frequency Message #32002, Reported Forward Link (FL) Carrier Frequency AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 317 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message #32002, Reported Return Link (RL) Carrier Frequency Message #32300, Reported Antenna Elevation Message #32300, Reported Azimuth Slew Rate Message #32300, Reported Elevation Slew Rate 13. For bit fields (e.g., 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0008), the right most bit (0x0001) shall be considered Enumeration Index 0 [DLI 3682]. 14. For integers/unsigned fields that have a type of BAM the valid range shall be from the minimum values increasing clockwise to the maximum value [DLI 3828]. A minimum value that is greater than the maximum value indicates that the allowable range does not include zero. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 4 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1300.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1300.04 2 1 VSM ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 1300.05 3 2 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0 = N/A 1300.06 4 3 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 41000.01 5 4 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 318 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41000.02 6 5 Sub-Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Component Location 1300.07 7 6 Requested Message Unsigned 4 None No Restrictions 1300.08 8 7 Requested Field Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions If Requested Field = 0, then the entire message is not supported. 1300.09 9 8 Field Supported Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Field Not Supported 1 = Field Supported 41000.03 10 9 Default Value Integer 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions 1300.10 11 10 Max Value Integer 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Integer 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Integer 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Integer 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Maximum valid value for the field. 1300.11 12 11 Min Value Minimum valid value for the field. 1300.12 13 12 Max Display Value See Recommended Maximum Value that should be displayed. This value may be larger than the Max Value. 1300.13 14 13 Min Display Value Recommended Minimum Value that should be displayed. This value may be smaller than the Min Value. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 319 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 1300.14 15 14 Minimum Display Resolution Type Units Range Integer 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Integer 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Integer 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Integer 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Integer 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Requested, but not required, minimum display change where the display shows discrete values. This does not imply the minimum resolution of the actual value or the internal resolution. 1300.15 16 15 High Caution Limit Minimum value that will cause a Caution. 1300.16 17 16 High Warning Limit Minimum value that will cause a Warning. 1300.17 18 17 Low Caution Limit Maximum value that will cause a Caution. 1300.18 19 18 Low Warning Limit Maximum value that will cause a Warning. 1300.19 20 19 Help Text Character 80 None No Restrictions 1300.20 21 20 Subsystem ID Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Engine 1 = Mechanical 2 = Electrical 3 = Comms 4 = Propulsion Energy 5 = Navigation 6 = Payload 7 = Recovery System 8 = Environmental Control System 9 = VSM Status 10 = VDT 11 = CDT 12 - 18 = Reserved 12-19 19 = Not Assigned 20 - 31 = VSM Specific Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Launch 0x02 = Approach 0x04 = Flight 0x08 = Contingency A 0x10 = Contingency B Identifier subsystem for which this field is associated 1300.21 22 21 Route Type Identifies which route type(s) this configuration applies for mission messages AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 320 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41000.05 23 22 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 41000.04 24 23 Warning and Caution Limits Usage Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Defined (Added for Backwards Compatibility) 1 = Use to Generate Alerts 2 = Use to Change Display of Value 3 = Use to Generate Alerts and Change Display of Value 41000.06 25 24 Disable Alert/Caution Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Disable High Caution 0x02 = Disable High Warning 0x04 = Disable Low Caution 0x08 = Disable Low Warning Disabled alerts will not generate messages to the operator on the CUCS. Table 4 - 139: Message #41000: Field Configuration Integer Response 4.24.3 Message #41001: Field Configuration Float Response 1. This message shall be transmitted from the UA/VSM/data link to the CUCS after the reception of Message #40000 as required for each of the parameters within the list (below) that are required per a single parameter, monitor, or control configuration request, and supported by the VSM for the “Station Number” (i.e., based on the Request Type and Station Number fields in the Message #40000 configuration request) [DLI 3301]. 2. This message shall be transmitted from the UA/VSM/data link to the CUCS in direct response to a Message #40000 for a single parameter request from the CUCS, if configuration information is available for the requested parameter [DLI 3423]. Where the VSM does not support a DLI message parameter, this message shall be sent with the “Field Supported” parameter filled as “Field Not Supported” [DLI 3425] 3. Where the Message #40000, Request Type field is set to an LOI for “monitoring”, only parameters from status messages that are applicable to the AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 321 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message #40000 Station Number field shall be required to be sent from the UA/VSM/data link [DLI 3683]. 4. Where the Message #40000 Request Type field is set to a LOI for “controlling”, parameters from both the control and status messages that are applicable to the Message #40000 Station Number field shall be required to be sent from the UA/VSM/data link (e.g., Message #2016 is a control message for the Station Number of UA platform, therefore parameter Message #2016 Commanded Altitude, is a control parameter required in response to a configuration request, Request Type of control, for the Station Number of UA platform) [DLI 3684]. 5. For CUCS commanded values, this message shall define the level of support provided to the CUCS for control over a specified commanded DLI message parameter, of size float, by the UA/VSM/data link filling in the message for the requested DLI message parameter(s) and transmitting it to the CUCS [DLI 3685]. 6. For UA/VSM/data link reported values, this message shall define the level of support provided for the reporting of a DLI message parameter, of size float, by the UA/VSM/data link filling in the message for the requested parameter and transmitting it to the CUCS [DLI 3686]. 7. This message may be sent from the VSM to the CUCS after the Configuration Complete Message (Message #41005) has been sent to change the following attributes of a field: - Min Value - Max Value - Min Display Value - Max Display Value - Minimum Display Resolution - All warning and caution limits - Help Text 8. This message may be sent from the UA/VSM/data link to the CUCS anytime the controllable state of a commanded DLI message parameter changes thus altering the allowable states of control over the specified parameter at the VSM. 9. The CUCS will use this information to configure the display and control of VSM data elements. Based on the Warning and Caution Limits Usage field, the warnings and cautions values can be used to automatically generate alerts to the operator and/or change the display format of the value (e.g., colour of the display). 10. The Default Value field shall be used by the CUCS to define the initial state of the displayed field [DLI 3687]. If no configuration message is received by the CUCS during the VSM response(s) to Message #40000, the CUCS will display the field with its full range enabled. 11. Where the UA/VSM/data link uses this message to report a DLI message parameter, the CUCS shall present the Cautions and Warnings to the operator in accordance with the message for the specified parameter [DLI 3426]. The High Caution limit and Low Caution limit shall be equivalent to Message #16000, Priority enumeration of “Caution” [DLI 3427]. The High Warning limit and Low Warning limit shall be equivalent to Message #16000, Priority enumeration of “Warning” [DLI 3428]. The VSM shall not present these same warnings on to the operator [DLI 3429]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 322 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 12. At a minimum, the CUCS shall support the configuration of the following float type DLI message parameters by a UA/VSM/data link [DLI 3303]: Message #2017, Loiter Radius Message #2017, Loiter Length Message #2016, Heading Reference Message #2016, Commanded Altitude Message #2016, Commanded Vertical Speed Message #2016, Commanded Turn Rate Message #2016, Commanded Roll Rate Message #2016, Commanded Speed Message #2016, Commanded Roll Message #3002, Current Propulsion Energy Level Message #3002, Current Propulsion Energy Usage Rate Message #3007, Engine Speed Message #3009, Angle of Attack Message #3009, Angle of Sideslip Message #3009, Indicated Airspeed Message #3009, True Airspeed Message #3009, Outside Air Temperature Message #3009, Barometric Altitude Message #3009, Barometric Altitude Rate Message #3009, U_Ground Message #3009, V_Ground Message #3010, X_Body_Accel Message #3010, Y_Body_Accel Message #3010, Z_Body_Accel Message #3010, Roll_Rate Message #3010, Pitch_Rate Message #3010, Yaw_Rate Message #4000, Altitude Message #4000, Phi (Roll) Message #4000, Theta (Pitch) Message #4000, Phi_dot (Roll Rate) Message #4000, Theta_dot (Pitch Rate) Message #4000, Psi_dot (Yaw Rate) Message #4000, U_Speed Message #4000, V_Speed Message #4000, W_Speed AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 323 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message #4000, U_Accel Message #4000, V_Accel Message #4000, W_Accel Message #7000, Voice Transmit Enable Message #7001, Voice Transmit Enable Message #9000, Voice Transmit Enabled Message #9001, Voice Transmit Enabled Message #13002, Waypoint to Speed Message #13002, Waypoint to Altitude Message #13003 Loiter Radius Message #19001, Set Horizontal Field of View Message #19001, Set Vertical Field of View Message #19001, Horizontal Slew Rate Message #19001, Vertical Slew Rate Message #19001, Altitude Message #21101, Reported Range Message #30001, Set Forward Link Carrier Frequency Message #30001, Set Return Link Carrier Frequency Message #30003, Set Antenna Azimuth Message #30003, Set Azimuth Offset Message #30003, Set Elevation Offset Message #30003, Set Antenna Elevation Message #30003, Set Azimuth Slew Rate Message #30003, Set Elevation Slew Rate Message #30004, Set CDT Altitude Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 4 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1301.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1301.04 2 1 VSM ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 1301.05 3 2 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0 = N/A AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 324 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 1301.06 4 3 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 41001.01 5 4 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 4 None No Restrictions Location ID on a given Station Location 41001.02 6 5 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 1301.07 7 6 Requested Message 0 = N/A AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 325 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 1301.08 8 7 Requested Field Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions If Requested Field = 0, then the entire message is not supported. 1301.09 9 8 Field Supported Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Field Not Supported 1 = Field Supported 41001.03 10 9 Default Value Float See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions 1301.10 11 10 Max Value Float See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Float See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Float See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Float See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Float See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Float See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Float See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Float See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Maximum valid value for the field. 1301.11 12 11 Min Value Minimum valid value for the field. 1301.12 13 12 Max Display Value Recommended Maximum Value that should be displayed. This value may be larger than the Max Value. 1301.13 14 13 Min Display Value Recommended Minimum Value that should be displayed. This value may be smaller than the Min Value. 1301.14 15 14 Minimum Resolution Requested, but not required, minimum display change where the display shows discrete values. This does not imply the minimum resolution of the actual value or the internal resolution. 1301.15 16 15 High Caution Limit Minimum value that will cause a Caution. 1301.16 17 16 High Warning Limit Minimum value that will cause a Warning. 1301.17 18 17 Low Caution Limit Maximum value that will cause a Caution. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 326 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 1301.18 19 18 Low Warning Limit Float See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Maximum value that will cause a Warning. 1301.19 20 19 Help Text Character 80 None No Restrictions 1301.20 21 20 Subsystem ID Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Engine 1 = Mechanical 2 = Electrical 3 = Comms 4 = Propulsion Energy 5 = Navigation 6 = Payload 7 = Recovery System 8 = Environmental Control System 9 = VSM Status 10 = VDT 11 = CDT 12 - 18 = Reserved 12-19 19 = Not Assigned 20 - 31 = VSM Specific Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Launch 0x02 = Approach 0x04 = Flight 0x08 = Contingency A 0x10 = Contingency B Identifier subsystem for which this field is associated 1301.21 22 21 Route Type Identifies which route type(s) this configuration applies for mission messages 41001.04 23 22 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 41001.05 24 23 Warning and Caution Limits Usage Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Defined (Added for Backwards Compatibility) 1 = Use to Generate Alerts 2 = Use to Change Display of Value 3 = Use to Generate Alerts and Change Display of Value AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 327 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41001.06 25 24 Disable Alert/Caution Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Disable High Caution 0x02 = Disable High Warning 0x04 = Disable Low Caution 0x08 = Disable Low Warning Disabled alerts will not generate messages to the operator on the CUCS. Table 4 - 140: Message #41001: Field Configuration Float Response 4.24.4 Message #41002: Field Configuration Enumerated Response 1. This message shall be transmitted from the UA/VSM/data link to the CUCS after the reception of Message #40000 as required for the parameters within the list (below) that are required per a single parameter, monitor, or control configuration request, and supported by the VSM for the “Station Number” (i.e., based on the Request Type and Station Number fields in the Message #40000 configuration request) [DLI 3305]. 2. This message shall report when an enumerated parameter is supported in part by removing unsupported generic enumerations from an enumerated or bitmapped message field (i.e., if not all the enumerations/bit fields in an enumerated/ bit mapped field are supported by the UA/VSM, they are identified by instances of this message in response to the Message #40000 configuration request) [DLI 3688]. 3. This message provides the capability to configure enumerated fields where there is no generic enumerated listing for the parameter, or to extend the set of enumerated values where vehicle specific values are available. Where an enumerated field contains a vehicle (payload) specific or VSM specific listing and a UA/VSM/data link requires using this capability, this message shall be used by the UA/VSM/data link to extend that listing [DLI 3689]. This message shall not be used to alter a generic enumerated listing [DLI 3309]. Reserved and specific enumerations (e.g., payload specific), that are not defined are assumed to be undefined and not enabled. 4. Note, one such message is required to remove each unsupported generic enumeration within an enumerated field, and one such message is required to add a single vehicle (payload) specific enumeration to an enumerated field. 5. This message shall be transmitted from the UA/VSM/data link to the CUCS in direct response to a Message #40000 for a single parameter request from the CUCS, if configuration information is available for the requested parameter [DLI 3431]. Where the UA/VSM/data link does not support the DLI message parameter, this message shall be sent with the “Field Supported” parameter filled as “Field Not Supported” [DLI 3432] 6. Where the Message #40000 Request Type field is set to an LOI for “monitoring”, only parameters from status messages that are applicable to the Message #40000 Station Number field shall be required to be sent from the UA/VSM/data link [DLI 3690]. 7. Where the Message #40000 Request Type field is set to an LOI for “controlling”, parameters from both the control and status messages that are applicable AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 328 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II to the Message #40000 Station Number field shall be required to be sent from the UA/VSM/data link [DLI 3691]. For example, Message #2016 is a control message for the Station Number of UA platform, therefore parameter Message #2016, Select Flight Path Control Mode, is a control parameter required in response to a configuration request of Request Type control for the Station Number of UA platform. Using this example, the UA/VSM would send Message #41002 for any Message #2016, Select Flight Path Control Mode, generic enumerations that it does not support and to potentially add vehicle specific flight modes. 8. For CUCS commanded values, this message shall define the level of support provided to the CUCS for control over a specified commanded DLI message parameter, of size float, by the UA/VSM/data link filling in the message for the requested DLI message parameter(s) and transmitting it to the CUCS [DLI 3692]. 9. For UA/VSM/data link reported values, this message shall define the level of support provided for the reporting of a DLI message parameter, of size float, by the UA/VSM/data link filling in the message for the requested parameter and transmitting it to the CUCS [DLI 3693]. The addition of an enumeration to a reported enumeration field does not add that enumeration to the corresponding command field, if present. Reporting an enumeration that is only defined in the reported field does not change the related commanded field state, if present. 10. The CUCS shall use this message to configure the user interface for the display or control of UA/VSM/data link information [DLI 3306]. The Default Value field shall be used by the CUCS to define the initial state of the displayed field [DLI 3307]. If no configuration message is received by the CUCS during the VSM response(s) to Message #40000, the CUCS will display the field with its full range enabled. 11. At a minimum, the CUCS shall support the configuration of the following enumerated type DLI message parameters by a UA/VSM/data link [DLI 3308]: Message #1, Requested Flight Mode Message #2016, Select Flight Path Control Mode Message #2016, Altitude Command Type Message #2016, Heading Command Type Message #2016, Speed Type Message #2016, Altitude Type Message #2017, Loiter Type Message #2017, Loiter Direction Message #2017, Flying Behaviour Message #2005, Flight Termination Mode Message #2019, Altitude Type Message #2007, Set Lights Message #2008, Engine Command Message #2011, Area Upload Mode Message #2012, Polygon Type Message #2014, Contingency A Command Message #2014, Contingency B Command AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 329 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message #3001, Select Flight Path Control Mode Message #6000, Mode 2 Code Message #7000, Voice Transmit Enable Message #7001, Voice Transmit Enable Message #9000, Voice Transmit Enabled Message #9001, Voice Transmit Enabled Message #9001, LOC/Glide Slope Valid Message #9001, Marker Message #11000; Landing Gear Command Message #13000, Mission Plan Mode Message #13002, Waypoint Altitude Type Message #13002, Waypoint Speed Type Message #13002, Turn Type Message #13003, Waypoint Loiter type Message #13003, Loiter Direction Message #13004, Set Sensor Pointing Mode Message #13004 Set Sensor 1 Mode Message #13004, Set Sensor 2 Mode Message #13004, Set Sensor Output Message #13004, Starepoint Altitude Type Message #13004, Sensor Mode Message #13004, EO Sensor Mode Message #13004, IR Polarity Message #13005, Function Message #13005, Enumerated State Message #13007, Contingency Condition Message #15000, Subsystem ID Message #16000, Subsystem ID Message #16001, Subsystem ID Message #18000, PTT Message #18002, Controllable Discrete Light ID Message #19001, Set Zoom Message #19001, Altitude Type Message #19001, Tracker Mode Command Message #19100, Set EO Sensor Mode Message #19100, Select IR Temperature Message #19100, Set EO/IR Pointing Mode Message #19100, Focus Type AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 330 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message #19100, Set IR Level Adjustment Mode Message #19100, Set IR Polarity Message #19100, Set EO/IR Pointing Mode Message #19100, Initiate Laser Designator Message #19100, Laser Mode Message #19200, Set MTI Radar Mode Message #19200, Set SAR Mode Message #19300, Active Weapon Mode Command Message #19300, Active Target Acquisition Mode Select Message #19300, Active Attack Mode Message #19300, Target Altitude Type Message #19400, Power Message #19400, Set Mode Message #19400, Initiate BIT Message #19500, Set Recording Index Type Message #19500, Set Recording Mode Message #21101, IR Temperature Status Message #21400, Power Message #21400, Mode Status Message #21400, BIT Status Message #28001, Data Link Type Message #28001, Antenna Type Message #30001, Set Configuration Index Message #30002, Set Configuration Index Message #30002, Set Data Link State Message #30002, Set Antenna Mode Message #30002, Communication Security Mode Message #30003, Set Pedestal Mode Message #30003, Set Transmitter Attenuation Message #30003, Select Active Antenna Pedestal Index Message #30003, Communication Security Key Index Message #30101, Pedestal Index Message #30101, Set antenna Pointing Mode Message #30102, Pedestal Index Message #30200, Bit Mode 12. For bit fields (e.g., 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0008), the right most bit (0x0001) shall be considered Enumeration Index 0 [DLI 3434]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 331 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1302.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1302.04 2 1 VSM ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 1302.05 3 2 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0 = N/A 1302.06 4 3 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 41002.01 5 4 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 332 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41002.02 6 5 Sub-Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 4 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Field Not Supported 1 = Field Supported Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Location ID on a given Component Location 1302.07 7 6 Requested Message 0 = N/A 1302.08 8 7 Requested Field If Requested Field = 0, then the entire message is not supported. 1302.09 9 8 Field Supported Set to zero to “unsupport” all enumerations in the reported field. 41002.03 10 9 Default Value See Field In Requested Message 1302.10 11 10 Vehicle (Payload) Specific Enumeration Count Set to zero when vehicle specific enumerations are not being added. When zero, fields 1302.11, 1302.12 and 1302.13 are also N/A. 0 = N/A Number Of Vehicle Specific Enumeration States For This Field AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 333 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 1302.11 12 11 Vehicle (Payload) Specific Enumeration Index Type Units Range Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Character 16 None No Restrictions 0 = N/A Actual Enumeration Index 1302.12 13 12 Vehicle (Payload) Specific Enumeration Text Text To Display For Selected Enumeration 1302.13 14 13 Vehicle (Payload) Specific Help Text Character 80 None No Restrictions 41002.05 15 14 Remove Enumerated Index Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Launch 0x02 = Approach 0x04 = Flight 0x08 = Contingency A 0x10 = Contingency B Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Enumerated index value not supported by Addressed Asset 0 = N/A Controlled By “Field Available” 1302.14 16 15 Route Type Identifies which route type(s) this configuration applies for mission messages 41002.04 17 16 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 141: Message #41002: Field Configuration Enumerated Response 4.24.5 Message #41003: Field Configuration Unsigned Response 1. This message shall be transmitted from the UA/VSM/data link to the CUCS after the reception of Message #40000 as required for each of the parameters within the list (below) that are required per an LOI configuration request, and supported by AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 334 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II the VSM (i.e., based on the Request Type for LOI) [DLI 3311]. The LOI for each of the referenced parameters in the list shall be in accordance with Table 4 – 5, Functional Message Group Table for the referenced messages [DLI 3435]. This message shall be transmitted from the VSM/UA/Data Link to the CUCS after the reception of Message #40000 in response to a single parameter request from the CUCS if configuration information is available for the requested parameter [DLI 3694]. 2. This message shall define the level of support provided to the CUCS for control over a specified commanded DLI message parameter, or for the reporting of a DLI message parameter, of type Unsigned, by the UA/VSM/data link filling in the message for the requested parameter and transmitting it to the CUCS [DLI 3312]. Where the UA/VSM/data link does not support a requested parameter, this message shall be sent with the “Field Supported” parameter filled as “Field Not Supported” [DLI 3695]. 3. The CUCS will use this information to configure the display and control of VSM data elements. 4. Where the UA/VSM/data link uses this message to report a DLI message parameter, the CUCS shall present the Cautions and Warnings to the operator in accordance with the message for the specified parameter [DLI 3696]. The High Caution limit and Low Caution Limit shall be equivalent to Message #16000, priority enumeration of “Caution” [DLI 3697] The High Warning limit and Low Warning limit shall be equivalent to Message #16000, priority enumeration of “Warning” [DLI 3698]. The VSM shall not present these same warnings [DLI 3699]. 5. This message may be sent from the UA/VSM/data link to the CUCS anytime the controllable state of a commanded DLI message parameter changes thus altering the allowable states of control over the specified parameter at the VSM. 6. The CUCS is not required to support the configuration of any unsigned type DLI message parameters by a UA/VSM/data link. 7. For integers/unsigned fields that have a type of BAM the valid range shall be from the minimum values increasing clockwise to the maximum value [DLI 3827]. A minimum value that is greater than the maximum value indicates that the allowable range does not include zero. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 4 Bitmapped No Restrictions 41003.05 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 41003.06 2 1 VSM ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 41003.07 3 2 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0 = N/A AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 335 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41003.08 4 3 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 41003.01 5 4 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 4 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None 1≤x Location ID on a given Station Location 41003.02 6 5 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 41003.09 7 6 Requested Message See Section 4.1.1 41003.10 8 7 Requested Field AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 336 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41003.11 9 8 Field Supported Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Field Not Supported 1 = Field Supported 41003.24 10 9 Default Value Unsigned 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions 41003.12 11 10 Max Value Unsigned 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Unsigned 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Unsigned 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Unsigned 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Unsigned 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Unsigned 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Unsigned 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Unsigned 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Unsigned 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Maximum valid value for the field. 41003.13 12 11 Min Value Minimum valid value for the field. 41003.14 13 12 Max Display Value Recommended Maximum Value that should be displayed. This value may be larger than the Max Value. 41003.15 14 13 Min Display Value Recommended Minimum Value that should be displayed. This value may be smaller than the Min Value. 41003.16 15 14 Minimum Display Resolution Requested, but not required, minimum display change where the display shows discrete values. This does not imply the minimum resolution of the actual value or the internal resolution. 41003.17 16 15 High Caution Limit Minimum value that will cause a Caution. 41003.18 17 16 High Warning Limit Minimum value that will cause a Warning. 41003.19 18 17 Low Caution Limit Maximum value that will cause a Caution. 41003.20 19 18 Low Warning Limit Maximum value that will cause a Warning. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 337 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 41003.21 20 19 41003.25 21 20 Type Units Range Help Text Character 80 None No Restrictions Subsystem ID Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Engine 1 = Mechanical 2 = Electrical 3 = Comms 4 = Propulsion Energy 5 = Navigation 6 = Payload 7 = Recovery System 8 = Environmental Control System 9 = VSM Status 10 = VDT 11 = CDT 12 - 18 = Reserved 12-19 19 = Not Assigned 20 - 31 = VSM Specific Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Launch 0x02 = Approach 0x04 = Flight 0x08 = Contingency A 0x10 = Contingency B Identifier subsystem for which this field is associated 41003.03 22 21 Route Type Identifies which route type(s) this configuration applies for mission messages 41003.04 23 22 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 41003.22 24 23 Warning and Caution Limits Usage Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Not Defined (Added for Backwards Compatibility) 1 = Use to Generate Alerts 2 = Use to Change Display of Value 3 = Use to Generate Alerts and Change Display of Value AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 338 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41003.23 25 24 Disable Alert/Caution Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Disable High Caution 0x02 = Disable High Warning 0x04 = Disable Low Caution 0x08 = Disable Low Warning Disabled alerts will not generate messages to the operator on the CUCS. Table 4 - 142: Message #41003: Field Configuration Unsigned Response 4.24.6 Message #41004: Field Configuration Character Response 1. This message shall be transmitted from the UA/VSM/data link to the CUCS after the reception of Message #40000 in response to a single parameter request from the CUCS if configuration information is available for the requested parameter [DLI 3700]. 2. This message shall define the level of support provided to the CUCS for control over a specified commanded DLI message parameter, or for the reporting of a DLI message parameter, of size Integer, by the UA/VSM/data link filling in the message for the requested parameter and transmitting it to the CUCS [DLI 3701]. Where the UA/VSM/data link does not support a requested parameter, this message shall be sent with the “Field Supported” parameter filled as “Field Not Supported” [DLI 3702]. 3. This message may be sent from the UA/VSM/data link to the CUCS anytime the controllable state of a commanded DLI message parameter changes thus altering the allowable states of control over the specified parameter at the VSM. 4. The CUCS will use this information to configure the display and control of VSM data elements. 5. The CUCS is not required to support the configuration of any character type DLI message parameters by a UA/VSM/data link. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41004.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 41004.05 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 41004.06 2 1 VSM ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 41004.07 3 2 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0 = N/A AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 339 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41004.08 4 3 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = N/A 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 41004.01 5 4 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 4 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Location ID on a given Station Location 41004.02 6 5 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 41004.09 7 6 Requested Message See Section 4.1.1 41004.10 8 7 Requested Field AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 340 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41004.11 9 8 Field Supported Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Field Not Supported 1 = Field Supported 41004.12 10 9 Help Text Character 80 None No Restrictions 41004.13 11 10 Subsystem ID Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Engine 1 = Mechanical 2 = Electrical 3 = Comms 4 = Propulsion Energy 5 = Navigation 6 = Payload 7 = Recovery System 8 = Environmental Control System 9 = VSM Status 10 = VDT 11 = CDT 12 - 18 = Reserved 12-19 19 = Not Assigned 20 - 31 = VSM Specific Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Launch 0x02 = Approach 0x04 = Flight 0x08 = Contingency A 0x10 = Contingency B Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Identifier subsystem for which this field is associated 41004.03 12 11 Route Type Identifies which route type(s) this configuration applies for mission messages 41004.04 13 12 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 143: Message #41004: Field Configuration Character Response 4.24.7 Message #41005: Configuration Complete 1. The UA/VSM/data link shall use the Configuration Complete Message to identify that all configuration messages have been sent from the UA/VSM/data link to the CUCS as requested with Message #40000, Field Configuration Request, for the identified VSM, UA, data link, or payload station [DLI 3296]. The CUCS shall use this message to identify that configuration of the CUCS is complete as requested based on the received 41xxx, 2015, 3000, and 21100 messages and any messages requested by Message #17002 during configuration [DLI 3447]. If the configuration messages AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 341 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II require an acknowledgement, this message shall not be sent until all the requested acknowledgements have been received or a time out has occurred [DLI 3703]. 2. The Null ID shall be used for an ID that is not applicable during an instance of transmission of this message [DLI 3704]. 3. The UA/VSM/data link shall be able to transmit this message to the CUCS without an authorized connection [DLI 3705]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41005.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1203.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1203.04 2 1 VSM ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 1203.05 3 2 Data Link ID Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 0 = N/A 1203.06 4 3 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 41005.01 5 4 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 342 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41005.02 6 5 Sub-Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Enumerated 0 - 65535 = See Table 4-36 Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Location ID on a given Component Location 1203.07 7 6 Vehicle Type Identifies the type name of vehicle; numbers to be assigned by STANAG Custodian. 1203.08 8 7 Vehicle Subtype Assigned by manufacturer or other configuration authority 41005.03 9 8 Station Number 17-32 Table 4 - 144: Message #41005: Configuration Complete 4.24.8 Message #41006: Integer Enumeration Response 1. This message shall be transmitted from the UA/VSM/data link to the CUCS after the reception of Message #40000 as required for each of the parameters within the list (below) that are required per a single parameter, monitor, or control configuration request, and supported by the VSM for the “Station Number” (i.e., based on the Request Type and Station Number fields in the Message #40000 configuration request) [DLI 3706]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 343 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2. This message shall be sent by a UA/VSM/data link to define a set of discrete integer values for a given message field [DLI 3707]. These values are the only allowed values to be selected by the CUCS operator and sent from the CUCS. 3. At a minimum, the CUCS shall support the configuration of the following enumerated integer type DLI message parameters by a UA/VSM/data link [DLI 3708]: Message 11000: Flap Deployment Command Message 13004: Horizontal Field of View Message 13004: Vertical Field of View Message 19001: Set Horizontal Field of View Message 19001: Set Vertical Field of View Message 19200: Set Radar Resolution Message 319500: Set Recording Rate Message 319500: Set Clock Rate Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41006.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 41006.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 41006.02 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 344 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41006.08 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = EO 0x02 = IR 0x04 = Payload Specific Unsigned 4 None No Restrictions Location ID on a given Station Location 41006.09 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 41006.03 5 4 Addressed Sensor Identifies which sensor(s) to apply this enumeration to 41006.04 6 5 Requested Message See Table 4-6 thru 4-33 41006.05 7 6 Requested Field Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 41006.06 8 7 Value Count Unsigned 1 None 2 ≤ x ≤ 16 Same as Requested Field No Restrictions Values: repeated fields begin (where n = 1 to "Value Count") 41006.07 - 7 Value <n> Unsigned 4 Same as requested field Values: repeated fields end (where n = 1 to "Value Count") AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 345 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 41006.10 25 8 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 145: Message #41006: Integer Enumeration Response 4.25 General Postconnection Configuration Messages After connection, Messages #41000, #41001, #41002, #41003, and #41004 are reused in order to update any of the initial parameters that were set during the preconnection phase. 4.25.1 Message #42000: Display Unit Request The CUCS shall use the Display Unit Request Message to identify the display units and format that the UA/VSM is required to use in Remote Displays for that CUCS [DLI 3292]. The UA/VSM shall accept this message from the CUCS anytime the CUCS has a valid connection with the UA/VSM to control functionality [DLI 3415]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 42000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1201.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1201.05 2 1 Distance Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0=m 1 = Foot 2 = km 3 = NM 1201.06 3 2 Altitude Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0=m 1 = Foot 1201.07 4 3 Speed Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = m/s 1 = Knot 2 = Mile per hour 3 = km per hour 1201.08 5 4 Position (Latitude, Longitude) Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Degree 1 = UTM 2 = MGRS 1201.09 6 5 Temperature Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = °C 1 = °F 2=K AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 346 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 1201.10 7 6 Mass/Weight Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = kg 1 = Pound 1201.11 8 7 Angles Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = rad 1 = Degree 1201.12 9 8 Pressure - Barometric Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = millibar (mb) 1 = Inch of Mercury (inHg) 2 = Pa 1201.13 10 9 Fuel Quantity Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0=L 1 = Pound 2 = kg 42000.01 11 10 Position Display Format Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = DDD MM SS 1 = DDD MM.MM 2 = DDD.DD 3 = Not Specified When the Position field is commanded to Degrees, this field defines the format of that data. The exact number of digits displayed is not defined, but the absence of a “.” indicates the value should be displayed as an integer. DDD indicates degrees, MM indicates minutes and SS indicates seconds. Enumeration 3 added for backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 42000.02 12 11 Altitude Rate Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = m/s 1 = Foot/Minute 42000.03 13 12 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints. 0 = Immediate Activity Table 4 - 146: Message #42000: Display Unit Request 4.25.2 Message #42001: CUCS Resource Report 1. This message shall be used to communicate to the UA/VSM/data link the resources available within the CUCS for managing remote displays to be presented at the CUCS [DLI 3293]. The UA/VSM/data link shall transmit remote displays to the CUCS in accordance with the contents of this message only after the reception of this message from a CUCS [DLI 3295]. The use of Field 12 shall be limited to transfer of STANAG 4545 data from the VSM to CUCS [DLI 3709]. 2. The Null ID in the wrapper shall be used for an ID that is not applicable during an instance of transmission of this message [DLI 3710]. 3. The CUCS shall only transmit this message to the UA/VSM/data link when it has an authorized connection [DLI 3711]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 347 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 42001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1202.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1202.10 2 1 (X Window) Display Number Integer 1 None No Restrictions 1202.11 3 2 (X Window) Screen Number Integer 1 None No Restrictions 1202.12 4 3 Vertical Offset from Top Left Corner Unsigned 2 Pixel No Restrictions Unsigned 2 Pixel No Restrictions Location of top corner of remote display. 1202.13 5 4 Horizontal Offset from Top Left Corner Location of left corner of remote display. 1202.14 6 5 Display Window Horizontal Width (Pixels) Unsigned 2 Pixel No Restrictions 1202.15 7 6 Display Window Vertical Height (Pixels) Unsigned 2 Pixel No Restrictions 1202.16 8 7 CUCS IP Address Unsigned 4 None No Restrictions 42001.01 9 8 STANAG 4545 Directory Character 256 None No Restrictions STANAG 4545 directory is encoded as a URI string. A null string defaults to the system specific default. Table 4 - 147: Message #42001: CUCS Resource Report 4.25.3 Message #42002: Manage VSM Windows Message 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to specify whether an UA, VSM, data link or payload element has authorization to display GUIs [DLI 3712]. If the Destination ID is non-null, then the Station Number field(s) defines what GUIs will be affected (i.e., UA platform and/or payload station(s)). If the GUI Display Authorization field is set to Authorized, the specified element has authorization to display GUIs on the CUCS display. If set to Not Authorized, the element is not authorized, and shall remove all GUIs from the CUCS display [DLI 3817]. Once requested to remove GUIs, the element shall not display GUIs until the CUCS sends a message granting authorization [DLI 3818]. 2. For example, a message with a Station Number set to zero (UA platform only), and GUI Display Authorization field set to Not Authorized, means the UA payload windows are still allowed to remain displayed (if they are already displayed). However, the UA platform windows are removed from the CUCS displays. 3. During the configuration process, remote display items that can be selected via this message were defined using Message #43002 Remote Windows GUI Definition and this message shall be used by the CUCS to request the UA/VSM/data link to display one of those particular GUIs [DLI 3714]. When the GUI Reference ID field is AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 348 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II set to “255” the VSM shall restore the remote window configuration on the CUCS for the specified functionality, UA, payload, or data link, as per previous (i.e., the remote display configuration as for the specified station just before it was taken out of focus) [DLI 3715]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 42002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 42002.04 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 42002.05 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 42002.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Location ID on a given Station Location AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 349 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 42002.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Display Not Authorized 1 = Display Authorized Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Location ID on a given Component Location 42002.06 5 4 GUI Display Authorization Authorizes Remote Displays for station (42002.01, 02, 03 & 05), UA/payload or for data link, as applicable when set to Display Authorized. 42002.07 6 5 GUI Reference ID From Message #43002, Remote Windows GUI Definition, GUI Reference ID field (Unique ID 43002.02). Not valid when GUI Display Authorization (42002.06) is set to Display Not Authorized. Enumeration Authorized sets the display back to the UA/ data link, but does not call a remote display in particular unless this field is set to a non-zero number. 0 = None 1 to 254 = Per Configuration 255 = Restore Remote Window Configuration AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 350 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 42002.03 7 6 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 Table 4 - 148: Message #42002: Manage VSM Windows Message 4.25.4 Message #42003: Report Controllable Element 1. This message is used by the vehicle to report to the CUCS all of the elements that can be controlled on the vehicle with direct joystick input. For LOI 4, this message shall be sent once for each control element pertaining to vehicle control (e.g., gear up, aileron) [DLI 3716]. For LOI 3, this message shall be sent once for each control element pertaining to payload control (e.g., pan, tilt, and zoom) [DLI 3717]. 2. The Controllable Element ID shall be unique on a per vehicle basis (i.e., two different vehicles may each use the same ID for different controllable elements) [DLI 3718]. The name should be a semantically meaningful description of the controllable element (e.g., “throttle”, “aileron”, etc.). 3. When applicable, the following list of controllable element names shall be used [DLI 3719]: - For (typically) analogue elements: - Aileron - Elevator - Throttle - Rudder - Ruddervator - Flaperons - Elevons - Pan - Tilt - Zoom AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 351 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - For (typically) discrete elements: - Landing Gear - Zoom In - Zoom Out - Cage - Stow - Initiate Track 4. The Input Type shall indicate if the UA expects an analogue value (using Field 2013.04) or a discrete value (using Field 2013.07) in Message # 2103 [DLI 3720]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 42003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 42003.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 42003.02 2 1 Controllable Element ID Unsigned 2 None 1≤x Character 24 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Analogue 1 = Discrete Unique identifier of the controllable element 42003.03 3 2 Name Descriptive name of the controllable element 42003.04 4 3 Input Type Identifies the type of input represented by the controllable element Table 4 - 149: Message #42003: Report Controllable Element 4.25.5 Message #43000: VSM Services Report Message This message shall be used to communicate to the CUCS the remote display services provided by the VSM to the CUCS [DLI 3721]. It defines the VSM’s home page and FTP location, if these services are used by the VSM. This message will be sent after the VSM receives the CUCS Resource Report (Message #42001) and has done any needed setup or initialization of its services. Once this message has been received by the CUCS, the CUCS can browse to the VSM’s home page. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 43000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1304.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1304.04 2 1 VSM Home Web Page URL Character 249 None No Restrictions Blank if service not provided by VSM AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 352 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 1304.05 3 2 FTP URL Blank if service not provided by VSM Type Units Range Character 249 None No Restrictions Table 4 - 150: Message #43000: VSM Services Report Message 4.25.6 Message #43001: UA Route Configuration This message shall be used by the VSM to define its capability to support multiple instances of each Route Type, and the maximum allowable number of waypoints and the supported Location Types per Route Type [DLI 3722]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 43001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 43001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 43001.02 2 1 Route Type Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Launch 1 = Approach 2 = Flight 3 = Contingency A 4 = Contingency B 43001.03 3 2 Instances Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 43001.04 4 3 Maximum Number Waypoints Unsigned 2 None 1 ≤ x < 65,535 43001.05 5 4 Location Type Support Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Absolute 0x02 = Relative Table 4 - 151: Message #43001: UA Route Configuration 4.25.7 Message #43002: Remote Windows GUI Definition This message shall be used by the UA/VSM/data link to define remote windows (vehicle specific displays) that the CUCS operator can select from the generic CUCS user interface [DLI 3723]. As an example, the selection of these remote displays maybe from a CUCS menu item. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 43002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 43002.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 43002.02 2 1 GUI Reference ID Unsigned 1 None 1≤x Reference ID that identifies a standalone GUI element, such as a dialog. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 353 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 43002.03 3 2 Parent GUI Reference ID Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Engine 1 = Mechanical 2 = Electrical 3 = Comms 4 = Propulsion Energy 5 = Navigation 6 = Payload 7 = Recovery System 8 = Environmental Control System 9 = VSM Status 10 = VDT 11 = CDT 12 - 19 = Reserved 20 - 31 = VSM Specific Character 16 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Enabled 1 = Disabled Reference ID that identifies a GUI Grouping. A zero indicates that the GUI is not related to a higher level GUI Group. 43002.04 4 3 Subsystem ID Identifier associated with the subsystem for which status information is being reported. 43002.05 5 4 Text Text to display on CUCS for the GUI 43002.06 6 5 Enable Indicates whether the VSM GUI can be requested by the CUCS Table 4 - 152: Message #43002: Remote Windows GUI Definition 4.26 VSM Forced Command Messages 4.26.1 Message #44000: Field Change Integer Command 1. This message shall be transmitted from the VSM to change the current commanded state of a CUCS field [DLI 3724]. The CUCS will use this information to update the state of the command field. 2. The CUCS shall support the following fields when receiving this message [DLI 3725]: Message #2016, Commanded Altitude Message #2016, Commanded Heading Message #2016, Commanded Roll Message #2016, Commanded Speed Message #2016, Commanded Waypoint Number Message #2016, Altimeter Setting Message #2017, Loiter Radius Message #2017, Loiter Length AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 354 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message #2008, Engine Command, Engine Number Message #2014, Contingency A Delay Message #2014, Contingency A Waypoint Number Message #2014, Contingency B Delay Message #2014, Contingency B Waypoint Number Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 44000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 44000.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 44000.02 2 1 Requested Message Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions 44000.03 3 2 Requested Field Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 44000.04 4 3 Commanded Value Integer 4 See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Table 4 - 153: Message #44000: Field Change Integer Command 4.26.2 Message #44001: Field Change Float Command 1. This message shall be transmitted from the VSM to inform the CUCS of a change to the state of the command field [DLI 3726]. The CUCS will use this information to update the state of the command field. 2. The CUCS shall support the following fields when receiving this message [DLI 3727]: None defined at this time Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 44001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 44001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 44001.02 2 1 Requested Message Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions 44001.03 3 2 Requested Field Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 44001.04 4 3 Commanded Value Float See Field In Requested Message No Restrictions Table 4 - 154: Message #44001: Field Change Float Command 4.26.3 Message #44002: Field Change Enumerated Command 1. This message shall be transmitted from the VSM to inform the CUCS of a change to the state of the command field [DLI 3728]. The CUCS will use this information to update the state of the command field. 2. The CUCS shall support the following fields when receiving this message [DLI 3729]: Message #2016, Vehicle Operating Mode Command, Select Flight Path Control Mode Message #2016, Altitude Command Type AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 355 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message #2016, Heading Command Type Message #2016, Speed Type Message #2016, Altitude Type Message #2016, Altitude Change Behaviour Message #2017, Loiter Type Message #2017, Loiter Length Units Message #2017, Loiter Direction Message #2017, Flying Behaviour Message #2005, Flight Termination Command, Command Flight Termination State Message #2005, Flight Termination Command, Flight Termination Mode Message #2007, Unmanned Aircraft Lights, Set Lights Message #2008, Engine Command, Engine Command Message #2014, Contingency A Command Message #2014, Contingency B Command 3. For bit fields (e.g., 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0008), all bits are defined by the Commanded Enumeration Index Value. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 44002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 44002.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 44002.02 2 1 Requested Message Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions 44002.03 3 2 Requested Field Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions 44002.04 4 3 Commanded Enumeration Index Value Integer 4 None No Restrictions This field is also used to set the state of bitmapped fields Index Into Enumerated States Where 0 = First, 1 = Second, etc. Table 4 - 155: Message #44002: Field Change Enumerated Command 4.26.4 Message #44003: Message Parameter Availability 1. This message shall be used by the CUCS to make available (default) or unavailable any components on the CUCS interface associated with the control of supported DLI message parameters, as referenced in the list below [DLI 3314]. 2. This message shall be sent from the UA/VSM/data link to the CUCS for a listed DLI parameter anytime the controllable state of that parameter, or an enumeration/bit mapped value within an enumerated/bit mapped parameter, changes thus altering the allowable state of control over the specified parameter at the UA/VSM/data link (i.e., the VSM reports if a DLI message field is currently available to control or if it is AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 356 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II unavailable (Field Available), or if specific enumerations within an enumerated data element field are available or unavailable for control) [DLI 3315]. 3. If no configuration message is received by the CUCS during the VSM response(s) to Message #40000, the CUCS will display the field with its full range enabled. 4. At a minimum, the CUCS shall support the availability configuration of the following DLI message parameters by a UA/VSM/data link [DLI 3730]: Message #2016, Select Flight Path Control Mode Message #2016, Altitude Command Type Message #2016, Heading Reference Message #2016, Heading Command Type Message #2016, Speed Type Message #2016, Altitude Type Message #2016, Commanded Altitude Message #2016, Commanded Vertical Speed Message #2016, Commanded Heading Message #2016, Commanded Course Message #2016, Commanded Turn Rate Message #2016, Commanded Roll Rate Message #2016, Commanded Roll Message #2016, Commanded Speed Message #2017, Loiter Type Message #2017, Loiter Direction Message #2019, Altitude Type Message #2007, Set Lights Message #2008, Engine Command Message #13000, Mission Plan Mode Message #13002, Waypoint Altitude Type Message #13002, Waypoint Speed Type Message #13002, Arrival Time Message #13002, Turn Type Message #13003, Waypoint Loiter Type Message #13003, Loiter Direction Message #13004, Set Sensor Pointing Mode Message #13004, Set Sensor 1 Mode Message #13004, Set Sensor 2 Mode Message #13004, Starepoint Altitude Type Message #13005, Function Message #13005, Enumerated State AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 357 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message #15000, Subsystem ID Message #18000, PTT Message #19001, Set Zoom Message #19001, Altitude Type Message #19100, Set EO Sensor Mode Message #19100, Focus Type Message #19100, Set IR Polarity Message #19100, Set EO/IR Pointing Mode Message #19200, Set MTI Radar Mode Message #19300, Active Weapon Mode Command Message #19300, Target Altitude Type Message #19700, System Operating Mode Message #28001, Data Link Type Message #28001, Antenna Type Message #30002, Set Data Link State Message #30002, Set Antenna Mode Message #30002, Communication Security Mode Message #30003, Set Pedestal Mode Message #43002, GUI Reference ID Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 44003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 1303.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 1303.05 2 1 Station Number 1-16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #1 0x0002 = Stn #2 0x0004 = Stn #3 0x0008 = Stn #4 0x0010 = Stn #5 0x0020 = Stn #6 0x0040 = Stn #7 0x0080 = Stn #8 0x0100 = Stn #9 0x0200 = Stn #10 0x0400 = Stn #11 0x0800 = Stn #12 0x1000 = Stn #13 0x2000 = Stn #14 0x4000 = Stn #15 0x8000 = Stn #16 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 358 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 44003.01 3 2 Component Number Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = #1 0x0002 = #2 0x0004 = #3 0x0008 = #4 0x0010 = #5 0x0020 = #6 0x0040 = #7 0x0080 = #8 0x0100 = #9 0x0200 = #10 0x0400 = #11 0x0800 = #12 0x1000 = #13 0x2000 = #14 0x4000 = #15 0x8000 = #16 Unsigned 4 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Complete Field Not Available For Selection 1 = Complete Field Available For Selection Location ID on a given Station Location 44003.02 4 3 Sub-Component Number Location ID on a given Component Location 1303.06 5 4 Reported Message See Section 4.1.1 1303.07 6 5 Reported Field Field Identifier 0 = Message not supported 1303.08 7 6 Field Available AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 359 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 1303.09 8 7 Reported Enumerated Index Type Units Range Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Integer 1 Enumerated -2 = Not Implemented -1 = State Unavailable For Selection 0 = State Available For Selection Reported enumerated index for enumerated fields to disable/ enable a “single” enumeration in an enumerated/ bit mapped field. Overrides 1303.08 enumeration “1” for the specified enumeration. Controlled By “Field Available” 1303.10 9 8 Enumerated Index Enable State of the enumeration specified 1303.09. -2 added to support backwards compatibility to AEP-84 Volume 1. 44003.03 10 9 Station Number 17-32 Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0000 = UA Platform 0x0001 = Stn #17 0x0002 = Stn #18 0x0004 = Stn #19 0x0008 = Stn #20 0x0010 = Stn #21 0x0020 = Stn #22 0x0040 = Stn #23 0x0080 = Stn #24 0x0100 = Stn #25 0x0200 = Stn #26 0x0400 = Stn #27 0x0800 = Stn #28 0x1000 = Stn #29 0x2000 = Stn #30 0x4000 = Stn #31 0x8000 = Stn #32 1303.12 11 10 Route Type Unsigned 1 Bitmapped 0x01 = Launch 0x02 = Approach 0x04 = Flight 0x08 = Contingency A 0x10 = Contingency B Identifies which route type(s) this configuration applies for mission messages. Table 4 - 156: Message #44003: Message Parameter Availability 4.27 Draw Interface Messages 4.27.1 Message #46000: Draw Layer Configuration 1. This message shall be sent by the UA, VSM or data link to a CUCS to assign and name draw layers for a situation awareness display for operator reference [DLI 3731]. This provides a priority to the draw layers, and provides the capability to hide or erase an entire layer. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 360 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2. The Draw Layer specifies which draw list to use, 1- N, according to the order in which this layer is drawn (higher numbered layers shall be drawn later, and hence appear over top of lower numbered layers) [DLI 3795]. 3. The Draw Layer (N) Name string is provided to allow the operator to turn off this layer (to de-clutter the situation display). It is recommended that this feature be used only for complex draw layers. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 46000.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 46000.02 2 1 Draw Layer Number Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 46000.03 3 2 Draw Layer Name Character 16 None No Restrictions Null = No Label Table 4 - 157: Message #46000: Draw Layer Configuration 4.27.2 Message #46001: Draw Layer Update Request/Status This message shall be sent by the CUCS to the UA, VSM or data link to request an update to a Draw Layer or to return status of the draw request from the UA, VSM or data link [DLI 3732]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 46001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 46001.02 2 1 Draw Layer Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Layer Cleared 1 = Layer Displayed 2 = Layer Hidden 4 = Layer Released 5 = Object Deleted 6 = Request Update Layer to update. 0 = All 46001.03 3 2 Object ID 0 = N/A 46001.04 4 3 Layer / Object Status Table 4 - 158: Message #46001: Draw Layer Update Request/Status 4.27.3 Message #46002: Draw Layer Control This message shall be sent by the UA, VSM or data link to the CUCS to clear/ erase/show/release the contents of a Draw Layer or to delete an object within a Layer [DLI 3733]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 361 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46002.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 46002.02 2 1 Draw Layer Unsigned 1 None No Restrictions Unsigned 2 None No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Clear Layer 1 = Show Layer 2 = Hide Layer 4 = Release Layer 5 = Delete Object 0 = All 46002.03 3 2 Object ID 0 = N/A 46002.04 4 3 Layer / Object Control Table 4 - 159: Message #46002: Draw Layer Control 4.27.4 Message #46003: Draw Line 1. This message shall be sent by the UA, VSM or data link to a CUCS to draw a geo-referenced 3-D line object on a situation awareness display for operator reference [DLI 3734]. 2. The line colour property represents the colour and transparency of the line. It is a string representation for an RGB triple value as in: “#2a443cff”. The “2a” is the intensity of the red component represented as hexadecimal. Likewise, the “44” is the green component, and the “3c” is the blue component. The final “ff” specifies that the line should be opaque. A value of “00” for transparency would indicate that the line should be entirely transparent. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 46003.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 46003.02 2 1 Object ID Unsigned 2 None 1≤x 46003.03 3 2 Draw Layer Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 46003.04 4 3 Draw Colour Unsigned 4 RGBA No Restrictions 46003.05 5 4 Line Width Unsigned 1 Pixel 1≤x 46003.06 6 5 Line Style Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Solid 1 = Dashed 2 = Dotted 3 = Stipple1 4 = Stipple2 5 = Stipple3 6 = Stipple4 46003.07 7 6 Start Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 46003.08 8 7 Start Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions 46003.09 9 8 End Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 46003.10 10 9 End Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 362 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 4 - 160: Message #46003: Draw Line 4.27.5 Message #46004: Draw Simple Polygon This message shall be sent by the UA, VSM or data link to a CUCS to draw a simple geo-referenced polygon object on a situation awareness display for operator reference [DLI 3735]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46004.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 46004.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 46004.02 2 1 Object ID Unsigned 2 None 1≤x 46004.03 3 2 Draw Layer Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 46004.04 4 3 Draw Colour Unsigned 4 RGBA No Restrictions 46004.05 5 4 Fill Style Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Outline 1 = FillSolid 2 = FillStipple1 3 = FillStipple2 4 = FillStipple3 5 = FillStipple4 46004.06 6 5 Line Width Unsigned 1 Pixel 1≤x 46004.07 7 6 Line Style Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Solid 1 = Dashed 2 = Dotted 3 = Stipple1 4 = Stipple2 5 = Stipple3 6 = Stipple4 46004.08 8 7 Latitude Top Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Top left corner 46004.09 9 8 Longitude Top Top left corner 46004.10 10 9 Latitude Bottom Bottom right corner 46004.11 11 10 Longitude Bottom Bottom right corner Table 4 - 161: Message #46004: Draw Simple Polygon 4.27.6 Message #46005: Draw Complex Polygon 1. This message shall be sent by the UA, VSM or data link to a CUCS to draw a complex geo-referenced polygon object on a situation awareness display for operator reference [DLI 3736]. The last vertex shall be automatically connected to the first [DLI 3737] and at least 3 vertices shall be specified for this polygon to be drawn [DLI 3738]. 2. For Message #46005, only the first 8 fields are “bitmapped” by the Presence Vector. When the eighth bit is set to: AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 363 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II “1” the fields 8 to 8 + Total Polygon Indices x 2 are present in the message “0” the fields 8 to 8 + Total Polygon Indices x 2 are not present in the message Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46005.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 46005.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 46005.02 2 1 Object ID Unsigned 2 None 1≤x 46005.03 3 2 Draw Layer Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 46005.04 4 3 Draw Colour Unsigned 4 RGBA No Restrictions 46005.05 5 4 Fill Style Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Outline 1 = FillSolid 2 = FillStipple1 3 = FillStipple2 4 = FillStipple3 5 = FillStipple4 46005.06 6 5 Line Width Unsigned 1 Pixel 1≤x 46005.07 7 6 Line Style Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Solid 1 = Dashed 2 = Dotted 3 = Stipple1 4 = Stipple2 5 = Stipple3 6 = Stipple4 46005.08 8 7 Total Polygon Indices Unsigned 1 None 3 ≤ x ≤ 63 Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Vertices: repeated fields begin (where n = 1 to "Total Polygon Indices") 46005.09 - 7 Latitude – Point <n> Top left corner 46005.10 - 7 Longitude – Point <n> Top left corner Vertices: repeated fields end (where n = 1 to "Total Polygon Indices") Table 4 - 162: Message #46005: Draw Complex Polygon 4.27.7 Message #46006: Draw Arc/Circle This message shall be sent by the UA, VSM or data link to a CUCS to draw a georeferenced 3-D Arc/Circle object on a situation awareness display for operator reference [DLI 3739]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46006.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 46006.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 46006.02 2 1 Object ID Unsigned 2 None 1≤x 46006.03 3 2 Draw Layer Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 46006.04 4 3 Draw Colour Unsigned 4 RGBA No Restrictions AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 364 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46006.05 5 4 Fill Style Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Outline 1 = FillSolid 2 = FillStipple1 3 = FillStipple2 4 = FillStipple3 5 = FillStipple4 46006.06 6 5 Line Width Unsigned 1 Pixel 1≤x 46006.07 7 6 Line Style Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Solid 1 = Dashed 2 = Dotted 3 = Stipple1 4 = Stipple2 5 = Stipple3 6 = Stipple4 46006.08 8 7 Radius Unsigned 2 m No Restrictions 46006.09 9 8 Start Angle Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 46006.10 10 9 End Angle Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 46006.11 11 10 Latitude Centre Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 46006.12 12 11 Longitude Centre Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Table 4 - 163: Message #46006: Draw Arc/Circle 4.27.8 Message #46007: Draw Text 1. This message shall be sent by the UA, VSM or data link to a CUCS to draw a geo-referenced Text object on a situation awareness display for operator reference [DLI 3740]. 2. Notes on “Offset Right”, “Offset Down”: Centres the text this many pixels right (if positive) and down (if positive) from the specified coordinates. The Pixel-reference allows for the Text object to be displaced by a fixed amount from a coordinate that is independent of scaling. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46007.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 2 Bitmapped No Restrictions 46007.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 46007.02 2 1 Object ID Unsigned 2 None 1≤x 46007.03 3 2 Draw Layer Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 46007.04 4 3 Draw Colour Unsigned 4 RGBA No Restrictions 46007.05 5 4 Draw Font Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Small 1 = Medium 2 = Large 46007.06 6 5 Text String Character 20 None No Restrictions 46007.07 7 6 Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Top Left corner AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 365 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46007.08 8 7 Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Top Left corner 46007.09 9 8 Offset Right Integer 2 Pixel No Restrictions 46007.10 10 9 Offset Down Integer 2 Pixel No Restrictions Table 4 - 164: Message #46007: Draw Text 4.27.9 Message #46008: Draw Arrow This message shall be sent by the UA, VSM or data link to a CUCS to draw a georeferenced 3-D Arrow object on a situation awareness display for operator reference [DLI 3741]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46008.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 46008.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 46008.02 2 1 Object ID Unsigned 2 None 1≤x 46008.03 3 2 Draw Layer Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 46008.04 4 3 Draw Colour Unsigned 4 RGBA No Restrictions 46008.05 5 4 Line Width Unsigned 1 Pixel 1≤x 46008.06 6 5 Line Style Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Solid 1 = Dashed 2 = Dotted 3 = Stipple1 4 = Stipple2 5 = Stipple3 6 = Stipple4 46008.07 7 6 Arrowhead Style Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = SolidArrow 1 = OutlineArrow 2 = Arrow/Stem 46008.08 8 7 Arrowhead Length Unsigned 2 Pixel No Restrictions 46008.09 9 8 Arrow Stem Length Unsigned 2 Pixel No Restrictions Unsigned 2 BAM No Restrictions Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 0 = Use Stem Location 46008.10 10 9 Orientation Angle from north in CW direction from tip to stem. 46008.11 11 10 Tip Latitude Tip location 46008.12 12 11 Tip Longitude Tip location. 46008.13 13 12 Stem Latitude Stem location. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 366 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46008.14 14 13 Stem Longitude Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Stem location. Table 4 - 165: Message #46008: Draw Arrow 4.27.10 Message #46009: Set Cursor Interest This message shall be sent by the UA, VSM or data link to a CUCS to register for a basic mouse click event notification where the UA, VSM or data link desires that a coordinate be sent as a result of a coordinate selection on the situational awareness display [DLI 3742]. Message #46011 Cursor Interest Return, shall be transmitted when a Cursor Interest is set and the event occurs [DLI 3743]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46009.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 46009.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 46009.02 2 1 Interest ID Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 46009.03 3 2 Cursor Interest Name Character 20 None No Restrictions For display purposes. Table 4 - 166: Message #46009: Set Cursor Interest 4.27.11 Message #46010: Remove Cursor Interest This message shall be sent by the UA, VSM or data link to a CUCS to release mouse cursor interest, and shall stop the transmission of Message #46011 Cursor Interest Return, from the CUCS [DLI 3744]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46010.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 46010.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 46010.02 2 1 Interest ID Unsigned 1 None 1≤x Table 4 - 167: Message #46010: Remove Cursor Interest 4.27.12 Message #46011: Cursor Interest Return This message shall be sent by the CUCS to an UA, VSM or data link in response to a Message #46009 Set Cursor Interest Message, as a result of a coordinate selection on the situational awareness display [DLI 3745]. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 46011.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 46011.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 46011.02 2 1 Interest ID Unsigned 1 None 1≤x 46011.03 3 2 Geo-referenced Pointer Latitude Integer 4 BAM -π/2 ≤ x ≤ π/2 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 367 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 46011.04 4 3 Geo-referenced Pointer Longitude Type Units Range Integer 4 BAM No Restrictions Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Tip location. 46011.05 5 4 Elevation WGS-84 46011.06 6 5 DTED Level Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = No DTED 1 = Lvl 0 2 = Lvl 1 3 = Lvl 2 4 = Lvl 3 5 = Lvl 4 6 = Lvl 5 7 - 8 = Reserved 46011.07 7 6 Magnetic Variation Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Clicked 1 = Cancelled East (+) or West (-) 46011.08 8 7 Response Status Clicked = Map Viewport Location Selected Cancelled = Operator Selected a Non-Map Viewpoint Location Table 4 - 168: Message #46011: Cursor Interest Return 4.28 Vehicle and Payload Specific Message Formats 1. Section 4.1 defines the generic message types common to all compliant systems. Vehicle and payload specific messages may be formatted in a manner determined by the designers of the VSM using any of the vehicle specific services defined in Section, Vehicle Specific Display Services. The VSM shall support the formatted DLI messages where they are applicable to the UA, which it supports [DLI 3328]. 2. The CUCS shall provide the services for displaying vehicle or payload specific data, and for interpreting and displaying the information appropriately (such as in a browser window) [DLI 3329]. In all cases, vehicle or payload specific displays created at the CUCS using such messaging shall be compliant with Chapter 6 (HCI) [DLI 3330]. 3. Vehicle and payload specific messaging shall use ports configured for either TCP/IP or UDP/IP communications [DLI 3331]. In general, it is anticipated that TCP communications will be commonly used for generating display information using commonly employed GUI support tools that require TCP support. However, some vehicle or payload-specific applications may require the support for streaming ephemeral data for which UDP is preferable. 4. General Configuration Messages may be used to configure private messages as well as the DLI defined messages. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 368 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 5 Miscellaneous Interfaces 5.1 Analogue Video Interface Interfaces for analogue video lie outside the scope of the DLI. In cases where video data is transmitted to the ground in analogue format, the VSM shall provide services to translate video into digital form consistent with STANAG 4609, 4545, or 7023 for transport across the DLI [DLI 3332]. Where desired, the VSM may provide an analogue output port for exporting analogue video (e.g., RS-170 format) to displays or other nodes. If displays at the operator station require analogue input, a separate channel may be established between the CUCS and VSM to transmit the data directly. 5.2 Digital Image Data Interface 1. Digital payload data (still digital imagery, full motion digital imagery, SAR imagery, etc.) shall enter the CUCS via the DLI interface [DLI 3333]. Digital payload data shall be transferred to the CUCS using established NATO standards (STANAGs 7023, 4609, 4545, 4607, as specified in Chapter 3) for both communication protocol and physical medium [DLI 3334]. 2. If bandwidth constraints permit, a physical interface between the CUCS and the VSM can be shared for digital payload data and command and status data. Where bandwidth requirements exceed capabilities of the Core-to-VSM physical interface, a separate physical interface (e.g., a second Ethernet port) shall be established for transfer of digital payload data [DLI 3335]. 3. Where necessary to satisfy system requirements, the CUCS shall provide the functionality to annotate, display, and distribute digital payload data [DLI 3336]. The CUCS shall also provide any necessary functionality to store, retrieve, and display digital payload data [DLI 3337]. 4. Any payload-specific metadata that is associated with the digital payload data shall be published on the same interface as the payload data in accordance with applicable NATO standards [DLI 3338]. The metadata and payload data should be time tagged, and share a common time reference. The resolution of the time tag shall be sufficient to fully exploit the payload data [DLI 3339]. The contents of the metadata shall be sufficient to process the payload data in downstream processes [DLI 3340]. 5. Digital motion imagery in MPEG-2 format shall be in accordance with STANAG 4609 [DLI 3341]. AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 369 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Attachment 4 - 1: Modified DLI Generic Message and Private Message Repository for UVs – AEP-84 Volume II This attachment is a repository for “non-required” modified DLI Generic Messages and Private Messages which are available to assist users in UAS as well as other UV platforms. The Summary Table lists all the captured messages received from CST members at this time. The actual messages are found in the following UV Type Tables. Some messages can be used for multi-types of UVs. An “X” in the last 4 columns in the Summary Table designates the location of the actual messages in the UV Type Tables below. A “*” in the last 4 columns designates that the message may be applicable for that UV type. A POC for each message is identified for further questions. Msg # Description Push/Pull Source Allowable Max Latency (msec) UA Table USV Table UUSV Table 51000 Vehicle Lights Push CUCS 500 * (Amphibious) * X * 51001 Bilge Pump Command Push CUCS 500 * (Amphibious) * X * 51002 Vehicle Lights State Push/Pull VSM 500 * (Amphibious) * X * 51003 Bilge Pump Report Push/Pull VSM 500 * (Amphibious) * X * 51004 Air and Ground Relative States Push VSM 500 * (Amphibious) * X * 51005 Text Message (Note: Applicable to all UV Types) Push (3-5 Control) / Pull (2-5 Monitor) CUCS/VSM 1000 * X * * UGV Table * Attachment 4 -1: Table 4 – 1: Summary Table 1.0 UA Group Messages 1.1 Message# 51005: Text Message 1. This message is used to send text messages between CUCSs via the UA. 2. Implementation Guidance: The intent of this message is to allow text messages to be transferred between two CUCS via the UA. An UA that receives this message could retransmit it to the destination CUCS using the same message. The retransmission of the message received by the UA will have both the “To CUCS ID” and the Destination CUCS set to the same value. Retransmission could use an alternative downlink method. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 51005.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 51005.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 51005.02 2 1 Destination CUCS Integer 4 None See Section 1.7.6 AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 370 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description 51005.03 3 2 Text Message Type Units Range Character 160 None No Restrictions Attachment 4 -1: Table 4 - 2: Message #51005: Text Message 2.0 USV Group Messages 2.1 Message #51000: Vehicle Lights This message shall be used by the CUCS to control the vehicle lights. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 51000.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 51000.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 51000.04 2 1 Set Lights Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Nav 0x0002 = NavIR 0x0004 = Strobe 0x0008 = StrobeIR 0x0010 = NVD 0x0020 = Anchor 0x0040 = Landing 0x0080 = LandingIR 0x0100 = Towing 0x0200 = Vehicle specific 1 0x0400 = Vehicle specific 2 0x0800 = Vehicle specific 3 0x1000 = Vehicle specific 4 0x2000 = Vehicle specific 5 0x4000 = Vehicle specific 6 0x8000 = Vehicle specific 7 Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions When a bit is set the lights are commanded on, when the bit is cleared the lights are commanded off. 51000.05 3 2 Activity ID Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints 0 = Immediate Activity Attachment 4 -1: Table 4 – 3: Message #51000: Vehicle Lights 2.2 Message# 51001: Bilge Pump Command This message is used to control the bilge pumps. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 51001.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 51001.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 51001.02 2 1 Bilge Pump Select Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = All 1 - 8 = Vehicle Specific AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 371 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 51001.03 3 2 Bilge Pump Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = Manual 2 = Automatic 51001.04 4 3 Activity ID Unsigned 3 None No Restrictions Used to identify goals, behaviours and constraints 0 = Immediate Activity Attachment 4 -1: Table 4 - 4: Message #51001: Bilge Pump Command 2.3 Message# 51002: Vehicle Lights State This message is used by the VSM to report the state of the vehicle lights. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 51002.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 51002.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 50002.04 2 1 Navigation Lights State Unsigned 2 Bitmapped 0x0001 = Nav 0x0002 = NavIR 0x0004 = Strobe 0x0008 = StrobeIR 0x0010 = NVD 0x0020 = Anchor 0x0040 = Landing 0x0080 = LandingIR 0x0100 = Towing 0x0200 = Vehicle specific 1 0x0400 = Vehicle specific 2 0x0800 = Vehicle specific 3 0x1000 = Vehicle specific 4 0x2000 = Vehicle specific 5 0x4000 = Vehicle specific 6 0x8000 = Vehicle specific 7 When a bit is set the lights are commanded on, when the bit is cleared the lights are commanded off Attachment 4 -1: Table 4 – 5: Message #51002: Vehicle Lights State 2.4 Message# 51003: Bilge Pump Report This message is used to report the bilge pump status. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 51003.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 1 Bitmapped No Restrictions 51003.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 51003.02 2 1 Bilge Pump Select Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = All 1 - 8 = Vehicle Specific 51003.03 3 2 Bilge Pump Mode Unsigned 1 Enumerated 0 = Off 1 = Manual 2 = Automatic – On 4 = Automatic - Off 5 = Fault AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 372 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Attachment 4 -1: Table 4 – 6: Message #51003: Bilge Pump Report 2.5 Message #51004: Air and Ground Relative States 1. This message is used to send the current state of the parameters defined in this message from the vehicle to the CUCS. 2. Implementation Guidance: Add Message #51004 Depth Below the Keel to Message #41000 Field Configuration Integer Response list. Unique ID Field PV Bit Data Element Name & Description Type Units Range 51004.00 0 - Presence Vector Unsigned 3 Bitmapped No Restrictions 51004.01 1 0 Time Stamp Unsigned 5 0.001 s See Section 1.7.2 51004.04 2 1 Angle of Attack Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 51004.05 3 2 Angle of Sideslip Integer 2 BAM No Restrictions 51004.06 4 3 True Airspeed Unsigned 2 0.05 m/s x ≤ 1,500 51004.07 5 4 Indicated Airspeed Unsigned 2 0.05 m/s x ≤ 1,000 51004.08 6 5 Outside Air Temp Unsigned 2 0.5 K 172.15 ≤ x ≤ 327.65 51004.09 7 6 U_Wind Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Unsigned 2 10 Pa x ≤ 107,500 Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Estimated wind component along true north vector 51004.10 8 7 V_Wind Estimated wind component along true east vector 51004.11 9 8 Altimeter Setting Local Barometric pressure at sea level. Used to correct pressure altitude to barometric altitude. 51004.12 10 9 Barometric Altitude Altitude based on Altimeter Setting 51004.13 11 10 Barometric Altitude Rate Estimated vertical velocity (+ up) based on pressure rate from air data system 51004.14 12 11 Pressure Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 51004.15 13 12 AGL Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 51004.16 14 13 WGS-84 Altitude Integer 3 0.02 m -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 100,000 51004.17 15 14 U_Ground Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Integer 2 0.05 m/s -1,000 ≤ x ≤ 1,000 Unsigned 2 0.2 m x ≤ 11,000 Ground Speed component along true north vector 51004.18 16 15 V_Ground Ground Speed component along true east vector 51004.19 17 16 Depth Below the Keel AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 373 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Attachment 4 -1: Table 4 – 7: Message #51004: Air and Ground Relative States 3.0 UUSV Group Messages 4.0 UGV Group Messages AEP-84 Volume 2 4 - 374 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II CHAPTER 5 - COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 Scope. ...............................................................................................................5 1.2 CCI General Overview. .....................................................................................5 1.3 Chapter 5 Overview. .........................................................................................7 1.4 Information Exchange Requirements. ............................................................7 1.5 Types of CCI Data. ............................................................................................7 1.6 Implementation of UA LOI in the CCI. .............................................................9 1.7 Strategy for Selection of CCI Standards. ........................................................9 2 CCI DATA DESCRIPTION. .................................................................................10 2.1 Introduction. ...................................................................................................10 2.2 Tasking of the UCS.........................................................................................10 2.3 Air Traffic Control (ATC). ...............................................................................11 2.4 Collateral Data. ...............................................................................................12 2.5 Mission Plan. ..................................................................................................14 2.6 Handover Control. ..........................................................................................15 2.7 Mission Progress. ..........................................................................................15 2.8 Resource Availability. ....................................................................................16 2.9 Payload/Sensor Data. .....................................................................................18 2.10 Target Data. ..................................................................................................22 2.11 Mission Reporting. .......................................................................................22 2.12 General Messages. .......................................................................................22 3 CCI DATA REPRESENTATION. ........................................................................23 3.1 Introduction. ...................................................................................................23 5-1 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 3.2 Tasking of the UCS.........................................................................................23 3.3 Air Traffic Control. ..........................................................................................24 3.4 Collateral Data. ...............................................................................................25 3.5 Mission Plan. ..................................................................................................27 3.6 Handover Control. ..........................................................................................28 3.7 Mission Progress. ..........................................................................................28 3.8 Resource Availability. ....................................................................................28 3.9 Payload/Sensor Data. .....................................................................................29 3.10 Target Data. ..................................................................................................32 3.11 Mission Reporting. .......................................................................................32 3.12 General Messages. .......................................................................................33 5-2 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II LIST OF FIGURES Figure 5 - 1: UCS Interface Functional Architecture .............................................6 Figure 5 - 2: Types of CCI Data...............................................................................8 LIST OF TABLES Table 5 - 1: Air Traffic Control Messages .............................................................12 Table 5 - 2: UA Availability.....................................................................................16 Table 5 - 3: Payload Availability ............................................................................16 Table 5 - 4: VDT Availability...................................................................................16 Table 5 - 5: Operational Status Data .....................................................................17 Table 5 - 6: UCS Availability Data ..........................................................................17 Table 5 - 7: Launch System Availability................................................................17 Table 5 - 8: Recovery System Availability ............................................................18 Table 5 - 9: CDTs Availability ................................................................................18 Table 5 - 10: Other Unit Resource Availability Data .............................................18 Table 5 - 11: Payload and Sensor Type with CCI Output .....................................19 Table 5 - 12: ADatP-3 Tasking Messages .............................................................24 Table 5 - 13: ADatP-3 Airspace Control Messages ..............................................24 Table 5 - 14: ADatP-3 General Battlefield Picture Messages ...............................25 Table 5 - 15: ADatP-3 Mission Dependent Data Messages ..................................26 Table 5 - 16: ADatP-3 CBRN Data Messages ........................................................27 Table 5 - 17: ADatP-3 Artillery Target Intelligence Messages .............................27 Table 5 - 18: ADatP-3 Meteorological Data Messages .........................................27 Table 5 - 19: ADatP-3 Mission Report Message ...................................................28 Table 5 - 20: ADatP-3 Air Segment Status and Operational Capability Messages ........................................................................................................29 Table 5 - 21: ADatP-3 Ground Segment Status and Operational Capability Messages ........................................................................................................29 Table 5 - 22: Imagery Standards............................................................................30 Table 5 - 23: ADatP-3 CBRN Data Messages ........................................................32 Table 5 - 24: ADatP-3 Mission Results Messages ................................................32 Table 5 - 25: ADatP-3 General Messages..............................................................34 5-3 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment 5 - 1: Information Exchange Requirements.....................................35 Attachment 5 - 2: APP-11 Message Implementation Requirements ..................49 Attachment 5 - 3: UAS LOI APP-11 Requirements ..............................................72 Attachment 5 - 4: UA Custom Tags........................................................................80 5-4 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope 1. Allied Engineering Publication (AEP)-84 Volume II Chapter 5 specifies the Command and Control Interface (CCI) between the Core UA Control System (CUCS) and Command, Control, Communication, Computer, & Intelligence (C4I) systems. 2. Standardisation of the CCI is intended to enable NATO nations to achieve interoperability between UASs and C4I users by the implementation of a common set of generic interface standards. A standard CCI should facilitate seamless integration of NATO UASs into joint combined C4I infrastructures across all levels of interaction. 3. The purpose of Chapter 5 is to specify standards covering command, control, and data transmission and receipt from all external systems that need to communicate with the CUCS. These standards will lead to the enablement of interoperability between all present (legacy systems) and future UASs and designated C4I systems. This chapter specifies standards to be implemented in the CUCS, and does not impose any requirements on C4I systems. 1.2 CCI General Overview 1. The CCI is an interface between the CUCS and the external C4I systems. It specifies the data requirements that should be adopted for communication between the CUCS and all C4I end users through a common, standard interface. Figure 5 -1 illustrates the CCI within the UCS functional architecture. 2. All types of data or information that need to be formally exchanged between the CUCS and the external C4I systems shall be defined in accordance with the standards specified in this Chapter [CCI 3001]. 3. The CCI is intended to cover all types of messages and data that need to be exchanged in both directions between the CUCS and the C4I systems during all the phases of a UA mission, including: Before the flight: tasking messages, tactical situation, environmental data, general mission constraints and mission plans. During the flight: status and service messages, payload data, progress reports After the flight: status and service messages, payload data, post-flight exploitation reports, mission reports 4. The format of all data passing across the CCI is defined in this chapter but a UCS implementation or connected C4I system may use other formats provided format translations take place in accordance with the CCI definitions: A UCS implementation may be CCI compliant with the CUCS retaining its own, possibly non-standard internal data representation, for example, for processing efficiency. Chapter 5 allows CUCS developers to identify data that has to be generated or accepted by the CUCS software in order to be CCI compliant. Many C4I systems, particularly legacy systems, may not directly comply with the CCI standards specified in this chapter. To avoid both proliferation of the number of standards specified in the CCI and modifications to the large number of national or joint C4I systems to be connected to CUCS, conversion software and/or hardware will be necessary between the CCI and incompatible C4I 5-5 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II systems. This conversion software/hardware is depicted in Figure 5 -1 and is called the Command and Control Interface Specific Module (CCISM). The CCISM may form part of a particular UCS implementation to establish a connection between the CUCS and specific “customers” of the UAS (e.g., one or more C4I systems). The CCISM, when needed, can range in complexity from a simple format or protocol translator to a user-specific application to adapt the type of information to particular C4I requirements. AV LAUNCH & RECOVERY SYSTEM UCS VSM DLI CCI HCI CORE UCS OPERATOR CCI CCISM C4I SYSTEM C4I SYSTEM Figure 5 - 1: UCS Interface Functional Architecture 5. The CCISM is mainly intended for communication with legacy C4I systems that are not directly compatible with STANAG 4586 specified standards, protocols or physical layer. When future C4I systems are developed it is expected that they will be STANAG 4586 compliant in which case there will be a direct link without the need for an intermediate CCISM. 6. This chapter does not address either the hardware needed for information exchange between the CUCS and the CCISM or the architecture and design of the CCISM itself. Design, development and fielding of specific CCISM functionality, when needed, will be the responsibility of either the UAS or the applicable C4I program office. 5-6 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 7. It is recognised that some communication will take place between the UCS and C4I systems via voice or email. As these methods are inherently unstructured, they fall outside the scope of this STANAG, apart from the need to conform to the requirements of the NATO Interoperability Standards and Profiles (NISP), cited in Chapter 3, to ensure that such communications can take place. 1.3 Chapter 5 Overview Chapter 5 is divided into the following sections: Section 1: Introduction: Provides a general introduction of the CCI architecture and gives a brief system overview. Section 2: CCI Data Description: Identifies and describes the data exchanged between the CUCS and the C4I systems. This section concentrates on the description of the information to be transferred across the CCI without specification of data formats. Section 3: CCI Data Representation: Defines the data formats that should be implemented in an implementation of the CCI. This chapter covers message formats, file formats, data exchange standards, applicable transfer media and protocols. Attachment 5-1: Information Exchange Requirements: Lists the information exchange requirements for communications between the CCI and external systems. Attachment 5-2: Allied Procedural Publication-11 (APP-11) Message Implementation Requirements: Lists the set of messages that are to be transferred across the CCI. These messages are a sub set of STANAG 7149, NATO Message Catalogue – APP-11. Attachment 5-3: UA Level of Interoperability (LOI) APP-11 Requirements: Allocates the ADatP-3 messages from APP-11 to achieve each LOI, where suitable at the lowest level. Attachment 5-4: UAS Custom Tags. Provides the background, definition, and structure for extending the Common Route Definition (CRD) to enable full UAS mission planning. 1.4 Information Exchange Requirements The Information Exchange Requirements (IERs) define the generic data types, criticality of the data, receiving and transmitting nodes, and format of the data that need to be exchanged between the CUCS and the various types of C4I systems, as well as other CUCSs, to support the operational user mission needs. These IERs, provided in Attachment 5-1 of this chapter, identify the information exchange that needs to take place between the CUCS and the external C4I systems to achieve the operationally required feasible LOI according to the UAS’s Concept of Operations (CONOPS). The identification and definition of messages to satisfy these requirements are provided in Sections 2 and 3 of this chapter. 1.5 Types of CCI Data 1. Figure 5 - 2 depicts the top level of the IERs exchanged between the CUCS and the external C4I systems. Further breakdown of these top level IERs is presented in Attachment 5 -1. 5-7 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II CCI Tasking Air Traffic Control Collateral Data Mission Plan UCS Core Handover Control Mission Progress Resource Availability Payload/Sensor Data Target Data C4I Systems CCISM (If needed, otherwise goes direct to C4I systems) Mission Reporting Figure 5 - 2: Types of CCI Data 2. These data types are described in Section 2 of this chapter, and are summarised below: Tasking - UA tasking messages as received from the appropriate tasking authority. Air Traffic Control (ATC) - Data that should be sent or received from civil or military aviation authorities if the UA has to pass through civil airspace. Collateral Data - Supporting information that is required for the planning and execution of UA missions, and which is not defined in the other data areas. This includes the tactical situation, target database, previously exploited imagery and environmental data. Mission Plan - As generated for a tasked mission. Mission Plans are imported and exported from the CUCS using CRD file formats. Mission Progress - Status as the UA mission is in progress. Resource Availability - Status of the sub components of the UAS Payload/Sensor Data - Data received from the UA payload(s), may be raw, processed or exploited. Target Data - Target location data for targeting purposes. 5-8 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Mission Reporting – Information on the outcome of a mission. 1.6 Implementation of UA LOI in the CCI 1. For an implementation of the UCS to achieve a required LOI, Levels 1 through 5, it is necessary for the CCI to specify which different data types are mandatory to achieve a given LOI and above. This is specified in Section 3 and Attachments 5-1 and 5-2 of this chapter. 2. However, this does not cover the requirements of particular national and/or NATO concepts of operation for different types of UASs that may override the necessity to include particular types of data. For example, Section 3.3 states that ATC messages are mandatory to achieve LOI 4 and 5. This may not be appropriate for a UA that will never use civil airspace, such as a short range tactical UA, but which is nevertheless required to achieve LOI 4. Operating procedures will vary according to individual national and NATO requirements and are therefore outside the scope of this STANAG. Therefore, use of the term mandatory in connection with LOI in this chapter shall be interpreted to include the phrase “provided that operating procedures require the exchange of this type of data” [CCL 3002]. 1.7 Strategy for Selection of CCI Standards 1. The approach taken in the selection of standards for each type of data given in Section 1.5 has been: To identify existing NATO standards as specified in various STANAGs and other NATO publications. Where such NATO standards do not exist, identify other military or commercial standards that are applicable to that data type. Analyse the candidate standards to ensure they meet the requirements of all types of UASs. Where choices may be made, for example in the selection of APP-11 messages, the selected items are given (e.g., the standard is profiled). 2. Priority has been given to existing NATO standards wherever possible. In some cases, there is a likely future standard that is applicable to some of the data types. Such future standards cannot be specified at this stage as they may change or never be adopted. In these cases, an existing standard has been used, (e.g., APP-11), with an intended switch to the future standard. 5-9 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2 CCI Data Description 2.1 Introduction This section provides a description of each of the data types exchanged between the CUCS and the C4I system, potentially via a CCISM if the C4I system is not compatible with specified CUCS formats and standards. 2.2 Tasking of the UCS 1. The CUCS is expected to receive and respond to tasking orders, pre-planned mission plans and mission plan changes requiring dynamic retasking (change of a preplanned mission after it has been uploaded to the UA). The response to the tasking order will be a mission plan which may be passed across the CCI interface to higher levels of the command and control structure for deconfliction and approval. (See Section 2.5 for a description of the mission plan.) 2. Tasking messages defined in STANAG 7149 are appropriate for tasking UA missions within the UCS. It is assumed that the UCS mission planner will be designed to support multi-UA operations (two or more UA flying simultaneously), therefore the CUCS should be able to receive multi-mission tasking. 3. In a given UCS, particularly smaller systems, tasking may be received by voice or e-mail messages. These are outside the scope of this STANAG with the exception that e-mail message applications shall be in compliance with NATO Interoperability Standards and Profiles (NISP) as specified in Chapter 3 [CCI 3003]. 4. The CCI shall also support the capability for dynamic re-tasking of the UA (e.g., changes to either the route or the payload plan) [CCI 3004]. These changes may be required during all phases of an operation. 2.2.1 Tasking 1. The most prevalent method of tasking a UAS is by the use of an Air Tasking Order (ATO) which is common to all air missions, manned and unmanned, across multi-national forces and multi-service operations. 2. The ATO is an APP-11 message that may be very large and complex, possibly several hundred pages in size, not all of which will be applicable to UASs. There are other messages in the APP-11 that do not form part of an ATO and that may be used to task individual UASs or payloads. An example is the Electronic Warfare Requesting/Tasking Message (EWRTM). The complete list of these tasking messages is given in Section 3.2.1. 2.2.2 Airspace Control 1. Airspace Management (ASM) is the activity of structuring the airspace and scheduling its use. In the military airspace management system, the airspace is structured through the specification of Airspace Control Means (ACM) which defines airspace volumes, surfaces and lines, and specific rules for the use of the resulting airspace partitions. The ACMs approved for a given period of time are promulgated in the APP-11 Airspace Control Order (ACO). The ACO is based upon the air operations and airspace usage requirements of other Air Command and Control Systems (ACCS), non-ACCS tri-service entities, civil requirements and airspace requests, together with constraints imposed on the use of that airspace. 5 - 10 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2. The ACO allows the separation of all types of aircraft, manned and unmanned, fixed and rotary wing, by the definition of altitude layers, geographic zones and surveillance systems. The ACO defines how a volume of airspace is to be structured for air missions over a given period. The ACO defines how this division of airspace will be used by different air operations throughout the 24-hour ACO cycle. 3. Therefore, for mission planning, a UCS requires the ACO to define the constraints on the route to be flown by the UA. 2.3 Air Traffic Control (ATC) 1. When a UA, particularly a long range strategic UA, has to pass through controlled airspace, it is necessary to file a flight plan with civil aviation authorities. 2. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) publishes a document that specifies the content of all messages that have to be submitted to ATC authorities before, during and after flights. This document is the “Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services”, DOC 4444-RAC/501, latest edition. 3. The messages may be sent as appropriate and desired over voice channels, by completed paper forms or electronically. Voice messages and paper forms are outside the scope of the CCI, hence only electronic messages are considered below. There are two types of electronic messages specified by the ICAO, Air Traffic Services (ATS) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) messages. ADS messages are sent from the air platform via a data link to an ATS unit covering the airspace in which the platform is flying, hence these are not applicable to the UCS and are not considered further. However, in order to be compliant with ICAO regulations, the UA should carry a compatible Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) device (e.g., Mode S IFF). 4. The content and formats of ATS messages are given in Chapter 3 of the above ICAO document. This STANAG does not mandate the use of these messages because they will not be required for some UASs (e.g., small UAs), but does require that, if generated in a particular system, the ICAO format should be used. 5. The ATS message types are listed in Table 5 –1: 5 - 11 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Message Type Description Alerting Contains a description of an emergency Category Emergency Filed flight plan and associated update Coordination (Note) Radio communication failure Filed flight plan Modification Cancellation Delay Departure Arrival Current flight plan Estimate Coordination Acceptance Supplementary Logical acknowledgment Request flight plan Request supplementary flight plan Supplementary flight plan Changes to a flight plan Cancellation of a flight plan If departure is delayed Actual departure time Actual arrival time Flight plan plus estimated time at a boundary point Estimated time at a boundary point Amendment to coordination data Acceptance of the current flight plan, estimate or coordination message Computer to computer acknowledgment Fuel endurance, frequencies available, aircraft markings + others irrelevant to UAs Table 5 - 1: Air Traffic Control Messages 6. Note: Coordination messages are for handing over control from one ATC centre to the next during a flight. 2.4 Collateral Data 2.4.1 General Battlefield Picture 1. Both enemy and own tactical situation can be exchanged between C4I systems and the UCS. This information is carried by messages, which are both incoming and outgoing. Knowledge of the position of own and enemy forces is useful within the UCS to allow the operators to understand the context of the required mission and to optimise the flight plan. Reciprocally, the UCS may use the results of image exploitation to update the local tactical situation (by generating tactical symbols related to observed targets) and to export it through intelligence networks or to upper levels of command. 2. Information on the tactical situation shall be obtained and reported by use of relevant APP-11 messages, particularly the Enemy Situation Report (ENSITREP) and Own Situation Report (OWNSITREP) [CCI 3006]. 5 - 12 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2.4.2 Mission Dependent Data Some information on the tactical situation may be obtained via additional APP-11 messages that are specific to particular missions and/or payloads. An example of this is the Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference (MIJI) Warning Report which provides information on hazardous Electronic Warfare (EW) situations. A full list of this type of message is given in Section 3.4.2. 2.4.3 Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) The CBRN situation is handled by a set of specific CBRN reports that are received by all units on the battlefield (see Section 3.4.3). These are needed by a CUCS both as a hazard warning and to carry out mission planning for CBRN payloads. 2.4.4 Artillery Targeting A UCS can support artillery operations such as target acquisition and firing support. Information has to be exchanged between the UCS and the artillery networks. 2.4.5 Meteorological Data Meteorological data may be required for UA mission planning. This includes information related to wind (direction and speed), visibility, significant current and forecasted weather, amount of turbulence, cloud cover, cloud base altitude, cloud top altitude, temperature, and barometric pressure. This is available via the APP-11 messages listed in Section 3.4.5 or via international meteorological data. 2.4.6 Image Products 1. There will be a requirement for the operator to read imagery and image products, which are relevant to the area of operation, from external C4I systems. Such collateral material could be needed, for example, for detailed mission planning or image exploitation. It is expected that these image products will be accessed from one of a number of image libraries (IL) held by various NATO or coalition nations. STANAG 4559, the NATO Standard Image Library Interface (NSILI), exists to standardise access to such image libraries. 2. The CUCS may be connected to a network to allow file transfers from the external ILs to the CUCS using the software interface specified in STANAG 4559. 3. Once the operator is logged on to the external ILs, NSILI specifies query and read transactions with ILs. Defining mechanisms for writing image products into an IPL is the responsibility of the IPL owner and is outside the scope of STANAG 4586. Therefore, if it is desirable to deposit imagery data into the NATO releasable IL, the CUCS should follow the protocols established by the nation's IL and defined by the external C4I system that provides this capability. This protocol is typically provided as an FTP transfer of the imagery file data to a preconfigured directory accessible over the network. 4. NSILI specifies image product formats. Delivery of image products will be via the LAN in the majority of cases, but NSILI also permits delivery via other media. If products are delivered on magnetic tape, the media will conform to STANAG 7024 or STANAG 7025. This will require storage devices conforming to STANAG 7024 or STANAG 7025 to be provided in an implementation of the UCS. 5 - 13 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2.5 Mission Plan 2.5.1 General Considerations 1. Mission planning for UASs consists of route planning, payload collection and dissemination planning, communication planning (including frequency planning), and UA contingency planning (rules of safety). The combined results of these five items comprise the mission plan. 2. It should be noted that the data required to be able to generate a mission plan is normally far more than contained in these items. A detailed knowledge of current Phase and Boundary lines, Engagement Areas, Hazards, Air Defence Units (ADU) and Control Measures is also required. This information is already covered in the collateral data section of this document. 3. Pre-planned missions may also be provided across the C4I interface in the form of a mission plan that has been developed by another UA planning system. Mission Plans are imported into the UCS using the CRD file format. 4. The mission planner also requires vehicle performance models for UA controlled by the UCS to calculate fuel consumption, climb rates, etc. These performance models will be included in the VSM, described in Chapter 4. 5. Other functions that may be available in a mission planner are the ability to do radar shadowing and line of sight evaluations and to show confliction and visibility between points and routes. These calculations require knowledge of ADU/Radar characteristics and the plans of other users. 6. Planning for designator operations will also require a means of coordination/ implemention of Laser Codes and Keywords. 7. The capability should exist within the UCS (HCI) to provide the mission plan, or components of the mission plan, as hard or soft copy as required. The outputs from a mission planner may also include printouts of instructions for loading the UA (e.g., fuel type and amount, sensor/designator settings, and communications frequencies). 2.5.2 Dissemination of the Mission Plan 1. The mission plan needs to be sent to different recipients at various times, these include: The tasking authority, immediately after generation of the mission plan, for airspace deconfliction and approval The UA via the DLI for those UA that can autonomously execute a mission plan To another UCS for handover of UA control via the DLI 2. The CRD data format will be used for each transfer of the mission plan data. It should be noted that there is a difference between mission plans and mission reporting: CRD is used for mission plans and APP-11 is used for mission reporting. However it is recognised that not all recipients will require the full mission plan. For those systems it will be possible to extract only the necessary parts. Note that UCS-to-UCS transfer requires the ability for a UCS to receive a mission plan. 3. ATC is excluded from the list of recipients as there are existing civil flight plan formats (see Section 2.3) that are adequate for UCS mission plan formats. 5 - 14 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2.5.3 Route Planning 1. Route planning may be done at the UCS or passed from an external agency. This agency may be Headquarters, another UCS, or come from an intermediate level. A route plan from Headquarters may require additional tactical information to be built into it at the squadron of the Forward Operations Base (FOB) to make it compatible with the current state of the battle space. The instructions might be very detailed, where information about a specific target is required or may be instructions for a Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance and Target Acquisition (RISTA) type operation and specify only an area of operations. When a route plan comes from another UCS, this may be a UA handover operation with detailed route and instructions, or may be a plan generated at another UCS for use by other operators. 2. A route plan will comprise a set of waypoints. These waypoints may have different parameters, which drive the action to be taken when a waypoint is reached. Flight patterns may be incorporated into the route either as a series of sequenced waypoints or as ‘seed’ waypoints with range and bearing information, which will depend on the sophistication of the UCS and UASs. 2.5.4 Payload Planning Payload planning includes details of how a specific payload is to be used. The details of planned payload operations will be incorporated into the payload collection plan and a payload dissemination plan, and will be associated with waypoints in the route. 2.5.5 Communication Planning Communication planning includes the details of the data links, bands, and frequencies to be used (e.g., see Section 3.2.1 Tasking, of this chapter). Data link planning needs initial assignment provided by C4I (e.g., through the OPTASK LINK message) and leads to a set of configuration data that is used by the mission planner. This is sent to the DLI for data link configuration (see Chapter 4, Data Link Control Command). 2.5.6 Contingency Planning In case of failures such as data link loss, UA need to automatically carry out recovery actions referred to as Rules of Safety (ROS). The ROS are selected at the mission planning stage. The ROS differ according to the priority given to emergency action relative to that given to mission execution. Using the mission planning application, the UCS operator selects the appropriate safety scenario (e.g., to define a preprogrammed recovery route). 2.6 Handover Control This section deleted. 2.7 Mission Progress This data is required primarily to inform higher levels of command about the progress of the mission. This includes information on the UA position, status of on-board equipment, fuel levels and ongoing achievement of mission goals. The ADatP-3 defined message, Mission Report (MISREP), amplified by accompanying text with a RMKS set will be used to report this information. 5 - 15 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2.8 Resource Availability The CCI will have the capability to provide, as well as receive, the status and operational capability of the sub-components of the UAS. This will include both the air segment and the ground segment of the UAS as specified in the following paragraphs. Message J003, GENINFOMSG, from the APP-11 catalogue, may be used for this purpose. 2.8.1 Air Segment Status The status and operational capability of the air segment of the UAS will consist of data relevant to the UA, the payload(s), and the air data link(s). The following types of data will be incorporated into the resource availability reporting process: Unmanned Aircraft (UA) Total number of UA assigned UA type Number of UA of this type (Repeated for each UA Tail number type) (repeated for each UA of this type) UA configuration UA status (see UA operational state (see below) Table 5 - 2: UA Availability UA operational state is one of: Airborne - Executing a mission Ground alert - Ready to fly and execute a mission Airborne alert - In flight and awaiting a mission Payloads Total number of payloads Payload type (Repeated for each payload type) Number of payloads of this type Payload ID (Repeated for Payload Configuration each payload) Payload Status (see UA Tail number Table 5 - 3: Payload Availability Vehicle Data Terminals (VDT) Total number of VDTs VDT Type (repeated for each VDT type) Number of VDTs of this type Status (repeated for each type) Primary link status (see Secondary link status (see Table 5 - 4: VDT Availability 5 - 16 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Status Table This table shows the status data that will be used for status entries in the tables in Sections 2.8.1 and 2.8.2. Fully Operational Limited Operational Reasons/Limitations Estimated Time of Return to Full Ops Number Non-Operational Reasons Estimated Time of Return to Full Ops Table 5 - 5: Operational Status Data 2.8.2 Ground Segment Status The status and operational capability of the ground segment of the UAS will consist of data relevant to the UCS(s), the launch system(s), the recovery system(s) the ground data link(s), and the maintenance and refurbishing system(s). The following types of data will be incorporated into the resource availability reporting process: UCSs Number of UCSs available to support UA operations UCS ID (Repeated for each UCS) UCS Configuration (including UA Types supported, and LOI) UCS Status (see CCI Dissemination Capability C4I Products Supported C4I Systems Supported Table 5 - 6: UCS Availability Data Launch Systems Number of launch systems available to support UA operations Launch System ID (repeated for each launch system) Launch System Configuration (including UA Types supported) Launch System Configuration (including UA Types supported) Status (see Table 5 - 7: Launch System Availability Recovery Systems Number of recovery systems available to support UA operations Recovery System Configuration (including UA Types supported) 5 - 17 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Recovery system ID (repeated for each recovery system) Status (see Table 5 - 8: Recovery System Availability Control Data Terminals (CDT) Number of CDTs available CDT type (repeated for each CDT type) Number of CDT type available Link status (repeated for each CDT type) Primary (see Secondary (see Table 5 - 9: CDTs Availability Maintenance and Refurbishing Systems Type of replaceable unit (repeated for each type) Number of each type held Fuel availability Personnel Availability to Perform Maintenance Table 5 - 10: Other Unit Resource Availability Data 2.9 Payload/Sensor Data 2.9.1 Overview 1. Sensor data may be received from the air platform in a variety of formats depending on the type of UA and sensor. Where possible, the formats used to transmit data from the CUCS to the C4I systems across the CCI will use existing international standards (NATO or commercial) so as to minimise the number of formats used in the CCI and by the receiving C4I systems. It is impossible to cover all existing and future types of payloads because of the rate of change in sensor technology. Therefore, only the most common types of sensors have been considered to date; and specific UCS implementations may need to convert from a particular sensor data format to the CCI required data format if the two do not match. 2. The types of payloads, possible sensor outputs via the CCI, and maturity of current standards addressed in this AEP-84 Volume are summarised in Table 5 –11 below. 3. Note: If a specific UAS does not support a particular payload type (e.g., GMTI, ELINT, etc.), the supporting UCS can still be STANAG 4586 compliant without having to implement those requirements associated with that particular payload. 5 - 18 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Payload Type Sensor Type CCI Output Imagery EO/IR/MSI/HSI TV camera EO/IR/MSI/HSI Line scanner EO/IR/MS/HS Photo (framing) sensor Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Motion/Still image Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Electronic Warfare (EW) Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Laser designator/ range finder Communication relay Stores/Weapon Radar Moving Target Indicator (MTI) Electronics Intelligence (ELINT/ESM) Communications Intelligence (COMINT) Jammer Continuous image/Still image Still image Spot Swath (Area Search) Vector data Applicable Standards STANAG 4545, 7023, 4609 STANAG 4545, 7023 STANAG 4545, 7023 STANAG 4545, 7023 STANAG 4545, 7023 STANAG 4607 Signal data Dissemination reports Signal data Dissemination reports None STANAG 4633 STANAG 4633 Detectors Dissemination reports STANAG 7149 (CBRN 1 BIO, CHEM, RAD, NUC) N/A None N/A N/A None N/A N/A None N/A TBD TBD N/A Table 5 - 11: Payload and Sensor Type with CCI Output 4. It is recognised that there will be requirements to receive unprocessed (raw) sensor data from particular UA payloads (e.g., unprocessed SAR) that may need to be transferred to an external system (e.g., for exploitation). Such data is likely to be in a proprietary non-standard format, therefore it is outside the scope of the CCI standard and not considered further in this chapter. 5. Those payloads that provide data to be disseminated via the CCI are described below. 5 - 19 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2.9.2 Imagery Electro/Optical Imagery Electro/optical imagery consists of visible, infrared as well as multispectral/ hyperspectral imagery. Multispectral and hyperspectral images consist of multiple images from different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Digital Still Imagery Framed A framed image is a single rectangular image of a predefined size. The still image can be a standalone image or combined with annotations, symbology and descriptive text. The dimensions of the image are only limited by sensor characteristics. STANAG 7023 and 4545, respectively, are the controlling standards for these types of payloads. Scanned Scanned images are typically produced by line scan sensors and the image forms a continuous strip. In this case, the complete image is of indefinite length and the image may cover an irregular path according to platform route, sensor viewing angle, etc. STANAG 7023 and 4545, respectively, are the controlling standards for these types of payloads. Motion Imagery Analogue Video 1. Analogue video is a product that is provided by many legacy UASs, and also required as an input by some legacy C4I systems. If analogue video is required by a C4I system, it shall be obtained either directly from the VSM (if analogue video is a direct output from the UA to the VSM), or via the CCISM, if format and/or protocol conversion is required [CCI 3008]. Note that as a function of CCISM design, analogue video can be output from the CCISM in any of the international standard formats desired, and can also include encoding of telemetry metadata within the analogue video stream in a closed caption format. 2. Note: The CUCS has a requirement to process digital video, but not a requirement to process analogue video. If analogue video is received from the UA, it can be distributed directly to the C4I system from the VSM, and will also be transformed by the VSM into digital video in accordance with STANAG 4609 for processing within the CUCS. If digital video is received from the UA, it can be processed within the CUCS; and if a C4I system requires analogue video, a CCISM will be necessary in order to take the digital video as processed inside the CUCS, and convert it into the analogue video product required. Digital Motion Imagery Digital motion imagery will be output from the CCI as specified in STANAG 4609, with applicable KLV metadata as specified in MISB Standard 0601, MISB Standard 0902 and MISB Standard 0102. 5 - 20 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Radar Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) 1. SAR data that has been processed on the platform or in the CUCS will be transmitted across the CCI using the same standards as for EO/IR images. 2. There may be systems (possibly legacy systems) that require SAR processing to be carried out in an external ground station and therefore require the unprocessed data to be transmitted from the CUCS. As stated above, this is considered to be nonstandard data and is outside the scope of the CCI standard until such time as a standard for this data has been defined. Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) Processed GMTI data gives the position and velocity of moving targets and hence consists of a set of target vectors. GMTI data will be transmitted in accordance with STANAG 4607. 2.9.3 Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) ELINT The CUCS will handle SIGINT data and reports generated from processed SIGINT data. Cooperating airborne platforms require that data be fused to generate SIGINT information. This fusion may take place inside a CUCS. Therefore, this data should be transmitted to and from the CUCS. SIGINT reports may be generated in the CUCS for transmission to a user via the CCI. ESM ESM data is derived from analysis of enemy electronic signals and is not included in this issue of the CCI standard as there are no agreed standards to transmit the information. If suitable standards are defined in the future they will be included within the CCI. Communications Intelligence Future Capability. 2.9.4 Electronic Warfare Future capability 2.9.5 Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) UA can carry a large set of CBRN detectors. Results of CBRN detection will be transmitted across the CCI through standard CBRN reports (see Section 3.9.5). This assumes that information required within these reports is generated on board the platform or within the CUCS. The CCI will not include unprocessed CBRN measurements as there is no known standard format for this data. 2.9.6 Other Payload Types Laser Designator/Range Finder Future capability 5 - 21 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Communication Relay Future capability Stores/Weapons Future capability 2.10 Target Data Target data transmission across the CCI has not been included in this issue of the CCI. Target reporting requires a commander to approve the target and issue authority to fire. Concept of Operations is currently under development, and this issue may be addressed in a future update to STANAG 4586. 2.11 Mission Reporting 1. The CUCS will provide the various C4I systems with payload dependent products; including, but not limited to, payload reports, mission status, mission progress and mission reports. This information may have to be provided on a routine basis during the flight of the UA, on completion of the mission, on demand, or when specified threshold criteria are met. 2. Selected C4I systems may be supplied with one or more of the following types of reports: Reports derived from sensor processing and/or exploitation Mission status reports. In any kind of emergency or unexpected mission event, the ADatP-3 defined General Information Message (GENINFOMSG) may be used to provide information, which cannot be provided using existing ADatP-3 message text formats. This is a special message used for unusual circumstances that cannot be anticipated or planned, and should not be used on a routine basis. It is not intended to replace existing messages described in Section 2.8. Mission Progress reports. The ADatP-3 defined message MISREP may be used to report mission results and items of intelligence interest in all tactical roles. It may also be used to retransmit and/or amplify in-flight reports. The INFLIGHT REPORT (F095) message as well as the INFLIGHTREP (voice template, usually for immediate passing of information from flight crew/pilot to ground stations) can be used as well. Final Mission Report. On completion of the mission. 3. A number of ADatP-3 defined message reports, as listed in Section 3.11, will be used for these types of reports as appropriate. 2.12 General Messages There are numerous messages contained in STANAG 7149, NATO Message Catalogue – APP-11. Several of these messages are germane to overall UCS C2 functionality and operational mission accomplishment (e.g., operational environments ranging from peacetime to Military Operations Other Than War to Wartime), but do not appropriately fit into the message categories previously discussed. Those messages that are deemed appropriate for UCS operations, but have not been identified in previous sections, are listed in Section 3.12. 5 - 22 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 3 CCI Data Representation 3.1 Introduction This section defines which standards are to be used for the data types described in Section 2. Where an ADatP-3 message format from the APP-11 is mandated, a fuller description of that message and the applicable LOI is contained in Attachment 5-2. Some of these ADatP-3 messages are designated optional and may be included as required by a particular CUCS; they are included below for completeness. A CUCS shall provide capability to display to the operator all messages received as defined in the following paragraphs [CCI 3163]. For purposes of this Edition of STANAG 4586, the ADatP-3 messages mandated shall be interpreted to mean APP-11 messages from the current edition of the Message Catalogue [CCI 3009]. 3.2 Tasking of the UCS 3.2.1 Tasking The CUCS shall be capable of processing the following message formats in order to accomplish the Tasking function: Index Identifier Format Name A033 FM.CFF FIRE MISSION-CALL FOR FIRE [CCI 3010] A034 FM.SUB FIRE MISSION-SUBSEQUENT ADJUSTMENT [CCI 3011] A035 FM.MTO FIRE MISSION-MESSAGE TO OBSERVER [CCI 3012] A036 FM.FMC FIRE MISSION-FIRE MISSION COMMAND [CCI 3013] A080 FRAGO FRAGMENTARY ORDER [CCI 3014] F015 AIRALLOC AIR ALLOCATION MESSAGE [CCI 3016] F043 RESPONSE AIR SUPPORT RESPONSE [CCI 3017] F058 ATO AIR TASKING ORDER [CCI 3018] J017 IFFPROD IFF PROCEDURES [CCI 3019] J050 ORBATTOA LAN-AIR ORDER OF BATTLE TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY MESSAGE – LAND AND AIR [CCI 3020] J051 ROEIMPL RULES OF ENGAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION [CCI 3021] J060 ROEAUTH RULES OF ENGAGEMENT AUTHORISATION [CCI 3022] J065 EWSTOPJAM ELECTRONIC WARFARE STOP JAMMING MESSAGE [CCI 3023] 5 - 23 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Identifier Format Name J066 EWRTM ELECTRONIC WARFARE REQUESTING/TASKING MESSAGE [CCI 3024] J070 WCO WEAPON CONTROL ORDER [CCI 3025] J076 ACTWARN ACTIVATION WARNING MESSAGE [CCI 3026] J077 ACTREQ ACTIVATION REQUEST MESSAGE [CCI 3027] J078 ACTORD ACTIVATION ORDER MESSAGE [CCI 3028] J079 LASERWARN LASER TARGET MARKING WARNING MESSAGE [CCI 3029] N010 OPTASK.ASUW OPERATIONAL TASKING OF ANTI-SURFACE WARFARE [CCI 3030] N017 OPTASKLINK OPERATIONAL TASKING DATA LINK [CCI 3031] N023 GREEN MARITIME UNIT EXECUTION ORDER [CCI 3032] N028 OPTASK AIR OPERATIONAL TASKING ORGANIC AIRCRAFT [CCI 3033] N067 OPTASK COMMS OPERATIONAL TASKING COMMUNICATIONS [CCI 3034] N068 OPTASK EW OPERATIONAL TASKING ELECTRONIC WARFARE [CCI 3035] Table 5 - 12: ADatP-3 Tasking Messages 3.2.2 Airspace Control Where appropriate for the required LOI, the CUCS shall be capable of processing the following message formats in order to accomplish the Airspace Control function: Index Identifier Format Name A069 SPRT.ACA SUPPORT AIRSPACE COORDINATION ORDER [CCI 3036] F011 ACO AIRSPACE CONTROL ORDER [CCI 3037] F012 ACMREQ AIRSPACE CONTROL MEANS REQUEST [CCI 3038] Table 5 - 13: ADatP-3 Airspace Control Messages 3.3 Air Traffic Control For UA that fly in controlled airspace and for LOI 4 and 5, ATS messages summarised in Section 2.3 shall be formatted as described in Appendix 3 of the ICAO document, Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services, Doc 4444-RAC/501 [CCI 3039]. 5 - 24 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 3.4 Collateral Data 3.4.1 General Battlefield Picture The CUCS shall be capable of processing the following message formats in order to accomplish the General Battlefield Picture: Index Identifier Format Name A026 ENSITREP ENEMY LAND FORCES SITUATION REPORT [CCI 3040] A031 OWNSITREP OWN LAND FORCES SITUATION REPORT [CCI 3041] A032 ORBATLAND ORDER OF BATTLE – LAND FORCES [CCI 3042] A071 SYS.RFR SYSTEM-REQUEST FOR REPORT [CCI 3043] F001 AIRINTREP AIR INTELLIGENCE REPORT [CCI 3044] F032 ORBATAIR ORDER OF BATTLE – AIR FORCES [CCI 3046] J009 FIRSTHOSTILEACT FIRST HOSTILE ACT REPORT [CCI 3047] J015 MARINTSUM MARITIME INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY [CCI 3048] J016 MARINTREP MARITIME INTELLIGENCE REPORT [CCI 3049] J019 AIRATTACKWARN AIR ATTACK WARNING [CCI 3050] J038 GEOSITREP GEOGRAPHIC SITUATION REPORT [CCI 3051] J071 TRACKREP TARGET TRACK REPORT [CCI 3052] J111 INTSUM INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY [CCI 3053] Table 5 - 14: ADatP-3 General Battlefield Picture Messages 3.4.2 Mission Dependent Data The CUCS shall be capable of processing the following message formats in order to provide Mission Dependent Data: Index Identifier Format Name A058 ATI.ATR ARTILLERY TARGET INTELLIGENCEARTILLERY TARGET REPORT [CCI 3054] A059 ATI.TIR ARTILLERY TARGET INTELLIGENCE-TARGET INFORMATION REQUEST [CCI 3055] A070 SPRT.GEOM SUPPORT-BATTLEFIELD GEOMETRY [CCI 3056] J005 COMSPOT COMMUNICATIONS SPOT REPORT [CCI 3057] J006 INCSPOTREP INCIDENT SPOT REPORT [CCI 3058] 5 - 25 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Identifier Format Name J018 MIJIWARNREP MIJI WARNING REPORT [CCI 3059] J072 COVREP WEAPON COVERAGE REPORT [CCI 3060] J073 SENSCOVREP SENSOR COVERAGE REPORT [CCI 3061] J110 INTREP INTELLIGENCE REPORT [CCI 3062] N003 JAMWARN JAMMING WARNING [CCI 3063] N025 LOCATOR MARITIME FORCE LOCATOR [CCI 3064] Table 5 - 15: ADatP-3 Mission Dependent Data Messages 3.4.3 Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) The CUCS shall be capable of processing the following message formats in order to provide CBRN Data: Index Identifier Format Name J028 CBRN BWR CBRN BASIC WIND REPORT [CCI 3068] J061 CBRN EDR CBRN EFFECTIVE DOWNWIND REPORT [CCI 3071] J156 CBRN 3 CHEM CBRN 3 CHEMICAL REPORT [CCI 3169] J157 CBRN 4 CHEM CBRN 4 CHEMICAL REPORT [CCI 3170] J158 CBRN 5 CHEM CBRN 5 CHEMICAL REPORT [CCI 3171] J159 CBRN 6 CHEM CBRN 6 CHEMICAL REPORT [CCI 3172] J168 CBRN 3 BIO CBRN 3 BIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3173] J169 CBRN 4 BIO CBRN 4 BIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3174] J170 CBRN 5 BIO CBRN 5 BIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3175] J171 CBRN 6 BIO CBRN 6 BIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3176] J174 CBRN 3 RAD CBRN 3 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3177] J175 CBRN 4 RAD CBRN 4 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3178] J176 CBRN 5 RAD CBRN 5 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3179] J177 CBRN 6 RAD CBRN 6 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3180] J178 CBRN SITREP CBRN SITUATION REPORT [CCI 3181] J182 CBRN 3 NUC CBRN 3 NUCLEAR REPORT [CCI 3182] J183 CBRN 4 NUC CBRN 4 NUCLEAR REPORT [CCI 3183] J184 CBRN 5 NUC CBRN 5 NUCLEAR REPORT [CCI 3184] J185 CBRN 6 NUC CBRN 6 NUCLEAR REPORT [CCI 3185] 5 - 26 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Table 5 - 16: ADatP-3 CBRN Data Messages 3.4.4 Artillery Targeting The CUCS shall be capable of processing the following message formats in order to support Artillery Target Intelligence reporting: Index Identifier Format Name A058 ATI.ATR ARTILLERY TARGET INTELLIGENCE – ARTILLERY TARGET REPORT [CCI 3072] A059 ATI.TIR ARTILLERY TARGET INTELLIGENCE – TARGET INFORMATION REQUEST [CCI 3073] Table 5 - 17: ADatP-3 Artillery Target Intelligence Messages 3.4.5 Meteorological Data The CUCS shall be capable of processing the following message formats in order to coordinate Meteorological Data: Index Identifier Format Name A062 MET.TA METEOROLOGICAL-TARGET [CCI 3074] A060 MET.CM METEOROLOGICAL-COMPUTER [CCI 3075] A061 MET.RFM METEOROLOGICAL-REQUEST FOR MET [CCI 3076] ACQUISITION Table 5 - 18: ADatP-3 Meteorological Data Messages 3.4.6 Image Products 1. The CUCS shall provide access to external Image Product Libraries via the CCI in accordance with the interface specified in STANAG 4559 [CCI 3077]. 2. The CUCS shall be capable of transmitting and receiving imagery products in STANAG 4545 and STANAG 4609 format (e.g., to or from an Image Product Library) [CCI 3078]. If magnetic media is used for delivery it shall conform to STANAG 4575 [CCI 3186]. 3. Inclusion of this capability is largely independent of LOI and therefore optional, but if there is a requirement for a system to access image product libraries for collateral information, then use of STANAG 4559 is mandatory. 3.5 Mission Plan 1. A complete mission plan needs to include a route plan, contingency plan, collection plan, dissemination plan, and communication plan. There is currently no international standard agreed upon that fully defines these elements of a mission plan. However, there is a joint US and UK interface specification, called the Common Route Definition (CRD) that is applicable to a route plan and a contingency plan. The core data elements (called Tags) within the CRD interface specification may be augmented by custom Tags, which reflect unique planning requirements that are not addressed 5 - 27 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II with the core Tags. Custom UAS Tags have been developed to create a collection, dissemination, and/or a communication plan. These custom Tags are contained and defined in Attachment 5-4, UAS Custom Tags. 2. To communicate with C4I systems or other UCSs, the UCS shall use the CRD format (see DLI Mission Upload Command Message as defined in Chapter 4) whenever possible to transmit or receive the mission plan [CCI 3080]. When not possible, a CCISM shall be provided to translate between the CRD format and the differently-formatted mission plan messages [CCI 3081]. 3. The capability to transmit and receive mission plans is recommended for LOI 3 and shall be provided (mandatory) for LOI 4 [CCI 3082]. 4. The ROS are likely to be included in the VSM (Chapter 4) for two reasons: Scenarios are likely to be specific to particular types of UA as they depend on UA capability, etc. Not all existing UA implement ROS. Therefore a standard for ROS is not proposed in this document. 5. (NOTE: It is assumed that the emergency recovery plan is not exchanged with the C4I systems.) 3.6 Handover Control This section deleted. 3.7 Mission Progress The CUCS shall be capable of processing the ADatP-3 message F031, Mission Report (MISREP), to report mission progress [CCI 3088]. When appropriate, the MISREP shall include a RMKS set to report data not included in the standard MISREP message sets [CCI 3089]. Index Identifier Format Name F031 MISREP MISSION REPORT Table 5 - 19: ADatP-3 Mission Report Message 3.8 Resource Availability 3.8.1 Air Segment Status The CUCS shall be capable of processing the following message formats in order to provide status and operational capability of the Air Segment: Index Identifier Format Name J002 ASSESSREP COMMANDER'S ASSESSMENT REPORT [CCI 3091] J003 GENINFOMSG GENERAL 3187] J029 AIRSTAT OFFENSIVE WEAPON SYSTEM AND AIR DEFENCE STATUS REPORT [CCI 3092] 5 - 28 INFORMATION MESSAGE AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 [CCI AEP-84 Volume II Index Identifier Format Name J082 LOGASSESSREP LOGISTIC ASSESSMENT REPORT [CCI 3093] J083 LOGUPDATE LOGISTIC UPDATE REPORT [CCI 3094] J095 SITREP SITUATION REPORT [CCI 3095] J099 CISSITREP CIS SITUATION REPORT [CCI 3096] Table 5 - 20: ADatP-3 Air Segment Status and Operational Capability Messages 3.8.2 Ground Segment Status The CUCS shall be capable of processing the following message formats in order to provide status and operational capability of the elements of the Ground Segment. Index Identifier Format Name A010 LOGSITLAND LOGISTIC SITUATION REPORT LAND FORCES [CCI 3097] J002 ASSESSREP COMMANDER'S ASSESSMENT REPORT [CCI 3098] J003 GENINFOMSG GENERAL 3188] J029 AIRSTAT OFFENSIVE WEAPON SYSTEM AND AIR DEFENCE STATUS REPORT [CCI 3099] J082 LOGASSESSREP LOGISTIC ASSESSMENT REPORT [CCI 3100] J083 LOGUPDATE LOGISTIC UPDATE REPORT [CCI 3101] J095 SITREP SITUATION REPORT [CCI 3102] J099 CISSITREP CIS SITUATION REPORT [CCI 3103] INFORMATION MESSAGE Table 5 - 21: ADatP-3 Ground Segment Status and Operational Capability Messages 3.9 Payload/Sensor Data 3.9.1 Overview 1. This section specifies the standards to be used for transmission of UA ISR payload data via the CCI. 2. Note: If a specific UAS does not support a particular payload type (e.g., GMTI, ELINT, etc.), the supporting UCS can still be STANAG 4586 compliant without having to implement those requirements associated with that particular payload. 3.9.2 Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) The standards identified in Table 5-22 shall be used for the exchange of imagery data across the CCI. When the UCS is receiving payload data and a C4I system requires 5 - 29 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 [CCI AEP-84 Volume II that data, the UCS shall provide the capability to disseminate payload data to the C4I system [CCI 3189]. Standard STANAG 4545 STDI-0002 STANAG 7023 STANAG 4607 STANAG 4609 Imagery Type Still EO/IR [CCI 3104], MSI/ HSI [CCI 3105], and SAR [CCI 3106] Controlled extensions for STANAG 4545 metadata [CCI 3107] Still EO/IR [CCI 3108], MSI/HSI [CCI 3109], and SAR [CCI 3110] Ground moving target indicator [CCI 3111] Motion EO/IR [CCI 3112], MSI/HSI [CCI 3113] Table 5 - 22: Imagery Standards Still Imagery All digital still imagery will be transmitted over the CCI using either STANAG 4545 or 7023 as appropriate. For all still imagery types, STDI-0002 will be used to record metadata describing the imagery when using STANAG 4545. However, when STANAG 7023 is used, metadata describing the imagery will be captured as specified within STANAG 7023. Digital Motion Imagery 1. STANAG 4609 specifies a standard compression (MPEG-2) and means to capture metadata describing digital motion imagery. Motion imagery, whether collected as analogue or digital, shall be transmitted over the CCI using STANAG 4609 to those C4I systems requiring digital motion imagery [CCI 3115]. Applicable KLV metadata shall be implemented in accordance with MISB Standard 0601, MISB Standard 0902, and MISB Standard 0102 [CCI 3190]. 2. For those instances where an external CCI node requires analogue imagery, the VSM or the CCISM shall provide the necessary conversion (if any required) of the payload imagery to the format required by the respective CCI node, as discussed in Section [CCI 3116]. Multi/Hyperspectral Multispectral and hyperspectral images consist of multiple images from different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Though not currently a UCS requirement, STANAG 7023 and 4545, respectively, are the controlling standards for these types of payloads. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) 1. SAR images shall be transmitted across the CCI in accordance with STANAG 4545 or STANAG 7023 specified formats [CCI 3117]. 2. SAR auxiliary text files shall contain support data as defined in STANAG 4545 and STDI-0002, National Imagery and Mapping Agency, “The Compendium of Controlled Extensions (CE) for the National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF)”, CMETAA Support Data Extension [CCI 3118]. Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) STANAG 4607 specifies a common standard format for GMTI data. GMTI data shall be transmitted over the CCI in accordance with STANAG 4607 [CCI 3119]. 5 - 30 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 3.9.3 ELINT 1. ELINT data and related reports shall conform to the requirements of STANAG 4633, ELINT Common Message Format (ECMF) [CCI 3120]. 2. ESM data derived from analysis of enemy electronic signals shall conform to STANAG 4633 [CCI 3121]. 3.9.4 Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) The CUCS shall be capable of processing the following message formats to report data from a CBRN payload. Note that the CBRN SITREP is not included as it is envisioned that it will be generated outside the UCS following multi-source analysis. (The CBRN SITREP is included in Section 3.4.3.) Index Identifier Format Name J020 CBRN CDR CBRN CHEMICAL DOWNWIND REPORT [CCI 3123] J028 CBRN BWR CBRN BASIC WIND REPORT [CCI 3127] J061 CBRN EDR CBRN EFFECTIVE DOWNWIND REPORT [CCI 3130] J154 CBRN 1 CHEM CBRN 1 CHEMICAL REPORT [CCI 3191] J155 CBRN 2 CHEM CBRN 2 CHEMICAL REPORT [CCI 3192] J156 CBRN 3 CHEM CBRN 3 CHEMICAL REPORT [CCI 3193] J157 CBRN 4 CHEM CBRN 4 CHEMICAL REPORT [CCI 3194] J158 CBRN 5 CHEM CBRN 5 CHEMICAL REPORT [CCI 3195] J159 CBRN 6 CHEM CBRN 6 CHEMICAL REPORT [CCI 3196] J166 CBRN 1 BIO CBRN 1 BIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3197] J167 CBRN 2 BIO CBRN 2 BIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3198] J168 CBRN 3 BIO CBRN 3 BIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3199] J169 CBRN 4 BIO CBRN 4 BIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3200] J170 CBRN 5 BIO CBRN 5 BIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3201] J171 CBRN 6 BIO CBRN 6 BIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3202] J172 CBRN 1 RAD CBRN 1 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3203] J173 CBRN 2 RAD CBRN 2 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3204] J174 CBRN 3 RAD CBRN 3 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3205] J175 CBRN 4 RAD CBRN 4 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3206] J176 CBRN 5 RAD CBRN 5 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3207] J177 CBRN 6 RAD CBRN 6 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT [CCI 3208] 5 - 31 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Identifier Format Name J180 CBRN 1 NUC CBRN 1 NUCLEAR REPORT [CCI 3209] J181 CBRN 2 NUC CBRN 2 NUCLEAR REPORT [CCI 3210] J182 CBRN 3 NUC CBRN 3 NUCLEAR REPORT [CCI 3211] J183 CBRN 4 NUC CBRN 4 NUCLEAR REPORT [CCI 3212] J184 CBRN 5 NUC CBRN 5 NUCLEAR REPORT [CCI 3213] J185 CBRN 6 NUC CBRN 6 NUCLEAR REPORT [CCI 3214] Table 5 - 23: ADatP-3 CBRN Data Messages 3.9.5 Other Payload Types Laser Designator/Range Finder Future Capability. 3.10 Target Data Formats for target data may be included in a future issue of this chapter. 3.11 Mission Reporting Where appropriate, the CUCS shall be capable of processing the following message formats to report the results from a mission: Index Identifier Format Name A046 OBSREP OBSTACLE REPORT [CCI 3131] A088 RBTRECCEREP ROAD, BRIDGE OR TUNNEL RECONNAISSANCE REPORT [CCI 3132] A092 GAPRECCEREP GAP RECONNAISSANCE REPORT [CCI 3133] A100 OBSRECCEREP OBSTACLE RECONNAISSANCE REPORT [CCI 3134] F031 MISREP MISSION REPORT [CCI 3135] F095 INFLIGHTREP INFLIGHT REPORT [CCI 3215] J064 EWMSNSUM ELECTRONIC WARFARE MISSION SUMMARY [CCI 3136] J101 COMPASSESSREP COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT REPORT [CCI 3137] J103 RECEXREP RECONNAISSANCE EXPLOITATION REPORT [CCI 3138] N024 PURPLE MARITIME MISSION SUMMARY REPORT [CCI 3139] Table 5 - 24: ADatP-3 Mission Results Messages 5 - 32 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 3.12 General Messages There are a number of messages that do not appropriately belong in any of the message categories discussed in the previous sections, but that are applicable to UCS functionality and may be necessary to support a given LOI. Attachment 5-2 defines whether they are mandated or optional for a given LOI. Where appropriate the CUCS shall be capable of processing the following message formats: Index Identifier Format Name A009 PRESENCE PRESENCE REPORT [CCI 3140] A027 LOGASREQ LOGISTIC ASSISTANCE REQUEST [CCI 3141] A028 LOGASRESP LOGISTIC ASSISTANCE RESPONSE [CCI 3142] A057 MAPREQ MAP REQUEST [CCI 3143] A072 SYS.RRM SYSTEM REPLY MESSAGE [CCI 3144] F087 MOVEREQ MOVEMENT REQUEST [CCI 3145] F088 MWO MOVEMENT WARNING ORDER [CCI 3146] F089 MEO MOVEMENT EXECUTION ORDER [CCI 3147] F090 MCR MOVEMENT COMPLETION REPORT [CCI 3148] J001 MSGCORRCANX MESSAGE CORRECTION OR CANCELLATION [CCI 3149] J003 GENINFOMSG GENERAL INFORMATION MESSAGE [CCI 3150] J012 SARIR SEARCH AND RESCUE INCIDENT REPORT [CCI 3151] J013 SARREQ SEARCH AND RESCUE REQUEST [CCI 3152] J021 INTREQ INTELLIGENCE REQUEST [CCI 3153] J052 ROEREQ RULES OF ENGAGEMENT REQUEST [CCI 3154] J092 EVENTREP EVENTS REPORT [CCI 3155] J112 CIINTREP COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY REPORT [CCI 3156] J113 CIINTSUM COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY SUMMARY [CCI 3157] J114 SUPINTREP SUPPLEMENTARY INTELLIGENCE REPORT [CCI 3158] 5 - 33 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Identifier Format Name J115 CISUPINTREP COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT [CCI 3159] N033 SATVULREP SATELLITE VULNERABILITY REPORT [CCI 3160] Table 5 - 25: ADatP-3 General Messages 5 - 34 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Attachment 5 - 1: Information Exchange Requirements This section contains the Information Exchange Requirements imposed on the UCS and hence on the CCI which, excluding the DLI, represents the external interface to the UCS. NOTES: Note 1 refers to the Product/ Action Column of the IER “Tx” indicates that this function/product is transmitted from the UCS. “Rx” indicates that this function/product is received by the UCS. Note 2 refers to the Rationale (UJTL#) Column of the IER The following provides the descriptions of the various Universal Joint Task List (UJTL) numbers identified in this document. ST 2.2.1 Collect Information on Theatre Strategic Situation ST Provide Theatre Current Intelligence ST Provide Target Intelligence for Theatre Planning and Execution ST 5.1.4 Monitor Worldwide and Theatre Strategic Situation OP 1.2.5 Conduct Offensive Operations in the Joint Operations Area OP 1.3.2 Enhance Movement of Operational Forces OP 2.1.3 Prepare Operational Collection Plan OP 2.2 Collect and Share Operational Information OP 2.2.1 Collect Information on Operational Situation OP 2.2.3 Collect and Assess METOC Information OP 2.2.5 Collect Target Information OP 2.4 Produce Operational Intelligence and Prepare Intelligence Products OP Provide Indications and Warnings for the Joint Operations Area OP Provide Current Intelligence for the Joint Operations Area 5 - 35 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II NOTES: OP Provide Target Intelligence for the Joint Operations Area OP 2.5 Disseminate and Integrate Operational Intelligence OP 2.5.3 Provide Intelligence for the Joint Operations Area Planners and Decision Makers OP 3.1.3 Develop Operational Targets OP Assess Battle Damage on Operational Targets OP 5.1.4 Maintain Operational Information and Force Status OP 5.1.5 Monitor Strategic Situation OP 5.2 Assess Operational Situation OP 5.2.1 Review Current Situation TA 1.2.2 Conduct Joint Airborne Operations TA 2.2 Obtain and Access Intelligence Information TA 3.1 Process Targets TA 5.1 Acquire and Communicate Information and Maintain Status and Force Reporting TA 5.2.1 Establish, Operate, and Maintain Baseline Communications Note 3 refers to the LOI Column of the IER This indicates the operating LOI of the UCS. 5 - 36 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UNMANNED AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE (CCI) -INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS (IER) MATRIXProduct/ Action (1) Rationale (UJTL#) (2) LOI (3) NATO or Internat’l Standard Format Remarks Info/Char Sending Node Receiving Node Critical Timeliness At min. mandatory fields: (e.g., ATO Msg.) UA Mission Tasking; Route, Pyld. Comm. Plan JFACC or any properly equipped C2 Node UA Det or System Yes Variable; Minutes to Hours Restricted flight zones: 4-Dimension JFACC; Any capable ATM node UCS Yes; may not always be required Variable; Minutes to Hours TASKING Identified in Section 3.2. Tasking (Tx/Rx) ST 2.2.1, ST, ST, ST 5.1.4 Airspace Control (Tx/Rx) ST 5.1.4, OP 2.2.5 2, 3, 4, 5 APP-11 Tactical Msg(s) 4, 5 APP-11: ACO Tactical Msg(s) Note: Tasking and Airspace Control Messages may also be received via e-mail and/or voice tasking as shown below. E-Mail Messages (Rx) OP 2.2.1 OP 2.2.5 2, 3, 4, 5 SMTP Text Message Min. Mission Plan, e.g. route/target area Any authorized C2 Node UA Det or System Yes Variable; Minutes to Hours Voice Tasking (Rx) OP 2.2.5, OP, OP 2.5.3 2, 3, 4, 5 APP-11 Voice Mission Tasking Any authorized C2 Node UA Det or System Yes Variable; Minutes to Hours 5 - 37 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UNMANNED AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE (CCI) -INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS (IER) MATRIXProduct/ Action (1) Rationale (UJTL#) (2) LOI (3) NATO or Internat’l Standard 4, 5 DOC 4444RAC/501 Format Remarks Info/Char Sending Node Receiving Node Critical Timeliness For operations in civil airspace. Corridors, Routes, Plan Changes, etc. JFACC; Any capable ATM node, UCS JFACC; Any capable ATM node, UCS Yes; may not always be required Variable; Minutes to Hours JFACC; Any capable ATM node, UCS JFACC; Any capable ATM node, UCS No – unless Tactical Msgs not available Variable; Minutes to Hours AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL Identified in Section 2.3. ATS Messages (Tx/Rx) ST 5.1.4, OP 2.2.5 Tactical Msg(s) Note: Air Traffic Control Messages may also be transmitted/received via e-mail as shown below. E-Mail Messages (Tx./Rx) ST 5.1.4, OP 2.2.5 4, 5 SMTP Text Message Corridors, Routes, etc. 5 - 38 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UNMANNED AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE (CCI) -INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS (IER) MATRIXProduct/ Action (1) Rationale (UJTL#) (2) LOI (3) NATO or Internat’l Standard Format Remarks Info/Char Sending Node Receiving Node Critical Timeliness Includes, but not limited to Enemy and Friendly Order of Battle and SitReps Blue/Red Force Location, charact/OB Map Overlay Data. Tgt Types Any C2 node having data (including target data) UCS Yes, also depends on mission Variable; Minutes to Hours COLLATERAL DATA Identified in Section 3.4. General Battlefield Picture (Tx/Rx) OP 2.2.1, OP 3.1.3, OP 5.1.4, OP 5.1.5, TA 3.1, TA 5.1 Mission Dependent Data (Tx/Rx) ST, ST 5.1.4, OP 2.2.5, TA 2.2 CBRN Data ST 2.2.1, (Tx/Rx) OP 2.2 2, 3, 4, 5 (May be LOI 1 for some msgs. See AdatP-3 Impl Table) APP-11 Tactical Msg, Text Msg, Data 2, 3, 4, 5 APP-11 Tactical Msg Artillery Reports & Requests, Intel Reports Any C2 node having data UCS Yes Variable; Minutes to Hours 2, 3, 4, 5 APP-11 Tactical Msg, Text Msg CBRN Data UCS; any C2 node having UCS; any C2 node having CBRN data Depends on mission Variable; Minutes to Hours for specified location CBRN data 5 - 39 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UNMANNED AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE (CCI) -INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS (IER) MATRIXProduct/ Action (1) Rationale (UJTL#) (2) LOI (3) NATO or Internat’l Standard Format Remarks Info/Char Sending Node Receiving Node Critical Timeliness Artillery Targeting (Tx/Rx) ST, OP 2.2.5, OP 2, 3, 4, 5 APP-11 Tactical Msg Artillery Tgt Rpts and Requests Any C2 node having tgt data UCS Yes Variable; Minutes to Hours Meteorological Data (Tx/Rx) OP 2.2.3 2, 3, 4, 5 APP-11 Tactical Msg, Text Msg Met. Data for specified location UCS; Any C2 node having Met data UCS; Any C2 node having Met data Depends on mission Variable; Minutes to Hours Image Products (Tx/Rx) OP 2.5 STANAG 4559 Digital Imagery Digital Any C2 Node having an -IL UCS Depends on mission; yes for most RSTA Variable; Minutes to Hours 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 5 - 40 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UNMANNED AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE (CCI) -INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS (IER) MATRIXProduct/ Action (1) Rationale (UJTL#) (2) LOI (3) NATO or Internat’l Standard Format Remarks Info/Char Sending Node Receiving Node Critical Timeliness MISSION PLAN Identified in Section 3.5. Flight Route (Tx/Rx) OP, OP 2.5.3 3, 4, 5 CRD (STANAG is TBD) Tactical Msg, Text Msg Internat’l Filing Format Waypoints, recovery plan, etc. Loaded to UA UCS, JFACC, or any capable C2 node UCS, JFACC, or any capable C2 node Yes; may not always be required Variable; Minutes to Hours Collection Data Plan (Tx/Rx) OP 2.1.3 3, 4, 5 CRD Ext. (STANAG is TBD) Tactical Msg, Text Msg To/from AMPS Payload plan data; formatted message or email UCS, JFACC, or any capable C2 node UCS, JFACC, or any capable C2 node Yes; may not always be required Variable; Minutes to Hours Comm Plan (Tx/Rx) OP 2.5.3 3, 4, 5 CRD Ext. (STANAG is TBD) Tactical Msg, Text Msg Data Link plan data UCS UCS, JFACC, or any capable C2 node Yes; may not always be required Variable; Minutes to Hours Emergency Recovery Plan (Contingency Plan) (Tx/Rx) OP, OP 2.5.3 3, 4, 5 CRD Ext. (STANAG is TBD) Tactical Msg(s), Text Msgs Emergency Recovery Plan UCS UCS, JFACC, or any capable C2 node Yes; may not always be required Variable; Minutes to Hours 5 - 41 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UNMANNED AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE (CCI) -INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS (IER) MATRIXProduct/ Action (1) Dissemination Plan Rationale (UJTL#) (2) LOI ST, OP 2.5 3, 4, 5 (3) NATO or Internat’l Standard CRD Ext. (STANAG is TBD) Format Remarks Tactical Msgs Info/Char Data Dissemination 5 - 42 Sending Node UCS Receiving Node UCS, C2 Nodes Critical Yes Timeliness Variable AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UNMANNED AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE (CCI) -INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS (IER) MATRIXProduct/ Action (1) Rationale (UJTL#) (2) LOI (3) NATO or Internat’l Standard Format Remarks Info/Char Sending Node Receiving Node Critical Timeliness MISSION PROGRESS Identified in sections 2.7 and 3.7. Tactical Messages (Tx/Rx) OP, OP 5.1.4, OP 5.2.1 2, 3, 4, 5 APP-11 Tactical Msg UA Position, Sys. Status, Pyld Status, etc. UCS UCS; any capable C2 node Yes Yes RESOURCE AVAILABILITY Identified in Section 2.8 and 3.8. (Includes entire system status and availability.) Air Segment Status (Tx/Rx) OP 5.2.1, TA 5.1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 APP-11 Tactical Msg, Text Msg UA, Payload, & Data Link Status Includes Payload availability UA, Data Links UCS; any capable C2 node Yes Variable; Minutes to Hours Ground Segment Status (Tx/Rx) OP 5.2.1, TA 5.1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 APP-11 Tactical Msg, Text Msg UCS, Data Link, Launch & Recovery Systems Includes Maintenance and Refurbishment Systems (Not Critical) Data Link, UCS, L&R Sys, Maint & Refurb Sys UCS; any capable C2 node Yes Variable; Minutes to Hours 5 - 43 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UNMANNED AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE (CCI) -INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS (IER) MATRIXProduct/ Action (1) Rationale (UJTL#) (2) LOI (3) NATO or Internat’l Standard Format Remarks STANAG 4609; MPEG2 ISO/IEC 13818-1 to –3 Encoded or Decoded imagery stream EO/IR Framing Line Scan Sensor (KLV as per MISB STDs 0601, 0902 and 0102) Still Imagery Info/Char Sending Node Receiving Node Critical Timeliness PAYLOAD/SENSOR DATA (Primary and Secondary) Identified in Section 2.9 Imagery Intelligence (Tx/Rx) EO/IR Motion Imagery (with KLV metadata) OP 2.2.5, OP 2.4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 EO/IR Still Imagery OP 2.2.5, OP 2.4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 STANAG 7023 STANAG 4545 STDI-0002 MSI, HSI OP 2.2.5, OP 2.4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 STANAG 4545 STANAG 7023 NITF 2.1 Continuous video and telemetry as the UA transmits UCS UCS; any capable C4 node Yes Variable; Seconds to Hours UCS UCS; any capable C4 node Yes Variable; Seconds to Hours (Continuous metadata as the video is transmitted) UCS processed/annotated imagery Future Implement 5 - 44 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UNMANNED AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE (CCI) -INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS (IER) MATRIXRationale (UJTL#) (2) LOI (3) SAR OP 2.2.5, OP 2.4 GMTI OP 2.2.5, OP 2.4 Product/ Action (1) NATO or Internat’l Standard Format Remarks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 STANAG 7023 STANAG 4545 STDI-0002 Encoded Imagery Stream Or Still Imagery SAR Data formed into an image 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 STANAG 4607 MTI Tracks & Vectors Info/Char Sending Node Receiving Node Critical Timeliness Continuous video and telemetry as the UA transmits Or UCS processed/annotated imagery UCS UCS; any capable C4 node No (If other imagery available) Variable; Seconds to Hours Continuous data as the UA transmits UCS UCS; any capable C4 node No (If other imagery available) Variable; Seconds to Hours Continuous data as the UA transmits UCS UCS; any capable C4 node Yes Variable; Seconds to Hours Continuous data as the UA transmits UCS UCS; any capable C4 node No (If other data available) Variable; Seconds to Hours Signals Intelligence (Tx/Rx) ELINT and ESM OP 2.2.5, OP 2.4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 STANAG 4633 COMINT OP 2.2.5, OP 2.4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 TBD Future Implement Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (Tx/Rx) CBRN Data OP 2.2.5, OP 2.4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 APP-11 Other Payload Types (Tx/Rx) 5 - 45 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UNMANNED AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE (CCI) -INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS (IER) MATRIXRationale (UJTL#) (2) LOI (3) Laser Designator, Range Finder OP 1.2.5 OP 2,4,2,4 TA 3.1 3, 4, 5 Comms Relay ST 2.1.1 ST 5.1.4 OP 5.1.5 TA 5.2.1 3, 4, 5 Weapons, Stores OP 1.2.5 TA 12.2 3, 4, 5 Product/ Action (1) NATO or Internat’l Standard Format Remarks Could be tactical msg to define range Tactical messages Info/Char Sending Node Range-to-Target Info See Weapons Appendix (TBD) See Weapons Appendix (TBD) Receiving Node Critical Timeliness UCS UCS; any capable C4 node Yes (if used for targeting, firing weapons) Seconds UCS UCS; any capable C4 node Yes (depends on tactical situation Variable; Seconds to Hours UCS UCS; any capable C4 node Yes Variable; Seconds to Hours TARGET DATA - Deferred until future update and implementation of STANAG 4586. Refer to Sections 2.10. MISSION REPORTING Identified in Section 3.11. 5 - 46 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UNMANNED AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE (CCI) -INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS (IER) MATRIXProduct/ Action (1) Mission Reporting (Tx/Rx) (Incl. Tgt coord, battlefield geo, recon rpt, BDA rpts) Rationale (UJTL#) (2) OP 2.2.1, 2.2.5, 2.4, 2.5,, 5.1.5, 5.2, TA 3.1, 5.1 LOI (3) NATO or Internat’l Standard Format 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (See ADatP-3 Impl Table) APP-11: SMTP, STANAGs 4545 and 4609 Tactical Msg, Text Msg, Video Imagery 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 APP-11 Tactical Messages Remarks BDA rpts can be via imagery Info/Char Sending Node Tasked Mission Status, Receiving Node Critical Timeliness UCS UCS; any capable C2 node Yes Variable; Seconds to Hours UCS UCS; any capable C2 node YES Variable; Seconds to Hours (pending, in progress, etc.), Target Collection Rpts, Order of Battle, Summary Reports, BDA Reports GENERAL MESSAGES Identified in Section 3.12. General Tactical Message Could Cover Many UJTLs Miscellaneous Messages MISCELLANEOUS (Note: These represent several miscellaneous capabilities required for a UCS.) 5 - 47 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UNMANNED AIRCRAFT CONTROL SYSTEM (UCS) COMMAND AND CONTROL INTERFACE (CCI) -INFORMATION EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS (IER) MATRIXProduct/ Action (1) Rationale (UJTL#) (2) LOI (3) NATO or Internat’l Standard Format LAN Connection TA 5.2.1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ISO/IEC 8802-3, ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3 (DOD JTA, protocols) Imagery, Text, Voice, Video, Data IPL (IL) Interface (Tx/Rx) OP 2.2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 STANAG 4559 Imagery Digital Voice (Tx/Rx) TA 5.2.1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 H.323 Voice Remarks Includes protocols (e.g., TCP, UDP, IP, SMTP, FTP, NFS, MIME, etc.) (Chapter 3) Voice over IP 5 - 48 Info/Char Sending Node Receiving Node Critical Timeliness N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A Imagery files to and from the Image Library UCS, IL IL, UCS Yes Variable; Seconds to Hours UCS; any capable C4 node UCS; any capable C4 node No Yes AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Attachment 5 - 2: APP- 11 Message Implementation Requirements The table provided in this attachment contains the list of APP-11 message formats that are applicable to the UCS. Each message is identified, its function or purpose summarised, and its applicable LOI stated. Index Ref. No – This column contains the Message Text Format Index Reference Number as listed in APP-11. This column also indicates the transmission (Tx) or receipt (Rx) requirements of the UCS. MTF Identifier – This column contains the Message Text Format Identifier as listed in APP-11. MTF Name – This column contains the Message Text Format Name as listed in APP-11. Function or purpose – This column contains the Function or Purpose as listed in APP-11. LOI – This column contains the applicable LOI associated with each message. This number refers to the lowest level at which the message is mandatory. Below this number, implementation is optional (refer to the remarks in Section 1.6, Implementation of UA LOI in the CCI). Comments – This column contains general comments and cross-references to paragraphs in Chapter 3 and Chapter 5, where applicable. 5 - 49 AEP-84 Volume 2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments A009 (Tx) PRESENCE Presence Report The PRESENCE report is used to inform a commander on the deployment of military organisations within his area of responsibility. The report addresses both organisations under his command and those that are not. Optional Para 3.12 General Msg A010 (Tx) LOGSITLAND Logistic Situation Report Land Forces The LOGSITLAND is used to provide a superior headquarters with an evaluation of a unit’s or formation's logistical situation, capability, and deficiencies/surpluses. Optional Para 3.8.2 Resource Availability, Gnd Seg Status A026 (Tx/Rx) ENSITREP Enemy Land Forces Situation Report The ENSITREP is used to report and inform on the enemy forces situation, to include: locations, activities, boundaries, status, order of battle (ORBAT) and subordination of units/formations. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral data, Gen Battlefield Pic A027 (Tx) LOGASREQ Logistics Assistance Request The LOGASREQ is used by land forces to request logistics assistance. Optional Para 3.12 General Msg A028 (Rx) LOGASRESP Logistics Assistance Response The LOGASRESP is used by land forces to respond to a request for logistics assistance. Optional Para 3.12 General Msg A031 (Tx/Rx) OWNSITREP Own Land Forces Situation Report The OWNSITREP is used to report factors affecting the situation, deployment, status and/or order of battle of own and subordinate units. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic 5 - 50 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments A032 (Rx) ORBATLAND Order of Battle Land Forces The ORBATLAND is used to inform major NATO commanders (MNCs)/strategic commanders (SCs) and other NATO commanders in peacetime and in periods of crisis and war of changes in the order of battle land forces and thereby to assure that the most current information is available for operational planning. A033 (Tx) FM.CFF Fire Mission-Call For Fire The FM.CFF is used to transmit initial fire for effect requests and/or orders to fire. 3 Para 3.2.1 Tasking A034 (Tx) FM.SUB Fire MissionSubsequent Adjustment The FM.SUB is used to transmit updated grid locations, to repeat fire for effect and/or to terminate missions. 3 Para 3.2.1 Tasking A035 (Tx/Rx) FM.MTO Fire MissionMessage to Observer The FM.MTO is used to transmit a message to observer in response to a call for fire on a target of opportunity. 3 Para 3.2.1 Tasking A036 (Tx) FM.FMC Fire Mission-Fire Mission Command The FM.FMC is used to transmit a fire mission command to a fire unit or an observer. 3 Para 3.2.1 Tasking A046 (Tx/Rx) OBSREP Obstacle Report The OBSREP is used to report obstacles up the chain of command 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.11 Mission Reporting A057 (Tx/Rx) MAPREQ Map Request The MAPREQ is used to submit requests for map coverage. Optional Para 3.12 General Msg 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic 5 - 51 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments A058 (Tx/Rx) ATI.ATR Artillery Target IntelligenceArtillery Target Report The ATI.ATR is used to transmit targets by target type based on a standing request for information or a one-time query for target information resulting from an ATI.ATR message. It will also be used to establish or delete target information. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.2 Collateral Data, Mission Dependent and Para 3.4.4 Collateral Data, Artillery Targeting A059 (Rx) ATI.TIR Artillery Target IntelligenceTarget Information Request The ATI.TIR is used to request target information either as a one-time query or as a standing request for target information. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.2 Collateral Data, Mission Dependent and Para 3.4.4 Collateral Data, Artillery Targeting A060 (Rx) MET.CM MeteorologicalComputer The MET.CM is used to transmit computer meteorological data. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.5 Collateral Data, MET A061 (Tx/Rx) MET.RFM MeteorologicalRequest For Met The MET.RFM is used to request meteorological support. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.5 Collateral Data, MET A062 (Tx/Rx) MET.TA MeteorologicalThe MET.TA is used to transmit meteorological Target Acquisition data for target acquisition purposes. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.5 Collateral Data, MET A069 (Tx/Rx) SPRT.ACA Support-Airspace Coordination Area The SPRT.ACA is used to establish or delete airspace coordination areas (ACA). 4, 5 Para 3.2.2 Airspace Control 5 - 52 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments A070 (Tx/Rx) SPRT.GEOM SupportBattlefield Geometry The SPRT.GEOM is used to establish or delete battlefield geometries (e.g., avenue of approach, axis of advance, target areas, zone of fire) in support of land combat operations for current operations or for a fire plan. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.2 Collateral Data, Mission Dependent A071 (Tx/Rx) SYS.RFR System-Request For Report The SYS.RFR is used to establish or delete a request for ammunition status reports, fire unit status reports, firing sites, battlefield geometry, friendly unit locations, fire plan target lists, and other applicable reports. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic A072 (Tx/Rx) SYS.RRM System Reply Message The SYS.RRM is used to transmit a reply to a received message. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.12 General Messages A080 (Rx) FRAGO Fragmentary Order The FRAGO is used to issue key sections of an operation order before the complete order has been produced; provide specific instructions to commanders who do not require the complete operation order; provide a summary of the complete order to serve as confirmatory notes; issue timely changes to existing operation orders or provide an outline operational directive (mission order) for use in fast moving mobile operations. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking A088 (Tx/Rx) RBTRECCEREP Road, Bridge or Tunnel Reconnaissance Report The RBTRECCEREP is used to report the results of a technical reconnaissance of a road, bridge or tunnel along a section of a route. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.11 Mission Reporting 5 - 53 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments A092 (Tx/Rx) GAPRECCEREP Gap Reconnaissance Report The GAPRECCEREP is used to report the results of a gap crossing site reconnaissance. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.11 Mission Reporting A100 (Tx/Rx) OBSRECCEREP Obstacle Reconnaissance Report The OBSRECCEREP is used to report the results of a reconnaissance of enemy or friendly obstacles, existing or planned. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.11 Mission Reporting F001 (Rx) AIRINTREP Air Intelligence Report The AIRINTREP is used to inform SACEUR and ACO commanders of changes in the location, disposition, status and other essential elements of information concerning non-NATO air order of battle. 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic F011 (Rx) ACO Airspace Control Order The ACO is used to provide specific detailed orders for airspace management and control from a higher command to subordinate units 4, 5 Para 3.2.2 Airspace Control F012 (Tx/Rx) ACMREQ Airspace Control Means Request The ACMREQ is used to request that a specific airspace control means be specified in a future airspace control order. 4, 5 Para 3.2.2 Airspace Control F015 (Rx) AIRALLOC Air Allocation Message The AIRALLOC is used to inform subordinate units, formations and/or tasking agencies of the air effort allocated. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking F031 (Tx/Rx) MISREP Mission Report The MISREP is used to report mission results and items of intelligence interest in all tactical roles and to retransmit and/or amplify in-flight reports. 3, 4, 5 Para 3.7 & 3.11 Mission Progress & Mission Reporting 5 - 54 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments F032 (Rx) ORBATAIR Order of Battle Air Forces The ORBATAIR is used to inform major NATO commanders (MNCs)/strategic commanders (SCs) and other NATO commanders in peacetime and in periods of crisis and war of changes in the order of battle air forces and thereby to assure that the most current information is available for operational planning. 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic F043 (Tx) RESPONSE Air Support Response The RESPONSE MTF is used to accept or refuse one or more air support requests. 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking F058 (Rx) ATO Air Tasking Order The ATO is used to task offensive, defensive and support missions including surveillance and control assets in order to conduct both joint and single service air operations. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking F087 (Tx/Rx) MOVEREQ Movement Request The MOVREQ is used by a unit or higher level to request execution of a deployment of landbased unit(s). Optional Para 3.12 General Msg F088 (Rx) MWO Movement Warning Order The MWO is used by tasking agencies to warn of intended or expected deployments of landbased unit(s). Optional Para 3.12 General Msg F089 (Rx) MEO Movement Execution Order The MEO is used by tasking authorities to order the deployment of land-based unit(s). Optional Para 3.12 General Msg F090 (Tx/Rx) MCR Movement Completion Report The MCR is used by land-based units to report the completion of deployment. Optional Para 3.12 General Msg 5 - 55 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments F095 (Tx/Rx) INFLIGHTREP Inflight Report The INFLIGHTREP is used to provide a record of a voice inflight report, giving a mission assessment and specifying pilot/aircrew sightings or other vital information that may be of tactical or intelligence value. 1,2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.7 & 3.11 Mission Progress & Mission Reporting J001 (Tx/Rx) MSRCORRCANX Message Correction or Cancellation He MSGCORRCANX is used to cancel a message(s) and/or to correct the information in a previously transmitted message(s). 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.12 General Msg J002 (Tx/Rx) ASSESSREP Commander's Assessment Report The ASSESSREP is used to advise superior commanders of the situation/operations in the reporting commander's area of concern, his assessment of the overall situation, and his intended or recommended actions based on that assessment. Optional Para 3.8.1 & 3.8.2 Resource Availability, Air Segment Stat & Gnd Segment Stat J003 (Tx/Rx) GENINFOMSG General Information Message The GENINFOMSG may only be used to provide information which cannot be provided using existing MTFs. This is a special message used for unusual circumstances that cannot be anticipated or planned and should not be used on a routine basis nor is it intended to replace existing messages. Optional Para 3.12 General Msg J005 (Tx/Rx) COMSPOT Communications Spot Report The COMSPOT is used to report actual or forecast communications outages including relocation and EMCON. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.2 Collateral Data, Mission Dependent 5 - 56 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J006 (Tx/Rx) INCSPOTREP Incident Spot Report The INCSPOTREP is used to provide time critical information on important events that have an immediate impact on operations. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.2 Collateral Data, Mission Dependent J009 (Rx) FIRST HOSTILE ACT First Hostile Act Report The FIRST HOSTILE ACT is used to rapidly provide major NATO commands with information on initial enemy/opposition forces (OPFOR) hostile acts in order to enable major NATO commands to react as early as possible. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic J012 (Tx) SARIR Search and Rescue Incident Report The SARIR is used to report any situation which may require a search and rescue effort. Optional Para 3.12 General Msg J013 (Rx) SARREQ Search and Rescue Request The SARREQ is used to request forces to participate in a search and rescue mission. 4, 5 Para 3.12 General Msg J015 (Rx) MARINTSUM Maritime Intelligence Summary The MARINTSUM is used to provide periodic summary information pertaining to the movement of non-NATO forces in NATO maritime areas. J016 (Rx) MARINTREP Maritime Intelligence Report J017 (Rx) IFFPROD IFF Procedures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic The MARINTREP is used to provide time sensitive advisory information pertaining to the movement of non-NATO forces in NATO maritime areas. 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic The IFFPROD is used to provide friendly forces with effective IFF modes and codes, and effective time periods. 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking 5 - 57 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J018 (Tx/Rx) MIJIWARNREP MIJI Warning Report The MIJIWARNREP is used in times of peace and crisis to warn NATO nations, commands and units of hazardous electronic warfare situations caused by MIJI incidents, which are of hostile, friendly (inadvertent) or unknown origin. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.2 Collateral Data, Mission Dependent J019 (Rx) AIRATTACKWARN Air Attack Warning The AIRATTACKWARN is used to warn of imminent enemy air attacks against friendly forces. It may be used in conjunction with either global early warning (GEW) or local early warning (LEW) messages generated by automated air defence (AD) systems. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic J020 (Rx) CBRN CDR CBRN Chemical Downwind Report The CBRN CDR is used to disseminate a forecast of the meteorological data needed for the chemical or biological hazard area prediction procedure by appropriate agencies every six hours for 3 consecutive 2 hour periods or for a time period of at least 6 hours specified in the message. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.9.5 & 3.11 Payload Data, CBRN & Mission Reporting J021 (Tx/Rx) INTREQ Intelligence Request The INTREQ is used to standardise the method by which military authorities and forces of NATO nations and NATO commands request intelligence information. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.12 General Msg J028 (Tx/Rx) CBRN BWR CBRN Basic Wind Report The CBRN BWR is used to report wind direction and speed in 2,000m increments from the surface of the earth to 30,000m altitude for either the nearest 6 hours or for a period at least 6 hours specified in the message. Optional Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN 5 - 58 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J029 (Tx) AIRSTAT Offensive Weapon System and Air Defence Status Report The AIRSTAT is used to keep SHAPE informed on availability of offensive air forces committed to SHAPE, maritime helicopter and patrol aircraft committed to SHAPE, and defensive weapon systems committed to the integrated air defence of ACE. 4, 5 Para 3.8.1 & 3.8.2 Resource Availability, Air Segment Stat & Gnd Segment Stat J038 (Rx) GEOSITREP Geographic Situation Report The GEOSITREP is used to keep major subordinate commands informed during periods of tension and war on the geographical situation within ace. The first report is required to inform headquarters of serious shortages and most urgent requirements within the geographic services when military vigilance is declared. It also gives an overall picture of the map/chart reproduction potential immediately available. Continuation reports are required to keep the information up-to-date for evaluation, planning, and coordination by the headquarters. Optional Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic J050 (Rx) ORBATTOA LAN-AIR Order of Battle Transfer of Authority Message - Land and Air The ORBATTOA LAND-AIR is used to report or direct the transfer of operational command (OPCOM) and/or control (OPCON) between nations and NATO or within the NATO chain of command. An ORBATTOA land-air message will normally confirm the delegation of authority requested in ACTWARN and ACTREQ messages. Optional Para 3.2.1 Tasking J051 (Rx) ROEIMPL Rules of Engagement Implementation The ROEIMPL is used to implement and/or cancel specific rules of engagement. 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking 5 - 59 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J052 (Tx/Rx) ROEREQ Rules of Engagement Request The ROEREQ is used to request authorisation to implement specific rules of engagement (ROE(s)). J060 (Rx) ROEAUTH Rules of Engagement Authorisation The ROEAUTH is used by the North Atlantic Council (NAC)/Defence Planning Committee (DPC) to authorize implementation or cancellation of specific rules of engagement (ROE(s)). J061 (Rx) CBRN EDR CBRN Effective Downwind Report The CBRN EDR is used to provide the effective downwind data needed for prediction of fallout areas following nuclear burst for either the nearest 6 hours or for a period more than 6 hours ahead, including specific downwind speeds and directions for up to seven selected weapon yields. 2, 3, 4, 5 J064 (Tx/Rx) EWMSNSUM Electronic Warfare Mission Summary The EWMSNSUM is used to summarize significant electronic warfare missions and the status of offensive electronic warfare assets. 3, 4, 5 Para 3.11 Mission reporting J065 (Rx) EWSTOPJAM Electronic Warfare Stop Jamming Message The EWSTOPJAM is used to terminate immediately a jamming mission being conducted by an electronic countermeasures asset. 3 Para 3.2.1 Tasking J066 (Rx) EWRTM Electronic Warfare Requesting/Tasking Message The EWRTM is used to task component commanders to perform electronic warfare (EW) operations in support of the overall joint EW plan and to support component EW operations. 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking J070 (Rx) WCO Weapon Control Order The WCO is used to order new air defense (AD) weapon control statuses for particular groundbased ad units for a given period of time. 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking Optional 3, 4, 5 Para 3.12 General Msg Para 3.2.1 Tasking Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN 5 - 60 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J071 (Tx/Rx) TRACKREP Target Track Report The TRACKREP is used to report aircraft movement by track number. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic J072 (Rx) COVREP Weapon Coverage Report The COVREP is used to provide higher and neighbouring echelons with the status of SAW weapon coverage after deployment / redeployment or in response to a CMO. 4, 5 Para 3.4.2 Collateral Data, Mission Dependent J073 (Rx) SENSCOVREP Sensor Coverage Report The SENSCOVREP is used to inform other formations of SHORAD sensor coverage. 4, 5 Para 3.4.2 Collateral Data, Mission Dependent J076 (Rx) ACTWARN Activation Warning Message The ACTWARN is used to inform nations, military headquarters, SCs and other commands of a potential requirement to activate contingency plans, on call forces, special surveillance missions or other unique requirement to employ military forces. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking J077 (Tx/Rx) ACTREQ Activation Request Message The ACTREQ is used to request authority from the NATO military committee (NAMILCOM) to activate contingency plans, on call forces, special surveillance missions or other unique requirement to employ military forces. Optional Para 3.2.1 Tasking J078 (Rx) ACTORD Activation Order Message The ACTORD is used to activate contingency plans, on call forces, special surveillance missions or other unique requirement to employ military forces. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking 5 - 61 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J079 (Tx/Rx) LASERWARN Laser Target Marking Warning Message The LASERWARN is used to confirm the activation arrangements for laser target markers. J082 (Tx/Rx) LOGASSESSREP Logistic Assessment Report The LOGASSESSREP is used to standardise the method for informing superior headquarters of the command's logistics status and to provide an assessment of the overall logistics situation for forces, together with intended or recommended action. Optional Para 3.8.1 & 3.8.2 Resource Availability, Air Segment Status & Gnd Segment Status J083 (Tx/Rx) LOGUPDATE Logistic Update Report The LOGUPDATE is used to provide NATO commanders with a dynamic update of changes to core database information on stockpiles of specific equipment and consumable materiel held by national forces declared to NATO, as well as specified equipment and materiel held by nations in support of such forces. Optional Para 3.8.1 & 3.8.2 Resource Availability, Air Segment Status & Gnd Segment Status J092 (Tx/Rx) EVENTREP Events Report The EVENTREP is used to provide NATO HQ and Nations, through the SC chain of command, information about important events, trends and activities that do not have an element of extreme urgency, but do influence peace support operations force (PSOFOR) (e.g. IFOR, SFOR) operations. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.12 General Msg 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking 5 - 62 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J095 (Tx/Rx) SITREP Situation Report The SITREP is used to provide SACEUR with information of the committed forces capabilities with regard to current and release operations and the overall situation of the involved parties. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.8.1 & 3.8.2 Resource Availability, Air Segment Status & Gnd Segment Status J099 (Tx/Rx) CISSITREP CIS Situation Report The CISSITREP is used to provide a periodic report of own communications and information systems (CIS) status in support of operations and exercises. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.8.1 & 3.8.2 Resource Availability, Air Segment Status & Gnd Segment Status J101 (Tx/Rx) COMPASSESSREP Compliance Assessment Report The COMPASSESSREP is used to provide SCs and NATO HQ information of the parties' compliance with accepted agreements concerning the designated 'safe' or other area(s)/exclusion zone(s)/separation zone(s). This report may include assessments. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.11 Mission Reporting J103 (Tx/Rx) RECEXREP Reconnaissance Exploitation Report The Reconnaissance Exploitation Report (RECEXREP) is used to report the results of an air reconnaissance mission by the interpretation of sensor data. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.11 Mission Reporting J110 (Tx/Rx) INTREP Intelligence Report The INTREP is used for the immediate dissemination of key intelligence that could have a significant impact on current and pending operations and planning. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic 5 - 63 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J111 (Rx) INTSUM Intelligence Summary The INTSUM is used to periodically inform addressees of military, associated political/economical or other related intelligence and the assessment of this. It gives an indication of change in potential OPFOR (opposing force) capabilities, preparedness or military posture, activities, intentions, objectives and/or courses of action in peace, operations other than war, and war. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.1 Collateral Data, Gen Battlefield Pic J112 (Tx/Rx) CIINTREP CounterIntelligence and Security Report The CIINTREP is used for the immediate dissemination of counter-intelligence and security information that could have a significant impact on current or pending operations and planning. Optional Para 3.12 General Msg J113 (Tx/Rx) CIINTSUM CounterIntelligence and Security Summary The CIINTSUM is used to inform addresses periodically on current counter-intelligence and security and to provide estimate of threat posed by hostile intelligence services (his) or subversive groups. Optional Para 3.12 General Msg J114 (Rx) SUPINTREP Supplementary Intelligence Report The SUPINTREP is used for providing all addressees with comprehensive reviews of nontime-sensitive intelligence collected over an extended period of time, or detailed intelligence studies on specific subjects Optional Para 3.12 General Msg 5 - 64 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J115 (Rx) CISUPINREP CounterIntelligence and Security Supplementary Report The CISUPINTREP is used to provide all addressees with a comprehensive review of all counter-intelligence (CI) data collected over an extended period of time including an assessment of trends in the development of the CI situation. The CISUPINTREP is also used to provide a comprehensive review of one or several specific CI projects. Optional Para 3.12 General Msg J154 CBRN 1 CHEM CBRN 1 Chemical Report The CBRN 1 Chemical Report is used to provide the observer's initial report giving basic data on a single chemical incident. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.9.5 & 3.9.11 Payload Data, CBRN & Mission Reporting J155 CBRN 2 CHEM CBRN 2 Chemical Report The CBRN 2 Chemical Report is used to disseminate evaluated data of a single chemical incident, collected from chemical 1 reports. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.9.5 Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J156 CBRN 3 CHEM CBRN 3 Chemical Report The CBRN 3 Chemical Report is used to pass immediate warning of predicted contamination and hazard areas following a chemical incident. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J157 CBRN 4 CHEM CBRN 4 Chemical Report The CBRN 4 Chemical Report is used to report chemical monitoring and survey results. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN 5 - 65 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J158 CBRN 5 CHEM CBRN 5 Chemical Report The CBRN 5 Chemical Report is used to pass information on areas of actual chemical contamination. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J159 CBRN 6 CHEM CBRN 6 Chemical Report The CBRN 6 Chemical Report is used to pass detailed information on a chemical incident. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J166 CBRN 1 BIO CBRN 1 Biological Report The CBRN 1 Biological Report is used to provide the observer's initial report giving basic data on a single biological incident. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.9.5 & 3.9.11 Payload Data, CBRN & Mission Reporting J167 CBRN 2 BIO CBRN 2 Biological Report The CBRN 2 Biological Report is used to disseminate evaluated data collected from biological 1 reports of a single biological incident. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.9.5 Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J168 CBRN 3 BIO CBRN 3 Biological Report The CBRN 3 Biological Report is used to pass immediate warning of predicted contamination and hazard areas following a biological incident. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN 5 - 66 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J169 CBRN 4 BIO CBRN 4 Biological Report The CBRN 4 Biological Report is used to report biological monitoring and survey results. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J170 CBRN 5 BIO CBRN 5 Biological Report The CBRN 5 Biological Report is used to pass information on areas of actual biological contamination. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J171 CBRN 6 BIO CBRN 6 Biological Report The CBRN 6 Biological Report is used to pass detailed information on a biological incident. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J172 CBRN 1 RAD CBRN 1 Radiological Report The CBRN 1 Radiological Report is used to provide the observer's initial report giving basic data on a single radiological release event. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.9.5 & 3.9.11 Payload Data, CBRN & Mission Reporting J173 CBRN 2 RAD CBRN 2 Radiological Report The CBRN 2 Radiological Report is used to disseminate evaluated data of a single radiological incident. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.9.5 Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN 5 - 67 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J174 CBRN 3 RAD CBRN 3 Radiological Report The CBRN 3 Radiological Report is used to pass immediate warning of predicted contamination and hazard area following one radiological release event. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J175 CBRN 4 RAD CBRN 4 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT The CBRN 4 Radiological Report is used to report detection data and passing monitoring and survey results on a radiological incident. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J176 CBRN 5 RAD CBRN 5 Radiological Report The CBRN 5 Radiological Report is used to pass information on areas of actual contamination following a radiological incident. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J177 CBRN 6 RAD CBRN 6 Radiological Report The CBRN 6 Radiological Report is used to pass detailed information on a radiological incident. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J178 CBRN SITREP CBRN Situation Report The CBRN Situation Report is used to pass information on the chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear situation. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 Collateral Data, CBRN 5 - 68 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J180 CBRN 1 NUC CBRN 1 Nuclear Report The CBRN 1 Nuclear Report is used to provide the observer's initial report giving basic data on a single nuclear attack. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.9.5 & 3.9.11 Payload Data, CBRN & Mission Reporting J181 CBRN 2 NUC CBRN 2 Nuclear Report The CBRN 2 Nuclear Report is used to disseminate evaluated data of a single nuclear attack. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.9.5 Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J182 CBRN 3 NUC CBRN 3 Nuclear Report The CBRN 3 Nuclear Report is used to pass immediate warning of predicted contamination and hazard areas following a nuclear attack. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J183 CBRN 4 NUC CBRN 4 Nuclear Report The CBRN 4 Nuclear Report is used to report nuclear monitoring and survey results. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN J184 CBRN 5 NUC CBRN 5 Nuclear Report The CBRN 5 Nuclear Report is used to pass information on areas of actual nuclear contamination. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN 5 - 69 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments J185 CBRN 6 NUC CBRN 6 Nuclear Report The CBRN 6 Nuclear Report is used to pass detailed information on a nuclear attack. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.3 & 3.9.5 Collateral Data, CBRN & Payload/Sensor Data, CBRN N003 (Tx/Rx) JAMWARN Jamming Warning The JAMWARN is used to issue a warning about own jamming operations. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.2 Collateral Data, Mission Dependent N010 (Rx) OPTASK ASUW Operational Tasking of AntiSurface Warfare The OPTASK ASUW is used to promulgate detailed tasking and instructions for the conduct of anti-surface warfare. N017 (Rx) OPTASK LINK Operational Tasking Data Links N023 (Rx) GREEN N024 (Tx/Rx) N025 (Tx/Rx) 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking The OPTASK LINK is used to promulgate detailed tasking and provide instructions regarding the operation of tactical data links. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking Maritime Unit Execution Order The GREEN is used to task maritime patrol or surveillance and ASW units. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking PURPLE Maritime Mission Summary Report The PURPLE is used to provide a comprehensive summary of the activities of a mission or event. 3, 4, 5 Para 3.11 Mission Reporting LOCATOR Maritime Force Locator The LOCATOR is used to report surface, subsurface, air, or special interest units operating in the maritime environment. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.4.2 Collateral Data, Mission Dependent 5 - 70 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name Function or purpose LOI Comments N028 (Rx) OPTASK AIR Operational Tasking Organic Aircraft The OPTASK air is used for the OTC or delegated authority to promulgate detailed tasking and instructions for all organic aircraft. This message is normally promulgated by the OTC or the air coordinator. N033 (Rx) SATVULREP Satellite Vulnerability Report The SATVULREP is used to promulgate periods of vulnerability to satellite reconnaissance and to prescribe countermeasures to satellite surveillance. Optional Para 3.12 General Msg N067 (Rx) OPTASK COMMS Operational Tasking Communications The OPTASK COMMS is used to promulgate the communications plan in force and provide communications related instructions. 2, 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking N068 (Rx) OPTASK EW Operational Tasking Electronic Warfare The OPTASK EW is used to promulgate detailed tasking and instructions for the conduct of electronic warfare. 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking 3, 4, 5 Para 3.2.1 Tasking 5 - 71 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Attachment 5 - 3: UAS LOI APP- 11 Requirements The following tables list the ADatP-3 messages contained in APP-11 that are required to support each UAS LOI (refer to the remarks in Section 1.6, Implementation of UA LOI in the CCI). Level of Interoperability 1 Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name A072 SYS.RRM SYSTEM REPLY MESSAGE A080 FRAGO FRAGMENTARY ORDER F095 INFLIGHTREP INFLIGHT REPORT J001 MSRCORRCANX MESSAGE CORRECTION OR CANCELLATION J009 FIRST HOSTILE ACT FIRST HOSTILE ACT REPORT J015 MARINTSUM MARITIME INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY J018 MIJIWARNREP MIJI WARNING REPORT J019 AIRATTACKWARN AIR ATTACK WARNING J020 CBRN CDR CBRN CHEMICAL DOWNWIND REPORT J076 ACTWARN ACTIVATION WARNING MESSAGE J078 ACTORD ACTIVATION ORDER MESSAGE J092 EVENTREP EVENTS REPORT J095 SITREP SITUATION REPORT J099 CISSITREP CIS SITUATION REPORT J101 COMPASSESSREP COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT REPORT J103 RECEXREP RECONNAISSANCE EXPLOITATION REPORT J110 INTREP INTELLIGENCE REPORT J111 INTSUM INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY J155 CBRN 2 CHEM CBRN 2 CHEMICAL REPORT J167 CBRN 2 BIO CBRN 2 BIOLOGICAL REPORT J173 CBRN 2 RAD CBRN 2 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT J181 CBRN 2 NUC CBRN 2 NUCLEAR REPORT J156 CBRN 3 CHEM CBRN 3 CHEMICAL REPORT J168 CBRN 3 BIO CBRN 3 BIOLOGICAL REPORT J174 CBRN 3 RAD CBRN 3 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT J182 CBRN 3 NUC CBRN 3 NUCLEAR REPORT N003 JAMWARN JAMMING WARNING N023 GREEN MARITIME UNIT EXECUTION ORDER 5 - 72 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Level of Interoperability 2 All lower LOI messages are required plus the following messages (refer to the remarks in Section 1.6, Implementation of UA LOI in the CCI): Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name A026 ENSITREP ENEMY LAND FORCES SITUATION REPORT A031 OWNSITREP OWN LAND FORCES SITUATION REPORT A046 OBSREP OBSTACLE REPORT A058 ATI.ATR ARTILLERY TARGET INTELLIGENCEARTILLERY TARGET REPORT A059 ATI.TIR ARTILLERY TARGET INTELLIGENCE-TARGET INFORMATION REQUEST A060 MET.CM METEOROLOGICAL-COMPUTER A061 MET.RFM METEOROLOGICAL-REQUEST FOR MET A062 MET.TA METEOROLOGICAL-TARGET ACQUISITION A070 SPRT.GEOM SUPPORT-BATTLEFIELD GEOMETRY A071 SYS.RFR SYSTEM-REQUEST FOR REPORT A088 RBTRECCEREP ROAD, BRIDGE OR TUNNEL RECONNAISSANCE REPORT A092 GAPRECCEREP GAP RECONNAISSANCE REPORT A100 OBSRECCEREP OBSTACLE RECONNAISSANCE REPORT F015 AIRALLOC AIR ALLOCATION MESSAGE F058 ATO AIR TASKING ORDER J005 COMSPOT COMMUNICATIONS SPOT REPORT J006 INCSPOTREP INCIDENT SPOT REPORT J021 INTREQ INTELLIGENCE REQUEST J178 CBRN SITREP CBRN SITUATION REPORT J061 CBRN EDR CBRN EFFECTIVE DOWNWIND REPORT J071 TRACKREP TARGET TRACK REPORT J154 CBRN 1 CHEM CBRN 1 CHEMICAL REPORT J157 CBRN 4 CHEM CBRN 4 CHEMICAL REPORT J158 CBRN 5 CHEM CBRN 5 CHEMICAL REPORT J159 CBRN 6 CHEM CBRN 6 CHEMICAL REPORT J166 CBRN 1 BIO CBRN 1 BIOLOGICAL REPORT J169 CBRN 4 BIO CBRN 4 BIOLOGICAL REPORT J170 CBRN 5 BIO CBRN 5 BIOLOGICAL REPORT J171 CBRN 6 BIO CBRN 6 BIOLOGICAL REPORT J172 CBRN 1 RAD CBRN 1 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT J175 CBRN 4 RAD CBRN 4 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT J176 CBRN 5 RAD CBRN 5 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT 5 - 73 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name J177 CBRN 6 RAD CBRN 6 RADIOLOGICAL REPORT J180 CBRN 1 NUC CBRN 1 NUCLEAR REPORT J183 CBRN 4 NUC CBRN 4 NUCLEAR REPORT J184 CBRN 5 NUC CBRN 5 NUCLEAR REPORT J185 CBRN 6 NUC CBRN 6 NUCLEAR REPORT N017 OPTASK LINK OPERATIONAL TASKING DATA LINKS N025 LOCATOR MARITIME FORCE LOCATOR N067 OPTASK COMMS OPERATIONAL TASKING COMMUNICATIONS Level of Interoperability 3 All lower LOI messages are required plus the following messages (refer to the remarks in Section 1.6, Implementation of UA LOI in the CCI): Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name A033 FM.CFF FIRE MISSION-CALL FOR FIRE A034 FM.SUB FIRE MISSION-SUBSEQUENT ADJUSTMENT A035 FM.MTO FIRE MISSION-MESSAGE TO OBSERVER A036 FM.FMC FIRE MISSION-FIRE MISSION COMMAND F031 MISREP MISSION REPORT J051 ROEIMPL RULES OF ENGAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION J060 ROEAUTH RULES OF ENGAGEMENT AUTHORISATION J064 EWMSNSUM ELECTRONIC WARFARE MISSION SUMMARY J065 EWSTOPJAM ELECTRONIC WARFARE STOP JAMMING MESSAGE J066 EWRTM ELECTRONIC WARFARE REQUESTING/TASKING MESSAGE J079 LASERWARN LASER TARGET MARKING WARNING MESSAGE N010 OPTASK ASUW OPERATIONAL TASKING OF ANTI-SURFACE WARFARE N024 PURPLE MARITIME MISSION SUMMARY REPORT N028 OPTASK AIR OPERATIONAL TASKING ORGANIC AIRCRAFT N068 OPTASK EW OPERATIONAL TASKING ELECTRONIC WARFARE Level of Interoperability 4 and 5 All messages from LOI 1 & 2 tables contained in this attachment are required plus the following messages (See remarks in Section 1.6): 5 - 74 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Index Ref No MTF Identifier MTF Name A032 ORBATLAND ORDER OF BATTLE - LAND FORCES A069 SPRT.ACA SUPPORT-AIRSPACE COORDINATION AREA F001 AIRINTREP AIR INTELLIGENCE REPORT F011 ACO AIRSPACE CONTROL ORDER F012 ACMREQ AIRSPACE CONTROL MEANS REQUEST F032 ORBATAIR ORDER OF BATTLE - AIR FORCES F043 RESPONSE AIR SUPPORT RESPONSE J013 SARREQ SEARCH AND RESCUE REQUEST J016 MARINTREP MARITIME INTELLIGENCE REPORT J017 IFFPROD IFF PROCEDURES J029 AIRSTAT OFFENSIVE WEAPON SYSTEM AND AIR DEFENCE STATUS REPORT J051 ROEIMPL RULES OF ENGAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION J060 ROEAUTH RULES OF ENGAGEMENT AUTHORISATION J064 EWMSNSUM ELECTRONIC WARFARE MISSION SUMMARY J066 EWRTM ELECTRONIC WARFARE REQUESTING/TASKING MESSAGE J070 WCO WEAPON CONTROL ORDER J072 COVREP WEAPON COVERAGE REPORT J073 SENSCOVREP SENSOR COVERAGE REPORT J079 LASERWARN LASER TARGET MARKING WARNING MESSAGE N010 OPTASK ASUW OPERATIONAL TASKING OF ANTI-SURFACE WARFARE N024 PURPLE MARITIME MISSION SUMMARY REPORT N028 OPTASK AIR OPERATIONAL TASKING ORGANIC AIRCRAFT N068 OPTASK EW OPERATIONAL TASKING ELECTRONIC WARFARE 5 - 75 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION (NATO) NATO Standardization Office (NSO) STANDARDIZATION AGREEMENT (STANAG) SUBJECT: Standard Interfaces of UA Control System (UCS) for NATO UA Interoperability Attachment 5 – 4 UAS Custom Tags 5 - 76 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II OVERVIEW This Attachment describes the background, definition, and structure for the UAS custom tags. BACKGROUND The core CRD is defined in the CRD Interface Control Document (ICD) (currently version and uses a Common Route Object Model to describe the entities found in the Common Route Definition. The object model also describes the relationships among the entities. The Universal Modeling Language (UML) is used to specify the Common Route Object Model. The tags describing the model entity attributes and definition are represented in eXtensible Mark-up Language (XML) format. The UAS custom tags were developed as new entities to the Common Route Object Model and its tags are also represented in XML format. COMMON ROUTE OBJECT MODEL The following series of figures show how the core CRD object model has been changed to add the custom UAS objects. Figure 5-4.1 shows the top level Common Route Object Model used for establishing the relationships among the core CRD entities. The MISSION and INTENT entities are modified by adding additional entities. CRD MISSION VEHICLE ROUTE POINT INTENT PATH ROUTE_POINT TRANSITION STATE ADDITIONAL_POINT Figure 5-4.1 Core Common Route Object Model Figure 5-4.2 shows the series of entities that have been associated with the Mission. In this figure, the series of entities incorporate essential higher mission reference data that was 5 - 77 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II tasked through the Aircraft Collection Tasking Data Format (ACTDF). This allows the tracing of collected data from the original tasking requirements. MISSION ACTDF ActdfMission ActdfMetadata OverallClassification CollectionRequirements Task TargetData SectorBlanking PointTarget TargetType DSATarget LOCTarget Figure 5-4.2 Custom ACTDF Entities Figure 5-4.3 shows the series of entities that have been created to allow a UAS to add data collection and dissemination planning and communication planning to the existing core CRD to generate a complete Mission Plan. 5 - 78 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II ORBIT_INTENT EMERGENCY_INTENT INTENT IFF_INTENT LIGHTS_INTENT LOITER_INTENT COLLECTION_INTENT PAYLOAD_SETTINGS DISSEMINATION_INTENT COMMS_INTENT PATTERNS CONFIGURATION_ITEM SAR_SETTINGS GMTI_SETTINGS Figure 5-4.3 Custom UAS Entities 5 - 79 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II DATA DICTIONARY Table 5-4.1 is the data dictionary for the new UAS custom tags, or the individual data elements for each of the UAS entities. The table parameters are defined as: Name of entity or tag and description Type: the name of the type of data under which attributes are defined TypeInfo: the class category of data Unit: the name of units of measure associated with the data (if applicable) MinMax: the minimum or maximum value of the data (if applicable) Format: the specific format of the data (if required) Example: an example if available Reference: name of an enumeration table. These appear after Table 5-4.1. Card: the cardinality of the data—required or optional Table 5-4.1 Custom UAS Data Dictionary ACTDF ActdfMission Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Target collection mission identifier ActdfMissionElement Collection N/A N/A ActdfMetadata Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Collection manager classification and control markings/data ActdfMetadataElement Collection N/A N/A<= x <= N/A CollectionRequirements Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: format: example: reference: card: required format: example: reference: card: required Target collection details CollectionRequirementsElement Collection N/A N/A ActdfMissionElement MissionIdentifier Type: TypeInfo: An alternative identifier to "Mission Number" Either MissionNumber OR MissionIdentifier should be filled-in STRING Primitive format: example: 5 - 80 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unit: MinMax: 0 <= x <= 54 MissionNumber Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional One of two ways to Identify a particular mission, either this 10 character "Mission Number" or the 54 Character "Mission Identifier" must be used. MissionNumberElement Container N/A N/A ProjectCode Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: reference: card: The project code which is part of the mission number. String Primative N/A N/A format: example: reference: card: ([A-Y][A-Z]|Z[A-Y]) required ActdfMetadataElement OverallClassification Overall classification is defined in accordance with the, Intelligence Community Information Security Marking (IC ISM) Type: reference TypeInfo: Schema Unit: N/A MinMax: N/A ACTDFACTDFACTDFOriginator Type: String TypeInfo: Primative Unit: N/A MinMax: N/A ACTDFACTDFTaskGenerationTimestamp Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: UTCDateTime Primative N/A N/A format: example: reference: card: conditional format: example: reference: card: conditional Unit which originated the requirement. Date/time the ACTDF file was created or modified. Creation Timestamp will change anytime there is a change to the ACTDF. So, for every Requirement ID control date change, there will be a Creation format: Timestamp change. But, there will not be a control date change for example: every Creation Timestamp change, ie Mission ID change with all the reference: same requirements. card: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ required SectorBlankingElement SectorBlankingID Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: SectorBlankingName Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Identifier for area where collection is not permitted. STRING Primitive N/A N/A format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Required Name of an area where collection is not permitted STRING Primitive N/A <= x <= N/A 5 - 81 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II COLLECTION_INTENT ID Unique identifier for collection intent Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: ID Reference N/A 0 <= x <= 2147483647 OPERATION_MODE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: String Enumeration N/A PATTERN Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: PATTERN Collection N/A N/A format: example: reference: card: A.42 Required format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Required format: example: reference: card: Optional List of payloads used for this mission CONFIGURATION_ITEM Container N/A N/A PAYLOAD_SETTINGS Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Required UAV flight pattern or sensor search pattern associated with data collection for a specific payload CONFIGURATION_ITEM_TYPE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Mode of operation for selected payload during a specific portion of the mission. An onboard sensor data recorder is considered a Payload. A separate communications relay is a Payload, but not the comms systems which is part of the basic air vehicle configuration. format: example: reference: card: Specific settings to be used by the payload during a specific portion of the mission PAYLOAD_SETTINGS Collection N/A N/A CollectionRequirements Control_UTCDateTime Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: UTCDateTime Primative N/A N/A RequestorID Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: String Primative N/A 0<= x <= 50 RequirementName Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: String Primative N/A 0<= x <= 100 Date/Time the Requirement ID was created or modified. The Requirement ID may not change if the exact same tasks were flown over several days. Control Date changes only when there is a change format: to the Requirement ID. So, for every Requirement ID control date example: change, there will be a Creation Timestamp change. But, there will not reference: be a control date change for every Creation Timestamp change, ie Mission ID change with all the same requirements. card: Code for the unit which created the ACTDF. Free text format: example: reference: card: User specified text name providing descriptive data about the collection requirement purpose; usually the same as the nomination name. format: example: reference: card: required conditional conditional 5 - 82 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II RequirementPriority Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: integer Primative N/A 0<= x <= 999 RequirementsID Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: The relative importance of the collection requirement, where the lower assigned number value, the higher the priority. format: example: reference: card: conditional User specified identification to facilitate tracking collection requirements. String Primative N/A 0<= x <= 12 Task 000-999 format: example: reference: card: required format: example: reference: card: required format: example: reference: card: A.52 Required format: example: reference: card: Required format: example: reference: card: A.53 Required format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Required Individual intel collection segments of the overall collection message. Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: TaskElement collection N/A N/A COMMS_INTENT ANTENNA_MODE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: CONFIGURATION_ITEM_TYPE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Operating modes for communication devices String Enumeration N/A COMMS_SECURITY Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Selectable data transmission rate Double Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 1.0E100 FREQ_RECEIVE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Normal if TRUE; Zeroize if FALSE Boolean Primitive N/A N/A DATA_RATE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: List of communication devices used for this leg of mission CONFIGURATION_ITEM Collection N/A COMMS_MODE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Operating mode for communication antennas String Enumeration N/A Assigned receiver frequency Double Primitive Hz 0 <= x <= 1.0E100 FREQ_TRANSMIT Assigned transmitter frequency 5 - 83 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Double Primitive Hz 0 <= x <= 1.0E100 ID format: example: reference: card: Required format: example: reference: card: Required format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Required format: example: reference: card: Required Unique identifier for communication intent Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: ID Reference N/A 0 <= x <= 2147483647 LINK_LOSS_OK Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: A pre-planned flag indicating that loss of the data link will not cause initiation of contingency actions. BOOLEAN Primative N/A N/A POWER_TRANSMIT Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Decimal Primitive Percent 0.00 <= x <= 1.00 RECEIVER_ALTITUDE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Number of retransmission attempts after a condition of lost communication is reached Short Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 32767 SLOT_RECEIVE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Assigned receiver slot Short Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 32767 SLOT_TRANSMIT Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: TIME_OUT The coordinates of the receiver, used for directional antennas. This could be a ground location or a satellite position WGS84_POSITION Container N/A N/A RETRANSMIT Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: The altitude of the receiver, used for directional antennas. This could be a ground location or a satellite position ALTITUDE Container N/A N/A RECEIVER_LOCATION Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Assignable transmission power level Assigned transmitter slot Short Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 32767 Time between transmission and expected reply, after which non-reply is judged as lost communication 5 - 84 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Double Primitive seconds 0 <= x <= 1.0E100 format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Required format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional DISSEMINATION_INTENT COMMS_SET_IN Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: COMMS_INTENT Container N/A N/A COMMS_SET_OUT Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Setting of any communication devices needed to receive external data for dissemination Setting of any communication devices needed to transmit internal data for dissemination COMMS_INTENT Container N/A N/A ID Unique identifier for dissemination intent Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: ID Reference N/A 0 <= x <= 2147483647 INPUT_SOURCE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: CONFIGURATION_ITEM_TYPE Collection N/A OUTPUT_DESTINATION Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: The start time of the dissemination process based on time since making the last waypoint Double Primitive seconds 0 <= x <= 1.0E100 TIME_STOP Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Destination device which will receive the data. This could be an internal recorder, sensor processor, or communication datalink. CONFIGURATION_ITEM_TYPE Collection N/A TIME_START Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Originating device providing data for dissemination. This could be a sensor streaming data, a recorder, post-processed data from an onboard sensor processor, or a comm relay. The stop time of the dissemination process based on time since making the last waypoint Double Primitive seconds 0 <= x <= 1.0E100 DSATargetElement DSA_ID The DSA target identifier 5 - 85 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: String Primative N/A 0<= x <=20 TargetName Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: required format: example: reference: card: N/A A.55 Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional The target name which generally provides information about the target's location and/or function. String Primative N/A 0<= x <= 100 EMERGENCY_INTENT EMERGENCY_RECOVERY_SETTINGS Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: EMERGENCY_ROUTE_ENTRY_ID Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Entry waypoint number. Emergency route starts at entry waypoint ID Primitive EMERGENCY_ROUTE_ID Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Settings used for emergency landings STRING Enumeration Container N/A ID of the Route to activate as the emergency route at this waypoint ID Primitive GMTI_SETTINGS BAR_END Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Last range bar for GMTI scan Short Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 32767 BAR_START Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: First range bar for GMTI scan Short Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 32767 MAX_TARGETS Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Maximum targets per coherent processing interal SHORT Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 32767 MIN_DETECTABLE_VELOCITY Minimum detectable velocity of targets 5 - 86 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: DOUBLE Primitive feet/second 0.0 <= x <= 1.0E4 format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional DOUBLE Primitive feet 0.0 <= x <= 1.0E4 format: example: reference: card: Optional Short Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 32767 format: example: reference: card: Optional Boolean Primitive N/A N/A format: example: reference: card: Optional Short Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 32767 format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional MIN_SNR Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Minimum target Signal to Noise Ration (SNR) DOUBLE Primitive dB 0.0 <= x <= 1.0E4 MIN_TARGET_RCS Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: DOUBLE Primitive dBsf 0.0 <= x <= 1.0E4 RANGE_RESOLUTION Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: The range resolution DOUBLE Primitive feet 0.0 <= x <= 1.0E4 SLANT_RANGE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Minimum target Radar Cross Section (RCS) Slant range to the center of the scanned area (Arc Mode only) IFF_INTENT MODE 1 CODE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: MODE 1 ENABLE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Off if TRUE; On if FALSE MODE 2 CODE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: MODE 2 ENABLE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Off if TRUE; On if FALSE Boolean Primitive N/A N/A MODE 3/A CODE Type: Short format: 5 - 87 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 32767 MODE 3/A DURATION Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Boolean Primitive N/A N/A Boolean Primitive N/A N/A Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: A.51 Required Normal if TRUE; Zeroize if FALSE Boolean Primitive N/A N/A MODE C ENABLE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: Normal if TRUE; Hold if FALSE MODE 4 ZEROIZE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Optional Off if TRUE; On if FALSE Boolean Primitive N/A N/A MODE 4 HOLD Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: “A” if TRUE; “B” if FALSE MODE 4 ENABLE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Optional Off if TRUE; On if FALSE Boolean Primitive N/A N/A MODE 4 A/B Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: Off if TRUE; On if FALSE Boolean Primitive N/A N/A MODE 3/A IDENT Optional Amount of time Mode 3/A is Squawking Double Primitive seconds 0 <= x <= 1.0E100 MODE 3/A ENABLE example: reference: card: Off if TRUE; On if FALSE Boolean Primitive N/A N/A OPERATION_MODE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: String Enumeration N/A 5 - 88 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II INTENT COLLECTION_INTENT Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: COLLECTION_INTENT Collection N/A N/A COMMS_INTENT Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: COMMS_INTENT Collection N/A N/A DISSEMINATION_INTENT Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: Required format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Required format: example: reference: card: Required format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional Emergency actions allowed for the air vehicle IFF_INTENT Container N/A N/A Controls the air vehicle lights during the mission LIGHTS_INTENT Container N/A N/A LOITER_INTENT Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Optional Provides the IFF settings for discrete portions of the mission LIGHTS_INTENT Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: Contains one or more dissemination objects, which identify the output destination device for collected information from the payload EMERGENCY_INTENT Container N/A N/A IFF_INTENT Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Contains one or more communications objects, which identify the communication devices for C2, payload information dissemination, and other communications interfaces DISSEMINATION_INTENT Collection N/A N/A EMERGENCY_INTENT Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Contains one or more collection objects, which identify the payloads, settings, and collection patterns used in the mission A planned delay enroute LOITER_INTENT Container N/A N/A LIGHTS_INTENT LIGHT_MODE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Off if TRUE; On if FALSE Boolean Primative N/A N/A LIGHTS Selection of types of lights Type: String format: 5 - 89 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Enumeration N/A N/A example: reference: card: A.41 Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: required format: example: reference: card: N/A A.56 Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional LOCTargetElement LOC_ID Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: The LOC target identifier String Primative N/A 0<= x <= 20 TargetName Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: The target name which generally provides information about the target's location and/or function. String Primative N/A 0<= x <= 100 LOITER_INTENT LOITER_TYPE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: A designate pattern for a loiter STRING Enumeration Container N/A LOITER_WIDTH Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: The maximum width of the inbound/outbound legs of a loiter pattern DOUBLE Primitive feet 0.0 <= x <= 1.0E4 REQ_LOOPS Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: ACTDFACTDF The number of full circuits of the loiter pattern that must be completed SHORT Primative N/A 0<= x <= 10000 MissionNumberElement ProgramCode Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: 2 alphanumeric, do not use 9Z STRING Primitive N/A N/A Month_Int Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Sortie_Int format: ( 0-8A-Z][0-9A-Z]|9[0-9A-Y]) example: reference: card: Optional 01-12 0r 1-12 STRING Primitive N/A N/A format: example: reference: card: Optional Must be 2 digits, 01-99 5 - 90 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: STRING Primitive N/A n/a Year_Int Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: A.49 Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional 4 digits, no explicit constraint on range Integer Primitive N/A n/a PATTERN ALONG_TRACK Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Number of swaths per Spot Short Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 32767 ALTITUDE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Altitude for the pattern ALTITUDE Container N/A N/A CROSS_TRACK Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Number of payload frames per swath Short Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 32767 PATTERN_MODE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: String Enumeration N/A PATTERN_START Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: The duration of the pattern Double Primitive seconds 0 <= x <= 1.0E100 PATTERN_TYPE Type: TypeInfo: The start time of the pattern based on time since making the last waypoint Double Primitive seconds 0 <= x <= 1.0E100 PATTERN_TIME Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: The class of collection patterns. This is used with PATTERN_TYPE to define the full pattern functions. Defines patterns for UAV or sensor search. String Enumeration The geometry of the collection pattern. This defines an area or path for sensor data collection. This is used with PATTERN_MODE to define the full pattern functions format: example: 5 - 91 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Unit: MinMax: N/A REF_1 Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: WGS84_POSITION Container N/A N/A REF_2 Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: WGS84_POSITION Container N/A N/A REF_3 Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: WGS84_POSITION Container N/A N/A REF_4 Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: WGS84_POSITION Container N/A N/A REF_5 Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: WGS84_POSITION Container N/A N/A REF_6 Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: WGS84_POSITION Container N/A N/A SPEED Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: AIRSPEED Container N/A N/A TARGET Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: TARGET_ELEV WGS84_POSITION Container N/A N/A reference: card: Geographic coordinate to define an area, point, or payload startingpoint. The actual definition of this point is based on the selection of PATTERN_MODE and PATTERN_TYPE. For a circle or spiral, REF_1 format: would be the center point; for an area search, REF_1 would be the first example: point to define the area. REF_! could also be the center point for Spot reference: mode on a Point pattern. card: Geographic coordinate to define an area, point, or payload startingpoint. The actual definition of this point is based on the selection of PATTERN_MODE and PATTERN_TYPE. For an area search, REF_2 format: would be the second point to define the area; for a line pattern, it would example: b e the second point along the path.. reference: card: Geographic coordinate to define an area, point, or payload starting. The actual definition of this point is based on the selection of PATTERN_MODE and PATTERN_TYPE. format: example: reference: card: Geographic coordinate to define an area, point, or payload starting. The actual definition of this point is based on the selection of PATTERN_MODE and PATTERN_TYPE. format: example: reference: card: Geographic coordinate to define an area, point, or payload starting. The actual definition of this point is based on the selection of PATTERN_MODE and PATTERN_TYPE. format: example: reference: card: Geographic coordinate to define an area, point, or payload starting. The actual definition of this point is based on the selection of PATTERN_MODE and PATTERN_TYPE. format: example: reference: card: Airspeed during the pattern format: example: reference: card: Geographic coordinate for the target format: example: reference: card: The elevation of the target A.50 Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional 5 - 92 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: ELEVATION Container N/A N/A TRACK_SPACING Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Short Primitive feet 0 <= x <= 32767 format: example: reference: card: Optional The spacing between pattern tracks for selected pattern. The actual definition of the spacing is based on the selection of PATTERN_MODE and PATTERN_TYPE. For a Raster mode the spacing is the distance format: between tracks; for spirals, the incremental added distance between example: segments; for a circle, the circle radius. reference: card: Optional PAYLOAD_SETTINGS ANGLE_AZ Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Setting for the centerline of the payload azimuth angle Decimal Primitive degrees 0.00 <= x <= 360.00 ANGLE_ELEV Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Decimal Primitive degrees 0.00 <= x <= 90.00 STRING Enumeration N/A N/A A.56 Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: A.43 Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional Setting for Field Of View in the horizontal plane Decimal Primitive degrees 0.00 <= x <= 360.00 FOV_VER Type: TypeInfo: Unit: format: example: reference: card: Compression method to compress payload data String Enumeration N/A FOV_HOR Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Optional Selected compression parameter Short Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 32767 COMPRESSION_TYPE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: The pointing angle of the payload, relative to the air vehicle's body OR relative to true North COMPRESSION_RATIO Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Optional Setting for the centerline of the payload elevation angle ANGLE_REL Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: Setting for Field Of View in the vertical plane Decimal Primitive degrees format: example: reference: 5 - 93 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II MinMax: 0.00 <= x <= 360.00 GMTI_SETTINGS Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: String Enumeration N/A format: example: reference: card: A.46 Optional format: example: reference: card: A.47 Optional format: example: reference: card: A.48 Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional Assignment of an identifier for marking the start or stop of a recording session Double Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 1.0E100 SAR_SETTINGS Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: A.45 Optional Flag to allow recorder to overwrite existing data. No overwrite if TRUE; Overwrite if FALSE BOOLEAN Primitive N/A N/A <= x <= N/A RECORDING_INDEX Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: Selection for a particular SAR or GMTI function Mode String Enumeration N/A RECORDER_OVERWRITE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: A.44 Optional Polarity setting String Enumeration N/A RADAR_MODE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: Selection for a specific method for payload pointing String Enumeration N/A POLARITY Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Optional Specific payload function selected when in an operating mode String Enumeration N/A POINTER_MODE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: Selection for the EO/IR output PAYLOAD_MODE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Optional Functional settings for the GMTI payload GMTI_SETTINGS Container N/A N/A OUTPUT card: Functional settings for the SAR payload SAR_SETTINGS Container N/A N/A SCENE_NUMBER Assignment of an identifier for information collected by a payload within 5 - 94 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II an assigned portion of a mission Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Double Primitive N/A 0 <= x <= 1.0E100 WEAPONS_CODE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional Assignment of an Laser codes or other types of codes within an assigned portion of a mission DOUBLE Primitive N/A 0.0 <= x <= 1.0E4 PointTargetElement BENumber Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: The Basic Encyclopedia (BE) number of the target. String Primative N/A 0 <= x <= 15 Target_CategoryCode Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: .{10}(.{5})? Optional The target category code is based on a breakdown of targets into major groups. integer Primative N/A N/A TargetName Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: required format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional format: example: reference: card: Optional The target name which generally provides information about the target's location and/or function. String Primative N/A 0<= x <= 100 SAR_SETTINGS RANGE Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Range from the sensor to the center of a strip, when the SAR is in Strip Mode DOUBLE Primitive feet 0.0 <= x <= 1.0E4 RESOLUTION Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Image resolution setting for the SAR DOUBLE Primitive inches 0.0 <= x <= 1.0E4 TargetDataElement SectorBlanking Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Area where data collection is not permitted SectorBlankingElement Container N/A N/A 5 - 95 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II TargetType Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Indicates the collection type for the target to be collected as either a point, Line of Communication (LOC), or Directed Search Area (DSA). TargetTypeElement Container N/A N/A format: example: reference: card: required format: example: reference: card: conditional format: example: reference: card: conditional format: example: reference: card: conditional TargetTypeElement DSATarget Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Specific collection parameters or constraints associated with a DSA target. PointTargetElement Container N/A N/A LOCTarget Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Specific collection parameters or constraints associated with a LOC target. PointTargetElement Container N/A N/A PointTarget Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Specific collection parameters or constraints associated with a point target. PointTargetElement Container N/A N/A TaskElement EEI_ID Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: EeidRefElement Container N/A N/A TargetData Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: format: example: reference: card: "EEI_[0-9]+" conditional Specific collection parameters or constraints associated which a specific target. TargetDataElement Container N/A N/A TaskPriority Type: TypeInfo: Unit: MinMax: Identification code for an essential element of information set within a task. EEI identification codes are defined by the user in the Exploitation Requirements section of the ACTDFACTDF. format: example: reference: card: required The relative importance of the task, where the lower assigned number value, the higher the priority. integer Primative N/A 0<= x <= 999 format: example: reference: card: 000-999 required 5 - 96 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II A.41 LIGHTS Code Tag Value Number Description NAV Navigation lights NAV_IR Infrared navigations lights STROBE Strobe lights STROBE_IR Infrared strobe lights NVD Night Vision Devices reserved LANDING Landing lights LANDING_IR Infrared landing lights ANTI_COLLISION Anti-Collision lights A.42 PAYLOAD OPERATING MODE Code Tag Value Number Description SYS_PWR_OFF System power OFF SYS_PWR_ON System power ON DEVICE_PWR_OFF Device power OFF DEVICE_PWR_ON Device power ON INITIALIZE Initialize STANDBY Standby ACTIVATE Activate CALIBRATE Calibrate CAGE Cage STOW Stow DEPLOY Deploy the payload A.43 COMPRESSION TYPE Code Tag Value Number Description VIDEO_HUFF EO/IR Huffman VIDEO_QUANT EO/IR quantization SAR_HUFF SAR Huffman SAR_QUANT SAR quantization A.44 OUTPUT Code Tag Value Number Description NONE No output EO Electro-Optic IR Infrared 5 - 97 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II BOTH Both A.45 PAYLOAD MODE Code Tag Value Number Description BW Black & white Mode COLOR Color Mode CLUTTER Clutter Map MTI Moving Target indicator REC_GOTO Go To on recorder REC_RECORD Record on recorder REC_SEEK Seek on recorder REC_PLAY Play on recorder REC_REWIND Rewind on recorder REC_PAUSE Pause the recorder REC_STOP Stop the recorder A.46 POINTER MODE Code Tag Value Number Description NONE No Value ANGLE_AV Angle Relative to AV SLEW_AV Slewing Rate Relative to AV SLEW_INERTIAL Slewing Rate Relative to Inertial POSITION_SLAVED Lat-Long Slaved A.47 POLARITY Code Tag Value Number Description BLACK Black Hot WHITE White Hot A.48 RADAR MODE Code Tag Value Number Description LOW_RES Low resolution MED_RES Medium resolution HIGH_RES High resolution SAR_POLAR SAR polar format SAR_POINT SAR point image SAR_STRIP SAR using strip function 5 - 98 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II GMTI_ARC Ground moving target indication using the Arc function GMTI_SPOT Ground moving target indication using the Spot function A.49 PATTERN MODE Code Tag Value Number Description RASTER_SENS Sensor searches in Raster pattern RASTER_UAV UAV flies a Raster pattern SPOT_SENS Sensor collects data from series of designated Spots SPOT_UAV UAV flies to designated Spots for optimal sensor view TARGET_SENS Sensor collects data from same Target in separate scenes TARGET_UAV UAV flies a Target pattern WAS_SENS Sensor performs a Wide Area Search pattern WAS_UAV UAV flies a Wide Area Search pattern A.50 PATTERN TYPE Code Tag Value Number Description POINT Point LINE Line TRACK_FOLLOW Follow specific track over the ground SPIRAL Spiral, normal SPIRAL_REC Spiral, rectangular CIRCLE Circle RACETRACK Racetrack QUADRILATERAL Quadrilateral POLYGON Polygon FIGURE_8 Figure 8 OWNTRACK Pattern following path of air vehicle 5 - 99 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II A.51 IFF OPERATING MODE Code Tag Value Number Description OFF Off STANDBY Standby NORMAL Normal EMERGENCY Emergency A.52 ANTENNA MODE Code Tag Value Number Description STOW Stow DIRECTIONAL Directional OMNI Omni AUTO Auto POINT_TO_RECEIVER Point to the external transceiver A.53 COMMS OPERATING MODE Code Tag Value Number Description SYS_PWR_OFF System power OFF SYS_PWR_ON System power ON DEVICE_PWR_OFF Device power OFF DEVICE_PWR_ON Device power ON INITIALIZE Initialize STANDBY Standby RX_TX Receive and transmit RX Receive only TX Transmit only A.55 EMERGENCY MODE Code Tag Value Number Description PWR_OFF Power OFF PWR_ON Power ON ARM Arm the system DISARM Disarm the system ACTIVATE Activate the system 5 - 100 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II A.55 LOITER TYPES Code Tag Value Number Description CIRCLE Circle (Hover if radius is zero) FAA_HOLD FAA holding pattern FIGURE_8 Figure 8 RACETRACK Racetrack A.56 ANGLE REL Code Tag Value Number Description Uses the longitudinal centerline of the air vehicle as the reference Uses true North as the reference BODY NORTH 5 - 101 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II UAS CUSTOM TAG XML SCHEMA The following schema shall be used in conjunction with the core CRD ICD in the Data Exchange Model for Data Validation. [CCI 3216]. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" xmlns:crd="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"> <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="CRDXMLSchema.xsd" /> - <xs:element name="UAS_Custom"> - <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Root for UAV custom tags</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:all> <xs:element ref="ACTDF" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element ref="UAV" minOccurs="0" /> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="ACTDF"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="ActdfMetadata" type="ActdfMetadataElement" /> <xs:element name="ActdfMission" type="MissionElement" /> <xs:element name="CollectionRequirements" type="CollectionRequirementElement" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="ExploitationRequirements" type="ExploitationRequirementElement" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> - <xs:simpleType name="EeiIdElement"> - <xs:restriction base="xs:ID"> <xs:pattern value="EEI_[0-9]+" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> - <xs:simpleType name="EeiIdRefElement"> - <xs:restriction base="xs:IDREF"> <xs:pattern value="EEI_[0-9]+" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> - <xs:simpleType name="UuidElement"> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="[0-9,a-f]{8}[\-][0-9,a-f]{4}[\-][0-9,a-f]{4}[\-][0-9,af]{4}[\-][0-9,a-f]{12}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> 5 - 102 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - - - - - - <xs:complexType name="MissionNumberElement"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="ProgramCode"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="([0-8A-Z][0-9A-Z]|9[0-9A-Y])"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>2 alphanumeric, do not use 9Z</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:pattern> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Month" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="Sortie" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="Year"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"> <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{4}"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>4 digits, no explicit constraint on range</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:pattern> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name="MissionIdentifierElement"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="54" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:complexType name="OverallClassificationElement"> <xs:attributeGroup ref="SecurityAttributesGroup" /> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="ActdfMetadataElement"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="OverallClassification"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>The Element is defined by XML DATA ENCODING SPECIFICATION FOR INFORMATION SECURITY MARKING METADATA (ISM.XML). The IC ISM XML Schema may be incorporated into organizational XML-based schemas by (a) declaring the IC ISM namespace and (b) inserting an "import" statement.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="OverallClassificationElement" /> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> 5 - 103 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - - - <xs:element name="TaskGenerationTimestamp" type="UTCDateTime" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="Originator" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:attributeGroup name="SecurityAttributesGroup"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">The group of Information Security Marking attributes in which the use of attributes 'classification' and 'ownerProducer' is required. This group is to be contrasted with group 'SecurityAttributesOptionGroup' in which use of those attributes is optional.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:attribute ref="classification" use="required" /> <xs:attribute ref="ownerProducer" use="required" /> <xs:attribute ref="SCIcontrols" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="SARIdentifier" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="atomicEnergyMarkings" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="disseminationControls" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="displayOnlyTo" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="FGIsourceOpen" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="FGIsourceProtected" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="releasableTo" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="nonICmarkings" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="classifiedBy" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="compilationReason" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="derivativelyClassifiedBy" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="classificationReason" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="nonUSControls" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="derivedFrom" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="declassDate" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="declassEvent" use="optional" /> <xs:attribute ref="declassException" use="optional" /> </xs:attributeGroup> <xs:complexType name="MissionElement"> <xs:sequence> <xs:choice> <xs:element name="MissionNumber" type="MissionNumberElement" /> <xs:element name="MissionIdentifier" type="MissionIdentifierElement" /> </xs:choice> <xs:element name="ProjectCode" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="([A-Y][A-Z]|Z[A-Y])"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>2 letter code, not ZZ</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:pattern> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> 5 - 104 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - - - - - - <xs:complexType name="PointTargetElement"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="BENumber" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Either 10 or 15 letters, numbers, and symbols</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:maxLength value="15" /> <xs:pattern value=".{10}(.{5})?" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="TargetName"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="100" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="TargetCategoryCode" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" minOccurs="0" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="DsaTargetElement"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="DSA_ID" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="20" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="TargetName"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="100" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="LocTargetElement"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="LOC_ID" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="20" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="TargetName"> 5 - 105 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="100" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> - <xs:complexType name="TargetTypeElement"> - <xs:choice> <xs:element name="PointTarget" type="PointTargetElement" /> <xs:element name="DSATarget" type="DsaTargetElement" /> <xs:element name="LOCTarget" type="LocTargetElement" /> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> - <xs:complexType name="SectorBlankingElement"> - <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="SectorBlankingID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="SectorBlankingName" type="xs:string" /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="override" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false" /> </xs:complexType> - <xs:complexType name="TargetDataElement"> - <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="TargetType" type="TargetTypeElement" /> <xs:element name="SectorBlanking" type="SectorBlankingElement" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> - <xs:complexType name="TaskElement"> - <xs:sequence> - <xs:element name="TaskPriority" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"> <xs:minInclusive value="0" /> <xs:maxInclusive value="999" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="EEI_ID" type="EeiIdRefElement" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="TargetData" type="TargetDataElement" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> - <xs:complexType name="CollectionRequirementElement"> - <xs:sequence> - <xs:element name="RequirementID"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="50" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> 5 - 106 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - <xs:element name="RequirementName" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="100" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="RequestorID" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="50" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="ControlDate_UTCDateTime" type="UTCDateTime" /> - <xs:element name="RequirementPriority" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger"> <xs:minInclusive value="0" /> <xs:maxInclusive value="999" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Task" type="TaskElement" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> - <xs:complexType name="ExploitationRequirementElement"> - <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="EEI_ID" type="EeiIdElement" minOccurs="0" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> - <!-Following the PRISMv5.3.1 schema some of the attributes below point to lists or single CVEnums, instead these --> - <!-CVEnums have been converted to strings in order to conserve all the space it would take to declare the Enums in --> - <!-the UAS_Custom_TagsV2.xsd --> <xs:attribute name="classification" type="CVEnumISMClassificationAll" /> <xs:attribute name="ownerProducer" type="CVEnumISMOwnerProducer" /> <xs:attribute name="SCIcontrols" type="CVEnumISMSCIControls" /> <xs:attribute name="SARIdentifier" type="CVEnumISMSAR" /> <xs:attribute name="atomicEnergyMarkings" type="CVEnumISMatomicEnergyMarkings" /> <xs:attribute name="disseminationControls" type="CVEnumISMDissem" /> <xs:attribute name="displayOnlyTo" type="CVEnumISMRelTo" /> <xs:attribute name="FGIsourceOpen" type="CVEnumISMFGIOpen" /> <xs:attribute name="FGIsourceProtected" type="CVEnumISMFGIProtected" /> <xs:attribute name="releasableTo" type="CVEnumISMRelTo" /> <xs:attribute name="nonICmarkings" type="CVEnumISMNonIC" /> 5 - 107 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - <xs:attribute name="classifiedBy"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="1024" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> - <xs:attribute name="compilationReason"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="1024" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> - <xs:attribute name="derivativelyClassifiedBy"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="1024" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> - <xs:attribute name="classificationReason"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="4096" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="nonUSControls" type="CVEnumISMNonUSControls" /> - <xs:attribute name="derivedFrom"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="1024" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> - <xs:attribute name="declassDate"> - <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:date" /> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> - <xs:attribute name="declassEvent"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="1024" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="declassException" type="CVEnumISM25X" /> - <xs:simpleType name="CVEnumISMClassificationAll"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string" /> </xs:simpleType> - <xs:simpleType name="CVEnumISMOwnerProducer"> 5 - 108 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - <xs:restriction> - <xs:simpleType> <xs:list itemType="xs:string" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:maxLength value="271" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> - <xs:simpleType name="CVEnumISMSCIControls"> - <xs:restriction> - <xs:simpleType> <xs:list itemType="xs:string" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:maxLength value="1000" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> - <xs:simpleType name="CVEnumISMSAR"> - <xs:restriction> - <xs:simpleType> <xs:list itemType="xs:string" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:maxLength value="1000" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> - <xs:simpleType name="CVEnumISMatomicEnergyMarkings"> - <xs:restriction> - <xs:simpleType> <xs:list itemType="xs:string" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:maxLength value="1000" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> - <xs:simpleType name="CVEnumISMDissem"> - <xs:restriction> - <xs:simpleType> <xs:list itemType="xs:string" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:maxLength value="16" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> - <xs:simpleType name="CVEnumISMFGIOpen"> - <xs:restriction> - <xs:simpleType> <xs:list itemType="xs:string" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:maxLength value="270" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> - <xs:simpleType name="CVEnumISMFGIProtected"> - <xs:restriction> - <xs:simpleType> <xs:list itemType="xs:string" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:maxLength value="270" /> 5 - 109 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - - - - - - - </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="CVEnumISMRelTo"> <xs:restriction> <xs:simpleType> <xs:list itemType="xs:string" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:maxLength value="270" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="CVEnumISMNonIC"> <xs:restriction> <xs:simpleType> <xs:list itemType="xs:string" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:maxLength value="9" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="CVEnumISMNonUSControls"> <xs:restriction> <xs:simpleType> <xs:list itemType="xs:string" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:maxLength value="3" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="CVEnumISM25X"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string" /> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name="UAV"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>This defines the structure of the CRD custom intent tags</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:element name="COLLECTION_INTENT" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:all> <xs:element name="ID" type="crd:ID_TYPE" /> <xs:element name="PAYLOAD_LIST" type="crd:CONFIGURATION_ITEM_LIST_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="OPERATION_MODE" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="SYS_PWR_OFF" /> <xs:enumeration value="SYS_PWR_ON" /> <xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_PWR_ON" /> <xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_PWR_OFF" /> <xs:enumeration value="INITIALIZE" /> <xs:enumeration value="STANDBY" /> <xs:enumeration value="ACTIVATE" /> <xs:enumeration value="CALIBRATE" /> 5 - 110 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - - - <xs:enumeration value="CAGE" /> <xs:enumeration value="STOW" /> <xs:enumeration value="DEPLOY" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="PATTERN" type="PATTERN_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="PAYLOAD_SETTINGS" type="PAYLOAD_SETTINGS_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="CONFIGURATION_ITEM_REFERENCE_ID" type="xs:int" /> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="COMMS_INTENT" type="COMMS_INTENT_TYPE" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="DISSEMINATION_INTENT" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:all> <xs:element name="COMMS_SET_IN" type="COMMS_INTENT_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="COMMS_SET_OUT" type="COMMS_INTENT_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="ID" type="crd:ID_TYPE" /> <xs:element name="INPUT_SOURCE" type="CONFIGURATION_ITEM_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="OUTPUT_DESTINATION" type="CONFIGURATION_ITEM_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="TIME_START" type="crd:TIME_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="TIME_STOP" type="crd:TIME_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="IFF_INTENT" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:all> <xs:element name="MODE1_CODE" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="MODE1_ENABLE" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="MODE2_CODE" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="MODE2_ENABLE" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="MODE3_CODE" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="MODE3A_DURATION" block="restriction" minOccurs="0"> <xs:complexType> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:double"> <xs:attribute name="UNITS" type="crd:UNITS_TYPE" fixed="seconds" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="MODE3A_ENABLE" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="MODE3A_IDENT" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="MODE4AB" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" /> 5 - 111 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - - - - - <xs:element name="MODE4_ENABLE" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="MODE4_HOLD" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="MODE4_ZEROIZE" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="MODEC_ENABLE" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="OPERATION_MODE" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="OFF" /> <xs:enumeration value="STANDBY" /> <xs:enumeration value="NORMAL" /> <xs:enumeration value="EMERGENCY" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="LIGHTS_INTENT" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:attribute name="mode" use="optional"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="ON" /> <xs:enumeration value="OFF" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="NAV" /> <xs:enumeration value="NAV_IR" /> <xs:enumeration value="STROBE" /> <xs:enumeration value="STROBE_IR" /> <xs:enumeration value="LANDING" /> <xs:enumeration value="NVD" /> <xs:enumeration value="LANDING_IR" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="EMERGENCY_INTENT_LIST" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>One or more intent objects</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:element name="EMERGENCY_INTENT"> <xs:complexType> <xs:all> <xs:element name="EMERGENCY_RECOVERY_SETTINGS" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> 5 - 112 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="PWR_OFF" /> <xs:enumeration value="PWR_ON" /> <xs:enumeration value="ARM" /> <xs:enumeration value="DISARM" /> <xs:enumeration value="ACTIVATE" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="ENTRY_ROUTEPOINT_REFERENCE" type="xs:int" /> <xs:element name="ROUTE_REFERENCE" type="xs:int" /> <xs:element name="PATH_REFERENCE" type="xs:int" /> <xs:element name="EMERGENCY_CLASSIFICATION" type="EMERGENCY_INTENT_CLASSIFICATION_TYPE" /> - <xs:element name="OTHER" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="LOITER_INTENT" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:all> - <xs:element name="LOITER_TYPE" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="CIRCLE" /> <xs:enumeration value="FAA_HOLD" /> <xs:enumeration value="FIGURE_8" /> <xs:enumeration value="RACETRACK" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="LOITER_WIDTH" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:simpleContent> - <xs:extension base="xs:double"> <xs:attribute name="UNITS" type="crd:UNITS_TYPE" fixed="feet" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="REQ_LOOPS" type="xs:short" /> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> 5 - 113 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - - - - - </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:complexType name="PAYLOAD_SETTINGS_TYPE"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>The type for payload settings</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:all> <xs:element name="SCENE_NUMBER" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="RADAR_MODE" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="LOW_RES" /> <xs:enumeration value="MED_RES" /> <xs:enumeration value="HIGH_RES" /> <xs:enumeration value="SAR_POLAR" /> <xs:enumeration value="SAR_POINT" /> <xs:enumeration value="SAR_STRIP" /> <xs:enumeration value="GMTI_ARC" /> <xs:enumeration value="GMTI_SPOT" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="RECORDING_INDEX" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="POLARITY" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="WHITE" /> <xs:enumeration value="BLACK" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="POINTER_MODE" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="NONE" /> <xs:enumeration value="ANGLE_AV" /> <xs:enumeration value="SLEW_AV" /> <xs:enumeration value="SLEW_INERTIAL" /> <xs:enumeration value="POSITION_SLAVED" /> <xs:enumeration value="TARGET_SLAVED" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="PAYLOAD_MODE" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="BW" /> <xs:enumeration value="COLOR" /> <xs:enumeration value="CLUTTER" /> <xs:enumeration value="MTI" /> <xs:enumeration value="REC_GOTO" /> <xs:enumeration value="REC_RECORD" /> 5 - 114 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - - - - - <xs:enumeration value="REC_SEEK" /> <xs:enumeration value="REC_PLAY" /> <xs:enumeration value="REC_REWIND" /> <xs:enumeration value="REC_PAUSE" /> <xs:enumeration value="REC_STOP" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="OUTPUT" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="NONE" /> <xs:enumeration value="EO" /> <xs:enumeration value="IR" /> <xs:enumeration value="BOTH" /> <xs:enumeration value="" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="FOV_VER" minOccurs="0"> <xs:complexType> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:restriction base="crd:ANGLE_TYPE"> <xs:maxInclusive value="360" /> <xs:minInclusive value="0" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="FOV_HOR" minOccurs="0"> <xs:complexType> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:restriction base="crd:ANGLE_TYPE"> <xs:maxInclusive value="360" /> <xs:minInclusive value="0" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="COMPRESSION_TYPE" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="VIDEO_HUFF" /> <xs:enumeration value="VIDEO_QUANT" /> <xs:enumeration value="SAR_HUFF" /> <xs:enumeration value="SAR_QUANT" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="COMPRESSION_RATIO" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="ANGLE_ELEV" block="restriction" minOccurs="0"> <xs:complexType> <xs:simpleContent> 5 - 115 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - <xs:restriction base="crd:ANGLE_TYPE"> <xs:maxInclusive value="180" /> <xs:minInclusive value="0" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="ANGLE_AZ" block="#all" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:simpleContent> - <xs:restriction base="crd:ANGLE_TYPE"> <xs:maxInclusive value="180" /> <xs:minInclusive value="0" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="GMTI_SETTINGS" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:all> <xs:element name="BAR_END" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="BAR_START" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="MAX_TARGETS" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0" /> - <xs:element name="MIN_DETECTABLE_VELOCITY" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:simpleContent> - <xs:extension base="xs:double"> <xs:attribute name="UNITS" type="UNITS_TYPE" fixed="feet/second" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="MIN_SNR" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:simpleContent> - <xs:extension base="xs:double"> <xs:attribute name="UNITS" type="UNITS_TYPE" fixed="dB" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="MIN_TARGET_RCS" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:simpleContent> - <xs:extension base="xs:double"> <xs:attribute name="UNITS" type="UNITS_TYPE" fixed="dBsf" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="RANGE_RESOLUTION" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:simpleContent> 5 - 116 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - <xs:extension base="xs:double"> <xs:attribute name="UNITS" type="crd:UNITS_TYPE" fixed="feet" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="SLANT_RANGE" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:simpleContent> - <xs:extension base="xs:double"> <xs:attribute name="UNITS" type="crd:UNITS_TYPE" fixed="feet" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="SAR_SETTINGS" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:all> - <xs:element name="RANGE" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:simpleContent> - <xs:extension base="xs:double"> <xs:attribute name="UNITS" type="crd:UNITS_TYPE" fixed="feet" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="RESOLUTION" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:simpleContent> - <xs:extension base="xs:double"> <xs:attribute name="UNITS" type="crd:UNITS_TYPE" fixed="inches" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="ANGLE_REL"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="NORTH" /> <xs:enumeration value="BODY" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> - <xs:complexType name="PATTERN_TYPE"> 5 - 117 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>The type for pattern tags</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> - <xs:all> <xs:element name="ALONG_TRACK" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="ALTITUDE" type="crd:ALTITUDE_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="CROSS_TRACK" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0" /> - <xs:element name="PATTERN_MODE" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="RASTER_SENS" /> <xs:enumeration value="RASTER_UAV" /> <xs:enumeration value="SPOT_SENS" /> <xs:enumeration value="SPOT_UAV" /> <xs:enumeration value="TARGET_SENS" /> <xs:enumeration value="TARGET_UAV" /> <xs:enumeration value="WAS_SENS" /> <xs:enumeration value="WAS_UAV" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="PATTERN_START" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="PATTERN_TIME" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0" /> - <xs:element name="PATTERN_TYPE" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="POINT" /> <xs:enumeration value="LINE" /> <xs:enumeration value="TRACK_FOLLOW" /> <xs:enumeration value="SPIRAL" /> <xs:enumeration value="SPIRAL_REC" /> <xs:enumeration value="CIRCLE" /> <xs:enumeration value="RACETRACK" /> <xs:enumeration value="QUADRILATERAL" /> <xs:enumeration value="POLYGON" /> <xs:enumeration value="FIGURE_8" /> <xs:enumeration value="OWNTRACK" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="REF_1" type="crd:WGS84_POSITION_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="REF_2" type="crd:WGS84_POSITION_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="REF_3" type="crd:WGS84_POSITION_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="REF_4" type="crd:WGS84_POSITION_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="REF_5" type="crd:WGS84_POSITION_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="REF_6" type="crd:WGS84_POSITION_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="SPEED" type="crd:AIRSPEED_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="TARGET" type="crd:WGS84_POSITION_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> - <xs:element name="TRACK_SPACING" minOccurs="0"> - <xs:complexType> - <xs:simpleContent> - <xs:extension base="xs:short"> <xs:attribute name="UNITS" type="crd:UNITS_TYPE" fixed="feet" /> 5 - 118 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - - - - </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="TARGET_ELEV" minOccurs="0"> <xs:complexType> <xs:all> <xs:element name="ELEVATION_VALUE" type="crd:ELEVATION_VALUE_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="ELEVATION_SOURCE" type="crd:ELEVATION_SOURCE_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:all> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="COMMS_INTENT_TYPE"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>The type for communications settings</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="ANTENNA_MODE" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="STOW" /> <xs:enumeration value="DIRECTIONAL" /> <xs:enumeration value="OMNI" /> <xs:enumeration value="AUTO" /> <xs:enumeration value="POINT_TO_RECEIVER" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="COMMS_MODE" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="SYS_PWR_OFF" /> <xs:enumeration value="SYS_PWR_ON" /> <xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_PWR_OFF" /> <xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_PWR_ON" /> <xs:enumeration value="INITIALIZE" /> <xs:enumeration value="STANDBY" /> <xs:enumeration value="RX_TX" /> <xs:enumeration value="RX" /> <xs:enumeration value="TX" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="COMMS_SECURITY" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="DATA_RATE" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="FREQ_RECEIVE" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="FREQ_TRANSMIT" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="ID" type="crd:ID_TYPE" /> <xs:element name="POWER_TRANSMIT" type="PERCENT_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> 5 - 119 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - - - - - - - - - <xs:element name="RECEIVER_ALTITUDE" type="crd:ALTITUDE_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="RECEIVER_LOCATION" type="crd:WGS84_POSITION_TYPE" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="RETRANSMIT" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="SLOT_RECEIVE" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="SLOT_TRANSMIT" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0" /> <xs:element name="TIME_OUT" block="restriction" minOccurs="0"> <xs:complexType> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:double"> <xs:attribute name="UNITS" type="crd:UNITS_TYPE" fixed="seconds" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="CONFIGURATION_ITEM_REFERENCE_ID" type="xs:int" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="PERCENT_TYPE"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>The type to set percentages</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:decimal"> <xs:attribute name="UNITS" type="UNITS_TYPE" fixed="percent" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name="UNITS_TYPE"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Units defined for CRD tags</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="percent" /> <xs:enumeration value="dB" /> <xs:enumeration value="dBsf" /> <xs:enumeration value="feet/second" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:complexType name="CONFIGURATION_ITEM_TYPE"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Defined in core CRD listing</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="crd:CONFIGURATION_ITEM" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name="String35"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Defined in core ATCM</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> 5 - 120 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - - - - - - - - - - <xs:maxLength value="35" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="CountryCode3OrOrg4"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{3,4}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="EEI_ID"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Defined in core ATCM</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:ID"> <xs:pattern value="EEI_[0-9]+" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="EEI_IDREF"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Defined in core ATCM</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:IDREF"> <xs:pattern value="EEI_[0-9]+" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType name="UTCDateTime"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Standard XML dateTime, except required to explicitly have "Z" zulu specifier at end.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:dateTime"> <xs:pattern value=".*Z" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:complexType name="MissionNumberType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Defined in core ATCM</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="ProgramCode"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="([0-8A-Z][A-Z]|9[0-9A-Y])"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>2 alphanumeric, do not use 9Z</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:pattern> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Month_int"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"> <xs:pattern value="(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])"> 5 - 121 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II - <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>01-12 or 1-12</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:pattern> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="Sortie_int"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"> <xs:minInclusive value="01" /> - <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{2}"> - <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Must be 2 digits, 01-99</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:pattern> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> - <xs:element name="Year_int"> - <xs:simpleType> - <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"> - <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{4}"> - <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>4 digits, no explicit constraint on range</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:pattern> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> - <xs:simpleType name="MissionIdentifierType"> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="54" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> - <xs:simpleType name="EMERGENCY_INTENT_CLASSIFICATION_TYPE"> - <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="LINK_LOSS" /> <xs:enumeration value="MINOR_FAILURE" /> <xs:enumeration value="MAJOR_FAILURE" /> <xs:enumeration value="MISSED_APPROACH" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:schema> 5 - 122 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II Chapter 6 HUMAN CONTROL INTERFACE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................3 1.1 Scope. .................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 General Requirements. ......................................................................................... 5 2.2 UCS Configuration. ............................................................................................... 5 2.3 Mission Planning. .................................................................................................. 5 2.4 Unmanned Aircraft Control. ................................................................................. 5 2.5 Operator Control and Monitoring. ........................................................................ 6 2.6 Payload Control and Monitoring. ......................................................................... 6 2.7 Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories. .................................................................. 6 2.8 Communications Management. ........................................................................... 6 6-1 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II LIST OF FIGURES Figure 6 - 1. UCS Functional Architecture ................................................................. 3 6-2 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope 1. Allied Engineering Publication (AEP)-84 Volume II Chapter 6 specifies the Human Computer Interface (HCI) requirements that a CUCS shall support for various levels of interoperability [HCI 3021]. As illustrated in Figure 6-1, the HCI is an integral element of the CUCS. Chapter 6 specifies requirements which will contribute to UA interoperability. 2. The HCI requirements should facilitate seamless integration of NATO UASs into joint combined NATO battlefield infrastructures across the five Levels of Interoperability (LOI). 3. Chapter 6 establishes the general requirements for information to be displayed by the UCS. The requirements detail the functions and interactions that the UCS shall allow the operator to perform [HCI 3022]. 4. Chapter 6 specifies the requirements levied upon the UCS, and does not impose any requirements on Human Factors (HF) and ergonomics. 5. The HCI complies with the NATO Interoperability Standards and Profiles (NISP). AV LAUNCH & RECOVERY SYSTEM UCS VSM DLI CCI HCI CORE UCS OPERATOR CCI CCISM C4I SYSTEM C4I SYSTEM Figure 6 - 1. UCS Functional Architecture 6. Although portions of the HCI will have a physical implementation within a CUCS, Chapter 6 does not impose any design requirements. This means that there are no restrictions to size, form or components used in an HCI implementation. The reader is referred to the SRD AEP-84.1 Implementation Guidelines Document for recommended methods to incorporate HCI functional requirements, but some examples follow. Example 1: a HCI may be a dual workstation in a shelter offering a high degree of functionality required by a High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) UA, whereas a small portable unit (hand-held computer) used to operate a Micro Unmanned Aircraft (also known as a Micro Air Vehicle (MAV)) would also be considered a HCI implementation. Example 2: for a maritime UCS, there may be a HCI 6-3 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II providing LOI 5 functionality, while lower levels of functionality (LOI 1 or 2) could be required on other parts of the vehicle, which may require a different HCI. 7. Within this chapter, the applicable LOI has been identified for all requirements (both mandatory ‘shall’ and recommended ‘should’ statements). This has the effect of clearly identifying what requirements the CUCS should be compliant with in order to enable the required LOI. 6-4 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2 Functional Requirements 1. This section provides a set of mandatory requirements and recommendations for the HCI to allow user interoperability between NATO nations’ UA assets. These are categorised under the following headings: 2.1 General Requirements 2.2 UCS Configuration 2.3 Mission Planning 2.4 Unmanned Aircraft Control 2.5 Operator Control and Monitoring 2.6 Payload Control and Monitoring 2.7 Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories 2.8 Communications Management 2. Following the functional requirements statements, the applicable LOIs are presented. 3. In the following sections a 'qualified operator' is a system operator who has been determined by the operational system user (e.g., US Army), to be qualified to perform the specified function. Since this is an operational requirement, it will not/cannot be tested/verified by the acquisition/development organization and does not have to be validated as part of the component and system test. 2.1 General Requirements The operator shall have the ability to enter and synchronise a time with the UAS and applicable C4I systems [HCI 3001]. This applies to LOIs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 2.2 UCS Configuration 1. The HCI shall provide the operator with the ability to generate, receive, display, edit, and send message types that have been defined in the STANAG 4586 as applicable to required LOI [HCI 3002]. This applies to LOIs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 2. The operator shall be able to globally change the measurement units (e.g., change from imperial units to metric, or Latitude/Longitude to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)) [HCI 3003]. This applies to LOIs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 2.3 Mission Planning 1. Mission Planning includes all planning aspects of all phases of the mission contained in the ATO (e.g., pre-flight and in-flight for UA, payload, data link and communications.) For CUCSs, which have the capability to generate mission plan(s), the HCI shall enable a qualified operator to create, edit, and save a mission plan(s) [HCI 3004]. For mission plans developed external to the CUCS, the HCI shall enable a qualified operator to import, view, and save a mission plan [HCI 3005]. This applies to LOIs 3, 4, and 5. 2. The HCI shall enable a qualified operator to update (without uploading) a current mission plan at any time before or during flight [HCI 3006]. This applies to LOIs, 3, 4, and 5. 3. The HCI shall provide a qualified operator with the ability to upload mission plans to the UA [HCI 3007]. This applies to LOIs 3, 4 and 5. 2.4 Unmanned Aircraft Control 1. The HCI shall provide controls and displays for controlling/monitoring the UA in all supported flight modes [HCI 3008]. This applies to LOIs 4 & 5. 2. The operator shall have the ability to pass UA control (handover) to another UCS with a qualified operator(s) and monitor the status of the handover as per the mechanisms defined in Chapter 4 [HCI 3009]. This applies to LOIs 4 and 5. 6-5 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II 2.5 Operator Control and Monitoring The HCI shall provide an image display to allow the operator to view image files from external C4I sources [HCI 3010]. This applies to LOI 1, 2 and 3. 2.6 Payload Control and Monitoring 1. The payload control HCI functions defined within the CUCS will be generic to types of payload, rather than specific payloads, where possible. The payload types are: Imaging sensors (passive) (including visible and infrared wavebands, hyperspectral, and multispectral sensors) Imaging sensors (radar/active sensors) (including Airborne Radar, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Moving Target Indicator (MTI)) Laser based payloads (e.g., Laser Range Finders, Laser Target Designators) Communications Relay (CR) Stores (dispensing) payloads (to include weapons, humanitarian aid, unattended ground sensors, buoys) 2. The HCI shall provide sufficient controls and displays to control payloads and all associated functions for only those payloads that have been validated with the current CUCS [HCI 3011]. This applies to LOI 3. 3. The HCI shall provide sufficient controls and displays to monitor payloads and all associated functions for only those payloads that have been validated with the current CUCS [HCI 3012]. This applies to LOI 2 and 3. 4. A qualified operator shall have the ability to pass and receive control (handover) of the UA's payload to/from another control system and monitor the payload control via the mechanisms defined in Chapter 4 [HCI 3013]. This applies to LOI 3. 5. For payloads that generate motion imagery, the operator shall have a motion imagery display [HCI 3014]. This applies to LOIs 2 and 3. 6. Stores (dispensing) payloads are considered to be those that are released from the UA as part of the UA mission objectives. This can include the release of weapons or deployment of remote sensors, etc. The release mechanism for the payload shall be clearly identified and labelled to the operator [HCI 3015]. This applies to LOI 3. 7. A safety interlock shall operate such that the operator cannot inadvertently release the payload [HCI 3016]. This applies to LOI 3. 8. For multiple-shot dispensing payloads, the number of uses remaining shall be indicated to the operator [HCI 3017]. This applies to LOIs 2 and 3. 2.7 Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories Warnings, cautions, and advisories inform the operator about any unusual or critical condition. The HCI shall provide the capability to display and manage warnings, cautions, and advisories as defined in Chapter 3 [HCI 3018]. This applies to LOIs 2, 3, 4, and 5. 2.8 Communications Management 1. Communications Management controls the communications links between the UCS and the UA. This would include any additional antennas or data links required to support a specific payload (e.g., a CR payload). It provides the operator at the CUCS with the ability to configure the data links and to change a number of parameters of the VDT and the CDT. Whilst the majority of data link parameters will be controlled from the CUCS, some more specific data link functions will need to be controlled through the DLI. Refer to Chapter 4 for further details. 2. The HCI shall provide the operator with the ability to open and control the communications links between the CUCS and other outside agencies such as [HCI 3019]: 6-6 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 Volume II C4I systems via the CCI interface Air traffic control via both voice and data links VDT/CDT This applies to LOIs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 3. The CUCS shall provide an antenna/data link status display [HCI 3020]. This display does not necessarily have to be separate from the UA control/monitor display. This applies to LOIs 2, 3, 4, and 5. 6-7 Edition A Version 1 AEP-84 VOLII(A)(1)