Uploaded by Jigme Lhendup

7th Grade Lesson Plan: Cells as Building Blocks of Life

Lesson Plan No.
Date: 18-04-2022
Class: VII
Section: A/B
Subject: Mathematics
Duration: 50 Mins
Cells - Building blocks of life
Objectives: A Child will be able to:
Describe cells as the building blocks of life
Categorize organism into unicellular and multi-cellular.
Observe an animal cell and a plant cell under microscope
Draw the structure of an animal cell and a plant cell.
CL Structure: Number Heads Together
Teaching Strategies: Activity Based Learning.
Teaching Skills: Introductory Procedure and Closure
Teaching Learning Materials: White board and Marker
Life Skill: Problem Solving
Attention Grabbers: Ready to Rock,...Ready to Roll
GNH Values: Education
Cheers: Wow
Tr. Activity/Instructions
Student Activity
Good morning students
Good morning sir,
5 minutes
How are you all doing?
We are doing great sir
Are you all ready for the class?
Yes sir
Teacher introduces the lesson by writing the topic on the board and
let some of the students to talk and share their knowledge about the
cells. Expected answers, some might talk about battery cell, cell
phone and so on. Teacher must clarify that cell is living unit that is
present in our body
Display the content extension that describe about the cell.
35 minutes
Just as bricks are the building blocks of a house, cells are the building
blocks of a living organism. Cell is the structural and functional unit
of all living organisms.
Note: the branch of science that deals with the study of cell is known
as cytology
Activity –I
Instructions: Now go through the text and let us try to differentiate
Unicellular organism
Multicellular organism
Living organism
between unicellular organism and multi-cellular organism
that is made
made up of
Students started to write the differences in their note book.
up of single
many cells.
Eg: Amoeba,
Yeast and
Activity –II
Now let us observe an animal cell and a plant cell under the
microscope and try to find out the differences. The students are asked
to record the differences found after the observation. Let some of
them present to the whole class.
Eg: human, oak
and sparrow.
Follow up
5 minutes
Activity- III
Draw a neat labeled diagram of an animal cell and a plant cell.
Mention all the cell organelles present in the cells.
Teacher summarizes the topic and assigned home work to the
students with the due date for submission.
5 minutes
Home Work
Thank you dear students, see you all in the next class
Thank you, sir.